Spoiler Youngest Princess

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by emersy, Mar 30, 2020.

  1. 2D_radish

    2D_radish Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Anything on the brothers love life?????
    Minaeli likes this.
  2. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    About Rosiel, sadly nothing much about him :blobsob:. He seemed to be more preoccupied by Enisha than his own love life (as always :blobjoy:)

    Concerning Hellard, well he was actually engaged to Judith, the new queen of Elhark (the one with a personnality similar to their mother the previous Empress). But they eventually broke up :blobcry:. There was actually a scene where Hellard and Judith fight against each other for Enisha's affection (yeah Judith too loved Enisha very much:blobjoy:)
  3. Danigurl

    Danigurl Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    Season 1 just ended?? :cry::cry:
  4. Danigurl

    Danigurl Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    A big Thank you for the spoilers :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:
    mijikado likes this.
  5. apricotsoda

    apricotsoda Shy Shy Shy

    Jun 11, 2017
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    img is broken can you post it again?
    ReaderEli, AnniePoo and Danigurl like this.
  6. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Yeah I had time today so I translated a lot :blobsmilehappyeyes:

    First, she had to go to Zadkar's palace and stay for about a week. Then she was going to go straight to the Hyperion.

    To the Zadkar nobles, it was her first greeting as the Zadkar Queen. Enisha was a little nervous.

    “Will the nobles hate me?”

    "No one can hurt you." said Cahill in a leisurely voice.

    "That's true..." Even if there was a complaint, the moment she took it out of her mouth, it would disappear without the knowledge of a rat or a bird. If they wanted to live, they’d all be quiet on their own (i think she referred to her family lol :blobrofl:). But, Enisha still wanted to be a princess who is truly loved by the public.

    It was when she arrived to Zadkar's palace. In front of the palace were numerous hand pods and banners. People were roaring and shouting slogans and singing among themselves.

    It seemed like the members of the "Youngest Princess Fanclub" gathered from all over Zadkar. :blobparty:

    Everyone looked proud of the fact that the youngest daughter of the Hyperions became Zadkar's queen. At this point Enisha, now familiar, entered the palace with Cahill, while being careful to not be seen.

    But it wasn't over yet. There was an unseen building in the palace. The white marble building, which sprang up alone among the rugged, dreary Jadkar buildings, felt as if it had been removed from the Hyperion Imperial City. There was a large banner hanging over a heterogeneous building that didn't match the surroundings. But there was something new and crazy that really surprised Enisha. There was a huge snowman in front of the building. It was Enisha in Zadkar style robes. :blobchristmas:

    The snowman with his hands clasped on its waist was full of dignity (lol they put so much effort). Enisha lost her words and stared blankly at Cahill.

    “Did you make that?"

    “No way.” Cahill answered seriously. "If I had made it, I would have made a bigger and better ice sculpture" he said with a slight cramped brow. (Haha you are worse than the twins Cahill:blobjoy:)

    "My neck looks a little cold... ...should I put a scarf on the snowman?" Enisha thought.

    With a welcome from the giant snowman, Enisha began her career as Queen Zadkar in earnest.

    Although the wedding ceremony was already held in Hyperion, it was also scheduled to be held simply at Jadkar's palace. It was a short pledge ceremony in which the noblemen wore Zadkar robes and exchanged vows.

    Enisha, who was preparing for the ceremony, burst into laughter as soon as she saw the robes. It was because it had the same shape as the robe worn by the giant snowman. Wearing the same robe as the snowman, she held a pledge ceremony with Cahill. :blobjoy:

    Obviously, even though the wedding was over by the first night, she felt strange when she was actually doing the pledge. She didn't know it was because they were both wearing Zadkar robes. Cahill, who neatly turned his hair back and showed his forehead, opened his mouth looking at Enisha.

    "My heart for you is like a white snowfield, and I am not deceived." His fingertips touched Enisha's forehead. "It is also like the ice cap that never melts, so it does not change." And slowly came down and touched on her lips. "It will last forever like a great canyon that never ends." :aww:

    Finally, lightly touched the heart. Cahill, who had finished his vows, slowly pulled up his strength. The wind mixed with snow and ice encircled the hall, and a beautiful ice crystal was drawn in the air. More beautiful and elegant than any fancy decoration, everyone exclaimed at the sight of the ice. A small flower-shaped snowflake fell in the sky. :aww:

    Enisha and Cahill laughed at each other, facing each other in the full of floral snow everywhere. It was the moment when the Queen of Winterland was born.

    The ceremony was followed by a celebration. Not only the aristocrats of Zadkar, but also key figures from other kingdoms in the north visited Zadkar to attend the celebration. It's been a long time since a banquet of this size was held in the north.

    Enisha, the main character of the grand banquet, was looking forward to meet the royal nobles.

    Enisha's imaginary feast of Zadkar's kingdom was like this: ‘She thought that the nobles hate her, but they couldn’t treat her recklessly because she was a Hyperion's princess. But apparently there were some fearless and twisted old-timers. They argued with each other, shouting, "If you came to the country, you should obey the law of the country!" ‘

    But... ...nothing Enisha expected happened. Everyone couldn't even make eye contact with Enisha :blob_pout:. While Cahill entertained nobles from other countries, Enisha leisurely roamed the banquet hall. Still, there were people who came to greet her sometimes.

    A group of people was coming in. The eyes of the approaching women were fierce. Enisha's heart throbbed a little as she watched the scene with firm determination. “Am I finally seeing the bitterness of society?......! I've read so many books that it's like a battle under the calm water.”

    Enisha, a combat wizard, was also very curious about social battles. So she read a book by herself and imagined this and that, and worked hard on the strategy of how to respond to anyone's quarrel. But Enisha's operation has never been used. Because there was no one who dared to wage a battle against the Hyperion Princess. :blobjoy:The only thing that Enisha had never experienced was social warfare. She needed someone to deal with to use the operation, but there was no one to do it.

    It was Enisha who always had high expectations whenever she went to a banquet, but at the end, she always ate delicious food. (Well if it was me I would not complain in any way :blobrofl:)
    Enisha then fled to the empty balcony. She drew the curtains so that no one else could come in, and took a breathe for a moment.

    "Phew..." There was no expected social battle, but the celebration was still fun. The new experience always entertained Enisha. However, it was definitely fun, but one corner of her heart was heavily damp. Enisha looked at the night sky. The moon and stars were exceptionally clear today.

    Perhaps people were looking at the same night sky in their heads. She thought of her family and tried to shake off her melancholy heart, even by force. :blobpensive:

    Then she heard a knock on the door. She already knew who it was. After a moment of hesitation, she opened the door to him. Cahill on the balcony said nothing. Enisha just stared at him. He didn't ask, but it was the same look as asking.

    Looking at her with clear eyes, Enisha had no choice but to tell him the truth.

    "I missed my dad and my brother. I wonder what Beluan and Noxita were doing..." The feelings that she had buried in her heart became clearer as soon as they came out of her mouth. Enisha dropped her eyes sullenly. :blobcry:

    Cahill said, melting the cheeks of Enisha car in the night breeze ‘'Why don't you go away for a while tonight?’

    Her eyes glistened naturally. His words already made her heart pound. But she couldn't readily answer that. Enisha was now Queen of Zadkar. They had to fulfill their duties. And keeping the promise was the basis of the most basic, not to mention:

    " I promised to stay in Zadkar for a week..." She tried to pull herself together and refuse. :blobawkward:

    "What does it matter? Why don't we go back in secret?"


    "Enisha." Cahill called out her name with a serious voice, Enisha looked at him in surprise. "I didn't propose to you because I wanted to give you new responsibilities or obligations. I mean, I mean. Cahill stopped talking and suddenly sighed. Then he hugged Enisha tightly and asked "You know it without me saying more, don't you?"

    Enisha leaned her head against his chest. A beating heart sounded pleasant. She knew. Even if he didn't tell her, what kind of heart Cahill had... ...because he and Enisha were connected. Unexpressible emotions flowed into each other.

    Enisha whispered to him. "Thank you, Cahill."

    But Cahill replied with a sulky look. "Why should you thank me for this? If you want to go, you can go. Do you understand?" :blob_patpat:

    Enisha grinned as she looked at Cahill, whose eyebrows were raised diagonally. "It's just because I like to take care of you."

    Cahill's eyebrows, which were going up without knowing that the sky was high, fell down. He sighed, and said, kissing lightly over his lips. "Go now. I'll tell people on my own."

    "Not so irresponsible. Just wait and... ..."

    "You can be a little irresponsible." Cahill blew a snowstorm. The wind, mixed with soft snowflakes, swirled Enisha from its feet to its head. The dress and hair were fluttering. Cahill said with a smile. "Instead, you'll be back within today." :blobokhand:

    And in the blink of an eye, Enisha whistled to the Hyperion Empire. The scenery before her was quickly reversed. The cool night air turned soft, and the rugged buildings turned colorful. Enisha arrived at the Imperial Palace of the Hyperion.

    But Cahill sent Enisha not into the bedroom, but into the dark garden of the night. Close in the snow wind, Enisha, who was floating in the air, opened her eyes wide.

    A man stood in a garden dimly lit by the moonlight. It was Rodgo. He was looking up at the moon, just as Enisha did.

    His face without any expression was truly “cool”. It was so horrifying that the women in the palace, who did not know the beauty, would have fainted if they had met each other while passing by.

    Rodgo exhaled slowly. A long stream of smoke came from the open lips. Enisha wondered what that was, and the cigar was in Rodrigo's hand. The burning red light of the cigar glistened in the dark. After a long puff of smoke, he took the cigar back to his mouth.
    Enisha exclaimed. "Daddy!"

    The blurry focus became clear, and it turned to Enisha exactly. When Rodgo saw Enisha floating in the air, he was startled, threw away the cigar (Rodgo at least throw it in the bin! :blobthumbsdown:) and straight out his arms. The snowstorm died down just in time. Enisha fell into his arms.


    Enisha said to Rodgo with a grin “I'm here, Dad”

    Rodo hugged Enisha and became frozen. Enisha lightly tapped her finger. The golden mana flew swiftly and crushed the cigar that was flirting on the floor. The blazing embers quickly went black. "You can't throw the lit cigar into the garden!" :blobneutral:

    At Enisha's scold, Rodo breathed out the air that he was holding back and mumbled as he dropped Enisha to the floor.

    "If there's a fire, it's just a fire..."
    When he opened his eyes wide with surprise, Rodgo said, narrowing the gap between his eyebrows. "What does the garden matter?”

    “What if there was a spark on your arm?" Enisha glanced at him. But Rodgo didn't mind. Without saying a word, he just glanced at Enisha. Enisha and Rodgo faced each other for a long time.

    Enisha quietly blinked her eyes and asked Rodgo a question.

    “At the beginning of the year...... did you smoke?”
    “Just for a moment.”
    Rodo laughed. He put his forehead to Enisha's, and said softly. "I was weaker than I thought. It’s lonely without you" He thought it would be less empty if he smoked, so he touched it. :blobsneeze:

    A part of her heart ached. There was Cahill by Enisha's side so she could rely on for a little bit. But there was no one beside the Hyperions. Rodrigo and the twins were family, but they were never on each other's terms.

    Enisha squirted her lips, and murmured, pulling slightly at the hem of Rodgo's garment.

    "You have to live long and healthy," said Enisha, the only one on the continent who was worried about the Hyperions’ health.
    Rodrigo sneaked a smile. "If you're worried about Dad, stop by the palace often."
    “I will. Are you very lonely? Should I come every night......?"
    "Then you'll be tired." A big hand swept away Enisha's forehead.

