Spoiler She’s Not Our Daughter!

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Guide1410, Dec 20, 2020.

  1. Creolenerd

    Creolenerd Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    Do you have43-49?
  2. Hoouuujae60

    Hoouuujae60 No One from Nowhere

    Oct 19, 2020
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    So like amil took hanael from (A) timeline (where mc and ml had a child) and brought hanael to (B) timeline( where mc just got out from the academy)??
    assiralc_, Ilsooy, syofiaa and 3 others like this.
  3. Hazel123

    Hazel123 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2021
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    1. Any sweet moments between ml, fl and Hanael?
    2. How was the reaction when they know that Hanael is their biological daughter?
    3. Ending spoiler?
    Rasha2006 likes this.
  4. Zek

    Zek I write sins, not tragedies.

    Jun 27, 2016
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    I came looking for an answer to a simple question. I was never expecting rocket science.
  5. dini46

    dini46 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2017
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    Then what's their response??? Any cute things happened?
  6. zandamayo

    zandamayo Member

    Sep 30, 2021
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    I saw a post somewhere that this is about to become a manhwa. Don't know if its true though, bit we'll know it soon. Still I wanna read some spoilers first cause it looks interesting.:blobpopcorn_cool::blobpopcorn_cool::blobpopcorn_cool:
  7. Deaf Bunny

    Deaf Bunny Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2021
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    *sigh* Honestly, guys. Isn’t there anymore juice? :blob_teary:
  8. Aguni_Erina

    Aguni_Erina Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2017
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    it's been long since i read this in naver... by waiting for the free chapter so .. feel free to correct me... there are actually 2 timeline so i'll try to put it chronologically
    Yes Hanael's parent is Sierra and Cassius.. how? because they're married in the first timeline though it was a bit frowned upon when they got married but at that time being the sister of the archmage help the couples case and from their union come Hanael's.. she was very much doted on in the first timeline.. but Hanael's died early and set the stage for the current 2nd Timeline
    let's not forget others who's also a catalyst for the current timeline...
    its the crown prince, he collect children with mana so he can absorb their mana... the purer the better.. and Hanael from the first timeline fit this criteria...
    and there's also a villainess
    it's actually amil, i don't precisely remember what kind of relationship she has with the crown price be it subordinates relationship or love relationship or a repaying grace relationship because iirc the crown prince help amil to establish herself to be an archmage when she's a nobody so when the prince ask for hanael in the first timeline she was conflicted but crown prince guilt trip her i guess.. and also kinda says to her Hanael's parent won't be sad for long as they love each other so much.. they'll have another child after hanael.. relax i won't harm the child... which is very shitty and yeah she lure Hanael because she's Hanael's aunt nobody's suspicious when she took hanael and gave her to the crown prince which after the dickhead CP absorb Hanael's mana, the process makes the little girl lost vitality and cognitive ability basically a vegetative person... her condition drives Sierra insane and to her early death and in turn drives cassius into a cold-blooded half-insane man who investigates and cruelly killed anyone involved aside of amil.. which drive amil guilty because she's easy to use by the cp...which is why in the current timeline she indoctrinated sierra to not trust noble men... the higher the noble title a man has the more not trustworthy
    so iirc, Hanael's identity
    Hanael's is saintess both in the 1st timeline and the 2nd (current timeline) when she died in the first timeline shortly after her mana was absorbed she goes to heaven and meet other children that was victim of the crown prince, in heaven hanael befriend all the other victim which are orphans from commoner or slums background so then she along the children begs God to punish the crown prince for his crime, God agrees the children then begs God again to send one of them back to make sure the ctown prince is punished then all of the children appoint Hanael as she is the only one who remember her parents and whose parents loves her so much.. Hanael kinda see what happens to her parents after her death (makes her sad since she loved her smiling mom the most)... and her being a duke's daughter will be more convincing than the orphaned children...so she says a teary goodbye with her new friends in heaven... and those children tell her to be happy with her mom.. because her mom is beautiful when she's smiling... and apparently at the final of the story hanael remeber this and tell sierra about it..
    I forget who turn back Time but i guess... iirc
    it's God by borrowing Amil magic when turning back time (because He's super angry that the crown prince atrocities killed too many children and the final straw when the slimy CP absorb Hanael's mana as Hanael's is a saintess candidate but he can't directly interfere) i don't remember precisely but God helped amil and tweak it a bit by sending Hanael of the first timeline to amil as well... amil was shocked looking at Hanael because she planned on not allowing sierra to meet cassius so hanael won't be born and the tragedy of the first timeline won't be repeated... but Hanael already there in the current timeline so she decided to protect Hanael admitting her as the archmage illegitimate daughter and then try to destroy the crown prince on her own fearing sierra and hanael will be targeted and also she feel ashamed looking at sierra and hanael so she "dumped" hanael on sierra and go awol
    honestly i can't really forgive Amil on her involvement of crown prince destroying Hanael but i think there's a chapter dedicated to explain the motives behind her involvement and what happen next when she realized the crown prince can never be satisfied of his greed for power and how she actually hoping that at the end of her and cassius revenge, cassius would killed her for her atonement.. but well she's wrong iirc cassius killed the crown prince and at the end took his own life in front of amil while muttering apology to his wife and daughter for taking to long to avenge them... i don't remember but i think cassius says that she should spent the rest of her life alone because she deserves it after destroying their life...it was really sad.. and i think that makes amil determine to turn back time even if it cost everything she had and when she succeded in the current timeline she was ready to be hated and alienated by her sister and niece.. but yeah Sierra and Hanael forgive her and thank her for turning back time trying to fix everything and give them this second chance at a happy family life... (which amil destroyed stupidly in the first timeline).. still i just can't find it in myself to understand her because how the hell you could easily hand over your niece to someone suspicious... i just can't if you want sacrifice some child use or own child not anyone's child.. but even so no child should ever be sacrifice for some adult ambitions.. not even for their parents... or immediate family members.. well it's happy ending, hanael got what she want to spend happy time with her smiling happy mom and dad...
    that's all i can remember... english is not my mother tongue so if there's typos and etc... feel free to point out...
    Last edited: May 16, 2022
  9. Rin.rinaaa

