Spoiler I Want to Be You, Just For A Day

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by lazynoodles, Nov 9, 2019.

  1. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    Ops sorry lol I didn't get the joke. But honestly the joke isn't fun at all...
    Well actually Helio is kinda rude by talk straightforward like that but I think he just though Psyche might not consider the risk (while Psyche actually get how risky it is but still do)
    And about the trauma, he is still wondering if he is right or wrong, too. I think Helio can feel regret about the past but he still don't know which choice is better, so he chose the less risky one.
  2. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Helio is just a coward who risks nothing for anyone who has nothing to do with Medea. He's not a hero like Pheron or Psyche.
    Obviously what he did in the war was wrong but I don't see him even thinking of a way to reward what he did as I said " he just follow orders", he only remembered that because he was threatened that Medea was going to replace him with Pheron, The only thing he's thinking lately is if he's going to dress himself or wait for Medea to give him orders
    Wouldn't that terrorist attack be for him to relive what happened to him in the war and that he could do absolutely nothing?
    but not...
    As some said that it seemed strange to them that Psyche acted normal after this and also getting to think, is this supposed to be an opportunity for Helio to also relive something from the past?
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2022
    Popcrazy, aggie, Evrasuy and 8 others like this.
  3. kaixin123

    kaixin123 New Member

    Feb 27, 2021
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    am i the only one who really doesn’t want helio and medea to end up together? helio was always definitely way too obsessive and attached to medea like a dog on a collar. it’s toxic the way i see it. like yes, they’re hot and now friends with benefits, but it doesn’t make it any better.
    Popcrazy, 81ganzy, KeyJay and 5 others like this.
  4. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    I can't see Helio liking / caring-about someone else more than Medea. So would you rather have him end up alone or with Medea?
    aiheli likes this.
  5. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I correct the above: We do not want Medea to stay with Helio and if she does, please let her create her harem with more people!! (sorry not sorry) definitely Medea can do better :blobpopcorn_two:...
  6. PattyCakes

    PattyCakes Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2021
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    Umm don't see why people are disliking Helio. He's one of the ones on the "good" side. Even if he had killed people before, so had Madea. People are being so bias even with the "good" people of this manhwa. They're all working together to bring down the actual villain. Readers should also wish for ALL 4 to have developments to improve, not just to talk badly about some of them like splitting up the group. Feels like in fighting.
  7. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    It's not about the sides mate. It's about the character development. I can understand why people still complain about him coz even after so many chapters, his character development is the least. He kinda reminds me of the badly written female characters in early shounen animes whose main job was to simp over the MC. Helio might view Psyche in a better light now and we see more of his thought process when he's with her but his world still revolves around Medea. What's more funny is that he's the only character who has never directly interacted with our big bad guy. He's a main character but Perion feels more like a main character to me considering how involved he is with the story and his importance.
    People who support him or even ship him with Medea do it maybe because they're both good looking and look good together as a couple? I don't get the logic tbh.
    If this was a Netflix show and if Helio was played by a not so good looking guy, I am pretty sure the number of Medea Helio shippers would decrease.

    P. S- I keep seeing this trend that whenever someone posts an unpopular opinion or says that they don't like a character, there is always someone there who will shut up them up by saying they are disliking. I don't get it. What's wrong in disliking a character if I have valid reasons to do so? I don't see anyone bashing or mindlessly hating on any character, so what's the big deal? Why is it so hard for people to accept and respect other people's opinion?
    Popcrazy, exv0, 81ganzy and 12 others like this.
  8. PattyCakes

    PattyCakes Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2021
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    Just as they are voicing their opinions on disliking a character I can also voice my opinion in thinking all the characters on the "good" side are likable to me. So why are you "accepting" and "respecting" her opinion and not mine? Clearly because you agree with her. My words weren't even offensive. I clearly explained that I do think all characters on the "good" side should be cheered on just as I also viewed she was being bias in calling Helios bad because he killed when she also say Madea deserve better but she kills too. I'm not even shipping anyone because I'm here to read all of them working together and if any of them end up with each other then I will just agree with it because I think the author is a good enough writer to make it make the progression work.

