Spoiler Roses and Champagne 장미와 샴페인

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Dayong9909, Mar 2, 2022.

  1. sanny17

    sanny17 Member

    May 10, 2022
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    The artist really changed the manhwa, they didn't really follow the novel.
  2. akera93

    akera93 Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    If you're talking about making it "less brutal" by not including the blood loss and transfusion part, one: we never know, it night still happen since this is day 1 and two: even if they did delete that part, I wouldn't say "they changed the manhwa and didn't follow the novel". So far, everything that happened in the manhwa is based on the novel. The manhwa didn't diverge from the original plot at any point.
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  3. Sarasa

    Sarasa Active Member

    May 7, 2022
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  4. akera93

    akera93 Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    They are not wrong at all. I think at a basic human level we all would like to believe that rape as well as hurting children are the worst things ever which is why even the worst criminals in jail are often ostracized and even hurt other criminals accused of such things.

    So, for better or worse, most of us draw a line in the sand at rape but not at murder if it's justified. No one ever justifies rape but killing someone for revenge, for example, is even sensationalised.

    Has he been a walking red flag as a toxic character? Yes definitely but did we always make he is capable of rape? Depends on the reader. I, for one, didn't.

    The Twitter post points to their previous intimate interactions and that they had rape undertones. I didn't get that. I don't know if the artist didn't communicate that in an obvious way or if I was seeing things through rose tinted glasses but it seemed to me like the MC was willing everytime and even anticipated it.

    The other shit with him being used as a Pawn and being poisoned and all that, yep. Definitely the worst and I never forgave him for that
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2022
  5. Dis

    Dis New Member

    Jun 15, 2022
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    The ones about the rape are true
  6. uvallrelato

    uvallrelato Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2016
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    .......with everything pointed out like this...I..i really understand what people mean when they say Rose coloured glasses now. In my defence the way he was drawn matches my ideal type to a T, and his character in the first few chapters were also soo very much to my liking that it stuck with me, thats properly why I couldn't see the obvious red flags.
    The whole reason I dropped kiss me lier was because of how shity he was and how the uke just accepted everything and forgives him,on the other had with the way our lawyer acted at the start I figured with this type of personality he would never take shit from anyone and if anything does happen he would not hesitate to either pat the dust of his ass and then leave like a que..I mean king. Or have the other go to hell 99 times while he enjoys a glass of wine and thinking of what other ways he could use to torment the bastard, only after all that would he forgive him. I honestly feel soo betrayed right know!!! The author is definitely a scammer
    Is it really that hard to write a story with the main characters both being strong, smart people who just keep flirting with each other?? Or at least have one flirt and the other slowly accepting it with out either of them going pat shit crazy?!
    Do people not find that kind of romance appealing and sexy!?! Because I sure as hell do!!
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
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  7. Hebaj22

    Hebaj22 Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    so rightttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt >>>>the last three lines you wrote is the case
  8. Okio09

    Okio09 New Member

    Jun 23, 2022
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    Story went downhill right after that, he was shot 3 times and raped for a week and they still ended up together which is just bs to me
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  9. Corunee

    Corunee Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2019
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    GOOD report
    I can only trust my dear manhwa ShutLine

    Enjoy your reading. because I think they already gave all the spoilers blobmelt_thumbs
    Yume-sama likes this.
  10. Amaryllis bubblegum

    Amaryllis bubblegum Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2021
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    does anyone know why dmtri stabbed caesar? betrayal? Or because he is jealous with the lawyer like, don't want Caesar and the lawyer be together??
  11. uvallrelato

    uvallrelato Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Your giving dmtri too much credit, I think its just the basic reason money and power, just like the basic b**tch that he is. But I could be wrong and letting my feeling color my views. If you couldn't tell I don't like him very much
  12. uvallrelato

    uvallrelato Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Update...and holy hell it wasn't my prejudice against him!! He really is a basic b****!, I saw it on ticktock, some one asked what the basic b***! Said when he stabbed the crazy psychotic blond with (now justifiable) trust issues, he said "he would do anything for money!" But again it's a ticktock spoiler so take it with a grain of salt.
    Personally I chose to believe it for obvious reason.
    Amaryllis bubblegum likes this.
  13. Desperate

    Desperate Desperate for spoilers <( °-° )>

    Mar 13, 2021
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    I kinda already guess that he wasn't jealous of the lawyer(or who knows, maybe he is. But it's not his main reason) since in the earlier chapters, first he rlly dislike the lawyer cuz he "distracts" Caesar or that Caesar is becoming soft and have human emotions to the lawyer. And second he literally said something about Caesar is not fit to be the leader as he literally has human emotions, so he was gonna do something about it.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2022
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  14. Amaryllis bubblegum

