Spoiler Trash of the Count’s Family

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by immortaltear, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. Kaykai

    Kaykai Active Member

    May 5, 2020
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    I just created a new account .. before that I thank you so much for always giving tcf spoilers: ") I'm always looking forward to your spoilers every week. Thank you very much
    Ruruki likes this.
  2. sasai

    sasai Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    No problem at all! Thanks for your hardwork in making poor beggars such as myself happily spoiled every week. I feel honored to give you your 1000th like! You are great and mighty!
  3. Raven Evernight

    Raven Evernight But they never just accepted me for the way I was…

    Aug 7, 2020
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    Am I the only one that was really looking forward to cale and sheritt sharing memories it would have been interesting and I feel like she’d feel bad for him and end up treating him like her son as well
  4. Arnsol

    Arnsol Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
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    Thankyou thankyou thankyou (*´˘`*)♡
    Omg omg omg KRS is soooo cute ฅ(๑*д*๑)ฅ!! Like omg I love him so much (͒ ⸝⸝•̥´`•̥⸝⸝)͒
    Lol the sealed god's part is just ٩(๛ ˘ ³˘)۶♥
    Can't wait untill CH tells CJS that their familial connection ヽ(´∀`)ノ
    the Legendary Frog likes this.
  5. Arnsol

    Arnsol Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
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    Lol I was waiting for that when they talk to each other, then get interupted by WS.
    Waiting for that after they smack WS fron the back but it never came and I was like ಠ_ಠ(。ŏ_ŏ)
    (\ (\
    („• ֊ •„)
  6. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    @angie_sash, thank you for the spoiler for this week!:sushi_thankyou:

    I think, I need to prepare tissue to dab tears on my eyes when Cale have a heart to heart talk with LSH when this chapter will be translated.

    And Yehey! November 8 is officially done in Cale's world. Hahaha and Cale thanking the sealed god for the opportunity is so sarcastic, I bet the sealed god's favorable impression on Cale increases more, good luck with WS getting the sealed god's attention.

    I really wonder if Clopeh and Hosik are somewhat related because of their faith and being a believer towards someone who passed their standard of being admirable.:blobjoy:
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2020
  7. Arnsol

    Arnsol Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
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    Feels like the sealed god just talking out of his ass cause every plan he concocted failed ( ´﹀` ) if you pay attention to the behavior of WS and sealed god you may notice that they have the similarities of talking bullshit when it comes to Cale o(*^▽^*)o they have the abilities to play the long game but they don't have the ability to dodge the giant boulder that is KRS/Cale ⸜(*ˊᵕˋ*)⸝‬
    Akimashta likes this.
  8. angie_sash

    angie_sash Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Just a clarification - it was actually Cale himself who said that this was just the beginning of despair. Cale added that despite that, people will have hope. Though for Cale, it gave him confidence rather than despair.
  9. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    Now, I soooo get it why the Korean Readers suspect Earth 3!KRS to be the creator of Taerang, even I agree to their suspicion. The creator likes to have more money, an easy life and love to read novels that is refreshing and without complications.

    Now the plot thickens even more :hmm:
    creizreiz and xxdjynxx like this.
  10. NaoRui04

    NaoRui04 Active Member

    Nov 14, 2018
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    Just saw couple of the new trash of the count family manhwa. TBH a bit disappointed, the art is good and everything it just sad how there little bit of detail that doesnt show that make the character more charming in their own way. The fact that the first time meeting Ron was not when he woke up was a huge dissatisfaction. The small details like how he gets red from just drinking a little but but not actually drunk was not there. His face wasnt even red like the novel had said. It just seem likes he lost these trait which is sad because I love it so much. It's always these small kind of things that makes me disappointed because it makes me feel like something is missing in the character that I love in the novel. And this was one example, there is others as well like when he went to Billo's store I'm pretty sure everyone ran out and that's why he gave the gold coin saying sorry for making him lose customers. Havent read too much of the manhwa yet but I am up ch 431 in the novel and I still reccomend the novel more than the manhwa since the novel explores more about each unique characters
    But if you are going to read the Manhwa, I I reccomend reading that first then novel because it would be hard to not be disappointed.
    Thank you, this is just my opinion~
    xxdjynxx, blaze27 and Yasmine bezzi like this.
  11. Raven Evernight

    Raven Evernight But they never just accepted me for the way I was…

    Aug 7, 2020
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    The sealed god and cale basically naruto and kurama cale will end up seducing the sealed god to be one of his people too
    Arnsol and Uncopyright like this.
  12. Kuroyuki1974

    Kuroyuki1974 Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    LMAO, I can totally see it happening , cale has no idea about his charms lol
    xxdjynxx, Arnsol and Raven Evernight like this.
  13. Daily Prog

    Daily Prog Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2016
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    Btw. I just remembered something..
    You know, since the author want to bring the puzzle city(which in the beginning chapter of the novel), I kind of hope the author bring us clue about the owner of magic stone in the jungle that Cale loot(as far as I know, they're not being known until now). Since Cale say that it was so old and all.. and about being old, I also wonder about the dragon in the Forrest of Darkness. Would that dragon be one of the dragon that WS killed? It would explain a bit why WS abilities(Dominating Aura), but in that case, was the dragon only between 1000 years old? I have feeling it was more longer since there's no record that dragon live in there and not even in Book of A Hero. If WS was the one who kill it and plan to make it into dead mana lake or maybe know the dragon he killed become dead mana lake, why would he not taking it for himself? I think it would be more convincing that Arm just found dead mana lake by mistake and without knowing that it was dragon dead mana, otherwise they wouldn't use it for the mermaid who can be seen as sacrificial pawn(they are not even strong) when they have black mages, mages that could handle both mana and dead mana, and WS himself that can and need to consume dead mana. Also, I think this dragon would play important piece/role in the story from how the author keep bringing every bit of small backstory.

