Spoiler It Seems Like I Fell into a Reverse Harem Game (Korean)

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Pakhi, Jul 21, 2020.

  1. Maculan

    Maculan Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Sorry for disappearing. It took me much longer than I thought to pass all my 11 exams, but now I’m back.
    I'll post my thoughts on official English translation later on (it has clarified some dubious moments for me, btw).

    For now, I've brought you a hot scene between Sieger and MC from 2nd volume.

    As always, it’s MTL, so something is surely wrong (I tried my best).

    I could see Sieger’s back. I dived into the crowd again and called out his name.


    People looked back at me as they passed by.


    At last he stood tall. Then I looked back.

    I was slow to slow down, so I held him in his arms. He staggered and took a step back, but supported me firmly.

    "You, what the hell?"

    I grabbed Sieger by the collar without any notice.

    "Are you all right?"

    «What, what’s alright?» (he repeats her words)

    I said hurriedly, swallowing my breath in the field.

    "Are you okay?"


    I searched his body hurriedly without waiting for an answer. He ran into Yuriel, and he was now a target character, and it was so... He was sweating.

    “Am I okay?”

    His voice, asking again from above my head, was terrifying.

    "I'm sorry!"

    He hugged me back with a long sigh. I nestled my chin on his shoulder and gently hugged him. It doesn't look like he's going to get angry.

    He buried his face in my neck and sighed again. It tickled me, so I held my breath and laughed, but my shoulders trembled, and he noticed it.

    "Are you laughing?"

    "Oh, no......because it tickles."

    "Where the hell have you been?”

    “I was lost. While finding the way for the lost.”


    He looked at me with an expression that he was tired of hearing nonsense from me now. I had nothing to say, even if I had two mouths.

    “You don't know how dangerous during the night festival this busy street is? A while ago... … .”

    He glared his eyes to see if something suddenly came to his mind.

    "What if I went?”

    "Oh, the mask."

    "What else did you write?"

    "Somebody bought it for me."


    "Who lost the way…?"


    "……Well, man."

    His eyes wide open. I took the initiative quickly. I took off my mask and put it in his arms.

    “Wear this.”

    “I don’t need it?”

    “Well, not at all right. I have to bring one to Sia.” (???)

    “Why would you give it to me? Why give me what others used.”

    It was funny that he was openly jealous. But the laughter died down.

    I couldn't help thinking.

    Even though he met Yuriel, I'm glad he's still the same person I knew.

    On the one hand, however, I was afraid if it was really okay.

    Now the system window was also having a bug. Perhaps it was because the schedule and the time [they met] were very different.

    "You…. You like me, don't you?”


    Seeger stared at me silently. The midnight festival running to dawn was still noisy and strangely quiet. And in the corner, the two of us were standing stupidly looking at each other.

    “How good is it?”


    He said.

    “I hate you. I hate it.”

    “… … .”

    “I don't know what's going on, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do! You (I?) just playing with people, but I don't know why I was running around looking for you in the middle of the night. I'm angry to the point I can't sleep at night because of you.”

    I listened to him quietly.

    “I hate it so much, and I get so angry whenever I see your face.”

    “… … .”

    “But it's more annoying to not see you. It makes me more angry not to see you and for you not to be around.”

    “… … .”

    Is it a confession or is it an anger?

    Siger breathed briefly. And he held my shoulders with both hands.

    "Yeah, I guess I like you, damn it."

    He said over and over again.

    "I like you. I like you.”

    "Sieger, I...….”

    "And I don't want to know how you feel.”


    "Don't say it. Please."

    He bowed his head on my shoulder. As I looked down at his wavy black crown, I felt complicated.

    I don't hate him. I like him, so to speak.

    But……. Maybe that's why it was more of a problem. Side problems arising from different circumstances and status.

    “I hate you being with someone else. I hate you talking, laughing, and doing anything [with someone else]. I don't like anyone else except me.”

    "I see. What do you mean?"

    He looked up. I grabbed my sleeve and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Meanwhile, he was staring at me the whole time.

    When I lowered my sleeves, he asked me:

    "Can I kiss you?”

