Spoiler To Help You Understand

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by ni-b, Jul 25, 2020.

  1. Yerunidian

    Yerunidian Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2021
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    Can someone tell me the ending of Violet and winter? :aww:did winter died? Will they gonna have a baby??
  2. Iska-IX

    Iska-IX Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2020
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    Read the forum, every question you can think of has probably been answered already.
    Reeka98 likes this.
  3. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Just a preview of the summaries I’ll update this weekend:
    • Winter performs a beautiful marriage proposal. Even the background sounds fantastic.
    • Winter and Violet’s hilarious charade at the council meeting. This couple has grown and changed so much.
    • Violet finally gives birth.
    • As soon as Winter took her pain, the baby is born.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2022
    Priar, Elisee, L.A.C.L. and 10 others like this.
  4. dumplingslag

    dumplingslag Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    Guys who’s pim ?? The purple head on the latest manhwa chapter ??
  5. FaranFluffy

    FaranFluffy Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Anyone know what chapter we are in the novel? As of the latest manhwa chapter?
    ditka623 likes this.
  6. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    No problem. Depending on where you’re located, you can read the English version of the novel on the Radish app. The only problem is, you’ll probably spend more money on it than buying the novel as a book. Perhaps they also have the one free chapter a day too. It’s owned by Kakao.

    I have about five chapter summaries to update on the weekend. Some highlights:

    • Wedding continued. Couple allow guests to ride the airship. They didn’t go because they look at Theo, who’s sleeping, and decide they’ll wait until he’s old enough to go. Narration says, three years later, they went on the airship for the first time with Theo and their 1 year old daughter, Olivia.
    • Talk of Violet’s succession ceremony.
    • Violet walks in on Winter and Theo sleeping on new plushy rug. She’s touched reading Winter’s diary to Theo
    • Ash’s spy is caught at the company
    • Ash marries into a noble family and is exiled
    • Winter and Violet finds it hard to make love to each other in the spouse’s body. lol It’s kind of funny because Winter in Violet’s body doesn’t want to kiss his own face and vice versa.
    • Winter irons Theo’s handkerchiefs after his loud voice in a meeting scares Theo. He runs to Theo but Violet already had him and is soothing him. Still, she tells Theo to go to his dad. Winter is trying to get Theo to call him Daddy. All Theo says now is Daa.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2022
    Priar, Screamletter, Elisee and 16 others like this.
  7. Skite

    Skite Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2020
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    I think it would help to understand them a little better if you thought of them as coming from completely different cultures, rather than "love languages". Like, pretend she's from Europe and he's from Latin America level of differences (which would actually be fair, considering he grew up in a different country, in a different social class, and with a minority parent). There are going to be some major cultural misunderstandings. The completely different world views also mean they will miss things even when they think they are being perfectly clear, and have very different priorities and goals.

    It's like when a Japanese person is saying "maybe" in a business setting. Another Japanese person is going to know that means "oh hell no". An American is going to hear "probably yes, convince me more!"

    So with the scheduled sex thing: Violet is thinking she is showing she is a good wife who is fond of Winter by keeping the union days, and that she is filling her role and the end of the bargain Winter paid for by following the 'family rules' of the royal family, which actually dictates the type and time couples have sex. Winter is thinking his wife doesn't like him-- she only wants to have sex on schedule and because some dumb rules say she has to. He wants her to want him whenever.

    There's another time where Violet is asking what is there to see in the South, can he make some recommendations? Winter has NO IDEA that she thinks she is being very blatant and straight forward, and is boldly asking him for a date. It's too passive for him. He thinks she's bored and wants to leave talking with him. Conversely, Violet similarly misinterprets a lot of Winter's bluntness as disdain or hatred, like when he says he doesn't care what she does with her hair. He doesn't care what she does with her hair, because no matter what she does, he finds her beautiful. But from her cultural perspective, people are only curt to people they hate, so he must hate her and can't stand to be around her. She also interprets his cussing this way: in her original world, people only cuss when they are extremely angry and have completely lost control, which is highly prized, so if he's using curse words, it's not just how he talks, he is angry and dangerously volatile, so she needs to be on guard.

    Their different cultural backgrounds also means there is a high level of anxiety and mystery about expected behaviors and actions. Going back to the Japan example, it'd be like that America being invited to a formal tea ceremony, and having no idea what the expectations are. So they may not want to go, and are terrified they'll mess it up if they do. Winter is this way about all of the social parties and functions Violet keeps trying to invite him to. He is uncomfortable, doesn't know what is expected, and tries to avoid it. Another instance of this is when she asks if he likes plays (trying to make conversation and hinting that he take her to one, which he doesn't understand, because small talk is foreign to him and she didn't bluntly say "take me to a play") and he panics, since he doesn't know anything about plays, has never gone to one, or the theater, and rather than risk looking stupid or ignorant in front of her, says he doesn't like them and changes the topic. Which she interprets as she has upset him to the point where he has become rude.

    These total cultural misunderstandings happen again and again, but they do improve. Winter starts taking nobility lessons, and suddenly realizes all of these Nobles he's been talking with have been using this passive, double speak he never caught before (recall their very first swap, when he has no idea about the cigar culture) plus all of this other super subtle, non verbal communication, like family colors. He also practices talking to ladies and the importance of compliments. This means he begins to understand what his wife is actually saying when she is being round about and downplaying things. Likewise, Violet enters the business world when she is in Winter's body and realizes she needs to be blunt and aggressive at times, plus she picks up the difference between Winter's crude words, and his actual sentiments, just like Winter started to do with her.

    Honestly, they both would have figured things out eventually and been just fine if not for the absolutely evil interference of his parents and her brother. They tortured her for fun, and to get their jollies stepping on literal royalty, and him they gaslit into working more and more, since if he thinks she hates him, he will compensate by trying to earn more money.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2022
    Priar, Screamletter, Lignin and 3 others like this.
  8. RishaRea

    RishaRea Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2021
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    Thank you for this..:blob_grin: I never thought that there would be a translation for this novel.. I can't read Korean so I download the Radish app and bought a few coins + the hourly unlock..
  9. Iska-IX

    Iska-IX Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2020
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    I’m not up to date at all but if it’s who I’m thinking of then I think it’s the person Winter sent to “look after” Violet when she ran away. I assume she basically protected/helped her and reported back to Winter.
  10. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Winter is in his office laughing incredulously. He leans back in his chair and stares at the princess who stands near the door. He addresses her as princess and asks her why should he pay for this country’s debt when this country has done him no service. The princess says that she’ll pay him back no matter what. Winter sardonically exclaims that’s nonsense. Violet doesn’t even blink when she hears his response. Winter finds this side of her intriguing. He thinks that a lowly outlander has been laughing in her face for the past ten minutes and she didn’t even care. She just simply and diligently focuses on persuading him.

    Before the princess had appeared before him, Anjali, one of his employees who was born in a great noble family, had explained the situation to him. Apparently, it’s a huge modest gesture on the princess’s part to visit him instead of summoning him to the royal castle. Royalty was not to be received in an office because tea had to be prepared and basic decorum observed. Winter, who has lived his life unlike that of the nobility, had done none of those things in preparation for Violet’s visit. He didn’t understand why he must be nice to someone who had come to borrow his money.

