Spoiler The Abandoned Empress

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Regalia1896, Jul 28, 2017.

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  1. booho

    booho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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    Novel's quote

    " How cruel I have been to him! I hurt him so much for the sin that he had not committed against me. I didn’t know how troubled his mind was while I was preoccupied with protecting myself."
  2. Lamune44

    Lamune44 Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    To be fair, no one is obligated to reciprocate someone's feelings, so the simple fact of repeatedly rejecting a confession can hardly be called cruel. It is even more so when the one doing the confession just refuse to give up despite very clear warnings. The "Tia gave mixed messages" excuse is difficult to accept when she was ready to swear loyalty to end her relationship with him. For the contronversial end-game, it is necessary to understand that there is a reason why the reviews are so divided. Not everyone is a fan of "love can make you overcome everything" stories, and not everyone is so forgiving or willing to take such a risk. It is difficult to relate to Tia's journey when it doesn't seem to make sense to you. For exemple, the story rely heavily on the fact that, even if Tia didn't forgive the first timeline's Ruve, she never got over her feelings for him. However, they were not supposed to be "fated lovers" anymore and love can hardly suvive such a trial. So the first "sweet moments" between them certainly did not touch me, and starting from that the whole relashionship just felt rushed and awkward. The fact that the other ML were just that more appealing was the last nail on the coffin. Poor Allendis had such a sad ending, never forgetting Tia and what could have been.
  3. ZainabJ.

    ZainabJ. Member

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Thank you so much for this ❤️
  4. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    I get that what you're saying and I appreciate how civil you're being here.

    The story for one does a very good job of fleshing out the other MLs. I certainly don't blame people for preferring Carsein or Allendis because the story treats them as genuinely possible final pairings for Tia and fell like they have a good amount of development that makes them interesting even outside the romance. The fact that Ruve gets the slowest start probably didn't help matters. Personally, Carsein is more my type, though I still feel Tia has better chemistry with Ruve

    Next, it's important to remember that the story, especially towards the end, treats the Ruves of both timelines as different individuals, the characters do this too and that is a big plotpoint. That's the point of @booho 's quote, that towards the end it's Tia realizing she probably shouldn't be treating 2nd Timeline Ruve as though he was the one who hurt her. By then she considered them two different people, basically the equivalent of marrying her abusive Ex's nicer twin brother. It should also be noted that she doesn't forgive the Ruve of the 1st timeline either by the end, Jieun even mentioning him is one of the few things that can anger her so quickly.

    And on the theme, I wouldn't say it's "Love can conquer anything", the story is more of an exploration of what love is, and how it is given, accepted, shown, and acknowledged. For example, in the 1st timeline Ruve genuinely did love Tia, but that didn't stop him from being a total douchenozzle. Tia back then displayed her love through dedication and Acts of Service. Ruve wanted and expected Tia to display her love the same way her mother did for him- through open displays of affection. When he couldn't, instead of talking it out he tried to force it out of her which made things worse. This fact is acknowledged in either the side stories or Jieun's flashback.

    In terms of other characters, Mirkan's idea of displaying it was through "tough love" to make Ruve into a sterner king and less manipulable. We all know how that accomplishes the exact opposite. This is vs. Tia's dad who makes it known he'll always be there for her and is basically her greatest pillar of support.

    On the split reviews, it's important to know that a lot of the negative reviews of this story came in the spoiler thread's infancy. Back then on the ending all we knew was the Tia ended up with Ruve.

    That was it.

    And people went wild.

    Rants, bashing, etc. And it was all centered around that one spoiler that was given absolutely no context whatsoever. Keep in mind, this was way before we knew anything about Allendis or even knew who Carsein was. The spoilers were barely there and yet tons of people were already jumping ship and review bombing. I was there. A good majority of the negative reviews came from that time. I've heard story is considerably more popular in Korea because they're following it as it goes along and aren't basing assumption on out-of-context spoilers.

