Spoiler About Your Pride and My Prejudice

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Dec 14, 2021.

  1. nee3n

    nee3n Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2021
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    I opened one of the latest chapters and decided to MTL it. This gave me the feels :blob_teary:
    Chapter 95

    What was I like that night.

    Was my expression okay? I wonder if it was awkward? What if the sounds I made sounded weird? Maybe there was something that wasn't pretty or natural in his view.….

    Thinking about this made me suffer as if I was wandering in the darkness without an exit. Negative thoughts flooded in endlessly, which was no longer at the level I could handle.

    ‘I'm not happy with him.…’

    I was looking for a reason why he didn't come back. It was certainly a fool's idea, as the days he returned to the mansion were rare enough to be counted in the hands. Nevertheless, there was no way to stop thinking about depressing things.

    As expected, does he regret telling a woman like me all his secrets? Was it wrong for me to want him in the first place? Then, am I being punished? Was he going to cover up what happened that day? Like nothing had happened?

    I didn't like it. It might have been just a passing time for him, but for me, that night…… It was the most overwhelming and brilliant moment in my life so far when there was nothing special.

    So even in an unfamiliar pain of splitting my body, I didn't run away and cling onto him. Lightly and desperately as if burning the last flame of life. If I could continue deeper that way, I would be willing to endure even more pain if I could reach the end of my soul.

    I opened the beautiful bottle of flacone again and sniffed his scent. Then tears flowed like a lie.

    What if I had run away from the embrace that was holding me that night? If so, wouldn't I have been this anxious about the nights he didn't return?

    I could definitely run away. He wasn't coercive and I didn't reluctantly respond either. Nevertheless, the reason why my tears won't stop is probably because I know myself too well, even if that moment was our last, I would have opened my arms to him eventually.

    His touch, which was caressing me, was cautious and friendly as if dealing with something most precious in the world. It was definitely comparable to love. Allen didn't answer, but he would have known, too. The fact that everything we shared that day was infinitely close to love.

    It's just that I'm not his only love.

    If I had heard that ‘I love you’ even if it was a lie, my heart would not have broken my heart this much. I held a small glass bottle preciously and shed tears.

    Your arms were salvation to me. That day, I was grateful for the fact that I was me for the first time. Perhaps no religion in the world will give such a rest. Even if your kiss was nothing more than a red line, I would certainly be a blessed believer.

    Suddenly, I felt like I went back to one of those winter days when it snowed exceptionally heavily. He saved me once again, and after barely realising that it wasn't a dream, he's already gone.

    The overflowing love and the overwhelming emotions that have no way of churning are the only ones left behind. What a cruel salvation.

    At that time, I believed that cruel one-sided emotions were so painful that in order to keep it in its most beautiful form, it had to be viewed from a distance. At that time, the distance was so enchanting that it was frightening. To the point where I can't even imagine there's something more than that.

    Looking back, I may have been dull at that time, but I was only full of love. So there was nothing to get lost. But now, I can't love him like I used to, nor hate him, so I keep getting lost.

    Of course, there is no desire to go back to that time, so all of those are fleeting thoughts. If so, it would be funny to be more pitiful than this. It's a contradiction to sobbing like an abandoned sheep even though you’ve never been his.

    There was only one thing left if I could no longer comfort myself with a shapeless scent, a light maid's joke, and the scenery outside the window that added color day by day. No, maybe this was the only comfort from the beginning.

    My writing.

    "I don't regret it."

    The woman said.

    "Even if I could go back to that day, I would make the same choice over and over again."

    The sound of rain outside the window was strong. As a result, her thin voice sounded even more fragile.

    Troy was just sitting silently. As she lowered my long black eyelashes, she looked indifferent and beautiful as always.

    "It's already been a few days, but it's still clear. In my memory, we were like music box that night. It glistens enough to look into it endlessly, and happy music flows."


    "But that's all. In the end, it's a repetition of a monotonous and lame melody."

    It must have been a story that started with a calm tone, but suddenly she became so angry that she was about to burst into tears.

    "You, who can't tell 'I love you' even if it's a lie...… What's the difference from an expressionless doll that moves inside the music box?"

    When Troy looked up, the woman had a strange face, showing mournful and angry expressions at the same time. It was an expression he had never seen before.

    "Are you going to make that face if you lose me?"

    "If it's Troy...”

    If Troy loses her, he will feel a deep sense of loss as if he had lost everything in his life. No matter how much his origin is Alan Leopold, he's different from the real Alan.

    Even though they make mistakes or hurt each other because of their clumsy love, they are all developmental devices. He will eventually give her love that cannot be compared to anything in the world.

    The two who have overcome the ordeal will be happy forever in an unchanging love. It's a story that started just for that.

    "There's no point in talking back or lying."

    Troy said.

    "If I were a doll in a music box, I would probably be out of order because I'm emotionally broken."

    His low-silence voice, mixed with the distant thunder, sounded heavier and more serious.

    "I wandered in the dark for a very long time. You were the light to me."


    "I don't believe in love, which is close to an illusion. Moreover, my feelings for you cannot be translated into words."

    "…But, Troy."

    The woman, who was silently listening to him, opened her mouth with earnest eyes.

    "There are many things in the world that can't be delivered unless you tell them. All the more so if it's invisible."

    Those mournful eyes were no different from that night.

    "So can you tell me now? If it’s difficult for you to put it into words then you can borrow mine...… Can't you hear me?”


    "That's all I want from you. You may not believe it…..”

    There was nothing he couldn't believe in those simple words. Troy just didn't want her to cry because of him anymore.

    Her existence was already everything and reason for his life. Once again, Troy felt his stubbornness melt down like a sand castle in front of the waves.

    "Words are neither perfect nor eternal, and my mind will remain unchanged in the future."


    "If you wish, I'll listen to you over and over again."

    So I hope this story ends with passionate love. My ideal that it will be more beautiful and dazzling because it can't be fulfilled...….

    "I love you."

    * * *



    I opened my eyes to Sandra's cheerful voice. It's always like this these days.

    "Did you fall asleep while writing a novel again? You're an unstoppable writer!”

    Sandra pouted playfully as she cleared the messy bedside table with melted candles and manuscript paper..

    "I don't know much about art or literature, but when I see you young lady, I immediately think you're cool."


    "Didn’t you feel when you are completely immersed in a novel? It feels like you're in a different world at that time, so it's something incredible."

    ……That's because I don't have anywhere else to put my mind to.

    "And you always cry when you write these days."


    "I also get sad when I’m watching you, but that's definitely the proof that you're absorbed in the work, right? I feel like I'm a true artist!"


    It's not like a true art...… It's because my love is pitiful. Because I'm the only one who can cry for my love. Of course, I couldn't say that, so I turned away.

    "Is it dinner time soon?"

    "Not yet, lady, miss. There's still an hour left. Seeing you say that, I guess the season has come to give you an appetite."

    "Yeah. It's already autumn.”

    "If you're hungry, should I bring you a snack?"

    When I heard that, I smiled weakly and shook my head. Then Sandra opened her mouth with a playful childlike face.

    "Actually, I brought something that you might like more than snacks.

    "...Something I like?"”

    As I stretched out and asked back with a blank face, something suddenly popped out in front of me.

    It was a white envelope.

    "When I went home last night, I found that he was there."

    Tobias Miller.

