Spoiler Return of the Mount Hua Sect (화산귀환)

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Aoi Alice, Jul 6, 2021.

  1. Faelrix

    Faelrix Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2022
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    (1339) Finally seeing HG losing his cool, priceless :blobcat_hyper::blobpitch:
    Get out of here!

    Ho Gamyeong, who pushed away those who prostrated himself as if kicking them, ran directly to the place.

    'It's impossible!"

    If only the Cheonwoomaengdo disappeared, leaving Haenam behind, it would be understandable. However, it makes no sense to say that even all of Haenam's disciples disappeared.

    How can such a thing be possible, unless you are truly divine and harmonious?

    impossible. That can't happen!

    However, after a while, the only thing he encountered was the stupid faces of all the people who were wandering around, not knowing what to do.

    There really wasn't.

    The high cliffs and steep mountains remain the same, but the appearance of the Haenam people is nowhere to be seen.


    The name of the nickname's hand began to tremble as if it had been afflicted with a scourge.

    how? How could this happen? how?

    Ho Ga-myung, who was always cold and cold, looked around in desolation like a crazy person.


    After a while he started ripping his hair off. His hair, which had been neatly organized, was scattered and flowed out. If something unacceptable with common sense happens, the story of what happened is decided.

    volcanic sword gorge

    A beast-like howl erupted from the name's mouth.

    "The volcanic sword is blah blah!

    His screams rose off the cliff and into the sky, echoing in a ferocious way.
    (1340) They're finally out of the canyon peeps!!
    And into the 100k Mountains we go!!!:blobtorch:Dongryong asking all the touche identity reveal questions but gramps fainted again right before the most important one lmao
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2022
  2. ClearSongWillow

    ClearSongWillow Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2022
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    THIS SNEAKY GRANDPA!!!!!!! HE TOTALLY DODGED DONGRYONG'S QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    gibberish mtl below - burn your eyes at your own discretion

    Episode 1340. What happened? (3)

    again again.

    The sound of dripping water spreads clearly.

    Lim So-byeong looked up. Water was dripping down from the top of the rock protruding from the ceiling.


    His gaze turned downward again.

    It's so dark that you can't even see an inch ahead. The darkness encroaching on the surroundings is so thick that unless you are a warrior who has learned martial arts and developed a sense of humor, you cannot even dare to take a step. All he could see was a narrow and long road in the distance.

    A cave or a crypt?

    The crypt they passed through runs long behind their back.

    I was still puzzled as to how I got here. My mind was confused.


    At that time, Cheong-myeong, who was walking in front of him, bent over, pouring saliva. Every time he moved, dried blood shards fell. Lim So-byeong hardened his face and opened his mouth.


    "it's okay"

    But, as if it was no big deal, he raised his head and went on again. A sigh escaped Lim's mouth. Even though I was being picked up, I had to get down and walk on my own feet like that. Who will break that stubbornness? Lim So-byeong, who followed without a word for a while, finally couldn't stand it and asked.

    -stamp. ・How about here?"


    “Can’t you see? it's a cave

    Lim So-Byeong's face contorted slightly.

    "No, you're not asking that? What kind of cave is this?"

    As I was speaking, I thought that the question itself was very absurd. A cave is a cave, is there any other purpose for it?

    But in fact, this question is very valid.

    Lim So-byeong looked at the wall of the cave.

    No matter how you looked at it, it didn't look like a naturally created cave. It was rough, but it certainly looked like it had been touched by a human hand.

    Did someone dig a cave like this??

    why? wherefore

    At that moment, the voice of Cheong Myung spread softly.

    "Do you know where this is?"

    I do not know."

    Hundreds of thousands of mountains

    The cowboy's eyes narrowed slightly. what does that mean

    “Most of them seem to feel that the war with the Magyo is a scramble for one peak, but in reality, thousands of wars have been fought in the southern part of the Central Plains. over several years


    The place where the most wars took place was not in the center of Mt. Hundreds, but on the road to it."

    "Then this is...m


    Qingming answered in a cool voice.

    "It's one of the hiding places they dug."

    Lim So-byeong looked around again with a stiff face.

    'This place...

    Hundreds of thousands of mountains is a hiding place with a beautiful topography in itself. But who would have imagined that such a crypt would be built in such a mountain?

    However, there was another reason why Im So-byeong was really shocked.