    Violet tells Winter that she must pay off the debt or it will continue to expand. She states she needs to prevent the country from going bankrupt so that he can continue his business without worry. Winter mockingly replies that he thinks he’ll emigrate. Still, he silently wonders what he can get out of her if he does lend her the money. After the Royal House was dissolved, the debt became the country’s debt instead of the royal house’s debt. Ash, who should have taken responsibility for it, had disappeared into exile. Hence, all the responsibility for the debt fell on Violet’s shoulders.

    Winter stares at Violet and tells her that she has a pretty face. He asks her why doesn’t she marry someone rich. Violet says she plans to but first she wants to pay off a part of the debt. Winter frowns and asks her if she doesn’t fear what would happen to her if she enters a marriage like that. Violet counters that he suggested this course of action himself so why is he criticizing her. Winter bangs the desk and says he was being sarcastic. Violet tells him to please maintain his civility. Winter claims he’s the lowest of the low and he doesn’t know how to be civil.

    Winter gets up and walks towards Violet whose shoulders tremble slightly. She had left her security guards outside since she considered herself a guest at his company. She trembles because Winter looks big sitting down and even bigger now that he’s standing up. She’s convinced that he can lift her with one arm. She wonders if he would use violence against her. Winter watches as she steps backwards and he continues to draw closer. When Violet’s back touches the wall, Winter leans close. He tells her that she should bring some collateral and she shouldn’t try to stimulate his patriotism. He then asks her if she’s trying to offer herself [as collateral]. Violet doesn’t answer so Winter remarks that she does seem to know that she’s something of a prize.

    In his thoughts, Winter thinks this should make her give up now. He looks into her blue eyes that are covered with his shadow. Ever since she had appeared before him, his heart had been beating erratically. His mood was also affected and shifted back and forth rapidly. When he hears her voice, it drives him crazy and makes him want to kick her out. He wonders how can she know so little about the world. Seeing her try her best to fulfill her responsibility makes him want to lock her up in his house to prevent her from committing such follies like this.

    Violet’s soft pink lips open and tells him that people can’t be considered a prize and he shouldn’t call himself lowly. Winter is silent for some time and then asks her if she’s done. She says she is and Winter starts laughing. He steps away from her. He can’t believe that simple emotions could make him so tormented and dizzy. Even if he scares her, she still says everything that’s on her mind and his mocking doesn’t seem to work on her. He’s never met anyone like her before.

    Winter turns away from her, fills out a check and hands it to her. He then pushes her out his office door. He tells her to take it and leave. He warns her not to come back. Violet tries to say something but he shuts the door firmly behind her. She stands in the corridor pale-faced. She feels like passing out but barely manages to keep her body straight. She had heard rumors about Winter Blooming. People say he’s a crazy man. Rumors had said that he was lowly and something akin to an untamed beast. Now she finally met him, she realizes he’s more vicious than she had imagined. However, he was also hugely attractive in a way that rumors could never do justice to. She remembers his words warning her not to try to stimulate his patriotism and telling her that she can offer herself as the prize. Although his words were terrible enough to make her dizzy, they weren’t surprising. That’s because other nobles had pretty much told her the same thing but in a roundabout manner. They had told her to marry and have a child with a good bloodline. Only then would they consider helping her. House Row, Carson’s house, had been especially blunt about this. It was obvious that they desired to hand the currently unoccupied throne to their second son.

    Violet opens the check. She thinks the money written on the check was too large a sum for her to obey Winter’s order to leave and forget about him. She’d been studying economics and she knows how much the sum written on the check can purchase. She thinks of the way Winter had looked at her and she was certain he would place value on a marriage with her. She wonders if she married him, how much would she receive. While she wasn’t the type of person to compare people with money, she was used to marriages of convenience. She had a responsibility to do something and take care of it to the end.

    Deep in thought, Violet walks along the corridor. Someone sees her and approaches her. It’s Diev Blooming, Winter’s younger brother and successor to House Blooming. The guy walks up to her and tells her that he heard she would visit. Violet had met him several times before and her face stiffens upon seeing him. Diev glances towards his brother’s office and tells Violet that she must be in quite a pickle for her to come and visit an outlander like Winter. Violet tells the guy that it’s improper for him to talk like that about his brother. Diev says he doesn’t think of Winter as a brother. He says that Winter is of lowly blood. He tells Violet that he already told her that marriage is a way to help her in the situation. Violet tells him that she told him before that she’ll think about it. Diev inches closer to her and she feels repulsed. She realizes that when Winter did the same thing a moment ago, she felt differently but with his brother, she feels disgusted.

    Diev bends down and Violet unreluctantly gives him her hand. He kisses it. She tries to pull away her hand but he doesn’t let go. He tells Violet that no other house will pay as much and House Blooming can pay off a good amount of the debt. (This guy is talking like it’s not Winter’s money that that house is leeching off) Violet tells Diev to let go of her hand. Diev tells her again that he wishes to hear her answer now because she always says that she’ll think about it. Violet tells him it’s because he acts so disrespectfully that she’s forced to consider longer. Diev threatens her that if she turns her back on him, she’ll be turning her back on all the Wohossen of the south. Violet tries her best to pull her hand away from him and he doesn’t let go. She raises her voice and orders him to let her go.

    Winter’s door opens with a bang. Surprised, Violet turns to look at Winter who is standing with a frown on his face. He walks over and pulls Diev away. He curses then punches Diev in the face. Diev screams and wrap his hands around his head. Winter was about to punch him again when Violet grabs his arm. She asks him what is he doing. Winter answers he’s beating him up because he feels like it. He adds he’ll pay for the doctor fees so Violet shouldn’t interfere. Violet tells him to stop. Winter looks at her incredulously then he glares at Diev who’s reeling from the force of the punch. He tells Diev to get out of his sight. Diev whines about his parents won’t let Winter off. Winter tells him that he will give them enough money that they won’t complain. He tells him to go see a doctor unless he’s out of his mind to want to die today.

    Diev knows he’s no match in a fight. He breathes deeply to calm his rage and leaves. Hayell comes out to do damage control and supports Diev to go see a doctor. Winter turns to Violet and tells her to listen carefully to what he’s going to say. Violet nods and he tells her to invest the money he gave her in northeastern truffles. Apparently, they’ll be a shortage of this product in Lacround so he advises her to buy them now at a low price and sell them at an exorbitant price during the shortage. Violet asks Winter if she can come occasionally to ask for advice. Winter tells her she’s shameless. Violet agrees and bitterly says she wasn’t shameless before. She starts to feel faint and Winter picks her up and takes her to rest on the sofa in his office.

    In the office, Winter and Violet bicker over her faintness. He says that she should have sat down because it was clear to him that she didn’t look well. She says he should have offered her a seat like a gentleman. He says he’s not a gentleman but a lowly outlander. She says he is the eldest son of House Blooming. They argue over manners just like they did during their marriage in the main story. Winter tells Violet that he has never had the chance to learn manners. Violet frowns and says it was the duty of his parents to teach him etiquette. Winter tells her that they probably didn’t teach him because he’s an illegitimate child. Violet asks him if he accepts that as a valid reason to not teach him. Winter says he rather wonder that she even thinks that he should have learned etiquette as an illegitimate child because no one else wonders about it. He looks at Violet’s blue eyes and they make him feel dizzy. He gets up and tells Violet to rest. He leaves his office as though running away. His heart is beating fast. He decides he should never meet her again.