    And it's dang well obvious when someone complains about AE and only stopped at that one spoiler. Either they miss or wholesale ignore entire important plot points or they get stuff completely wrong, out of context, or just make it up by filling in the blanks.

    Anyways, I'd like to reiterate my thanks, I really appreciate meeting someone so civil about not liking this story as well as not spreading the same blatantly disproven points, I've only had one other experience like that but that's in another thread. I hope this answers any questions you have on my side of the argument. I find that point on the themes to be interesting btw since people barely bring it up even though it's pretty important to the story.
  5. Clars

    Clars Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2019
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    i just really love how this thread never ends...
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  6. dr biscuit

    dr biscuit Active Member

    May 19, 2020
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    Why nobody talk about how cute are Princia and Kaysian together?
  7. Hinata hinu

    Hinata hinu Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2020
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    There are some many people in this forum who just hate Ruve no matter what... Why do you hate someone for his past life sins?! Does your past life mistake counts in your corrent life too?!! If anyone was a murderer in his past life it doesn't make him a murderer in his current life too unless he commits one...
    Ruve was a jerk in his past life but not now ,he cares about Tia n really loves her.. Judging someone on the basis of his past life is the ridiculous thing I have ever seen...
  8. dr biscuit

    dr biscuit Active Member

    May 19, 2020
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    And i liked it when he jumped out of a moving carriage ( worrying his advisor/sidekick) cuz he worried about Tia:X3:
    Last edited: May 27, 2020
    Paris_Eve and Sylphenne like this.
  9. dr biscuit

    dr biscuit Active Member

    May 19, 2020
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    By the way, I've read Ruve and Tia detailed kisses and... wow. Damn hot french kiss.
    I hope the manhwa will be able to adaptate it properly:oops:
  10. Jelem

    Jelem Active Member

    Oct 17, 2018
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    I went through 69 pages just to browse the spoilers.

    Seriously, I'm not discouraging the discussions but keep it at a minimum or go create another forum. I want to read the spoilers, not your arguments. :sushi_potato:
  11. Emile

    Emile Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2020
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    It's actually the site admin & developer's fault. what kind of spoiler thread doesn't have pinned messages feature? WTF, its 2020 already. Anyone can discuss here, it is a discussion thread after all. Just don't cross the line when doing a criticism. Although some fans also cross the line when they don't acknowledge the problems on the plot as well as character behavior and development and will just blindly defend.
  12. LockedPuppet

    LockedPuppet From the void, the circus horns~

    Jul 18, 2019
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    @Jelem here you go! Enjoy!
    Also bringing this back for anyone who wants it!
  13. Jelem

    Jelem Active Member

    Oct 17, 2018
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    Yep, I did read this earlier, but of course it took me a while since I started from page 1... :sushi_sigh: Haysssst.

    Yep, although it would be better if someone from page 1 can edit their post to include all the spoilers so that they wouldn't go through pages of discussion.

    I won't reply anymore so as to limit the pages future users have to go through. Thanks so much. :sushi_chubby:
    Last edited: May 28, 2020
  14. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Holy molley...where did that come from? Did you just assume the author did that or it's just you and you're projecting? I know you didn't like it but to go saying something like this like you know them is a bot a stretch for your part.

    And people say it's the people who knew the spoilers who were projecting...

    I know, right? That's why I never get tired of coming back to this thread. Either it gives the stress I hate or the laughs I didn't know I need. Lemme guess, newbies? Gotta pick my bingo card.

    May I send a private DM to you about this? Thanks.
  15. Shio

    Shio Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    It seems like some people cannot read noor do they care about my warning.

    As @Emile said, the forum is not perfect. but even with those limitation we always try to make it better using rule and guidelines.

    We want to make the site more enjoyable. Those who still continue to fight and or blame it on the site limitation are frankly an ass.

    The thread will be locked. Feel free to make another spoiler thread or discussion thread.
    Last edited: May 28, 2020
    micahkung, babayagu, Veille and 17 others like this.
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