    I thought for a moment and answered.


    We slipped into the alley right next door. He covered my cheek with his thumb, sweeping my earlobes. He came down to meet his eyes as close as he could reach his forehead, crossed his nose, and held his upper lip (not sure). I put my arms around his shoulders and he put down his hands and hugged my waist.

    I rise on tiptoes and let him step on the ground with his head down further. We kept our lips together in a frenzy, and the gap between their open mouths became closer. Our tongues were mixed.

    For a moment, his lips fell off, and Sieger turned his head a little more and struck him deeply. I felt like my tongue was sucking up to the roots. When he lifted up his chin and removed his lips, I rushed after him and kissed him.

    When I smiled vaguely, it was not until he swallowed all the laughter before he raised the corners of his mouth to smile.

    The two of us laughed together for a while and then opened our mouths again. I slipped down my hand from his neck, rubbed his shoulders and back with my palm, and hugged his neck again.

    When I grabbed him by the hair, he covered my waist and lifted me up. He looked up at me with his arm under my butt. I grinned and scratched his hair and grabbed his cheek with both hands. Then I bowed my head and kissed his lips.

    I rested my legs on his back, and he loosened his arms and hugged me. We both twirled and kissed and hit my back against the wall. I laughed again in the wind, and then bite his tongue.

    When I saw his brows narrowing, I gently rubbed it with my tongue. He kissed strongly again. Our teeth bumped occasionally. Every time my hand went down on his back, his neck was throbbing. His back muscles were swept away from his clothes.

    He touched my lips several times finely and then again and again. Then asked.

    "Can I ask for your lips?"

    As I nodded, he jokingly bit my lower lip with his teeth. Still, he checked that I wasn't hurt, but when I laughed, he licked my lips with his tongue and asked again.

    “Can I lick your ears?”

    “Are you going to keep asking?”

    "Otherwise, I can’t know. What you like and what you hate."

    "That's true."

    "So what about your ears?"

    I smiled and lowered my head and bit his earlobe. His eyebrows flinched in pain. I licked up slowly and breathed in his ears.

    “I see you like it.”

    He hugged me tightly. I also pulled him to the cheek.

    Like people who know this moment will never come again. Everything about him was hot, sweet, and good.

    And, well, Happy New Year!
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2020
  2. Yonaa96

    Yonaa96 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2019
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    Aaaaaaa thankyouuuuuuu❤️ i want more story like that❤️
  3. Anujchirde

    Anujchirde Active Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Please can you tell me where can I download this webtoon , I fell into reverse harem game . I literally can't find it and google search doesn't return anything
  4. Anujchirde

    Anujchirde Active Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Where can I download this webtoon , it seems I fell into reverse harem game
    layyu likes this.
  5. layyu

    layyu Adopt me plsss

    Aug 3, 2020
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    You can read it at KakaoPage (if you can pass the 15 age restriction, or at RidiBooks (which offers more options to pay and is easier to take access even if their is a 19 age restriction, coz you can easily surpass it).
  6. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Off-topic but I just saw the translated manhwa update and the afterword. Anybody got any idea what the artist's new work is? All that talk about albino looking Yeldria, a pink haired Daisy, Nadricka fusion from 2 diff characters (a Lovia and Seiger).

    Now, to keep my post semi-relevant
    D*mn the Ettsen fallout panel was GORGEOUS and what a SHINY armor. Heck, if I remember it right, wasn't Seiger supposed to have simply eavesdropped and NOT confront/taunt MC? Is this one of the manhwa changes? Because I think it fits the change. Where are we in the adaptation, novel-wise?
    vrotki likes this.
  7. Maculan

    Maculan Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Sadly, we didn’t see their reaction (I wanted to see it too). The 8th story in 7th volume is still without Louise (or pregnancy for that matter), and 9th story is about grown-up Louise, so no pregnancy fluff for us.

    Personally, I think Cairos is the dad. Not only it’s politically more beneficial (thus unifying two empires), but also it’s about her name. Louise sounds very similar (well, not so, but still) to the Eliza, Cairos’ name as a girl (I already posted that he was raised as a girl in childhood).