    Another time, Winter frowns when he learns that Violet will be on the ship. He hears that Violet is traveling to another continent. Apparently, Violet is still looking for others to lend her money to pay off the remaining debt of the country. Winter grumbles as he stands in front of the cruiser. He could see the people of the royal house approaching from afar. White horses were pulling a carriage with the crest of the house of Lawrence. Soon the carriage arrives and Violet alights. She comes to greet Winter who tells her they meet again. Violet quietly gazes at him. Winter tells her that she got him an approval to build a hotel in Hanus and although he appreciated the favor, it led to huge losses for him. He says she’s a smart and wicked princess. The royal guards seem ready to arrest Winter for his rude speech but Violet stops them. Violet tells Winter that he’s extremely rude and reminds him that he’s the one who bought land that couldn’t be approved. Winter tells her that she helped him and took her share of the money. Violet says she used it for the country’s sake. She reminds him that she sent him a summary of how the funds were used. Winter asks her how much of the debt she has left to pay considering she’s going to another continent to beg for help. Violet says there’s 15 million laakne left but she’s not begging. She’s only asking for cooperation.

    Winter feels amused because Violet has a response for everything he says. He reflects that she had shamelessly come to him several times for help. After meeting with her during two or three of these meetings, he realized that she was the only one trying to pay down the country’s debt. This left a strong impression on him that she’s a diligent person though rather shameless. Maybe that’s why he had asked for her help in gaining approval for his hotel even though he could have dealt with it through shady means. Winter asks Violet if she still has that much debt left even after he had helped her. Violet says it’s been difficult. Winter says that 15 million laakne is not that much money. He had made that kind of money when he was 23 years old. He’s 27 years old now and for a man who has never experienced failure in his life, that amount was a meager sum.

    Violet turns to board the ship. Winter frowns slightly and follows her. He notices that the hem of her dress is frayed. He wonders why as he guides her to the room where she will be staying. It’s the best room on the ship for royalty. Normally he wouldn’t do this because he hated nobles. Violet looks around the suite and is shocked. She says she never thought there would be such a nice room in a ship. She turns to look at Winter who is locking the door. She doesn’t panic however since she’s met him enough times to be familiar with him. She figures he must simply have something important to say.

    Winter walks up to her and tells her to turn her sleeves inside out. She asks why. Winter simply tells her to do it before he does it. Violet glares at him and does as he asked. Another person’s name was clearly embroidered on the inside of the sleeve. Winter observes that her clothes are second hand clothes. Violet doesn’t see what’s the problem with that. Winter asks what kind of princess wears second hand clothes. Violet asks him how did he know. Winter says the hem of her dress is tattered. Violet tells him he has a good eye to notice such a thing. Winter says he’s dealt in just about everything while living. Violet tells him it would be strange if a person like her who he says is going out begging wears new clothes. Winter asks if it isn’t rude to wear second hand dresses when going out to ask for cooperation. Wouldn’t the other side of her business deal feel that she holds them in contempt? Violet thinks that others wouldn’t have noticed her clothes like him.

    Winter is angry. He tells Violet that he has some extra dresses on the ship. He’ll have them brought to her. Violet wants to do know why does he have such things. Winter knows where her train of thought is headed and tells her that they’re not for a lover. Violet asks him then why does he have dresses on the ship. He says that sometimes nobles spill wine on themselves because of the wind on deck or because of the rocking ship. He sells them dresses if they need one. Violet accepts his explanation. Winter looks at her and he now understands what that peculiar feeling is that he felt when he first met her. He believes now that it’s sexual attraction. He wants to take that neat, diligent princess and push her against the bed. He wished it was just sexual desire. He thinks Violet could seriously make him suffer losses because of the way she makes him feel.

    Violet observes Winter’s gray eyes which were looking at her fiercely since earlier. She asks him if he’s angry because she’s shameless. He says of course he is. She apologizes. Winter is silent so she asks him if that wasn’t what he wanted. Winter feels an inexplicable emotion when she moves her lips. He thinks this woman in front of him is apologizing repeatedly to him, the lowest of low. Winter asks for a kiss. Violet is startled. Winter says he’ll give her as much money as she wants if she would give him one kiss. He asks her how does that sound to her. He thinks he wants to cut her off. He thinks if he falls in love with her, it will be his loss. He thinks a princess like her would never like him anyway. He thinks she wouldn’t see him as a man either.

    Violet’s calm face begins to twist. She slaps him strongly on his check with a trembling hand. She then burst out laughing. Winter looks at her as she begins to cry, hurt. After a long time, Winter, with a resigned expression, tells Violet to just take it. Violet is silent. Winter tells her that he will give her the money and all she needs to do is go have a meal in Hanus. He stares at her damp eyes. He tells her that he thinks he likes her. He says that’s why he thought he would try to get a kiss from her since he will be spending a lot of money. Violet barely manages to answer him. She says if he likes her then why did he say such a bad thing. Winter answers that he just told her. He knows that he will be kicked to the curb anyway so he thought he would at least get a kiss from her. Violet asks him what would stop her from liking him. Winter asks her why would she like a lowly person like him. After all, he didn’t even know to offer her a chair when she first visited his office. Violet tells him that was three years ago. Winter is surprised that it has really been three years since that happened.

    Winter makes to leave but Violet grabs him by the arm. Winter tells her that he already promised her that he will still give her the money. His words are cut off when he feels soft sweet lips on his. He only comes to his senses when the kiss was about to end. He wraps an arm around Violet’s waist and press his lips to hers again. Violet scratches his shoulder in surprise but Winter ignores it. He bites her lip softly and pushes his tongue inside her mouth. At first Violet is at a loss but then her arms slowly tighten around his neck. Winter begins to lose control. His hands begin to wander to her waist, belly and even her chest before Violet pushes him away.

    Winter breathes hard and Violet clamps her hands over her mouth. She asks Winter what he’s doing. Winter apologizes. Violet still looks surprised by his actions. She reminds him that he said he wanted to kiss her. She also tells him that from the first time, she thought that if she needed to marry for money, she wanted to marry him. Winter is surprised. Violet tells him that just like he had suggested to marry someone for money, she wanted him but he didn’t propose. Violet confesses this in frustration after three years of hesitating. Winter is still dazed and shocked by her admission. When it finally sinks in what she’s saying, his complexion changes bright red. Embarrassed, he tells Violet that she really is a princess. He says this because he thought she could have just as easily proposed to him first. Violet tells him that he would have thought that she only wanted his money.

    Winter acknowledges to himself that she’s right. He would have thought that she only wanted his money. Winter openly admits it to Violet and asks her if she really likes him. Violet says yes. He asks her if she’s out of her mind. Violet asks him what about him. Winter says he must really be out of his mind to dare to like a princess. Violet says it’s the same for her. She reaches out and touches his cheek where she slapped him. He grimaces and she pulls her hand away. She asks him if it hurts. Winter tells her that he wants her to fuss over him. Violet says so then it doesn’t hurt anymore. Winter bends in signal for her to touch him. She carefully lifts her hand and touches his cheek again. Winter smiles and Violet can’t help smiling along with him. She thinks he’s the most unstable person that she has met yet she feels a sense of stability and happiness from being with him.
    Violet is looking through pictures that Jen happily showed her of her child with Hayell. She comments that the child has all the good points of Jen and Hayell. Jen also has a second child on the way so Violet urges her to start taking off time now. Jen objects. She complains that all she does now is style Violet’s hair anyway. The two ladies are interrupted by Hayell. Before long, Hayell and Jen leaves and Violet enjoys some rare free time before going to put her two lovely children to bed.

