Spoiler Akumu kara Mezameta Gouman Reijou wa Yarinaoshi wo Mousakuchuu

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Nov 12, 2020.

  1. Rin.rinaaa

    Rin.rinaaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    The Duke's daughter Farara was abandoned by the Crown Prince and was imprisoned with illness. The dream I had at that time was that my fiancé was robbed by a former friend as the president's daughter, Choko. "Who is Choko?" "Am I abandoned my engagement?" Farara woke up from a nightmare and realized that she was 12 years old the day after she was engaged to the Crown Prince! I'm not sure, but I don't want to live the same life as my dream. Reflecting on her arrogant self, she decides to start over with the aim of a bright and enjoyable future. Happy fantasy to start over, where Farara (another world) and Choko (modern) struggle.

    Manga link: https://mangadex.org/title/57625/th...oke-up-from-a-nightmare-is-looking-for-a-redo

    Manga raws link: https://gaugau.futabanet.jp/list/work/5f6d933777656104d6000000
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2021
  2. Spoiler Curator

    Spoiler Curator Hi , Click Edit and Edit My Posts

    Oct 13, 2020
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    Spoiler Table of Contents Placeholder

    Table of Contents

    **hi lazynoodles here just figured out how to use this particular
    account (tech savvy I am not) and will start just directly posting spoilers here; note these are very incomplete spoiler so don't take this as gospel


    Nightmare 1-4

    In these chapters its just talking about the events in the manga chapter 1 in simply greater detail.
    - MC in the book as a villainess gets screwed over her fiance and tells her she is going to break it off. She attacks and her old fiance the Prince protects his new girlfriend (Sarah) and starts to flirt right in her face. Father dies from stress and something happens to her mother. She is arrested for lese majeste and regrets ever being engaged with the Prince. Her family much more important to her.
    - MC as Choko grows arrogant and treats this one girl badly. Later, that one girl cheats with Choko's
    boyfriend and is pregnant. Choko flies into rage. The boyfriend shoves hard enough to for her to fall backward and apparently dies?

    Awakening 1-4

    - Choko/Farara/MC (I'm just going to call her Fara) wakes up from some illness. Realizes she's in that book and deeply grateful that she was sent back young enough to change things in the life that she has and hopes she could change things. She starts apologizing to everyone and hopes to overturn the engagement with the Prince. Then wonders of this is all a dream for either Choko or for herself. Whatever is the case she is determined to change her fate. With great determination she enters school.

    School 1-3
    - She studies like a champ and receives a letter from the Prince full empty flattery. She thinks "Well - duh. I forced you into it." They even think she is going to school early because of the Prince. Her servant Ciara/Sierra. Is terrified of her. She tries to get close about questioning about her family situation. Apparently, she is debt and working for MC's family to work it off.
    - Remembers how she introduced herself as the Prince's fiancé and basically screwed herself over. It's going to be a redo of that moment. She wears a normal uniform and nervously introduces herself. Later, she makes herself her first friend in either lifetime. Her name is Elda.

    Staff Room 1-2
    - She ditches her so-called friends in her past life as Fara and brings her new friend Elda with her. Talks about the candy Elda gave her.
    - MC slams into an upper student who begins to harass her quickly stops when the teacher calls out her name. Elda is completely terrified of this exchange. The senpai stops bothering her and Elda is happy. Gets scolded for eating sweets in class. Gets called out on past bad behavior. Is relieved that MC seems normal and already made a friend. (me: ouch! fair. but ouch!) Checks out the teacher because he's good looking.

    Dining room 1-3

    Choko 1
    - Choko i lying in a hospital bed and she hears her Ex (Makoto) and the cheating partner Sakura. They are blatantly flirting with one another while she is in the bed. Talking about infuriating things like - "it's her fault she fell" etc. Then Sakura fesses up saying that the baby in stomach isn't Makoto's its someone else while putting on airs of a tragic heroine. Saying she wanted to get back at Choko for her days as a bully in highschool. That later she desperately fell in love with him. At last, Sakura runs away crying saying goodbye fulfilling the dramatic role of a suffering "heroine."

    Uniform 1-2

    Holiday 1-2


    Choko 2
    MC dreams of the girl (Sakura?? is that her name) who cheated with Choko's fiance who is talking to someone else in a cafe. The gist of the conversation is that Sakura's friend was like - why did you break up with someone super high-spec (are they talking about Choko's ex-boyfriend?). It seems she was a slut and slept with some mix race foreigner and that the ex's mother is going to run a DNA test. She did the calculations and its basically the foreigner's kid. She always wanted things that belonged to Choko. Choko didn't want to give it up (sex) so easily so the ex was disappointed. Choko is mortified that her ex basically blabbed about very private things. They were like guys can't help cheating if you're frigid. Then there is speculation that Choko is a virgin? Sakura is cheating on Choko's ex with 3 other guys? Looks at her life as Fara and thankful to have at least 1 friend in Elda. Then is having serious thoughts of being against marrying the Prince and is terrified of childbirth.

