Spoiler I Want to Be You, Just For A Day

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by lazynoodles, Nov 9, 2019.

  1. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    honestly from chapter 100 feels that Medea is no longer the same character she used to be... as if her mind had changed with another character or had become other person... hopefully someone who has the raws reads the episode translated or as I said make the effort or ask someone to take out the raws and I translate even the text to know the full spoiler
  2. TimRiggins04

    TimRiggins04 Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2020
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    I just saw the chapter and I don't know korean but the smirk on Psyque's face when they are done is unmistakable. If is Medea, then Sam has lost it. She literally took this plot twist out off her a**. There is nothing on the chapters that suggests that Medea in Psyque's body had this kind of relationship with Eros.

    This is exactly why it doesn't make any sense. I still remember how Psyche was hysterical because she forgot to tell Medea that she and Eros kissed. And now it turned out that was vanilla compared to what Medea did.

    Again I don't know Korean but if somehow Eros idea of this "perfect Psyque" is Medea trapped in Psyque's body (to marry him) while he gets rid of Psyque in Medea's body (and stealing her power) I will laugh my a** off cause is actually is a good idea and more easy to execute than marry Medea and kill Psyche.

    SERIENA Member

    Sep 27, 2021
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    Uhhhh i don't care about any reasons that anyone has to offer since there is one undeniable thing is that Medea didn't tell Psyche about the affairs she had with Eros while in Psyche's body while Psyche fussing to apologize over a forced kiss.
    What is the purpose of SAM showing us that scene ? To destroy the pure-hearted image of Psyche? To show that Medea is girlboss and she had taste almost all the men of YT? Or is she so low on ideas for the political fights that she has to resort to this? Whatever it is, this is an unwise move that sabotage both Psyche and Medea's original image.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2022
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  4. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    That psyche is not a virgin is not going to change the image I have of her, she does not play with anyone's feelings or use anyone for her goals, she just tries to do the best she can to live a normal life,
    but that they used her body for that, she deserves an apology, you know, in that Chinese manhua, if the CEO with his secretary had not sought a solution to that, the crazy woman would have ruined the image of the CEO, it is not fun or cool to do that.
    You know having sex can make babies, sexually transmitted diseases and worse rape trauma, a simple kiss does not cause much impact...
    If Medea wants to have sex with Yaros (whatever the reasons are if she wants to manipulate him with that) then it's fine that she does it but in her body...
    I don't know those who were wondering who the ML was, well look, it's Yaros
    has more impact on the story (checked)
    has a pseudo romantic relationship with both girls (checked)
    move the plot (checked)
    has screen time (checked)
    has sentimental impact on both girls (checked)
  5. zoefleyl

    zoefleyl Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2021
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    Thank God I thought I was the only one having problem with because I specifically remember having to defend psyche because people was mad at her in the comment over what eros did( literally forced her) even her self felt disgusted and told Medea and she cry to her about and after all of this if it Medea really slept with eros in psyche body without telling her that just messed up and that's hypocritical of some readers for not seeing the problem with this because they surely did see a problem with it when eros literally forced psyche to kiss him because they victim blame her for that. I love this story and I love how messed up it is the best past I love was how details they show when they kill Medea dad but what I don't like is some of these hypocritical fan who try to defend whatever messed up thing their favourite character did but when other character do the same thing even if they were forced to do it that would look for any means possible to talk bad about that character.
  6. TimRiggins04

    TimRiggins04 Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2020
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    The more I think about this the less it makes sense. What if is not a memory but Eros imagination of how sex will be with Psymedea??
  7. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    look with that simple image I'll see in the next few days bad edits on titktok or youtube, showing that Psyche is a treacherous bitch and Medea the misunderstood villain who was betrayed by her (like rashta-navier style) the typical manhwa cringe that there is for there....:unsure:
    Yes, it was Medea... this is from the raws:blob_zipper_mouth::blob_zipper_mouth::blob_zipper_mouth:And it wasn't any imagination of Eros

    I was as quick as I could be...After I found out, I looked back and found that one by one the jaws were right.Then again, Psyche lost her memory. Because it was actually Medea. That was all Medea.

    Medea in Psyche's body: How did you love me so much...Am I really a happy person?

    I can't believe it.Even looking back on it, it seems like a perfect 'psyche'.

    Eros: Psyche, You didn't say I love you today. Normally, you sang like crazy even if I told you to stop.

    Medea: You Know

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  8. Chaerfry_Catblue

    Chaerfry_Catblue Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2020
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    Why do some try to minimize what Medea did? When psyche in the body of medea cried or kissed Eros, most criticized her and threw hate at her. Now I see some say that it doesn't matter that she did it if she was the one who was with him, she did it in the body of psyche!..
  9. CollegeSuck

    CollegeSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    I’m still uncomfortable with this scene btw even though it’s probably there so that Medea could prevent Eros from finding out about the switch.