    Enisha looked up at him in tears. :blobcry:

    Rodo grinned and said, "If you come to see me occasionally like today, that's enough."

    Enisha and Rodgo took a walk together in the garden of the night, holding hands.
    Rodrigo had a lot of questions. "Is there anything you want to eat or need? Is there anyone who bother you?"

    Enisha answered Rodo's questions sincerely, while also telling him about the giant snowman. "No, it's not a statue, it's a snowman."

    Rodrigo laughed aloud as he looked at Enisha, who moved her arms like this and that, as hard as she could to explain the size of the snowman.

    As they were talking, Enisha suddenly said “I think I have to go now.”
    “I'm going to see my brothers and the court mages”

    Rodrigo's eyes drooped. Enisha grinned at him with an air of apology. Then Rodgo suddenly grinned and delivered a very surprising cow meal. "Hellard and Rosiel are not in the imperial palace." (Hmm I sense a lie here Rodgo :blobamused:)

    “Yes?" She looked at him with my mouth slightly open, and Rodgo replied with some regret.
    "I've sent them out to work together."

    “What do you mean, the two of them?” It seemed like the first time. When the two of them were in sync, they did get along well. However, the work they were in charge of was completely different, so they rarely worked together except when they were working on paperwork.

    But what had you done to deserve to go out of the palace? Enisha rolled her head around :blobunsure:. No matter how hard she thought about it, Rodrigo stole a word from the side and broke the silence.

    "You're going to give Dad more time now, aren't you?" Rodgo took Enisha's mind off her with a sweet temptation. "Let's tell the kitchen of the main palace to have a late-night snack." (food = biggest trap ever :blobrofl:)

    Eventually, Enisha and Rodgo went into the main palace and spent the night eating together. Rodgo picked out the things Enisha wanted to eat and gave them to her.
    Thanks to this, Enisha was able to walk around like a duck with her full belly:blobrofl:. Holding a snack basket packed by the main palace chef in her hand, Enisha walked in a trilogy to digest it.

    They finally arrived at the Arcus Special Zone. She was sorry to wake everyone up because it was time to sleep, so she thought she'd just look at their faces. But that was Enisha's miscalculation.

    "The Supreme Court?"

    "The Supreme Court......!" Not long after coming in, Beluan and Noxita rushed out. Both looked startled. Enisha opened her arms with a silent smile.

    Then the left and right court mages came to Enisha at the same time.

    "I'm going to fall...!" When Enisha's body tilted, Beluan quickly took out the Pudding basket.

    “What did you eat?”

    “The fat pudding was as big as an armchair.”

    Recently, it suddenly occurred to her that Beluan had an advisory banquet with the twins. Although she felt a little uncomfortable about what she ate, Enisha sat and greeted the two.

    “I missed you, so I came” said Enisha,

    'Beluan and Nokshita, unable to put up with it anymore. Thanks to the large-scale Pudding, Enisha ended up being worn on her back. The three hugged and burst into laughter. :blobnom:

    “What, why are you hugging me like this?”

    “I really missed you.”

    The two of them were in a terrible mood, even though they hadn't seen her for a few days.
    "How's life in the North?" he asked if Cahill Zadkar was doing well without mistakes.
    Noxita also said, raising his eyes "If he shows his true colors now that you're married, then tell me right away, Supreme Court!" He vowed to turn the very north into a dead kingdom. :blobrofl::blobrofl:

    It took some time to calm down such Noxita. After both calming down, Enisha told them about the northern part of the country.

    "So now you're Queen..." Enisha nodded at the words of Noxita. And he added, "Dreaming."
    "I'm a little worried, actually. Because Supreme Court and Queen are different..."
    “I wanted to do well, but I was worried what if it didn't work out the way I wanted to.”

    Beluan softly said to Enisha with a sullen look."You don't have to be a great princess" He added, fiddling with Enisha's hair. "In fact, there will be far more people who want the Supreme Court to quit rather than play the role of Queen well. I'm one of them" :blobowoevil_horns:

    Enisha glanced at Beluan, but he was only calm. And Enisha, who had been shedding tears, burst into laughter, and three of them laughed in the middle of the night.

    Arcus and Hyperion signed a business agreement and were working on a number of things together. The current Hyperion, which has been in the forefront since its founding, is said to have enjoyed the magic of the Arcus by making the empire richer.

    But unlike the empire that shone day by day, the royal family was dying. Everyone's face was gloomy after marrying the youngest Princess.:blobsad:
    Hellard, who was having a meeting with Arcus's left and right court mages on setting up a large-scale magic crew, suddenly asked Rosiel.

    “By the way was His Majesty strange today?” For some reason Rodgo alone shone today. There was nothing particularly pleasant, but his behavior was so generous that it seemed like he had just met Enisha. :blobrofl:

    "Didn't he kidnap Enisha?" Hellard asked, swinging the flag pens like a sword.

    Rosiel, with a cold face, cut in half the flag pens Hellard was playing with. "Shut up, unrelated to the meeting, later" Rosiel snapped back. :blobunamused:

    Beluan, who was sitting in the opposite, talked as if he were passing by.
    “Isn't it because the Supreme Court came yesterday?”

    “'What? Enisha????” Hellard stormed out. :blobdizzy:
    Noksita, sitting next to Beluan, startled in surprise.

    Hellard leaned toward Beluan and asked urgently.
    "Did Enisha come yesterday? When?"
    "She came in the early morning..." Hellard sank helplessly in response to Noxita's reply.
    Rosiel sighed long. "I can't believe it..." It was the first time he heard it.

    Beluan asked Hellard, who looked down on the world at incredible news.
    "You didn't know? I thought you were meeting her yesterday because she came to see you." :hmm:
    Hellard said with a white face. "I didn't know... ...I had no idea... ..."
    Rosiel also became a soul-throbbing face.

    The twins fell into despair. It was a time when Enisha's love was floundering, wondering if she had cooled down in their back.

    "Did his Majesty lie to Enisha?" said Held, glaringly looking back at Rosiel :blobunamused:
    Rosiel's lips twitched slowly. "I suppose so,"
    Rodgo must have lied to Enisha that there was no Hellard or Rosiel. Not to mention the reason for lying. He must have wanted to spend three more hours with Enisha. :blobrofl:

    The thought of Rodgo, who would have shamelessly deceived the innocent youngest, sent their bloods upside down. But they couldn't argue with him. He had nothing to say when he asked back, saying, "You must have done the same thing." He would have acted the same way even if he was in the opposite position.

    "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...It's not living, it's not living... ...what are you doing living in a world without Enisha?" lamented the man. :blobdizzy:
    Next to him, Rosiel took a deep sigh, touching his forehead with his fine hands.
    Hellard shouted with rage. "What are we working so hard for! Honestly, it's all for the youngest!":blobtriumph:
    Hellard poked his side to Rosiel, who was exhausted. "Let's quickly make excuses"
    Rosiel retorted, annoyingly striking Helad's hand. "I can make as much as I want. But the problem is how to get to Zadkar." (Always so extreme haha:blobrofl:)

    A week later Enisha would return to Hyperion. Hellard and Rosiel hoped to fly to Zadkar before that and see Enisha. But long-distance travel magic took a long time to produce.

    At Rosiel's words Hellard looked forward with a very wicked smile. :blobamused:
    Noxita, who was looking at Hellard, grabbed Beluan's hem with an uneasy face as soon as their eyes met.
    "Here you are, long-distance mobile magic." :blobsmirk: said Helad, looking at Noksita and Beluan. (yeah you have some high quality mages just in front of you:blobrofl:)

    Rosiel's face was as bright as a flower. :blobsmilehappy:




    Nightly dawn, the bedroom of the Zadkar King, located in the innermost recesses of the Zadkar palace. Someone slowly showed up from the window covered with a thick outer window.

    The intruder who stepped up like a cat and crept in was Enisha. When she came in as carefully as she could for fear of waking up Cahill, a clear voice flew in.

    "Enisha?" It was Cahill, sitting leaning against the back of the bed.

    There was no drowsiness in his appearance.

    "You weren't sleeping?" She rushed to him, feeling sorry.

    Cahill rose from his seat and hugged Enisha as if he had waited. He smelled her face on the back of her neck.

    "It smells like Hyperion."

    Enisha laughed at what he said, smelling like some big dog. “What's that?” :blobrofl:

    “It just smells like that. Warm and soft...... “ Cahill took off Enisha's out-of-town clothes and changed them into night clothes.

    Enisha left everything to him and limped. She took off her clothes like she was peeling, and then she hugged Cahill and fell into bed. Cahill lay beside her, hugging such Enisha tightly. (Ok now I want a Cahill in my life :blobsneeze:)

    Enisha whispered to him with sleepy eyes. "Cahill... ...I brought something delicious from the Hyperion... ...and I brought a snack basket packed by the main palace chef, and I didn't forget to mention that the newly developed cream bread was really delicious. So let's get up tomorrow morning and eat together... …”

    Cahill replied with a smile. “Yes, I'm sure we'll eat together tomorrow.”

    “Uh... …” and then she fell asleep. She might have heard a laugh next to her, but Enisha fell into a deep sleep, ignorant of the world.

    Cahill stared at the sleeping Enisha for a while, then pressed lips gently on her forehead. "Welcome. I was waiting for you to come back.” Cahill, who whispered softly, fell asleep together quietly, embracing Enisha.:bloblove:

    The bedroom was submerged in the still darkness. It was an hour of peace and onew. Built only for Enisha, the star palace glistened alone in the dreary Zadkar palace. To the extent that all those who enter the palace can see that it is a space for the King’s wife. They slept alternately in Cahill's bedroom or in the annexed bedroom, but the official residence was the annex.

    Enisha loved the annex very much. From the foundation stone to the roof plate, it was all thanks to Enisha's taste. Especially for the convenience to magic researching, she liked the office with a very wide desk. It was just the right desk for drawing magic lines or researching formulas.
    Everything went as smooth as the wings spread, but there was one problem. It was that the lady-in-waiting called to attend the new Queen were having a hard time with Enisha. It was the same even now. She was in a state of extreme tension even though she was simply helping with the decoration. She was so nervous that his hands were shaking that the metal ornaments collided with each other and jingled. Enisha looked at the lady with a little anxious eyes. Isn't she going to cause an accident...?

    It was a time when she glanced at her because she thought she'd make a mistake. Things went off with a crawl. The woman, who was shaking, lost her jewelry in her hand. The little jewel accidentally patted Enisha's nose and fell off.

    In the unexpected attack Enisha gave a cry, and the lady boiled her knee straight away with a white face. :blobdizzy:

    "Sorry, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" The lady-in-waiting looked as if she had already been to the afterlife. She even tried to frown her forehead on the floor. :blobsob:

    Enisha hurried to dissuade her. After soothing the sly maid, She was completely out of my mind. The reaction of the Zadkar people to Enisha, was extremely divided.

    It was "I love you Youngest Princess" :blobnosebleed: or “I'm so scared that I can't say anything”:blobscream:. Perhaps the latter case is for fear of the notoriety of the Hyperion.

    Enisha vowed to work step by step to get rid of preconceptions and to be known as a gentle and benevolent princess. After a rough dress-up, the time was just around the corner. Enisha stepped out of the palace at a snail's pace. She was going to attend the Cabinet meeting with Cahill.

    Enisha is the Queen of Zadkar, but she was also the Supreme Court Justice of Arcus. She was thinking of discussing formal exchanges with Zadkar as a representative of Arcus.

