Discussion what tropes makes you drop a novel?

Discussion in 'Novel General' started by tommyhunz, Jan 14, 2022.

  1. sjmcc13

    sjmcc13 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Reading List:
    For most yes, but some tropes just have inherent flaws that no matter how well executed someone who dislikes that weakness will not be able to tolerate.
    Though most times you see irrational hatred it is purely the "reader' who is the issue.
  2. myfakeaccount

    myfakeaccount Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2021
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    Reading List:
    Not enough Communication
    Overly Possessive Ml's
    No character development
    Character becoming stupid at critical times
    Unnecessary rape scenes
    Too much Xenophobia
    Harem or Reverse Harem
  3. Kalor

    Kalor Active Member

    Jan 4, 2021
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    Reading List:
    - Controlling characters without empathy like in suicide girlfriend clones,
    - Abusive, controlling parents, let kids have hobbies and they do not need study for useless subjects like crazy.
    - Completely ignoring someone's mental problems, traumas, why not teach reader empathy a little? 'This girl wanted to jump from the roof, and today she made me breakfast. I'm super happy!'
    - Victims letting go their abusers because they are sorry.
    - Superficial behavior and focusing on superficial traits, I know it's part of japan culture(tatemae and their relationships in general) but sometimes it's taken to extremes.
    - Praising negative traits: like blindly listening to superiors, senpais, parents; not complaining, reading the air and not disturbing peace of others, even when person is hurt in result.
    - Prolonging fluff too much because author doesn't want to advance their relationships, it gets stale very quickly.
    - Ignoring bullying or harassment of friends.
    - Bland characters with girl magnets, I don't mind harems,
    - Boring dialogues can kill even best setting and a good banter can save cliche writing.
    - Falling in love without interacting with that person, can we at least call it crush?

    - Translators censoring regular words like hell, breasts, sex(in meaning of gender), sexy(i cringed at 's**y eyelashes' once), door kn**b.
    - Lack of vocabulary, bad grammar.

    I there a place where I can rant about particular LNs? I don't want to mess too much in reviews, especially when it's only few chapters, but sometimes I need to vent.
  4. MillenniumMoon

    MillenniumMoon Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    Reading List:
    - Author doesn't know or care enough to learn about the characteristic/behavior of animals they use in their stories. This happens a lot in pet/animal focused novels, like cats be written to act like a dog. It's not just cats too, whether the animal/pet be a bird/lizard or any other they would always depict dog-like behavior.
    I'd understand if it's fantasy but when used in the modern life setting with no magic it just feels so lazy and stupid. Especially if the MC is supposed to be some type of animal expert. I usually encounter this in CN and JP novels. :blobunamused:

    - Little sister fetish. As being a little sister to two brothers myself, it gets really annoying to always encounter this little sister type of character with a brother complex. It just feels so disturbing especially when it turns romantic, like eww. :blob_catflip:

    - Racism or too much Nationalism.
  5. marcell

    marcell Active Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Reading List:
    FL being a doormat
    FL and ML's children are geniuses that it became illogical
    when they first transmigrated into a weak body and the next second they are beating up everyone
    Author keep on dragging the story
    Too much nationalism