    But like Medea is smart. She could have make up some kind of excuse not to have sex with him. Before the banquet, there was that incident in the temple( where they switch souls with each other). Medea could have use it as her excuse to not have sex ( something along the line of she is still feeling sick from almost getting drowned and stuff). After the banquet is even easier because she was just about to be assassinated. She have valid excuses to avoid this. My point is that this scene really doesn’t need to happen had Medea did not want to have sex with Eros. Unless this provide some important char dev ( which I doubt) then this scene is just blatant fan service.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2022
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  10. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    tell me? With this all that Psyche-medea friendship bond that Sam built?
    was it destroyed or what did it become? this is super serious...
    this is not what Medea says that she is not the same as Yaros??, look at her if she were different she would have done the impossible not to get to that out of respect for Psyche... people who do this kind of thing is because they don't care about life of the person they have possessed
    Nagisa11, KeyJay, K12340 and 6 others like this.
  11. lalisaswus

    lalisaswus Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    i better not see someone defend medea about the latest chapter:cautious:
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  12. aliceyriz

    aliceyriz Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2020
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    Nah, i really really don't like how Sam executed the story in the last chapter. I know she want to potrayed Eros as bad as possible, but make it twist with Medea slept with him in Psyche body isn't it:blobconfused: Honestly, in my opinion, she ruined Medea image for me. She feel disgusted when Eros bite her but the image is shown the mark in Eros feel like she enjoyed it. I hope we have flashback she told Psyche about it or I will mad. Like, really, personally i don't want to know about night activities each character, duh. There is so much other ways to show how cruel villain is without showing about 'that'. But Sam really chose that, huh.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
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  13. Ariess

    Ariess Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    Eeeeeewwwww WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS INFORMATION, I HATE IT :blobsob::blobjoy: my heart dropped into my pants when I saw that panel, Psyche my sweet baby. Honestly I thought chastity until marriage would be a thing given the medieval setting but apparently not. My day is ruined lmao and holy shit Medea having slept with Eros in Psyche's body, I have no words....just why?
    Nagisa11, Rheamelody, KeyJay and 7 others like this.
  14. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    That was insensitive of me. And you're right.
    This plot twist doesn't make any sense to me. To me, this revelation of Og Psyche sleeping with Eros and telling him "I love you" while doing it, makes Eros's betrayal to Psyche even more heartbreaking. He not only played with her heart but her body too. I cannot believe Eros could stoop this low. What an asshole.
    If Eros doesn't suffer because of Psyche or if she's not the main reason for his downfall after this revelation, I will be very disappointed. (I am not talking about revenge in case someone misunderstand me)
    I am expecting a proper confrontation about this between og Psyche and Medea. At least something, some explanation as to why Medea did it or already told Psyche or some apology or something in the future episodes. I hope Sam nim just doesn't make Psyche forgive her just because she's a nice person. She has every right to be angry. This will cause a rift to their friendship. If it doesn't, then I just don't know what to say. It will be inconsistent with Psyche's character since she has a strong sense of justice and this was injustice against her.
    This also looks like a cheap ploy to make Medea vs Eros's enmity look more personal along with the fact that he will be announcing his breakup with Psyche in public. Is he suddenly not interested in her divinity anymore or how does he plan to kill her then coz breaking up means he won't have any direct control over her. (which was the reason he got engaged to her firstly) Plus it will seem like it will be full on Medea vs Eros now with Psyche helping her from the sidelines. It will very unfair and I will be very disappointed if that happens.
    I also feel like Sam nim is purposely avoiding a Psyche vs Eros confrontation and unnecessarily focusing on Medea.
    I don't like where the story is heading. Honestly, at this point I won't be shocked if it's suddenly revealed that Medea slept with Perion too lol.
    I am so disappointed with Medea that I don't even feel like rooting for her anymore. (can't believe that there would be a day that I would actually say this since I rooted for her so much before)

    Edit: forgot to add this. But the only request I have of the author is not to make Psyche another season 8 Jaime Lannister. I will be broken beyond repair if that happens.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2022
  15. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    For this was the rate +15??, I thought it would be to deal with more serious issues, not to turn it into a sadistic beauty 0.2
    Nagisa11, Risnee and zoefleyl like this.
  16. aiheli

    aiheli Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2021
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    Tf?so why did medea frickin act disgusted when they kiss ugh this is driving me shit ,this is just fanservice that i feel didn't connect the story well ,i dont need fanservice i need a good story , I'm sorry author sam but this ,THIS?! I can't and i dont want to accept it . medea's a smart person how could she not make any excuse .this isn't a hent*i manga.and also fck you asshole eros.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2022
    Nagisa11, KeyJay, K12340 and 8 others like this.
  17. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    if you are dissatisfied with this please buy the raw on naver series or naver webtoon and write (all these reviews) that on sam's instagram in korean if possible... this is at the level of rent girlfriend chapter 218
    FIEND, Nagisa11, raxellayoo and 3 others like this.
  18. aiheli

    aiheli Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2021
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    I can't make an account idk it just it doesn't allow me to i would bought it and wrote that if i have the acc ,i love the story i love every charac (except eros) but I'm sorry for my opinion i didn't mean to sound like a hater.
    Nagisa11, raxellayoo, hanajoy and 2 others like this.
  19. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    No I don't mean it in a bad way just to make Sam understand that this is not what we want, we don't want a silly excuse for the next one where psyche forgives medea as if nothing had happened, that Sam realizes her mistake if she's going to advertise psyche-medea's friendship this will ruin it. Don't worry that's just advice for all of us to get our opinion to Sam.
    FIEND, Nagisa11, raxellayoo and 7 others like this.
  20. aiheli

    aiheli Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2021
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    How did you manage to make an account?are you from korea?did you use korean number to register?i would love to give my opinion and write a review.
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