Spoiler Actually, I was the Real One / 사실은 내가 진짜였다

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by DearBlue, Aug 19, 2020.

  1. Hera Elizabeth

    Hera Elizabeth Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    she didn't end up with any1 esp the knight which sucks :mad::mad:
  2. Kumo723

    Kumo723 玄夜的帝后

    Jan 11, 2019
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    oh I read the description and that's the first thing that comes to mind. revenge
    Elliana likes this.
  3. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Idk. I'm kind of tired of romances In manwhas becuse most of the time there shallowly written. The bond between kiera and her brother seems nice and unique.

    Wish that real cossette came back to life land they could have been a really family without dickdad but I guess it's kind of a mercy she didnt have to deal with a shit father who ignored his one kid and didnt have a clue where the other one was
  4. Hera Elizabeth

    Hera Elizabeth Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    m ok with romance even if its a lil bit. they can focus on sibling relationship and also add a bit of romance . both can work together
    m glad her half sister died even if she were back i don't think i would like her
    purple pink, Elliana and kawaii12345 like this.
  5. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    That wasn't her half sister though. She died when she was a baby
    That was a demon wearing her body as a fursuit

    And most romances in manwah are really shitty most of the time. In glad it didnt clog it up as most people only talk about romance whenever it's in a manwha

    Usally its goes
    "Hmm I wonder what readers think of the genocide commiter by character X"
    Some readers: "omg did you see how duke kun blackmailed the FL into relationship. So hawt"
    Anna McAvoy, Furiae19, Jukki and 4 others like this.
  6. kawaii12345

    kawaii12345 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2020
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    Scene is the driveway of manor She and the knight vice captain (turns out she has the captain spot, this has also been translated as general and deputy general) are chatting happily both occasionally blushing, she unconsciously holds his hands is shocked, tries to recover runs away blushing. After she runs away , he thinks about her, thinks about blond hair green eyed guy, gets a tense expression and makes a fist near his heart.
    (Oh yeah definite ML material incoming)
    Next scene she's having dinner with ;ittle bro they are chatting and it looks like he and the maid are playing matchmaker between her and the blond green eyed guy
    Next Scene Blondie is back in the casino lookinng stressed he's apparently picturing himself chained and in jail. He thinks of Kiera starts to pray and thete's that recurring magic lightning associated with time travel
    That's real interesting imagine if in TL1 Cosette was real but not the saint/nymph ? I think we'd probably hate them both. Keira was damn near ruined by her dad. She was just someone you wouldn't want around or to be around. Just think of the maid beating incident. She's a spring that's about to break.

    Cosette on the other hand we don't know. My best guess is Keira would have killed her unless she really really was a great sister. Keira was just to tightly wound, Demon Cosette didn't have to push much at all. Cosette wanting to claim her place could easily have pushed Keira over the edge. No idea how that pans out for kiera depends if she manifests her spirits or not

    Now if Cosette were the real saint, unless she really was a great sister Kiera's dead meat. Best case Duke tosses her out and people that don't like her do horrible things to her(that rose colored life of a commoner) or the duke just executes her again
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2020
  7. Sylx

    Sylx Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    After reading the actual manwha (which is currently up to chapter 21 at the moment) it piqued my interest I was hella curious why the scumbag excuse of a father would rewind time was it because he actually realized he loved Keira or was it because of guilt or regret?? But then I find out he did it to save his ass.. I have never wanted to push a fictional character off a cliff so badly:blobcurse:

    You know what Keira can live her life with full of happiness and love and I'll do all the killing and why tf is he handsome what's up with authors making scumbag fathers have such handsome faces but with personalities that's trash (No hate tho to the people who made this creation I don't hate ya'll I just hate ya'll characters:blobuwu:)
  8. Dan-I

    Dan-I Active Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    i really want to kill his father im serious -_- i think the one who help her go back on the past is her father that's what i think because after that time when he dream about the mc being executed he always have a headache maybe thats the effect using that kind of magic? sorry on my english HAHAHAHA
  9. evanesco99211

    evanesco99211 Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    Kiera does not like Cosette but if we look at how she initially treated her new sister, she didn't treat Cosette nor her maids badly at all. She's just cold and rather straight forward. Through these, we can tell. Had the real Cosette was alive and a kind sister, the maid incident probably wouldn't happen regardless of how angry she was. After all, she had only done that after being provoked openly so many times by both Devil Cosette and the maids. Like she told her sperm donor, they can insult her, but she can't/won't stand it when they insult her mother which is exactly what Devil Cosette and the maids do over and over again. So, no. If Devil and Bitch Cosette does not exist, I don't think Kiera would ever use violence on Cosette and the maids, nor will she try to kill them. She would just be even sadder and more taciturn than before.

