Spoiler The Magician’s Daughter

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Clars, Oct 6, 2019.

  1. afelice

    afelice Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    The manhwa author intentionally made some differences, but still going with the main plot. Everyone's characterization still the same as the novel, so there won't be any big quarrel like the Abandoned Empress'

    Both in the novel an manhwa, Phon literally appeared out of nowhere :blob_grin: , and Rosickel just cut her memory with "okay, I understand! And wham... It's done". Even Maybelle was confused wkwkwk

    Yep. That's me :blobrofl:
    But I put more detailed spoilers here. Screw the character limit in the comment section :blobexpressionless:
    Last edited: May 27, 2020
  2. afelice

    afelice Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    This is the continuation of the invitation for the imperial banquet. Some parts of this post already got adapted in the webtoon chapter 41 (published last week).

    -tea time. Rykell told Maybelle that she needs to prepare something to go to imperial banquet. Maybelle didn't really think about her wardrobe, but she wanted a new dress.

    - The Florence sisters went straight to Rykell and pestered him to buy a dress for Maybelle (they even suggested to sell the mansion and the treasures so they can buy the best ones). Of course, Khan always ready to stop the crazy ideas, they have more than enough money to buy dresses. The regular quarell of Florence sisters vs Khan occured.

    - Rykell's patience grew thin and he decided to go shopping with Maybelle, then He choose Kan & Bellerophon to accompany them. Florence sisters didn't like the idea and started to offer excuses. They are Maybelle's babysitter and more knowledgeable about women clothes than the guys, so it's logical to bring them. Rykell was not persuaded at all.

    - Maybelle noticed that Phon behaved strangely.

    - Maybelle met Khan near the carriage. Khan looked bothered by something, and Maybelle asked if there is something wrong with the plan.

    - Khan was worried about Rykell. He predicted that Rykell will buy/takeover the shops without thinking and he isn't sure what to do.

    - Maybelle told Khan that she will buy only 1 dress, that's all. She promised to help Khan if the worst scenario became reality.

    - Khan and Maybelle talked about happiness. Khan commented that Maybelle's view of her own happiness is simpler than him and the others'. They wanted Maybelle to be happy in a bigger scale, and Khan added that Rykell's wish is the biggest. Maybelle felt warm in her heart.

    - Rykell & Phon came and they departed. Phon informed the lady that Lasol was crying when he left the mansion, Maybelle nodded. Lasol wanted to follow Maybelle but she can't brought it because Lasol is very conspicuous no matter how small it became.
    <Rykell checked the distance between Phon and Maybelle's seat lol>

    - They arrived in front of a flashy boutique. Maybelle got impressed by the exterior and the clerk greeted them politely. The disaster happened even before Maybelle saw the real catalogue and pick a dress. The horrible betrayal +/- went like this :

    - Khan : we will need many dresses for the Lady.
    - Rykell : yes. Let's takeover this store.
    - Maybelle <internal screaming>: Oh my God, Father actually agrees!!!
    - Khan : This store is owned by a large firm, should we take over it all?
    - Rykell <to the clerk> : go get your manager.

    Maybelle was astonished by the sudden development. Khan turned traitor and HE even started the whole mess. Maybelle tried to go to her last line of defense : Bellerophon.

    Phon : well, it is difficult. <smiling>
    Maybelle : ????
    Phon : I'm worried that teacher doesn't bring enough money to buy this place.
    Maybelle : WHAT!???
    <Phon doesn't oppose the idea lol>

    Rykell & Khan discussed the business with the manager of the boutique. The boutique also accept magic stones and gems as currency from the magicians. Maybelle found herself in a new predicament. The first display item she touched gave Rykell an idea where to start...

    Maybelle stared at a sea of hats and bonnets helplessly. She didn't predict that Rykell will start with head gear and she is sane enough to know that she won't use it in the imperial banquet. Bellerophon stayed beside her while she tried countless hats and observing Rykell and Khan.

    Bellerophon commented that Rykell is happy and enthusiastic about this shopping trip. Maybelle didn't believe him because Rykell's demeanor still cold as usual but she did feel that Rykell emanated a strange force but she can't pinpoint what it is.
    <itu namanya aura Bucin, Maybelle sayang.>

    Phon explained to Maybelle that Rykell looked more careful to pick a suitable dress for Maybelle than when he deal with ancient books and weapons in imperial business. it is his first experience choosing something for his daughter. He wondered what kind of face Von Kyle will made if he saw this "scenery".

    Maybelle got tired with the hat factory and Khan suggested her to try a limited edition cakes in the dessert shop just across the boutique. Phon accompanied her while Rykell continued the business talk.
    <of course Rykell gave Phon a strong warning lol>

    Maybelle & Bellerophon enjoyed their cake (cute cakes with moving decoration). Maybelle wanted to eat the cake with Florence sisters, Khan, Rykell, and Phon, and Phon commented that the Lady is a fair person.

    Maybelle asked why Phon behaved strangely when they discussed about the banquet. Phon explained that he felt frustrated. He admitted that he hates everything held by the imperial family. Maybelle asked if Phon hates this festival. Phon answered that the nation founding festival is different because it was originally a festival of common people, plus he likes this year festival because Maybelle.

    Maybelle tried to improve the gloomy mood, she summoned Riri and put it on Phon's shoulder. She shared one of Laura's tips to Phon : if you feel sad, just look at cute things. Riri cooperated with Maybelle and cooing cutely.

    Phon couldn't hold his laughter anymore. He said that he is lucky that the world cutest is right before his eyes. Maybelle wondered if Riri is that cute (no.. Not Riri!!!) and almost asked the question when someone shouted and a child bumped her shoulder.

    Aysilla boy again. He recognized Maybelle and tried to grab her, only to be stopped by Phon's frightening magic aura. Aysilla boy accused Maybelle as a thief who stole his magic staff. Maybelle tried to keep calm and replied that the staff choose its owner, and the boy told Maybelle that he met Claudel then started spouting nonsense about what will happen to the Cyclamen's reputation when they have a thief as family member.

    Phon is not amused. He told Maybelle that there is no need to worry about the bad things and only listen the good. Phon will deal with the bad things, even by force. Phon glared at the kid and Maybelle saw Phon's eyes changed from beautiful purple to frightening gold, plus there is an unknown magic power emanated from him.

    Fortunately Rykell came and warned Phon not to use his power. The frightening magic aura still lingered in the room, but now is not Phon's but Rykell's. Rykell introduced himself to the boy as the father of the girl he just laughed at.

    Rykell used his magic to turn the boy into a frog, everytime he struggled, he'll transform into a toadpole - then frog - then toadpole so on. The wizards who accompanied the boy became busy trying to save their master. Rykell, Maybelle, Phon, and Khan left the scene.

    -------reserved for the next part---------
    Last edited: May 27, 2020
  3. afelice

    afelice Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    Von Kyle & Khan used this term to to describe Rykell, I tried to search the meaning and found this :
    A person who brags about their child or lover
    Is there any equivalent english word for this? :blobfrowning:

    <Actually, the title is one of the latest book in Rykell's reading list>

    - The letter from Vivi is an invitation for Maybelle. Vivi currently stayed in La Vestia and wanted Maybelle to visit the village.

    - Khan got interested, and Maybelle realized that Khan NEVER returned to the village as long as she remembered. She wondered if there was something serious happened, but looking at Khan's happy expression, everything seems to be okay...

    - At least until Rykell started to recite Khan's list of embarrassing stories to Maybelle, and told Khan to go home permanently if he wishes it. Khan's reaction was identical to Abel's when he got punished :blobjoy:

    - Maybelle felt that today she encountered many things which remind her of Abel, even Vivi's invitation came at the right time. Then she became distracted when she saw Khan's ears and tail. She touched Abel's, but Khan's tail looked so fluffy. Maybelle opened and closed her palm in anticipation.

