Spoiler Royal Marriage / 로열 메리지

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Eloisane, Jun 28, 2022.

  1. Camilaakt55

    Camilaakt55 Active Member

    Mar 10, 2019
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    Does anyone have a link to the novel in English? :cry:
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  2. itazurayiee

    itazurayiee Member

    Jul 3, 2022
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    Spoiler for this novel???
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  3. yureipi

    yureipi Active Member

    Jul 10, 2021
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    I understand the MIL but it it got too much specially with the way she treats her son in laws.

    I'm simping for the crown prince lol.
  4. hika21

    hika21 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2020
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    I'm not sure if its true, but I saw in some spoiler said that the ml is actually much richer than her family and full of mysteries.
  5. chubbykitty

    chubbykitty Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2020
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    Yup he's too hot as well:blob_blush::blob_blush:
  6. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    The mother is obviously wrong.
    I don't think she's doing it for riches and power. I think she's doing it for her daughter. Because she loves her the most and wants what she believes is best for her. Wants her to have the best marriage and rise to the highest position ever, because that to her is what's most important to a woman. And there are many people like that, who prefer an easy live than love, and this is also the countess' definition of happiness.

    Also, it was said Tatiana went through a lot of rumors and ridicule as a child because her father's identity wasn't clear. I suppose since she's the youngest child, she may have been born after the countess' husband died. Her mother wanting only the best for her might also be because she was looked down as a kid.
    I also have a theory that part of her fixation on MC might be because she's the only daughter of the man she really loved.
    Tatiana also looks more most similar to the countess, maybe she's the most similar to her when she was young character-wise as well? Maybe the countess was also kind and naive like MC, before life hit her in the face. Because, let's be honest, MC can only afford to act this way because she has a background behind her. Otherwise, she wasn't afraid to go to a strange man's house who might've hated her without letting anyone know. Is that not naivety? She was lucky this time, but she won't necessary be everytime if she keeps being this reckless and headstrong. Anyway, maybe her mom doesn't want her to end up the same as herself.

    Btw, how come she has daughters who have 2 different eye colors than her? She has purple eyes, but one daughter of hers has green eyes and 2 have blue eyes. So do they have different fathers?

    And I agree with the theory that ML should be the child of the emperor or Crown Prince.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2022
  7. ruby.h

    ruby.h Active Member

    Jul 24, 2020
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    ^ I think the mother is doing that out of her greed. I agree with you, maybe she thinks the only important things are fame and money, not love, but then she doesn't agree when MC able to find a Marquis for herself (the gray hair dude that the mother bribes with the painting)? Marquis is also high rank in the social world I believed, but then it has to be the cheating Duke no matter what. If that not sounded greedy, I don't know what is.

    And it also stated that, the marriages of the daughters place the mother high in the social world, while one of her kid suffered 3 marriages, and others somewhat have to deal with the in-laws. What I want to say, the most benefits come out of these marriages go to the mother, just saying.

    No mother should force the kid into marriage with a cheating person, the children also has pride and dignity, you know.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2022
  8. aqilwall

    aqilwall Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Crown prince was in his mid 40 and he was sent out to war since his teen. He had been in the war zone for 30 years and unmarried. He won so many wars and expanded the empire till the end of the continent. The war was coming to the end with the help of black wolf.(ML) Current empress was not CP's mother. She got one son who was 10 year old and she was aunt to Duke of Atlas. ( FL's ex fiancee) She needed Kartien to gain more power of her fraction.

    I think ML was the CP's son looking from the possibility. He might even legally marriage ML's Mother. (Marquis house)

    "What's this?"

    "It's a marriage contract."


    "I wrote it according to the format. You can change it after you read it.”

    The tension between the two decided to ignore it, and Tatiana's concise head became elegant again. I decided to walk one more time with the confidence that I endured all day long.

    "It's a rule to write it before marriage. I showed it to the priest a while ago, and he said he could file it with the administration office as soon as the details are agreed.”

    "So this is...….”

    "As you can see, I have no dowry and no property. But I'm sure you don't complain about that because you knew everything."

    She glanced down at Kinnell unconsciously. If I said this, shouldn't there be an answer that comes back? His thin, long neck burned as he looked up at him, who was going through the documents too carefully.


    Fortunately, Kennell's eyes are surprisingly transparent. As if lighting up, Tatiana's mind was busy with Kainel's eyes, which clearly showed which verse she was reading from every line.

    I wrote it and checked it over and over again, so I know the content. If this man is looking at with a frown, it's not a dowry or a fortune...….