    From a bookmaster's point of view, there is nothing as creepy as this crypt, but it is a mountain where it is difficult to guess where the enemy will come from.

    But doesn't the existence of a cave like this mean that the enemy can jump through the ground?

    How the hell did you deal with them?"

    The moment the magicians I saw in Hangzhou and this terrain merged in my head, goosebumps ran down my body. It felt as if the war of the past, which I had only guessed vaguely and desperately, was unfolding vividly in front of me.

    Moreover, after such a long time had passed, there was still a young bloody thing in this cool crypt.

    Does one of them mean there are more than here?"

    I can't

    A smirk escaped Lim So-Byeong's mouth.

    But before they could think for a long time, three forked roads appeared in front of them.

    Everyone is the same. If you come across a fork in a place where you don't know the way at all, you are bound to stand there and worry.

    However, without hesitation, Cheongmyeong entered the left road. He seems to already know this place.

    Lim So-byeong narrowed his eyes slightly and expressed his doubts.

    "Why this way

    In response to the simple answer, the cow soldier looked at the wall where Cheng Myung had spoken.

    And he soon understood the meaning. On the wall on the left side of the road, there were traces that had never been seen before. Traces as if a giant beast had scratched it with its sharp claws.

    This was obviously the traces of many sergeants rubbing against the wall during the battle.

    Did a battle take place here?"

    Even in this deep crypt?


    Im sobyeong flinched at the feeling that something was suddenly revealed.

    Lim So-byeong, who confirmed its identity, had a slight tinge of blood. What he stepped on was a yellowed human bone.

    the dead

    There was a sound of constant pain coming from behind his back.

    There were a lot of dead bodies on the floor of the narrow crypt. It is a scene similar to the one we saw the other day as we went south through Mt. This is the Songmungo Sword."

    Is it a shaman?

    After someone's conversation, there was a moment of silence.

    Even in a narrow crypt deep underground where there was no light, there was a bloody battle between the magicians and factions.

    It was clear that the faction, unable to withstand the enemy's guerrilla warfare, risked their lives to reach this dangerous terrain.


    When the disciples of Haenam were trembling with the horror, the eyes of the disciples of Hwasan and So-byeong Lim were focused only on Cheongmyeong.

    "Dojo. So, did the dojo know there was an entrance to this crypt there earlier?"

    So, did you know in advance that the name of the housekeeper would drive us to the entrance?"

    Qingming nodded slowly.

    what a guy like that

    Lim So-byeong lost his mind for a moment.

    “Then, did you know that I would play in the hands of a nickname and end up in a dead end?


    Yes? then

    "It's just just in case."

    Qingming answered without turning his head. He didn't know if he didn't even need to make eye contact or if he didn't even have the strength to turn his head.

    If you don't get involved, that's fine. But even if you get involved, you have to find a way out.

    The moment I broke through the canyon, the road was already open."

    The cow soldier was speechless and stared blankly at Cheong Myung's back.

    He was completely defeated by the nickname. He may have paid the price for his arrogance, because he had thought that he and his opponents were the ones who wintered the plan, not the name, so the name of the price was not really in his mind.

    Whatever the reason, it is certain that he was completely defeated in the number fight by the nickname.

    But who wins in the first place didn't matter at all. 'Cause all the fights were being fought in the palm of the blue

    "What the hell is this man...

    The cow soldier seemed to understand the heart of the nickname now.

    "That's why he doesn't include the human being named Changilso within the reach of his schemes.

    Wouldn't that be the case for everyone if the strategy they worked hard and worked hard on could only produce results in the palm of someone's hand in the first place?

    When Lim So-byeong was unable to cope with the overwhelming feeling of helplessness and despair, Baek Cheon opened his mouth.


    Qingming didn't answer. But Baekcheon asked without hesitation.

    "Then how did you know there was an entrance to this place?"

    At those words, some of the disciples of Huashan flinched and looked at Baekcheon and Cheongmyeong alternately.

    not once or twice Chungmyeong surprised everyone by bringing out information they couldn't even guess as they do now.

    But so far, no one has dared to pick it up and ask. If it was that guy, it wouldn't be strange to do anything, so I didn't have to ask. That was the tacit rule of volcanic clarity.

    But now, as if Baek Cheon would no longer accept the rule, he posed the most sensitive question without hesitation.

    “Answer me”

    Thousands of people reiterated. This time, despite the silence of Qingming, he didn't seem to have any intention of going overboard.

