Discussion How to win a shy silent girl's heart

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Jojo775, Mar 28, 2018.

  1. Shem

    Shem ┃ᐕ) ⁾⁾「Lv 69 BL Hunter」☆ Vrelty's Seme ♤♡ ꪋς꧖ ☆

    Mar 7, 2017
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    Give her yaoi novel
    Tinu-tu-an and CyberCypher like this.
  2. Yukkuri Oniisan

    Yukkuri Oniisan 『Procrastinator Archwizard Translator and Writer』

    Oct 24, 2015
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    I quit the hospital... The death and suffering are not something that I want to experience on daily basis.
    I prefer public health center. I only encountered dead people several times in a month, and the level of suffering here is lesser. The paperwork for the public health programs though......
    Between mentally crushed by pure anguished human suffering and the endless weight of A4 papers...... I prefer the later.
  3. Deleted member 110464

    Deleted member 110464 Guest

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    Adopt one is what I'll recommend but you won't be able to give her enough time considering you are in medical field and single (you can't bring a child at workplace I suppose).
    Well, I'm yet to enter college and I really don't want distraction rt now(no offence to riajuu, they just go and explode!!!)
    Studies and anime/manga/novels come first:blobpats:
  4. Yukkuri Oniisan

    Yukkuri Oniisan 『Procrastinator Archwizard Translator and Writer』

    Oct 24, 2015
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    I need to (legally) catch a JK and turn her into my wife......

    Just joking... or not?
  5. Deleted member 110464

    Deleted member 110464 Guest

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    So you're into age Gap relationship:hmm::blobsmirk:
  6. asriu

    asriu fu~ fu~ fu~

    Jan 9, 2016
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    he almost lolicon so deal with~
  7. Fluffy Jellyfish

    Fluffy Jellyfish 『Number 1 Lolicon under Heaven』

    Jun 19, 2016
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    JK is easier to manipulate tho :cookie:
  8. lychee

    lychee [- slightly morbid fruit -] ❀[ 恋爱? ]❀

    Jul 22, 2017
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    What's wrong with getting friendzoned? If anything, I think with the shy type, it's better to go for the intentional friendzone.

    To me it feels like the shy type only date from the friend circle. Therefore, if you want to date a shy girl, it's almost always necessary to befriend them first.

    If it were me... I would run away...

    For me personally, I have an instinctive distrust of guys who appear too popular/too extroverted. I literally run away from those types -- squirm and find excuse to flee as soon as possible.

    Also, I hate small talk so don't talk to me about the weather or pointless things.

    ^Yes, what this person said.

    Confessing out the blue might work if she's (A) wants to be in a relationship but hasn't found one, (B) you're already in her strike zone.

    If either of those conditions are met, confessing out of the blue can cause her to pay a lot more attention to you when before she didn't necessarily even think of you as a potential significant other. You can expect to be rejected the first time, or probably even something like, "I'm not sure..." (<-- which is a very favorable response). Oh, and don't make the confession too serious. Casual is good. Appearing creepy is bad.

    After you confess the first time, she is paying attention to you now, so you should be really nice to her for a few weeks. If it feels like your interactions have improved, you can ask again and she'll probably say yes. If it feels like your interactions have worsened, then you should give up, though sometimes shy people have really slow emotional cycles and it can take months to warm up.

    If you get rejected twice, you should give up and let the poor girl go. It means she's not interested.​

    If neither of the above conditions are met, don't bother confessing -- she's more likely to run away -- so instead you have to pursue a friend route first.

    You need to get to know her better. If she has friends, become friends with the friends, and enter the friend group from the side.

    Many introverts don't like having small talk. It exhausts them.

    You need to identify what she is passionate about and enjoys talking about. It may not be easy because some introverts assume that nobody else would share interest in whatever they're interested in (or at least, their interests may not be group activities). A common stereotypical example would be a closet fujoshi, an online artist, or a writer.

    Don't make your attraction to her too obvious, because that can backfire.

    If you have an excuse to talk to her, that is often effective for building relationships.

    Finally respect her space and don't pry too hard.
    Tinu-tu-an and Ryss like this.
  9. Jojo775

    Jojo775 Honorary Algae Knight

    Feb 13, 2018
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    I go even further beyond massaging her feet, I'm a jade feet worshipper :blobdrool::blobnosebleed: :blobok::blobReach::blobok::blobReach::blobok::blobReach:
    Ai chan likes this.
  10. Ryss

    Ryss ... a small emanon...

