Spoiler I Want to Be You, Just For A Day

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by lazynoodles, Nov 9, 2019.

  1. Deleted member 445404

    Deleted member 445404 Guest

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    Just checkin if the plot is good from the spoiler.:LOL:
  2. Iris Astria Li

    Iris Astria Li Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2021
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    Spoilers chapter 125:
    Eros tests whether that is Medea is in Psyche’s body after the bell rang implying Medea’s injury. But Psyche is very scared of the Psyche doll. He realises that is real Psyche. Then Medea covered with blood entering into the stadium. He doesn’t allow Medea to have medical care and the final continues. Helio has a development when he has no mercy for injury Medea.

    So the scene we have seen in chapters 122 and 123 where Eros is comforting Psyche happens after he tests whether Medea or Psyche is in Psyche’s body.
  3. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    Coming here after chapter 125
    I'm happy that Heli's arc seem going to start now :cry: Hope that's not a bait.
    Last panel of him, his eyes are red, but he is smiling creepily. Idk that he is hurting or feel angry or smth else. Damn it's hurt me so bad :cry: I hope for this so much but now I miss his smile :cry:
    ""My humble heart is insignificant for you" I realized that, repeatedly." What does he mean? Does it have anything to their relationship? He knows how bad he have been treated doesn't he? :cry: Why it have bitter taste in my mouth? Does he feel disappointed or something?
    I always think about he always struggle with his feeling to protect Medea. I know that he would do everything to protect her, but now he seriously have to choose between protecting her and doing what Medea told him to. Now he chose what Medea wants or he actually had other ideas with it? Because how Medea could win with that body? Even Pel say something about the path Heli would choose. Damn don't SAM-nim make Medea win with that body against Heli, or I will mad because Medea is way too op if it happen. Things kind of boring then:blobsad:

    Medea, I'm rethinking about everything she've done. But I'm not judging her yet because everything about her though still unclear. I hope she won't disappointed me. Even a understandable reason of her is fine, if everything could be better.

    I miss my cute couple. Since it turned out that they have that kind of relationship, I cannot see them way I did anymore. Sometimes I think that Heli's smile is somehow fake :blobpensive:

    Edit: Think about it, maybe he is disappointed because Medea never considered his feeling towards her: he hurt when saw her bite mark, hurt even more when saw her being injuried like that, but she told him to fight with no mercy. Idk who is the selfish here anymore. Like, Heli, have you ever considered your own feeling? :cry:
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2022
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  4. CollegeSuck

    CollegeSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Ughhhh, Medea looks so freaking badass! Straight up walk into the stadium all bloody like that and fighting Helio too? I look forward to their fight and the result next chapter.
    Andddddd Eros is back to his old self where he hates Medea. Have to say I prefer this than when he acts all mushy with Medea.

    So Psyche in the box is a literal doll? I thought that is like a metaphor of her being lock away/being sheltered or something like that. But who makes doll of a real person like that though? So creepy. And who give that to Psyche? ( I think it's Eros but I don't want to assume)

    I thought that the fight between them is just a fight and it will end pretty quickly but wow, Helio said that? I still don't have the full context so I don't want to analyze anything but this quote + the last picture makes me feel like he is bitter about their current relationship.
    KeyJay, Nagisa11, aiheli and 4 others like this.
  5. Lili for Tea

    Lili for Tea Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    A priest of the Pope gave to Psyche with the permission of Eros.

    I don’t know how to describe he was shocked because that was Psyche in her body. Then Medea returned with bleeding, he was very creepy, and exciting and thought something like that was a punishment from God.
    Nagisa11, Risnee and CollegeSuck like this.
  6. mallekei

    mallekei Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2020
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    Well I'm happy and hoping for proper Helio Arc this time around... Because it as Pherion said in previous past chapter about If Medea's changing, Heli would gradually change as well... And hope this is the momentum of him starting to be standing equal with Medea instead of just following under her shadows most of the time.

    While I'm also agree that Helio might've felt bitter with their relationship but I don't think that was his expression meant on that one last panel.... it's more like the words of "my humble heart is insignificant for you" felt like a chant spell for himself not getting too distracted between feelings and duty since Medea also believe he needs to go all out while her condition are bloody injured everywhere... Which I believe... hurt Heli even more with this realization. All Medea need to focused to have fight with him fair & square so she can be seen as a worthy Duchess by people around her & shutting all those people who keep underestimating her ability. Imagine trying to discard feeling to the woman you love and have to fight her without doing it half-heartedly...... with her injured state.. He surely is livid inside.
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  7. aiheli

    aiheli Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2021
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    Damn why is my heli eyes like super red ?am i the only one omg why does that smile left some bitter taste in me like why does it feel so i can't explain it but i feel a little pitiful? especially when he said that "My humble heart is insignificant for you" like what do you mean heli??why do you look creepy (and hot ) ,also is this what I've been waiting for?like all of this months that passed by I've been waiting for heli's character development pls dont be a bait , I've been waiting for heli to stand not behind her but by beside her as a marquess.pls pls character development for heli i hope he wouldn't die i trust him omg pls sam nim have mercy to my heli.i'm already imagining his pov when he will die geez i am overthinking this my heli nooo will medea be merciless and kill him ??tf I'm sure they will exchange some words that's important for us readers and the character's development development.maybe it's me overthinking shit but i think if heli win/lose he will decide wether he should leave medea and do things for his own and decide for his own.i'm super happy about this character development.