    "Two times. What's this?"


    "I can't believe it's twice. All of a sudden, "What?"

    "I mean dragonflies."

    Her voice, which became as small as a sigh, was blurry as the number written. So I'm not mistaken? At once his red eyes turned to Tatiana.

    How the hell do you see a man, what do you think of writing this? I want to say this, but what comes out is simply the point.

    "In a day?"

    "…… Oh, no. A month."


    "That's what everyone does. I can't elaborate on that, but for one reason or another,"

    "What's the reason?"

    As if to hear the answer, Kainel's gaze dropped sharply. There is no time to run away from the red gaze of looking at him with a slight bend to his knees. Of course, Tatiana has no intention of running away.

    This man wants me, so I have no reason to back down.

    "What's the reason?"


    But that doesn't mean that you can't talk about when you can have a baby because of the woman's body and nature' I'd rather bite my tongue than do that.


    Or just tell him to do as he pleases.

    "It's just... It's just what everyone does. All the other nobles."

    Fortunately, Tatiana kept his reason and dignity as an aristocrat and shed light on him. She had never thought of a marital relationship in the first place except for the purpose of having children. It was the absolute interest of the aristocracy and succession, but other pleasures are found and enjoyed on their own.

    Alexei alone made it clear that it caused this situation.

    Aside from what is not even worth getting angry about now, Tatiana genuinely judged that two times was enough. First of all, it is said that the number of times she is most prestigious to flow and listen to is about that.

    "I'm telling you, you can check with the administration.”

    "Why should I know about other people's bedrooms?"

    "You're here. Why would I?"

    His eyes were beyond ridiculous and even displeased. If you're satisfied with Kainel's appearance as if you don't even want to think about other people's relationships, is it true that I' Tatiana held on to the prickly fingertips.

    "Oh, I'm telling you that because you don't know."

    "You're the one who doesn't know."

    "……Oh, my."

    Look at this guy.

    Tatiana narrowed her eyes. Still holding out in front of me, he was no longer surprised or uncomfortable. I'm just embarrassed by my heart beating hard. Kainel's head approached Tatiana, who looked at me like a snowball fight.


    purplish eyes with quivering edges

    As small as a close distance, movement is seen in detail. How tightly she held on to it, and after glancing at her dark red fingertips due to lack of blood, Kainel reluctantly looked into the documents again. I was worried that if I didn't turn my eyes away, that thin hand that was about to break would be bent.

    However, there is not a single thing that I like about the documents written by this precious lady.

    "This one."

    "……Why? What else don't you like?"

    Tatiana took a breather and tilted her head to a document containing Kainel. As soon as my hair touched, I couldn't see his shoulders twitching and cleared my throat. I don't change because I don't want to lose to him today.

    "Oh, that's Kainel, I left it empty just in case you needed anything. There's something you want to ask of me."

    "And you?"


    Kainel pointed next to her empty name. The empty space next to my name was too large, whereas the part of Tatiana was so narrow that I wondered if it could only be one line less. I was nervous for nothing because it seemed to mean that she didn't exactly want anything from me. I didn't even know that the number 2, which I wrote down as if I could see it or not, would be better.

    "You don't want anything from a guy like me?"

    "Don't cheat on me."

    "I never allow other women. That's the only thing I want from you, so if you're not confident, now

    Who wants to do it's up to you.

    Kainel, who pushed his head up from the bottom, was more urgent than yesterday. Suddenly, his grip on Tatiana's back neck was firm.


    Tatiana fluttered up like a piece of paper in his arms, which held me in a flash. I was surprised and struggled instinctively, but it was nothing more than a weak resistance.

    Kainel's legs had already gone forward without hesitation and reached the bed. If it wasn't for the touch of putting himself down very carefully, he would have really mistakenly thought that there was nothing in sight.

    "Ka, Kainel."


    Before she could be called, her tall, solid body climbed on her. Tatiana stretched out her hands to hold the bed in case her body tilted back, but Kainel soon caught one of her hands. His overwhelming masculinity was admired even when his heart was about to burst.

    "Is this really how you do it?"’

    She looked at Kainel in a state of extreme confusion that she had never experienced. What am I supposed to say at this moment? There is nothing appropriate to rummage through all the secret words I have heard so far.

    It's not because I don't remember, but because no one who said that in front of me has ever been in bed with a man like Kainel.

    I was out of breath even if I ran into instinctive pressure and fear that I had never felt before. With the red eyes of the predator in front of me, I felt like a prey. But I don't want to be eaten helplessly. Tatiana shook her head at Kainel, who extended her remaining hand to her dress.