    Plus, it’s not Louise's name meaning God’s Lover, but the new MC’s name (Ruolta).

    Sieger definitely doesn’t have romantic feelings towards Yuriel. When he first met her, he was already in love with MC. Yuriel tried to seduce him, though, and sometimes tried doing that in public (and before MC’s eyes). And Sieger was not willing at this point to go to MC (he just ignored her, didn’t even greet her). Soon, though, he realised that he wanted to be with MC and after winning the tournament he came to her, and since then they were semi-together (not officially, like Lovia or Nadricka's position as concubines, but they were spending time together). Yuriel was not happy about it, since Sieger refused to step down as her escort driver (he spied on her for MC).

    Rumours started even before the tournament, as Sieger was previously in Yeldria’s knight harem and then Yuriel was clinging to him.
  8. Maculan

    Maculan Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    It’s a promo for the novel "I Only Treat Villains", Speedcat already translated it (Mangadex). Link to the novel (kakaopage, without age restriction).

    Also, as I understand from twitter, the artist (GOYA) previously had another webtoon that was cancelled due to lack of recognition (or pirate issues?), though I do not know what webtoon was it. For this, she’s eager to complete drawing this webtoon to the very end (and she's afraid this webtoon won't become popular).

    We’re still in the first volume plot-wise. Next there will be dance with Ecklot, truth reveal (Lovia and Nadricka), then MC will strip Ecklot out of concubinage (how can you put it in English?) during the meeting with nobles (Karant! I want to see this blue-haired woman so badly), the preparation for the party (scenes like Lovia threatening Essen) and the birthday party itself. So yeah, I think it will be no less than 10-15 until the end of the volume (and so it will make 50 chapters per volume, same as Chitra).

    Sieger did indeed interact with MC in the novel (the whole scene I posted here), it's almost the same in the webtoon.

    “Thank you for showing me a nice view, Your Highness.”

    Until I can hear that voice.

    Perhaps he knew I was deliberately trying not to see him, and anger grew on his face. I didn't want to meet him again this way, the guard of the party leader.

    “Nice view?”

    “So isn’t it?”

    It was Sieger.

    “Why do you think so?”

    “After killing his family and ruining his country, he finally subdued to you completely. Isn't that a good thing?”

    “Subduing? It's not like that.”

    «Why? Looks like you’ve completely missed it. That person will probably never admit it. Even if it kill him, eventually.”


    «That’s my… .”

    “Yes, I know.”

    I sighed.

    “Are you unpleasant because I seemed to have ruined your life, which seemed to be good, in one day, and gave you all sorts of insults, and then finally threw your away like an old shoe? Looking at him makes you feel like you've been surrendered to me?”

    “It’s not—.”

    “It is like that. But, Sieger.”

    Beneath his dark hair like night, his beast-like yellow eyes stared at me.

    “The enemy must know how to hide.”

    “… .”

    Siger's breath was harsh.

    “So you can later put a knife in the gadfly.” (So you can later stab me in the back (?))

    I walked past him.
    gracecfe, noah21, rock.doll and 7 others like this.
  9. bingereaderv

    bingereaderv Active Member

    Nov 18, 2019
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    If you use google Chrome browser, there is an automatic translate website option. Just dl it from app store :).
  10. Sitri2021

    Sitri2021 New Member

    Jan 4, 2021
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    Hi there new member, and i recently just finished reading the latest chapter of the manhaw of this novel. One thing i would ask to specify is that apparently in 5th or 4th volume? not exactly sure. that apparently Essen started a rebellion in Velod due to the original yeldria appearance and causing war with cairo's empire. What has excactly happened once the MC from the past appeared into the original yeldria body? did he finally accept her and become one of her concubines? i just dont see any responses on the aftermath of that rebellion.
  11. vrotki

    vrotki Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2018
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    From what Maculan said (if I remember correctly), MC didn't comeback into OGYeldria's body. She got a new one from God, so Ettsen could be with her now.
    rock.doll likes this.
  12. Maculan

    Maculan Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Well, first of all - there were two rebellions from Velode. The first one broke out when MC (and Yuriel and the emperor) was still alive, and Essen had nothing to do with it. He and MC stopped the rebellion (and Ecklot from killing all the rebels), making some sort of agreement with them; and after that Yuriel was killed, MC was crowned as empress regnant and Essen went missing (after confessing his love for MC). That first rebellion was in the second half of 5th volume.

