Spoiler A Way To Protect You, Sweetheart / 다정한 그대를 지키는 방법

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by -NEAR-, Mar 9, 2021.

  1. Wickre34

    Wickre34 Active Member

    Jun 8, 2021
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    How do they break her curse?
    Athy1000 likes this.
  2. Hera Elizabeth

    Hera Elizabeth Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    latest cover
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  3. Arekushieru

    Arekushieru Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2019
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    Right! You thought that about Axion too, eh?!?! Ditrian and Axion foreva! +Cedric! And maybe baby Perez!
  4. -SBKA-

    -SBKA- New Member

    Jun 11, 2021
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    Hello, I'm so sorry to ask this question in a spoiler thread but could someone help me find this webnovel? I found the manhua and I've been searching for the webnovel ever since but can't seem to be able to find it. Has it been removed because it is being made into a manhua now?
    Thank you :)
    Anacoronel470 likes this.
  5. iamwhoami

    iamwhoami Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2021
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    Awwwwww~~~ IM gonna cry, please awwww

    Thank you for the spoilers!
  6. Verytiredstarss

    Verytiredstarss New Member

    May 20, 2021
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    Hi does anyone have any spoilers about the latest chapters? About the guy who came along with her that she’s scared of.:aww::blobpeek:
    Haiting1536 likes this.
  7. hiddencholic

    hiddencholic Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2020
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    Julius POV is so sad.:notlikeblob:

    It was mentioned in the past spoiler that Julius have the power of prophecy.

    *Leticia was sleeping in Mano's room here when this flashback happened*

    Dietrian was actually part of the delegation that would go to the empire when he was younger. However, both Mano and Julius was able to sense something ominous about it. Julius said that he had a dream that the saint would kill Dietrian so he should be the one sent instead. Julius offered himself since he said that he would definitely come back. Mano allowed him since she knows that he has powers of prophecy. She was so sad when she finally realized that Julius did not specify his condition on how he would come back. This realization happened just after Leticia gave her Julius' remains.

    Mano was resolved to love Leticia more in the future since she havent experienced being loved by a mother.

    Then, Julius visited her in her room then(it was said like this in MTL so not sure if Julius' ghost or hallucination). He said to Mano that as he promised, Leticia is a lovely person.

    Mano thanked him for coming back. Julius said to her that he promised he would cone back but Mano replied to him that *he got smaller* but still she thanked him for coming back.



    Julius was actually having dreams for more than seven years. He was ridiculed in the empire when he first came there.(before he went to the empire as hostage. This is just a visit) He's the only one from the principality that was invited to a banquet where he was only ridiculed but still he did not lose his laughter.

    However, when he was all alone in his room, he thought this was the most painful night he has experienced. He did not want the others to worry so he put in a facade.

    That night he had a dream.

    He dreamt of an older Dietrian. It was Dietrian who sat on the throne. He dismissed it as a mere dream but then he started dreaming of Dietrian more and also of his unknown wife. He would see Dietrian's gaze always following his wife who has blonde hair and green eyes. He started to resent her because she never looked back to Dietrian and was always in alert when she was with him.

    He, however, could not hate her for long cause he sees her very insecure and her crying.

    Not all of his dreams were like that. Sometimes Julius would dream that Dietrian and his wife were happy and in love.

    He kept having dreams that Dietrian is the king that's why he developed a hobby of saying: "As long as my younger brother becomes king" which Dietrian hates.

    One day, they received the letter that Josephina wants Dietrian to be a part of a delegation. This is when he realized that the power of Gilead(prophecy) is returning.

    At first he was in denial. He also wanted to live as he's also young. He thought of running away but in the end he accepted it.

    He had a long dream before he accepted it. He dreamed of a little girl named Leticia. He was shocked that Dietrian's wife has the same name as the saintess' daughter.

    He dreamed of Leticia. This was the time when Leticia's notoriety was famous. He, then, thought that if his dream is true then there is no way the rumors are true.

    When he arrived at the empire, he tested out his prophetic power. He went to the place he saw Leticia in his dreams. Leticia did appear in that place like his dreams. He was both happy that the person he was looking for is finally here and despaired that his death is final.

    He was relieved yet sad that he wont be able to see them happy.

    He knew that Leticia would have a second life. He was so sad for Leticia's first life full of loneliness. He started to intervene with fate. He writes about Leticia in his letters to Dietrian.

    The last time he saw Leticia she asked him if she can see him again. He knows she wont since it is his last day so he just answered with:

    "Baby maid, see you again in a happy way later."

    I only read with MTL so might not be 100% accurate.

