Spoiler To Those Who Long for My Destruction

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Jul 14, 2021.

  1. Rin.rinaaa

    Rin.rinaaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Official Novel Raws: Naver & Kakaopage
    Author: 원더스


    “Close your eyes with ease. I’ll bring them despair.”

    Leoni, a joint product of two families that have been enemies for many years, ran out and had an accident after hearing the news of the death of her mother.

    When she woke up after a few days, Leoni could no longer find innocence like a 10-year-old child.

    The child grew up starving for love between parents who hated each other. On the day of her mother’s funeral, her father ordered Leoni in front of the mourners.

    “Show respect to your stepmother and sister.”

    In the arms of her father, who had never held her, the child, her younger sister, spoke in a clear voice.

    “Father, is that my sister?”

    “Yes, she is.”

    “No, I don’t want to.”

    “I’m sorry, but sometimes you have to do things you don’t like, that’s what makes you a great aristocrat.”

    The child nodded lightly, grabbing the hem of her dazzlingly fancy dress.

    “Hello. It’s annoying that I have to share my father’s love, but I can’t help it. I’ll accept you as my family.”

    “Don’t worry. We don’t have to share it.”

    Because what I want is revenge, not a family. Leonie looked at the mourners, smiling coldly.

    “I can’t accept a murderer as my family!”


    One by one, painfully and slowly, I’ll give you back what I received!
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2023
  2. Spoiler Curator

    Spoiler Curator Hi , Click Edit and Edit My Posts

    Oct 13, 2020
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    Spoiler Table of Contents Placeholder

    Table of Contents
    • Chapter 100 spoiler
    • Chapter 250 spoiler
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  3. Dragon_Reader

    Dragon_Reader Humans just don't taste as good as books \( ̄ハ ̄)

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Spoilers pls!!!
    What happened? Why did she change?
  4. RexJen

    RexJen Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2021
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    This is interesting. I really want to know how she changed and took her revenge. Also I really want to see that trash sperm provider get rekt
    evanesco99211 likes this.
  5. -NEAR-

    -NEAR- ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

    Dec 25, 2020
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    That summary sounds very promising! I have high expectations for this:blobpopcorn: I hope that trash family get what they deserve, especially the scum father:blobcat_knife:


    Naver Comments (mtl, not 100% accurate)
    —The mother neglected FL
    —Apparently the stepmother is the sister of FL’s mom
    —The father couldn’t stand up to the Emperor and wanted to keep his money and status so he ran away irresponsibly on the pretext that he couldn’t do it with his ex and brazenly took it out on his powerless wife and daughter
    —FL experienced a past life during the accident

    I just read ch 1-2 and I’m so mad what a shitty father! Like ok, you have someone else you love and don’t want to be with someone else especially with your enemy which is understandable, but is it the FL’s mom’s fault for this marriage? No! it’s the fuking Emperor for forcing them. Does he have a right to be mad? Yes! But not at the mom bc it wasn’t her fault. Her family was ready to oppose the Emperor, but was that reasonable/logical? No bc it’s the fuking Emperor and you can’t really oppose him without any consequences. So like the pathetic bastard he is, he takes out his anger and bitterness to his wife and daughter bc he can’t take it out on the one who’s actually at fault.
    Damn, I feel so bad for the mom bc she actually liked him in the beginning and was happy that she got a chance to be with him only to have her hopes crushed. I’m sure she knew he had/is with someone else he loved and he’s also her enemy so she probably thought that they could never be together and it’s impossible, but then the Emperor’s order came. Since they couldn’t really reject it, she probably went into the marriage hoping to make it work out. This is all speculation on my part since I’ve read similar novel with this kind of situation.

    Anyways, one of the comments said FL experienced a past life during the accident and after reading the two chapters, I think it’s true. After FL recovered, her whole demeanor changed and her whole interaction with her mother was cold and detached, like she’s not a child anymore.
    She’s in the greenhouse with her mom and after their talk, her mom’s breath became ragged and slowly dies away. FL is very calm as she says her goodbye, walks out, and tells the maid to prepare for the funeral.
    Juslikejazz, Ac03, samster and 54 others like this.
  6. november27

    november27 Happy, free, confuse and lonely in the best way

    Mar 3, 2021
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    Her family circumstances remind me of FL family from “I don’t want to be loved “
    snzzykitten likes this.
  7. sarrieta90

