Spoiler Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils spoilers.

Discussion in 'Novel Discussion' started by Overclock, Sep 27, 2018.

  1. Overclock

    Overclock Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2016
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    Killing Grounds of God's and Devils spoilers. 179 to about ch 600. I'm just summing up stuff, so it isn't a perfect summary. I'm also reading by Google translate. It wasn't the best, but not the worst MT. Just be aware Su Yu and Jade have similar names, so mt translated both as Su Yu.

    1. They are surrounded by more fire monsters. The director guy and one of the twins die. Seems like a shame, but ultimately all the new guys except the body guard and author die, most off screen without any impact to the story. To beat the monsters they use a combination skill with their fifth lifeform Ah Da to kill them all. The group then meets another group of black iron warriors with a fifth lifeform of their own, and they help the main characters get fire energy for Ah Da. They encounter another group and fight over the fire energy and win. Among them was a artificial human made by a fallen race, Atlantis. The group then move back to the black iron world, where the forest is, and move to a small village outside the forest called Freedom Village. The protagonist Su Yu gets advice on how to breakthrough to tier 5 black iron warrior, which requires not just energy but comprehension of your abilities and the direction of evolution. This is a recurring thing, so from tier 5 onward you need to comprehend something as well as energy to evolve. Su Yu meditates for hours or a day, and wakes up as tier 5. Freedom Town was attacked by people recognizing the little girl hunted by White Tiger. Su Yu, I believe advancing the lizard arm ability, beats the enemy.

    2. Freedom Village needs supplies, so they go to the earth element space, similar to the fire element space Ah Da brought them to before. Su Yu encountered the 666 girl, chasing after her and leaving the group behind thinking they would be okay. Su Yu loses track of her, and runs into teams with 5th lifeforms taking a test. Thinking it's something good there he sneaks in, but ends up getting caught in a death game with a prize, an item that can power a large city. It's a great prize, but Ah Da tells Su Yu they made a mistake in coming here since the other 30 teams are basically made up of peak tier 5 and 6 Black Iron Warriors, and it’s a fight to the death with only one team leaving. They get transported to a unknown space with ruins of Atlantis, with robots with specs comparable to tier 6 roaming everywhere. This is one of the best arcs I've read. Su Yu is really barely getting by in this environment he is not strong enough to live in, but by pushing himself he steadily gets stronger in this death battle. The robots have energy cores that swiftly raises him to a peak tier 5 and power up his lightning origin beast necklace, and evolve Ah Da. And realizing he's out match by the robots and the competition he finally starts experimenting with his skills, combining them together and with his new found lightning powers. It's exciting to watch, but he still can't beat the strongest tier 6 warriors so he's forced to retreat. Su Yu feeling he needs to reach tier 6 if he wants to live despite the progress he made, starts challenging the tier 5 and weak tier 6 warriors, later learning to get to tier 6 isn't about fightning talent but also external stimulation... I think, so his goal is to fight those stronger than himself to force evolution. Meets a artificial god of Atlantis, only having the combat power to rival god, but can't do stuff like create life or heal, so he needs Su YU to heal his girlfriend or something. In exchange he attempts to force Su Yu's evolution, but fails, yet passed on some of his skills (Can't be used till he get to Silver tier, so it doesn't matter till we're in the late 500's chapters). The organizers of the trial don't like the artificial god is present, so while he's distracted fighting other OP people, they send all the black iron warrior except Su Yu to kill the man's girlfriend. Su Yu ends up protecting the girl, fighting off multiple tier 5 and tier 6, and finally making a breakthrough to tier 6 during the life and death struggle. Before there's a resolution the artificial god returns, leaves with his girlfriend on freaking Noah’s Ark, that's supposed to be as strong or stronger than god, and as thanks for helping him he gives Su Yu an item that can summon a demon god, super OP, but drains so much life force as he is now he can only summon it for a few seconds before dying, so no worries about him abusing it. Stuff happens with gods, the gold winged man makes a appearance again, and the trial ends early, each surviving team and Su Yu getting a energy item enough for a town, instead of large city.