    Suddenly, she remembered secretly watching the Cabinet meeting in the past. At that time, Cahill didn't seem to get along very well with the nobles. There were to be expected many hardships at the meeting.

    It was a time when nobles thought they wanted to use magic to give them a clout when they said something mean and nonsense. Enisha suddenly felt a sense of alienation and stopped. Naturally, the maids who followed Enisha stopped walking one after another.

    Enisha opened her eyes wide and looked around.
    The maid sneaked up and said with a very proud face. "I've turned it upside down."

    She didn't know because it was so hectic these days, but Zadkar's palace was completely reversed. The whole building had not changed much except for the annex where Enisha stayed. But the atmosphere has completely changed. It was thanks to the installation of a large-scale magic crew throughout the palace. Thanks to this, the inside of the royal palace maintained a slightly chilly level of air.

    It's not as mild as Hyperion, but it's enough to clean up all the snow piled up all over the place. However, the giant snowman in front of the annex had a separate magic pearl to prevent it from melting.

    As the air inside got warmer, the plants naturally turned green. With the addition of fresh green to the grayed-out space, there was no previous gloomy scene. It was the newly born Zadkar royal palace. As she looked around in admiration, the lady-in-waiting said: "You helped me a lot in Arcus and Hyperion."

    While Enisha was on her honeymoon, she seemed to have diligently picked up the palace. The maid said to Enisha, bowing her head down. "Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Queen"

    Starting with the lady-in-waiting's appreciation, other maids also greeted with a slight bend in their knees.

    It wasn't what Enisha did. But it was all because of Enisha.

    The maid-in-law spoke to Enisha with sincere eyes. "We are very honored to have your presence in Zadkar."

    Enisha's face turned a little red at the sudden greeting. The wind blew just in time. The soft wind, with the disappearance of snow and ice, swept away the leaves with a cool sound, and hair fluttered in the air. Enisha replied with a shy smile at the maids.

    "Thank you. I will work hard from now on..."

    At that moment, somehow the maids all became blank. The lady-in-waiting who made a mistake earlier looked at Enisha with her eyes out. She wondered why everyone looked at me like that, so Enisha snorted her head. Then, when she realized that she had no time for this, she took the maids and quickly moved on again. She walked diligently, but arrived at the meeting a little later than she thought.

    It wasn't late for the meeting. However, there were already people in the hall. Cahill, who was sitting in the innermost corner, jumped up as soon as Enisha came in. The nobles also stood up to be polite.

    Enisha walked to his side, giving Cahill a slight smile with her eyes. The Zadkar King and Queen sat side by side at the head of the table.

    Cahill whispered in Enisha's ear. "I missed you."

    They hugged each other and fell asleep last night. Today, it was Cahill who shared the snack baskets from the Hyperion Imperial Palace as soon as she woke up in the morning. It was only a few hours ago when she ate the cream bread. Enisha whispered a gemage in Cahill. "Me, too."

    Cahill kissed Enisha's forehead without hesitation. :bloblove:
    The meeting was about to start. Enisha glanced at the ceiling, then slightly frowned. She could feel something strange. Someone was entering the palace of Zadkar through a mobile spell. :blobunsure:

    It couldn't be an intruder. Ever since Enisha took over Elhark as the commander-in-chief of Hyperion, people who were whining about the Supreme Court were neatly exterminated. Of course, there may be some left, but everyone was now calm thanks to the proper display of the Supreme Court justice's power in the Elhark political arena. No one can attack the Supreme Court's newlywed palace.

    Enisha tracked down the signs that had entered the palace. It was gradually getting closer to the conference room.

    Enisha shuddered. Four adult men were crawling in through the door of the tightly closed conference room.

    Two magic tricks were used to hide one's presence, and a magic trick was used to pass through objects to enter the conference room. No one in the hall noticed the presence of four men.

    However, only Cahill felt something strange and looked sideways at Enisha, but the four men, who were tightly hidden by magic, stood side by side on the wall of the conference room.

    Then Enisha and their eyes met. Enisha blinked. But the people in front of her didn't disappear and remained the same. One of them said without a sound, mouth-to-mouth. And grinned:blob_grin:. Enisha touched their foreheads with her hand. They were twins and left and right court mages (Beluan and Noxita also came haha:blobrofl:).

    In the past, Enisha also had a secret tour of the Zadkar State Council under a spell. She enjoyed watching Cahill work... ...and they were doing the same thing.

    In front of Enisha, who had lost her words, Hellard grinned. Next to her, Rosiel gently waved his hand.
    Who brought the twins all the way here, it was obvious. Enisha just sighed while she was sweetening her lips. She thought that they should finish the meeting quickly. :notlikeblob:

    Pretending not to notice those clinging to the wall, Enisha turned her eyes to the other side as naturally as possible. Cahill announced the start of the meeting. The aristocrats came up with a number of stories on the prepared agenda.

    The atmosphere in the conference room was more rigid than usual. It's probably because 1 person who didn't originally exist was added. The Queen rarely attended Cabinet meetings.

    But today Enisha was not here as Queen. After concluding a few agendas, Cahill looked at Enisha. Enisha grew big, straightened her neck, and then opened her mouth.

    "As you all know, I'm also the Supreme Court of Arcus," and continued calmly in front of the gaze. "In the future, we intend to promote the magic exchange between Zadkar and Arcus. I'd like to hear your opinion on this."

    When she finished speaking clearly, four spectators shouted silently. :aww::aww::aww::aww:

    Enisha tried to turn away from them. Hellard and Rosiel had corners of mouth hanging in their ears. The two children were dying of curiosity because they wanted to know everything. But it was their first time seeing her speak as a Supreme Court justice in front of the nobles, so they had no choice but to like it.

    Beluan and Nokshita were also looking at Enisha with very bright eyes. Their faces were written just like that. “I've never seen a Supreme Court like this! I felt fortunate”.

    Their gaze was burdensome, and Enisha's earlobes were a little hot:blob_pout:. Hiding her embarrassment, she raised her head for no reason, and Enisha looked around the crowd. Anyway, she’d like to hear some opinions from the nobles, but everyone was silent.

    A slight strange blink of an eye, the noble in the frontmost seat said "How dare we give an opinion?"

    Enisha looked at him quietly. He was also a bother to Cahill during the Cabinet meeting, which Enisha had seen before.

    Shaking with straight eyes, the noble did not stop "I think it's overpowering for the King's Wife to be involved in the State Council"

    Enisha lamented in her heart. It was already expected that some rebuttal would be made at the meeting. But now they shouldn't have done that.

    Some aristocrats glanced round the entrance. Apparently the door was tightly closed, and it was because they felt a chill coming in.

    There, of course, were four men staring at the noble in unison. Enisha glared at them, who were already cutting him with their eyes. :blobcat_hyper::blobcat_hyper::blobcat_hyper::blobcat_hyper:

    There was a warning in her eyes that they should not do anything nonsense and stay calm. But she wasn't relieved. Her heart was pounding because she didn't know when they would break into the meeting. Especially whenever Hellard moved even a little bit, Enisha flinched.:blobscream:

    Cahill looked slightly from the side, and then looked toward the door. He seemed to have guessed the whole situation. Cahill held her hand under the table. It was a gesture asking if he could speak for her. Enisha patted him on the back of his hand and gave him permission.

    With a slight squeeze on her hand, Cahill opened his mouth.

    "The nobles have a strange logic," the eyes of the blue-gray eyes became limp. “Didn't you say you want the Supreme Court to attend?”
    “But before that she was a princess......!”
    “Not before, but after.” Cahill leaned his back loosely on the chair. And asked the question with his head up. "Would you have told the Supreme Court that way if she wasn't Zadkar Queen?"

    The nobles closed their mouths with rather angry faces:blobangery:, and Enisha swept down her chest. If that nobleman had stretched out more here, Hellard might have jumped onto the table in the conference room.

    Enisha, who imagined the scenes of aristocrats running away in confusion, felt like blood was dripping. Thank God it didn't go that far.

    Enisha gave Cahill a little wink and thanked him :blobokhand:. Cahill smiled silently. Is it because he spent a long time in the Hyperion Imperial Palace?

    The image of Cahill, who was just speaking in front of the nobility, smeared the traces of Rodgo. (Father-in-law influence :blobrofl:)

    For some reason Enisha, smiling with pride:aww:, was stunned at the moment. “Is this how the twins and the left and right court mages feel? ..? “ It was a moment when somehow she understood them.

    The man next to the old noble spoke. "Then could you bring the Arcus mages to Zadkar?" Likewise, the old aristocrat made a string of demands. Arcus mages were stationed to teach high-level magic and to work for Zadkar. Some of the demands for Zadkar were to install temperature-maintenance wizards in the royal palace in the capital's mansion. It took a lot of mana to maintain magic of that size, but it was nonsense to ask for each and every one of them to be installed in the capital's mansion.

    It was quite obvious what the plot was to make such a request. The capital was mostly the mansions of aristocrats. Enisha, who thought it was not worth an answer, suddenly opened her eyes wide.

    Beluan was so angry that he accidentally released the magic that he was hiding. Some of the nobles, who had been glancing at the door with a chill, saw with Hellard and Rosiel in orthodox ways.

    They saw Hellard and Rosiel, who's pissed off. :blobcat_hyper::blobcat_hyper:

    The aristocrats, who met their eyes, could not even scream and passed out :blobdizzy:. When the poor aristocrats picked helplessly and turned over to the conference table, the people sitting next to them jumped up in surprise.

    "Hey, look...! Count, why all of a sudden..."
    "Jacalon himself! Call a doctor now!"

    Everyone was trying to figure out what caused this. But as the sober Beluan quickly re-applied his magic, they could only see the smooth walls and doors. :blob_grin:

    Enisha pretended not to know, and Cahill turned his head to the side, with his mouth closed with his hands for a moment, while all of the mysterious ups and downs. Trying to hold back his laughter, he looked tired. :blobsweat_2:

    The nobles looked at Enisha with a somewhat sullen look. They seemed to think that Enisha did some magic harm. Looking at the eyes that feared her to be brutal, Enisha just covered them up as if they were. The truth was more horrendous. :blobsweat_2:

    Anyway, the nobles were quiet, and they didn't say any nonsense anymore. After that, things went smoothly.

    Enisha began to speak again calmly, and as Supreme Court Justice, she talked about a number of things Arcus could do. Although the left and right court mages had already come to Zadkar's palace and set up various magic troupes when they were bored, they exchanged envoys to each other, and promised to help by magic at a common sense level. The meeting ended after many twists and turns.
    As soon as the meeting broke up, Enisha ran out. Such Enisha was followed by four men :blobsmilehappyeyes::blobsmilehappyeyes::blobsmilehappyeyes::blobsmilehappyeyes:. Enisha, who reached an isolated place, boosted her mana. The golden mana covered the air and revealed the people who had been hiding as if they were removing paint.

    “I'm here, little sister!”
    “I'm sorry, Enisha.”
    “But the fly threatened you... ...and the four of us were making a fuss, and I couldn't even argue with anything”

    Enisha just murmured quietly. "The four of you must have gotten a lot closer..."

    "We're not getting close! We're just working together for a while," said Rossiel, who took a swipe at Hellard's words. :blobtriumph:

    "I needed a long-distance moving magic, Enisha." He calmly shook Beluan and Nokshita, saying they had the right tools :blobrofl:. Then he smiled coldly and said, "I can't believe the youngest I raised fondly had a conversation with such low-class people..." :blobdevil:

    Cahill, who had been chasing Enisha, arrived. The twins and the left and right court mages looked back at Cahill as if they had promised to do it together. Looking at the four men staring at him side by side, Enisha wanted to shout “Run away, Cahill.” :blobscream:

    Luckily Enisha got through the crisis. It was thanks to the suggestion that they go to see the snowman installed in front of the annex :blobrofl:. Enisha, who succeeded in losing their minds by saying that there were huge Enisha snowmen, led them to the annex.