    That's Tenua. The 2nd(iirc) Wing of the saintess. He's most cruel in punishing Leticia. There's lots of spoiler about him in this thread. :blobokhand:
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  8. Annylove

    Annylove Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2021
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    NOOOOOOO I am sad. This hurts. Please Julius is such an angel.
  9. Athy1000

    Athy1000 Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2021
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    Who is Mano?
  10. mintypotat

    mintypotat Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2021
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    I think Mano is Dietrain and Julius' mother?
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  11. YellowROSE

    YellowROSE Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2021
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    Spoilers on the Side Story Please and Thank you :blobcatblush:
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  12. potato berry

    potato berry Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2021
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    Can anyone post the NSFW moments plz:aww:
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  13. seoktonin

    seoktonin burning eyes

    Nov 23, 2020
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    is nu glitching for me only? idk

    helooo spoilers from around ch 114 - 118
    this happened before tenua died the first time btw, leticia was feeling very sick because the power of the saint was ettling in so basically she was awakening. ahin knew that because he could see flowers falling around which is recorded as when a saint who is particularly powerful, awakens. he hears barnessa talking abt it and realises that he is also an unawakened wing. so every night he tries to bring him to the point of near death so his power can awaken and help leticia , barnessa allowed btw.
    the devil that gives Josephine power is also the one who gave tenua power so after tenua dies, the devil takes over and revives him as a shell, say.

    mano is diet and julius's mom and a descendant of one of the dragon's prophet - Gilead. they dream the future. after julius' death mano developed a childlike temperament and slept a lot but no one really believed that she had dreams of gilead.

    mano is the first to saw leticia and dint have much of a reaction initially but on finding out she is the saints daughter she was very afraid of her, leticia hated everyone in the principality except her because she felt guilty about julius' death.

    mano dreams of the day leticia and diet finally come to the principality and when the knights would go escort them. she sneaks into the carriage lmao to meet leticia asap. later on she sneaks out of her room to go to leticia's so they can have an outing alone.

    mano comes to the window and tells leticia to go out with her and all and leticia remembers how she was like this in the first to too. she sees that shes barefoot and gives her her shoes because its snowing and leticia is wearing v thick socks so its okay. mano asks her to call her mom and leticia feels like crying but thinks mano thinks she is julius, so she doesn't call her mom :(( .they go to heden's market and the owners greet mano like they were waiting for her ( everyone loves her) and mano shows off her "pride baby" (mtl don't ask) to everyone and all of them assume shes a maid not leticia lmao. they get her new shoes and mano says that she came her to tell her about the dream she had, that she will live happily with those she loves for a long long time. mano also says "if she was my daughter, id never let her get sick and I would love her. but its okay I can be her mother now." did I mention she calls leticia baby every time she speaks? yeah lil cried ngl. sweet moments end when the revived shell? of tenua appears and wrecks havoc and tries to kill leticia.

    leticia is actually really weak rn cause there's not much water around and she was travelling so yes. she holds up a barrier of water to make sure mano gets out safely from tenua but later while trying to fight she she gets injured on her neck, bleeds a lot, gets exhausted and collapsed. by that time barnessa and yuria ( another escort knight and enoch's sister) is here. barnessa sees her unconscious and panics. then he goes to fight tenua and tenua talks bullshit abt leticia making barnessa madder. tenua overpowers him and almost kills him. but a wing awakens when near death so barnessa awakens as leticia's 3rd wing (woooooooooo less go) and has the 'purification spark' so he can easily get rid of tenua because the spark was given by the goddess to burn devils and evil creatures. okkk action over

    sigmond the dragon comes again and heals leticia with his powers and feels guilty because tenua waking up was a pat of his plan to awaken the 3rd wing and bring 4 and 5th closer to awakening so I guess 2 new wings soon guys

    that's abt it see you soon (maybe lmao)

    you can ask me what you wanna from the deleted ones ill answer if I remember!

    not really any nsfw in this but a lot of kissing so someone remind me to do that next time I'm too tired rn
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2021
    Shendee90, Bastian, ELtein and 42 others like this.
  14. Mae Rogel 82

    Mae Rogel 82 Call me Mae _ [Red step-siblings(Eldest)]

    Dec 22, 2020
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    Spoiler about ahin ? When will he realise Leticia is a true goddess?
  15. i_am_here

    i_am_here Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2020
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    The ML and FL are absolute sweethearts. I want them to have the best ending possible.
    The "Saintess" can rot to death.
  16. i_am_here

    i_am_here Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2020
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    Based on what I have been skimming from the raws. Did Josephina's evil "wings" rape Leticia at some point when she was younger?
  17. DAsky12

    DAsky12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2020
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    I just want to know if ahin died too in the 1st tl???
    In the manhwa latest chapter it is said that after noelle died he went crazy and was disposed by the fake saint.
  18. pinkii07

    pinkii07 Member

    May 1, 2020
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    can someone pls tell me about ahin and noelle's relationship at the 2nd/current tl? did they get a happy ending? PLZZ I NEED ANSWERS, MY FAV COUPLE NEEDS TO BE HAPPY IN THIS TIMELINE ㅠ^ㅠ thank you:)
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  19. YellowROSE

    YellowROSE Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2021
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    Does anyone know when Ahin becomes Leticia second wing ?
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2021
  20. AileeB

    AileeB Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2020
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    If anyone's interested in helping me mtl this novel, pls message me. That way we can finish more chs quickly and those who want to read the novel can also read it.
    Ladyardnahc and Haiting1536 like this.