    - Khan was aware that the lady wanted to say something. Maybelle always interested at his and Abel's ears and tails. Maybelle didn't deny it and Khan allowed Maybelle to touch his tail, only to be blocked by Rykell's ice spikes which suddenly appear from the ground. Khan was startled and stepped back.

    - Grumpy Rykell told Khan to stay away, and threatened to add more punishment besides the "10 steps distance". Khan tried to protest, he told Rykell that his tail is clean :blobsweat_2: , but Rykell only added more threat and used his magic to create something on Maybelle's arm.

    - Maybelle felt something white and fluffy on her arm. It's an elephant doll. A very fluffy elephant doll. Rykell told Maybelle that it is the substitute of Khan's tail. Khan started to mutter something, but he revised his sentence when Rykell threw his infamous death glare.

    - Maybelle was happy to receive the doll, but she knew that she is a bit too old to play with this (but she wanted to collect more dolls, actually). Rykell commented that he doesn't mind to gift her with myriads of dolls even when Maybelle is in her sixties
    <yeah, Maybelle will spend her life as daddy's little girl for an eternity>

    - Maybelle asked for Rykell's permission to visit La Vestia. Rykell didn't reject it, but he muttered something about his worry that Guys will start to have an eye for Maybelle, but it is not Maybelle's fault.
    <Phon, Abel, Aslan, please be careful...this time Papa Rykell will be scarier than before>

    - Maybelle shifted her attention to another letter, for Rykell.

    - Rykell said that the sender was his old acquaintance. He referred him as a colleague. The person worked under Rykell's magic regiment in the war, and the letter contained a greeting plus a piece of information that he found a document written in archaic language and asked Rykell to fetch it. He will be waiting in Hassam (a village near the northern mansion. Khan and Florence sisters usually bought supplies there).

    - Khan got an idea. He suggested that this will be a perfect "first errand" for Maybelle. Rykell could ask for Maybelle's help to retrieve the document. Rykell automatically vetoed him. Khan tried to argue that Maybelle will learn a lot, then Rykell made a come back : Khan doesn't have a child, so how could he know many things about children. Khan reminds Rykell that he raised many children in his tribe.

    - Maybelle was clueless about the topic. What errand?. Then she glanced at Rykell's desk. There were two books, the title :
    - My Child's first errand
    - Independence for children

    - Maybelle finally knew why both of the men quarreling. And she thought that she never leave the mansion alone...
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2020
  4. Lalique

    Lalique Active Member

    May 13, 2020
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    I’m sorry but can anyone tell me how to see the picture? When i open the spoiler it just shows IMG
  5. afelice

    afelice Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    It depends on your internet service provider. Check if they block imgur or not, because i hosted the pic there. If not, the pic should appear as it is.
    I live in indonesia, and my phone ISP (tel*****l) blocked imgur, but I also subscribed to another ISP at home, and Imgur worked fine.

    Ah, I forgot to explain more about Vivi. She appeared in the early chapter of the 2nd season.
    Here we go...
    A delegation from atata tribe. Iirc, she is 16 years old. An energetic suin with the characteristic of a black leopard.

    She is Khan and Abel's relative, and she joked about being Abel's fiancee. Abel rejected her because he already likes "someone". so she pestered Khan to take the place instead :blobjoy:. Khan rejected her, too :blobsweat:. Poor Abel is her main target to tease, and their relationship remained friendly as ever.

    Maybelle befriended her when she came to the mansion to give reports about more monsters started to appear in the wasteland as a bad aftereffect of the Empire's covenant.

    She is the one who explained about Rykell's duty as the ruler and guardian of the north, transcendentals, and how Galatea's staff was used to create the northern forest to Maybelle.