    Helio hasn't had any interaction with the villain because his status and role hasn't called for it yet. I also don't think he was in any wrong for worrying what Psyche was doing that time. Because he has a more realistic view on things while Psyche is more idealistic. Yeah you can call Psyche and Perion having "hero" characteristics but this is politics at play too. Things are more gray than just black and white.
  9. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    NO! What Helio did in the war never called a wrong thing. Never.
    Back to the war stuff, what cause his trauma is he has sacrificed some of his soldiers for less people to die, to end the war faster. He was raise as a hero by doing that. Obviously why not? He brought the victory, less people die. But he still felt guity toward the other soldiers who die for his plan. He feels regret, but what else he can do?
    If you are talking about when Pheron and Helio fighting because Helio killed the war enemies, but you call them "innocent civilians", well you must go and read that chapter again. Helio killed some enemy soldiers who tried to attack innocent civilians!
    You can't tell him a coward if you never try to understand what he is doing, and obviously you are misunderstand him. Yet he still find it hard to tell which choice is better, doesn't mean he is a coward. He is doubt about himself, he belives Medea could do better than him, that's why he depent on Medea orders, it doesn't make him a coward. He is just being self-deprecating, because he regret about the past, because he feels guity.
    Well think again when Medea let the psy go, he tried to against Medea will because he is angry and he couldn't stand Medea being generous roward their enemies. Helio acts like a puppy toward Medea? Yes. But he also has his own will. I can tell you how many time Helio think against Medea's idea. Don't call him "a dog on a collar" direspect like that when he obviously not.
    Helio is obsesses with Medea but please look into the other side of his character too, he is more than that. Some of you guys just take it one side, never try to understand but talk like "yea he be like that just like that".

    Guys can tell why you dislike a character, have opinion, but some reasons are so dumb and look like spreading hate more than telling opinion. Dislike is fine but if you want say it out loud, please make the reason make sense, not just tell how bad character is but never consider the good side, it's bring negative feeling and make you look like a dumb who just see the bad side, and seriously it hurt people who like those characters, then bring some meanless argument like this. Just please make the reason understandable please if you want this thread being positive. Some of you don't even remember what the character did but tell like it's a fact (like Helio killed innocent civilians???)

    And well yeah ofc if Medea and Helio ends up, I don't want they to ends up like how they are now. They need to be developed more and I'm sure if they end up they will not toxic like they are now.
  10. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    I get your point but I was reminded of people unable to accept opinions because you said something along the lines as to why you can't understand that people are disliking a character. If you didn't mean what I thought you meant, then I am very sorry.

    And I do respect your opinion. I was actually writing what I don't like about him and his ship with Medea. I didn't talk about what the other people said. I don't mind him being concerned for Psyche and all, I am simply talking about his lack of character development.
  11. CollegeSuck

    CollegeSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    If I misunderstand your post, feel free to correct me or elaborate on your post more but I feel like you are wrong on something.

    1. Psyche is a baby who gots all good thing: ok first, idk if you are using the term “ baby” for Psyche as a term of endearment or an insult because the way you are using it in this sentence makes me feel like you are looking down on her. Psyche’s life was never all sunshine and roses ( if you need evidences, that’s read the webtoon again). Yes, Psyche is kind because what else do you expect from a person who had spent most of her life living in a basement with no contact whatsoever with the outside world. And when she was released back into the world, the people around her kept her in a gilded cage by being fake to her.