    After a while, Qingming's mouth opened. However, the beginning of those words was a bit absurd.

    "Do you know why the King of Green Forest was caught up in the nickname?"

    "What are you talking about all of a sudden?"

    “Because I didn’t know.”

    Baekcheon looked back at Im So-byeong with suspicious eyes. Lim So-Byeong's face was hardened. The smile on his face was gone and his face looked cold.

    "If I had known that there was such a terrain there, I would never have gone into it with my own feet. That's what fighting in the main room is like. There is a tremendous advantage that you can't imagine unless you've experienced it." At Qingming’s words, Baekcheon nodded his head slightly. Leaving aside whether it was an appropriate answer to the question, his words themselves were deeply felt throughout this journey.
    You can see for sure if you change your position.

    Someone who comes to the volcano for the first time climbs the mountain to attack the volcano? There are more than five topographical features that pop up in Baekcheon's head. It's the natural rough terrain that will drive them to hell.

    "By the way, this means that if you know, you can guess what they're aiming for. Especially if they think I don't know the terrain.

    "The King of Green Forest didn't know that there was such a topography here, and he didn't know that I knew this place with a nickname. "War isn't just about power that determines the outcome. No, it's not just the wielding of a sword that's not the only force. Because everything that can drive an opponent in is power." Cheongmyung slowly looked back at Baekcheon. His eyes peeked through his blood-tangled hair.

    Baekcheon stared at the back of Cheongmyeong with hardened eyes.

    "How did I know?"

    "I didn't know it, I knew it. That's why I went there because no matter how much he knows Guangdong, I know more than that."

    "How do you know more?"

    Qingming twisted his lips.

    "How would you have known?"

    Baekcheon tried to raise his voice as he felt something squeal for a moment. But then someone grabbed the hem.

    When I turned around, I saw Yoo Yi-seol, who was barely conscious, pulling his sleeve.

    Her bloodstained she slowly shook her head. I don't think I'll ask any more.

    Baekcheon tried to say it again, but before that, the sound of Qingming’s footsteps was slightly different.

    The narrow and long crypt was over. Then, a space so wide that it was hard to believe that it was underground like this was revealed.

    “If they can't find the entrance, they will get caught. Until then, rest with all your might"

    Cheongmyung, who had left those words in a low and low voice, collapsed forward.

    Before anyone could make a sound, Baekcheon moved like an island war and heard the call to fall. He let out a deep sigh as he looked down at Qingming, who had lost consciousness.

    damn bastard

    His voice spread slowly through the wide cavity.

    obligatory shameless plug - please dm me to join our live time screaming on discord
    Edit: join our discord if you want to read ch 1341 - 1344 kehehhehe
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2022
  3. TravelBee

    TravelBee Active Member

    Jul 31, 2022
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    GimmeAnswersNotSleep likes this.
  4. MABriCk

    MABriCk Member

    Sep 1, 2022
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  5. etherealmn

    etherealmn Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2021
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    I know grandpa would not answer it right now BUT FUCK SOMEONE FINALLY ASK?????? THAT QUESTION?????? THAT TABOO QUESTION???????????

  6. TravelBee

    TravelBee Active Member

    Jul 31, 2022
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    Waiting patiently for 1341 :sweating_profusely::sweating_profusely:
    atsuya likes this.
  7. Shaiole

    Shaiole Mad scientist

    Jul 14, 2016
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    Such a shame naver wont let me create an account... I didint recieve the text to confirm my mobile number(not a korean).
    Arryetty and whitechild_dambi like this.
  8. whitechild_dambi

    whitechild_dambi Member

    Jul 19, 2022
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    Actually same here. I heard naver made it stricter for non-koreans like once the phone no. or email you use are denied (like you didn't got a text) you will have to use a different one for the next one (base on every video and site I search on for solution) So I just finally gave it up and luckily I stumble upon here and meet the wonderful people who help me continue reading the series:bloblove: (love the reactions here too LOL)
    Arryetty and cikii like this.
  9. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    You will see your Dongryong again on chapter 1343. After being stabbed by Dang Bo's flashback :blobjoy:
  10. TravelBee

    TravelBee Active Member

    Jul 31, 2022
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    Asdfghkl can't wait
    Let me stock up chapters then :blob_coffee::blob_coffee:said noone ever
  11. whitechild_dambi

    whitechild_dambi Member

    Jul 19, 2022
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    Credit to: @hwasansuksu from twitter
    Arryetty, jaesky, TravelBee and 4 others like this.
  12. jaesky

    jaesky Active Member

    Sep 12, 2022
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    Hi well I'm pretty new to this site but I can maybe help on this as I've done it earlier for webtoons... non koreans need to submit an international request. Search "age verification naver" and you'll probably find it, since this forum isn't letting me post a link.

