Spoiler How to Hide the Emperor’s Child/ 황제의 아이를 숨기는 방법

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Deleted member 262282, Jan 12, 2021.

  1. Sorabito

    Sorabito Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
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    (agree with Seoktonin but I just want to say that emperors having multiple wives was something that was starting to fade around... Uhm I think it was around the 10th or 11th century in Europe. Having multiple wives meant multiple male heirs which meant that the Germanic princes in the holy Roman empire were constantly warring for territory and the kingship. A pope then pushed for monogamy as a means to help stabilize the land. That said, European rulers practiced monogamous marriage while having polygamous sexual relations. Eastern kingdoms featured kings and emperor's with harems till modern times.

    I don't mean to bring this up. It's just a thing I have since so many k-novels and manhwa have that European ambiance set in 16th to 18th century style society but still feature polygamous marriages. )
  2. seoktonin

    seoktonin burning eyes

    Nov 23, 2020
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    yes ive heard about that but most of these manhwas are very mixed with western and eastern ideals.
    so for me personally, when i talk of history/politics in manhwas its more considering asian history and ideals as compared to western and thats also how most writers tend to write it as since they have more impressions of asian history
  3. Sorabito

    Sorabito Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
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    Oh absolutely! I'm a first generation asian in a western country and grew up watching historical dramas that featured polygamy and was always weirded out as a child. I think most writers growing up has had experience similar to mine and that has been tapped into as inspiration for That said though, I find knovels approach with polygamous marriages is to depict a bad ruler or, to show the contrast of the ML at the start of the story and the end. Enjoyable experience for me personally because it shows that the ideal romance for the modern woman to be monogamous.
    Eraien and seoktonin like this.
  4. Jjongjjong

    Jjongjjong Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2021
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    What happen with sir vellian claude ??
  5. Shinz

    Shinz Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2020
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    I don't know if I said this on my original comment but I'm only basing this on current chapters of the manhwa and not the novel itself nor the spoilers said in this thread and what he basically did before she left as of what was revealed in the current are:

    1. He didn't care for her at the time of their engagement, he wasn't abusive to her but he also isn't overly sweet to her he just doesn't care about her existence(which I don't find that trashy tbh) As far as the MANHWA revealed, he did all the bare minimum responsibility. I repeat, this is what it seemed like on the current chapters like a slight flashback of him giving her flowers.
    2. Divorced her after 1 night. This one is pretty shitty like he has every right to do that but at least do it after a month.

    So the whole leaving her on the ball, leaving after she saved his ass, talking shit to her etc still didn't aren't revealed. Basing on the two facts that are revealed in the CURRENT CHAPTERS, I don't think he treated her in an inhumane manner. Again, this is a statement made based on the current chapters, he didn't liked nor hated her and treated her like the daughter of a person he's suspicious with, not in a way where she's blamed for her father but a way where he has no feelings whatsoever for her and personally, I don't think there's any wrong with that.
    And again, I repeat that I'm only basing this on the current chapters released and not on the spoilers given on this thread.

    If what you said was right about some details left out (or still not revealed in the currents chapters) as to how he treated her when they were engaged and that he will still continue to do shitty things after basically kidnapping her then yes, I will hate him but as of the current chapters in the manhwa, I don't really have any feelings of hate or like for the guy and I think he should just leave the FL alone but no, he isn't trash (again, based on the current chapters of the manhwa)

    Another, I never really made an excuse that "ppl make mistakes" because I personally think that there are mistakes you can't be forgiven for so I guess this is not for me but again if what u said in your spoilers is right then he is shitty and irredeemable. Again, I am basing all my previous statements on the current chapters.

    For the people misunderstanding me, I don't know how many times I repeated this but I based what I said on the current chapters. Read and understand everything first before replying to me and if there's anything you're confuse about then ask.

    I don't know if I said this in my original comment but I'm basing his trashy-ness scale on what was revealed on the current chapters of the manhwa which are only the coldness and divorcing, I found these two not grounds for calling him trash because well that's his right. The whole saving him, making false promises etc are still not revealed in the current chapters of the manhwa so with those in mind he is trash.

    Again, I based this statement on what was only revealed on the current chapters of manhwa and basing on it, he did treat her like a human being. Again, this is just based on the manhwa making him be cold to her and divorcing her after 1 day, just those two and not based on the spoilers said in the thread.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2022
    cjburaira, Eraien, Fanccyyy and 3 others like this.
  6. llaladeriver

    llaladeriver Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2021
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    I respect your opinion and I will also emphasize again that my rant is based on the manhwa and spoilers. I have mentioned this before that I've dropped the manhwa, even if later that kaizen dude turns out to be a saint or a hero who saves the world, welp idk bcs I don't read the novel that's why I quoted all my opinions.

    Other spoilers here have mentioned as well that he has his motive for treating the FL like that. If you're interested in the story, I suggest you read the manhwa until the end so you can judge yourself bcs as I said before I dropped the manhwa. i was probably pissed because I've read a lotttt of stories like this, ML mistreats FL -> sad backstory -> happy ending and it turned out that I'm just not into this kind of trope so I dropped it, anyways if you decide to give it a shot then happy reading:blob_plusone:
    Enmea, solaria_, Eraien and 2 others like this.
  7. Jjongjjong

    Jjongjjong Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2021
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    I recomeded you this manhwa " YEON LOK HEUN " i think you will love that manhwa
  8. Johnwill12

    Johnwill12 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2020
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    ‘Exactly, the ML was dealing with an Empire that was a mess, (northern rebellion) and with the FL’s father and the scheming power hungry nobles. The FL’s suffering was mostly caused by her father who threw her out with no means to support herself. At the time the ML was too preoccupied with all of the problems within the Empire. The ML begins to open up to the FL later on, and fall in love with her.
    tashazela, cjburaira, Eraien and 4 others like this.
  9. Miyaharqh

    Miyaharqh Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Woww i want spoiler from side story too if u willing to share ✨
    ArkiV_10 likes this.
  10. seoktonin

    seoktonin burning eyes

    Nov 23, 2020
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    sure just give me some time ill post them soon

    also, i didnt mention this before but, fl is not a commoner by any means. she was a duke's daughter but now she is a duke's sister who has actual power. she is also the granddaughter of war hero who was given his estate back. she is far from a commoner and theor has a very stable background.
    cjburaira, Eraien, Miyaharqh and 3 others like this.
  11. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    Then is it the case where a noble loses fortune and lives like a commoner even though they still have a noble title?
    seoktonin likes this.
  12. seoktonin

    seoktonin burning eyes

    Nov 23, 2020
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    nope, she has a pretty powerful maternal family. in the beginning when she had just come to the capital, she was almost a commoner yes. a powerless duke's daughter but the ml made sure that no one could point fingers at her or their son and they pushed her brother - fritz, to succeed as the duke.

    fritz was on fl's side. So as soon as he suceeded, he went ahead and proved his loyalty to the ml. moreover, fritz ended up marrying a commoner turned noble which means his power did NOT skyrocket - very ideal - and then comes her maternal grandfather who was a war hero but because of power struggles and the old duke's ego, grandfather lost his pension. ML was not aware of this. so they gave this back to him and grandfather was again returned to the past glory of being a war hero.

    ultimately, all that was lost was returned and when ml said he wanted to give fl the power and reputation that was ruined because of him, he meant it lol
  13. Yanay

    Yanay Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2020
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    It was i wont accept your regrets...but in that the ML wasnt that much of a douch
  14. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    I'm confused. The manhwa was supposed to paint the ML in a good way? 'Cause it sure didn't work for me!

    What a jacka$$, he was going to divorce her anyway, but still slept with her...cuz duh f***boy. I mean, if it was for her reputation, he could've just slept by her side and that's it (which let's be honest, that's shit, you don't care if she lives or dies, but you care abt her reputation??)

    Plus the fact that he knew her for 10 years and didn't fall for her, and then suddenly meets her again 7 years later and instantly likes her. It's really a shame she couldn't hide from him. I couldn't be happy together with such a man, I'd always remember those 10 years in which she treated him so well and he treated her like shit, as if it's her fault whatever her father does.

    For ppl defending ML. He admitted that he would have killed her baby while in her womb if he had found out back then. And that if he couldn't kill just the baby, he would've killed her as well. So... Irredeemable. Trash. Period.

    And guys, pls don't compare ML with other trash MLs and say he's okay in comparison. Like...C'MON, that's not the new standard!

    I also have to add there are a few plot inconsistencies. I will only mention a few:
    - ML thought he could simply divorce MC and it would work, while MC's father thought he couldn't as long as she disagreed
    - and ML obvs didn't know she would agree 'cause he thought she was her father's puppet and was scared to keep his enemy by his side...but then wasn't even surprised when she obediently divorced
    - so one of them had to be wrong (abt the possibility of being able to divorce the empress without her approval) and one of them being an idiot is inconsistent with their characters
    - plus the fact that her father just let her go without a fuss, no threatening no nada...rookie villain move...really inconsistent with his character throughout the novel...but hey, it was needed by the plot
    Lots of contradictions so not very believable

    You guys should watch

    Studies show that:
    - men are 48% more likely to fall in love at first sight than women
    - women can take an average of 15 days to fall in love, while it only takes men 8.4 seconds
    (I'm not using this as an argument for this novel, just as a useful FYI)

    altho you don't always fall in love from the get go:
    1. but 10 years of knowing a person is more than enough
    2. you do realise if you have feelings for someone, especially after 10 freaking years (I don't get this trope where MLs don't realise their feelings, how does this only happen in fiction? how stupid are they??)
    3. say it's possible you have feelings for someone and don't realise it, you wouldn't be able to treat them like shit if you do care deep down
    4. say you do have feelings for someone, don't realise it and treat them like shit - you're just toxic...so eff off

    OMG. To be honest, I think the art of this novel is better than Your Throne. Especially face+body proportions in different positions are pretty good, compared to YT where they look weird often. Not that I draw much better, but I do know how to draw and this is my honest opinion.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2022
    nasur1n, Enmea, hoangmai331 and 6 others like this.
  15. pastelroses

    pastelroses Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2021
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    There something I notice in the manhwa that some scene are change or don't appear in the novel. Is making the Ml more plausible.
    Anyone know the reason?
    evanesco99211 likes this.
  16. Sorabito

    Sorabito Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
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    Just a reminder that one -CAN- ignore users who don't share one's opinions. The story spoilers shows an angsty story of flawed characters in an untenable political climate and the redemption that goes with it. If one does not like that story please look for a story that does instead of being combative to those that don't share one's hatred of the story. Please be kind instead of making those that don't share one's opinions feel like there is something inherently wrong with their feelings.

    Thank you readers for your kind consideration.
  17. seoktonin

    seoktonin burning eyes

    Nov 23, 2020
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    grandfather - a war hero. he couldnt have hurt him lol
    brother - brother was on dad’s side initially and the father’s character set up is a person who doesnt hurt any family member USEFUL to him. which the brother is.
    ml - …is the emperor, how is the duke supposed to hurt the emperor trying to curb a rebellion he started in broad daylight?

    as for first night part - thats a plot device. its not like the child in “how to hide the emperor’s child” would appear out of thin air lol.

    and say he didnt have the first night with her. the entire reason her dad got them married was because he needed a grandchild with imperial blood. if he asked astelle abt the first night, and she said no. you think he wouldve just left it? lmao no. that man used theor as reason to push for ANOTHER child 6 years later.

    so yeah if the emperor had not died the next day, they wouldve had to have the first night anyway.

    he literally just divorced her. he was a nice fiance - entire reason astelle fell for him.
    divorce is way better than being stuck in marriage with no communication and being political rivals especially when your life is at stake.
  18. lembayung

    lembayung Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2021
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    That's what bugging me the most, what does he doesn't know she love him have anything to do with anything, he is not obligated to love her, I don't care even if he treated her coldly (as long as he didn't abuse her) since he have every reason to think of her as his enemy, but he need to stick to it till the end no, why would you need to sleep with your enemy you are going to divorced to anyway? For what, tradition? Unless they have the nobles watch their first night and confirmed the bloody Mary like in the 'I Don't Want to be Loved', then there is no excuse. Her reputation? Oh my, how kind of him to suddenly think of his enemy reputation, when he didn't give a fuck about it during their engagement days. Imagine if his father didn't die the next day, does that mean he is gonna sleep with her again during their annexation, even tho he is smart enough to use the condom, even with modern medicine, there is still a chance to get knock out, but no worries I guess he could just kill the mother along with the child, easy peasy. It's more reasonable if he sleep with her to lower the Duke guard, pretending to be an ally, buying time sharpening his sword before he stabbed it in their back.