    Cosmetics 1-3


    Shokai 1-4


    Study Session 1-2

    Liver Test 1-4

    Return 1-3

    Elda 1-3

    Candidate 1-3

    Jealousy 1-2
    - MC is weighing on who is the better option who would do better as the Prince's fiance
    - Prince says he's jealous and like to get close to her.
    - MC "yea fucking right"

    Faction 1-3

    Student Council 1-2

    Choko 3
    - Wakes up from the hospital bed. Finds her fiance at her side and starts crying, "I was deceived!" The nurse is like you sure are loved. The fiance rushed her to the hopital after the events of chapter 1. (THE ASSHOLE DOESN'T WANT TO ADMIT HE SHOVED HER AND SHE HIT HER HEAD BECAUSE OF HIM) He says that she fell down on her own! Choko can't remember at the moment because she just woke up. She said he saved her from loneliness??

    Stealth 1-3

    Disturb 1-2

    Choko 4
    - Chokko still doesn't have her memories back and SHITTY MAKOTO is pushing for the wedding. Choko is to tired to and is still trying to make sense of all her jumbled memories. She vaugely thinks Sakura and Makoto like each other so why a wedding. The fucker gaslights her and continues on planning the wedding. Choko finds her phone and finds a recording of the WHOLE INCIDENT.

    Rumor 1-2

    Crown Prince 1-9

    Cane 1-2

    Idea 1-2

    Call 1-2



    Consultation 1-4

    Choko 5
    - Choko insists on the breaking of the engagement as well as reparation and has a lawyer present. (GOOD FOR HER!!) Makoto the ex screams that the baby inside isn't his and doesn't want to leave Choko/i was deceived/i am the victim here. The lawyer starts laughing and pulls out his phone to show video and audio surveillance in the room. It replayed the whole deal. The lawyer is near gleeful saying they will sue for damages because its him that harmed her. Choko's heart seems to beat faster seeing the lawyer smirk. Makoto says he will definitely fight this lawsuit. Sakura's face turns ashen.

    Visit 1-3

    Reunion 1-2

    Illness 1-3

    Treatment 1-2

    Genegio 1-7

    Friend 1-2

    Party 1-3

    Choko 6
    - MC is talking about the process of the litigation with her lawyer. Lawyer starts talking about how took over the lawyer office from his Mentor. He gets his flirt on and invites her to a fancy French restaurant. Lawyer talks about his ambition and how wants to rent a space and expand business. The outright asks for Choko for a date after their business is over. Choko accepts. The Fara personality is all... "as long as your happy." After they separate Fara follows the lawyer back and he gets to his house. WHERE HE'S GREETED BY HIS PREGNANT WIFE.

    Clean up 1-2

    Question 1-3

    Choko 7
    - Because she was warned from the Fara personality following the lawyer home about him trying to start and affair with her. Sees that Sakura wants to meet her and then decides that she will bug herself for self-protection.
    - Sakura tries to get her to drop the charges by accusing Choko for having an affair with her married lawyer. Choko laughs in her face and asks Sakura should she marry the baby's father? Sakura is flustered and asks her to drop everything. Choko thinks her actions may have been arrogant but she was never such a coward. Pities Sakura because she must be hard up on money. Thinks that Sakura and Makoto just want revenge. She/Choko will never dream of marriage at this point. Coolly walks away because she knows those pictures that Sakura took as proof of an "affair" were just business meetings.
    -In her head she is flaming her lawyer pretty hard. Why don't you wear your ring?! Why did you ask me for a date?!!?

    Parent and Child 1-2

    Brother and Sister 1-3

    Choko 8
    - She and her brother have a cute argument.
    - Parents were happy she got engaged to Makoto and noticed her parents never met her at the hospital.
    - Throws and tantrum and realizes many things. She used to have all her parents love and then her brother was born. To which she reacted by doubling down on being selfish and stubborn and wishes she could reset everything like the Villainess. Feels truly and deeply alone. Thinks its time to restart her life without her family's money or influence. Goes to the detective agency that her father employs.

    Before the Start of work 1-3

    Rest Time 1-3

    After School 1-2

    Choko 9
    Goes to the detective agency. There is some stuff here about self protection and it went over my head. She is later impressed because he did his homework on her and the ex and Sakura.

    Secret 1-4

    Choko 10
    - The detective turns down her request and outs her for being a bully. That she got what was coming to her since Sakura did it out of revenge of her past actions.
    - He points out that it doesn't affect the victim but the family members around the victim. He says he's a relative of one of those victims.
    - She gets a call from her brother and says he will come and pick her up.

