Discussion Q: are you an only Childe?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Donutmindme, Dec 29, 2020.


Only child or no?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Donutmindme

    Donutmindme [dounut][Zodiac:Golden snake][PROcrastinator]

    Jan 19, 2018
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    TL;DR: So my younger siblings have recently moved out to live with dad. I now live alone with mom.

    I used to room with my two sisters. My brothers also shared a room together. My mom has her own room. The room that I used to share with my sisters is pretty big. Big now that their beds are gone it pretty empty. I have all this empty space.

    Also I had my brother’s PS4 all to my self for like 4 days. Which was pretty nice. All I did was play Genshin. I’m addicted to that game. So much so I keep typing Childe and not child in the discord. I’m sad tho because I wanted to have it for one more day for when Act 4 of the current event unlocks.

    Also I have trouble sleeping. Especially knowing my sisters aren’t in the room. It’s sad. I mean I’ll get used to this. Jus’ living with my mom. One of my little brothers might come back tho. Idk when tho. A few years maybe. Mom said he’s always welcome back. Tbh I think she favors him the most of siblings.

    I’m definitely not having trouble sleep because of my already messed up sleep schedule. It’s definitely more lonely tho. I’m not crying my...my eyes are jus’ sweaty....

    Well, on the bright side I can write and draw in peace now. I’ll also be busy with collage too next semester(didn’t go this semester). It will probably keep me distracted I guess.

    I guess I’ll soon know what it’s like to be an only child. If you’re not an only child how many siblings do you have? mine are definitely annoying but they’re the only ppl who I talk to. I don’t have friends. My social skills outside of siblings are shit. I’m pretty much a neet. I haven’t left the house since March. Also didn’t go back to school. I have no jobs. I always seem to fail my interviews.

    Idk how my siblings do it. Guess they’re jus’ more social then me I guess. Well, I decided to change me not going to school. Idk how 2021 will be but I hope it’s not as shit as 2020. A lot of things went downhill for me. Only thing that improved is my art. Everything else is shit.
    Havisu and runsing like this.
  2. UnGrave

    UnGrave ななひ~^^

    Jun 27, 2016
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    I have three older siblings, so for a time it was like I was an only child when they had all gone, but one has since moved back in for school.
    Donutmindme likes this.
  3. Kuroguma

    Kuroguma [Cyber Lich] [Aspie] [SOX][Forgotten Perv]

    Oct 20, 2015
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    No, but I will be as soon as my sister is gone.
    reagents 11 and Donutmindme like this.
  4. Donutmindme

    Donutmindme [dounut][Zodiac:Golden snake][PROcrastinator]

    Jan 19, 2018
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    That will prolly be my brother if and when he does get into college or something.
    Is she annoying?
  5. Kuroguma

    Kuroguma [Cyber Lich] [Aspie] [SOX][Forgotten Perv]

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Nope, not at all.
    Donutmindme likes this.
  6. Saitama.sensei

    Saitama.sensei [[xiantian lifeform]]

    Jun 15, 2016
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    I’m the youngest, all of my siblings are married except 1 which lives with me and my parents which are both retired. So no, have no idea what it’s like being an only “childe”
    Donutmindme likes this.
  7. Skoll028

    Skoll028 Member of DivineDaoLibrary

    Oct 22, 2015
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    I'm the middle child of all my siblings. I have one older and 3 younger ones, but the three younger ones are in 2 separate households.
    Regarding jobs and socializing, looking at your NUF profile's messages to likes ratio, I'd say you *can* apply yourself to the social scene, it just has to be one that matches your interests. For example, finding a club/group of people that share similar interests (playing games/reading) that you do.
    For jobs, speaking from experience, all you need to do is keep trying. Yes, rejection can happen frequently in the job hunting process (especially these days, what with COVID making a lot of companies downsize), but you miss every shot you don't take (or in this case, you'll never get a job you don't apply to). A good alternative these days is to try and reskill (or just learn new skills) from free online classes. For example, coding is a highly desired job at the moment. Good pay, easy to maintain (Since you can do most all of your work online), and plenty of options. You can also learn how to code for free online in under a month, and start doing things with it, that *can* lead to a job.

