Spoiler A Villain Is a Good Match for a Tyrant

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by morticia_addams, Aug 3, 2019.

  1. elyacuty

    elyacuty Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2020
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    Ouh yeaaaaa lmaooo I’m confused...too many manhwa i read and need to memorize all characters :facepalm::blob_grin:...thank you btw!!
    MiserableSOUL and rewzy03 like this.
  2. Poppopi-chan

    Poppopi-chan Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2020
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    Mtled again so um, please correct me if I'm wrong hehe.

    Princess Juliana is at a tea party with all the other nobles. She was previously invited by the Empress for a tea party so the nobles wanted to gossip about it. She’s a white lotus y’all. She pretends to be pitiful and cry when they asked her what happened during the tea party with the Empress. Apparently, Cecil has tamed the dragon and it became miniature (?) so she brought him with her during the party. The dragon having great sense, didn’t like Juliana so he bit her LOL. She was shaking in anger as she remembered what happened but the nobles mistook it as fear and started badmouthing the Empress. But then the blame was shifted to the Emperor as he was the one who put the Empress in the throne. Lady Elaine (or was it Irene? I’m not good with names hehe) who was Estian’s childhood friend and first Empress candidate, got angry. She thinks how dare a foreign princess criticize the Emperor when she doesn’t even pay the tax or contribute anything to the country. Elaine defends Estian’s choice of the Empress and she lowkey started twisting Juliana’s words.

    “The Empress brought the Dragon during the tea party? Then she must have great control to tame such creature. Also, isn’t Tania her maid-in-waiting? Wasn't she the daughter from that strongest clan?” (Tania was the one who punched the dragon’s leg like a chicken nugget in Ch. 23 of the manhwa LMAO)

    At this, the atmosphere changed and the nobles started talking about how great the Empress’ power must be.

    Ps- Elaine is a modern woman. Idk if she transmigrated or she just remembers her past life but when she started defending Estian, she said she felt the same feeling when her favorite actor fell into a scandal and people started badmouthing him.

    I think Estian and Cecil had a fight (?). Estian has not visited the Summer Palace (Cecil’s Palace) for four days now and he’s going crazy. Whenever he lays in bed, his hands would unconsciously search for Cecil’s body. He can’t fall asleep because he was used to Cecil’s endless chattering before bed. He remembers that he always tells her to shut up so he could sleep but now that he can’t hear her voice at all, he feels restless. All the things he used to do and use (including his own room) before the wedding feels unfamiliar to him now. Then the voice in his head started talking again (something to do with Eugendiv’s blood?), asking why he hasn’t killed anyone recently. He realizes that after his wedding with Cecil, his urges to kill stopped. He thinks it’s not a coincidence so he suspects that Cecil was intentionally sent to him but then dismisses the idea as she didn’t kill him even though she has a lot of chances to. She’s the only person he can fully let his guard down. He feels annoyed about a certain Arch Duke and his need to kill him soon. Then talks about destroying another country (maybe the Arch Duke’s territory?)

    After a few days, a rumor has started that the imperial couple is not in good terms and people immediately began talking when the Empress would be kicked out of the palace.

    Still reading through 50-55 but I think Estian is about to go to war with Kane :blobfearful:
  3. Poppopi-chan

    Poppopi-chan Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2020
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    Last one before I go to sleep :blobsweat:

    Before leaving for war, Estian asked Richard (Master of the Tower) to protect Cecil while he is away. Richard is curious of Cecil so he agreed and in front of Estian he made a pledge/restriction on to himself that he would not harm Cecil. He also made Richard change his appearance to a beautiful teenage boy so he would not scare Cecil but she immediately recognized him the moment she saw him anyway. (They even tested Kane if he would recognize him but she’s the only one who can see right through him.)
    Even after the explanation, Cecil was still scared and Estian was also uncomfortable leaving Cecil with him but he thinks Richard is the most capable person to protect her. Plus, under the pledge, Richard is forced to literally do everything Cecil says. LOL here’s the part where they tried it out—
    Estian: Don’t be scared. Make a command. Make it as humiliating as possible.
    Cecil: Sit down!
    And immediately Richard’s body sank to the floor upon her command.
    Estian: See? As you can see, he will obey you.
    Cecil: Then, lay down!
    With a thud, Richard bowed down.
    Estian: It’s working, right?
    Cecil: Then this time…crawl on all fours!
    Despite his protest, his body obeyed her command.
    Richard: Estian! Stop your wife!!!
    Estian: Why me? Isn’t it okay to pay for all the fuss you’ve made before?
    Richard: Then why don’t you also make me bark like a dog and make me lick your shoes?!
    Cecil: ….shall we do that too?
    As Estian thinks that there would be no problem while he was destroying Etia, Cecil made Richard go around the room ten times with his hands on the floor with one leg up. :blobjoy::blobjoy::blobjoy:

