Spoiler I Have Become The Hero’s Rival /남주의 연적이 되어버렸다

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Ren99, Aug 14, 2020.

  1. KristinaMariaSara

    KristinaMariaSara Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    What’s the ending of the three jerks?
  2. pinknpk

    pinknpk Member

    Jun 25, 2022
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    Thank you for summary I feel relieve now that the devil soul did have his own body and not died.
    Kimjinyoung and Creolenerd like this.
  3. seoktonin

    seoktonin burning eyes

    Nov 23, 2020
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    lol latest manhwa chapter everyone was like “whats wrong with irene” “i feel bad for larry”
    like girlie just made up her mind to get her boyfriend back instead becoming a killing machine and losing his entire reason lmao

    a trope we need more of really.

    also i guess this clears it up that lerase is also white lol
    squioo, nicomcla1995, Anidori and 4 others like this.
  4. Ulfran

    Ulfran Member

    Mar 5, 2021
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    I think Irene went too far with Larry((( I rlly like him
    Trulycloudy likes this.
  5. yukihibari

    yukihibari A Silent Reader

    Jun 21, 2020
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    I don't think so. In my opinion, it's reasonable for her to be like that to a being who's (on his way to) devour her beloved one. It'd even weirder if she's welcoming Leraze.

    Just imagine if something disgusting like Lucas (the shitty CP) is the one who possessed Felix, knowing how trashy the CP is, would you just accept Felix to be possessed by him? Of course not. Now, that's what Irene thinks, no matter how good demon Leraze is, that demon is still demon who took Felix's body (and has been eating half of his soul) that's why she acted like that.

    I don't think she's already realized how Leraze's feels towards her, but probably she got some hunch about it, idk. By eating Felix's soul, Leraze also influenced by his feelings and falls in love with Irene too. Both of them couldn't help themselves, it's sad for Leraze but for Irene as well.
  6. Creolenerd

    Creolenerd Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    He didn't talk to her at the victory party
  7. Anidori

    Anidori Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2021
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    I don't know about you but if a demon took half the soul of my boyfriend, I won't be nice to it too. I would be exorcising the living sht outta it. Now that may just be me, maybe I'm the weird one.

    I guess it's because it's a hot 2D guy crying lol
    I saw those comments too and I was like, isn't Irene's response the normal, appropriate response in this situation??
  8. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Plus, it’s like saying it’s okay for Felix to disappear. In the first place, Felix’s body is his own. He’s the one MC fell in love with. How in the world would it be okay for all the things she loves about him to disappear because of the demon and then she falls for the demon? I don’t think readers understand how messed up it would be for MC to think it’s okay if Felix is devoured just because they think the demon is hot. How shallow is that? If it wasn’t for Felix, would MC even look at the demon? Is MC prepared to hook up with a demon? MC has common sense to want her loved one out of danger ASAP. Who knows the future ramifications if the demon just stays there and who wants a third wheel in their relationship? MC seems pretty reasonable to me and the sooner the demon is gone, the sooner she can see Felix 24 hours and in charge of his own body.
  9. seoktonin

    seoktonin burning eyes

    Nov 23, 2020
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    not to mention the demon is the exact opposite of felix and everything about felix that she fell in love with.
    also not to mention shes aware of how painful it was for felix when the demon was devouring his soul, but people want her to give him time? be real lol
  10. Anidori

    Anidori Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2021
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    Exactly. I couldn't believe how many people commented that Irene was somehow the one who is in the wrong here like ???

    Also... Lerry/Larry himself barely even knows Irene at this point. It's not like they bonded together and he fell in love with her. His "feelings" are Felix's feelings for Irene that just assimilated into him. It is Felix who loves Irene. It is Felix that Irene loves. Lerry/Larry is a parasite living in Felix's body (although it is true that Felix gets some benefits from the situation by sacrificing half of his soul but I mean who thinks that's a fair trade? and for Irene's case, who wants that fate for their loved one? She wants to save him from that which makes complete sense).
  11. yukihibari

    yukihibari A Silent Reader

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Somehow I really want to shove your comment to those who blame Irene bcs of her attitude towards Larry. It's not bcs I hate Leraze but there's no way me in my right mind would let my lover get devoured by a demon, so I would probably defend Irene no matter how cruel the methods she uses to drive Leraze away from Felix's body.

    I know she'll make potions to separate them so I don't think it's brutal enough for a demon (but well, the words she uses are spiteful tho).
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
  12. Trulycloudy

    Trulycloudy Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2022
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    For those mad at Irene for being mean to Larry I 100% get you. I know he's the reason Claudia's family died in the og timeline. But I wish larry didn't discover new emotions like sadness or jealousy so I could just hate on him. I get emotional easily when reading, so I was so upset when Irene was repeatedly blaming Larry while he just sat there feeling miserable:( I'm just gonna blame everything on Benjamin.
  13. Scarlet Reed

    Scarlet Reed Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2021
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    i think it makes no sense. you can feel bad for Larry without being mad at irene. it's no one's fault between felix, irene, and larry that larry is in felix's body. but they feel bad for larry who is feeling human emotions from carryover felix's emotions, but they dont feel bad for irene for watching her lover get taken over by an inhuman entity but instead get mad at her?