    Another one I keep being curious is about Raon parent. Was sheritt was the only parent Raon have? Can a dragon being pregnant on their own? Or do they need a partner just like human? If they need a partner, what about Raon father? Would the dragon in Forest of Darkness be him(since no dragon being mentioned, I just pick the most likely oldest one(dead))? Or, do that dragon somehow related to Raon father?

    All in all.. I wonder what these ancient people even do?
    Race become disowned by God(wolf tribe)
    City being abandoned by God(puzzle city)
    Ancient WS trying to be nature..
    I mean.. after ancient time, there's nearly no mistery at all, but in the ancient time there's really so many event to the point of them keep being mentioned along the novel. Kind of wondering what the people after the ancient time even achieve other than magic/invention to make people life easier?
  14. Dhiyfal

    Dhiyfal Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2018
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    I think this might actually be answered if Cale and Sheritt actually ended up doing their original plan to swap and see each other memories? I mean, Sheritt was said to be born near the end of the Ancient Times, so it would be save to assume her memories would more or less include whatever happened at that time. Of course, the memories of Raon's father would obviously be included.

    If they actually did it though, I kind of worried about whether or not Cale would be able to withstand all those memories. We know that Cale's memory capacity is outstanding, sure, but it does not change the fact that Sheritt's memories would be about more than ten thousand years of time :blobdizzy::sweating_profusely:. Even as amazing as he is, Cale is still human and has limits (though I'm pretty sure he will just ignore it again :blobcry:).

    Other than Sheritt's memories, another venue of information would be the original owners of Cale's ancient powers. So far most of what we know about AWS is from them after all. (and it's honestly amazing how Cale get those ancient powers who were friends with each other lol)
    creizreiz, xxdjynxx, Arnsol and 3 others like this.
  15. Losthope27

    Losthope27 Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2020
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    So I jumped here for the update while currently rereading the novel as well....I am on the fight in the Castle of Light and Cale went to the Dragon Slayers village and reading CJG memoir....... Cale and Super Rock is talking about the child with the only power of bluffing and first Dragon Slayer...... So Choi Jung Gun, who is Nelan Barrow also Author of Birth of Hero then... then...the one who talks to Cale as Dominating Aura to protect the white Castle of his friend which is Raon's Mom..... SO, is Dominating Aura and White Crown both Choi Jung Gun at this point right??? I mean that is his power.......so why don't Cale just ask the Dominating Aura about all of this? Lol and Ancient powers are aware of Cale's interactions right? .....why didn't we get a reaction to Choi Han.... Being his uncle or what........ Dominating Aura still talk and help Cale get the other earth attribute right? Being the power to help others not be scared in ancient times......so that means... That he is still the child that the Super Rock hid behind him and save during the ancient times and then become the First Dragon Slayer......hmmmm but he is quiet while Cale is reading the Memoir I was thinking that info about time travel/dimension travel and Cale being from diff. world is being 'block or sensor '' coz none of the ancient powers are reacting to that......but in current chapters.....ain't they went and tried to help Cale in KRS's world/test......so what is the truth here.... Dominating Aura and Nelan Barrow is supposed to be the same person right...following the other ancient powers life......so does Cale realized that or is there a loophole here.....or Am I the weird one.......

    anyway going back to rereading.....anyway Cale is so hot in the Manwha
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2020
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  16. Dhiyfal

    Dhiyfal Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2018
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    Btw, I was just rereading the Korean Arc (I really need another series to read lol. Not that I think can move from this for a while), and I just now realized the improvement of Park Jin Tae. I think he's actually the one character that have the most character development in this arc. Not in the sense of his strength, but of his mindset. Like, he has come from being bossy kinda tyrant king of central shelter, to begrudgingly scared and awed by Cale!KRS, to acknowledging that what he had done is wrong and accepted the punishment from LSH on his own, to what-the-heck-why-am-I-angry-and-frustrated-and-worried-about-this-kid everytime he saw Cale!KRS being in pain and forcing himself. Like seriously PJT seems really adorable to me right now :blobmelt:. Actually, PJT reminds me of Archie, just like how Ho-Shik reminds me of Clopeh :blobjoy:

    On another note, when I reread that arc, I'm also reminded of that scene where Choi Han tried to cook (Sujebi or something? some korean food) with the dragon half-blood cutting a whole bunch of onions to try to help him and I wonder... would it be possible for them to get some korean recipes while in the test world?:blobsweat: I mean, obviously they would not be able to physically bring a cook book from that world, but hey, Cale is there with his perfect memory anyways :blobjoy:. I can actually imagine Cale at first being reluctant to memorize the recipes because he did not want to taste salty tear-soaked korean food (I seriously can't spell them) when he will inevitably faint in the future but at the end memorize them anyways because he feels sorry for Choi Han :blobsmilehappyeyes:. And at least it will also minimize the disaster that would have happened to Beacrox' kitchen :blobrofl::blobrofl::blobrofl:. I seriously think Cale may got some korean recipes if he asks Grandma Kim :aww: