Discussion Your reaction.

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Zinchimon, Feb 18, 2022.

  1. Zinchimon

    Zinchimon Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2021
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    So I want to ask what would be your first reaction if you were happened to be crossing the road with your siblings/friends/anyone you know?...

    It happened to me a few years ago and I still remember that feeling.

    Me and my little brother were going home from the school (I was at 7th grade and my little brother was at preschool) at the crossing we waited till the signal was green and started to walk suddenly a car was speeding towards us, I froze then picked up my brother and hugged him tightly and jumped. And a few moments later that car passed through and didn't even stop to check us, I got and checked my brother to see if he was hurt as he kept crying loudly. Luckily he only had a few scratches. I sighed in relief and only then I noticed my knees and elbows were bleeding. After the shock went through and passed my brain did I digest what would have happened if I didn't jump. I was scared. I cried alot and the pain in my elbows and knees were not helping. Me and my kept wailing loudly and soon some people came over (it was a little remote road and people usually didn't go through this road so it was convenient for us to go to school) they kept talking to us to calm down. I was too shocked to even say something as I kept hugging my brother and one of person seem to know my Papa so they called him. Papa came over around 15-30 later?(don't remember) he hugged us and told us to calm down. Me and my little brother hugged him tightly and after some time I calmed down and told him what happened. He suddenly pulled us In his arms and cried as he consoled us that it's okay it's fine...

    Later my Papa called the police and told them about it. Then he called my big uncle and big aunt (he is a senior officer and his wife is a politician) then he took me to his work place( he's a doctor) and cleaned up our wounds. My mother came running after she heard what happened. She was at school when this happened ( she a teacher at different school) she cried as she checked our wounds. We went home after that and my elder brother,elder sister and little sister came and hugged me and my little brother. We even slept together and my elder got us Ice cream....

    Anyways that car driver was caught. Apparently he was drunk driving and also caused and accident and injured some luckily that person was okay..

    That's it. Now what would you have done in that situation. And believe me when you encounter that situation you just freeze.
    Mnotia, Senros, jaydes and 2 others like this.
  2. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Bruh

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Wouldn’t have done anything that different from you. Since the car was already speeding towards you, there is hardly any time to really think about what to do so your natural instinct is to either freeze completely or try to get out the way (if you are close enough to the sidewalk/grass).
  3. asriu

    asriu fu~ fu~ fu~

    Jan 9, 2016
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    tututu you miss the chance to isekai-ed or wearing a book turn into villain~

    that aside, this cat reaction may similar as for freeze hmm maybe shock but the body will move based on instinct~ there was similar situation~ learn martial art have it benefit~ although this cat just learn it on minimum base~
    Elementarteilchen and Baldingere like this.
  4. MillenniumMoon

    MillenniumMoon Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    As someone who has experienced being run over three times (bicycle, bicycle with sidecar, and a motorcycle) all I can say is that, freezing is pretty normal and that shock is such an asshole, when I got run over by a motorcycle, I pretty much felt it in slow motion, I only had minor bruises as the motorcycle braked in time and the impact wasn't that big, but oh boy, I stood up fine and all, even went to school as if nothing is wrong but when someone asked me if I was okay, it just hit me all of a sudden and then I bawled like a baby, hahaha.
    Baldingere likes this.
  5. Almaa

    Almaa The Fool

    Mar 20, 2018
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    I don't know. If I would have been alone and that happened there is a high chance that I wouldn't have moved since in this kind of situation from what I saw I either move without thinking or stop moving and calm down, the problem being with me not moving, so yeah. High chance I would have been hit since I end up going with the calming down one for some reason.
    If I would have been with someone else? I can't really imagine the result either
  6. Beer_Kitty

    Beer_Kitty Just a very very drunk kitty that likes beer

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I would have definitely froze on the spot.
    Even now i get frozen in place when theres a speeding motorcycle or car heading my way. Thats why I avoid crossing the road when they are still moving or not on total halt.
  7. NoLongerTheSame

    NoLongerTheSame Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2017
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    It actually depends on your environment while growing up...really. I've been to "close calls" a number of times; stuff that could've given me bad injuries at the least but that's when your motor reflexes kick in. That was how it was when I was younger. I'm not sure how I'll fare now given that I haven't been that active in my 20s aside from riding my mountain bike every now and then.
    Baldingere likes this.
  8. Baldingere

    Baldingere Roseau pensant

    Jul 31, 2020
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    I would have closed my eyes and raised my arms like a dumb*ss for sure
    Elementarteilchen likes this.
  9. Resplendor

    Resplendor High Lord of Souls

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Unfortunately, I'm sure most of us just don't know what we would do. That's lizard brain stuff. There's no thinking involved as such, just pure reaction.
    I'm glad you and your sibling came out all right.
    Senros likes this.
  10. Elementarteilchen

    Elementarteilchen Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2018
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    You could try to look cool by adding a few words, something like: "You shall not pass" ;D
    Baldingere likes this.
  11. Senros

    Senros Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    "Over my dead body!"

    Idk how I would actually react, but when someone taps me on the shoulder when I absolutely wasn't expecting it, I kind of jump... so I would either have that knee-jerk reaction and then freeze, or have that reaction and actually jump out of the way. If I managed to survived, I would be hella pissed at the driver. I'd like to think, that if I had something at hand I would throw it at the car, but I have no clue if I actually would or if I would even have the time to do it (either way, it would be stupid to do so.)
    Baldingere and Elementarteilchen like this.
  12. Baldingere

    Baldingere Roseau pensant

    Jul 31, 2020
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    Will try! Then ridicule might kill for once
    Elementarteilchen likes this.
  13. Mnotia

    Mnotia The Trash Man

    Apr 12, 2017
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    When shit like this happens, your own mortality will popup in your head and those of your loved ones too.

    Very happy you and your sibling were not hurt.

    I live in a state that essentially has no sidewalks except for if your downtown. Spent most of my childhood literally walking across busy streets just to go to school. There were a few times where I was in a situation similar to yours. Literally froze up for a few seconds then fucking ran.

    Literally all I've done in those situations is flip the driver off and yell some shit. There was like 1 time were I got a little too close to being hit.

    Was walking home from the store while listening to music. Pedestrians had right of way. I started walking across the street and and I look ahead and I see some guy just running at me. I just stared at him and was gonna move out the way cause I thought he was in a hurry. Next thing I know, he fucking tackles me.

    As soon as I get up I take off my headphones and essentially get ready to fight this guy. Then I heard a weird ass sound so I look to my left and boom I see a fucking car flip.

    Turns out the drivers brakes were fucked and he started blasting his horn and I couldn't hear em cause my music was too loud.

    Deadass, started hugging the guy that tackled me and fucking cried. Poggers guy/ L car
    Baldingere likes this.