    Richard was also thrown some dog food when Cecil and Estian were being all lovey-dovey while saying their goodbyes.
    * * *
    Apparently, Cecil was impressed with Irene during the tea party when she cut off Juliana’s words so she asked Irene to come to the palace to be her maid. Irene agreed and told the saint that she’ll be leaving for the palace. At first, Irene refused to bring the saint with her but eventually gave in at the mention of Kane. However, she could only go if she changes her appearance so, the saint cut her long hair and wore thick glasses that made eyes go dizzy. She’s been waiting for an opportunity like this for so long. She wants to approach and kill Cecil to ‘save’ Estian from her ‘evil’ hands. She thinks that if she kills Cecil, she would be able to possess her body and live happily ever after with Estian. She also thinks that once she takes over Cecil’s body, the original saint’s soul would come back because she needs the OG saint’s power and abilities to save Estian (from Eugendiv’s blood I think?). When they entered the palace, Estian had already left so the saint was looking for Cecil however Kane, who was supposed to leave with Estian but was held back by his work, caught her.

    This saint is just childishly delusional. She's so 2D that I can't even hate her.....:facepalm:
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2020
  4. Danigurl

    Danigurl Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    Yeah,the Author is delusi af.
    What if she killed Cecil, then she could not posses her at all, end game for her. (which will not happen coz for me, she's just a third rate vill./sorry:blobdead:/ ):blobpopcorn_cool:

    btw THANK YOU for the spoilers!! :love::love::love::love::love::love::love:
  5. akumajo

    akumajo Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2019
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    Thank you so much for the spoilers :aww::aww:

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  6. Hannah_GG

    Hannah_GG Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2020
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    So much delusion. What the heck is wrong with her head? :facepalm: I wanna kick her ass loooool. :blobjoy:
    Hyacinthrose33 and Poppopi-chan like this.
  7. yesh

    yesh Active Member

    Dec 25, 2019
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    Oh why Cecil's so different??? Is there a secret in her background or something??

    Thanks to those who will response.
    Epona C and crystalleciel like this.
  8. Spoilme

    Spoilme Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    @Poppopi-chan thanks for the spoilers and all of those who made this thread alive:blobokhand:
    In the previous chapter the saint uses her power to hit the dragon right? She hits the dragon with her power and the tower magician is like shocked to see her power. But the dragon survives it as it has a special ability named<Infinity repeat section> [lol that's the power that the author gave to the dragon and now she regrets it.] Cecil comes to find Tania and Estian and Estian is shocked to see Cecil as her clothes were disheveled and her hair was messy and she was hurt as well. He thinks that he didn't send her out just like that but so that she would be safe. Cecil thinks that he is about to get mad so tells him that he cant get mad at her and he's like wut:blobexpressionless: . She tells him that the dragon wouldn't die no matter how many times you kill it and that unless the dragon lord used it, It won't fall. Estian asks her how she knows about that and she shows him the ROMANCE BOOK that she found in the library:blobjoy: Again he is like shocked because how can the romance book be related to the dragon but Cecil tells him to trust her and take her near the dragon. So he carries her by supporting her waist and arm and takes her near the dragon. Cecil reads the spell that was used to seal the dragon the the book{the OG novel which is in her hands rt now} and a magic circle appears above the dragon's head and starts to bind him in chains. The tower magician dude is EVEN more shocked because it was a power that had disappeared in the ancient times. A little while later she successfully finds the dragon in the chains and the dragon is like "Sorry. Mom!". [Even dragons remember their moms in hard times lol]
  9. Poppopi-chan

    Poppopi-chan Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2020
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    @Spoilme @akumajo @Danigurl You're welcome! <33

    The raws I have are still halfway from the end so not much info. Just some fluff and crack moments.

    Kane was late because he was held back with work and he had to check on Cecil before leaving. As he was about to go, Cecil mentioned that she was bringing Irene as her maid which worried Kane. He remembered that Irene used to confidently call herself as the “future empress” before. He thinks that he needs to stop her if she still has such vain thoughts. He then suddenly remembered his last conversation with her. It was when he was looking for her maid (as she was a witness or something). He went to Irene to ask her maid’s whereabouts but she said that her maid actually stole her jewelry and ran away. Apparently, the maid was dating a ‘handsome snake-like man who eats innocent girls and takes their money’ and the man probably ran into a financial crisis so her maid was left with no choice but to steal from her. Unlike before where he would investigate further, Kane didn’t feel like asking anymore, so he just skeptically nodded his head and closed the case in defeat. (Not 100% sure as this is MTLed but I think Kane likes the maid/saint? When he left Irene's mansion he muttered ‘..I’d rather eat me.’ and then wondered if he’s any uglier than ‘that nameless bastard’ she was dating...yikes idk how to feel about this…:hmm:)
    However, when he heard a different story from Cecil, he’s starting to think that Irene was lying. He was about to leave the palace when he saw a familiar maid sneaking around. He followed her and when they were left alone, he kabedon her against the wall and confronted her about Irene’s story then asked if she already broke up with the man who ‘cheated on her after she giving all her money to him’. The maid/saint was confused and she unconsciously said that she didn’t have someone like that. He was satisfied when she confirmed his suspicion. He still has a lot to ask her but he doesn’t have the time. He clicked his tongue when a servant called him, telling him he needs to go soon. He doesn’t need to go because he needs to protect Estian, he’s going because he needs to protect the knights from Estian. He turned to the maid/saint and blackmailed her that if she does not run away and stay there by the time he comes back, he won’t count her sin as ‘obstruction of justice’ (running away when she’s a witness). She agreed and Kane left. The saint thought he was being hostile towards her because of Cecil and thinks that she needs to kill her soon. She doesn’t feel bad since Cecil is an evil woman who corrupted Estian’s innocence (LMAO :blobjoy::blobjoy::blobjoy: ). She remembered the time Irene was fuming after her visit to the palace. There was a rumor going around that the Empress attacked Estian and locked him inside her room and hasn’t come out after a few days. When she heard Irene say this, she had to wipe the drool on her mouth. She was happy that she included the word ‘Stamina’ when writing about Estian. While daydreaming, the door opened and Irene scolded her for leaving her side. As they were walking to meet the Empress when she suddenly realized that since she’ll be taking Cecil’s body soon, she could’ve kissed Kane earlier. She berated herself for not taking the chance when Kane pinned her on the wall. She was regretful that she missed the chance. :facepalm:

    When they arrived outside Cecil’s palace, a servant announced them but no one answered. The servant starts to worry. It’s only the first day since Estian left and something must’ve already happened to the Empress. Left with no choice, the servants entered the room. What they saw inside shocked the living daylights out of them. Curious, the saint went to look and saw that the Empress was riding on a silver-haired boy.

    15 minutes earlier…
    Cecil was waiting for Irene to come. She was anxious because she forgot to tell Estian about it but relaxed a bit when Kane said he’ll take of it. She looked at the silver-haired man beside her who was holding a mirror. He wants her to pay for making his face look haggard(?) and Cecil wanted to hit him but held back. Instead, she asked why he keeps following her and Richard replied that he’s bound to her via a spell so if anything happens to her, he would also be endangered. (“If you ever hurt your little fingers, my own fingers will fly away. Doesn’t it make sense if I stay close to you?”) Cecil decided to just ignore him and think about Irene. Compared to the previous Empresses, who took several months or even years to prepare themselves before becoming an Empress, Cecil only had a month. After all, nobody expected her to survive after their wedding night so she wanted to learn from Irene. She then remembered what she wanted to do ever since she got married--to ruin the Nabitan Kingdom. She wants to ruin her home kingdom but intends to ask Estian to spare the three maids who took care of her. She has a lot of memories with the maids but most of them strangely involves water. Watching the stream flowing through the annex, the water fountain being fixed, cleaning the dirty well, the pots and vases scattered throughout the palace to catch the leaking water when it rains. She realized that she must’ve had a strange water obsession when she was young. As she thinks about the past, Richard gave her a piece of paper. Written on the paper is the ‘character’ he wants to play (he’s still in disguise as a teenage boy). He wants to be a delicate slave boy from a defeated country who was being kept by the Empress. :blobjoy:
    “What the hell is this?!”
    “Isn’t this the best setting? You could even play your villain role.”
    “What slave? Our empire doesn’t even have a slave system!”
    “No, it has to be a slave. It suits you.”
    Richard almost convinced Cecil but she snapped out of it when she read the next paragraph.
    ‘--And at night with my beautiful voice, I would sing a song called ‘My night’s canary’ which would be about my and the Empress’ secret needs.’
    Cecil crumpled the paper and grabbed his collar.
    “This really isn’t part of your job, is it?! Why on earth do I even need this! There’s no such thing as a secret need! No, what the hell do you know about the Canary of the Night?! Don’t cry at night and go to sleep!”
    “No? Then think of something more convincing than this. Something that would explain why a little boy is following the Empress every single day!”
    “Can’t I just take pity on you?”
    “No, We have to stimulate people’s imagination.”
    “I’d rather destroy all the jewels I have than do this! Wait, why do you have a whip?!”
    “Yeah, I thought it would suit the setting.”
    “Don’t bring that here!”
    “What are you talking about? Here swing it high!” Without permission, Richard grabbed Cecil’s hand.
    “Oh, I also have to leave some buttons open. Or is it better if I take it all off? The chain will also be okay.”
    “What the hell are you even thinking?” Before Cecil could stop Richard’s delusions, he started demonstrating.
    “C’mon crack your whip like this!”
    “Don’t be shy! Take on new challenges!”
    “Okay, Will you get dress then? Irene will be here soon.”
    “Shall I take my pants off too?”
    “Listen to me!”
    Cecil finally lost her temper and took the whip from his hands, however since his body in this form is weak, Richard stumbled and fell into the floor. Right at this time, the doors opened. The people were shocked. With a whip on one hand and the other holding a young boy. The servants wanted to look away as if they didn’t see anything but the pitiful appearance of the young boy under the Empress left an impression on them. Cecil is exhausted. She thinks that Estian will definitely kill her when he comes back.