    She demonstrated her power to Maybelle (yep. She is strong), and asked Maybelle to call her " Vivi"
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2020
  6. afelice

    afelice Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    (Tolonglah, Pak..anakmu ingin belajar mandiri)

    - Khan & Rykell continued their discussion about the first errand, they talked about the territory and law. Finally, Rykell asked Maybelle if she wants to do it. Maybelle became excited and said yes.

    - She will retrieve the document in Hassam before she goes to the Suin's village.

    - Everyone in the mansion was busy preparing a bag and clothes for Maybelle :LOL:, plus gave her some tips. Her bag was enchanted so it won't be heavy.

    - It takes 2 days to walk from the wasteland, almost a day by carriage. Khan advised Maybelle to ride Lasol. The fastest and safest method of transportation.

    - Maybelle polished her riding skill in 2 years while she trained to synchronize with her pets under Khan and Rykell's guidance.

    - Rykell's reputation in Hassam is pretty good (he was the guardian of that area), and Maybelle won't meet any problem even if the people recognized her and Lasol there.

    - Actually, Maybelle had a different idea in her mind. She stared at the map and pointed to the road. The main road used by travelers. Maybelle met Khan's gaze with a determined face and said that she wanted to walk. Khan's expression changed. He became worried.

    - The road was enchanted with cognitive impairment magic (it's light, though) to minimize the unwanted passerby. And there were some dangers lurking around even if the road still being used by travelers, pilgrims, and merchants.

    - Maybelle glanced at Rykell, he was busy with paperwork and listened to the conversation at the same time. Rykell put the parchments and stated, if Maybelle really wanted to do it, he had no problem. There is a way to reduce the danger and Maybelle could stay overnight on the road because there must be a place to camp.

    - so, they added camping tools to Maybelle's luggage. Rykell put another cheat in the tent. It connected to the mansion!!!.

    - Maybelle finished the final preparation and ready to left the mansion, so she went to the porch... And froze.

    - An astonished Maybelle stared at two people. They wore inconspicuous travel gear, shabbier than what they wore in the city of Wezen (Mutu Tournament). The blue-haired traveler introduced himself as "Hans the passerby" with a flat face. The white-haired traveler looked at her with an awkward+embarrassed expression. Maybelle couldn't hold her laugh anymore.
    <I was hoping that Rykell will stalk his daughter, but this method... Lol>

    - Okay, Khan introduced himself as Jack. He is a passerby too. Florence sisters started to laugh and commented that Khan looked so silly with this getup :blobjoy:. Khan shouted at the nymphs to shut up

    - Maybelle couldn't be happier because she will walk the road together with "two passersby". Hans the righteous traveler is ready to help the child anytime. Maybelle tried to persuade Hans to only help her if the situation really gets dangerous. Rykell/Hans finally agreed with a grumpy face :blobjoy:

    - Well, they have another problem if they want to go incognito. Maybelle and Rykell actually thought about changing their unusual blue hair...

    - it's not an errand anymore, guys. It is another family trip. Minus Phon. :blobjoy:

    There is a change in the release schedule. The 3rd season only published 4 chapters a week : mon,tue,thu,fri.

    The illustration cover will change much later. Moonseol_A confirmed that the story is the adventure of 14y.o Maybelle and later (so the artwork depicted 13-14 y.o Maybelle, and the cover will be her older version).
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2020
  7. afelice

    afelice Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    - Maybelle thought about hair colour, and made a request to Rykell. She wanted to turn her hair to pink colour. The same shade of pink like Galatea's. Rykell granted her wish. Maybelle knew that the pink colour is very conspicuous, but well...

    - Maybelle admired her new hair. It's so pretty, and Florence sisters complimented her, too. Maybelle raised her head to brag about the beauty of pink hair to Rykell, but she became speechless. Rykell asked if there is something wrong.

    - Maybelle stared at pink haired Rykell. He changed his hair colour similar to his wife and daughter. Rykell acted casual like it was nothing to be concerned. Rykell patted Maybelle's head and told her that she really resembled Thea. Maybelle's heart swollen with happiness, and she made a mental note that Rykell looked handsome with pink hair. His coldness and pink color goes well.
    <Manhwa version pleeeeaaaseeeee :aww:. Saya baper baca ini>

    - Maybelle thought about nickname. She read in a book that elves valued their name and only allowed their lifelong companion to call them with it. Maybelle wondered if Rykell was the only one who called Galatea by nickname, and will someone like that come to her life?. Yah, she still wants to spend a long time with her father...

    - Time to go, Maybelle felt a slight vibration and heard someone's voice, plus a familiar power. The voice is clearer than before, but the lower tone is unfamiliar to Maybelle

    - "Lady..."

    - Maybelle observed her surroundings, and compared it to the map in her hand. Hans and Jack walked behind her. Maybelle asked them to keep some distance so she could feel some independence, but... She didn't feel confident looool. She wondered if she took a wrong path.

    - Riri chirped and Lasol roared happily, and Ig appeared from Maybelle's shadow. Rosickel in her hand shone gently. Maybelle felt that everyone encouraged her and she is not alone.

    - Maybelle kept walking. Rykell explained that magic didn't really improve their physical strength, and Maybelle's constant exercises (farming, riding, etc) improved her stamina and vitality. Khan guaranteed that Maybelle is stronger than her peers.

    - Maybelle learned the magic to control the temperature in her surroundings. It was a basic step to control the season like what Rykell did. She made use of it in this journey.

    - Maybelle stopped and thought that it's time to set up a tent. It's her first time to camp outside, and she brought some magic tools to help her.

    - Maybelle overheard Hans and Jack's conversation. Jack wondered if he could call Hans by name only, because calling him "master" is a bit too flashy in the village. Hans didn't really like the idea but he let Jack do as his wish.

    - "Okay, Hans"
    <Khan, you really waited for this opportunity, right???>
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  8. afelice

    afelice Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    not much happened ...

    - Maybelle listened to Jack and Hans's conversation, but they were interrupted by someone's presence. Jack picked up the commotion thank to his sharp instinct. While Hans and Maybelle sensed it by their magic (and Maybelle's pets helped her, too)

    - A wagon and some suins ran to their direction. They were attacked by monster which lost its reason. The monster is different from the beast and magical animals because they literally attack everything. even their own kind. Rykell usually hunted them down as side exercise, but he mostly left the task to suin people after Maybelle returned to the mansion.

    - Someone got tangled by the monster and fell. The suin who fell yelled at the others to run.

    - Maybelle couldn't stand it anymore. She took out Rosickel and called Riri. Riri grabbed Maybelle's shoulder and flew. Hans and Jack observed her from distance.

    - Maybelle used her magic to free the suin and knocked down the monster. It's not that great, but she managed to located the core of the monster attacked the right spot.

    - Rykell mostly taught Maybelle the magical knowledge, and Khan gave her useful tips for real battle. In the end, Maybelle felt a refreshing wind blew around her. It was Han's

    - Maybelle approached the suins. They thank her, and A suin woman introduced herself as Martha. Maybelle noticed Martha's round ears, and short tail and connected the dots. Bear.
  9. Lalique

    Lalique Active Member

    May 13, 2020
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    Thankyou for the explanation❤️
  10. Sea serin

    Sea serin Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2019
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    Tnx dear:LOL:
  11. afelice

    afelice Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    - The suins praised Maybelle. They asked Maybelle's age, where she lives, and complimented her about her talent as a beast tamer.

    - Then they shifted the attention to the 2 travelers behind Maybelle. They questioned if both of the men were related to her. Hans' Pink hair and his resemblance to Maybelle didn't escape their prying eyes. Hans' expression was...scary. he didn't like that Maybelle attracted the attention of real strangers.