    "You've been waiting for a long time, miss.”
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2022
  2. Priar

    Priar Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2021
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    Thank you
    nee3n likes this.
  3. citrus_sunsun

    citrus_sunsun Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2021
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    more spoilers plss :blobcozy:
  4. Syalalabla

    Syalalabla Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2020
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    Spoiler pleaseeeee i feel like im gping crazy when i rwad this. Tobias is a good person or not? What about alan? Alan is the stalker ???
  5. Deleted member 282232

    Deleted member 282232 Guest

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    I feel like I'll go crazy too, because I do not have this novel? ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ I want to buy but I'm already broke and there's already a list waiting to get purchased.
  6. Brown sugar

    Brown sugar Active Member

    Sep 15, 2020
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    Camping for spoilers :blobpeek::blobcozy:
  7. Nightangle

    Nightangle Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Where is it available ?
  8. nee3n

    nee3n Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2021
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    It's available on Naver Series
  9. Snow Kang

    Snow Kang Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2021
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    Okay but can someone tell me how Alan kidnaps her and their conversation after Alan kidnapped her please? :aww::aww:
    Manhwalover356 likes this.
  10. Syalalabla

    Syalalabla Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2020
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    So alan really stalk her ??? But why? Is he love or only obsessed with her ? And how could alan like her ?
  11. gloomymood

    gloomymood Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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  12. MonsterDuke

    MonsterDuke Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2021
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    1) Toby will be injured in an accident and MC will misunderstand that it was due to Alan that Toby got injured and leaves for Lunoa but it wasn't Alan who did it

    2) before leaving Alan (as stalker) send her note stating to end everything and send her first class ticket to the ship for Lunoa

    3) MC being naive drinks the shady drink by the men in ship so that they can kidnap her and this happens in chp 60s

    4) and Alan saves her and that's how he kidnaps her

    5) it's not mentioned directly in the novel but Alan has suffered a lot due to Ian and he has deep rooted hatred to Leopold family

    6) Monica is a character obsessed with Alan and she wanted to make Alan jealous by seducing the prince but it backfire her and she ends up sleeping with him,

    7) in order to get sympathy from Alan she makes the man (new character yet to be introduced) su*cide

    8) transmigration plays an imp role since Alan is the child of main characters of the novel MC read and Alan has been searching for them the day he stepped out of the house so that's why he does so many charity and donations.

    9) the translator gave me the spoilers so pls thank her :)

    10) if any other questions related to the plot feel free to ping me

    Thank you
    The reason why he didn't appear is because he cheated on MC's mom and settled down with other woman in the place where he is stationed as a soldier.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2022
  13. PattyCakes

    PattyCakes Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2021
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    Aren't you tler? You only comment on threads she tl and keep saying tl amazing. Sounds kinda self promoting.

    Last edited: Feb 9, 2022
  14. MonsterDuke

    MonsterDuke Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2021
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    Huh? I am following her novels coz she is translating the novels I like....I don't understand the reason for self-promotion

    Idk what to say but u r sounding so funny lol anyways I got the Spoilers, I shared them end of convo

    if anyone has any other questions related to the plot feel free to ping me and if u want to discuss about other things related to the translator dont ping me
    Glutton idiot and Aron Dare like this.
  15. Manhwalover356

    Manhwalover356 Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2021
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    Who is Ian?
    MonsterDuke likes this.
  16. november27

    november27 Happy, free, confuse and lonely in the best way

    Mar 3, 2021
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    u are being quite rude :blobneutral:
  17. PattyCakes

    PattyCakes Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2021
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    Just saying wut it is coz she could just say why it important but she just baiting people to keep reading. I read spoilers to know if I want to keep reading novel. Feels very self promo when other ppl just spoil if they got spoilers. Not gatekeep.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2022
  18. MonsterDuke

    MonsterDuke Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2021
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    Alan's adoptive father
  19. Eris_anakin

    Eris_anakin Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2022
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    What did she bait? No— I'm genuinely curious, she just gave credit to the Translator who gave the spoilers to her, since it's a rule not to ask spoilers from translators, yet the translator gave the Spoilers, it's up to you whether you want to read or not but there is nothing wrong in giving credits.

    I'm assuming that you have problem with the reader giving credit to the translator since you quoted that particular line only
  20. PattyCakes

    PattyCakes Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2021
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    She said transmigration play imp role in novel and told readers to wait and keep reading when she could just say why it important and didn't got to tell us to wait and keep reading. That sounds like bait to me and sounds like she know why it important but won't tell and want us to keep reading to find out.