    I think Richard is the second ML or he could just be a crackhead. Either way, he's dead once Estian hears about the rumor.
  10. Meri

    Meri Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2017
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    What are they making her do lol
    Her character setting is getting worse.
    At this rate she'll have multiple personality disorder or something.
  11. akumajo

    akumajo Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2019
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    omg thank you for sharing these moments! I honestly thought Irene and Kane would be a couple but I think these two dorks suit better XD

    Richaaard omg omg HAHAHAH man, he is sooo dead, I know (y) I have seen a little but I know Estian is a very possesive character so I can't wait to see how he will react to that rumour

  12. veilan91

    veilan91 Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2017
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    based on the new mahwa chapter
    kane will be with the saint, irene will be with the wizard, ml will be with fl...so basically everyone get a HE.
    if this is true then i am utterly happy, because i really wanted a story where everyone do ends up with their significant others rather than mopping around till their dying age because of unrequited love for ML/FL xD
  13. newbornleaf

    newbornleaf Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2020
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    will estian and cecil have a children in the future? who is richard to them?
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  14. Spoilme

    Spoilme Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    lol we got a triple update yesterday (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡
    Cecil is like 'who the fork are you calling mum dragon' and a bunch of confusing things happened[She remembers the contents of the book or com thing like that but remembers that the dragon used to call fro his mum from afar(not sure tho)] Estian grabs her to protect her while the saint comes and hits the dragon with her power. Estian is kinda shocked to see her power because he had never saw something like that while Tania and Cecil are kinda admiring her[cecil had a hint of blush in her face when she saw that]. After the hit, The dragon is completely knocked down[lmao]. Cecil turns her head to look at estian and she sees a cut mark on his cheek and blood was coming out.She gets shocked and takes out a hanker chief to wipe it out but estian stops her and tells her not to touch him[because he has the blood that normal humans shouldn't touch. He thinks that there will be a misunderstanding that he doesn't like her but Cecil pulls his collar and kisses him instead lol. She does that because since she can't touch him with her hands, She just uses her lips lmao and she starts to blush:blob_blush:
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2020
  15. Leilacus

    Leilacus Zzzzz

    Jan 22, 2017
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    Hahahaha what kind of logic is that?!
  16. Yumiko Heartfilia

    Yumiko Heartfilia Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2020
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    Who is kane? who's Irene? Iam sorry iam not with names, since I read a lot of manhwa
  17. cookiecrumb

    cookiecrumb Active Member

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Caine is like Estian's right hand man and Irene is the villainess (the delusional lady who thinks that the emperor loves her) of the original story.
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  18. Yumiko Heartfilia

    Yumiko Heartfilia Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2020
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    I see, then caine will end up with the author of the story(saintess) , I saw him blushing in raws, and the blue haired girl will end up with white haired man, wizard?... Is that correct?
    Fictionaddiction likes this.
  19. cookiecrumb

    cookiecrumb Active Member

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Umm pretty much!
  20. seabreezemojito

    seabreezemojito Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2019
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