Spoiler I Want to Be You, Just For A Day

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by lazynoodles, Nov 9, 2019.

  1. Lufytaro

    Lufytaro Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2021
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    After « reading » the chapter guys I’m seriously wondering if Eros is the ultimate villain…guys Pope was so…relax !!!!!!! Like he behaved as if he already figured something out or I don’t know…Eros was screaming some nonsenses and Pope was just here drinking tea like nothing is happening… and Eros is just so mad + frustrated and powerless…wow by the way Psyche and Pell are so dead next weak :blobjoy::blobjoy::blobjoy: seriously Pell hhhhhhhhhhh

    Annnnnnd Medea is honestly surprising me like her character became sooo :aww: anyways she saved those girls whom support Perion if y’all remember…and they were thanking her and she gave them THE SMILE LIKE FULL OF INNOCENCE AND KINDNESS :aww::blobsob: That panel was literally glowing !!! What an improvement I can believe this, I still remember how she was back then…..Anyways yes she did compare the time when Heli gave her the « bracelet or sword thing » with the feeling she had when he gave her the knife to fight Eros swordsman back then in Psyche’s body… you really have the feeling that a big war is coming and I like that + Eros is the best :blob_sunglasses:

    Next weak = BLOOD
    KeyJay, Nagisa11, JokerEND and 4 others like this.
  2. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    I get a feeling that the pope has a bigger role to play in this whole fiasco. It might be plausible that he's manipulating Eros too so that he can control the empire via him. He can also be the person who brainwashed Eros into believing that he can be a God. It will be a nice plot twist coz all this time we thought that Eros is the main villain but turns out it's the pope. But I would still want a lot of Eros too coz it's so much fun to read about him as much as I despise him. Plus, he's already so fleshed out as a villain unlike the pope whom we saw occasionally.

    Might imply that Medea will face a big adversity very soon like that day.
  3. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I had said that once XD, it's not so plot twist after all he has mental manipulation powers plot twist it would be that yaros fell in love with Psyche

    If someone gets the raws, they pass them to me and I translate them
  4. Lufytaro

    Lufytaro Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2021
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    Do you mind explaining me how do I make screenshots from Naver locked content please ? I never did that

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  5. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I only know that using bluestacks 5 or scrcpy
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  6. Lufytaro

    Lufytaro Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2021
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    Well I tried my best but it doesn’t work…we’ll have to wait for next week at least to see the first non officials translations
    Nagisa11 likes this.
  7. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    Uhm lol I was surprised when I see her smile too, then I realized that Medea said "Give it to me" just after that panel to the girl to take the "jewelry" from the girl lol (I don't know what is it but the head of each team need to collect them from the others to win) LOL that's innocent smile of our queen is actually a savage smile :blobjoy: She fooled me at first too lmao, I'd though she was an angel in that panel :blobjoy:
    I wonder if that sword accessory of Medea have any role... kinda sus.
    And they've already decided top 5 now. So we gonna see them fight each other in the final, at the center court if the google translation was right.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
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  8. Lufytaro

    Lufytaro Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2021
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    No way...so she smiled so brightly and just said "give it to me" :blobjoy::blobjoy::blobjoy: and here I thought she was being all nice lol she's the best
    Nagisa11, Risnee and aiheli like this.
  9. Lynnet

    Lynnet Active Member

    Dec 13, 2021
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    Ohh finally, the plot has caught my interest again haha. Im so curious to see what Psyche would do to get out of this situation
    Nagisa11, Risnee and Laciesche like this.
  10. Lili for Tea

    Lili for Tea Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    I just want to show these moments in chapter 121 because they make me feel so proud of my girl. :blobangel:
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  11. Ariess

    Ariess Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    Leave it to Eros to make things exciting again, that's why I love him.
  12. CollegeSuck

    CollegeSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    I agree. Like during these chapters, I miss him being a jerk so much that I read the birthday arc again so I can see him staring shit up and mess things up:blob_grin:. Birthday arc is still the best arc imo. Really the arc that makes YT stand out so much
    Nagisa11, ChessieYG, aiheli and 4 others like this.
  13. JokerEND

    JokerEND Active Member

    Mar 16, 2018
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    Guys what if the story was yaoi and Yuri all along

    I would throw 500$ at the author.