    So, everything after is partly my guess, as it gets iffy. As I understand it, after OG!Yeldria took her body back from MC, Essen joined the already pre-existing rebellion forces from before to fight OG!Yeldria (since those two rebellions are not scattered in time). Also, Lovia (well, his money) supported the rebellion alongside with the support from Cairos’ empire (not sure). It’s 6th volume.

    Essen was already in love with MC before she died (so before both of the rebellions), but he couldn’t be with her. As I got it, he was consumed in the past and he needed time to rethink all of his life. So by the time he met MC again (6 years after; she was in her 2nd body; the 1st body (Yeldria’s body) was unstable/rejected MC’s soul), Essen already made up his mind (aka came to terms with his past and could let it go). As to when he learnt that MC is another person and not OG!Yeldria, I have no idea.

    Pretty much, to sum it up: OG!Yeldria has returned, Essen started leading the 2nd rebellion; before one of the final battles between Yeldria and Cairos’ empires, Essen met returned MC in her 2nd body, recognised her, and stayed with her (alongside with Sieger) to help her overthrown OG!Yeldria. That is all in 6th volume.

    And I’m still not sure that any of her men has a status of a concubine at the very end. Maybe lovers, maybe husbands, maybe concubines.
  13. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    @Maculan, I remember your vol.07 post where each POV of the MLs have a different way of calling/referring the others. I don't blame you for getting confused with that but we could still factor the fact Cairos if I remember your spoiler right, while still involved in diplomatic relations, is no longer emperor by his own violition (even when MC died at vol.05, yes?), Ecklot denies to get back his title but is MCs left/right hand man (but there are complaints since he was instrumental with OGYeldria's conquest), but then again Essen is planning to rebuild Velrod, Nadricka's no longer a slave, and Seiger insists he remain a commoner to have more freedom than others (since he still does night patrols) but his orphaned kids get to stay at the palace/gets adopted (no mention on them on Vol.07 as older siblings to Louise?)
    Sadri, Mi shiru, vrotki and 2 others like this.
  14. Maculan

    Maculan Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Cairos' situation is rather different. When MC died in 5th volume, Nadricka let him escape to his own empire. When OG!Yeldria attacked Cairos' empire, he killed his own older brother and took his place as the emperor (and Cairos also did something else for him to gain the nickname of "Bloody Emperor", though I'm not sure what exactly). When MC returned, he abandoned his place and went to be with her. Indeed, Cairos in the end is involved with politics, but in the internal affairs, not the external ones.

    Essen is named as "the prince who stepped down", Cairos is "former emperor", Nadricka is already not a slave (slavery is abolished even before the start of the novel); I'm not sure what title or position Ecklot has (or was it really addressed in the novel?), same with Lovia and Sieger.

    The appearance of the retired prince and the powerful emperor of the newly-born empire standing side by side with the royal city would have been a sight of their senses crossing.
    The war was over, the Empress died as emperor, the Empire lowered its flag, and Etsen regained the kingdom.
    At one time, Etsen wondered if rebuilding Belod could make any difference. But nothing could be the same as the days he was in, and it was only comforting to the hearts of the survivors.

    As Sieger shuffled his words and replied, the general manager bit his mouth. No matter how much by rank, even the same general manager, Sieger is an emperor’s man. He didn’t have the will to answer back.

    The emperor never formally married anyone.

    It was because he was wary of the forces that would be divided between the legitimate emperor’s family and the second emperor, and at the same time he refused to choose one of his men because of his personal character.

    However, there was a widespread movement among aristocrats to prepare for the line in advance, although they could not always leave their sides empty.

    And among them, there was the most noticeable herd, and there was a constant struggle for power: the men who pushed Cairos to the side.

    The Emperor’s other lovers refused to take public office as much as possible, and further distanced themselves from these matters.