    And they all watched the snowman in front of the star palace. The snowman, wearing a special scarf directed by Cahill himself, sparkled under the sun.

    Rossiel said with a sad face. "I'm going to put some jewelry in your eye over there..."
    "That's not bad!" said Hellard, nodding his head, and suddenly looking back at Enisha. "It feels strange."
    "What, brother?"
    "I see you being called Queen elsewhere and working properly..." Helad grinned and reached out his hand, tapping on Enisha's crown on her head. "You've really become a Queen."

    Enisha paused, and soon smiled. And said to Hellad, giving him a reply.

    “The crown looks great on me, doesn't it?” :blobhero:

    “Of course.” But the moment Hellard hugged her tightly, the crowd went wild.:blobcat_rawr::blobcat_rawr::blobcat_rawr:
    “I've come all this way, and I'm gonna watch Enisha hug you?” said Rosiel, shoving Hellard away.:blobangery:
    “What? You're so stupid that you don't even think about moving around..”
    " What, stupid?" Flame erupted between Hellard and Rosiel.

    In the meantime, Enisha was embarrassed and just laughed. After becoming Queen of Zadkar, Enisha's daily routine remained unchanged.

    Finally, we reached the end of the Second Epilogue. Only 1 Epilogue left (+ 2 extras) :blobwink:

    Yeah it seems so :blobsneeze: (so sad I want moooree !! :blobsob::blobsob:), they stopped at the part where Enisha received a mariage proposal so the 2nd season will surely be a wild ride :blobxd:

    rtmwng, Lumaera, yuriezzz and 49 others like this.
  7. Danigurl

    Danigurl Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    omg can't wait for the S2
    AnniePoo likes this.
  8. Danigurl

    Danigurl Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    Wait what? who's going to propose?
    Asia__ likes this.
  9. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Last Epilogue: Enisha's Foreign days

    Ps: If you are interested in Hellard and Judith's relationship, take a look at spoiler 42 :blobokhand:

    Recently, Enisha was working on a schedule that required even three bodies. She spent her newlywed life well, while she was busy.

    The time she spent with Cahill was long. However, the time they spent together under the name of a married couple was different. The biggest difference was that they slept together every night, and they opened their eyes together.

    "Uh......." Enisha woke up, splashing her eyes.

    Cahill opened his eyes naturally, as they were sleeping tight together. He smiled and hugged Enisha. Enisha said with a kiss on Cahill's cheek.

    “Good morning, Cahill.”
    “Good morning.” Cahill hugged Enisha and headed for the bathroom.
    The servants washed their bodies together in the bathtub that they had prepared in advance, and they talked about the tasks they had done together yesterday. (What tasks ? :blobamused:)

    "That posture was a little uncomfortable. I also has a backache."
    "I didn't know it was uncomfortable for you to like. I'll be careful."
    "Well, it was good... ...but” Enisha looked down at herself and shook her head. She looked at Cahill while looking at her body, which was covered with marks of teeth. "What do you think of this situation?" asked Enisha, pointing to her body that had become like a spotted calf. :blob_pout:

    Cahill looked at Enisha for a moment as if he were appreciating the work he had created. :blobsmirk:

    Enisha splashed water on him with a frown on her nose. Cahill said with a low laugh.
    "I'll be careful about this, too," said Cahill, after the two of them finished their baths.

    Even though it's a job for maids to do, Cahill could still smooth Enisha's hair, see the reading notes, set the viewer settings. He enjoyed drying her hair.

    “It smells like sunlight.”

    Enisha picked up a bunch of correspondences on the table. She was going to read letter swhile Cahill was drying her hair. Suddenly, Enisha found a letter with a strange name. When she opened it, the contents of the letter were even more suspicious.

    It was a strange letter of apology written in small letters: “ I'm sorry that I didn't know about Zadkar Queen”"I'll do well in the future."

    As she read the letter, she kept poking her head, and Cahill took it from her from behind. Cahill put the towel he was holding over the chair. And now, he said, carrying the letter tenderly.

    “It's a misclassified letter.” :blobwhistle:
    “It looks like it was sent to me.”
    “It's not, is it? It's a letter to be sent back from the maids, but it seems to have flowed in."

    When Enisha still gave a suspicious look, Cahill grinned. Then he clung slightly and whispered, fiddling with her earlobes.

    "Can't you just pretend you don't know, Enisha?" :blobhug:
    “Cahill." When she was at a disadvantage, she used to call his name and acted cute without honorific title. But now, when she lowered her voice and called him, Cahill only smiled.

    Enisha, who has been through all sorts of things in Hyperion, was quick to sense at this point. The other day, when she had a meeting with the Zadkar nobles, twins and the court mages came (see previous spoilers). The Zadkar aristocrats, unaware that scary people were watching, were running hard. The meeting was somehow wrapped up.

    But Hellard and Rosiel couldn't have let it go. After that, they must have roasted Cahill and made a fuss about it. :blobrofl:

    Of course, Enisha was just guessing, but the letter of apology she just read seemed to have been sent by one of them. Enisha contemplated for a moment. But she decided to just ignore it. It was because Enisha didn't like the group that cursed and interfered with her husband. :blobexpressionless:

    Enisha replaced the answer by throwing the letter of apology to the bin. Cahill kissed the top of such Enisha with a loud kiss.

    Pushing him away since he kept flirting :blobxd:, Enisha, who was quickly reading letters one by one, opened her eyes wide. She discovered a letter from Hernoir Academy. She quickly opened the wax seal with excitement.

    After Judith became King of Elhark, Ismione declared that she would quit her job as principal. However, she was still unable to quit due to various circumstances. Ismione, who is being held as the headmaster of the Academy, occasionally sent letters to Enisha. Always sending a full account of the story of the East, Enisha felt like she had received a gift when Ismione's letter arrived.
    This time again, Ismione wrote down this and that in pretty handwriting. Enisha, who was happily reading the letter, opened her eyes wide in the last line.
    ‘So, can you give me a one-day lecture as a special professor at the Academy?’

    Enisha unwittingly followed the impressive words.

    "Special Professor!" asked Enisha, showing the letter to Cahill. "Cahill, do you want to go to the Hernoir Academy? Do you have time?" :aww:
    “Will you teach as a special professor?”
    “I think so. Actually, I've wanted to try something like this. There are people I'd like to meet in the East."

    It would be perfect to give a short lecture at the Academy, and make a tour of the East. The person she missed the most and was curious the most about was Judith. Becoming Queen of Elhark, she was making a number of splashing moves in the conservative East.

    Judith, who was both fiercely opposed and enthusiastically supported, was one of the most sought people on the continent. And Enisha was also her favorite friend. There was already a lot of appointments she had arranged to talk to her. She thought she'd like to take Zadkar specialties as a gift.

    She was going to pack a bunch of things with her authority. Enisha, who was thinking about what to give Ismione and Harren, paused for a moment.
    Harren... ...a descendant of the great sage, used to predict every important route. And Enisha was about to do one of the most important thing now. She knew it was better to listen to Harren, but she kept putting it off. But it seemed like the time had come for her to ask no matter what the answer is. Leaving the busy Cahill alone, Enisha headed the East first. Cahill decided to visit on the day of the lecture.
    It was an impulsive decision to fly to the Hernoir Academy a day earlier. She came without telling anyone, but the academy seemed to had already been expecting a visit. As she crept into the garden behind the new building dormitory, Harren was waiting there.

    "Haren!" As she reclined her deeply pressed hat and called his name, Harren still gave her a propre salute:
    "Hyperion's third star, Queen of Zadkar."

    Enisha smiled awkwardly at the long greeting.

    “You knew I was coming.” :blobsweat:
    “I didn't know. But Ismione asked me to go and stand here out of nowhere......... It was not a day or two before she started acting strangely” . :hmm: "Would you like to walk?" said Harren, quietly mowing.

    Enisha took a walk in the garden with Harren. Harren had become much more mature. Out of the bright little boy, he looked like a young man. He was taller than Enisha now, and the atmosphere is calm. He became so calm that he felt like a prophet to anyone. Walking side by side, they asked about his life at the academy and whether he were being educated to become the next principal.

    But she couldn't even say what she wanted to ask the most. It was Harren who first asked Enisha
    "Are you afraid about the Arcus island?"

    Enisha paused at a straightforward question. But soon, she replied with a slow smile. “Actually...... I'm very scared” :blobconfounded: She thought she'd have hidden it in the old days. But Enisha thought for a moment, and just told the truth. "I'll have to lay the foundation, and the next Arcus wizards will continue to build the island... ...because it keeps failing. I don't know what to do."

    It was hard for Enisha to reinvent the island and make it float it in the sky. She has been looking for a meteorite that will become the centerpiece, and she has been experimenting with the Arcus mages day after day.

    However, the cause was unknown, and it continued to fail. Although she didn't make it obvious to others, Enisha felt considerable pressure from successive failures. No matter how relaxed she tried to be, she couldn't help it. Enisha laughed bitterly to herself. Forgot Avartia, she thought that the curse she last walked on had been destroyed in a pleasing way.

    However, the scars left on the wound had not been erased. A Supreme Court who destroyed the island of Arcus. It was a tag that would follow her all her life. And it was not Enisha, who was most distressed by the label.

    The mages of Arcus, the Hyperionic royal family... ...who Enisha valued the most were the most difficult and painful. :blobcry: She had to do it for them. However, it was not something to be rewarded unconditionally for hard work.

    Enisha showed her fear.
    “Can I?” the voice trembled a little. Enisha coughed her throat. "I'm afraid I won't make it to the end..."
    Harren inquired quietly while watching such Enisha. "Do you remember the prophecy I gave you in the past?"

    When she first met Harren, Enisha was prophesied. She still remember clearly the phrases of the prophecy that she had received at that time. Enisha slowly gave the last verse.

    "Always be full of glorious happiness..."
    "You remember," Harren unclogged the blindfold that was covering one eye. The eyes of the prophet looked at Enisha. What kind of future did he see?

    She waited for Harren's words with a little nervousness. In front of the pounding Enisha, Harren smiled gently.
    "Don't be afraid. Everything will be done as you wish" :blob_coffee:
    Enisha opened her eyes wide, not being able to grasp the ground and put quite a bit into the shaking heart.

    Harren said in a firm voice. "Now there won't be any hardship in front of Enisha"

    Her heart swelled. Enisha answered with a slow nod. “Thank you, Harren.”

    “Don't mention it.” But Harren added, “Oh, well, But there may be small hardships."
    "Little hardship?"
    "When the news of your coming as a special professor came out, the academy went wild. It was obviously a highly secretive issue, but how did it become known?” said Harren, with a small laugh, to the startled Enisha. :blobjoy:

    Enisha sighed heavily, sweeping her face down with her hands.
    “..It sounds like a great hardship." And by looking at the severe Enisha, Harren couldn't stop laughing for a long time.

    When they heard of Enisha's special lecture, the Hyperion Imperial Palace had a serious meeting. (Again ??! :blobrofl:)

    “There's one” said Rosiel. Hellard and Rodgo nodded. The three men sitting around the round table looked serious.
    The reason they got together like this was, of course, Enisha. :blobrofl:

    They all wanted to go to the Hernoir Academy. However, there was a mountain of work to do in the imperial palace. If all three of them were out of their seats, they’dl collapse together.

