Characters dying too soon?

Discussion in 'Novel General' started by Solus, Feb 8, 2022.

  1. Solus

    Solus 自分のことお嫌いです

    Nov 3, 2016
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    I was reading another survival game novel and I can't help want to rant about it a bit.

    Survival game means there are a handful of characters right? And so, the author spent time writing about the characters, giving them their name, their status, their level and how other people thought about them. That's a lot to write about considering there's a handful of them.

    Then, at chapter 17, the author killed 90% of those handful characters. It's only the 1st survival world of the novel... Literally everyone dies except the perp, MC and possible-ML.

    W A L A O

    Deng, you spent so much time talking about the other characters and I even somewhat got their names memorized and they are all DEAD?! Not to mention, the dead characters are at least level A, B, and C! (To compare rarity, the author mentioned that there are only about 200 level A participants in the whole system, out of 10,000 people)


    On the other hand, the author spent a lot of time writing about the perp as a good and holy person, the type that will help anyone if possible, and the dude turned out to be the perp, just because he got the character card as the spy. Are you kidding me?! It felt completely ooc considering how many people can vouch for this person, claiming that they either seen him helping other people or gotten help before and this 'good' person simply abandon his past good deeds and image to massacre everyone?!

    There are fking live stream on every participant which viewer can see! (But I can imagine the author later write the reveal as a blackout on the live stream so nobody knows about the truth)

    Well, I'm glad I didn't spend too much time in this novel. *close tab* The search for a good survival game novel continues _(;3/
    Sabruness likes this.
  2. otaku31

    otaku31 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2015
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    Perhaps the author is in love with subverting expectations— something readers are generally known to lap up without reservations. So the best the readers can do is to undermine the writer's belief by bombarding him/her with low ratings and scathing reviews; I'm sure the author, if true to my first conjecture, would love the surprise. :blobpeek:
    missluna and anotherAniket like this.
  3. MillenniumMoon

    MillenniumMoon Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    Is it Thriller Trainee you're talking about? I actually quite like this story, the foreshadowing and the plot is great. The reason why the survival rate of the story is this bad is because the system is pretty much culling the numbers, as only 100 trainees is needed over 10,000 for the finals. As for the OOC, there is a reason for that, but it won't be explained for a while, just foreshadowing.
  4. Solus

    Solus 自分のことお嫌いです

    Nov 3, 2016
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    It's obvious huh? :blobrofl:Unfortunately, it's not my cup of tea, too bad

    [Edit- I didn't notice this novel is being translated because I read raws lol. Please don't kill me, whoever the TL is]
  5. Fluffums

    Fluffums 【R-18 Researcher】【Seeker of Moe】

    May 12, 2016
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    Isn't the "survival game" genre all about everyone but the protagonist and maybe the romance target dying eventually anyway? Every story like that I've read has been similar at least. I don't really like major character massacres myself so I've basically avoided that sort of novel after getting the gist...
  6. asriu

    asriu fu~ fu~ fu~

    Jan 9, 2016
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    the problem lay on execution, some authors think they so smart at diverting expectation while in reality it quite dumb....
    is it better if there no diverting? or just same?
    is it major conflict that affects characters, plot or just a pebble on side road
    at least there 2 reason this cat think is it diverting expectation is good or bad~

    well apocalypse setting, survival game, pandemic or global disaster (not really apocalypse type) are some type if story that this cat need to turn off the brain cuz full of retort is no good for mental health~ horror on another whole league... but there some really good one~