    For them, Cairos was almost the only breathing room. He was the only lover of the emperor who participated in political affairs, and since the ingredients from his birth are precious, it was considered as the only opportunity.

    Cairos was not as stiff or dismissive as Ecklot, and no matter how much he smacked like Lovia, there wasn’t a return answer (?), and Sieger hated them in the first place.

    Overshadowing the last generation’s nickname of the Bloody Emperor, he was beautiful, sweet, and pleasant. The nobles even overlooked why the emperor of another country came all the way here and claimed to be an unofficial lover of the empress.

    As I understand, MC could have only one "empress", so she chose not to choose among her men. She also didn't take them as her concubines in order for them to have their own freedom, as concubines are only property of their spouse, but it's my guess.

    As far as I can tell, there are no mentions of orphans in 7th volume.

    P.S. By the way, Sieger has a noble title after the tournament (baron, I guess), but it's nonheritable.
  15. midnightD143

    midnightD143 Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    Can anyone share the other sweet moments of MC Towards to other ML's:blobmelt::blobmelt::blobmelt: Just like you know the same scene of :blobnosebleed::blobnosebleed: *ehem* Ecklot :blobnosebleed::blobnosebleed::blobpats::blobpats: or Sieger ...:blobnosebleed::blobnosebleed::blobnosebleed::aww::aww::aww::aww: Please share:aww::aww::aww: Thank u and God Bless in advance!!!:blobmelt::blobmelt::blobparty::blobparty::blobparty:
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
    miinamiii likes this.
  16. Maculan

    Maculan Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Official Japanese translation

    Before the official translation I was actually afraid that Cairos and God will not be introduced (since they are not in the cover), but for now I think that at least God will appear for sure (there are hints from Yuriel). As for now, webtoon sticks to the novel quite well, with only minor distractions (for example, some scenes with higher rating are omitted - like bathing scene with Nadricka).

    Yeldria (MC) = Elvia (shortened as Via)
    Yuriel = Arielle Rose
    Nadricka = Nadrika
    Lovia (Robia) = Robért Juran
    Essen = Etsen Velode
    Sieger = Siger
    Ecklot = Éclat Paesus
    Daisy = Daisy
    the emperor (his name is hard to decipher, hence I call him just «the emperor») = Alpoche Enje Cecilia

    Orviette Empire (MC’s empire)
    Boron/Boran (the translation used both variants) Kingdom (the one Ecklot conquered)
    Velode Kingdom (Essen’s kingdom)
    Rothshild Empire (Cairos’ empire)

    So, official translation is good and tries to soften some moments in the story (btw, I do not know which translation is correct).
    For example, MC and Lovia conversation in chapter 20.
    Lovia: …Thanks to that, didn’t you end up taking back the amount of time you promised to me?
    MC: So, because of that, you’re going to get drunk in front of me again?
    Lovia: How I spend my time outside of our classes has nothing to do with Your Highness.
    MC thoughts: He’s definitely upset…
    Lovia: And I’m someone who has an extremely high alcohol tolerance.

    Official translation
    Lovia: …Isn’t that why you showed up late for our promised lesson time, today?
    MC: Is that any worse than you drinking your way through our lesson?
    Lovia: Your Highness doesn’t care, how I spend my personal time, anyway.
    MC thoughts: He’s definitely upset…
    Lovia: And don’t worry, I know how to hold my liquor.

    And about Yuriel in chapters 9 and 13 (from official translation).
    The soul that now occupies Yuriel’s definitely should not be here, and she knows about it. She has forced herself into this world (btw, she doesn’t know that MC’s soul did also transmigrate, but she suspects that something unusual happened because of her intervention) to obtain fame and success (and harem), and she knows that she tricked God by doing that. In the chapter 9, she addressed God by asking «Isn’t it time you’ve accepted that [that she’s the main character]?». In the chapter 13, she's wondering whether Yeldria changed due to her forcing herself into this world.