    2. God switch the body to protect Psyche: At this rate we still don’t know why God switch them. But Medea was the one who wish to have everything that Psyche has. God grants Medea’s wish and so their body switch. People always talk about how it’s unfair for Medea to switch with Psyche only for her be near death. But God has a point u know, Medea made a wish and so she have to pay the price for it. It’s very likely that had Medea did not wish to possess everything that Psyche have, God will not do anything to the girls. And beside, if god did switch to protect Psyche, then when Psyche in Medea’s body falling down from the tree, God would have made Medea stay in that body but he didn’t.
    ( antis always use this as an excuse to put Psyche’s situation down and mock her for being god’s favorite but if they have the ability to read and analyze, it’s very clear that Psyche benefit nothing from this title)

    3. Even after knowing all this she never turned bitter towards psyche and do most of the dirty work for her and still people thinks she needs a kind heart. She didn't even turn bitter knowing fully well that how unfair is life and the soul reason for body switch is to protect psyche and she still genuinely cared about her. But what psyche do is judge Medea ways with her new found abilities.

    Do you even remember Medea at the beginning of the story? She was batshit crazy about having her revenge. She even did a little bit of poisoning to Psyche too. The only reason why calm down a little bit after the whole assassination incident was because she knows that Psyche is completely innocent in the whole crown princess competition. And what dirty work did Medea do for Psyche? Medea never have to do the dirty work for anyone, period. Idk if you read the webtoon carefully but pre switching, Medea was bitter about her life, it’s very clear through her interaction with Dekis, and later when Medea don’t know about Psyche’s life yet.

    And Psyche judging Medea’s ways…. Are you referring to that chapter where Psyche scold Medea for bringing in fake witness to the trial? I think I said it before but Psyche’s criticism is pretty valid u know. It’s a pretty efficient way to win the trial but it’s uhhh pretty illegal and underhand way. And beside, their relationship was not affect at all by this so I didn’t dwell too much on it.

    Again, if I misunderstood your post, feel free to correct me or elaborate more on your post.
  12. Mysterious _ me

    Mysterious _ me Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2021
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    I find it really disgusting when people think Psyche's life is better than Medea and how they compare Psyche's and Medea's trauma.

    When it comes to God's favourite child, the reader always thinks of Psyche. But, I think Medea and Psyche both are favourite children of god. Psyche is blessed with healing and destruction power. Medea is blessed with intelligence. But to think Medea is not the favourite child of god, is questionable.

    She was the first person in this story whom God had spoken to directly and showed her Psyche's past. He never spoke with Psyche and to know Medea's past, she had to ask Helio.

    The readers think that the deity swapped their bodies in order to save Psyche because it was Medea who said so. I don't think Psyche needs someone's help to save her. She has healing and destruction power. Her destruction power is activated when her mood is bad. On Eros' birthday, if the knights tried to kill her, her destruction power would have activated. She had harmed the kidnappers with her destruction power when she was a kid. It's not that she used it but it was activated due to her mood.

    As Psyche wished for her death, the deity swapped her soul in Medea's body, ending her life and giving a new life. But, it was also Medea's wish to live Psyche's life which the deity fulfilled, swapping Medea's soul in Psyche's body was fulfilling her wish.

    Why does Psyche's body only swap with Medea's? Why not others? Their wishes were granted on the yearly prayer day. When Psyche stopped her heart, the body swapped again. It's not that the deity loves Psyche and saves her, hates Medea and gives pain to her. Because of the wishes the deity granted on the yearly prayer day. Remember, what Psyche wishes for? Death. So, when she is on the verge of dying, the deity swapped their bodies. Whatever injuries Psyche has in her body (whether it's her own body or Medea's body), it will heal itself as Psyche is leaving the body. But, it's different for Psyche. She has to deal with the injuries even after body swap. When Medea was poisoned, she had to heal her body even after body swap. Medea woke up in Psyche's body but the wound was healed already.