    Just like the Hyperion, the imperial family came up with a trick. Only one person could go to the academy. All three agreed to the cruel game of winner-take-all.

    The event was chosen as a poker, and the referee was decided by the left judge of Arcus.

    Beluan, who was caught in a daze, muttered to himself
    "Why would I do this..." :notlikeblob:
    "You're going to the Academy." Beluan looked at him with a little compassion at Hellard's grumbling.

    In Arcus, Beluan often went alone, all due to Noxita's laziness. Originally, he was going to go with him, but he delayed because he was lazy about Noxita. Beluan decided firmly to go to the Academy by himself, leaving a clinging Noxita asking to take him too.

    So he came to take the Hyperionic royal family with him, but somehow he was brought to be the judge.

    For the poor imperial family, Beluan handed out two cards, each of which was eagerly mixed. Then he laid out five cards on the table. The imperial family, who received the cards, fiercely examined each other's facial expressions. After a tense exchange of eyes, Rosiel covered his mouth with a card and smiled.

    "Then... ...let's get started."
    The three men's eyes flashed at the same time. :blobcat_hyper::blobcat_hyper::blobcat_hyper:
    Enisha's special lecture, which was conducted in strict secrecy, became a secret that you knew, I knew, and everyone knew. The Hernoir Academy had an untimely festival. :blobparty:

    Even though outsiders were restricted from entering, they somehow crawled in with personal connections and dog-mungs, causing the campus to be crowded. People from all over the country were even singing a song, saying that their Youngest princess was here.

    Enisha watched them closely and looked back. Ismione, who had kept her mouth shut and crouched, shuddered when their eyes met.
    "Oh, no, so this is... ... Enisha stared at her, dithering.
    Cahill, who was standing next to her, said on behalf of Enisha. "You must have been told to spread rumors about Enisha's lecture."
    Ismione quietly lowered her head again.

    Enisha just shrugged “Oh, well, it's good to hear it with a lot of people.”
    “But I'm sure the Hyperion has been rumored.”
    “Ummm......” :blobwoah:
    At Cahill's words, Enisha became serious. Since they don't see Enisha very often these days, they were the royal family who wanted to see her by making a number of cases.

    As soon as they heard that she was giving a lecture, it was obvious that they would be the first to run. Enisha had extremely realistic worries.
    "What if I can't lecture?" It was when she was talking anxiously with Cahill. Someone knocked on the door of the principal's office.

    Appearing today was an associate professor at the Academy who will assist Enisha. She stammered, hardened to the point of stealing. :blobdizzy:
    "It's an honor to have you, Mo, Mo! Well, I'm, uh, Yvonne! I'm an associate professor at the Faculty of Magic!" :blobtired:

    The girl with cute freckles was the face Enisha knew. She was a student of the same magic department at her in the past, and was an executive at the Youngest Lady's FanClub.

    She knew it. She remembered a scene in the past when Yvonne used to pick up and beat up the protesters against the youngest princess. And then she became an associate professor!

    “Magic senior!”
    “Oh, my God, you remember me.....”' Yvonne gasped with a faint look. After barely standing, she walked like a broken doll and guided Enisha. :aww:

    Pressing lobes to cover her face, Enisha walked with Cahill into the auditorium where today's lecture will be held. In fact, Enisha and Cahill knew the way, but she loved it so much that she followed along pretending she didn't know.

    When she arrived at her destination, Enisha opened her mouth to the landscape unfolding before her eyes. The front of the auditorium was no different from the market. (Always so famous Enisha:blobrofl:)

    Merchants selling souvenirs for the youngest Princess boiled everywhere.

    "It's an official product made by the Imperial Household of Hyperion! A product that's never easy to get, we're offering you a special price today!"
    “I have a fan for you! Zadkar Queen’s fan!"
    On one side was a large tent . They offered cakes and other snacks to those who entered the classroom as free prizes, and the package even contained the words, "What kind of princess?"

    Mages were fighting, tearing their hair out in the other corner.

    “You took my ticket!”
    “You're trying to trick me with magic! I bought a ticket!”
    “What is it? Don't talk about drawing magic without calculating the formula!"
    The scalpers were secretly wandering next to the scuffle. They sneaked up to Enisha and whispered. "I have a ticket. In the first row!!"

    Enisha looked at Cahill without a word. Cahill took the ticket later and headed to the quietly corner. Leaving behind the dragged ticket scalpers, Enisha gave a vain laugh :blobsweat_2:. That's why she wanted it to be the top secret... ...and things didn't go like this. Every time she went somewhere, it’d go crazy. Now that she was used to it, she wasn't surprised.

    However, she was worried that this might be the only way for her to give a lecture. It was when she thought she should get inside the auditorium.
    Suddenly, the noisy front of the auditorium suddenly quieted down. Then the people who were struggling began to sneak away one by one. :sweating_profusely:

    Looking back, Enisha had round eyes. A woman with a voluptuous reddish-brown hair was walking gracefully. She was the Sharp-eyed Judith Elhark, Queen of the eastern Elhark. :blob_sunglasses:

    Enisha waved her hand at Judith with her hat slightly tilted.
    "Enisha!" Judith melted away as soon as she found Enisha. The fever rose above the cold face. :blobmelt:

    Then, flash, light poured over the academy's blue sky. Something popped up covering the sun. It was a ship made of mana. The ship, with its full sail, slowly descended to the ground and landed in front of the auditorium.

    Very naturally, Beluan and Hellard stepped down from the ship. Everyone was busy, so it seemed that only the two managed to come.

    Enisha was a little concerned about whether to say this was a relief or a misfortune. And the incident broke out before Hellard and Beluan could even pretend to know it.

    Hellard and Judith made eye contact. Flames splashed from the close gaze. :blobcat_rawr::blobcat_rawr:

    Judith, covering her mouth slightly with her hands, opened her mouth first, saying:
    "Oh, my God, who is this?" She first argued Hellard up and down, in a gentle voice. "You are Hyperion's first star. Why did you come here after me when you must be so busy?"

    Hellard's lips were crooked at once, then burst out laughing and retorted.
    "Then you work on state affairs, what village academy have you come to?"

    Hellard and Judith smiled at each other, facing each other. And as their smiles deepened, the air around them became as cold as ever :blobchristmas:. Those who had gathered in front of the auditorium watched the conversation between the two men and women, chatting away in the distance.

    Everyone knew the breakup of Hyperion and Elhark. There was no such exciting spectacle as a conversation between ex-fiancees.
    Of course, they had to risk their life to watch it. Everyone was watching with trembling and curious eyes. :sweating_profusely:

    "Excuse me..." Enisha, the hero of the day, stepped up bravely. But as soon as she spoke out, Hellard and Judith came running to Enisha at the same time.

    Hellard stitched her right arm. Immediately after that, Judith stroked her left arm.
    So the two of them, each of whom took up one arm of Enisha, stared at each other again fiercely.
    Frowned between, Enisha tried to mediate.
    "Calm down, both of you... …” But to no avail.

    Hellard launched a very childish attack. "Your brother's better than a witch, right?”
    The child was also laughing, but Judith was very angry. “That's a lot of bullshit.”:blobdevil:
    “......what?” Angry Hellard rushed Enisha, jostling from the right.
    "Enisha, let's hurry up and tell the truth to that crazy woman. You love me the most in the world, don't you?"
    "I'm sure he has no culture, Your Highness." Judith, who delivered a noble reproof, clasped from the left. “Enisha likes me more, doesn't she?”
    “It's me!”

    Held and Judith looked around Enisha. And shouted at the same time.
    “Is it me or the witch?”
    “Is it me, or this stupid thing?” (LOL I ship them :blobrofl::blobrofl:)
    Dangling in the middle, Enisha sighed only.




    J enna, president of the Association of Continental Wizards, was very thin these days. It was all thanks to the decision that the youngest princess, who is now Zadkar Queen, would come to the Hernoire Academy as a special professor.
    Arcus' daily lecture was to be held in secret and made a surprise announcement on the same day. It was because of the popularity of the princess.

    If announced in advance, it would provoke at least an Academy explosion and the largest continental explosion. She tried to hide it as much as she could because she didn't know what would happen. :sweating_profusely:

    But Ismione, the principal of the Hernoir Academy, had a very itchy mouth:blobrofl:. She wanted to brag about the fact that the Supreme Court gave a lecture as a special professor, so she ended up having an accident.

    “This is something only you should know…”
    “...but I only bragged to a few of my closest friends.”
    “But like the original rumors, some of those close friends have bragged.” :blobunamused:
    “This really should only be kept to you..”. :blobsweat_2:

    But the rumor that had been spreading covertly ended up in Jenna's ear. As soon as she heard the news, Jenna was quick to get tickets for the lecture. Originally, the academy sold admission tickets that would allow outsiders to enter the lecture when a special lecture was offered.

    Thus, she was going to resell all the tickets she had been getting. :blobrofl:
    She bragged to Leshina, happy to be rich, but she said, "No!" :blobdevil:

    Unexpectedly, Leshina got angry like a fire. Jenna blazed her eyes with embarrassment.
    "Sister, what's wrong with you…?"
    “I'll take your share."
    “What are you talking about? “
    “A ticket to the Holy Lady's lecture!!" Becoming the chief sorcerer of the Hyperion, Leshina seemed to have become a little strange. (lol she still sticks with her plan to build a holy youngest princess Church haha :blobrofl::blobrofl:)

    Jenna ended up canceling her ticket plan.
    "Choose only sincere and kind children among the association wizards and hand out the tickets."
    "Okay," Jenna replied with a sullen look at Leshina. :blobexpressionless:

    At the sight of Jenna, Leshina raised her eyebrows and took out a cigarette case from her pocket. The two of them took one peppermint cigarette in their hands. Leshina snapped her finger and lit the cigarette.

    Then the sisters took a sip side by side and spat out the smoke. Jenna asked Lecina, with her chin up.

    "How's Hyperion these days?"
    "Oh, I don't know......." Lecina pouting her mouth and shaking off the cigarette ash. "I used to like it when I went to the academy with the Princess." Leshina, who was bragging about her childhood, murmured melancholy, saying, "I was the right arm of the Princess. It's hard to see her face these days... I'm sad, I'm sad,"

    Jenna said, kicking her tongue at the frowning appearance of Lecina. “But I hear you often come to Hyperion.”

    “Yes, but I’m busy watching the Arcus left-handed with the imperial family.”
    “You must be sad.”
    “But the Queen is happy.”

    Jenna looked at Leshina with a look that she couldn't understand very well, and replied with a wistful look. "She, yeah..."

    Leshina murmured, looking up at the sky. "I'm seriously thinking about applying for a dispatch to Zadkar."
    "You miss her?" It was a question that she asked, but Lecina answered with a single stroke.

    What's the point of further conversation here? It was obvious that she would only praise her Princess. Anyway, thinking it was serious, Jenna only sucked cigarettes.
    Enisha's special lecture was calm.It was all because of Hellard and Judith. :blobrofl:

    The atmosphere of the auditorium naturally became very quiet, as people sat side by side fighting for first place with fear on the continent. The crowd listened eagerly to the lecture, but at the moment Hellad or Judith moved up and down, they were shocked. :blobdizzy:

    In particular, those who sat near the two were unable to complain anywhere, and were just shedding tears without a sound. :blobsob:

    Beluan was not helpful either. He was sharply concerned that someone would talk nonsense to Enisha, when someone was a little suspicious, he immediately raised his eyes. :blobcat_rawr:

    Cahill was the best, but it was "even" to the extent. The best reason for Cahill was that he was out of Enisha's sight.