    Rin.rinaaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Thank you for the detailed spoilers, I have questions.

    • How do they defeat the crown prince?
    • Do they (the leads) have a second child after?
    • Does Cassius know about Hanael's "first life" too?
    • How did Amil deal with the crown prince in the second timeline after dumping Hanael on Sierra?
  10. Mandassi_

    Mandassi_ Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2022
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  11. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    D*mn! A sudden infodump. Thanks for all the spoilers! No wonder Hanael was so insistent with MC being her mom (I put most of my reading list on-hold due to being busy irl.), it also fits the narrative that Hanael's relation with Cassius early on with the paternity test. I'm confused as to why Hanael only remembered her mom though (again, I put this on hold once the first part of the paternity test happened), she came from a loving family.
    Next... under the influence of your long post, it is indeed seem to be very difficult to forgive Amil. I mean, in all technicalities, her in-laws come from a duke family, unless an archmage requirements are different, sacrificing her niece or taking her away and handing her over to someone unfamiliar even in the form of a deal is weird. Much less the idea of something happening to her niece and somehow the parents simply move on and keep having another kid. Then, she is orchestrated or become a divine instrument to perform a rerun and instead of trusting her future in law, separated both mother and child to their husband/father all because she has issues with nobility now and despite the fact Cassius spared her in TL1 which other than already knowing his character shouldn't have any excuse to separate these 3. Also... she's one of the factors of the rerun (did she not meet God?), why WOULDN'T Hanael be fated to be born again or be part of it unless Amil herself has no control when or how far back the rerun was
    Reio, Creolenerd, its0k and 1 other person like this.
  12. Aguni_Erina

