Spoiler I Want to Be You, Just For A Day

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by lazynoodles, Nov 9, 2019.

  1. Lufytaro

    Lufytaro Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2021
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    From the last chapter well Medea hit one of her relatives like she threw his head on the table and wow !!! it was violent but deserved :blob_plusone::blob_plusone::blob_plusone: and then the focus is on Dion and the weird aunt …the knights were training sword and Dion was looking at them… guys I think that boy is not bad !!!! I really feel like the aunt is threatening or manipulating him with something… it was clearly shown that he wasn’t that happy with what she was telling him. Anyway then the focus is on Psyche the poor baby worked so hard that she was laying on the floor !! And the scene with Lin happen were she is giving her food. Maybe she didn’t eat since she was preparing the donation event ! Anyway Lira and all the maids Were helping her and giving her strengt and she thought about the time were Lira didn’t trust her yet… anyway She blushed and wipe her tears of happiness and he blushed too (nothing romantic so don’t pay attention) and there’s a panel of Psyche !! Psyche’s fans trust me I think you will go crazy with that panel !!! She was so beautiful wow…your pfp will change for sure :blobjoy::blobjoy::blobjoy: Anyway in the end it seems like no one came in the event. The only people who were there was Psyche and her maids all alone. There were no one in the street. Anyway someone send a letter to Medea and I think it’s Helio or Othilei Queen or even Psyche maybe ?????Anyway she dressed herself immediately (as you can see in the panel) but what is not shown is that she’s holding a sort of bow !!! and the chapter ends there. I wondering what is she gonna do with that bow and those psychotics vibes :blobjoy::blobjoy::blobpitch:
    By the way regarding the last chapters Medea really remind me of Robin Hood somehow:blobthinkingsmirk:
    aiheli, ChessieYG, K12340 and 4 others like this.
  2. tehpucukharum

    tehpucukharum Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2021
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    Anyway, i would be act like Medea if my relative are arrogant and fool ..
    zoefleyl likes this.
  3. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    Tomorrow is Eros's bday (12th January) and this is what I found on Twitter :
    zoefleyl, KeyJay, DOHere and 3 others like this.
  4. Khloud2003

    Khloud2003 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2020
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    omgg wtf is that lmaooo
  5. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I also have a question or doubt in the direction of Medea "someone who leaves her mark in the history books" I know that with her revolution against Eros, she will achieve that .But I have not seen if she has a plan or let's say the charisma to win followers (the political philosophy) all she's been doing recently is creating allies with other nobles or fighting with her stupid relatives, which I mean if it's important to have allies to increase military strength but that any tyrant would do: meet with other nobles to conspire against the king.
    And obviously the people would celebrate that they will get rid of the tyrant who is oppressing them but that in question would only be achieved if Yaros becomes more tyrant, what I mean is that she has not done anything apart from her conspiracies that we say recognize it or they begin to recognize her as a rival for Yaros as Duchess Belial saved xxxxxx and changed xxxxxx for the people (like what the village leaders do: someone who comes and brings fresh ideas)
    she said something at the trial against her father: Humans are ambitious
    (From the point of view of one as a reader it is woah finally an FL that does not pretend to be sanctimonious)
    but from a political point of view she would be a red flag: this woman will be corrupt
    In short, this castlevania meme: Carnilla vs Isaac "who do you want as leader?"
  6. Hera a misigga

    Hera a misigga Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2021
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    Today is my birthday too and this is what I see early in the morning
    I guess this day became even more special
  7. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Oh no, I feel bad for the real ppl that were born in this day:blobjoy:
    Who tf invents this national days:blobsweat_2:
  8. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    Anyway, happy birthday to the most compassionate and the one with the purest soul in your throne :
    (^taken from Twitter)
    Which crime /atrocity of his pissed you off the most?
    For me, I think it's his whole treatment with Psyche pissed me off the most. I felt so bad for her especially since she was so helpless and all alone.
    Special mention :Once when he burned down an entire building to "help" Medea and justified it with saying the people dying are necessary sacrifices. A similar justification he gave when he committed genocide in the ordination ceremony.
    Also didn't like it when he sexually assaulted Medea in chapter 60.

    P. S- Hera a misigga happy birthday!!
    ChessieYG, aiheli, Lilyworld and 7 others like this.
  9. AidaIro

    AidaIro Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    Hi there
    I believe all the regulars here loves Yt as the way it is.your throne is an intriguing manhwa so we all wanna know more about it.this is why I don't mind sharing my theoretical rants with you:blobangel:
    1.No comment.
    2."helio getting out of his obsession for Medea?" I doubt that but it will decrease to the point where we will be able to accept him as a decent/likeable character.
    3.Some of us are already assuming that Perion is related to royalty or is royalty.the common cliche is , the emperor killed his mom,dad( emperor's older brother previous emperor/crown prince )and threw him out.this makes him the real heir to the throne aka the first in line.Or he is the secret child of a priest (I don't think so).Explains why Eros hates him so much.If only priests and royals can have divinity then it's explained right? And for a different person having a different power depends on their own nature .As Pell is really good at reading people he has the power to see aura .but I can't explain about Psyche's destructive power (lol:blobsweat:)
    4.the Pope is up to something vicious. Yes, he's most likely working with Eros. Eros's mother might be related to the pope.the pope did something terrible and Eros knows about it or Eros promised him a ton of fortune :LOL:.And YES pope's divine power(I know it's not confirmed yet but I think he has one) has something do with Psyche's at the ordination massacre.
    5. If she is the royalty of odely (explains the origin and she's not a calista but I think she's just God's beloved child )BACKSTORY:
    In order to save the victims of human trafficking she got herself kidnapped(
    it's really absurd as it contradicts the current timeline)
    6.He is the Korean version of light Ygami. TRAGIC BACKSTORY:
    The pope or someone killed his mother (which most likely a big NO)in front of him and when his mother begged God to save herself but God didn't and Eros be like I don't need God anymore Imma be God myself:blobexpressionless:
    7.Eros knew about Psyche's destructive powers and was scared. So he manipulated her parents with something like"the crown prince is looking for the murderer of his knights ".They got scared and hid her. When he realized that he might be able to take Psyche's divinity for himself he ordered her parents to let her out.(seems like Eros also has something against the calista family).He thinks of psyche as an object that belongs to him and Medea as his woman or his person (we can say that as he keeps trying to kill psyche and punishes her whenever she's not listening to him.But in case of Medea he is a patient man.)
    ChessieYG, Rin.rinaaa, aiheli and 5 others like this.
  10. CollegeSuck

    CollegeSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    His whole treatment of the girls is honestly the biggest reason why I cannot tolerate Eros even with his handsomeness. One moment I remember the most is when Medea and him talk on the boat when she is trying to convince him to help her with the trial and I think this happens after they kiss. It’s something along the line of Medea trying to make him feel guilty for treating her like that. This ass proceed to excuse his terrible treatment by saying that
    “ I think I was suddenly bewitched by the novelty of the girl who suddenly appear”

    This jerk not only knows Psyche wayyyy before Medea but by saying that, it’s like he is subtly implying that it’s because Psyche’s appearance has seduced him and he is not at all at fault for betraying Medea. Who could blame a man for being attracted to new things right?:blobpitch:
  11. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    OMG I had the same thought when I read that line. It was him who seduced her and he has the gall to imply something like that. And not only that, he's still engaged to her even.
    Another thing that pissed me off was like how he called people as ants in the recent chapters and said that they should be thankful to him for killing them.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    That's a horrible ideology of people.
    ChessieYG, Rin.rinaaa, aiheli and 6 others like this.
  12. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    Just found this on a sub reddit and the resemblance is uncanny
    Both Rapunzel and Psyche were trapped all their lives in the same place for years. They were constantly told how the outer world is dangerous. Both were ignorant of the outer world and how it worked. Both have a dark haired person in their lives who pretends to love them but actually want their power. Both meet a person (Flynn Rider and Medea) who actually love them for who they are and show them the reality. Psyche is the Rapunzel of your throne :D
  13. Khloud2003

    Khloud2003 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2020
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    Chapter 113 spoiler :
  14. CollegeSuck

    CollegeSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    I don’t know what happened but Psyche is smiling and I guess solve the problem that happen during her donation? Anyway, my baby is glowinggggg so this is already a good chapter in my mind:blob_grin:
    Ariess, K12340, Risnee and 2 others like this.
  15. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    What happened? Who's that child? I read spoilers that Psyche fights in this chapter?
    K12340 likes this.
  16. Khloud2003

    Khloud2003 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2020
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    She does confront some people , there’re some royal Guards not sure why though gonna need to mtl the chapter to see
  17. Mysterious _ me

    Mysterious _ me Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2021
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    The kid's name is Jin. This chapter was mainly focused on Psyche. But, undoubtedly this little kid was also the star of the chapter just like Psyche. He is the Othilei's people(he has green eyes).

    At the donation event, the imperial knights tried to shift the location for donation. Some of the people are not happy because of this. But, Psyche came with her squad and asked the knights why they changed the venue without her permission and told them that the donation event will happen in the same location.
  18. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    I have got a bad feeling about this. Psyche also has green eyes like the Othilei people. Her interacting with Othilei people might not be seen in a good light by the Vasilios people after what happened. Eros might try to frame her along with the Othilei queen in the ordination massacre.
    LimitedTimeUse and K12340 like this.
  19. Mysterious _ me

    Mysterious _ me Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2021
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    No, Eros is not going to frame Psyche because of this event. The donation event is held on "lot alley" inside Magor Town. It's a place for abandoned people. It's not only Othilei people but there are people from other countries also. The imperial knights want to shift the location because it's the place where brothels are and drugs are also sold there. They don't want Psyche to be there.

    Psyche came there and told them "Don't interfere with the people just to protect me. I don't feel thankful. I will move it on by myself".

    After that Psyche picked one box. The knights stopped her. Lira asked the knights to cooperate by saying "If lady Psyche gets hurt, won't His Highness get angry too?"

    After that the knights helped Psyche to move goods to the entrance of the market.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022
  20. Mysterious _ me

    Mysterious _ me Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2021
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    If you see YT as a revenge saga, this chapter might be boring for you. But, if you see YT is about the growth of the characters due to adversities they face and how they finally rise from adversities, this chapter is a very good and heartwarming one. The interaction scenes between Psyche and the kid, Jin, were very touching.

    I tried to translate using Google translate. My translation might not be accurate. It's my first time translating, so sorry in advance if I have made any mistakes.


    The chapter starts with Psyche's portrait.

    "Please destroy the portrait…."

    "Now, it is the final stage. It's difficult if you do this."

    "Don't you hear the trial?"

    "In a situation where you never know when the Polly/Callista family will be arrested for blasphemy…"

    "I can't leave home because I am anxious".

    Jin is sitting near her portrait in the rain.

    Man: "Ok...I will move everything to the wagon"

    "We should burn it at once".

    Jin looked at him.

    Jin: I will save you…

    "Mi and ji, let's go home"

    He covers her portrait with his shirt and takes it with him.

    At his home, his parents are discussing the donation event. They are questioning Polly/Callista's motives behind the donation event.
    "Why suddenly maybe because of his reputation isn't that obvious"

    "This is just a pointless thing i don't even want to hope for anything"

    "If she wants support from the public she can use us"

    "They give them a penny that doesn't even mean anything to them for a day"

    "With their eyes when they see something dirty they are very afraid just to touch my shoulder"

    "Disgusting aristocrat. But the most disgusting thing is we have to live in a situation where we have to run for even a penny they just throw away"

    "Yes, right. All we need is food for everyday"

    In the middle of their conversation, Jin's mother takes Psyche's portrait and throws it in the fireplace. After their conversation, they leave Nick, Jin's brother who is sick at home and go to the donation event.

    A mysterious person gives a kid a coin. The girl runs to a man and inform about the donation event. This was the man who informed the knights about the donation event.

    Psyche to the imperial knights:
    "If you have an event here, it will be a watch. Don't interest other people just to protect me. I don't feel thankful at all. We are the same".

    Psyche remembers her trauma.
    "Monster, Miss Psyche…..she is not the same as us."

    Psyche closes her ear and speaks with the knights.
    "If you don't want to go back to that place, I will move it myself".

    At the donation event, people question Psyche's motives.
    "....too much."
    "I don't know why they do this?"
    "We are the same…..what is she talking about?"

    Psyche hears them and turns back and looks at them.
    The people talking behind her flinch.
    "Did she hear us?"

    Psyche smiled and said: "I….I just want to be loved by you. "
    Lira: How are you? Miss Psyche.
    Psyche: Whoops
    Lira: I didn't know that the Imperial Knights would be attached already. They are like ghosts.
    Psyche: Yeah.

    Helio wrote to Medea, " Duke Medea, the forces will be concentrated around Psyche. It will be easy to move to the destination, avoiding the attention of the knights. Still, don't let the tension go.

    Psyche: There are a lot of prepared quantities, so don't cut them. Only the people who live in Lot's Street will name them and take them one by one, Please.

    Psyche: What is your name?
    Jin: My name is Jin.
    Psyche: Jin. This is butter, spread it on the bread later, okay?
    Jin: Yes, yes.

    Meanwhile Lira to the knight,
    Lira: Knights there! Don't hold on to the weight, and if you've already come, give me a hand. .. Sigh. Know that you met the owner well.

    Psyche monologue:
    "What? I was worried, but it's not as bad as I thought, right? I'll make it smooth! It was a mistake.

    In the crowd,
    That's a big mistake too!
    This bastard did a cut-out! what man?
    You're the one who put the group together! Knight, have you seen it?

    A kid comes and steals the bread from Lynn's side and runs away.
    Lynn: kid! You can't just take it with you!
    A lady: This is pickpocketing!! They beat him and stole him!!

    Lira covers Psyche when the knights run after that boy.
    "What?! Wait... get out of the way!"
    "There is no room to pass!"
    "Do you drink tea Rende?"
    "I waited first!"

    Psyche screamed and fell down which shock everyone. It starts to rain.
    At this moment, the people on the streets of Lot had an intuition.
    The event is the paper here.
    "let's go back."
    Man: okay.

    Note: Moreover the monologues in this chapter are from this man.

    She was covered in dirt and it looks like she got wounds.
    Lira helps Psyche to get up.
    Lynn: Lady, are you okay?

    To make matters worse, it even rains. There's no reason to push for more charity events.

    It's the first time I've seen someone like this. Have you been there before? No. There wasn't a single one.
    … I've been busy earning and living all day, so I think of something I've never done before.
    A very strange idea. If she becomes the Empress, how will she lead Inara?

    The kid(Jin) comes again disguised himself with the black paint on his face.
    Jin: "please give me some bread"
    Psyche and Lira both recognised him.
    Lira: Hey kid, haven't you got it earlier. One per person. Don't you know?
    Lira: You think I won't know.
    Lira: hey i can see what you are hiding.
    Jin: oh no, this is my stomach.
    Jin: this is the first time for me.
    Psyche: Ok, what's your name?
    Lira: Lady, really?
    Psyche: He's just a kid. It's okay and tell me what's your name?
    Jin: My name is…..Nick(He told her his brother's name)

    The following sentences are a monologue of the same man(above) from the donation event.

    Silence came to the street. Not everyone knew who Nick was.

    Still, he held his breath and looked at the two of them.
    It's weird, huh…

    It's crazy, but the rain-soaked lady for a moment looked just like us.

    Come to think of it, did that brat girl say something like this earlier? "We are all the same. I want to be loved by you".

    On the other side,
    Medea : It's been a long time. I haven't used it. Will this work?
    She shoots the crossbow and there is a blast.

    Special thanks to @irisli1405 for sharing the raws and also helping and rectifying my errors while translating.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022