    MC in the most recent (38) chapter
    "I'm not the princess."
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2021
    gracecfe, noah21, Tt123 and 7 others like this.
  17. Maculan

    Maculan Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    2nd volume, 9th chapter (Ridibooks count)

    It was late at night and the moon was very bright. I squatted down the stairs in front of the front door and stared blankly into the silence. My breath came out white.

    Then there was the sound of the door opening behind my back. The blanket fell over my shoulder, and soon Sieger sat next to me. He put a thermometer in my mouth without saying anything.

    "……why do you look at me like that?”

    When he took out the thermometer again, I replied.

    "I thought you were being too frugal."

    "Me? You?"

    He looked like he couldn't hear, but he didn't completely deny it. It just seemed that I myself didn't know why.

    “Thank you.”

    "I don't think I appreciate it."

    I shrugged.

    “Well, I've been thinking about that all day. … … [I thought that] I didn't care if I died then, but I did.”

    When I went out on horseback, I was filled with a desire to run away. But as time passed, it was not clear what I was trying to escape from.

    If I ran away, I would still be in this world.

    Was it just running away from this damn fate? It's not that. Maybe just from this life itself.

    When I thought about that, I was filled with regret.

    “I wish I had died then.”

    When I didn't even know I was sick. At the moment when I didn't even know I was dying. Would it have been easier if I had died like that?

    "Don't say such things carelessly."


    I looked up at him. Over the shoulder, above my eye level, I saw his dark profile.

    “It’s not thoughtlessly.” (I’ve thought about it)

    “Thoughtless it is.”

    “… … .”

    I decided to not respond this time because I was afraid of starting another useless emotional fight. I was tired and most of all, I didn't want to fight him very much.

    "Because you're so nice."

    I looked at him with my chin on my palm. Was he like this from birth?

    Well, that's why you have four kids with you when you don't have enough [money]. On top of that, it was obvious that the children looked happy.

    “Children, they were cute.”


    He gave an unexpected response to what I said meaninglessly. I hated it.

    “……I just said they were cute. In a good sense.”

    “Good sense?”

    "Hey. It didn't mean much.”

    Sieger looked like he was choosing what to say for a moment.

    "Just, just stop. Stop paying attention to the kids."

    “What do you say I am doing?”

    “Don’t you see it?”

    “… … .”

    “They are so desperate.”

    Seeger glanced at me.

    "You… You will leave when the time comes.”


    “Just don’t even look at them. Don't even smile.”

    “At the children?”

    “At the children.”

    I turned away from him and looked up at the sky. Where do emotions sprout from? Face to face? I turned my words around in moderation.

    “Aren’t you tired of living like this?”

    He replied one beat late.

    "……I lived a miserable life."

    And soon the story continued in a loose atmosphere.

    “I've been alone since I was very young. So when I found out that they were alone, when I woke up, I bought and fed something.” (?)

    “… … .”

    “Then it turned out like this. I don't regret it.”

    There was another parentless child in this house. Come to think of it, it was. Why didn't he know he was alone at first?

    “Should I say benefactor. At first it was because of him.” (There he refers to his benefactor, without pointing out a gender of a person; we all know it was MC)

    He picked up the wood and threw it into the yard without meaning.

    “Lord Dipet?”

    "No. I’m also grateful to him. Before that, when I was younger.”


    “When I thought that all adults were garbage. I was very hungry, that I almost cried, but someone bought me a lot of food. At first I wondered if it was poison or medicine.”


    "Anyway…… It was so delicious. I still remember.”

    “Who was it?”

    "I don't know. I don't remember."

    “You said you remember the taste?”

    "I only remember it was tearfully delicious."

    He grinned.

    "Is that all?»

    "That's all."

    The moonlight was streaming down his cheeks. There was a lot of light and shadow on his face. For a moment, I was captivated by his face.

    Underneath the tangled black cilantro hair, the alien bright yellow eyes blinked and looked at me.

    “Well, anyway. I just live. Is there a reason?”


    "It's just like this, it's annoying, it's disgusting, it's just a constant life."

    He looked at my expression and smiled.

    “What else can I do?”

    Looking at him like that, I thought about it.

    Around me, in some way, there were many people whose life was all about the thoughts of the Princess. Those who fear or hate the princess, or get used to her arrogance, and that's why they treat me like that.