    - Hans insisted that he and Jack were passersby (but the suins didn't buy it). Martha finally stopped the others and stated that there must be circumstances between Maybelle and the men.

    - Martha wants to repay the kindness, and she invited Maybelle to camp with them. The suins were in a mission to deliver important items, and Hassam is in the middle of their route so Maybelle could walk together with them. They brought plenty of food, too. Maybelle thought about it seriously. Actually, she wanted to do something alone...

    - Now we get the real reason why Maybelle wanted to take the road. She got the inspiration from a fairy tale book about the adventure of a girl. The girl left her homeland and became a warrior. She saved a prince in underground ruins then embarked to a new journey.
    <Our Maybelle wants her own adventure :aww:, so cute. But what happened to the prince in that story?>

    - Maybelle accepted the offer, and Martha also extended it to Hans & Jack. Hans didn't mind if Maybelle is fine. Unfortunately, another beast approached them. A stronger beast than before. Everyone took out their weapon, including Maybelle. Hans holds her hand, signaling her to back off. Hans told her that beast won't die easily.

    - Before the fight happens, someone appeared and attacked the beast, killed it with one blow. The swordsman wore a cloak, and he recognized Maybelle. Maybelle didn't recognize his voice, then the swordsman opened his hood. Maybelle saw the shiny blond hair and brown skin. Aslan.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
  12. SusuPisang

    SusuPisang Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Does anyone want to answer my question.
    So the ML is Abel? I am sorry for asking because i don't want to get spoiler too much from the novel but i want to know with who Maybelle ens up :aww:
  13. afelice

    afelice Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    officially? let's wait for the new cover illustration for the novel lol. There is a high chance that whoever the ML will appear there. The novel still ongoing and now Aslan got the first turn in this season lol (usually, Abel got the first cute moment).

    But if we talk about relationships, well. Bellerophon had the most significant relationship upgrade compared to Aslan and Abel.
  14. SusuPisang

    SusuPisang Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Aaah thank youu very muchh for the information ~~~

    So the novel not end yet. Well i will read this thread from the start then ~

    Thank you very much for anwer me and for thr spoiler you gave:blobmelt::blobmelt:
  15. afelice

    afelice Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    191 : :blobjoy:
    - Rykell doing a poor job as a stranger to Maybelle. His father instinct overpowered his logic. He can't manage his expression at all, staring daggers at Aslan almost all the time. I wonder how Rykell handles the situation if both Phon and Abel wake up at the same time....

    - Aslan feels that Rykell will murder him when this journey is over.

    - Aslan told Maybelle that he keep thinking about her, and Maybelle also replies that she also think about Aslan. Poor Aslan realized that Maybelle's way of "thinking about him" is totally different than his' :blob_grin:

    - Maybelle & Aslan = Happy chat, Aslan is blushing~
    - Hans/Rykell = Staring daggers with murderous Aura
    - Jack/Khan = Observing the situation
    - Everyone else = d'aaaawww look at those youngsters... They remind me about when I met my sweetheart~

    More detailed summary later. I'm busy laughing over here lool
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2020
  16. kokolakoko

    kokolakoko Active Member

    Jun 9, 2020
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    Thank you for your spoilers. :aww:
    Laughing so hard poor daddy Rykell :blobjoy:
  17. afelice

    afelice Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    196 :
    Man, I feel sorry to Aslan :blobjoy:
    Hans' cold treatment is a problem, and when he finally get his chance (early morning, and Hans is not a morning person)..

    Aslan wants to continue the interrupted greeting 4 years ago.
    When Maybelle gives her hand..

    A friendly voice reminds her not to give her precious hand carelessly :blobjoy:.
    Phon. He still not waking up yet, but now he can talk to Maybelle using telepathy.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2020
  18. afelice

    afelice Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    198 :
    - Maybelle was surprised about this sudden development. Aslan finally told Maybelle about his grandfather, a weird man who liked to wander around as he likes. Aslan didn't have a clear memory except his granpa's back when he left the house. Someday they heard that the man was dead and Arondight lost.

