I sung of Chaos and Eternal Night, Taught by the heavenly Muse to venture down the dark descent, and up to reascend...
*Makes you tattoo “Before me there were no created things, Only eternity, and I too, last eternal. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!” On your body*
*makes you tattoo “Don't ask if l'm happy, you know that I'm not but, at best, I can say I'm not sad” on your arm*
My comments are for joking purposes, don't take them seriously please. I hope you marry the best person in real life (sorry for my English)
I wanted to delete my previous comment and ended up deleting yours by mistake as well (I was sleepy) TwT
It's gone unexpectedly well...although I failed physics by 10 marks....but somehow I got the highest score in biology and english in school...
I dont remember the last time I felt hunger. Nowadays all I crave is vodka. I probably have a problem... but meh who cares lol~
hmm~ *-* arguments that make too much sense. the bunny doth protest too much, methinks. XD bodhisattva bunny~