    "Well, that's not how you do it. "That's how you take off the dress,"

    "Well... ...you know a lot."

    It was too plain a tone to be sarcastic, and it was a voice that seemed too boiling voice. As Tatiana poked at him with a little resentment, the corners of Kainel's mouth lifted slightly. Tatiana said nothing, looking at him for the first time without hiding my smile.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2022
  9. roseO

    roseO Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2019
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    Thanks for the spoiler. Ngl, the second hand embarrassment is real. Sex twice a month + don't cheat on me? :confused:
  10. Rocio Martinez

    Rocio Martinez Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    More spoilers please!!! And thanks You so much :) !!!!
  11. Allyzaaajoy

    Allyzaaajoy Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    Continuation please!!!
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  12. Yerunidian

    Yerunidian Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2021
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    Don't you think that's actually guilt tripping the readers? So that we feel sorry to her and think all her mother 's actions are true but actually NOT.
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  13. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    1. She thinks the Marquis isn't good enough for Tatiana.
    First of all, he has a low position if the Countess was able to bribe him with a mere painting. He seems to have lower connections, power and money than her.

    2. Secondly, even if we judge by character, he fails miserably. He left the girl he supposedly loved, and sent countless love letters to, for a mere painting. No matter how precious of a painting, it's not more important than a human, much less than your prospective wife. So the countess was right about him, in this case.

    3. Even so, she probably didn't take the character as a requirement, and there's a very easy reason for that. She thinks all men are the same anyway. She thinks all men will cheat if they can, even if they're never found out. And probably feels that going by what the man can offer is a much safer bet.

    4. Don't forget that ML also doesn't love her, as far as MC and her mother know and heard from him. So MC took a man of lower standing just because she thinks he probably won't cheat on her.

    5. I dont know what will happen later, but for now, except for her second sister, her other 3 sisters' husbands seem quite decent. They all seem to have ended up well in all areas in life.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't let kids make their own decisions. But I can see where the mother is coming from and that she's doing it out of love. After all, it's not uncommon at all to marry someone you like, but regret later down the line.
  14. LaRue

    LaRue Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2021
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    more spoilers ~ pls.
    Naenia likes this.
  15. aqilwall

    aqilwall Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Nothing happened. FL has a fever so they didnt have their first night. ML went to monster subjugation the next day and he wont come back for 1-2 weeks. During that time, ML told his staff to dig up his treasure chests and gave to FL to manage. FL opened the chest and was shocked. Inside the chests there were gold bars, jewelries and other valuable stuff. She just realized that ML was very rich. Richer than her brother in laws. While waiting for ML to come back, she started organizing the assets.
    One day FL went to town shopping. While walking she saw a very beautiful dress, she was thinking about take a look so she went inside. When she was about to buy the dress, someone called her name. It was the lady who had an affair with her ex fiancee. She said she got the dress and tried to insist on the dress. A few minutes later her ex - fiancee came and they got into a fight since the trashy ex insisted her to come back to him.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2022
  16. Reiujii

    Reiujii Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2021
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    is this an original work?
  17. Spoilerfinder

    Spoilerfinder Active Member

    Mar 14, 2021
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    Y’all I neeeed spoilers at this point

    I’m really curios why is it called “Royal Marriage” and why does look so much like the Crown Prince. Is he his son? Why is he that rich?
  18. aqilwall

    aqilwall Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2021
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    ML owned mercenary groups. He fought pirates and collected valuable items. He had the dragon's hearts, which were rare and very expensive. These dragon only lived near some lands that could only be access by royalties without being cursed. ( So this was obvious that he had royal blood. CP or ML's mom likely hid him from the current empress.) So the title was Royal marriage.
  19. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    Thankyou for the spoilers!!❤
    Can you tell us what happens after the CP comes into the shop?
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  20. aqilwall

    aqilwall Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2021
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    I am reading slowly so I can only spoil a little bit.
    The lady who had an affair with her x, bragged in front of people in the dress shop that she looked better than FL when naked. She also cling to the ex. FL said to the lady to look into the mirror. The duke (x-fiancee) said he wanted her back. FL didnt want t deal with them so she came out of the shop. The duke followed her and tried to force her to go with him. ML came in in time to protect FL.
    When the ex left with his lady, ML and FL argued and FL said they were not really marriage because she didnt have her first night yet. ML said she was sick but FL insisted that she was OK now. So they went back home and had their first night.