    sarrieta90 Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2017
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    So I read the latest chapter, and surprise she does have a gift which is time travel. So technically didn't die and get reborn it's more like she went back in time to where things went to shit. So her mom gets sick although it's implied that the Duke and his mistress were to blame, most likely poisoning. Her dad brings both his mistress and lovechild. Who goes around acting like the Mc is 3rd wheel and is the real Duke daughter. Which of course her bastard of a father starts being real loving parent and showing off how much he adores his secret family right in front of the Mc and rest of the mourners. Her mom died BTW. Of course the Mc live through this before and made steps in order to prepare for all this. Since she live through this before she knows that her dad is planning to sell her off , she got sold off and married to at least 4 other men. Two of which got her pregnant but she ended up losing them when her 2nd husband and 1st child got killed and when she time travled, although it's implied that her father and his brat were responsible for all the misfortune she had since being kicked out and sold off. So she contacts this shady count who has dealings with the underworld I think and the current emperor/prince. She told the emperor about her gift and of the future she experienced. So I guess in the next chapter will the beginning of the end Duke, his mistress and bitchy illegitamate daughter.
  8. lembayung

    lembayung Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2021
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    The story is interesting, even the Villain Stepmother is interesting character, not just some white lotus ignorant bitch that exist for the sake of the drama. The misfortune started when The Emperor forced, two sworn enemies, 'Romeo & Juliet' family to marry. The FL mother 'Paula' family ready to abandon everything and fled to another country, but Paula didn't want her younger brother to lose his psition and they live as fugitive, but her family still didn't care, so she confessed that she loves FL father 'Gideon', her family feel betrayed that she loves the enemy. Paula knew Gideon had a lover named 'Eliza', but since they can't refused the Emperor order, she just think of it as fate but her love crushed at first night when Gideon didn't even touch her and just thrust his 'Dick' in, after that he just walked away saying that he rather embraced a whore. The Emperor keep pressuring them to have a child, so Gideon raped her again and again, Paula love turn into hatred and she blame herself for walking into the hell by her own, she cut ties with her family, cause she feel guilty and didn't want Gideon to bring them into the mess. When Paula became pregnant, Gideon stopped visiting her, and 2 years passed like that. In Leoni 2nd birthday, Eliza died of carriage accident, Gideon barged into the room, and accused Paula of killing his lover, he slashed the maid with his swords who tried to protect Paula, and strangled Paula, and the knight came in to stop him, Leoni face drenched with the dead maids blood, then she developed OCD, continuously washing her face. Ever since the accident, Paula became mentally unstable, every time she see Leoni eyes that resembled Gideon, she think he came to kill her and screamed, her health deteriorated and she locked up in her room.

    Leoni grew up being neglected, the only person who care for her is the aide 'Amos', she tried to earn her father favor but no matter how great her achievement, her father never look her way, he only think of Leoni as product to sell to the highest bidder. Leoni first husband is Crown Prince, he is kind, and they happy, but after a year, he got assassinated, Leoni then sold to an old man, and they had a child, but one day her husband gone missing and her child got killed. She then got sold to the 8th prince with no power, her new husband is cold, and when she is pregnant, he is send off to the war, there is a rumor that he is dead, and she got thrown into jail, to pass the time, Leoni draw with her blood using her dress as the canvas, she drew her childhood room. Leoni has power to travel time and space through painting, but it was weak, a weak power with no shield is a bomb so she hides it. Amos come to the prison and said he would help her escape. but in the promised day, her stepsister 'Sherring' came and throw the dead Amos, she is saying, her husband win the war and he will became the Emperor that's why Leoni has to died so she could became the Empress instead. She order the knight to kill her, and said it was funny that her mother killed Leoni mother and now she is killing Leoni, Leoni child in her womb is a bonus. When the Knight lift the sword, Leoni concentrated all her power and goes into the painting she drew in her dress. She is back into her childhood room. Leoni then crying realizing that her belly became flat and she is became 10th years old. She comeback to the day when she is injured while riding a horse after hearing about her mother 'death' diagnosis.

    Leoni visit her mother, but like always, the servant didn't allowed her to enter, but she didn't back down, the servant had no choice then. Leoni whispered to her dying mother that she would avenge her, Paula eyes became focused for once and she got better (not literally, she is just holding her last breath). Leoni and her mother spend the last day together, Paula apologized and hope one day Leoni would understand her, what it feel like to see the one you hated the most in a lovable child, Leoni ask her if she ever loved her, Paula said she pray everyday that she would not live like her, isn't that love too, after that Paula close her eyes and Leoni told the maid to prepare for the funeral. Leoni then visit the Imperial Library and met with the Emperor, they had a 'deal'.