    But yeah, Kiera would probably die either way if she wasn't the one. Her sperm donor is too much of a scumbag :(

    I'm glad they break the ties with that thing in the end.
    Th.ay, lazynoodles, rock.doll and 4 others like this.
  10. LadyAmalthea

    LadyAmalthea Active Member

    Aug 11, 2020
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    I can’t help it I have to share this opinion....
    Her ignoring him isn’t any kind of revenge!
    We are talking about a man who knew she was his daughter and knew she was innocent but sadistically threw her in a cell and cut off her head. And afterwards he didn’t even regret it. He only turned back time to save his own ass not because he felt guilty. In fact him doing a 180 and feeling bad about what he did doesn’t even make sense. The story can portray him like he cares but why should a reader believe he regrets killing her when he so desperately wanted to in the past? Her ignoring him doesn’t do shit to him. Even if it makes him sad I doubt it is as painful as being thrown in a cell humiliated and decapitated.
    This series really doesn’t have much going for it in all honesty.
    The only point to any of this would be to see her exact revenge on her killer. What’s even the point to this series? I don’t see any. I honestly don’t know why people even write garbage like this.
  11. DearBlue

    DearBlue Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2020
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    If you've seen some of the manga chapters, the duke was getting butt hurt/notices that she wasn't giving him any attention. But anyways, if this novel is not for you then you don't have to stalk the thread nor post in it. I don't know how you can call it trash when you haven't even read it. Maybe it has good writing? idk I haven't read the whole thing yet. Like i said before this novel is about MC happiness. If you're not planning to read it then good for you. But please refrain from talking trash about the work of the author like you actually know how much effort they put into it.
    By.Eve, Th.ay, SusuPisang and 13 others like this.
  12. evanesco99211

    evanesco99211 Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    Yes, that's exactly it. MC's happiness.

    Revenge might sound fun and all but in reality, it's often a foolish endeavor no matter how justified it is. While planning and executing an act of revenge, you would usually waste a lot of time on it while you burn with hatred in silence. Does that sound like true happiness to you? I've already gone through that phase and I regret wasting my time on such thing. I only have one life and true to the words the MC has spoken, I'd rather use my remaining time on people who deserve my time. I don't want to waste it on the trash. Let's just throw them into the bin and get this over with.

    And that's why I like the story. I like it because it's realistic.

    There's no guarantee the revenge can be served especially against those who are rich and powerful anyway. So, in the worst-case scenario, you waste your entire life without happiness, hoping your enemies to be unhappy, but they end up being happy anyway (relatively speaking) while you are not. It's honestly not worth it.

    I think her plan is incredibly solid in that sense. She chose to be happy and run away when the time is right.
    Celebrianna, Th.ay, spchntrt and 13 others like this.
  13. emovampgirl135

    emovampgirl135 Active Member

    Jul 2, 2019
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    Hi so does the demon sister stick around for two years like the original plot or is she outed earlier this time? How is it revealed that she’s a fake?
    evanesco99211 and Elliana like this.
  14. EmmJay

    EmmJay Active Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    To LadyAmalthea:
    I am very Sorry I did not realize you were asking me questions! I have not read the novel only a few blogs and reviews so I might not be accurate, but I hope that you find some answers below.

    I don't know how to attach/link your comment box here, Sorry I am still learning.

    *and sorry to all for my spelling mistakes from last time...

    Nothing really new, just a few corrections and add-ons from previous post
    결국 하는짓은 모든 일을 방관하는것
    In the end all you're doing is watching while sitting on your hands

    중립은 방관이 아니라구요
    Neutrality isn't a sitting duck

    The Complaints of a lot of readers.

    The First Wife suffered insults which created misunderstandings that she was unable to concieve a baby.

    석녀(Seoknyeo) was what they labeled her as, a demeaning term sometimes used for sterile women, but the true meaning meant a woman who was unable to perform sexual acts due to poor development of the uterus and deformities of the reproductive organs. In some cases unable to undergo menstruation; retaining a childlike body.

    One word from the Grand Duke could have put a stop to the rumors and salvaged his wifes reputation.

    Though due to his negligence, the First Wife was kicked out of the Parvis Family.

    The main culprit behind the downfall of the First Wife and her family was Kieras own Maternal Grandfather.

    When the First Wife was thrown out, the Grandfather purses her up the Mountain to make sure that they kill her.

    Pregnant with Fraternal Twins the First Wife while running away gave birth and died.

    Connecting all the spoilers, there was a mention here that the baby died as a stillborn. It would make sense if that description was describing Cosettes Fraternal Twin Brother, since no other details of him were ever mentioned again.

    Moreover the correlation between the First Wife forming a contract with a Demon asking it to 'protect her' child not 'save her' falls into place when we learn that the baby was killed after the demon possessed her. Meaning at one point the baby Cosette was alive.

    루드비히 대공이 미래에 낳게 될 아이...
    The child that Grand Duke Ludwig will have in the future...

    즉 '정령사'(딸)는 단 한명만 태어날 것이라는 신탁도 함께.
    Specifically there will only be one (daughter) entrusted born as the Spiritual Sorceror.

    In other words, the oracle never actually states that the Grand Duke could only have 'One' daughter. -Maybe I'm wrong.

    After Kiera died, the Demon Cosette who revealed her true colors destroyed the human world and turned it into a barren wasteland.

    어쨌거나 자신이 한짓이 얼마나 멍청한지 알긴 했는지 첫번째 생에서
    In any case, he(Grand Duke) knew how stupid he was in his first life

    악마코제트와는 반대되는 사상을 가진 또다른 악마와 시간을 되돌리는 계약을 맺고
    Signing a contract with a Demon who had opposing ideas towards the Demon Cosette, he(Grand Duke) turned Back Time.

    후회를 하긴 하는것같은데 그간의 행적 때문에 썩 와닿진 않는다
    He does seem to regret it, but because of his track record I can't symphatize

    에레즈가 마족이라
    Erez is a Demon --> (The Other Blond Man)

    키이라에게 첫번째 생의 기억을 남겨 키이라가 두번째 생에서는 목숨도 구하고 코제트도 물리치고 세상도 구할수 있게 한다.
    Kiera with memories of her previous life, safeguards her second life, defeats Cosette and saves the world.

    정령사로서 각성하는건 모든 일이 다 끝난 뒤...
    Awakening as a Spirit Sorceror, after everything's over...

    주인공의 능력아 멋지게 나왔으면 싶었지만 마족이 좀 더 부각되는 느낌이라 살짝 아쉬웠다.
    I wanted the Main character's ability to shine, but it felt like the Demon stood out more so it was a little disappointing.

    In regards to side-characters that aren't even really shown, the First Wife has one of the most pitiful fates I've ever read.

    Her backstory itself could be the main story. What Revenge, what Retribution? Everyone of her people is dead.

    Her Husband betrayed her, her family were slaughtered. Her baby died, the Demon she gave her soul to killed off her other child, and the brother that miraculously survived made sure to follow all of them in death. If anyone needs to turn back time I give her my vote!

    The question about Siegfried, 무시했습니다 is what keeps being said about his relationship with his father. (He ignores him) He loves his sister very much so doesn't think much of the Grand Duke.
  15. satsuki07

    satsuki07 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    yeah the father and the brother is the only one with the blonde hair but red eyes so far. In chapter 6, Keira mentioned that "Zeke died too?!". Is there another character that has blonde hair blue eyes? or while casting magic the caster's eyes change color? there are so many possibilities. I saw the raw until ch21but there is no character like him.
    Dan-I likes this.
  16. SilverSoul1

    SilverSoul1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I hope the manhwa will have some changes for good, especially on the relationship between the two siblings and their b*stard father. I read a spoiler before that they will leave him, but then another spoiler says that FL mends her relationship with him and forgive him. So which one is correct? And about that part where that b*stard used magic to turn back time, I honestly believe he did that for his own good for his own "grand duke" title, not because he sincerely regret killing the one who genuinely wishes for his love. Anyhow, that b*stard doesn't deserve to be forgiven whether from Keira nor from his first wife.
  17. Atheijddd

    Atheijddd Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2020
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    What happens in the second timeline with Cosette? Does the duke bring Cosette into the family again like the first timeline? How does Cosette try to ruin the MC? How does she die? Does the MC and her father's relationship change?
    evanesco99211 likes this.
  18. anjfirefly

    anjfirefly Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2019
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    Guyssss who is this

    . Blondestoogeofacrook omg protect Keira!!!
    syofiaa, lazynoodles and Tt123 like this.
  19. spchntrt

    spchntrt Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    i think it's lady viscountess shore's son, because lady shore has blond hair and blue eyes just like the guy that turned back time. also, the lady mentioned that his son is a magician. see chapter 15.
    tharrinne, Tt123 and Rania want to QT like this.
  20. spchntrt

    spchntrt Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    nvm, in the other spoiler thread, it is said the father was the one who turned back time. and apparently no love interest if it's according to the novel. the novel itself got pretty bad review.