    3. Su Yu meets up with his group again who couldn't leave for reasons. Stuff happens, stole material for time coins and offended a ruler of the Black Iron World or something and they barely escaped, but it ultimately doesn't mean anything as a dropped plot point. Su Yu fights a tier 6 battle genius, Su Yu creates a lightning cloud killing him, cementing his authority as the strongest in the area. Su and classmates feel guilty for what happened in the school, so they return to the forest to save them. Well, everyone from school died except 4, including that teacher. A city owner killed them all and is using their bodies to summon a dark god. Su and co fight them, and Su gets left broken from using the demon god thing with little to no life force, but heals a weak later. Also the teacher with the gun power died and the teacher who he had a crush on is missing, doesn't get resolved. A month passed while they were in the forest and while they were gone a tier 5, now 6 warrior took over the town. This part is extremely complicated, sad, and emotional event as some people betrayed Su and co for not black and white reasons, including a potential love interest who both has a desire for power and to be worthy of being Su Yu’s partner, but crap happened. It’s complicated and I can't do it justice, but it ends with Su Yu becoming more active as a leader. He leaves the actual work to others, but becomes the true face of the group and is thinking about the future, including a potential apocalypse coming in less than 2 years. Also Su Yu bitch slapped the knife guy to the ground who sided with the tier 6 guy, and is later killed for the betrayal since he's dangerous and the only one who betrayed just for power and personal gain.

    4. Shit happens, someone tired to rape the 8 girl, Su kills them and the spoiled woman who tried to force him to stop, the daughter of a tier 7 city owner, just walked up and broke her neck. Su Yu who had become tier 7 himself a few days earlier, wins by killing the city lords 5th lifeform. Becomes the new owner of Black Iron City. Another city owner attempts to take over the Black Iron World with the remains of that dark god, now put in a little girl. Pretty much succeeded, but Su Yu helped the owner of the sky city, the daughter of two people who went on to become gods, fight back, tricking ice city to fight them, and the little girl used so much power she was punished by the rules (Giant foot) and heavily wounded. This incident gets Su Yu on the watch list of powerful forces with connections to gods.

    5. At tier 7 there are no longer doors in the body for Qi to go, so Su Yu is stuck here for a while. He goes back to Freedom Town, met the girl who betrayed him, not hating her but too awkward to be around he leaves, which leads him to how to get to tier 8. With no more doors you need to create the path of evolution yourself. He can't reach tier 8 yet, but makes a lightning tail. Su Yu stops another plot to take over or destroy the world, with an item he stole from ice city way back before becoming a city owner, a golden skull of a god he's been using to strengthen himself. And now the people from ice city mistake Su Yu as the reincarnation of their god who will lead them back to their world claimed by devils. Once again people are noticing him, but because he doesn't have any background they see him a threat and obstructing the ways of the world, cliché. Su and co go to a party (May have happened earlier) at sky city, and the girlfriend of the missile guy gets kidnapped. They rescue her, but she was either raped or tortured, so they kill the guy responsible, the son of a major power with God connections. The father can't do anything for the time being for certain reasons, so he puts a hold on his revenge.

    6. Su Yu and co are forced to enter a trial with 100 teams, in a multiple dimensional battle of various races. My opinion is that this is one of the best arcs. Su Yu has grown so strong that most of his comrades are much weaker than him, but the arc showed him and us readers that team work isn't pointless for him. They are forced to fight armies of tier 5-8 monsters and even tier 8 warriors of different races, while Su Yu is still tier 7 peak, so only with team work do they survive and grow. A lot of unimportant characters die, but others become stronger. Missile guy dealing with what happened to his girlfriend and own weaknesses to protect her, his potential just explodes here. He realizes at last why he couldn't keep up with Su Yu and his desire to become strong for his girlfriend makes him stronger. Gained a secondary evolution power besides black iron warrior and discovers he has a seed, perfect 7, like 666 and transcendent 8. It’s a great arc, but fails at some points. The trial was supposed to have amazing rewards, like they found a item that could force tier growth even without comprehension, but they only got the one, so despite some growth in battle for the weak ones it felt like a loss. Missile guy’s girlfriend gets a ticket for the silver train to leave the world for the silver world, but only her and forced to leave. Su Yu and boyfriend try to save her, but fail and are punished by the guardian of the black iron world, feeling crippling pain every day till they can leave then world.

    7. The sky city owner helps Su Yu break the punishment. They find the little girl from before, but she's lost her memories, so she becomes his ally now. They later discover a head proclaiming to be a god and needs Su Yu to help him find the rest of his body. They find the cure for his punishment, which also helps Su Yu finally break into tier 8, gaining lizard tail. Now the father of the rapist comes for revenge. Su, the little girl, and a dog (he appeared back when they re entered the forest) who all have treasures from the dark god come together and kill him. This and Su Yu now owning the ice city makes the various powers of the world fear him as he has the capital to challenge them, so with no other options the Mayan race call for help beyond the iron world, calling five warriors who are super OP for the black iron world. They practically destroyed black iron city, killed some no body characters, including the cop girl from the forest. Su Yu in a rage used his dark god item to full power knowing that he'll die to kill the invaders. Afterwards he technically died, but kept alive thanks to a special item. The head guy, takes the group to a unknown space for Su Yu to revive and reincarnated back to a baby losing all his powers, but now he acquired a body with unlimited potential for growth. Like he only needed a thought to grow up to a 5 year old and become a black iron warrior again. OP, but wishing to become a god would kill him so he has to grow one step at a time. They return to the black iron world, but afraid of further retaliation they escape. Later the Mayan people called for their actual gods to come kill Su Yu. They try to kill him, but other godly forces try to protect him, but since the Mayan wants him dead at all cost they agree to a six month truce.

    8. Su to become stronger trains, regaining his peak tier 8 power and acquires black blood, similar to the drop of golden blood, but a lower tier but still OP as he has it for his whole body, making him stronger than tier 9 peaks. He encounters 666 again and is surprised she's stronger than him and she exits the world. Some tier 9 warriors in a deal to help them leave the world, help Su Yu advance to tier 9, making a core in the soul. Su Yu saved the white tiger city little girl from white tiger, and thanks to his truce they can't touch him. And the girl gives him a note which white tiger want so bad they killed her father the former leader and why they are chasing her. Now after a month Su Yu, missile guy to find his girlfriend, the dog, and the chain user girl exit the world to the bronze tower. It’s just a tower with multiple floors and environment filled with monster. Su Yu gain a movement skill, back blades to glide, and a hammer summing skill. They climb the tower, recruit a fire dragon Phoenix hybrid monster, and exit the tower in 2-3 months. Nothing big happens. The evolution is pretty much a repeat of the black iron 0-9. Oh, and because they were in a rush they left with Su Yu only bronze tier 8, and other 6-7. It’s a okay arc, but with no civilizations or special treasures to find it was only okay, and in this arc So Yu having Black Blood, now Bronze after upgrading, didn't struggle that much unless he was fighting someone three tiers above. And with few comrades for support and banter, the team play wasn't as good previous arcs.

    9. The silver world, or upper bound is confusing and personally my least favorite arc. Apparently there aren't monsters to gain energy, I think since the group doesn't hunt like before, so people grow stronger through cultivation nonsense. Su Yu and the guy searching for girlfriend immediately get sent to prison for just asking about the silver train by some woman. She's kind of nice since she didn't outright kill them and believes in rules, but she is in the end a byproduct of her upbringing valuing power and control, and thus those going against her rules are sinners. This gets shown when the main characters are forced to break out of jail. Prisoners tried to rape and bully them, so they ended up killing a bunch of prisoners, ultimately killing about 10,000 people. In reality I think they only killed a hundred or so, but the battle with the woman destroyed the prison. And the woman going on about the 10,000 “Innocent” souls plans to hunt them down. They escape, meet a Phoenix family, the monster they brought with them evolves to a girl in her teens, and they fake their deaths to lose the woman hunting them down. Later the group meets a former companion of Ah Da from 10,000 years ago. He trains Su Yu and he reaches tier 3 silver. Stuff happens, and are forced to call her former army of warriors. Su trains again in some cultivation training ground, becoming tier 7. They fight the woman again, forcing her to use a god tier summoning tool, but drains her life force to the point nothing can save her and will die in like a month. Stuff happens and their forces take serous damage in battle. Now, Su Yu only has a week left till the truce runs out, so he prepares to fight those God’s. Only read this far, to the 600's. Not my favorite arc, so I'm hoping it gets better from here.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
  2. daoist water drop

    daoist water drop Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2017
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    Yo bro did u finish it?
  3. Overclock

    Overclock Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2016
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    No I dropped it around 900-1000 I think.

    Mc fought the Mayan gods and won the competition with the help of friends and going beyond his limits. Chain girl who I failed to mention was recruited by a mysterious force and after helping Su Yu had to leave. So did the little girl with demon god power.

    The leader of the Mayn race gods took notice of the mc's potential and gave him a item (Trap) to get him stronger. Mc realized this immediately and just took its energy. The trap was that it would observe him and the Mayan leader would eat/consume his power once he grew to god tier, meaning Gold tier. The item had a reaction radiating a lot of power attracting many gods, so Su Yu threw it away but ends up meeting the ghost or spirit of the previous mayan race leader who agrees to train the mc before D Day, the apocalypse.

    Su Yu with help advanced to Gold tier before the apocalypse. He returns to the dark iron world where the apocalypse starts. All of Earth is dragged into the forest, but unlike Su Yu and others before him many of them get literal plot armor from divine rules of reality. One guy comes out of the forest in under a hour already at Dark Iron Warrior 8 or 9. A bunch of fifth lifeforms are released into the world and this guy and others get them, except this time they corrupt the humans, telling them they are now gods and should devour everyone to grow more powerful. The dude ends up killing a gold warrior who was watching the first guy with the mc, becoming gold as well. He couldn't kill mc, but mc couldn't kill him either as the reality did everything it could to keep this a hole alive, and yes he is one.

    More people come out eventually, including the mc's family. Father, mom, and sister. His Father is super powerful as well showing their family has a powerful bloodline, but he wasn't one of the first to come out as he was leading his family and others out. Mc made sure his father's fifth lifeform didn't corrupt his father, and takes them to his city.

    Freedom Town was attacked by one of the blessed people. Mc was angered to the point he kept trying to kill the guy despite every comical reality bending measure the world took to save him, and mc killed him, or did big damage to him. Forgot. The guy managing the released fifth lifeforms, a weakened Sapphire Warrior tier, instantly sensed this and bisected the mc from a crazy distance away they couldn't even sense it. Mc survived and ended up taking a part of the blessed man's power, so now while he doesn't get the protection or devouring power(Maybe?), he is recognized as a blessed one so he can fight the other blessed ones who are absolutely crazy and evil A holes.

    Mc and his team looka for the head guy's body parts, or god remains. They and other major powers enter a gods world with powerful items to grow stronger. Mc entered into the gods heart and absorbs its power, but took years.

    He awakens as a gold 6, 7, or 8 warrior I think. Everyone he knew has either escaped or died in his absence. The humans from earth who were not blessed took over the black iron world, thus the cycle of this world has begun anew with potential new legends coming to life, with the old history and fractions forgotten. Mc enters silver world/upper bound, everyone dead or escaped. Mc kills blessed humans too bored/afraid to leave to the world of the gods. Probably has a name, but forget. It's for all races, not just humans. The apocalypse happened in their worlds as well, so anyone from the previous generation mc is from is here or has died.

    Mc ran into mayan leader guy and they tied in their fights. The fight left him crippled for a while. He recovers somewhat eventually over the course of some borning events.

