Spoiler Thorns Piercing Me/나를 찌르는 가시

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Spoiling Queen, Feb 26, 2021.

  1. Yerunidian

    Yerunidian Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2021
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    Okay but why they separated for three years? And why?
  2. MLisMyHubby

    MLisMyHubby Isekaid Villainess >:)

    May 16, 2020
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    Based from the previous spoilers, she runaway from him and he can't find her after that. She runaway cause she can't trust him and wanted to be independent and not to rely on ML.
    syofiaa and Tt123 like this.
  3. Tenshilique

    Tenshilique Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2021
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  4. _kai

    _kai Active Member

    Jan 23, 2022
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    I just skimmed the raws up to Chapter 60. Was that it? Disappointing... -__-
  5. kiyyou

    kiyyou Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2020
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    Omg is there more? If you don't mind, where can we read the following chapters? Thank you for such a good translation!
    Adri_kins likes this.
  6. badsanta88

    badsanta88 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2020
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  7. Adri_kins

    Adri_kins Member

    Feb 3, 2022
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    TT Would love to read the raw but its hard to find it anywhere

    Hey!! Is there any other apps online that we can read it???
  8. susuanh1004

    susuanh1004 Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    Chap 1 : This man is different Part 02

    Hee Soo knows what he’s checking for.

    The zombies have reversed eyeballs. Before turning into it, the pupils of the eyes will have red bloodshot. He is now confirming it. Obviously, he knows pretty well about zombies.

    His eyes once again scan the left and right side of Hee Soo's body, after confirming that there is nothing wrong with her eyes. He quietly looks down at her.


    Look like he is wondering should he leave her here and be burned by the fire or save her

    Hee Soo's heart begins to pound wildly. Her life is now depending on his choice.

    " Aah…ah….uh...uh…uh. "

    Hee Soo wants to say “please save me” but with her condition, she couldn't make any clear sound. One leg is burning. The fire seems to have spread to the foot of the chair.

    After thinking for a while, he ends up crouching down again.

    Phuz. He cut the rope that bound Heesoo's body with his bare hands as if he had broken a rubber band. The leg straps have also been removed.

    " U...Ugh. "

    Her body was released from the chair after being tied for a long time, she falls down on the floor with dizziness. Areas of the body that are tied up prevent blood from circulating.

    He turns his back on the burning tent and dosen't give a damn about it. Heesoo watches his back and tries to stand up with her little strength.

    " I have to follow that man. "

    There would be problems with me if I keep staying here alone. She told herself that she had had a terrible experience.

    Hee Soo follows him without hesitation. But he is very tall and he steps really fast. The height gap between her and him is at least 30 centimeters. He might know Heesoo is following him, but he doesn’t want to slow down at all.

    Gradually following him becomes more and more overwhelming with her. It is very difficult for a girl to run continuously in the wood. But she feels that she will be left alone forever if she loses him.


    As a result, Hee Soo falls down while trying to run after him. Her knee was scratched and painful, but she didn't have time to take a look at them.

    Hee Soo quickly gets up and continues running. Running for a while, the distance to him was only a few feet away.

    But he suddenly stops, making her almost bump into his back. Abruptly, Hee Soo stops walking and he turns to glance at her.

    " Toi. " ( You. )

    She hangs back, she knows that he is calling her.

    " Ne me suivez pas " ( Stop following me... )

    Although she doesn't understand what he is saying, she guesses he is telling her not to follow him. His warning voice was directed at her.

    " Si tu me suis, je vais te brûler aussi. Comme je l'ai fait à Maenock. " ( If you keep following me, I will burn you until death. Like burning Maenok. )

    He doesn’t care if she answers or not, after saying what he wants, he turns his back and moves on.

    Hee Soo couldn't understand what he was saying anyway, she only knew that his voice was low as if he was threatening her.

    " But I can't be left alone anymore... "

    Afterward, Hee Soo starts following him again. His footsteps gradually become faster than before, which makes Heesoo struggling to follow him. He didn't even look at her, just keep moving and muttering.

    " Va-tien. " ( Get lost. )

    Hee Soo tries to guess what he wants to say by looking at the expression and the tone of his voice. Although it was a quiet voice, it was fierce. When he was with her, he made a little impression on her.

    " M'as-tu entendu? Vat'en. " ( Didn't you hear? I told you to get away from me. )

    A small stream appears. Hee Soo was busy following his gaze, even her feet were wet because she couldn't avoid the water under her feet.

    Finally, he stops at a high position and turns his face to Hee Soo.

    " You, don’t you understand everything I just said ? "

    " …… "

    Heesoo lows her head like a guilty person. She was confused about what he had just said. But one thing she knew for sure was that the man is very decent.