    Blessed her with intelligence, spoke directly with her, fulfilled her wish of living Psyche's life and due to body swap, sharing the immortality Psyche possesses and yet, she is not the favourite child?
    Popcrazy, ChessieYG, irina g and 15 others like this.
  13. zoefleyl

    zoefleyl Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2021
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    You said everything I was thinking thank you so much cuz I will write in a whole paragraph right now.:blob_grin:

    So true
  14. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    Right now in the story, I have various questions and things that I wanna see:

    1. Why did God help Medea and Psyche? Who is this God? What will he/she gain from it by helping them? And why did God speak to Medea despite Psyche being called the "favorite child"? (if there's no explanation in this then it will be considered as plot armor)
    2. Helio's character development = him growing as a person and getting out of his obsession for Medea (?)
    3. Perion's backstory. Who is he actually? How is he related to the imperial family? Why can he see people's aura?
    4. What is the pope upto? Did he really team up with Eros? If yes, then why? Does he have anything to do with the ordination massacre and Psyche's divinity?
    5. Psyche's divinity origins. Her backstory before being locked up. Is she really a Callista?
    6. Eros's childhood. Why is he a crackpot? Was he born this way or is there a tragic backstory? (I don't want a tragic backstory tbh) What does he intend to do after becoming a God? Who and where is his mom? (she was mentioned twice) what kind of person is she?
    7. Eros and Psyche :how did they meet again? Does he actually know about Psyche's destructive powers? (I am ignoring Medea’s assumption) Did he ask her parents to lock up her and then rescue her as an adult? What happened actually. His POV in general and what does he actually think of Psyche? And why does he hate Perion so much?
    If anyone has any theories on these, feel free to share.
  15. Khloud2003

    Khloud2003 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2020
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    Chapter 112 spoiler *sorry for the late post* :
  16. CollegeSuck

    CollegeSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    I mistaken Medea for Eros for a second so I was like why is he wearing dress and then I remember it was Medea:blobjoy:. The last panel have Medea glowing…. Is it for art or because of something else?

    And Psyche is planning something judging by her panel. And it’s so cute to see Rin trying to feed Psyche something and Psyche just endure it:blobjoy:
  17. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    Guys I am not sure if you have noticed this subtle plot consistency but in chapter 59ish, we learn that Eros likes when Medea is dressed in blue:
    Then in chapter 106, we see Psyche wearing a blue dress which was gifted to her by Eros:
    This guy really likes women with long hair wearing blue dresses. :p oh and he also occasionally bites them. (I really hope he didn't anything weird to Psyche when they dated for 3 years)
  18. Ariess

    Ariess Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    Lol is Psyche being force fed? Medea seems to dig her dusguise, keeping the wig on even in her nightgown, for a second I was confused if she really did cut her hair.

    Medea's inner struggle is really interesting right now, in chapter 111 she thinks how she wanted to be kind like Psyche and Perion but how her trying to be only leads to her family getting more arrogant and is bound to losing things and how else being soft would be a luxury.
  19. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I give you the reason that it seems strange to me that Helio and Eros have never had interactions?
    And even if Eros didn't try anything against Helio after those rumors with Medea, it would be exciting to see an interaction with Eros who thinks he is the dominant male. I thought that with Hemmel thing it was going to be an opportunity for Eros to do a rogue like delivering Helio as a political prisoner to Hemmel
    All this I say without offending and as many say is frustration of how the character of Helio is stagnant reduced to the boy of the errands and a sexual object and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz simp
    Please be demanding. I am bored by seeing simps characters in other manhwas, as the great Cha Wookyung says, a pet puppy would be better than a simp without personality, as hey friend, look for a life and goals for yourself.
    Never hear something so ridiculous: I will improve as a person because you do it and in order not to be left behind you, that is what parrots do, imitate what others do.
  20. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    speaking that you reminded me of an episode from rent girlfriend where the mangaka pissed off the fandom by using the word "baby" as a metaphor
    the baby that the mangaka thought: the feelings of happiness and being free
    the baby that the fandom thought: oh Mami-cha's tragic past, did she have an abortion? hahahahahahahahahahahaha, I've never seen such symbology hahahahahahaha