    During Enisha's lecture, Cahill caught scalpers from the outside as well as other vendors who lied that it was an official Hyperion product. All those caught were to be guided in the right direction through Hyperionic education. :blobrofl:

    It was fun to come back to the academy and gave lectures after a long time. It was all the more so because everyone listened to Enisha's lecture diligently.

    After barely finishing the lecture, a very unusual combination of the Prince of Jadkar and the Crown Prince of Hyperion, the King of Elhark and the Arcus left.
    They came to drink tea. The five drove Ismione out and took over the principal's office in a grumpy way. But the sinful Ismione could not even say a word :blobneutral:. She served them a cup of tea and refreshments, and then left.

    Hellard grumbled and swept sugar cubes into the tea. "I can't believe I have to drink tea with these guys. How hard I came here......!" :blobunamused:

    Come to think of it, it was amazing that Hellard came alone. Enisha was sure that everyone wanted to come, but he beat Rodo and Rosiel.

    Enisha asked him with ho-girled eyes. “How did you get here, brother?”
    “I hit poker.”
    “Oh, I should have seen you win over brother!”

    Helard, who missed one of his bragging points, was deeply sorry. The game was very fierce when she heard the story. Rodgo had a bad hand, so he gave up early, and Hellard and Rosiel played a real game.

    "Roshiel had three A's, and I had four seven." Rossiel's hand was a very good one, taking the winning percentage beyond saving.
    However, Hellard overcame the rare odds to win. Rosiel must have been quite upset, given that he lost in the situation he thought he had won all.

    Maybe he had thought about three hundred ways to bother Hellard when he came back:blobrofl:. However, Hellard was not particularly concerned about the future.

    "But I was going to go to Hyperion after the lecture..."
    "Because of the Arcus Island."

    At that moment, the surroundings became quiet. Arcus Island was the biggest and most painful wound for Enisha.
    So far Enisha has rarely spoken directly about this topic. There had been many times when she mentioned it briefly, such as doing research. But it's the first time she had ever talked so deeply about it.

    "I've come up with a new way of experimenting. Actually, there's a problem with the research on the Island, so it's blocked."

    The first step to make the island was to float the meteorite into the air. It was not easy to make it stay in the air indefinitely, developing its own mana. Enisha used all the knowledge she could to form formulas and draw magic lines. However, countless repeated attempts have failed. The study was stuck because the cause of the fall was unknown.

    Enisha held a warm cup of tea in her hand and proceeded quietly.
    "I've been thinking a lot about why I can't fly a meteor... ...and I thought maybe it's a matter of my mind."

    Magic consists of mana and magic crew. But by simply calculating the formula and putting in the mana wasn't all magic. On the continent, there was a flood of strange things that no one could explain, and the magic was the same.

    Circumstances that couldn't be counted by numbers used to happen. The wizard, who first laid the foundation of Arcus Island, was told that his magic contained pure wishes. He wanted to make a paradise for wizards. Extremely simple yet single-minded wishes have been the driving force behind the meteorite and the magic.

    But now Enisha's mind was complicated. The same is true for the Arcus wizards, but it wasn't necessarily just there. The responsibility to do well and the pressure to do it.

    Going a little deeper, there was also an indelible rage and sorrow crouching in the corner. All sorts of emotions were mixed up, and they were driven into a corner, trying to float the meteor.

    It might in a way be natural for meteorites to reject Enisha's magic. While talking to Harren this time, her thoughts became clear. To fly a meteorite, a fine magic crew and excellent mana alone were not enough. There had to be more than that.

    "So I don't want to do it alone, but I want to use everyone's power to fly the meteorite.I wanted to gather the wishes of others, because my own heart was not enough.” She was trying to fly a meteorite in front of precious people.

    Enisha smiled brightly and said "Please come and see if you have time." :blobpats:

    Of course, she might fail, but she didn't forget to add. After Enisha finished speaking, silence sank in the room.
    The first one who talked was Judith. She swept her hair away, and said, breathing softly.
    "You really are an adult now," :blobhero:
    Enisha blinked slowly. Somehow Judith had a slightly sick look on her face.
    Hellard, Beluan, and Cahill... ...all looked at Enisha with subdued eyes. :blobsweat_2:

    Hellard suddenly sighed loudly and opened his mouth.
    “Yes, well thought,” he said with a mischievous smile. "Let's not do it alone this time, Enisha," :blobReach:
    The meteorite's date was decided a week later. For Enisha, everyone happily promised to gather at the Hyperion palace, putting everything aside. Ismione and Harren are also expected to come. When she went to the palace, she was going to ask Del Harin and Leshina to watch.

    "So you're going to Hyperion now?"

    Enisha nodded at Cahill's question. She was going to spend a week stuck in the Arcus Special Zone and concentrate on her research.
    Cahill, the King of Zadkar, could not be away for a long time, so he had to go back first.

    Thus Enisha and Cahill were to go to the Hernoir Academy.
    " I'm sorry.... … it was a decision I made impulsively by talking to Harren. For some reason, I felt that I should do it now. It was an indescribable intuition.” So she decided to change the schedule suddenly and send Cahill alone.

    To the deeply sorry Enisha, Cahill shook his head quietly. "Don't worry, just focus on your research." :blobokhand:
    Enisha said she would take care of the urgent absence to come to the Imperial Palace on the day of the meteorite's launch.

    After the appointment, Cahill opened his arms. Enisha was held in his arms. The tightly hugged arms were cozy and warm. :bloblove:
    "I'm already looking forward to seeing it for a week."
    "Me too."

    Cahill breathed a small sigh and put his chin on the top of her head. He whispered as he pressed and played. “Don't overdo it.”
    “Hey, Cahill” asked Enisha, looking him in the eye. “Can I?”

    “You'll get what you want. We all feel the same way. And even if you can't make it... ..." Cahill kissed Enisha's lips short. He said with a faint smile. "That's not the end, is it? There's still a lot of paths for you and me to walk" :blobsmilehappy:

    Cahill was right. This was also just part of a long journey. One failure did not end life.

    “I'll do my best.”
    “That's enough for now.” Cahill firmly held Enisha's heart that he returned to Zadkar.

    After sending him away, Enisha clapped with Beluan and Hellard and headed for Hyperion. Upon arriving at the palace, Enisha faced Rodgo and Rosiel as well. I

    t was thanks to the two of them coming out to welcome Hellad. Of course, they didn't come to meet him with a good purpose. As soon as he came, they came out to grab him and throw him into the Office:blobrofl:.

    But the two men, who were about to stab Hellard at any moment, became as docile as a dog when they saw Enisha. "Enisha..." :blobsleepless::blobsleepless:

    Hellard, who almost got stabbed, hid behind Enisha in a shambles.
    But the wide-eyed Rodrigo and Rosiel were already not interested in what Hellard did.

    “Daddy! “
    “Enisha!” Rodo cuddled Enisha. :blobxd:
    Next to him Rosiel asked, with a raised face. "Suddenly what happened?..."

    Enisha told them the plan to fly the meteor. Rosiel, who heard the whole story, narrowed his eyes thinly.
    He murmured slowly. "Well, it's been a long time since we've done researches on Arcus Island."

    Smart Rosiel seemed to have noticed Enisha's difficulties from time to time. More than just revealing, Enisha was much more distressed and troubled inside.

    "I'd like for my brother to make it for you, Enisha," laughed Hellard, who was listening in the corner.
    Rosiel gave such Hellard a bright smile instead of cursing. Somehow he had a fantasy of adding a pile of documents to Hellard's desk. :blobamused:

    Rodgo called out her name when he saw the twins quarreling.

    But Enisha answered Rodgo. “It's all right” She smiled, gently stroking his gnarled brow. :blobokhand:
    “We're together this time, I’m not alone.” Rodgo breathed open at Enisha's words.

    Then without further comment, he just took Enisha to the Arcus Special Zone. After the twins and Rodgo exchanged greetings with hugs and kisses, Enisha entered the special section of the Arcus, which was covered with Beluan and golden hemispheres.

    Not long after entering the interior, the Noxita jumped out. "The Supreme Court" he jumped at Enisha's surprise visit like a wagging dog :blob_pompom:. She shared a short sea breeze with Noxita, and soon rushed back to her feet.

    Enisha had a lot of work to do. For the last week, she had to check all the formulas and make a new magic team. Beluan walked beside her and told her how much research had progressed.

    "I've done my formula research. Combining the Magic Circle used in the 9834th and 1,0672nd trials, and applying a new formula to it..."
    Enisha, who had been listening for a long time, suddenly stopped walking. Then she turned left.

    "Yes, Supreme Court." After holding Beluan's hand, she turned right again.
    "Yes......?" As she held onto Noxita's hand, the left and right masters looked down at Enisha with a slightly curious look on their faces.

    Two hands, one on the left and one on the right, were reassured. Enisha smiled broadly and shouted cheerfully.

    “Let's work hard!” :blobhero:
    The meteorite's day was sunny from morning. It was a day when the wind was moderately gentle in the clear blue sky, and whatever started was perfect. Enisha woke up like dawn and prepared magic in the palace grounds.

    And when the sun reached its highest point, the invitees gathered one by one.

    Enisha looked at the people who ran for her in a month. Somehow they all dressed up neatly. At first glance, Enisha smiled for a moment, as if she were doing a banquet. :blobmelt:

    As all the mages of Arcus gathered, the spacious vacant lot really seemed to be having an outdoor banquet.
    After finishing the work without a hitch, they thought it would be okay to have a small banquet together.

    In the midst of the crowd, the Hyperionic imperial family took the front seats. It was natural that they weren't the ones to stand behind from the beginning.

    However, Rodgo and the twins had rather stiff faces, as opposed to taking the front seat. :blobwoah::blobwoah::blobwoah:
    It was Enisha who was actually using magic, and they were more nervous. Enisha smiled at them. The three men who had been hardened finally softened up a little.

    Enisha last looked at Cahill, sitting next to the imperial family. Cahill nodded small. Without saying much, it was just a small gesture. But it was a solid trust for Enisha. With Cahill, Enisha could always spread her wings. He'd take it if it fell.

    So this time again Enisha was going to fly as much.
    In front of the crowd, Enisha thanked them.

    “Thank you all for your precious time” said Enisha with a playful smile. “Please pray hard for me” :blobhero:
    But no one laughed at the light joke. It was all because they knew what Enisha was trying to do.

    Enisha took the meteorite out of her arms and put it down on the lawn.

    Beluan and Noxita were on both sides. With her eyes slightly closed, she slowly pulled up the mana. Flamboyant golden wings sprung up behind her back. Following the Supreme Court, the left and right court mages also spread the wings of Arcus. With its wings spread in different colors, she raised her mana and felt the strength of gathering at the fingertips. The wave of mana caused her hair and lobes to flutter greatly.

    Her heart throbbed with tension. Feeling the beating heart beat, Enisha took her breath away. Glossed over the scarlet eyes. The wings of the Arcus folded halfway, and then spread wide. A dazzling golden light exploded with the spreading wings.

    The light that covered all sides soon began to rise as a pillar of light. But this was not enough. She had to pour out all my mana. Enisha took a big breath. And all the power was swept in. The mana that the Supreme Court poured out with all her might soared into the sky. In the middle of a huge pillar of light, as if piercing the sun, the meteor glowed alone, with cold sweat forming on its forehead. The raging wind shook the imperial palace. Enisha cried loudly.

    "Beluan, Noxita!"
    A purple and green light poured down on the pillar. The mysterious scene of the three lights mingling was beautiful. There was a great deal of mana to do anything, but Enisha did not let go of the tension.