    the true culprit is those 3 aholes but why get mad at irene? it's normal to feel the way she does. she loves felix and larry is a nothing to her. dont ppl think she's suffering too? larry even mentions in front of her that he wants to eat the remaining half of felix's soul and run away with her. is she supposed to be thrilled? or at the very least be nice to him? he is a very real threat to felix and what remains of him. she wants him gone. cant blame her.
    this why i 100% DON'T get those who are mad at irene.
  14. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    I bet you anything that they’re mad at Irene for Larry’s sake but still hope she hook up with him. The majority won’t honestly say that though but blame Irene instead for not falling for him or giving him a chance even while Felix’s life is at risk.
  15. AnotherDayAnotherStory

    AnotherDayAnotherStory Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
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    I honestly believe some would even have an opposite reaction if it was Irene whose body was taken over by a female devil and it was Felix being extremely harsh to a female devil. They would join him in insulting her if that was the case :whistle:

    Why should she be nice to someone who has taken over her bf. The reaction is understanable.
  16. pinknpk

    pinknpk Member

    Jun 25, 2022
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    I feel so sorry to Larry like he didn’t MEAN to eat felix. He was just summoned by all og ml but the fl and others just blamed him and wish him to die.:cry::cry:
    xpeanut likes this.
  17. Anidori

    Anidori Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2021
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    Irene's talk with Larry after her snu snu with Felix.
    Irene apologizes for her harsh words toward Larry and tells him that she will look for other ways to separate him from Felix other than killing him. However, she thinks that if there really is no other way, she will kill him.
    With a groaning sound, he got up from his seat and fell right on Larry's back. “It’s the devil. Do you know the word self-sufficient?” Irene said as she let out a sigh like a sigh on the nape of Larry's neck. The warmth of her warmth and the softness of her backHe clenched his fists for a moment, then opened them up and cautiously got up. Larry took one step at a time, fearing that the existence behind her would be destroyed. “I’m sorry, I know it’s my fault and I’m really sorry, but let me worry a little bit.”“I don’t even know how to apologize… … .” Irene said, 'Is that also Pell's feelings?' so muttered She rested her chin on Larry's shoulder and blinked for a moment before speaking in a tired voice. "It's not me that you should apologize for, it's Pell, so I don't answer the apology.I will not.” “… … .” “Instead, I have something to apologize for.” "uh?"

    “Last time, I think I was harsh. I thought that Pell would return to its original state only when you died because you had no other answer than extinction.” Larry blinked with a slightly startled look at her words, which continued quietly. It was Larry who could not have imagined that he would receive an apology. No, there was no reason to apologize. Because it was justified anger for a woman who had lost her loved one. “But seeing Pell in person once gave me the opportunity to look for other ways. Pel doesn't seem to have changed that much either. I don't even like meeting Chloe. I don’t think it matters.” And I wonder if I really need to come back to the way I was before. Because Pell's current form is also Pell. Irene said so. There was a lot of affection and love in every word that followed. So Larry apologizes.Even though I heard it, it hurt more like death than before. “You help me too. Then I'll help you too. As much as possible, so that you can come out of Pell's body without being destroyed. there will be a way. No matter how dire and bleak the situation may be, humans have always found an answer.” Of course, if there is no answer but extinction, there is nothing we can do. I mean, I'll try to find a way as much as possible though.
    The words Irene said flocked Larry strangely sounded more painful than the words to die. Wouldn't it be better to trample on me mercilessly? But he swallowed the misery tightly and threw out some pretty absurd words. “Are you in a good mood?” “If you’re saying that because you want to be insulted,I'll be happy to do it. this crazy bastard Asking anything.” “It’s just, isn’t that the skill I passed on to you? Were you satisfied?” what is that Customer Satisfaction Service? Do I even have to do a review? Irene mumbled something incomprehensible behind Larry's back.it went “About a million stars? Actually, I think you misunderstood something, but I didn't use that potion because I was hurt." As I said those words, Irene's body temperature, touching the back of her back, somehow felt higher than before.Larry replied with a smirk at the distant feeling as if the ground was going to go out. “Okay, then."

    Who said he didn't MEAN to eat Felix's soul? He MEANT to eat Felix's soul. He didn't NEED to do it, he WANTED to do it. It is the trade he offered Felix in exchange for giving Felix power/ability to gain victories. But started getting these emotions. In other words, he got more than what he bargained for.

    Irene conversation with him eating Felix's soul:
    “I don’t know what you were thinking. You said it was to live, but you could have survived if you left his soul untouched.”
    Did you just want to imitate a human? Were you able to afford it?
    "I can't stand it even if I hate you to death. Did you know there would be?”
    When asked why, Larry was silent. I didn't even ask him about the reason because it didn't really matter.
    scriptor, Celebrianna, Tt123 and 2 others like this.
  18. Tsuki_Shiroi

    Tsuki_Shiroi Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Sorry to ask ISTP23, (@ISTP23) but can you pleasee plasee tel me the name of the manga/manhwa of your avatar??? I want to read it...he looks so....hot
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2022
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  19. ISTP23

    ISTP23 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    Lol I stan the prince or I'm stanning the prince legally on tappytoons and it's on hiatus right now but you can follow the author in Instagram
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  20. Tsuki_Shiroi

    Tsuki_Shiroi Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Thank you so much
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