    During the Funeral Ceremony, Gideon brought in his mistress 'Magda' and his daughter 'Sherring'. This also what happened in the past, so Leoni isn't shocked, she already prepared. Everyone shocked that Magda look like Gideon dead Lover 'Eliza', Gideon introduced that Magda is Eliza sister, they met and fell in love while mourning together after Eliza death. Gideon then told Sherring that even if she didn't like it, as an aristocrat she still need to accept Leoni, they treated her like some charity. When Leoni said she didn't want to accept a murderer as her family, the Count presented the evidence, the confession of the maid and servant, the poison, even the poison purchase record in the name of Magda. Magda then dragged into prison. After the guest left, Leoni pointed that Sherring dress is made from 'toxic' dye, Leoni maternal grandparents told Gideon, he should inspect everything, there is no way Magda would only hate Paula, Gideon screamed that Magda isn't that kind of person, it must be a mistake. Leoni grandparents claim her custody since they can't leave Leoni in such dangerous place.

    Gideon hired alchemist and wizard, the first thing they found is the chair, it's the chair Magda gifted him for their 700th anniversary, the chair made with fabric that could killed a children, but since Gideon is Swordmaster, he is only experienced headache and nausea, Gideon told the servant to get rid of every new furniture. He then visited Magda in the prison, Magda told him to stop play pretend, he knew she is been poisoning Paula all these time, he is a disgusting man who abandoned Eliza and dare to covet her sister who look like her after her death, he at least could explain to Eliza, make her understand and wait till she accept it. Gideon say he has no choice, he is been locked up by his parents, Magda just snorted even a passing dog wouldn't believe that, he is a Swordmaster, he could run if he want to, but he is a coward who kowtow to those who is stronger than him, he blamed his parent and Emperor, but didn't want to lose his position, honor and wealth so he only lash out to a weak woman like Paula. After Gideon abandoned Eliza, she became suicidal, she tried to kill herself over and over, her mother became sick because of that, so they decide to go recuperate in a temple somewhere far but Eliza, her mother and father got into a carriage accident and died Magda became an orphan and lost everything in a single day, but when she met Gideon, and Gideon look at her like he found his long lost lover, she decided to pay him back, to make him lost everything, but it was too easy, Gideon and Paula hate each other, even if Paula and Leoni died, he wouldn't be sad.
  9. donaiseiyuu

    donaiseiyuu Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2019
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    Wow this novel is messed up. i feel sorry for the stepmother but her daughter... killing an innocent woman and child. (FL) That is too much. Thanks everyone for the spoilers!
  10. Niaosaf

    Niaosaf Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2020
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    Wow this novel indeed so interesting, and i did expect that Gideon is a coward but i never know that he is trully bast*rd. Just because his dignity he choose to abonden his lover but makes his hatred toward someone else who didnt know anything, indeed he is full of selfish
  11. Lyla Nox

    Lyla Nox New Member

    Jul 27, 2021
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    I'm curious but did her sister really have an affair with her last husband? Or is this like in 'i don't want to be loved' where the sister just made up a bunch of lies in order to kill her of?
  12. Lucy_

    Lucy_ Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2021
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    Yup!!! I noticed this I wish FL has her own happy ending ᴗ͈̥̥̥̆‸ᴗ͈̥̥̥̆
  13. crossover

    crossover Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2017
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    how does this story end?
  14. Diaryy

    Diaryy Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2020
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    Who is ML? Sad for MC, I hope that someone will embrace her.
    Korleone and crystalleciel like this.
  15. engengeng19

    engengeng19 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    Moar spoiler please! :blobcat_rawr::blobcat_rawr:
  16. Aquaa

    Aquaa 『We Lost The Summer』

    Mar 15, 2018
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    Spoilers pls
  17. mg534

    mg534 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2021
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  18. -NEAR-

    -NEAR- ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

    Dec 25, 2020
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    Holy sh!t :blobfearful: wow they really aren’t the typical brain dead villains. Good for them for wanting to get revenge on that bastard but the mother and the FL especially was innocent:blobsad: what happened after this? Will there be an ML for FL? Is it a happy ending? Thanks for the spoilers:blob_pompom:
  19. Momiji16

    Momiji16 Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Is there any mtl on this novel? The official korean site is free up to 5 chapters only..
    LoveReadingTime likes this.
  20. Angelicc101

    Angelicc101 Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2021
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    Yes can anyone give us mtl ???
    LoveReadingTime likes this.