    Just joking.
    Actually i am fed up with the story. The art is the only thing that makes me read it. Come on , I need fights.
    Eros please dont turn into a second villain, don't let pope become rise to first. I would want Eros to be most powerful villain . enough with the new characters .

    And it seems plot armor will save psyche again. Probably. Like psyche will switch bodies with Medea when Eros stars questioning.
    VNikaT and Nagisa11 like this.
  14. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    It would be exciting if he killed the pope and stole his powers to get his power up.
    I still want him to burn psyche's parents
  15. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    A question for those who read chapter 121: how come Psyche and Perion is eavesdropping on Eros without any royal guards stopping them? I mean he is a crown prince and they're having a very confidential conversation so how come there are no guards standing outside the door? Shouldn't he be more cautious?
    And Perion hit the door accidently so it opened slightly which implies that they didn't even lock the door properly while conversing. But how come Eros didn't lock it since it seems he's concerned about people eavesdropping on them since he plays the piano while conversing. Or did he purposely not put the guards to lure Psyche out? (but that probably seems unlikely)
    Another thing that I found odd is that how come Perion is eavesdropping on Eros with Psyche without questioning that why is she eavesdropping on her own fiance? Narratively, he's not supposed to know what happened between them right? There were no scenes that indicated that he's aware that they're on bad terms.

    If Psyche and Perion are unable to escape from that situation then I am expecting an Eros vs Psyche confrontation. It would be fun to see the both of them showing each other their true selves without any facade. (Eros nice guy mask vs Psyche naive girl mask)
    We have already seen Grey vs Grey (Medea and Eros) but how will Eros deal with a pure hearted person like Psyche and how will Psyche confront an evil Eros? It will be your typical good vs bad and I am all in for it. I want to see how Sam pulls this off. (kinda reminds me of Hayan vs Yohan)

    Eros will most likely try to prove his point since the pope didn't confirm the switch and also since he doesn't believe on his own assumptions.
  16. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Let's say, not to complicate ourselves, that it is a meaningless plot convenience to move the plot
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  17. Lili for Tea

    Lili for Tea Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    You guys, I don’t know how Perion and Psyche escape from the situation. They are sitting with the back towards the door and Perion looks like hugging Psyche when hitting the door and Eros suddenly opens. And I am surprised with Eros and Psyche. Both of them don’t care about the true faces of each other after finding out the truth.
    I like your idea. Knowing his personality, he is a cruel person. After he knows the Pope brainwashing and taking advantage of him, he should absorb his divine powers because it’s waste if it dies with him. Or maybe I am cruel as Eros?
    Well, I think Eros is always the main antagonist and the main villain. The appearance of the Pope is just a twist for the story and it’s interesting to see when Eros realizes he is used by the Pope and kills him to win the title.
  18. I_am_one_Hell_of_a_Butler

    I_am_one_Hell_of_a_Butler Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2020
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    I cannot wait for the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Eeek, finally the plot moves forward!
  19. Mysterious _ me

    Mysterious _ me Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2021
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    Not sure, why? Maybe he thought it would be suspicious, so he didn't call any of his guards. There was an event happening and the crown prince went somewhere else with his guards, people might have questioned him.

    Or, he was panicking due to the assumptions he made which he even was not sure of. So, maybe he made mistakes.

    Or, he may be luring Psyche. He is the character who believed in "kill two birds with one stone". So, I will not rule out the idea of luring Psyche to ask the truth.

    When Perion asked Medea why she wanted him to join her, she told him that she wanted him to become a threat to Eros. After Medea donated her properties to the temple, Perion went to meet Medea, and Psyche was there with Medea. Instead of sending Psyche, she let Psyche stay with them and listen to them discussing things. Not only that, Medea asked Perion to help Psyche to find out the origin of her divinities. All these incidents, he is smart enough to figure out something is cooking up.

    Whatever happened on his ordination day, he already figured out that Psyche was the main target and the Pope was behind this. I think he also already figured out that Psyche's divinity is the main reason why the Pope is involved in the heinous crimes. After knowing about Perion's divinity, the Pope sent him out from the temple in the name of doing good and learning something. When Perion was first shown, he had many scars on his body. I think the Pope tried to kill Perion when he was sent out and absorbed his divinity just like they did to Psyche. He was lucky that he survived. The reason why he is so strong is because he must have faced death many times.

    In this event, Psyche was sitting near Eros. So, when she saw Eros leaving, she followed him. Same with Perion, he was sitting near the Pope. When Eros' assistant came and took the Pope, he followed them. That is why we can see Psyche and Perion together eavesdropping on them.

    I think chapter 122 will be the confrontation of Eros and Psyche. I am so happy that I am not the only one who wants to see the confrontation of Eros and Psyche. Many readers want to see Medea vs Eros but I am waiting for the confrontation of Psyche and Eros. I hope Sam let Psyche deal with Eros and her problems by herself, not Medea. I am here to see the damsel in distress handling her own problems, breaking the stereotypes where a knight in shining armour will always come for rescue. Their confrontation will be more of an emotional roller coaster than some battle of wits. But, I am eagerly waiting for it.

    I have always wondered how Eros would react after knowing that Psyche has known that he is trying to kill her for her power? What will be his reaction when he will find out that the girl he kissed was not Medea but Psyche in Medea's body? What will he do if the girl who worships him as a god has seen his devilish side already? I hope chapter 122 will give the answers I am waiting for.

    From chapter 33 and 34, the majority of the readers think that Eros loves Medea. In chapter 121, when he realised that the woman he kissed was not Medea, was he shocked that she was not Medea or did he feel guilty towards Psyche? Eros panicked, it can be two theories. One, as he loves Medea, he realised that the love he saw in Medea's eyes was not of Medea. Two, he loves Psyche and never shows her his devil side but she already knows his dirty deeds.

    When Psyche(Medea's body) came to meet Medea(Psyche's body) after the body swapped, he grabbed Medea's(Psyche) neck, the way she said "your highness" surprised him. Was he surprised to see Medea's softness or something else?

    He had warned Perion not to come near his fiance. When he opens the door Perion was holding Psyche, how will he react?
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2022
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  20. nyanbinary

    nyanbinary Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2022
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    Agree. I just find the Eros and Psyche conflict so much more interesting than the one between Medea and Eros. Psyche and Eros have so much history and they knew each other since they were children, there is an emotional connection even if most of the time Eros has been only acting like he was in love. The two actually have had an intimate relationship that makes the conflict and betrayal personal.

    I'm not going to lie, I find the 'Eros is in love with Medea' twist ham fisted and forced, it does not fit with the beginning chapters of the webtoon (especially since we actually saw Eros' thoughts during the banquet about how it's perfect that Medea left the room since he wants to use her as scapegoat). It seems to me more like a forced attempt of SAM to make Medea's conflict with Eros more personal and interesting like with Psyche but it just ruins Eros' character.

    Medea's villain in her life had always been her father and despite me thinking their arc was a bit too long, the moments where Medea confronts Theseion and struggles with her still lingering desire for fatherly love were really engaging.

    That's what I expected would also happen when Psyche fights back against Eros, but instead SAM focused here too mostly on scenes between Medea and Eros. But that makes no sense to me, Eros is the villain in Psyche's life so I feel like the emotional stakes should be given to her. Yes, Eros did also ruin Medea's life but it always seemed more impersonal. The trauma, the emotional pain done to her was always by her father, he was the one to kill Nana, even if Eros manipulated the results.

    Medea has the right to seek revenge against Eros too but I always expected Psyche to have a more central role in it.

    If Psyche was the one taking down Theiseon Solon in Medea's body and SAM concentrated much more on Psyche and Theseion's interactions and how Psyche wants to take revenge on him for killing Nana and thus ruining her friendship with Medea, while Medea is mostly left to the side and has little to none interactions with her father, fans would complain because it makes no sense. That's what I feel has been happening with the Eros/Psyche conflict.

    So I am cautiously hopeful again for the upcoming Eros and Psyche confrontation.