    Edit:do you guys have the raws?i want to read it .
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2022
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  8. eardun

    eardun Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2019
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    No idea what's going on, but just looking at pictures I can tell that SAM's outdone herself once again <3
    Rin.rinaaa, Nagisa11 and aiheli like this.
  9. Rupert36777

    Rupert36777 New Member

    Apr 12, 2022
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    Damn I dnt want Helio or either Medea to die. Hope the finals end with some perfect ending. But what I have understood here is that when Helio said "My humble heart is insignificant for you". He will play fair and fight against Medea, he won't show mercy ofc which Medea wants. Guys if you read back chapter 116, before competition heli and Medea met and heli told Medea that she must win and gave her a strap attached to sword and Medea was silent for a sec. If u have understood that chapter it clearly explains that heli and Medea are ready to fight against each other in the finals and no matter what they will fight fair and heli has given his best wishes to Medea that she must win no matter what putting aside his feelings. My big possibility is only that hope heli nor Medea dies ahhhhh. yes ofc heli will fight with no mercy without showing his feelings as he already said "my humble heart is insignificant for you".
    aiheli, boom2424, hanajoy and 2 others like this.
  10. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    I don't think they will die here let's calm down...

    In chapter 125, Pel said something really right to the point. He said Helio is unlike 2 girls, he belongs to a gray area where he just followed Medea. Pel knows Heli will change if Medea change, but he doesn't sure how far Heli could handle because the path Medea chooses could harm herself.
    Can't wait for next chapter :( What is the path Heli took? So he chose to do whatever Medea want? Even if it's harm Medea? Because the only thing Medea told him to is to bring all of him to fight her. He hopes for her the most to win the contest, she promised to him that she will win. They've never talked about who would win in this case. Or it is something else... I don't think this is a development for Heli if he chose that path. Because he still chooses to do what Medea wants, nothing change.
    Heli said something like Medea is weak now.
    I think whoever wins still make Medea reach her goal. If Heli win, Medea still remains one who have had a pretty tough and unfair match with the strongest warrior in their nation, but she can even fight back. If Medea win somehow with that genius head of her, well...

    Anyway, Heli is super hot in this chapter I'm kneeling for him rn. Woa guys must see the panel SAM-nim post on her ins, it's Heli make Dion give up the contest. Medea looks speechless with that I have feeling that she can't even look straight to Heli's eyes lmao. I need Medea's pov right now!!!! :cry:

    Btw I were too busy with Heli, but Eros is really insane huh wtf??? And what happened to Psyche in the past??? She used to be locked in a box or smth??:blobconfused:
  11. Lili for Tea

    Lili for Tea Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    All right, I was reading carefully then I realized I had missed something. When Eros thought “Now you just have to ask me for forgiveness. Then you may be able to show mercy...”, he was looking at Helio, not Medea. Then the Pope was talking about love rumors between Medea and Helio. I think Eros wants Helio to ask for his mercy or the lovers to fight each other. I have never seen Eros mentions the love rumor between Medea and Helio. Helio is marquis and the strongest knight of the empire and this contest needs a fair play. Medea is bleeding, he can’t help her but fight, his eyes are red. The thing I feel most disgusting in this chapter is the Pope said “Love is always great.” He is the person closest to God but he is also the person who advises Eros on how to get away with murder effectively.
    Rin.rinaaa, Nagisa11, ebinako and 5 others like this.
  12. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    I don't think Eros thought about Heli like that. Eros wanted Medea to ask him for his forgiveness, then he saw Heli. I think Eros just realized that things would be funny (or smth else) to see them fight each other. That's why he told to start the match just after seeing Heli with excited face.
  13. Lili for Tea

    Lili for Tea Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    “If you disobey God, you will be punished. It's a natural doctrine.” When he thought this, he looked at the stadium where Helio and Medea face to face.
    In chapter 121, he thought “You reap what you sow.” It’s no relevance to forgiveness.
    “Now you just have to ask me for forgiveness. Then I may be able to show mercy...” After he thought that, the panel Helio appeared.
    When he squeezed Psyche’s hand in chapter 123, he thought “I dare to take revenge to Medea who played with the Crown Prince, absolutely, at any cost.” He has no mercy for Medea too.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2022
  14. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    my bet: 99% Medea wins 1% Helio wins.
    What I had said Medea beats the war hero blah blah blah she is better blah blah she deserves the title blah blah blah
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  15. black_blue

    black_blue Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2021
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    medea or heli who will win? but there may be some events that happen before the result is unknown.

    person in that body is medea or psyche?
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2022
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  16. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    I see where you get that idea, but you've made a mistake in your translation: “Then you may be able to show mercy..." should be ”Then I may be able to show mercy...”
    Nagisa11, Wapdyne, Priyanka14 and 3 others like this.
  17. eardun

    eardun Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2019
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    I guess Eros really does love Medea (or else he'd just kill her right away).
    Nagisa11 likes this.
  18. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    He JUST killed her wdym. Eros wanted to test if the girl switched, yes. And he also don't mind if Medea die anyway. He just simply enjoy the feeling of being a god. He can't kill her again when they are at the court that's why he not kill her now. He just wants to play with Medea.
  19. cutiemia2205

    cutiemia2205 Active Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    After those chapters Eros is planning to kill Medea at any cost. Some fans keep believing that he loves Medea. How amazing. I guess she covering blood and having partially cut off ear is not enough to hurt her fans? That’s why I don’t like a part of Medea’s fans who are dreamy girls always dream all men in “your throne” love her and literally push Psyche aside.
    KeyJay, Popcrazy, ChessieYG and 8 others like this.
  20. eardun

    eardun Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2019
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    Are you up-to-date with the korean chapters?
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