Spoiler The Abandoned Empress

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Regalia1896, Jul 28, 2017.

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  1. irish_04xoxo

    irish_04xoxo Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2019
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  2. janesarang

    janesarang Active Member

    Aug 7, 2019
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    I have important questions i hope somebody going to answer.. (my main language not english so my english will bad sorry..)
    1-İn the end, prince and jieun married again? Cause ppl says 'jieun going to a empress in the end.. and tia going to queen'
    2-When jieun come again, prince and jieun have good relationship again?
    3- Which is the high? Empress or Queen? And can tia be both of them in the future?
    4-İf jieun become empress again this meaning she and prince married again? And tia share his man AGAİN?
    5- has Prince any affair in the 2nd llifetime?
  3. shelldon

    shelldon Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Can anyone tell me, what is the curse of salma or the curse that runs to aristia family? Why aristia mother died?
  4. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    Small rant here, it really pisses me off seeing reviews taking a dump on this because they read the spoilers and can't be bothered to see how the story could possibly progress to that point. It's a shame really because this has to be one of the best harem stories I've ever read. Each character plays off the MC, with the MC having her own reasons to be drawn towards and away from them.

    For example, Allen was pushed very hard as a love interest in promotional material and is the first love interest introduced. He offers the MC the loving relationship she's always wanted and seems to be the first person who comes to her aid apart from her father. At the same time, he's very two-faced and almost obsessed with the MC. How terrified his own servants are of him and his own behavior towards other characters when she isn't there makes you question if they'd actually be good for each other. I also liked how his own dishonesty hurt his chances with the MC when he wouldn't believe her story about reincarnating.

    Then there's Carsein, who I think is a tsundere done right, in that the MC is having absolutely none of it. Despite having a cute first impression, he turns out to be haughty, abrasive, and rather prideful, though still nice underneath nonetheless. His attitude while refusing to teach the MC swordfighting and generally abrasive behavior actually gimps him when pursuing the MC's love because she's turned away by his immaturity and childishness. Heck, she tells him to his face mind you that she doesn't consider him a close friend and refuses to talk to him casually while right in front of Allen who she talks to affectionately. It's not until he starts mellowing out that she starts approaching him the same way. His straightforwardness and honesty are also what draws the MC to him after the fall out with Allen.

    Then there's the Prince, who as I've stated, is fundamentally different from his future self. Even before he starts to develop, at worst he's cold and distant towards the MC, which admittedly probably won't earn him favors. Still, I like that the MC doesn't have to work to break his cold exterior, simply because she shouldn't have to in order to make him appealing. There's no her trying to bring out the best in him, no her trying to break down his walls,no meet-cute. Heck, they straight-up defy one at their first meeting after the reincarnation because she's simply too terrified of him to speak to him. If anything it's the exact opposite: The prince is both confused and intrigued as to why a person who just met him is so terrified of him. At first he thinks she's trying for power, when that's not the case he tries to confront her directly but accidentally puts her in an emotional comatose. As soon as he finds out about himself in the other life, he backs off and lets her train to become the Lord of her house, implicitly giving her the means to break off their engagement.

    Honestly, the author is masterful in how they write these characters because they're just so dynamic, especially the MC. They let her have her own agency, and she's not easily pushed around or lead on compared to other MCs. Sorry for the rambling.
  5. okaykyra

    okaykyra Active Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    So I read chapter 67 and I think her mother died because of the curse. It probably connects to the novel then MC can Ben cursed. The father said that he didn’t want to stain her daughters hand, this also explains how she talked to god and how it’s her fate. So when her mother was cursed she probs died of it and the daughter can be the same. Though Please explain to me If I’m wrong!
  6. okaykyra

    okaykyra Active Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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  7. Kathrine Pierce

    Kathrine Pierce Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Well there are currently 87 chapters on ToonKor webside and its end of season 2. It will be a begining of last season.
    The heroine will be in this season I can't whait for it :blob_pompom:
    In last 87 chapter a lot has happened like for example :
    Our MC was with this red hair :( If forgot his name :facepalm: there where walk in castle corridor and sam purple - haired girl was on the way and she looks like b*@# she coms to prince . This girl was very vulgar looking and when the prince finaly come with his knight she starts to flirt with him and I was like ... :blobdevil: :blob_thor::blobcurse: but the prince was :blobunsure::blobexpressionless: I don't care leave me alone you @#$*
    Well its korean laungich so I only can imagine things . Now Mc is in red outfit and have too choise with ho she wonna be. She mett same girl with is probably oldre brother of this gay ( his name clause ? conan ? songo-ku ? ) don't care any way it was end of season 2 .
    Ps. I like prince hes diffrent and its looks like he care for Mc . :aww:
  8. Justpassingthrough