    Mc finds the base of the Sapphire guys left abandoned and used it to train. Was interesting, but author took the time to remind the mc the skills he learned himself from his evolution suit him most, not the God skills he got from way back. Mc plans to improve on his old skills, but nope. Author only had mc combine hammer skill and God skills together, nothing else. Mc and his companions at the time fight one of the agents of the organization responsible for the apocalypse, but their hatred for them made them unwilling to descalate and fought him, killing him and mc is left weakened again.

    Mc takes his time to heal and grow stronger by absorbing a star, finally getting to gold tier 9. A monster is going around devouring worlds along with blessed ones. Gods come together to kill it, but fail. Mc gets inside it and grows to Sapphire tier 0 I think, but the author isn't really clear one the stages going from here.

    Either here or earlier mc met his friends and family who are hiding in Ah Da's former headquarters from the last generation. Mc didn't stay to benefit from the stuff found here. Happened while star training the missile guy found his girlfriend, brainwashed by some super god trying to revive his dead wife using compatible people like her, but at this point it closer to a game or pastime as he doesn't except much. Girlfriend almost killed missile guy, Su Yu captured her and saved him. Missile guy in despair realizing he can't get his girlfriend back decides to die with her. Awakening his 7 power, killing the enemies that came to take her back. She dies, but gave him power, he becomes a near perfect God begin but isn't happy if he is alone and chose to die by transfering his power to a fifth lifeform he got way back.

    Mc enters the next level of the world, starry universe (Maybe). The gods here are crazy and desperate for any means to stop the end of everything. So much so anyone with special abilities like the mc or a guy with above average healing power are expected to willingly hand themselves over to be dissected to learn anything they can to fight off the end.

    Mc wants to find the chain girl finally realizing her feelings towards him. He finds her home/her fractions base, but gets attacked immediately. Literally he just shows up and as if it's an insult warranting death is attacked. Mc learns where she is, learns she is going to sacrifice herself to gain time to fight the end, mc stops her, and escape on Noah's Ark.

    Mc learns about his powers he got when he was reborn, that he is now some extinct race, or a clone of one, with a mission to revive the race. Time skip mc is Sapphire 3-5. Turns out he was being brainwashed by the arc/his powers, forgetting his identity as Su Yu. He forgot about his family and friends and failed to save them when they were attacked. A few escaped to the Ark, and Ah Da, who was separated from the mc a while back used her power to wake up Su Yu to the brain washing. His friends in despair over their losses ask Su Yu to get revenge for them, on I guess heaven. Su Yu does so while fighting his brainwashing.

    Last I read to.

    Oh white tiger thing was sort of mentioned, but not too much was gotten into. The little girl from white tiger is never mentioned, but as she can not evolve past tier 0 she likely died long ago over the time skips, as everyone else eventually made it to peak black iron to gold tier.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2022
  4. Chance

    Chance Observer

    Dec 1, 2016
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    Thank you!
    Overclock likes this.
  5. Ladiesman217

    Ladiesman217 Active Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Yo, if it doesn't bother you can you tell me what happened to that jade girl? The one with the same name as the mc. I just really need to know lmao
    Overclock likes this.
  6. Overclock

    Overclock Well-Known Member

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    It's been a while since I thought of this novel. I don't think Jade ever died, but also didn't stand out. I haven't read past where I dropped this years ago, so who knows if she does anything.
  7. WebNovelForge

    WebNovelForge Member

    Nov 2, 2023
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    This is the first post-apocalyptic novel I ever came across. The early setup was quite stunning, with brilliantly thrilling moments that gave me chills and are unforgettable. Unfortunately, as the story progressed into the middle and later parts, the quality of the writing deteriorated, and it ended with a rushed and disappointing conclusion, which was a real pity.
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  8. Overclock

    Overclock Well-Known Member

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    Agree. For me the black iron world was the peak of the story. With a few exceptions the middle and latter parts of the novel fail in comparison.