    “Don't let your guard down. “ The formulas ran quickly through her head. She began to draw a magic pearl with her golden fingertips. The lines and figures were made, and they were intricately intertwined in the air. Enisha clasped her teeth together.

    Some memories flashed before her eyes. Crushing island, shrapnel of wings, screams of falling men. An irreversible past, an indelible scar. “Please."

    Without realizing it, earnest words flowed out. It was the moment when the hand drawing the magic line was about to shake.
    “Supreme Court”
    “Supreme Court......!”

    The voices of Beluan and Noxita awakened her spirit. Enisha opened her eyes wide. Things that were just invisible came into view.

    Judith, Ismione, Harren, Resina, Jenna, Del Harin, Arcus wizards... ...and her family, Hyperion and Cahill.

    They had eyes as desperate as Enisha, or perhaps even more than Enisha. For Enisha, not Arcus Island. The pressure that weighed heavily on her mind opened up. There was no need to succeed. It was okay to fail. Even if she fell down and roll, the people who gather here would reach out their hands so that she could get up again. So... ...just, if she did her best. A slender finger closed the magic box.

    As the surging mana shone loudly for the last time, and was soon sucked into the meteorite, Enisha bit her lips. Scenes of failures that had been repeated countless times have been depicted. The scene of the falling meteorite with a click was hurt. But the meteorite did not crash. Very slowly, but clearly, began to fly into the sky. Looking at the slowly rising meteorite, Enisha said nothing.

    With joy, the twinkling meteorite in the sunny sun was very small. But it was a great first step.

    Looking at the new star she had created, the third star of the Hyperion smiled ever more brightly. At this moment, Enisha was happy.

    THE END.

    And that marked The End of the Youngest Princess Novel. :blobsneeze:

    There are 2 extras left, but sadly they are not related to the main story. But I'll translate them anyways since the novel is so cute haha :blobmelt:

    Sincerely hope that you've enjoyed all those spoilers!
  10. elparis

    elparis [Panda Warrior]

    Dec 15, 2016
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    Thanks for giving us these spoilers, :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:
    mijikado likes this.
  11. Teremdr

    Teremdr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2020
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    Hi!! Where can I find the novel? Raw o translated
  12. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    You're welcome !! :blob_pompom::blob_pompom:

    So I just re-read the manhwa to find some informations about him
    The one who proposed was Scansha's Harkman (I think Harkman is the equivalence of Leader of the Scansha Tribe). They were mentionned in chapter 34 where Rodgo and the twins talked about the western Scansha and why they must be wary about them
    Anyways Enisha is still too young for this :blobsleepless:

    You can find the Novel raw on Kakaopage (1 free chapter every 24 hours)
    And if you can't access to Kakao (like me :blob_pout:) you can buy it on Ridibooks by tapping the korean name (막내 황녀님) :blobokhand:
  13. Natalie chau

    Natalie chau New Member

    Aug 9, 2020
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    Waiting your extras, thanks for your spoilers. It so cute :blobsmilehappyeyes:
    ReaderEli and mijikado like this.
  14. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Here's the 2 extras ! Enjoy!

    This is a special edition of the modern version that has nothing to do with the original one.
    The best actor of our time was, of course, Enisha, who was turning TV channels around and stopped the remote control when a familiar face appeared.

    She laid down on the sofa and watched the program while eating wahjak cookies.

    “He's my favorite actor.”
    “He had been a revolution ever since his debut. The great actor whose title now suited him best…” The panelists eagerly exchanged explanations with Rodgo's latest pictorial on the screen.

    As a single father, I decided to raise my children off Screen.”

    People praised him for his charismatic acting skills and his ability to perform all the actions that even professional stuntmen find difficult. They not only talked about the film, but also about Rodgo's personal life.
    After a big fight with the former head of the agency, Rodgo moved to another agency. It was a new entertainment company founded by his second son, Rosiel.

    “There was a lot of talk in this process.”
    “The reason he fought with the head of his former agency was…”
    “ ...the youngest daughter, right?” (like always :blobxd:)
    “Is she ten years old this year?”
    “Yes. But the former CEO keeps trying to get his youngest daughter on the show”

    Enisha, who was dipping vegetable-flavored snacks in ketchup, paused for a moment. She also had vivid memories of what happened then. The boss was anxious to get Enisha into the entertainment business. But Rodgo didn't want Enisha to step into the entertainment business, and politely refused. The president insisted on making her debut even after that, and later even tried to use her as a marketing tool.

    Angered by the president's behavior, Rodrigo paid a huge penalty and broke the contract. And Rosiel set up his own agency and started working with Rodgo. Although there were many predictions that he would fail the management, Rosiel actually showed an outstanding talent.

    He later hired Hellard (lol Hellard signing I can't :blobrofl:) to debut as an idol group. He's his brother and Rodgo's first son. Rosiel "gently" twisted Hellard, who didn't want to do it, to debut as an idol.

    Hellard gained a huge popularity as soon as he debuted. The funny thing was that he first made his debut with Rodo as a secret. Although he said he didn't want to get involved with his father, he was recognized quickly because their faces and auras were so similar.

    “So the movie come out with a father and a son?”
    Although he is extremely popular as an idol, the panel continued to say that he made his first screen debut as an actor this time to see if he could follow his father’s footsteps.

    “Father and son's honey chemistry has a lot of influence on the audience.”
    “Yes, the Father and Son are well-received, and fans are asking how they could exchange their lines so well. “

    Enisha recalled how Hellard came home and practiced hard with the script. Hellard wasn't very interested in acting, but as soon as Rosiel got a call, he accepted it.
    Later, when he found out that he was in the same movie as Rodgo, Hellard fought Rosiel all week :blobcat_hyper:. But when he finally decided to appear, he practiced harder than anyone else.

    The memory of digging up the script was vivid, saying,
    "I had a lot of abuse because it was an idol parachute casting," and "I should do well."

    People who used to swear became quiet after the movie was released. As Enisha crumpled up the bag of cookies she had eaten and was putting it in the trash, her cell phone rang.

    It was a call from Rosiel.
    “Enisha, are you home?” At the sound of honey dripping, Enisha replied:
    "Yes, sir."
    “Yeah, everything okay? Keep your phone off. “
    "Why?......aah. They’ve caused trouble again.”

    As soon as Rosiel sighed, Enisha sensed the fact that Rodgo and Hellard had a problem (again :blobrofl:).

    “Don't answer the manager's call.” At Rosiel's words, Enisha said yes once and ended the call.

    And as soon as she hung up, she got a call from the manager like a ghost.

    “Oh, Enisha, please help me one more time... “
    At the tearful, sobbing words Enisha said, narrowing the gap between her eyebrows. "Rosiel says no."
    “Eh, Enisha....!” cried the manager urgently. “How about this new game console? I'll get you an expansion pack!!”

    Enisha blinked for a moment. If it was a new game console, she wanted to buy it, but she couldn't get it because it was sold out. She just forgot because she was lazy, but now she suddenly want to have it again. :blobxd:

    “Okay, where should I go?”
    “Thank you! Thank you so much!! It's the M broadcasting station. Should I send a car?”

    "No. I'll come with Cahill." Enisha hung up and texted Cahill.

    Cahill was the first private security guard Rodgo hired as soon as he became famous. He was not Rodgo, but Enisha's bodyguard, because entertainment reporters and extreme fans were looking for Enisha.

    During the early days of Rodgo's popularity, Enisha fell and was injured by fans who flocked to her house. At that time, Rodrigo showed his perfect silver temper, and after that, there was a miracle that all his fans disappeared cleanly.

    Anyway, since then the bodyguard that Rodrigo hired for Enisha was Cahill. She was very close to Cahill because she had been with him for a long time. Wearing jeans and a generous oversized hoodie, Enisha put her cellphone in her hoodie pocket and waited for Cahill. (wait you can hire a minor as a bodyguard now? :hmm:)

    It wasn't long before Cahill came to see Enisha. He opened the door of the car, checked the seat belt carefully, and then started.

    "Let's go to the M station."
    "......I actually got a call from the CEO."
    Enisha pout out her mouth to Cahill, who said he didn’t wanted to take Enisha to the station.

    "Am I important, or is Rossiel more important?”
    “Of course it's Enisha.”
    “Let's go then. I've decided to take the game console"

    Cahill drove to the M station without complaining anymore. The front of the station was crowded with people, and it felt unusually crowded today. Most of them were fans of Rodgo and Hellard.

    Rodgo, who usually rarely makes TV appearances, appeared on entertainment shows with Hellard to promote the film. He must have been working hard in the studio inside the broadcasting station.

    Enisha got off the back door, but there were already fans there. Cahill, familiarly, hugged Enisha and headed for the station building. While traveling the short distance, fans who recognized Enisha began to take pictures. Fans with a large camera like a cannon shot only Enisha as another celebrity passed by.

    “Enisha! Look here, Enisha!” :aww:
    “Oh, you're cute again today. Crazy, really......"
    "Oh, you came to see your baby daddy and your brother?"

    Enisha waved to the fans and pretended to know them while hugging Cahill. Fans quickly uploaded photos to social media while taking such pictures.

    -> (Hahaha. I'm so grateful today. )
    -> (▶ On my way to work and I saw Enisha.)
    -> (I'm crying.) :blobsneeze:

    Even the bodyguard was handsome. Since Enisha is here, the CEO will come today. Enisha was the only target of Rodgo and the twins. Often summoned to the brink of crisis, Enisha made several appearances in front of Rodo and Hellard fans.
    The cute Enisha, who looked just like her father and brother, literally blew up in one shot.

    Thus, the so-called "family fanaticism," including Enisha, Rosiel, and even Cahill, became fashionable. :blobrofl:After being known, Enisha became more famous than most celebrities.

    Saying goodbye to the fans for the last time, Enisha joined Cahill and the broadcasting station. As soon as she entered the station, she saw the manager on the first floor anxiously hovering around.

    The manager looked at Enisha and came running with delight. On the way to the waiting room, she heard that one of the MCs offended Lord Rodgo and Lord Hellard during the filming.

    Thanks to this, both of them left the studio and were refusing to film.

    “What did the MC say?”
    “That's...... she was talking about you......”

    Enisha frowned. Rodrigo and Hellard's least favorite thing to do was to ask questions about Enisha. They wanted to protect her from attracting attention to the entertainment industry, but the MC seemed to have asked the question even after the pre-meeting.

    When the first question came up, Rodrigo and Hellard laughed and said let's talk about something else. But he kept asking about her.

    "So it went crazy, well... ...I only trust you, Enisha," said the manager with a deep sigh, and Enisha reminded him not to forget the game console.

    Upon arriving in front of the waiting room, as soon as the manager knocked, there was a sound from inside telling him to get off. The manager opened the door in a light disregard.

    "Didn’t I tell you to go...! Enisha?" The screaming Hellard opened his eyes wide. :blobsleepless:

    Rodgo, who was inside, also popped out quickly when he saw Enisha.

    Rodgo quickly reached out to Cahill for Enisha, but Enisha turned her head back.

    "Eh, Enisha..."
    "Why aren't you filming?" said Enisha generously to Rodgo, who looked shocked :blobwoah:

    "That's, no, the MC..."
    "No matter how much! All the staff members are waiting. “
    “It's the MC's fault"
    "Daddy, brother, you're so mean. How can you work that way to feed me?" :blobpensive:

    Rodrigo and Hellard reflected gently on what little Enisha said. While the two were in the midst of nagging, a handsome man in a neat suit walked in from afar.