    Amaryllis bubblegum Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Thank you for the spoilers, i really thought that dmtri stabbed caesar bc being jealous over the lawyer (Well i don't like dmtri from the start bc he is very clingy and flirty toward caesar, and being so rude with the lawyer. He also provoked Caesar until tsar decide to shoot the lawyer for leaving him), and i shock when he says he did it for money (slightly pity caesar. Just SLIGHTLY bc I'm still mad with him for r/pe and shoot and kidnapping the lawyer!). Omg I hate him. He is a trash.
    Scapezz and uvallrelato like this.
  15. Blue119119119

    Blue119119119 Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2022
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    Yep your the one spreading the wrong info. Caesar did RAPED Yiwon
    akera93 likes this.
  16. akera93

    akera93 Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Honestly the story went to shit with the shooting and rape part but it could've been salvaged if the lawyer stood his ground afterwards and didn't act like being raped when he is actively bleeding and needing transfusion is just a prank. The way he mourned the supposed death of his rapist and how he welcomed him back.....yikes big yikes! If the author doesn't know how to handle the aftermath of such traumatic event in the story, then don't include them. Going from 0 to 100 and back to 0 is mental.
    Creolenerd and uvallrelato like this.
  17. uvallrelato

    uvallrelato Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2016
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    I already liked the comment but I don't feel that that's enough to express how much I agree with you right now, like I already ranted about this earlier in the spoiler pages here but I have to rant some more....I mean what the hell?!?! I expected better from our lawyer with his personality, I figured there should be some time spent between being angry, in pain, feeling loss, confusion over the love he felt for the Ass before all the shit happened, and even more confusion on how is he supposed to feel now that saled dude is dead and the fact that things between them will never be resolved. like it was already established that he was in love with him or was about to admit it, so it's understandable that he can't just see him as an enemy and be happy when he hears the ass was dead, thats not how feelings work especially when you are someone who doesn't get attached easily. With all that said his reaction when he sees the bastard alive is no where near normal. He just bunched him and then cried... like I'm sorry but my first reaction if I was in his shoes would be to shoot the guy and see how he likes it!!! I would even be tempted to do it and say that its because I don't want him to leave me the same thing he said but with saled dude personality he might actually be happy so instead, only after spending a loooong time to sort out my feelings, and after having the week old saled guy go through 99 trailes of redemption that can make hera her self be impressed at the bitterness only then would I consider talking to him, I sure as hell would not have let the bastard see I have anything but utter disappointment at his status of being a breathing human.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
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  18. HyacinthSue

    HyacinthSue Active Member

    Jul 14, 2022
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    Its just an act....well dmitri really did stabbed ceasar but its just for a show because ceasar want to know who are really the traitors in his organisation..

    His ceasar cousin and he adored ceasar ( to the point of obsession) since they were children. He hates lee won because for dmitri ceasar is the embodiment of a true russian mafia(never showing emotions, never flinches in front of death, more ruthless than sasha(ceasars father) when necessary etc). But ever since lee won came dmitri notices the changes in ceasar than no one else notices. Why? Because he's the one monitoring the gsp chip inside ceasars body (even though ceasar hates the idea someone monitoring him but given his position as a mafia boss he needs someone he can trust to do the monitoring for him, and dmitri is very willing to do that for him. Anyways back to the changes that dmitri notice, before the gps chip alarm only goes off whenever ceasar was in the brink of dying but lately the chip alarm always goes off and this cause dmitri to feel frustrated cause every time he runs to save ceasar (who should be dying) he always finds out that it was because of lee won why ceasars heart beat reaches 120 (normally ceasar heart beat is at 90 and the normal heart beat for men is 60-100). This happens many times and it was so funny because every time he arrives to save ceasar he always finds the two having sex which he doesnt want to see... he would end up cursing lee won for making ceasar like this.
  19. uvallrelato

    uvallrelato Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2016
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    I see so he is not a basic b%%%, he is a toxic 16 year old idol fan girl got it (y)
  20. HyacinthSue

    HyacinthSue Active Member

    Jul 14, 2022
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    Guys we all know that ceasar has always been a red flag, even from the first few chapters in manhwa he was always ruthless. Yes, he did shoot and raped lee won (and i'm mad at him because of that, no matter the reason ceasar should have never treat the one he loves like that). But we know he did that because he just dont want lee won to leave him (and because of dmitris instigation, ceasar finding out he was actually the son of his enemy and all the bad luck in the world, the shooting and raping happened). Lee won is his first love and he doesnt want to lose him. i know some of us here are frustrated at lee won because he easily forgive ceasar for what he did, but what can we say he also loves ceasar, he knows that ceasar doesnt want to lose him no matter what it takes, and he knows that ceasar dont know how to properly communicate with him (but he understands ceasar). So love wins. dont worry there are a lot of moments that ceasar shows his love for leewon. and some of those moments are funny and cute.
    Yume-sama, Minhime and Vationsal like this.