    First Aid Room 1-2

    Promise 1-3

    Choko 11
    She reminisces of her past actions and feels remorse for it. She then ponders as she looks at the high school book who was her old victim related to the detective.

    Uchiwa 1-2


    Choko 12
    - Goes back to the detective and asks to look for her old victims.
    - The detective deflates and says you don't need to take responsibility
    - The MC is all - after ripping me a new one just yesterday?
    - The detective apologizes and didn't realize she would seriously look up and make a list of all her old victims to apologize to them. He feels foolish.
    - MC's blood pressure starts to climb and is all - "YOU MEAN YOU MADE A FOOL OF ME."
    - The detective mentions she is too reckless and says to bring her brother when coming here.
    - She then asks after his relative. The detective says - "she's dead." MC is shocked and wondered why she never heard rumors of this. The detective goes - i lied. MC IS FURIOUS AND TRIES TO STORM OUT. The detective Aigami catches her while laughing and mentions that they bring out the worst in each other.
    - Aigami breaks down much of his relative's backstory. At the end of it he mentions that Sara always longed for and admired Choko. She always wondered what she did to make her ignore her.
    - Aigami decides to weirdly to be gentleman, to send her out, then said not some to his office, and if he needs to speak to her about her case he will send an email. He agrees to take her on as a client. He mentions that he likes her hate to lose atittude. Her phone has message from her lawyer it was an invitation to a meal.

    Careless Enemy
    - Sarah from chapter 1 was lying about being ill and was using that excuse for playing hooky. MC calls her out on it and battle of wits and words ensues.

    Mira 1-4

    Health 1-2

    Magical Girl


    Visiting the team 1-3

    Broom 1-4

    Passing 1-3

    Trial Error 1-4

    Cherio 1-13

    Ideal & Reality 1-2

    Grandpa 1-3

    Friendship 1-2

    Protective Society 1-2

    Choko 13
    - Choko completely baffled by what her lawyer is doing and questions her brother why men do this. Her brother proudly announces bad motives~ Then warns her sister that she has shitty taste in men and has no immunity to flirting.
    - She asks the detective Aigami to look into a seperate case which is her lawyer since she doesn't feel he has the best motives in mind. She needs him to blend in the background and help suss out his motives. Aigami complies and she says she will send particulars later.

    Conflict 1-3

    Choko 14
    - The layer is getting his flirt on and Mc is spanking her inner child saying if I didn't know he was married that flirting would have worked on me.
    - MC gets down to the nitty gritty about her civil litigation case, and to probably settle for only 50% of the asking price of the monetary punishment.
    - She wonders if that is alright since it will reduce the lawyer's fee. She doesn't care because she is privileged and simply wanted to punish the cheating couple. Though in her mind she wonders if he's making her settle because he's actually incompetent since he couldn't accomplish what he promised her. Then he talks as if he did her a favor. She then uses double entendres talking about how cheating will be punished. Which cools the lawyer's jets for a bit.
    - He then talks about a building he wants to rent for his offices and surprise surprise! It belongs to Choko's family! What a coincidence (sarcasm be thick here)


    Choko 15
    - Choko speaks about the building proudly and the lawyer gets a predatory look in his eye.
    - Choko is now leading the lawyer on about the particulars about the building and shuts his shit down and is all - rent the space properly.
    - The lawyer now gets his full flirt on about wanting to date her after all this business is done. MC is getting headache from all the bullshit (mtl'r: or is that me) Lawyer thinks she has her guard down pushes for the advantage
    - Then gets interrupted by the lawyer's father in law. the laywer is freaking out and said she is just an investor. MC is all - da faq! when did I ever say that?
    - Father-in-law is a beast of a lawyer and verbally ripped him apart and the one who brought him over was the detective. Who cleans up nicely.
    - The lawyer freaks out and says no wonder your ex left you! Father-in-law isn't having it and shuts his shit DOWN. He bows and apologizes to the MC and asks if he could allow him to take care of it..
    - Leads lawyer outside. MC's faith in men is further damaged. The detective tries to cheer her up and said not all men are like that.

    Royal Palace 1-4

    Laboratory 1-3

    Pride 1-3

    Regret 1-4

    Choko 16
    - The detective informs her a lot of her victims appear to live full and happy lives. Frankly have moved on from that time.
    - Thinks about her future as a spinster and what would her brother's future children think of her.
    - Wants to move one from Sakura and all that bullshit.

