Spoiler I Want to Be You, Just For A Day

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by lazynoodles, Nov 9, 2019.

  1. purple pink

    purple pink Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    i can't do anything about it if u haven't seen it , its all over the grps. it's not in my hand about which grps u follow.
  2. aiheli

    aiheli Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2021
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    Well i see quite a lot of people rejoicing it and saying "now medea and eros should do it in her real body *smirk emoji" , "reverse harem girlboss " ,"ahhh i ship them so much it's finally happening i got to see this "and stuff that excuse medea's behavior such as "well eros force her prolly and medea must have reasons " i can still remember them hating on psyche because she's a "bitch" that "stole" eros from medea and that's why i dont open my account this days.but a side of the fandom wants to drop your throne rn honestly after seeing that i will also drop it but i gotta wait for a few more explanations .
  3. purple pink

    purple pink Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    :blobpitch:exactly. also there were far more vicious comments as well .the artist should spare psyche's life ffs. i hope the other person gets the idea of what i was talking about .

    and to the other person don't edit ur comment ur making it seem like i was talking about a different context.
  4. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    I even saw comments on twitter like, "Eros and Medea on Psyche's body look so hot" and all. And it grossed me out. Like Psyche's body lowkey got raped and you find that hot?
    The more I think about this, the more disgusted I feel. I really want a happy ending for Psyche. She deserves the world but the world doesn't deserve her.
    I am afraid that the author will pull something outrageous with Psyche too and say, "look she did something like that too". (it will obviously make no sense but Medea doing this doesn't make sense either and is out of character for her. It is difficult for me to digest it since I rooted for Medea so much)

    Do you mean me? But I only edited my post to correct the grammatical errors, not my comment. And I didn't even disagree with you when you said that Psyche suffered hardships :blobsweat: I emphasized on it to imply that it wasn't hardships but just plain tragedy for her. Everyone she trusted either looked down on her, trashed her, betrayed her or tried to kill her.

    EDIT: I find it strange that Eros wants to announce his breakup with Psyche when only in chapter 115 he was sending her teddy bears to uphold his public image as a loving fiance and pressuring her to do the same.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2022
    Nagisa11, K12340, s254386 and 5 others like this.
  5. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    anyway, what have the koreans said? have they been silent? or are they like the toxic ones...
    Why so much toxicity that there is no friendship between two women? Is it a case for them that a servant who praises you and does not contradict you is a friend? how did they educate them?
    This chapter seemed like revenge porn or those intimacy videos that leak to get revenge...
    I feel so disappointed, how Medea has changed!

    if that were to happen keep me in mind for the protest
    anyway with what happened in this chapter I'm going to stay and I'll even buy raws again and write in Korean, I can't stand that psyche is degraded or humiliated like that... and she doesn't have support, but only for supporting her nothing more (by commitment)
    Now I don't want her to become a saint or whatever because it will be for Medea to control her, I would prefer that she do the Dekis thing of going far away and living a simple life away from those crazy people hungry for power
    Nagisa11, zoefleyl, KeyJay and 5 others like this.
  6. purple pink

    purple pink Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    no no not u mate there's another person saying they didn't see anything bad on fb but now they edited their comment
    Nagisa11 and Priyanka14 like this.
  7. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    So what if Medea actually hided it from Psyche because she was afraid that it would ruin their friendship? I mean we are watching her to grown in her own way. She wants to be a better person, although she still messes up her relationship with Heli (and now Psyche). Will it easier to forgive her then? :cry:I don't know anymore but... I hope to see her being better with her own relationship, not just being good around :cry: I feel disapointed, yes, but I don't want to lose my hope on her yet. I've seen her being a good girl recently, I don't want to deny all that efforts :cry:
  8. fatgecko127

    fatgecko127 New Member

    Mar 23, 2022
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    This isn't to defend Medea but if it happened before the banquet then I think it makes some sense. If take a look at the first few chapters again, you would see that Medea viewed Psyche as nothing short of an enemy who took away her chance to become the empress. So when the switch happened, she thought that god had given her a chance to "replace" Psyche and Medea was all ready to live as Psyche for the rest of her life so she didn't think twice about doing "that", maybe? But if after she and Psyche became allies and friends, she still didn't tell her and apologized properly to Psyche then smh. And I agree that it's totally unnecessary to show that scene, we don't need to know :( SAM seems to wants to show a moment when Medea slipped up while pretending to be Psyche but still is there no better way to present it? I guess she want to do a fan service while at it too. Also agree that the overall quality has dropped recently.
    Nagisa11, hanajoy, KeyJay and 7 others like this.
  9. Auroralx