    “I knew this would happen”
    “Rosiel brother!”

    Rosiel, who eventually came to the station, hugged Enisha and looked at Rodo and Hellard with pathetic eyes.
    "Please kill your temper. You always call Enisha. Does this work? Hellard, you too. “
    “Oh, okay! I'll shoot it" said Held, who spat out the surrender declaration, stealthily. “What are you going to do now......?” :blobastonished:

    “I'm going to play with Enisha. I'll wait until the shoot is over, so do it quickly." Rosiel slowly disappeared with Cahill, hugging Enisha.

    Rodrigo and Hellard were all in a sincere manner at any time to go see Enisha as soon as possible. Thanks to this, the shooting ended in a warm atmosphere. And on that day, the festival was held on SNS with pictures of Rodo's family on their way home from work. :blobmelt:
    One day, Enisha suddenly thought she should be an empress. So she gathered the royal family and declared.
    "From today on, I am the empress!" Then no one objected. Enisha became empress. :blobrofl:
    “Can I do this? It's too easy. “ When she became an emperor at a word, she wondered if it was okay. But there was already no turning back.

    Rodgo himself took off the crown and put it on Enisha's head. To Enisha, who wore the crown with a puzzled look, he was the first to be flattered.

    "Congratulations on your ascension to the throne, Your Majesty" Said Rorgo, who greeted Empress Enisha faster than anyone else. :blobmelt:
    Hellard and Rosiel, too, sensibly boiled their knees in front of Enisha. "We will be loyal, too!"
    "The crown looks really good on you, Your Majesty."

    Rodgo and the twins made Enisha empress and shared their seats on their own. Thus, under the youngest empress, three masterpieces were born anew. Hellard in the military, Rosiel in political diplomacy, and Rodgo in all state affairs.

    It was very natural to see them kicking themselves in each of those positions as if they had been waiting. Enisha questioned for a moment, but soon accepted that was good. Anyway, Enisha was the empress from today!
    Enisha, who became empress, sat pleasantly on the golden throne. A red cloak with white fur, wearing a slightly larger crown.

    Rosiel, who saw the figure, stopped his mouth for a momentarily. He then calmly called in various artists, including painters, sculptors, musicians, and poets, and ordered them to record the appearance of the youngest empress. Everyone was impatient :aww:. Enisha was a little shy, but she also endured it because she thought it was an empress' duty.

    After the recording session was over, the training began in earnest. Having suddenly ascended to the throne, Enisha was not yet aware of the position of the emperor, and the three rich men prepared a thorough customized education for such Enisha.

    Rosiel said Enisha's greatest lack as an emperor was dignity:
    "You are the sun of Hyperion, so you must have a proper dignity." :blobsalute:
    At the word of dignity, Enisha, seated on the throne, raised her chin proudly for now. The The three Hyperion men applauded enthusiastically.

    "It's like the Emperor of Hyperion. The emperor, the emperor,"
    Enisha grew sullen by Hellard's praise.

    Rosiel also praised Enisha, but he also did not forget to say harsh things. "Great, Your Majesty. But it's still a little short"
    Enisha asked with her eyes wide open. “What should I do?”
    “There's a good way. To have perfect dignity as emperor..." said Rosiel, with a evil glare in his eyes. "To be a tyrant," :blobrofl:

    Rossiel gently persuaded Enisha, saying, "You will be reborn as a wicked woman and become a tyrant empress." :blobokhand:

    By all means, Hyperion had always been a villain. In order to become the empress of Hyperion, she had to have a sense of intimidation by tapping a person, a fierce look that made him faint just by passing by, and a violent voice that made him run away just by looking at the shadow. But Enisha was never confident in that. Enisha inquired anxiously:

    “What happens to the tyrant?”
    “Don't worry, Your Majesty” said Rodgo, with a wry smile. "Isn't there a former tyrant here?" (lol don't be so proud about it Rodgo :blobjoy:) Rodgo, who said that, seemed very reliable.

    Enisha decided to go on trusting Rodgo. Thus, under the enthusiastic education of the Hyperion Triad, Enisha, the tyrant wannabe, worked hard to become an evil woman.

    Rosiel, wearing silver-rimmed glasses, said as Professor.

    "Come on, Your Majesty. Your servants talk nonsense? So what did you say?"
    Enisha snapped down a pile of fake paper towers with one hand. And shouted bitterly with the pouring papers. "Do you want to die! You're all dead!!"

    She said she was going to scare them, but it seemed like she failed. It was because Rodgo and Hellard, who were watching in front of her, blocked their mouths with their hands and trembled. Both were busy holding back their laughter. When she saw Rosiel, he was in a similar situation. He held back his laughter by biting his lower lip, and had a face that was so cute that he could die. :blobxd:

    Enisha was sullen. "As expected, no dignity..." :blob_pout: she practiced hard by herself last night, but it didn't seem to work.

    Hellard, still struggling with the ordeal of holding back laughter, gasped and said.
    "No, it's dignified, but let's do something else."

    Hellard brought a big teddy bear and put it in front of Enisha. It was a teddy bear who would play the role of a royal servant.

    "Here's the teddy bear. But this thing made a terrible mistake, so what should you do?"
    "Let's do well next time..."
    "No, don't you have to slap it on the cheek!" Hellard said, "You have to reprimand it so hard that it won't do it again."

    She don't know how to slap, but she thought it would be okay to just go all the way because her opponent is a teddy bear. Enisha boosted her horsepower for now. Then she punched the teddy bear in the face. With a brilliantly swirling golden mana, the teddy bear burst with a bang. Ripped pieces of cloth and white cotton wool were scattered everywhere. :blobflag:

    The trilo eventually couldn't hold back their laughter. Hellard clasped as he rolled over the floor.
    "Wow, Your Majesty, aren't you a real tyrant? You're worse than I am." :blobrofl:

    She certainly did as she was told, but she must have worked too hard. In addition, Enisha was educated in this and that tyrant. Of course, most of the education ended in a flurry of laughter. But if she think about it carefully, she think she learned something. After the training, Rodo brought her uniform.

    "Now that you seem to be roughly prepared..." said Rodgo, who hung the uniform of commander-in-chief over Enisha's shoulder, in a voice of great nonchalance. "As expected, shouldn't we start the conquest?"

    "It's all over the continent."
    "Isn't that a big deal?" Enisha jumped in surprise.

    Enisha wasn't a little confident, but she went to war, believing only in the Three Hyperion. Indeed, the Three of them were right. The moment they saw Enisha's face, everyone boiled their knees, and every moment of Enisha's majestic utterance, all eyes were bathed and touched. :aww:

    Thanks to the special training for the tyrant, everyone seemed to be shaking with fear. With the triumph of a series of victories, Enisha continued her conquest with confidence. The youngest emperor's continental conquest was simply smooth sailing rum.

    But now that the political bees that were stretching out are on the rocks for the first time. It was Arcus, the Kingdom of Heavenly Hall. The Arcus, who roamed the skies of the continent on the island, rebelled against the reckless political violence of Hyperion.

    Enisha decided to meet with the Arcus wizards and talk to them. On the day of the talks, the two mages represented Arcus came. They each introduced themselves as Beluan and Noxita.

    One was cold, the other had a blind, dazed impression. The blind child hid behind the cold child and was distracted from staring at Enisha with a fleeting glance. The cold-hearted child did not show any sign, but he could not take his eyes off Enisha. :blobxd:

    Enisha sighed inwardly. “Phew... ...you fall in love with me again…” :blobconfused:But strangely enough, Enisha also liked the Arcus wizards. So she made a bold proposal.

    "You! Be my colleague,"

    Everyone was startled by the sudden remark. But the Arcus mages answered as if they had been waiting.
    “Glory!” :blobparty:
    “I want to be a colleague......” :blob_pompom:
    Enisha got the Arcus mages!

    The youngest empress, who won Arcus, had nothing more to go through. They conquered the central, eastern and southern regions and set out to conquer the northern regions. In the northern part of the continent, Zadkar Kingdom was in power.

    But in front of the youngest empress, it was like a candle in front of the wind. Enisha swept the North away at once, and the Imperial Highness of Zarkar was blown away by the Hyperion Imperial Palace.

    The King of Zadkar, who had been fiercely rebellious until the end, was entangled by a rope and presented before Enisha. Enisha sat in a high chair, looking down at him and ordering.

    "Hold your head,"
    The king, who was boiling his knee, then slowly lifted his face. With silvery gray hair dripping down, the transparent blue-gray eyes looked at Enisha. With such a beautiful appearance as an ice crystal, Enisha admired: :aww:
    "Well, you're handsome."

    There were so many handsome men around her that the youngest empress didn't budge on the most handsome men.

    However, he was so beautiful that he could be satisfied with the eyes of the youngest empress.

    "You," said Enisha, a little shy, after she coughed in vain. "Be my emperor from today. Then I won't let the Kingdom of Zadkar being invaded" :blobmelt:

    The King of Zadkar blinked slowly. Then, without a moment's hesitation, he answered with a faint blush.
    "I'll be the emperor. If you also want the Duchy, invade as much as you like" :blobbunny:
    The King clung to Enisha's side (lol Cahill just a moment ago you fought so bravely :blobrofl:).

    .Something was strange, but as promised, Hyperion let Zadkar escape the invasion of the Empire.
    Thus, King of Zadkar, Cahill Zadkar, became the protector of the country with his outstanding beauty.




    Awaked Enisha blinked with a disheveled face. And muttered blankly.

    "What, this dog dream... ...was such a strange and shameful dream that I couldn't say anything else.” The problem was that it wasn't very unrealistic either. Enisha, who was thinking about the dream, swept her face with her dry hands. :facepalm:

    She thought she'd have to get herself together after drinking cold water, but the door opened.

    "Enisha, are you up?”
    "Let's have breakfast together this morning."Hellard and Rosiel stormed into the room excitedly.

    Enisha casually asked the two excited people,
    "Do you want to make me an empress, my brothers?"

    As soon as the question fell, both hardened. Then they asked, shining their eyes. :aww::aww:

    “Why, do you want to be our Enisha empress?”
    “Do you want to be the empress? Hey, let's be the empress. It looks good on you."

    She knew this would happen. In front of the enthusiastic twins, Enisha murmured with a deep sigh. "I don't think I can do the empress..."

    As expected, Enisha preferred the Youngest Princess position to the Youngest Empress. :blobuwu:
    rtmwng, ardills, charisa and 45 others like this.
  15. MiyaMira

    MiyaMira Jobseeking Sloth ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Certified Imouto

    Mar 9, 2017
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    dayumm if enisha wasn't already an adult woman, with how the hyperion trio pampered amd spoiled her she would really be going the path of tyrant villainess with no redemption:blobsweat_2:
  16. Kuryoma

    Kuryoma Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    Thank you so much for all the spoilers!!! :blobparty:
    Waiting for the S2 of the manwha!!
    mijikado likes this.
  17. AKGirlLover

    AKGirlLover New Member

    Aug 23, 2020
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    I didn’t read all the spoilers xd did she get pregnant? Xduu
  18. AKGirlLover

    AKGirlLover New Member

    Aug 23, 2020
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    And how much is the age gape between Cahill and Enisha? Sometimes the manhwa (or the translations I’ve seen) mixed them.
  19. Marwa_lay

    Marwa_lay Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2019
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    Nope his mother is royalty
    She's the queen
    But his father is sick so his concubine is in charge she want her son to be the king
    So she abused him than sent him as a hostage
  20. Bansheehee

    Bansheehee Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2020
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    now it is back up with the whole first season finished the translators saiid it might take them a while before they continue season 2