    " Get out over there. "

    He points behind Heesoo and said:

    " Stop following, get outta here. "

    " ….. "

    Hee Soo doesn't understand anything, just stands there absently, making him feel really annoys and sighs. Frustrated, he throws the hat he is wearing on the ground. He didn't even care, the strange woman doesn’t know who he is anyway.

    He walks close to Heesoo, grabs her shoulder and turns her back to push forward and shouts:

    " Go away. "

    " ….. "

    " If you don't want to get hurt, get lost ! "

    " ….. "

    Being pushed repeatedly makes her body wobble uncontrollably. She grips her legs with all her strength to stay steady. The more she does, the more he uses his strength to push her.

    " Get out of here, please ! "

    What scares her more than a man scolding her is being left alone in this place.

    Moreover, he is a man who wants nothing from her. He was different from the other men she had met here. Totally different from the scumbags who just want to take anything from a woman.

    " I told you to go somewhere else ! "

    Hee Soo grabs his arm which is pushing her. He immediately waves her hand away.

    " Ah…! "

    An exhausted Hee Soo falls on the ground. How could anyone like her who hadn't eaten for a week be up to a man who had cut the rope with his bare hands?

    " Stop following me. "

    The man once again turns his back and keeps moving with a truly disinterested attitude.

    But Hee Soo can not give up. She quickly gets up and runs after him. She knows she doesn’t want to do that, it’s only because he is her last hope right now

    Hee Soo is thinking of grabbing his pants. If he wants her to beg, she will beg. She will do whatever he wants. She only needs his protection.

    " You didn't understand what I'm saying, did you ? "

    Hee Soo was aggressively chasing him and he immediately caught that. Her half-torn shirt was pulled up by his hand.

    " I told you to get away from me. "

    " Uh… um…. "

    " Can't you speak ? "

    If she didn't have a speech disorder and couldn't even make any clear sounds, would she be like this? Hee Soo was grabbed by his hand and couldn't move. She cringes in fear and hugs him tightly.

    " If you keep following me, I'll really kill you. "

    The man gives her a push. Hee Soo's back hits a tree and falls on the ground. Her hands are scratched.

    " Ah ! "

    However, he does not care about her condition and kicks her knee hard with his foot. Hee Soo cringes like a beaten dog.

    " Go away. Before I do a bad thing. "

    After saying that, he turns around. No, at that moment Hee Soo grabs his leg.

    " Uh uh uhm.. ! "

    " … I’m so mad. "

    Hee Soo doesn't know what he has said, but she knows his words weren't very friendly.

    " Still don't let your hand out of me ? "

    Hee Soo feels a great threat from the hand he hits. Instinctively, she grits her teeth and closes her eyes in anticipation. This wasn't once or twice she'd been beaten since she came to this world.

    " I told you to go away ! "

    But instead of hitting her, he tries to take her hand off his leg. As if to protest, she immediately clings to his legs like a koala trying to stick to a tree trunk.

    " Haa, why did I save something like this… "

    He grabs Hee Soo's arm and pulls it away, Heesoo keeps grabbing his thigh, and the pointless struggle continues. Instead of speaking, Heesoo tries to convey her heart by her eyes.

    Please don't throw me away. At that moment she was already staring at him with such those eyes.

    " …. ! "

    His indifferent emerald green eyes suddenly stop. His look was not on her face but below it.

    During the struggle, her shirt was half up.

    Instinctively, his look landed on the woman's breasts, he quickly shyly and turns his face away.

    " …. get lost ! "

    His eyes were closed as if stabbed by something. Not the shy type who looks at the sensitive parts of the opposite sex. It looks like someone else's peep was caught.

    He quickly removes Heesoo and promptly turns away.

    " Is it real ? This man is completely different. "

    He was a completely different man from the men who had coveted and tried to kidnap her. On the contrary, it looks like he was afraid of himself lusting after women.

    Hee Soo grabs his thigh and hangs it up as much as she can.

    " Let me go ! I told you to let go ! This mad woman…! "

    He is very embarrassed and tries to pull her down. He uses much more force than before. Finally, he tries to pull her by grabbing her hair.

    However, Hee Soo found out what he was trying to hide.

    She reaches for it as if to confirm, and a sound like a groan comes out.

    " Ah, um…! "

    Her hand touches exactly that part. No wonder it's so swollen. Can it be this big?

    " Hand… hand… not willing to let go ? "

    Hee Soo was surprised that he was so sensitive. She moves her hand as if massaging the man's penis.

    " You… are you crazy ? "

    Soon after, the man's penis becomes large enough to feel the position of the testicles. It was as hard as a hot iron to the touch.

    Although it’s not subtle, her hand is clearly trying to squeeze his penis.

    " Don’t. Stop…! "
  9. Adri_kins

    Adri_kins Member

    Feb 3, 2022
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  10. susuanh1004

    susuanh1004 Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    Chap 1 : This man is different Part 03

    Although it’s not subtle, her hand is clearly trying to squeeze his penis.

    “Don’t. Stop…!”

    While moving her hand, Hee Soo can’t take her eyes off him.

    After that he begins to slowly loosen her hair.

    Every time Hee Soo gropes there, his eyes tremble and look around. And from the fabric underneath his pants, she feels a faintly tied place.

    If she opens this place, his thing will definitely come alive to the touch. She’s sure of it.

    Hee Soo stares at him. His blue eyes darting back and forth like a shaky earthquake.

    He inhales heavily, as if he no longer has the will to refuse her. His hand that clutched Hee Soo’s hair is just holding it loosely.


    Their eyes meet and both fall into taciturnity.


    That implies he has passively agreed.

    Hee Soo starts to move between his legs. She kneels down and unbuttons his pants with her hand. The doll-like man can only gasp and stare at her actions without blinking his eyes.

    When a few buttons were opened, underneath the fabric, a huge erect penis bounces as if it wants to jump out.

    Hee Soo can’t hold it with one hand. It is the biggest and longest penis she has ever seen. It’s hard as if it’s not normal flesh but it’s soft as velvet to the touch.


    He feels as if he has been struck by lightning, his steps stagger back and then lean against a large tree.

    Hee Soo can’t speak. Even if she can, she can’t communicate with him so she exchanges glances. She stares at him, her hand is grasping his penis and moving up and down.

    If he really doesn’t like, he will refuse.

    Since the man cut the rope with his bare hands, there is no reason for him not to give up on himself.

    Since the man cut the rope with his bare hands, there is no reason for him to force himself keeps doing that with her. He can just push her away.


    Hee Soo relies on his expression and slowly moves her hands stronger. As the cuticle is pushed and lifted, his penis in her hand gradually grows bigger. Even with the slightest movement, he groans and frowns.

    “Ah, damn, puff…”

    When Hee Soo squeezes the groove on the glans with her fingers, his hand embracing the back of Hee Soo’s head clutching hard. Her hair was pulled so hard that it irritated her scalp and was very painful. Hee Soo groans softly because he has used too much force.

    “Uh ugh…”

    But compares to her, he looks more like the one being tortured by her.

    He doesn’t hate it. He isn’t even aware of his actions right now and focuses his whole mind on Hee Soo’s hands.

    “No… stop.”

    His chest heaves violently. His arm freely grabs Hee Soo’s shoulder and pushes. Arm strength is as light as none, honestly he doesn’t seem to have any intention of rejecting her.

    “Don’t do that. Please stop…”

    Hee Soo can’t understand what he said. She only heard the tone of his voice and guessed with her eyes. If he continues to push her down, maybe he likes this action.

    But his body suddenly becomes completely different. A white fluid comes out as Hee Soo presses her finger into the opening of his urethra. His penis fluid flows like a thread on Hee Soo’s slender fingers.

    His facial expression is shocked to see what she did.

    “Haa ah…”

    Hee Soo stops her hand, her lips part slightly instead. And use her eyes to touch him as if waiting for approval and then slowly take her lips to touch his penis.

    As she presses her face to his body, she smells a pleasant scent from him. Don’t know whether that’s what makes her bolder or not. He’s the first person Hee Soo volunteers to do.


    He observes Hee Soo’s actions with a very serious expression. But what is happening to him seems to be a disaster.

    At a loss for words, it is clear that the emotions of the person who suffers such a terrible disaster is very happy.

    “Ah! Fuck… Damn…Ah…”

    Once the petite lips of Hee Soo touching the glans, he groans as if shouting. When her tongue touches his glans, he grabs Hee Soo’s shoulder so tightly that her shoulder feels like it’s about to break.

    “Uh ugh uh!”

    It’s a man who cut the rope with his bare hands. He feels Hee Soo’s body contort from the pain in her shoulder, he quickly releases the force of his hand. As if he feels sorry for her, he gently pats her shoulder. However, he’s surprised by his unconscious action and immediately removes his hand.

    Looks like he can’t control himself.

    “Stop… stop now.”

    Surprised by this girl’s action, he pushes her away. But the thrust compared to before is much lighter.

    “Stop. I don’t want this…”

    At that moment, Hee Soo opens her mouth and takes his penis. She avoids touching her teeth and lowers her knees to suck it in deeper.

    “Ah ahh, ah… urgh.”

    At that point, the glans is almost completely swallowed, her hand tucks under the base of his penis, where her mouth can’t be fully closed. Her other hand rests on his thigh. His thigh is stiff as if he is aware of her hand and trembles a lot.

    Hee Soo raises her head up and down, starting to move. She grips the base of his penis and quickly observes his reaction.

    “Ah ah, damn, damn, ah! Oh, so crazy…”

    He groans like a dying man, as Hee Soo tries to move his big penis in her small mouth. In front of his eyes is blurred like a mist covering.

    Hee Soo’s shoulders and nape are repeatedly grabbed and released by him. He can’t use the same strength as before, his hand is gripping her soft neck and stroking it as if he is enjoying the pleasure. He holds her soft hair, sometimes lets go and grips his hand without knowing what to do.

    The man with fearsome strength is now groaning and shaking as if he is the weakest person in the world under Hee Soo’s arm.

    “Haa ah, uh… urgh…”

    This stimulus doesn’t seem familiar. It feels strange to be caresses by a woman but he can’t help but feel a surge of desire. He pushes his hips forward like a man’s instincts that he doesn’t even know.


    He can’t go any deeper. His penis seems to have pierced Hee Soo’s throat. But luckily the situation isn’t too bad because he didn’t work for too long and quickly reached the climax.


    Immersing in that ecstasy feeling he can’t even think of pulling out his penis.

    Thanks to that, Hee Soo keeps his semen in her mouth. A fishy and disgusting liquid fills in her mouth. Hee Soo feels it come up her throat and she reflexively wants to throw up. Howerver, Hee Soo tries to hold back until he finishes ejaculating.

    Finally, after finishing everything, she quickly turns her head and sprays all the semen in her mouth on the ground.


    While Hee Soo throws up, he’s going crazy because of the aftertaste left by it.

    “Haah, haah, haah…”

    Feeling a bit lost and crazy.

    He feels lucky to have a place to rest his back. His legs are so tired that he almost collapses. Now he feels like he’s jumping up the highest cliff in the world, screaming and falling violently to the ground.

    He lazily looks at the girl’s back.

    “Oh, my godness…”

    In the 20 years of his life, Kallis has never once touched that thing and masturbated himself. He wanted to ask how he’s like this but all around he were men.

    Because he once swore to the Pope but he dared not to break the oath he had made in front of God. Kallis has been taught that it is dirty and unclean to face one’s needs.

    However, this feeling is by no means a dirty and unclean act at all.

    Kallis feels as if his soul is sucked into the world of heaven and returns to reality.

    Heaven. Her mouth is heaven and the strange sensations she gives are like being hit by lightning without a second chance.

    And the first origin of a virgin ended.
  11. Adri_kins

    Adri_kins Member

    Feb 3, 2022
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    Thanks for translating @susuanh1004 this novel and for your and team hardworkl!! Cant wait for chapter 1 part 4
  12. Raburimey

    Raburimey Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2020
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    ??? Did the manhwa version end or did I misunderstand something??? The last chapter I read (in manhwa) is chapter 60, and at the last part it said that: "Episode 60 concludes The Thorn That Pierces Me"
    vannaokuzo likes this.
  13. gxxx

    gxxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2022
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    Yeah, I think it has to do with the artist's contract or something so it prob had to be changed/ rushed.
    vannaokuzo, DOHere and Raburimey like this.
  14. jeonghanyi

    jeonghanyi Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2022
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    So manhwa end with chap 60? Thats dissapointing
    vannaokuzo likes this.
  15. Adri_kins

    Adri_kins Member

    Feb 3, 2022
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    I was so suprised that the manhwa ended at chapter 60, really a bummer

    Does anyone know where i can read the novel for this but not kakao?
    vannaokuzo likes this.
  16. Lcf19

    Lcf19 Member

    Feb 3, 2022
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    Thanks @susuanh1004 for this epic chapter! The one removed from manhua. The smut is real!
    vannaokuzo likes this.
  17. Adri_kins

    Adri_kins Member

    Feb 3, 2022
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    has anyone know where to read the novel translations
    hongturn2022 likes this.
  18. LaMuerte

    LaMuerte Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2021
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    What happened next? How did they resolve their misunderstanding?
    neuxxx and boom2424 like this.
  19. TsuBaz

    TsuBaz Active Member

    Jul 25, 2021
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    Soooo... is there a more... ahmmm detailed translation of the smut scene?
    kfrahm92 likes this.
  20. vannaokuzo

    vannaokuzo Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    I'm glad I come to this thread because I'm quite shock with the manhwa's ending.. like, my first reaction is "JUST IT??"

    I know all of the problem already resolved but, this is not a reality (yes, I will really love it if all of my problems solved easily just like that), this is a story. Which means I feel like there's supposed to be more drama but my instincts tell me they purposely cut it. And I guess I feel relieve when I found out there's indeed more in the novel:notlikeblob: