Spoiler Please Marry Me Again, Husband!/남편님, 다시 결혼해 주세요!

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by november27, Jun 13, 2021.

  1. AnisiKee

    AnisiKee Active Member

    Jun 6, 2022
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    huh? the brother is in this novel is miles better than so many other family members in other novels. He never mistreated her and he was busy with his focus to rebuild the family and business after their father messed with it so he couldn't look after her, that is true. But he was always nice to her but there was a communication problem between them. He always cared, not just in the second TL, it's just that FL finally opened up / approached him in the second TL. Sorry but that narrative won't work on this character.
    Tobbit, Zvskdlin, ri_n and 14 others like this.
  2. Desperate

    Desperate Desperate for spoilers <( °-° )>

    Mar 13, 2021
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    I didn't say he mistreated him, he was just being a dumbass and left her(literally never talking to her even tho they've ran to each other, how can you blame the fl for misunderstanding that.), Everyone knows she's an illegitimate child and her brother ignoring her is a sign that he doesn't favor her. He can literally do NOTHING(which he did in the first tl) and that could give signals that he doesn't like her. He even said he noticed that she was depressed but didn't took the courage to talk to her. The fl had to talk to him first(which.. let's be fr, if the fl never had her memories in the first tl, she would basically still be the same and her brother ignoring her yet again lol) tho I agree the men I've mentioned are far worse than him. All he did was ignore her and the servants taking that as a sign to mistreat her. This is what I'm talking about the fl "changing". I rlly hope there's a character in a manhwa where they genuinely love/like the fl's Original behavior/character. Which in this case is the ml. Legit the best ml I've ever seen/read.

    It rlly annoys me how the fl has to be outgoing, bubbly, or lively just to be liked or loved.
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  3. sirwence

    sirwence Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2019
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    But she didn't have to be..he liked* her, certainly well enough to face the repercussions; and there would be plenty... especially when rebuilding a Duchy that was clearly not managed to its upmost by the father. So he officially recognizes her that isn't something you do to someone you're indifferent to or that you dislike (If he doesnt give a darn, simply leave her as she was).

    You now have two people who aren't very 'out going' (You don't see him going to parties.. his form of speech is usually curt and to the point and done - his 'expressive dialogue' is almost entirely an inner monologue. So was hers. So they both messed up you could say, you could also take your MCFL at her word when she openly admits she misjudged him due to her own prejudices.(I don't feel I need to mention MCFL's stuff since we all know it or I would assume so) He isn't perfect, he knows it to. *shrug* the assumption was that him forcing through her being recognized would protect and help her, and also undid an injustice his father had done (which he clearly disagreed with). In summary....They both had and have their issues, and when they finally start communicating, they start bonding more, both* realizing they should have done it sooner.

    Also general ML: Wise...I mean how many do you find without stunning good looks, titles and/or, resources and/or , tons of throw away money and/or , martial mastery and/or , some form of sorcery or magic ability etc yada get the amazing FL ? None. lol just saying your annoyance is not a one way street either.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2022
    Zvskdlin, ri_n, iwillsay and 2 others like this.
  4. Desperate

    Desperate Desperate for spoilers <( °-° )>

    Mar 13, 2021
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    (Sigh) I don't think u get my point. Yet again, I'm talking about the "CHANGE". Ik the brother's character. He's social skills r shit and he focused the last 5yrs working hard. The fl fucked up for assuming too, but why even point the blame on to her too?? Like girly is an ILLEGITIMATE CHILD. She suddenly met her half brother, was cold and ignored her. Do u rlly think an depressed girl won't assume shit loll it's literally miscommunication (tho they didn't speak other than the fl greeting him then running away and the brother ignoring loll.) They r completely 2 same people. They don't have social skills. Like dude suddenly could talk to her when she "change". This is what I'm talking about... I'm talking about how the brother was able to communicate to her so well suddenly in the second tl. Obviously she's not the same as before cuz she CHANGE. He is hella nice. Too nice for just an illegitimate child. But yet again, I'm talking about the change..(literally said this word a hundred times). If she had stayed the depressed, sad, weak fl, bro would ignore her and she would constantly be mistreated by the servants until the day she was forced to marry the ml lolll But ofc, fl had her memories from the first tl and is now not depressed anymore. She gets the courage to talk to him first and bam... He's suddenly able to talk to her.

    "But she didn't have to be bubbly,etc because he liked her alrdy" yeah he did but what did he do??? Not talk to her and ignore her LOL. The fl is a dumb naive girl in the first tl. She would never realized that he's nice to her since he didn't kill her or dump her somewhere but instead lived in luxury. I don't understand what's hard with what I said. If it's my grammar, apologies English is not my first language. It's rlly hard to find manhwas where the fl is depressed but the characters accept her wholeheartedly rather than someone taking over her body so she's suddenly talkative, going outside, doing activities, or forced to act cute and then the characters suddenly *showing their love/like to her.
  5. Cocoish

    Cocoish New Member

    Jun 20, 2022
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    Guys please post novel in English translation.....whole novel... please
  6. i_am_here

    i_am_here Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2020
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    Do they have any kids at the end?

    Also, why does the Emperor hate his son so much and favor his sister's child who is a notorious womanizer?

    Does the brother end up with anyone?
    Minaeli likes this.
  7. cupboardbee

    cupboardbee Not Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    The fl was well liked in the first tl too, she wasn't outgoing then, maybe not by the same people in the second tl, but still.
    The bro knows exactly where he fcked up and was a really nice person in both tls, and the fl also explicitly said that she may have been the first one to draw the line, so the hate really seems unneeded, that's likely why a lot are defending the brother instead.
    Someone has to make the first step, the fl emphasizes that for some parts, "I have to make the first step this time/ I have to this time" or something, you're upset that why it was her that has to change idrk how to answer that ??? It just came together that way maybe. She never cared about anything either apart from cardi and everything directly concerning him (like his estate), not revenge, not the emperor, not even the curse I think (cause she didn't hesitate to be a companion sooner than she did the first tl)
    Just my 2 cents, I skimmed all that so its not on point

    What actually was the emperor's problem with ml? He didn't get to marry whoever he wanted cause ml mom volunteered for marriage? Like his wife died, so he could've gotten a new wife and child but didn't?
    Did mom really su*cide?
    What of yernen's fate?
    Honestly I am curious, was there any reason why there were no kids in their first tl?
    And what happened after fl died in the first?
  8. Johnwill12

    Johnwill12 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2020
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    It’s sweet that Shuria and Cardi are going to become parents, I hope that there’s another side story that talks about that? I also hope that there’s a side story talking about how Jernen and Cynthia find a way around their responsibilities so that they can be together and even marry each other? I wonder why it took Jernen so long to finally express his feelings for Cynthia? It’s good that Jernen will lavish some attention to a girl (woman) who isn’t his sister (Shuria) for a change.

    There has to be more events that follow, how does Marquis Norbert meet his downfall? What happens after the events that are talked about in this rough series of events, there has to be more? How does Shuria find a way to break Cardi’s curse of Reyes? How many side stories are there in volume 7 just out of curiosity?

    There has to be more events that follow, how does Marquis Norbert meet his downfall? What happens after the events that are talked about in this rough series of events, there has to be more? How does Shuria find a way to break Cardi’s curse of Reyes? How many side stories are there in volume 7, and is there
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2023
    magfuentes, Reeka98 and Shiro_Gekkei like this.
  9. Fenrironcrac

    Fenrironcrac Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2020
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    So why couldn’t FL unleash her saintess powers in the 1st TL? And why could she do it now? Why and how exactly did she regress?
    Shiro_Gekkei likes this.
  10. Macarol

    Macarol Click on my signature for a surprise

    Oct 14, 2020
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  11. Shimozuki Yue

    Shimozuki Yue Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2017
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    Man, by the way the stupid emperor favors that Essen, I almost think he committed incest with that btch (which is normal in their timeline by the way). The family have massive narcissism going on in their bloodline.

    Tbh, I don't blame him. They're both abused children.

    He's only 20 when their father died and he probably didn't know how to 'parent' another big kid. Which isn't his fault, their age difference is just 5yrs. When he got the title, the first thing he did was to gave MC the legitimacy. For him, it's an all out solution as the root of her problems is her status. The bad thing was, MC was the type of problematic kid you needed to pay full attention of and must watch over. She was 15, in their era, that's an adult. But she can't stand up for herself, can't take advantage of her position, meek, have persecution delusions (which is very mild since she's technically right everytime) and didn't know what to do. Which is definitely not her fault. But as I said, I also don't blame him for being unable to parent her.

    I do, at first, think why didn't he reach out nor said anything about the marriage in the first life. But as the story goes, I realized it's the MC who never reach out. The brother went to announce her status and gave her a proper name. That's him taking the first step. MC never did after, and for the brother, he didn't have the right to meddle with her life and decisions as he clearly saw the lines that MC draw. The difference in this life was that MC finally approached him and he saw an opening, that he's allowed to care now. As you see, he doesn't suddenly like the MC, for him, she's always his sister. Don't forget that they're abused children. Just like how MC was afraid to be abandon, they're the type that would walk on egg shells and won't kept trying to approach once they felt rejection. Also, while abuse victims tend to identify with each other, they also tend to subconsciously ignore each other as a way to not remember. So when MC married, she never looked back the same way the brother forgot her in those 5yrs.
  12. Truthtail

    Truthtail New Member

    Sep 26, 2022
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    More spilers please!:aww:
  13. SammieUy

    SammieUy Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2019
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    How does this story end? Is anyone translating this novel?
  14. Elisee

    Elisee Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2021
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    Spoiler please
  15. drkart

    drkart Active Member

    Jun 24, 2022
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    still catching up with the manhwa, but I really like this fl, bc she actually acts like a 30 year old. She acts lovey dovey with the ml, but it's not in a childish way and it's cute to see that she loved him and never blamed him even once that she died bc of him. Her age reflects her confident and more out going behaviour and seeing how she rewarded and punished servants in a mature and logical way, i can't not love her. I don't want to talk other stories bad, but sometimes, those people are like 30/40 and then regress and act immature or childish. it was mentioned before in the threat, that other regressors came back with the revenge, so that ofc also plays a role. It's so refreshing to see someone regress who throughoutly enjoyed her life and only wished to repeat it (and live longer).
  16. kingkiller

    kingkiller Member

    Jan 26, 2022
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    Can anyone spoil me on the emperor--does he get his ass handed to him or no??
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  17. ThtsnotmefeIIas

    ThtsnotmefeIIas Active Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    Anyone knows where I can read the whole novel?
  18. Teffavm

    Teffavm New Member

    May 10, 2022
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    Spoilers pleaseee
  19. Yume-sama

    Yume-sama Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2021
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    Ummm, have anyone a spoiler from that, why they regressed? I'm tully intrested. It's such a sweet story.
  20. Johnwill12

    Johnwill12 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2020
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    At the moment they are taking a break until June 2nd, apparently the author is sick, but I’m sure that he will recover.