    After Violet finishes reading the storybook, Olivia, with her two eyes fully closed, complains to her mother that she’s not asleep yet. Theo, who is lying on the other side of Violet, tells his sister to go to sleep. Olivia strongly objects that she’s not going to sleep. Violet burst out laughing and covers the child’s eyes with her hand. She tells her daughter to pretend to sleep since the night fairy will come to check. Olivia murmurs that as soon as the fairy leaves, she’ll get up and play with her mother and brother. While she’s saying this, she actually falls asleep.

    Violet carefully gets up from Olivia’s bed with Theo and heads to his room which is right next to Olivia’s room. Violet tucks Theo in and tells him good night. Theo hesitates. He obviously doesn’t want to sleep yet and wants to chat with his mother. His personality is naturally one of a quiet boy and he smiles affectionately back at his mother and tells her good night. Violet kisses him on the forehead. Her eyes twinkle when she tells him that he doesn’t look like he wants to sleep. Theo pulls the cover up to his nose and smiles embarrassedly. Violet sits down next to him and brushes his hair back. She asks him if anything interesting happened at school. Theo excitedly begins to talk about his school friends. He even sits back up in bed to chat. It doesn’t take long, however, for sleep to overtake him and his eyes begin to close. Violet tucks him in and sneaks out of his room after he falls asleep.

    As soon as Violet closes Theo’s bedroom door, Winter picks her up and hugs her. He had been waiting for her at Theo’s door. She runs her hands through Winter’s hair as they head for their bedroom. She asks him when did he get back. Winter says he just arrived. She tells him he looks tired. Winter sits on the bed and places Violet on his lap. He begins to complain as though he’d been waiting for her to worry about him. He says he wants to move the company building closer to their house since he can’t drop by even if he wants as to see her and the kids during the day time. He adds that he thinks he’ll retire. He says he already have too much money and having any more would be irrational. Violet knows that hugging her is how he relieves his stress. She strokes his cheek as she listens to him.

    Winter soon recovers his mood and looks into her eyes. He tells Violet that it’s her turn now to tell him how her day was. Violet says there was nothing of significance that happened. Despite that, Winter insists that she tells him about her day. Violet laughs. She leans her head on his chest and begins to complain about her day.

    This year, Olivia turns seven years old. Currently, she pulls out the backpack that her father had crafted himself for her. It was made of yellow fabric. While Winter always bought the best things for his children, Olivia liked the backpack he made for her the most. Theo watches her put a water bottle inside her backpack and worriedly warns her that their father will be shocked if he knows what she’s doing. Olivia says that’s why she’s heading out secretly. She packs the soft pre-meal bread that she had secretly set aside into her backpack, puts on the backpack and secures the straps. She says good bye to Theo who tells her to wait as he puts a handkerchief he always carries into her backpack. He tells his sister not to trip and fall. Olivia tells him that she’ll see him later. She confidently declares she’ll find the best gift there is for her mother.

    Olivia steps out into the corridor as Theo looks back at his sister, who with her short legs, could never keep up with him. He speaks to Fran, a bodyguard, and tells him that it’s dangerous for his sister to go out alone so he should let her discover him midway through her journey. Theo tells Fran if his sister gets angry, just tell her that he commanded him to do it and he (Fran) had no choice but to obey. Theo says Olivia will be miffed with him for a while but it’s okay. Fran obeys Theo. Theo tells Fran that he must also not let his father find out. Fran says okay.

    Theo thinks if his father finds out that his sister was doing something so dangerous, he would probably try to buy all of the merchants out of the market. Theo is having enough trouble trying to mediate between his sister and his father who was even more unruly than Olivia. He thinks he’s the only one who could do such a thing while his mother is away. He tightens his little fists and tells himself that he needs to stay alert. Soon, he begins to ponder what gift should he purchase for his mother. Out of habit, he heads for the study. He feels disappointed to be home alone and even feels that he’s become a boring person. He knows his father finds it cute that he resembles his mother in this way but he didn’t think that he had the ability that his mother has where people just can’t help loving her.

    Theo tells his bodyguard, Alin, who is five years older than him, that he needs to go out to buy something. Alin is shocked by Theo’s stated intention. Theo asks him what is so strange about him wanting to go out. Alin tells Theo that he’s not that kind of person. Theo counters that he just feels like going out today. Still surprised, Alin follows Theo out of the room.

    Contrary to what Theo thought about keeping Olivia’s escapade secret from his father, Winter receives detailed reports of everything that goes on inside the house. Therefore, he had ridden out in his carriage immediately at the news of Olivia’s trip and he looks shocked at Hayell’s next report. He says his little princess is always a troublemaker so he would expect this from her but not Theo. Hayell tells him that Theo is simply going to shop for a gift for the mistress. Hayell then hands Winter a picture of his three-year-old holding the hand of his/her newborn sibling. Hayell knows that Winter is weak towards children so he uses this opportunity to wheedle vacation and time off out of Winter.

    After Hayell leaves, Winter heads to the royal castle in his carriage. For the last three days, his wife had been busy discussing the matter of which sections of the castle to open to use. He knows that the meetings should be wrapping up now so he intends to go there to fetch his wife so that they can observe their kids’ adventures together.

    Meanwhile, Violet, the Lawrences and the council men spent three days discussing the matter of the castle’s usage. They had reached a decision on most of the castle and presently all the participants settle down to have tea. Violet takes her cup of tea and sits at the window. Her cousin Angela joins her and encourages her to rest. She tells Violet if she works so diligently, everyone will be forced to go with her flow. Violet tells her that she just wants to get everything done as soon as possible so that she can go see her kids. Angela tells Violet that she wouldn’t make a very good boss. Violet laughs. In the next moment, Winter enters the room and spots Violet and comes over. He asks who’s keeping his wife so busy. Angela laughs since it’s Violet who’s keeping everyone busy. She rescues Violet from answering by telling Winter that Violet wants to start her own business. Winter simply asks what kind of business does she want to start. The couple begins to chat about it as Winter takes Violet’s cup of tea and unconscious of proper etiquette, drinks from it. Nobody, of course, can tell him anything because of his powerful status in Lacround.

    Winter puts the cup down and tells Violet that right now they have to go because their children have gone on an adventure. Violet asks if Theo went as well. Winter tells her yes and that’s why they have to go see this. Violet gets up and asks Angela to please take care of the rest of the meetings. The couple leaves and seek out their daughter first. Although Theo isn’t aware of it, Winter had very rigorous security, bordering on excessive, around his two kids. For Winter, who’s a multi-millionaire, it was only natural to do this for his kids. When the couple arrives at the largest marketplace in Lacround, that opened once a month around the Rekkle River, Winter pulls out his binoculars. It doesn’t take him long to find Olivia. He hands the binoculars to Violet but he has to lift her up in order for her to see her daughter through the binoculars. Violet soon spots her daughter who is walking along confidently and the bodyguards are surreptitiously following her. For Violet, her daughter reminds her of a chick. She immediately experiences the urge to hurry over and hug her. She quietly mutters how could her daughter be so cute.