    Damn, this post got really lengthy and preachy fast. TLDR: Yes, I have siblings. Job hunting sucks, but keep trying. College is great, but you can still learn new things before you get into college/after college (learning never stops).
    imK and Donutmindme like this.
  8. Arcadia Blade

    Arcadia Blade ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ You can do it!!

    Feb 11, 2016
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    I got 4 siblings(1 sister and 2 brothers), all of them are older than me and we basically live a life where they maybe annoying siblings but we always help each other out. We never discuss our private selves(mine about my suicide tendencies) and we kinda chill all the time. Just recently, our father had abandoned us for another family so we basically knew that we lived without a parent figure but we always realize that he didn't exist in our family except being a breadwinner and thats it(he didn't even saved me when i once drowned at sea as a kid). So i always appreciate those whom i respected as someone of a role figure than a biological parent who easily abandon a family and even if my siblings are sadistic, they always can be count on an rely when we mess up in life.
    Donutmindme likes this.
  9. RenAshdoll

    RenAshdoll God of the Wired

    Oct 22, 2015
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    When I hear Childe, I think of this [​IMG]
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  10. FIEND

    FIEND i eat crayons

    May 17, 2020
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    Thats a long tldr
    I got 2 yubger sibtards
    Magwayen, Skoll028 and Donutmindme like this.
  11. Donutmindme

    Donutmindme [dounut][Zodiac:Golden snake][PROcrastinator]

    Jan 19, 2018
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    I see. I’m the eldest also still young not married and what not.
    These are all good advice I’ll try to apply these to myself. Since I don’t have sun who live with me anymore I’ll be looking for new stuff to do anyways.
    Im pretty chill with my siblings too. I share some private stuff with my younger sister(the older one) and we’re very chill. The youngest two are annoying. There all pretty annoying at times.
    Yes it’s that Childe you’re thinking of. I talk about him and Zhongli too much I’m the discord...
    opps guess I should move it down. But meh.
    I never seen some call their siblings that.
    Magwayen likes this.
  12. FIEND

    FIEND i eat crayons

    May 17, 2020
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    The three of us call each other sibtards and as irony and inside joke the sibling army
    Donutmindme likes this.
  13. Lurking

    Lurking Do the dead suffer, or is it a sweet release?

    May 5, 2018
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    i am your friend, and you have otherd here too

    yeah, social skills are hard. try looking for a group near you, a group dedicated to improving social skills.

    they exist, i promise. ...i helped make one woth some other wierdos in 2017 since i dodnt realise there were already 3 in the area, so even if it doesnt exist just look for local wierdos who seek to understand people.

    After about 3 months i resigned from secretary position and became friends with the person who replaced me and is much better at secretary shit like emails reminding people that club is at 3pm the next day, every week. the mailing list is wayyyy larger than club attendance, since social anxiety.

    i havent been able to join in a meeting with them for a while since work...
    Havisu, imK and Donutmindme like this.
  14. Donutmindme

    Donutmindme [dounut][Zodiac:Golden snake][PROcrastinator]

    Jan 19, 2018
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    Yeah I have a lot of friends here. But I mostly ment IRL friends. I miss getting hugs from friends.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2020
    Lurking, Havisu and imK like this.
  15. Havisu

    Havisu Night Lurker

    Nov 13, 2015
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    I am the third son out of my parent's 5 childrens.
    I have 2 big brother, 1 lil' bro and 1 lil' sister.