    Auroralx Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    I saw a spoiler that said eros and psche already did the deed before it was medea
    Nagisa11 likes this.
  10. Laciesche

    Laciesche Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    We know that too and we still don't think this makes Medea's actions any less deplorable.
  11. MiraMirai

    MiraMirai Member

    Oct 1, 2020
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    Can someone please explain what happened at the latest chapter? I just couldn't understand:unsure:
    Nagisa11 likes this.
  12. aiheli

    aiheli Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2021
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    So i saw a tiktok vid where medea defenders live in ,their topic are about heli and medea and medea isn't responsible for what's heli feels.partly i think she should be ?i might be wrong but her countinuelly ignoring what heli feels rather than talking to him and addresing the situation ,and also her doing "it" with heli and countinuelly using heli's feelings for her advantage ,if medea cant reciprocate heli's feelings then she should not be forced to reciprocate him but atleast she can stop using heli for her own gain and stop the friends with benefits type of relationship.they can be normal friends . she's the only person that can stop that.
    Also idk why heli's in the topic i guess he look pitiful i kind pity him but they keep forgetting that psyche is the victim here.feel free to disagree.
    Nagisa11, Rheamelody, K12340 and 5 others like this.
  13. psychesgirl

    psychesgirl New Member

    Mar 23, 2022
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    apologies mate i was only editing the spelling about my second sentence lol

    i dont get it why heli is in the spotlight albeit the chapter doesn't even mention him at all sigh...
    Nagisa11, KeyJay and aiheli like this.
  14. aiheli

    aiheli Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2021
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    I also don't know at all they keep mentioning heli?is that some new type of way so they can forget psyche?.i pity him for being pitied by the fandom because of his image.
    Nagisa11, hanajoy, KeyJay and 3 others like this.
  15. Janu123

    Janu123 Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2021
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    So basically eros realized that they both body swap but thinking why didn't he find anything odd. He thought Medea acted so perfectly like psyche, then there's one scene where psyche(Medea in her body)having sex with eros. He asked her that why didn't she say that she loves him usually she would say it evn when he stop her to stop, then she answered "you know why". So now he realized that was Medea. Many fans are disappointed/disgusted with the fact that Medea slept with eros in psyche's body(well including me). While some defends her.
  16. Ariess

    Ariess Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    Jesus, so not only did he find out about the switch but he also knows he did it with Medea when she was in Psyche's body? :derpyblob::derpyblob:
    Can't even tell if I like or hate how messed up this situation is. :blobsweat:
    Evrasuy and LittlecatBigtiger like this.
  17. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I don't think Helio cares (because it wasn't in Medea's body:rolleyes::unsure:...)
    Nagisa11 and aiheli like this.
  18. purple pink

    purple pink Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    so? even if they did it it doesn't justify medea's action. i saw another comment on id saying psyche did it before with eros like HELLO it was her body

    sorry not sorry people saying its medea's reverse harem but its not medea's reverse harem it's more like she being a slut. psyche being cheated by her friend . stop making cheating normal.
    Nagisa11, zoefleyl, KeyJay and 4 others like this.
  19. Cristalbii

    Cristalbii Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2021
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    slut shaming characters are becoming a norm in this forum, I see..

    It's not cheating tbh since it happens after they switched, she has to act upon psyche's character and also they were in bad terms at that time. she wouldn't care about what psyche would feel after she betrayed her. I may also add that, I have joined almost all of the group regarding your throne and hasnt seen anyone hating on psyche for kissing eros, its more of hating eros than anything else. Let's not make this a competition. It's ridiculous.
    haweii, Nagisa11, mallekei and 5 others like this.
  20. Imelnatalia

    Imelnatalia Member

    Mar 24, 2022
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    Please don't forget that there is a possibility that iaros memory happened before Medea realized that psyche was also a victim. Remember how bad the medea was in the first chapter. How much Medea hates psyche. And how much is Medea's desire to avenge Psyche. Medea then and now are clearly different. This is only iaros memory of the past. It's also true that Medea's character doesn't like to talk much to other people, including Helio, who is very close to her. The change in Medea's attitude just happened and it hasn't completely changed either. Just like her dialogue to Cardinal, Medea can kill anyone who gets in her way. I just feel like it's not dropping medea's character but just iaros memories of the past to be able to tell when medea and psyche swap bodies. And in the next chapter, iaros will experiment, is it true that if injuring one of the body (medea) can make medea and psyche switch bodies again. If true then the real war will begin.
    Sorry for my bad english grammar.