    - Aslan wanted to retrieve the sword as a member of Kyle Family. Von was unable to go to the wasteland because his pledge forbade him, so Aslan go in his stead. They wanted to bury the sword.

    - Arondight is a picky sword. Almost every descendant from Kyle family had enough talent to wield the sword, but the sword is a picky weapon. Aslan told Maybelle that the sword is the biggest trouble maker among the swords in Kyle family.

    - Maybelle stared at Rykell, who confirmed that he knew about Aslan's grandpa. Little Rykell had a run-in with him in Cyclamen mansion. Mr Kyle tied Rykell and dragged the genius wizard to a nest of an ancient beast. Calling it as an adventure.

    - Although Rykell didn't show it in his face, he seems to hold some respect to the old man. It was his first adventure and a good chance to escape from Cyclamen main house. Plus he could meet with Galatea. Maybelle became curious, but she didn't ask more because Rykell always had a somber face if they talked about Galatea.

    - Rykell cut the story and told Aslan to be quick if he wants to get the sword. The empire also wanted to take it in. Maybelle finally told Aslan about her errand.

    - Finally the journey with the Suins ended. Martha and Maybelle talked about their parting and the next plan. Maybelle will start to look for Rolls. Martha quoted some lyrics from a song, and Maybelle's face brightened. She knew the song. Phon sang the song for her 3 years ago.

    - Martha's eyes widened. She asked who gave her that love song...

    <So, Bellerophon sang a love song for Maybelle in the season 2, I wonder about Maybelle's reaction after Martha spilled the beans..> :blob_grin:

    199 :
    - Martha asked if Maybelle knew about the meaning of the song. Maybelle answered it happily : "You will be in my heart forever". Martha frowned. Maybelle wondered if there is something wrong with the lyric,

    - Martha started to explain that the song used in a special occasion, but Khan started to act weird before Martha gave Maybelle more details. Jack coughed loudly, commenting that the winter season made him feel sick.

    - Maybelle became worried and wanted to look for a shelter. Martha agreed. she realized that Jack tried to save "the guy" from the jealous guardian behind Maybelle. Martha told Maybelle that her schedule is very tight and took her entourage in a flash (Maybelle was amazed watching their incredible speed to left her and 3 men).

    - Martha whispered something before she left. She knew that the guardian behind Maybelle cherished her so much, and their conversation must be ended or Maybelle's special person (the singer of the song, lol) will be in deep trouble later. Martha's last words echoing in Maybelle's heart for some time.

    - Back to the mission. Jack miraculously became healthy in a matter of seconds and started to gather information. Aslan commented that he knew "the winter season" Khan referred to. They went to ancient ruins near the village. Maybelle and Aslan felt an enormous power. it was different from magic and they know that their target is here.

    - Hans and Jack stayed behind while Maybelle and Aslan entered the ruins. They saw a man sat on a rock, he seemed to be asleep and when he saw Maybelle he called her as Galatea, and rubbed his eyes to made sure. He commented that Maybelle is a pretty and very realistic doll that could speak. Aslan tried his best to hold his laughter but failed, while Maybelle became very embarrassed.

    - Finally the talked business. Rolls introduced himself and asked if the lovebirds wanted to try pulling the damn sword. Aslan volunteered. Rolls deflected Rykell's ice spike from behind using his aura (Rykell must heard the word "lovebirds" lol). Maybelle realized that this man is strong. that's the reason why he got chosen as a temporary helper for the sword <read: temporary slave for the sword before it picked a new master lol. Rolls wanted to ditch the sword and asked for Rykell's help lolololol>

    <This "old colleague" of the archmage is a total weirdo :facepalm: . I wonder how Rykell's battalion faring in the war when there are eccentric members like Von Kyle, Raul, and Rolls. But the manager seems sane enough....>
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2020