    Aguni_Erina Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2017
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    i am sorry i didn't put this in
    sorry i don't put this in spoiler tag... i am typing from my phone it's tough to scroll up and down and my phone is lagging...
    1. Actually it's combination of many faction to bring down the slimy CP because he was protected by equally slimy king/emperor (i forgot the title of CP''s sperm donor) So as Sierra conduct her own investigation of "Icarus", Amil as the witness (think she's gone awol to find evidences and witnesses and the family of CP'S victim aka witnesses or partner that had been silenced by the CP and his slimy father) there's also Cassius's mom doing her magic by stiring the nobility to look unfavorably towards the CP and the government of the Emperor (the royal family did send cassius to the battlefield too many times to fight their war..which is every mother's nightmare) last but not least the papacy/holy kingdom (i forgot which one) who have searching, scouting, protecting children who have mana to join them to be a priest or paladin (idr) and to protect the saint/ess and likely to be in a hostile relationship with the royal family.. so when the time comes... amil became the bait with hanael (or hanael magical double body idr) so when the kidnapped Amil and Hanael brought to a labyrinth tower of CP, Sierra and Cassius come to caught the CP red handed, and the fighting ensues with both side having their own knight.. CP got defeated and with the pope/priest/palasdin (idr) involved and definitely on the side of Ideos in the confrontation of Ideos Dukedom with the Royal Family with their combine strenght forces the king/emperor to admit his son is evil and accused him trying to bury CP's crime ... and with the witnesses and evidences of course there'll be a regime change.. and by the support of Ideos Dukedom and all their vassal household the annoying princess assume the throne.. coronated by the Pope? i forget if the prince were executed by the princess order or by cassius order... and i forget about the emperor as well... sorry...
    2. I don't think they have a second child... Cassius was adamant to make up for all the years that he missed on Hanael and Sierra's life in the current timeline.. (kinda make sense but not really?)
    3. If iirc she's the one who's interfering with icarus so it would not be continued... and she keep monitoring the slimy CP's movement, and i think she took all the data or taking a copy of the data that was collected during icarus experiment which will be used in the trial ... that's the reason why she was accused of treason and murder in the beginning of the story... idr if she's also hiding the would be children with mana that CP's going to abduct...

    amil didn't meet God... It's Hanael who tell her about her mission... but well Hanael was a bit distracted with living with her mom again... and being safe and sound... if iirc Hanael's plan was to grow up and steadily gather power under CP's nose and when she grow up she''ll punish CP's.. i can't blame the kid for her simple plan she's still a child even though she live twice... and why she only remember her mom the most... well i guess cassius's was sent to the frontline most of the time so Hanael's doesn't really meet him as often as sierra... because the current timeline also states that cassius were in the frontline during the time after Sierra's graduation fr the academy... besides most dad at that era were away working...
    about Amil trying to prevent sierra and cassius to meet was probably the most practical, viable and safe options for her... so yeah she took the most easy way beside it will probably absolve half of her guilt... imo i couldn't deny that amil try her best.. but i think choosing the easy way like that was very cowardly of her... i think she calculated how far she could turn back time... it's just God has other planned when HE send a living-again Hanael on her doorstep...
    hope it's understandable....

    also if the leads are going to have a second child i think one of the child victim who befriend Hanael im heaven... i guess. it's been so long since i read it... sorry..
    Last edited: May 16, 2022
    Bastian, Elisee, Mi shiru and 12 others like this.
  13. Creolenerd

    Creolenerd Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    Thank you!!!!
  14. Nekopapaws

    Nekopapaws Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2021
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    Finally some closure!! Thank you so much for the spoiler, really appreciate it and reaallyy hope the translation will be safe until the end
    Creolenerd likes this.
  15. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    They have a son in the last side story.
    He is actually one of the children Hanael met in the og timeline that said that he wishes that in his next life,he could really be Hanael's brother and his wish came true,he was reincarnated as her brother and Hanael recognized him.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2023
  16. arienlyne

    arienlyne Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2021
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    thank you for the spoilers!!:aww:
    darkcrystal likes this.
  17. Ilsooy

    Ilsooy Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    Oh god.. i thought this is some cute warm family story.. not complaining tho (y) thank you for the spoilers ❤️
  18. Elisee

    Elisee Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2021
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    So does cassius remember the first timeline?
  19. Hera Elizabeth

    Hera Elizabeth Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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  20. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Ami is fine. Readers can forgive mls for raping and killing the MCs family in first timelines. At least ami tried to fix her mistakes instrad of becoming a pathetic cuck like mls do
    datagirl and Aquaa like this.