    Mar 16, 2018
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    If a stranger tried that, would i go to the police...
  11. Jojo775

    Jojo775 Honorary Algae Knight

    Feb 13, 2018
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    Fuck if I know...
  12. tom.chris

    tom.chris Not Good in English

    Mar 9, 2018
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    read The World God Only Knows

    Ask Katsuragi Keima-kun :blobjoy:
  13. RuLiLa

    RuLiLa Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2016
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    My answer is to be SHAMELESS, like this below.

    Here's the exact details.
    Be the first to move. Approach her softly. Be gentle during the first few counters. Once she has warmed up, befriend her friends too, and let them know that you like her. They will be your support. For sure, the friends have hinted to her about your feelings. With this, she'll be conscious of you as a man. Hehe if you're certain that she's conscious of you like that, tease her. Feint some moves. For example, move like you're going to kiss her when you're just reaching something behind her. Continue this type of teasing for a FEW days. (She may grow immune if it's very frequent or obvious). After that, leave her alone (do not interact with her) for 2 weeks or so. Remember to remind her of your existence from time to time though. (It will somehow make her antsy) When she's differentlt calm in your next encounter, confess your feelings then kiss her on the lips immediately. Do not give her time to think. Add some tongue. YES. Continue until she has given in. Do the first base until the transition of the second and third base. ("Come back to your senses" when you've touched her innermost thigh.) Be prepared for a slap or her escape. Apologize right after and confess once more, telling her that you could wait. (Bonus:Add some DRAMA. Hint to her a time limit .[You could not wait forever] ) Give her some time for the acceptance of apology. Absolutely do not interact with her during that period. If the time limit is about to end and she has not forgiven you, meet up in a private place, talk about it. If she refused, tell her you want to love her for one "last" time. Not caring of her answer, push her to the nearest wall, lift one of her legs to your shoulders and f*ck her up mindlessly. Try all the positions. Ram it in fast and deep. Be shameless.

    P.S. Ready your lawyer if she isn't satisfied.

    If you're impatient enough, follow the second plan.

    Ready your weapons. Be sure to have a box of absorbent tissues or napkin, glass container, pair of gloves, needle, thread, rope, scalpel and sternal retractor. Put and carry those in a bag when you'll meet her in a private place. Oh and don't forget to dress up nicely. ;) Wear a large beanie that slightly covers your face, a large black trench coat with hood on, black pants, black loafers and black gloves to give her the surprise. Before you begin your conquest, secure your surroundings. Once sure, gag her and tie her hands and feet in an eagle spread position. Use the scalpel to open her skin and muscles by the chest. Use the sternal retractor to keep it open. Next, locater her heart.(Remember thay the heart is in the center left, sandwiched between your lungs, (mediastinum)) Use the scalpel to cut the vessels. Then, keep the heart in the glass container, stitch back her chest, clean the area, and leave.

    Follow the guides provided and you'll definitely win the poor girl's heart.
    Good luck~
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2018
  14. Jojo775

    Jojo775 Honorary Algae Knight

    Feb 13, 2018
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    Leave the dead thread alone, btw I'm going on a date with her tonight.
  15. Aegis21

    Aegis21 Hiki wanna be

    Feb 15, 2016
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    Be friendly but respect her boundary,don't force her to do something she doesn't want unless she desires to change herself,if she's comfortable with herself and you force her out of her comfy zone,you'll get the enemy stamp instead

    Then let time do it's magic while keeping other people that poses a threat to you away
  16. OfficerV2.0

    OfficerV2.0 Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    Yup.. I'm totally clueless and have no clue how to... Someone teach me how to leave a friendzone plox.
  17. RuLiLa

    RuLiLa Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2016
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    LOL congratulations? Anyway, sorry. You better update then your first post, emphasizing it's "dead" or closed.

  18. Jojo775

    Jojo775 Honorary Algae Knight

    Feb 13, 2018
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    Why would I do that if I forgot about the thread no one has replied to in more than a week?
    Besides the thread was a joke, I didn't actually seek advice, just looking at how funny dating advice on NUF can be.