    Justpassingthrough Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2018
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    Debates on the ML aside, can anyone please tell me how Tia's mom died? And what is the story between the her parents and the emperor? Was the emperor in love with her mom? Cus sometimes the story seems to hint at that. I know I asked this before on the thread but my meaning was misunderstood and I never got an answer.:blobsweat_2:
  9. Clars

    Clars Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2019
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    So...after reading alllll the spoilers ...i have a few questions ...plzzz help
    1. How did jieun died in the first life????Why did she blame tia ????
    2. What did she(jieun) did in her second life which made her go exile?????
    3. Can anyone spoil the side story (POVs of all character...)???? pretty plzzz
    4. Was jieun such an airhead or did she refused to think rationally about why did everyone blame her in her first lifetime????( coz i read that the prince compared her to tia)
    5. Did she after coming to another world did her work or pushed it again to tia????( if yes, how did this got exposed?)
    6.And did jieun was only an angry girl hungry fir her"husband"'s love or did she became a black lotus????
  10. edenaathy

    edenaathy Active Member

    Apr 1, 2019
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  11. edenaathy

    edenaathy Active Member

    Apr 1, 2019
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    Well, I totally agree with you lil friend (Except with the Carsein thing cuz i really love him) but that sad true it's that we dont know the reasons the crown prince was so miserable in past life, but he's also an incredible caring character know, and that's what matters. And I really hate Allendis, he's so false arrogant and asshole. He's so selfish and only is thinking on himself, not even in Tia, even when say the oppossite. It's a shame that Tia never look who Allendis really is. And well, Carsein do that he was just a 12 years child, but he happened to get matured in his freely and crazy way. I think Carsein character is one of the best written and developed secundary characther i read on a Manwha, we know Tia is his love interest but he never tell her cuz he know that will make her feel weird and all he wants in the wrold it's to protect Tia and make her happy, no matter what, despite on how rude his personality is.

    However, the true is that Prince is ml and his development is pretty too, so even if i like Carsein the most, i'll be really happy if they happen to have they're happy ever after for all the things our poor Tia hast to suffer on the past life (~^.^~) I'm really enjoying this manwha, cuz' had so much elements that ordinary manwhas doesn't, I hope people can usdertand that, thooo.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2019
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  12. pinkeubee

    pinkeubee New Member

    Sep 15, 2019
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    can anyone tell me the ending please? Is it true that finally Aristia will be together with Rublish in the end? fyi i hate rublish more than i can say:)
  13. Creolenerd

    Creolenerd Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    I really wanna know the details and the chapters that take place after Tia was executed. How did the Prince feel and what else happened to jieun
  14. RidiculousSleeper

    RidiculousSleeper Member

    May 22, 2018
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    This story is really good, to be honest. I don't know why people are dropping this because the Main Male Lead is Prince Ruve. Why don't we just read to find out just why the Tia got together with Ruve?

    I really do think that the reason why Ruve was like that to Tia before because she may have said something about Lady Jeremia la Monique and that didn't do well to Prince Ruve who cherished Lady Jeremia as someone who took care of him, instead of his mother and father.
    Chilli_Chiia likes this.
  15. crimsoniv0j

    crimsoniv0j Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Is this picked up already? Give me the raw link of the novel and I'll try to wrestle my way to translate.
    I love second chances for douche ML.
  16. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    i was sprouting the same words here in these threads and soem discord servers but nobody really likes my very unpopular (back then) opinion. The only thing I am thankful for is that some former readers moved on from this story with some negative attitudes and some people who wanted to see the srory developed were good enough to stay.

    Actually impresses this thread is still kicking.
    Ariawolfgar, Akihime and stumblmer like this.
  17. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Its picked by Tappytoon and some groups are already scantalating it (fan version)._
    stumblmer likes this.
  18. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Coz the knight in shining armir back then was Allendis. And back then Allendis =good, Ruve=bad. In short, shipping wars and the fans who ship them
  19. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    there was a short side story. To sum, Rive regretted. Jieun probably also regret coz she inherited all of Tia's work and she dont know how to do it.
  20. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    scroll up. End was spoiled months ago.
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