    Meaning 1-3

    Malingering 1-3

    Strategy 1-3

    Real Intention 1-4

    Growth 1-3

    Choko 17
    - Choko meets her ex Makoto for some reason. He tries to suck up to her and she notices just now what an asshole he is.
    - He tries to get back with her. (mtl'r: THIS MOTHER FUCKING FUCK BOY!!)

    Amusement Era 1-2

    Graduation 1-4

    Return Home 1-2

    Choko 18
    - The detective sees their interaction and interrupts them. Choko leaves. Detective questions if she went back to Makoto and MC is all - NOT A CHANCE.
    - Choko is drunk?/drugged? because she keeps making a mistake between her Fara self and her Choko self and call Aigami her servant.
    - Aigami couldn't get her to tell him where she lives so brings her to a hotel. He pays for a room and tosses her and says stay until she sobers up. Choko is all i'll pay you back
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2020
  3. bochucha

    bochucha Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2018
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    Thank youuu!
  4. BooBoo

    BooBoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2020
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    Thank you so much!!!!!!!
  5. SilverSoul1

    SilverSoul1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Thank you so much for the spoiler! I am actually more interested in Chouko then the "other world" girl. I hope she will end up with no one, even the detective guy. He appears to be good, then bad, then good again so he's sneaky, I despise him too. She seems strong on her own. I know she did a lot of mistakes from the past, but at least she tries to ask forgiveness from her victims. I believe even if she had no one by her side, she'll be fine, cuz she's strong and brainy and acts like a queen! In the end, the only thing I really wish for, is for her to find her own happiness.
    Anyway, thanks again for this.
    Tho, please spoil us more!
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2020
  6. Azure_1802

    Azure_1802 Procastination Expert

    Jun 11, 2017
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    Wow, Farara's story is a typical villainess-redo-her-life, while Choko's story is more interesting. The good point is that she didn't travel time back to the start, she has to fix thing as she is now. I always want a story like this, thank you for the spoiler, i would like it if there are more commas, tho.
  7. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Interesting, definitely have to agree the spoilers did right focusing on the modern timeline-ish setting. Choko is a really fun character, PLUS we get sc*m men left and right. Though, I'll have to semi agree/support on the feelingd of the detective from one comment (his intro was a mess to read. Made him look sh*tty too) but I honestly can't support an individual end for Shoko. Sure, it'll be fresh and her finding a good man now would be like semi destroying all that good development in the spoilers but while cliche, I want the woman who failed in love and kept meeting sh*tty men still get her happily ever after with someone
    MishaArnon and syofiaa like this.
  8. sarrieta90

    sarrieta90 Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2017
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    I still want to know about how fara turns it around and hopefully drops the scum bag prince. It's nice to see that even though choko parents are the worst, her relationship with her little brother isn't bad.
    Lucy scarlet likes this.
  9. Rin.rinaaa

    Rin.rinaaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Thank you so much for the spoilers
  10. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    You know what I'll just watch a soap opera instead

    But I agree. I'd rather just have chokos story
    lazynoodles and Rin.rinaaa like this.
  11. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    @lazynoodles You don't need to log into the account to edit the post. Just use your usual account to edit them, so you don't have to log in and out.
  12. Aquaa

    Aquaa 『We Lost The Summer』

    Mar 15, 2018
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    any more spoilers? how is the ending
  13. Rin.rinaaa

    Rin.rinaaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    The novel is still ongoing, last time I checked.
  14. chefcheese

    chefcheese Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2020
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    Thank you!!!!
  15. pansikoser

    pansikoser Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2020
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    Aight. Actually I'm super curious about Choko and her life. Farara is a bit meh, but then I'm only curious if she's going to ever get a good ending herself. Will she?
  16. akera93

    akera93 Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    lol this story is hot garbage. The MC is dealt the worst cards at every turn. If we consider the spoilers to be factual, she was betrayed by her fiancé then she loses her memory then she has the worst lawyer ever and then guess what, even the detective is an idiot who is anything but a detective. You'd think a fricking detective would do their job before accusing her but they didn't.

    She bullied people and in return she got the worst outcome at every turn. Reaaaaaaally??? How is this a story worth reading?! I love a good revenge story but this is just straight out bashing the MC and her barely continuing standing.
    It's a pass for me
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2021
    Lucy scarlet and pansikoser like this.
  17. CreativeCriticalThinker

    CreativeCriticalThinker Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    Last edited: Jun 8, 2024
    FunSmiles, lazynoodles and Rin.rinaaa like this.
  18. CreativeCriticalThinker

    CreativeCriticalThinker Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    The Arrogant Daughter Who Woke up From a Nightmare Is Looking for a Redo
    Novel Raws

    Does anyone know, if the Detective Guy is actually decent enough or just bad for MC Choko?
    I also prefer her being being content as a single modern woman.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2023
    chamchaworld and Rin.rinaaa like this.