    But sometimes, there were some who didn't. Seeger was one of them. Although he hated her princess, he was still like him before meeting her princess.

    So sometimes they suddenly take their eyes away. (???)

    It felt like my heart was beating a little. Not just running as usual, but in a little awkward or surprised way.

    "Thank you."


    Can I do that too?

    Wherever I am, whoever I am, whoever interrupts me.

    Will I be able to survive?

    "It's just. ..."

    "I think I'm quite serious this time."

    He and I laughed silently together. I felt strange.

    That's the way most lives are. It is just living.

    There's nothing else we can do.

    And at the end of his laughter, his face, which he had never pulled suddenly, was closer to me by the moonlight that had fallen on his face. (???)

    Sieger looked into my eyes for a moment. His nose was crossed (I guess, it’s moonlight flicked on this nouse) and he quietly kissed my lips.
  18. Maculan

    Maculan Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Now, as manhwa is almost at Nadricka and MC’s conversation about her identity (the last part I MTLed here) (and I finally have some spare time), I’ll try to translate the following parts of the novel (well, MTL it).

    So, the ending of chapter 6, after MC and Nadricka’s conversation.
    "It's a freshly baked bread."

    "Thank you."

    As Yuriel smiled slightly, the boy who brought the bread and then disappeared toward the kitchen, turned red. As soon as the boy disappeared, Yuriel looked at the window in front of her with an expressionless face.

    The favorability of ‘Raki’ has exceeded 50.

    You will be able to create new roots.

    ( ※Slot remaining: 3 spaces)

    Do you want to create it? Y/N

    Yuriel snorted, pressing N. What are you talking about? Yuriel is now very tired of staying at this lousy inn.

    Then the door opened, and a familiar silhouette entered the inn. The golden sunset covered his shoulders and then faded into the shade.

    "Here you go."

    The man raised up tired eyes, saw Yuriel, and came straight to her.

    The man, who was the prince of a country that has now fallen into ruin, even had a different walk. At least it looked like that in Yuiel's eyes.

    "Is everything all right?”

    Essen hugged Yuriel as it was. While he was holding her in his arms, Yuriel patted his back a few times reluctantly.


    “Is it worth staying here?”

    Uriel smiled and nodded. Then she asked as if she had waited.

    "What about her?"

    She felt Essen's arm stiffening.

    "…Why do you keep asking that?"

    He lifted his head and looked straight into Yuriel’s eyes.

    "Then you won't ask? She put me here, in this filthy, dirty place, and I can’t even ask how is she doing?"

    Yuriel, who shouted sharply, finally softened his expression when she realized that all she had left was a man in front of her.

    "……she ruined everything for me, and you didn't get angry once."


    "Why? Why are you looking at me like that? If you really love me, do something. She made a mockery of me! Look at me now! I'm...."

    "You are as precious to me as you used to be. Even now you're--."

    "I'm not talking about that right now! Well, yeah, you're saying that being kicked out from the palace is nothing different than being a royal courtier like me?” (???)

    "You know I don't think so.”

    "So? Do I have to thank you?”

    "……I don't think you have anything to say about this, Yuriel."

    Essen did not necessarily mention the name of Eclot Paces. What kind of intention was Yuriel approaching him?

    Uriel burst out laughing nervously.

    "Don't be ridiculous. You know that. You were hurt, aren’t you?”


    "Even if you do the same thing, someone becomes miserable, and someone else lives well. Why should I be the former? I'll be the latter. I'd rather--."

    "Yuriel, calm down."

    "You don't hate it? An unfair world? What's this damn absurdity that they're the only ones eating and living well?"

    Essen was silent. It's been a long time since he noticed. The woman he loved may not have existed in this world in the first place.

    But how can he abandon the woman in front of him? Whatever was false, whatever was true, she was the only woman who saved him in a world teeming with irresolvable hatred and self-doubt.

    "I will not forgive.”

    Essen held Yuriel's cheek with both hands. Anger and hatred were overflowing in the eyes of the person whom he loved so much. The emotions once seethed throughout his body were now there [in her].