    This gonna be long so i'll put it in a spoiler
    My eldest brother have moved and working in Australia for more than 3 years already, and he never went back home because there's always problem just before his flight (custom, visa, urgent work from employer, etc) and we all missed him so much. Some people would say, "why not just go visit him instead or waiting", without even considering that my family schedule is so tight we don't even have any times to go on picnic and whatnots like a normal family, much less for going overseas.

    In my family, we don't call each other with "bro" or "sis" like normal family either, we use our name when calling each other.

    I used to share a room with all my brothers when we're 12 years old and below, but maybe a family unspoken tradition (?), anyone who become 13 and above will have to get into a private school (of course, hostel live) for at least a year, then we will enroll back to normal government school, this only apply to us brothers though, not my lil sister. This is done to teach us how to be independent and to be more matured. Of course, i can see now that my brothers and I are way more matured than children our age, and we can live alone and still find ways to make a living, but as a result, we don't have much of that "brotherly" feeling. We grew apart. To my family, living with sibling or not, is almost the same. We just little sad that we aren't as normal as any normal family, but we all knows about each other strength and weaknesses. For me and my eldest brother, we're especially good at living alone.

    I don't really know the feeling of a real lone child, because i am not one i don't think i have any right to say so. Even so, to me who have 2 sibling above me and another 2 below me, i am pretty much loner in my family, I don't share anything private to my family, but i still think of them as family and would defend and help them if they are being hurt or need my helps. I don't particularly sad about it, i am used to it.

    As my parents both are teacher, when i was a kid we used to move a lot. I had to change school almost each year, or at most i would be in one school for only 2 years. I have almost zero memories of middle and high school time, but those very bits of memory i have is my treasure. Still, most of my relationship with my schoolmates are just that shallow, only 1 or 2 years of friends together.

    I just hope that, my family can sit in one big table again like when we're all childrens.
    Long story short, i dont really mind being a lone child or not, but i do think being a lone child is saddening things. This is especially true not to the child him/her self, but to the parents. When their only child grew up, they gonna be left alone together again. Just thinking about it makes me not ready yet to get married, much less to be a parent.

    Due to my circumstances, i don't have many friends IRL. I do have some from my University years, but they all have their own life, their own friends too. They mostly have moved on from me. My sibling and i aren't that much better either, we have our own room, and often in our room minding our own business. We are not as close as any other sibling in other family. When we went out together, that become one of our most precious memory, even though it just a breakfast in a small coffe shop.

    Thats why when an online friend wanna hang out irl with me, i am always up to it. Of course, you and many other here is my friend so if you are close and wanna hang out, just roger me and i will come flying, as long as we're still in malaysia i am good to go anywhere. That's why, don't be sad, we're all here for you. If you think online friends doesn't equate to the irl friends, then lets meet up and become irl too.

    But before that, add me on discord Havissu#6326. I am mostly 24/7 there.
    Lurking and Donutmindme like this.
  16. Isaac20

    Isaac20 Dark Lord | RS

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Yes, I am the only child in my family. And it sucks sometimes.
    Donutmindme likes this.
  17. Shalalalala

    Shalalalala [One of Red Siblings][⚓]

    Dec 28, 2020
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    Well we ae two siblings but my brother moved to another city cuz for study so I am alone here. He comes back on vocation so yeah. I am quite bored because he isn't around. It's tough to be only daughter like wth I have to do all the stuff on my own TT
    Donutmindme likes this.
  18. RaiLi

    RaiLi Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2019
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    I have 3 older sisters...(also had an older brother... well, that never happened tho...) i also have a younger brother...
    Donutmindme likes this.
  19. MMWO

    MMWO *pout*

    Nov 25, 2018
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    Ah yes let's talk about Genshin. Childe is the character that I most simp for. I got Zhongli but I did not get Childe. Now I aim to get Albedo
    Donutmindme likes this.
  20. Beren

    Beren Holy Saint

    May 27, 2020
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    I have three. Two older brothers and an older sister.
    But we didn't live together so I had the advantage of growing up like an only child.
    Donutmindme likes this.