    Winter asks Violet if they should go get her. Violet says no since she thinks that their daughter made the trip for a reason. Instead, the couple sneakily follow their daughter. Olivia, who hadn’t stopped anywhere before, stops and looks at a flower shop. She grabs the strap of her yellow backpack and turns to talk to Fran who had pretended to be caught just like Theo advised and now openly accompanied Olivia. She tells Fran that she’s going to buy flowers. She says her mommy loves her and flowers the most. lol Olivia opens her yellow backpack and takes out a neatly folded laakne bill. Violet notices this through the binoculars and frowns. She glares at Winter and asks him why does Olivia have a bill. She says she always gives the children allowance in coins. Winter flinches and avoids her gaze. He makes the excuse that Olivia is simply too cute. Violet says even so, he shouldn’t give a seven-year-old so much money. Winter says he can’t refuse her when she holds her hands out and stands on tiptoe. Winter adds that 1 laakne per week for his daughter is too little. After all, it’s not like she knows how to withdraw money from her trust fund.

    While Winter is attempting to justify himself to Violet, Olivia walks over to the shop and stretches her hand towards the counter that is taller than her. She tells the florist that she would like to buy white jasmines and please make the item in the drawing for her. Olivia hands the bill and drawing to the florist. The employee smiles broadly at the cute child and asks her if she drew the picture herself. Olivia says yes, she did and she’s going to give it to her mommy. Her bright tone could be heard outside the shop and Violet puts her hand over her heart.

    After a long while, Olivia leaves the shop with her flowers and her change in her hand. She immediately spots her parents outside the door and dash over to them while calling out “mommy and daddy”. Winter lifts her up in his arms. He asks her if she can leave the house without telling them. Olivia says she came to buy something. Olivia blinks while holding a beautiful crown of jasmine flowers in her hand. Winter melts when he sees this. He tells her she did a good job. Violet chides him. Winter adds to Olivia that even so, she shouldn’t do that again. Oliva smiles and presents the crown of flowers to her mother. She tells her that it’s her birthday present and she wants to give it to her before it wilts so she’s glad she came now. Her parents laugh when they hear her since they both think she’s speaking like an adult. Violet puts her head closer as if to ask Olivia to put it on. Olivia carefully places the crown on her mother’s head. Violet turns to Winter and asks how does it look. Winter sincerely tells her that it looks fabulous on her. He turns to Olivia and tells her she’s really smart. Olivia asks her father if he noticed too. She says she’s really smart. Winter looks at his daughter whose shoulders were twitching with pride.

    Olivia tells her father that she’ll be the one to buy flowers from now on so he shouldn’t buy any. Winter tells her to do as she wishes. Violet frowns. She tells Winter that he mustn’t keep slipping pocket money to Olivia. She also tells Olivia not to ask her father for money. Winter was about to say something but Olivia secretly taps her father on the shoulder. She tells her mother that she’ll refuse any money her father gives her from now on. Violet smiles in satisfaction after hearing Olivia’s reply. She cups her daughter’s face and kisses her on the forehead.

    Delighted with the flower laurel, Violet looks at her reflection in the glass windows. She tells her daughter that she’s an amazing little girl. She thinks the laurel is so pretty. Olivia thanks her mother. She then whispers to her father that she told her mother that but he needs to keep giving her allowance secretly. Winter is kind of speechless at first then says that she must have taken after him. Olivia says, “Yes. Hayell tells me I’m like you, Daddy.” Winter is kind of offended that Hayell said that to his daughter. However, Olivia smiles. Winter tells Olivia that she looks exactly like Violet and the way she likes flowers is like her mother as well. Olivia acknowledges that there’s a part of her that is like her mother in that way. Her favorite picture of her mother was the one where her mother is the same age. Her father’s study was full of portraits of her mother that her father had forcibly procured with large sums of money. Among them is a picture of Violet at seven years old dressed in a school uniform. That was Olivia’s favorite portrait and she would sometimes mimic the solemn attitude of her mother.

    Violet who was still admiring her gift, now looks at her husband and daughter. She tells them. “Now let’s go get Theo.”
    Next part covers Theo who is said to be a very handsome little boy who has many girls at his school crazy about him. Nonetheless, he's only not directly discriminated against in stores because of his father's power so that blows up in the next part.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2022
  11. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Winter is said to be the worst kind of helicopter parent. Apparently, he has even gone as far as paving a new road to prevent his children’s carriage from shaking. It seems he has also donated a large amount of money to his children’s school. Theo had visited the principal’s office once and as soon as he entered, the people there had paled upon seeing him and had rushed over to him to immediately inquire what’s the matter.

    This year, Theo is ten years old and he’s never left home before without telling his parents. Theo has excellent looks and an orderly manner that makes him the object of desire for many girls in his school. Presently, his bodyguard Alin, snickers as he sees little girls who are holding their mothers’ hands stare at Theo in amazement as he walks by. Alin teases Theo and tells him that he’s already so popular and he’ll have to avoid them when he gets older because they will be many of them. Theo tells Alin not to exaggerate and that’s hardly true. Alin refutes Theo’s objection. He says that the girls at school fall for his face with a single look. He claims that once the girls get to know Theo, they’ll become lovesick.

    Alin tends to brag about Theo whenever he can but Theo is used to it so he just quietly smiles without saying anything as he walks along with the perfect posture he learned from his mother. Theo looks at his list of items he had to purchase for his mother’s birthday. He wasn’t sure if what he listed was enough so he decides to visit the shops himself one by one. He enters a perfume store and while there, he hears a commotion at the door. He hears the shop owner call someone an outlander and he tells the person that his shop is no place for the person. The person points out Theo and says that he has grey eyes too so why isn’t she allowed in. The shop owner says that Theo is the son of the Conic company president so he has money unlike someone like the girl.

    Theo approaches the door and looks at the shop owner who stood in the way of the Conic child. Theo asks the owner if he’s saying these things for his benefit. The owner stutters and asks what is Theo saying. Theo tells him that he knows he’s also a Conic yet he’s standing in that customer’s way. He tells the owner that must mean that his words are meant for him to hear. The owner stutteringly tells Theo that’s not true and he’ll gladly kneel before him. Theo tells the man that he has already noticed that he holds him in contempt so what good would kneeling do.

    Alin, who is listening to Theo, is moved by the fact that this little boy could be so frigid. He watches as Theo speaks to the Conic girl and invites her to go to another perfume shop with him. He says there’s one in the hotel located in the capital. The girl is surprised by his invitation. Theo tells her that she can speak informally to him if she wants. He says he noticed that she’s one of the older students at his school. The girl is surprised to find out that he knows her. Theo says it’s because she has the same name as his mother.

    The girl nods, sticks her tongue out at the perfume shop owner and immediately follows Theo. Theo suddenly stops walking, politely puts his hand on his heart and introduces himself as Theo Blooming Lawrence. The girl blushes at his gentlemanly gesture. She soon comes to her senses and returns his greeting. She tells Theo that there’s no one at their school who doesn’t know him. She also tells him that her name is Violet but people call her by her middle name, Charlotte, because they feel uncomfortable calling her by the princess’s name. Theo says he understands and since it’s his mother’s name too, he prefers to call her Charlotte as well. Charlotte tells Theo that she was actually named after his mother because she rescued her father when he was trapped in the mines at Caliborn. Theo’s eyes widen when he hears the story. He smiles and tells Charlotte that it must mean that she was ill around the time he was born as well. (He means the Conics sharing his pain so that he would be born healthy) Charlotte says yes. She says everyone in the village caught a cold and so did she. She says her mother had told her that they’re sharing a little bit of the princess’s pain so that the baby could be born safely.

    Charlotte tells Theo that his parents built a school in her village afterwards and the tuition there is free. Theo tells Charlotte thanks. She asks why. Theo clarifies that he’s thanking her for taking his pain. Charlotte grows a little embarrassed. She says if it wasn’t for the princess, she probably wouldn’t have been born. Charlotte then changes the subject and asks Theo if he’s really as rich as people say. She says everyone seems to be curious about it. She even heard there was a yacht on the Rekkle River that launched fireworks on the day he entered the school. She wants to know if it was really his father that did that. lol

    Theo slowly admits that it’s true. He understands his mother’s feelings completely when she said she was embarrassed to have her name on the yacht. Yet, he thinks his case was still better than Olivia’s case because on the day she first entered school, their father flew an airship with a huge banner in celebration. Of course, Olivia had loved it and Violet wasn’t able to stop Winter. lol

    Charlotte mumbles and says that Theo must really be rich. Theo says, “Am I?” He says he’s only lived in his own home so he doesn’t really know much about it. Charlotte asks him if he can eat meat every day. Theo tells her that they have a ranch at home. When Charlotte hears this, she echoes that Theo really is rich. She asks him if he have five houses too. Theo says they don’t really need that many. Charlotte curiously asks why not but the conversation is cut off since they arrive at the hotel and the employees brighten and dash towards Theo as soon as they see him.

    Meanwhile, Charlotte wants to know why are the hotel employees rushing towards them and why is the hotel called Conic hotel. She wants to know if it’s related to their bloodline. Theo finds it hard to tell her that the hotel is his father’s too so his voice diminishes. However, the employees, not knowing what Theo is thinking, begin to ask urgent questions. They ask Theo what brings him here. They address him as “Sir”. They make quite a fuss about him too and even invites him in while they prepare a meal for him. Charlotte is overwhelmed by the attention and Theo’s ears turns a bright red. He soon calms down the adults however. He tells the employees that he really came to visit the perfume store on a whim and he apologizes for visiting without notice. The employees assure him that he can come without prior notice to them. They actually tell Theo that he’s not Lord Blooming so he can come as often as he wishes and without notice too.

    Theo turns to Charlotte and asks if he can escort her. He politely holds out his hand to her. Charlotte blushes, nods several times and takes his hand. The employees think the two children look cute as Theo leads Charlotte to the store. After they make their purchases, Theo holds out a small box to Charlotte. He tells her that it’s a gift for her. Charlotte takes it and opens it. Inside the box is a brooch shaped after the signature perfume of the shop. Charlotte brightens, says the brooch is beautiful and thanks Theo. Theo tells her that he should be the one thanking her. Charlotte tells him that she’ll wear the brooch to school. Theo nods his head with a smile. He’s glad to hear she likes it that much.

    Soon Theo discovers his parents in the hotel lobby. He halts and hastily hides the gift box behind his back. He assumes that his parents are looking for him. He’s never noticed it before at home, but outside the house, his parents appear quite imposing. He could tell this from the way the people around them were acting cautiously and surreptitiously glancing at them. He begins to worry that the more he learns about his parents as he grows up, the more he might realize his shortcomings.

    Charlotte tells Theo that he looks very much like his parents. Theo thinks she means he looks like his father. Charlotte tells him that he takes after his father in looks but resembles his mother when he smiles. Charlotte’s observation to Theo seems to boost his confidence. His parents soon approach them and Winter, who is carrying a sleeping Olivia, frowns. Winter asks his son what’s going on because he isn’t the type to go out without telling them. Embarrassed, Theo apologizes to his parents. He’s hardly ever needed to be disciplined and he wasn’t the sort of child that would grow timid when questioned.

    Winter frowns, hands sleeping Olivia over to an employee standing nearby and kneels in front of his child. He tells Theo that he’s not angry so he doesn’t have to look at him in that way. Theo looks at his father whose eyes were now alive with anger. His father asks him if something happened, right? Charlotte is all ready to reveal everything before she turns to curtsey to Violet, who smiles at her. Violet tells Charlotte that she doesn’t have to be so formal. She then asks the little girl what happened. Charlotte tells them what happened then she turns to Theo and asks him if he was upset too to hear the shop owner talk negatively about gray eyes. Theo hesitates at first and then slightly nods his head to agree with Charlotte’s assumption that he had also been bothered by what the shop owner said.

    Both parents grow rigid after they learn what happened. Winter tells his family to stay there while he goes to deal with the matter. Violet smiles instead of answering and then invites the children for a cup of tea. She asks the little girl her name. Theo tells his mother that the girl’s name is Violet but she usually goes by the name Charlotte. Violet is surprised but soon learns the story behind the girl’s name. She hugs the little girl tightly. Apparently Violet even went to Charlotte’s first birthday party celebration. Charlotte begs Violet to tell her more stories about her parents so Violet takes the kids to a guest room to chat and enjoy themselves. Olivia, who’s still asleep, is laid on the bed while Violet enjoys tea time with Theo and Charlotte. Soon, Nancy, Charlotte’s mother, comes to get her after Violet sends a message to her. Nancy has tea with Violet and they talk about Caliborn that has grown and changed since the mining accident. Now Caliborn was a community where mixed blood, conics and non-Conics reside. The mine had been closed recently but now there’s a train station in Caliborn that facilitates transportation for the community there. Charlotte is also from that community but she came to the capital on a scholarship provided through the Conic company. As Violet chats with Nancy, she sits relaxed. She thinks of Winter and she has no intention of stopping his rage because of the discrimination that their son had suffered.

    Meanwhile Winter is positively fuming over the discrimination his son had suffered. Ever since Theo was born, he had repressed his temper quite a bit. However, there was one thing he had grown more sensitive about and that was discrimination towards those with gray eyes. While he didn’t care how he himself is treated, it was not the case for his son. He won’t allow his son to experience the slightest bit of discrimination. When he remembers the intimidated expression on Theo’s face, he grows full of rage. He laughs out loud and says, “He dared to say something like that within earshot of my son?”

    Hayell tells Winter that the shop owner probably didn’t think that Theo would hear him. To himself, Hayell thinks even the most fearsome beasts looked cute when they were young. He knows Theo is gentle and loving towards everyone he meets and that’s why it’s easy to underestimate him. He thinks no one would expect that there’s a huge beast lurking behind Theo that is ready to come and bite a hunk out of them.

    A Conic employee who’s helping with the matter, tells Winter that the documents are all in order and the building now belongs to him. Winter instructs Hayell to go inform the shop owner to get out of his building. Usually, Hayell would have dissuaded Winter but he couldn’t help agreeing with Winter’s action. He also wanted to see the shop owner punished for hurting Theo.
    Late at night, Winter enters the hotel room where his family is staying. He finds Violet up and already dressed in her pajamas. He kisses her and asks about the kids. Violet tells him that Charlotte’s mother came to pick her up and their kids are asleep in the next room. Violet asks Winter how was his work. Winter tells her that he took care of the matter. The couple heads to the bedroom where their kids are sleeping. Theo and Olivia are sleeping in the same bed. Both are postured according to their personalities. Olivia is asleep with her arms spread open and Theo is asleep in a quiet posture facing his sister.

    Winter proudly looks at his children and whispers to Violet that he won’t let anyone hurt his family. Violet agrees and says it’s the same for her. Winter then asks Violet about the gift that Theo gave her. Violet says he gave her jasmine perfume. (Violet must like Jasmine because both kids bought her Jasmine scents) Winter tells Violet that both kids must have planned it together. Violet laughs happily and agrees. She adorns the jasmine flower crown that Olivia bought her and applies a bit of the jasmine perfume that Theo gifted her. She stands in front of Winter and asks him if it smells nice.

    Instead of answering, Winter bends and kisses her. They share a deep kiss and he replies, with his lips still on hers, that she’s like an angel. Violet tells him that she asked about the perfume. Winter says he honestly likes any perfume she uses and he also likes when she doesn’t wear perfume. However, he does like the fact that their son bought her the perfume. Violet gives up and tells him that he’s impossible. Winter lifts her up in his arms, closes the door to their children’s room and heads to their bedroom.

    Violet hugs Winter’s neck and asks him if he will make a birthday breakfast for her this year too. Winter says he will. Violet asks if they’ll go on a date in the evening too. Winter says they will. Violet then says, “And at night….” Winter answers that they will sleep at the hotel and leave the kids with Madam Ella. Apparently, once a year, on Violet’s birthday, the children sleep at their grandmother’s house. For Madam Ella, it’s the best time of the year for her. She would then have breakfast with Violet and Winter when they come to pick up the children the next day. However, this was all the social contact that Ella has with them but it’s enough for her.

    Winter has to wash up but he doesn’t want to separate from Violet so he brings her into the bathroom and sits her on a chair. He starts to undress in front of Violet. Violet sighs even though her eyes are fixed on his body. She especially likes his muscular shoulders, firm buttocks and thighs. Winter gets into the bath which is surrounded by curtains. He tells Violet to join him. Violet says she already took a bath. Winter tells her to take another one and he’ll wash her up. Violet hesitates a bit but Winter, drenched in water, gets out the bath, walks over and hugs her. Violet complains that her clothes will get wet but she doesn’t resist as he drags her inside the bath. He puts Violet to sit on his belly and splashes warm water over her. Winter teases Violet that she doesn’t get angry with him after she sees his body. Violet tells him not to overestimate himself. Winter says he’s hardly doing that. He asks her if she knows how much he exercises to stay in shape just for her. Violet can’t say anything. Winter observes that he sees she’s not objecting to what he said. He playfully tells her that he’ll keep exercising so that she can keep enjoying his body. Violet laughs and nods her head.

    Violet’s birthday is grand this year as well. It seems that Winter put out announcements in the newspaper and had a special menu served in his hotels in celebration of her birthday. He also donated a lot of money to orphanages in her name. It was a regular thing for Violet to donate to orphanages especially when she remembers her husband’s childhood. This year, on her birthday, Violet also has to attend a special dinner party. She’s dressed early in her formal attire because she also has to pick up her kids at school. Jen is putting the finishing touches on her when Winter abruptly enters the room. He excitedly waves a telegraph and calls out to Violet. He tells her it’s about their daughter. Violet grows alarmed and asks what about their daughter. Winter laughs incredulously and tells Violet that their daughter got into a fight with a classmate. Violet is alarmed and asks him what does he mean. Winter tells her not to worry because Olivia isn’t hurt. He says Olivia is his daughter alright. lol He tells Violet that he thinks Olivia got in more hits… Seeing a complicated expression on Violet’s face, Winter decides it’s better not to say anymore in that vein. Instead, he says that their daughter got into trouble and she’ll need to be scolded.

    Violet is flustered by the news about Olivia. The couple hurriedly leaves for their carriage to go to the school. When they arrive at the school, Winter looks extremely proud as he gazes at it. He says, “To think we are summoned to school already because our daughter got into trouble.” Winter thinks that their son hardly makes a ripple but their daughter is a veritable storm from her first day in school. Violet sighs and chides him. Winter tells Violet that Theo is much too subdued because he takes after her. He remembers that his son was miffed all day because he popped some fireworks at the entrance ceremony on his first day of school. He says but Olivia is the type who calls all her classmates to the hotel to party on her birthday.

    Violet asks her husband if that’s something to be proud of. Winter says, of course it is. He says he thinks it’s excellent how Olivia never forgets a single friend. He states that she’ll be an amazing person when she grows up. Violet thinks to herself that those are all actions that she wouldn’t dream of doing.

    The couple enters the principal’s office and the first thing they see is Olivia with her hair tousled from fighting. There’s also a boy next to her with his face bruised. Winter’s face went cold when he sees this. He looks down at the boy and asks him if he’s the one who hit his daughter. The boy is scared by Winter so the principal intervenes. He informs Winter that Ms. Olivia used violence against the boy. Winter was about to say that angels aren’t capable of violence (lol) but Violet fortunately responds to the principal before he did. She asks if it’s true that Olivia used violence.

    Olivia stands up and speaks with an extremely lovely face just like Violet. She says that the boy called her a bourgeois who grew up without any hardship. The boy brusquely says that he’s right, isn’t he? Olivia assumes a slanted expression on her face that her father usually makes when he can’t believe what he’s hearing. Olivia asks the boy if he’s an idiot. She asks how is she a bourgeois when her mother is Violet Blooming Lawrence. She says she’s not just rich. Instead, she’s rich and also come from a good bloodline and therefore she isn’t a bourgeois. She also calls the kid an idiot again. The boy asks her if that’s why she hit him. Olivia says yes. She mockingly says that when he gets things wrong, sometimes a good punch in the face is the way to learn. Olivia makes to punch the kid again and Violet calls out her full name, Olivia Blooming Lawrence.

    Violet was briefly greeting the kid’s parents, who were in the office already, when she turns to stop Olivia. Olivia protests and says that the boy insulted her first. Violet asks her who told her that she can use violence against someone. Everybody in the room flinches, including Olivia, when they see her mother’s cold expression. Violet then politely turns to the principal and tells him that she would appreciate it if the school would decide what punishment Olivia will get. The principal is surprised and hesitant to make Olivia do volunteer work. Violet assures him that it’s fine and she agrees to that punishment for Olivia. Olivia looks shocked. She goes over to her mother and holds on to her clothes. She asks her mother if she’s really okay with her working in the garden and stuff. Violet tells her daughter that she does it all the time so she can do it as well.

    Olivia starts to blink and act cute. She begins to speak in the third person and tells her mother that Olive doesn’t like taking care of flowers. Violet almost falls for it but she’s accustomed to it because Olivia’s father does it as well. She closes her eyes to sober up and then tells Olivia that even so, she must do the volunteer work.

    The boy’s parents look relieved to hear that Olivia will be punished. They’re ruined noble family and thought that they were no match for the greatest house on the continent. The boy’s mother tells the principal that their son started the matter so he should receive the same punishment. The principal visibly brightens up after hearing both parents say that both kids must be punished. All along, he was concerned about the consequences. The principal tells Olivia and the boy that their punishment will be 10 hours of volunteer service. They will have to come on the weekends to take care of the flowerbeds.

    Both families exit the principal’s office. After getting scolded, Olivia walks over to the boy and apologizes. This prompts the boy to apologize too. Olivia asks the boy if he likes her. Violet’s mouth open in shock when she hears this and Winter’s face turns stiff. He doesn’t want to think of his daughter dating for at least another ten years. The boy pulls a face and asks Olivia why would she think that. Olivia tells him that if he likes her, he shouldn’t. She says she’s Olivia Blooming Lawrence and she won’t fall for anyone who picks a fight with her. She says she barely pays attention even to the nicest guys. She bows politely to the boy’s parents then goes to hug her mom.

    Olivia tells her mother that she apologized to the boy. She asks her mother if she’s still angry. Surprised, Violet tells her she did well. Winter lifts up his daughter in his arms and asks her if she wants to pick out her clothes that she’ll wear to do volunteer work. Olivia tells her dad that they should also buy flowers to plant. She says she wants to plant Violets that will remind her of her mommy. Winter agrees with her decision and tells her that she’s a good child already.

    The couple head to the student council room where Theo is waiting. His parents know that he dressed in a special uniform earlier that day so the student meeting must be an important one. Olivia tattles and tells her parents that all the older girls always stare at her brother even when it’s other people who’re speaking. Winter tuts and tells his wife that it looks like they’ll have to take responsibility if the girls in Theo’s year suffer from lower grades.

    Theo spots his parents and leaves the student meeting to greet them. He observes that they’re here already so Winter tells him that Olivia got into a little trouble. Olivia affirms her father’s statement by repeating to her brother that it was just a little trouble. Theo looked worried but now smiles. He tells his parents that they’re almost done. He was about to head back in the room when three of his friends rush out of the room. One of the boy’s asks Winter if they can’t have the end of year party at his hotel. Another boy says that Theo won’t even let them ask. Alarmed by their frank confessions, Theo pushes them back into the room. He tells him friends that they can’t do that.

    Winter intervenes and says why not. He declares he can do that much for his son. Violet clarifies that Theo doesn’t want to use his hotel for person reasons, of course. Winter remarks that Theo is old-fashioned just like his princess. Violet glares at him. lol Momentarily distracted by her, Violet then gestures to Winter to respond to Theo. Winter tells Theo to use the hotel in the capital. He will lend his son the event hall and pay the expenses. The children are all surprised. They’re startled because Winter says he will pay all the expenses. Winter points out that they’re just kids and they shouldn’t spend money. Theo looks nervous but when he goes back inside the meeting room, he informs his fellow students of the party venue and they begin to cheer.

    The couple waits a long time for their son’s meeting to end. When he comes out, Violet extends her hand to her son and he smiles as he takes it. Olivia holds his other hand and Winter holds Olivia’s hand. So, the couple walks out of the school holding hands with their kids in between them. Outside, it’s snowing and it’s piling up. The family heads to the Lacround art gallery which is one of the royal castle’s buildings that was now opened to the public. The gallery is just opening up and many people were waiting outside to enter the building. When they see the Blooming Lawrence family, they begin to cheer. (It’s because it’s a ceremony for Violet) Theo quietly follows his family and politely greets the adults who are introduced to him. Olivia quickly makes friends and begins to run and play with them outside in the snow.

    Violet laughs at Olivia’s energy and encourages Theo to go outside to play with the kids. Theo says he’s ten years old now and he can play later. Violet tells him that she will call him later and he can play now. Theo thinks for a moment. He actually wants to play so he nods and heads to the snowy fields with his school friends.

    Winter soon joins his wife with two glasses of wine. He looks incredulous and tells Violet that their kids must not know what an important day today is. Violet says it isn’t that important. Apparently, at the gallery, they will debut a portrait of Violet at the end of a series of portraits with the former kings of Lacround. When the cloth is removed, there’s a nameplate that acknowledges Violet as the last king of Lacround and she reigned for 0 days. Violet laughs when she sees the 0 days. The council decided to honor Violet this way since she won’t restore the throne yet does a lot of national work for Lacround. Violet observes that now the monarchy is completely over. The couple starts to lightly banter and then tell each other that they love each other. It seems that they still say, “I love you” every day.

    After the ceremony, a party follows and many people surround Violet to congratulate her. Winter looks at her as she mingles with others and at one point finds her staring out the window to look at their kids who are outside building a huge snowman. Soon, Violet goes back to conversing with others who come to greet her. Eventually, Winter walks up to his wife and asks for a moment with her. The other noblewomen glare at him and complain that she’s been with him all day. Winter isn’t fazed at all. Instead, he tells them that they should know by now that he can’t live without his wife. He takes his wife’s hand and heads towards the door. Violet whispers her “thank you” to him. Winter tells her to let them go play with their kids. Violet replies with a smile and nod.

    As soon as the couple steps outside, Olivia runs over to them and jumps with excitement. She says, “Let’s make a big snowman! A huge one!” Winter replies that’s exactly what they were thinking of doing. He begins to roll a ball of snow that was already huge. Theo begins to roll another lump of snow next to his father. He asks his father to please make them hot chocolate when they get home today. Olivia hears him and excitedly says that she wants her dad’s hot chocolate too. Violet tells her husband that it seems that their whole family likes his hot chocolate. Winter says that helping to make the snowman will make his hot chocolate taste better. Violet says okay, smiles and takes Olivia’s hand to join her husband and son in making a huge snowman.

    The end
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2022
    Priar, Screamletter, Elisee and 12 others like this.
  12. Emma626

    Emma626 626 flavors of love, none for you~

    Apr 26, 2021
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    This novel got me into deep thinking about life. It was such a good read that I find it hard to finish it. How their misunderstandings were resolved and their bickering.... It was a good read
    Meleee, DOHere and Celebrianna like this.
  13. AoMay

    AoMay Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2019
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    I even don't know which one the spoiler is... Too many opinion mixed with spoiler that the real spoiler got blurred. Can someone tell me what happened after Winter's suicide attempt?
  14. Joker07

    Joker07 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2022
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    I don't really understand How you read the story and How you don't understand every characters POV. How you blame others mistakes on someone else? Well for just your anger and satisfaction you think It's okay right? You just read story from MC's prospective don't you? Winter's adoptive family are worst and deserve Hell I agree. Yes He was wrong that he was ignorant I agree and He suffered for that He was guilty to the point to kill himself. Tell me why MC didn't stop him from planning or committing Su*cide? Your reason must be because She didn't knew? Right Mr. So righteous . I may agree that he did deserved hate for his ignorant behaviour but him after realising his mistakes wasn't hateable character.. And ML isn't reading the story like you to know what's actually going on He did try to give everything he thought was right His lack of communication was his only fault.. hah your narrow mindedness surprises me

    He didn't mistreated her ever... His lack of understanding ( His understanding of others seemed like a child ) He believed that as MC is royalty she needs that much luxury in her life to live like royalty so he dedicated everything of his in earning money so his Wife could live happily and luxurious life. He trusted his adoptive parents his first mistake and He didn't understood MC correctly his second mistake other than that he did nothing wrong to her intentionally.. and He always loved her
    Screamletter and its0k like this.
  15. Joker07

    Joker07 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2022
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    Umm.. I think you are misunderstanding.. He is not stupid as Stupid He is just stupid with relationships However it's not his fault because whatever he got till now was all thanks to the money So basically he was taught wrong and He spent most of his life earning money He never really tried to understand emotions so He is not really stupid coz when He learnt and understood what true emotions are he reflected on his mistakes and became a better person