    "Yuriel, please, leave it be. Don't hurt yourself any more."


    "If you want, let’s go far away. Now that I’ve become an official knight, you'll be able to live with rust so that you won't be disappointed by the local aristocrats (???). That's all I need, Yuriel."

    Did I tell you to forget? Not too close, not too far, just that distance.

    Let's go our separate ways.

    "She's... you're going to forgive her? Is that what you just said? You?"

    "No. I said I'd forget."


    Yuriel sometimes felt something different from Essen.

    I hate her so much, but who are you to criticise me?

    Even hatred was so high that my stomach was twisted. Ever since I first met Etsen.

    For the people of my country who don't even know her face, I chose a life that was trampled by the princess? And what? You are willing to die, so ask me to live instead?

    But every time I did, she ignored my feelings. It didn't make sense to be jealous of someone who is already lying at my feet.

    "You can say you're crazy. You're the only one for me now. So, let's just leave together."


    Yuriel wanted to shout.

    Who wants something like that? Why do I do what only good for you? (???, maybe, why choose only you?)

    “… … In the future, she will continue to play with people like that. How can you be so confident that we're not among them? You still don't know? Do you really think she's gonna keep us alive? Just say that you've changed your mind and it's over!"


    "Why are you so naive? That's why I suffered."


    "People don't change easily.”

    Etsen looked at Yuriel and thought. There's definitely something that doesn't change. However, I didn't even know that the more it is, the easier it is to change sometimes, perhaps, to the point of futility. I once believed it would never change.

    Yuriel, the princess, and...…. Himself too.

    "Don't you believe it? Then do it for me."

    Uriel grabbed Essen by the collar and pulled him. She ordered him clearly under his nose.

    "Kill her."


    "Kill her!»


    "Then I'll leave with you. Forget everything."


    You’ve asked 'Etsen Bellod' to exceed the limit. If he accepts, his favorability will be permanently cut by 80%. If you retrieve your demands, there is no change.

    (Caution! Permanent reduced favorability will not be refilled for any reason.)

    A. Maintain a favorable impression.

    B. You’re willing to take penalties.

    After a long time, the system seemed to be on her side. If Essen succeeds in killing the princess, he'll die anyway, so there is no difference between the options. (She thinks that if he dies, his favourability is in no longer use for her, so she doesn’t care)

    "I'm not asking you to do that right now. But."

    Yuriel grabbed the scabbard from his waist and rolled up the corners of her mouth to laugh.

    "You should always be ready to do that."

    Essen slowly took a trembling hand off Yuriel's cheek. He murmured with a gloomy appearance.


    Yuriel waited to see what he was going to say. Anyway, according to the system window, Essen cannot refuse Yuriel's order. It's supposed to be like that.

    But Yuriel didn't know. The fact that such an idea eventually makes Yuriel herself a player trapped in the system as well.

    "I think I've ruined you, Yuriel."

    Hugging him, Yuriel whispered in Etsen's ear.

    "Then you'll be more responsible."

    Then, she twisted her lips and laughed.

    You think I'm gonna let you ruin my life?

    Who am I. Why am I here.

    We’ll see the end. And I will definitely win.

    As usual, MTL, so a bit iffy (this part changes the POV several times, and sometimes I cannot distinguish who’s thinking right now).

    On the side note, wtf was MC’s fall in the water in the most recent chapter? To bring more drama? Honestly, it's stupid for her to fall 2 (!) times from the balcony/boat at the same night. But Lovia and MC kissed much earlier (can we consider it a kiss?) then in the novel (3rd volume).

    Btw, the artist really loves crying men - first Nadricka, then Essen, and now Lovia got their crying glown-up. If this is the case, we won’t see Ecklot’s up until the very end.
    gracecfe, noah21, Tt123 and 5 others like this.
  19. Yoonal

    Yoonal Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2020
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    Any spoiler about essen? :aww:
  20. sepheddy

    sepheddy Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2020
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    Does anybody have the link to the english translated novel? I tried to read at novelupdates but there's only six chapters with all dead links. Pleaseee