    Be certain that the name on your ID matches the name you signed up for in Naver or else they won't approve the request. Also, if you have more than 2 names (i.e have a middle name in addition to first and last name) then you should specifically mention that in the request details somewhere. My request was denied twice and they emailed me saying that the name didn't match and I had to tell them it was impossible for it to match since the naver account signup only takes first and last name.

    In any case, if you download the naver webtoon app and try to buy coins it'll redirect you automatically to the age verification & there should be some text like "I am international/I need help". You can complete the verification on there, and then buy the novel directly on the Naver Series app. I would recommend downloading Papago language translation app if you don't have it already to help with some of the translation stuff.

    Only problem that it doesn't let you screenshot the chapter from the app and yeah I get it since they don't want piracy, but the problem is that we can't understand Korean anyway so it's useless unless you can translate it. I have a fairly basic level of korean so I buy it to just practice korean/try to get the meaning but you'd have to actually type it out separately, get around the screenshot with some acrobatics, or you could project your phone screen to a laptop and try to take a screenshot from there. Either way, it's a good way to support the author directly, that's the main reason I buy the chapters. I guess if you have a windows laptop probably also easy to get around it but I only have a mac and naver series is dumb it doesn't work with mac.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2023
  13. whitechild_dambi

    whitechild_dambi Member

    Jul 19, 2022
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    How they will react if they receive a confession...
    Credits to: @hwasansuksu
    Baekcheon & Yu Iseol
    Yunjong & Jogeol
    Soso & Hyeyeon
    Grumpy Grandpa (Cheongmyeong)

    Nobody's posting so let me just share these cute fanarts... I'm also just waiting for more chapters to read :blobsnow:
    Arryetty, OnlyHurts, Kamikaf and 4 others like this.
  14. busyoldfool

    busyoldfool Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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    Does anyone have any fic recs that revolves around CM’s secret? Like someone actually finding out his real identity or have misunderstandings/outlandish theories re: his background. There was one hilarious Twitter thread where CM gets misunderstood as his own descendant and Tangbo’s…at first CM was indignant but then Tanggunak was so convincing CM began to doubt his own memories :ROFLMAO:
  15. Torabicca

    Torabicca Member

    Nov 16, 2021
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    OMG *coughs* sssir may I ask for the sauce

    EDIT: (accidentally double-posted lol)
  16. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    Hello! Biga-nim has an end note/announcement after the chapter update (1354) today;

    Also, never again write the word: "facebook two key" in here. If you hadn't notice, all the post consisting of it was deleted. So if you don't want your post deleted, never write it again. It will be like Voldemort from this moment on: the thing that must not be named. :blobjoy:

    Just say it updated to notify people. Or Voldemort has come or Cheonma visited. Do your own creative announcement. That's all.

    PS. In relation to this, Voldemort might be gone in the near future, I've read a news that KKP will file legal action againts it.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2022
  17. Shaiole

    Shaiole Mad scientist

    Jul 14, 2016
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    Tldr: 7/week update changes to 5/week. Possible future breaks.

    Bummer. Well kinda makes sense. Kept thinking if author is on drugs with daily chapters
    foldingcrane likes this.
  18. jaesky

    jaesky Active Member

    Sep 12, 2022
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    honestly I'm glad he's taking a break its like another long standing series I love, Kubera. The authors never take breaks at all. Makes you worried on if they harming their health and sanity, especially with Korea's work ethic already being crazy

    But if they don't want Voldemort can they make it easier to buy??? It's so difficult, especially with multiple different sites each requiring their own age authentication :(
    whitechild_dambi and Uncopyright like this.
  19. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    Yep, sad that almost all of their sites are not foreigner friendly. Atleast make the papago app a plug-in for naver series/webtoon app too. :sushi_dead:
    jaesky likes this.
  20. Kaylee

    Kaylee Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Is this novel written by Higa-nim only or there's a team?