Spoiler Crowning a Spoiled Prince

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by dunnoperson_, Mar 1, 2022.


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  1. beansbeanie

    beansbeanie Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2022
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    can you spoil aaron and reginas reunion after she runs away in the end? :blobsmilehappyeyes:
    Yume-sama likes this.
  2. EPITHE11

    EPITHE11 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    But why she run away??
  3. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    I feel like MC was too much to her father. He was mean and neglectful of her before, but not to the point where he wouldn't cry at her death
    I know. But he didn't say any mean things to her other than that nonsensical accusation when his wife died. Nor did he deprive her of anything, still provided all the luxuries and privileges of a princess. He just avoided her. I'm not saying she should have made up with him and treated him with daughterly love, but at least show some mercy on his deathbed.
  4. Missy Mischief

    Missy Mischief Well-Known Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    i mean she did say that he needs to wait until they meet in the afterlife and he can ask her again if she can forgive him. she left him with a hope or left him hanging, depend on which side you look through it, on his deathbed. it's just really depends how deep the scar was for his mistake of neglection on her

    Last night, after tossing and turning for a long time, Aaron barely fell asleep, rubbing his stiff eyes and waking up early in the morning. It was Aaron, who would normally have showered and had breakfast after running the gym until he started sweating after washing his face lightly. But today is a special day. After washing his face with more care than ever before, Aaron went up to the southern watchtower of Harlan early in the morning after washing his face and changing into neatly ironed clothes. It was a watchtower built at the entrance that outsiders had to go through to visit Harlan.

    “Are you looking at me this morning?”

    A soldier waiting for his shift in the early morning greeted him as if he was familiar with his visit. Aaron's gaze, who replaced his greeting with a slight nod of his head, had already turned to a distant place. It was not known exactly when Regina would arrive. Because the walking speed was what Regina decided. However, Aaron, unable to suppress his desire to welcome Regina before anyone else, was willing to invest all of his time here today.

    Did you know his heart like that? Not long after the sun came up, Aaron could find the figure of someone he had longed for at the end of the road heading south. She was Regina, a dark-haired woman on a horse that was walking side by side with two black wolf dogs.

    As soon as he recognized that she was Regina, Aaron jumped down from the watchtower and started running quickly out of the castle, driving his horse that had been prepared under the watchtower. At his urging, Aaron, who saw Regina getting clearer and clearer on the horse that was running faster than ever, was praying that this would not be a dream while listening to the sound of my heart that started beating fast.

    “… … majesty."

    How long did it run like that? Aaron pulled the reins to stop her, and when he met Regina, none of the words he wanted to say came out of her mouth, and he had no choice but to stare blankly at her face. After a period of 'only three years' or 'three years' depending on the person, she was the first to meet her face.

    Aaron got off his horse, staring blankly at Regina, who had a more beautiful and lively face than he had in his memory, and was barely able to come to his senses thanks to Leon, who stood in front of him. The appearance of a wolf dog as if it were dealing with a foe was distasteful but pleasant. In addition, Riga's bright face, waving her tail and looking at herself and Regina alternately, without being able to grasp the situation, was so consistent that she could not feel the passage of time, and her laughter came out without realizing it.

    “Are you out to meet me? Do you know when I will arrive?”

    “Because I promised you. I will wait.”

    Regina got off her horse and lightly stroked Leon's neck, standing in front of her, and her eyes were wide open as if she had not expected such an answer from him.

    “I’ve been waiting for you, my lord.”

    Aaron, who confessed that he was waiting for you once again, smiled brightly. And Regina, who looked at his face and smiled as if imitating him, answered.

    “I missed you, darling.”

    The sun slowly rising high in the sky was shining brightly as if blessing the reunion of the two.
    After running away from home, Regina enjoyed an excursion to the south and found Harlan. She stayed in the room prepared by Aaron for three months and received a bouquet of flowers that he prepared every morning. A bouquet of flowers placed in front of her door every morning along with a small note with flower language was Aaron's confession of love. However, as she was planning her trip again, Regina could not pretend that she knew his confession.

    It was at the moment when Regina was secretly about to go on a trip again when Aaron realized that he was pretending not to know even though he had noticed Regina's thoughts.

    [Where do you plan to go this time?]

    Theor and Selma, who were trying to get her back to the capital, and Regina, who had unknowingly packed their bags and left the room, somehow found Aaron standing next to two wolfdogs, holding Nael's reins. The moment he saw the bouquet in the hand opposite him, who was not holding the reins, Regina, who was a little sad and a little pounding, and had a dizzying mind, just stood there staring blankly at her. opened the mouth of

    [It is said that the bandits are attacking again. Be careful.]

    Then he quietly left the room, handed him a bouquet made of only the flowers Regina liked. It was after she had done everything she could to get her out of her castle without her knowledge.

    Regina started traveling again, this time moving westward. She wondered about her north, where the yeti lived, but she had to go through the capital city to get there, so she neatly folded her mind and climbed her journey. This trip of her Regina was the same as her previous ones. She moved at her will, occasionally waving her club, and in one place she wrote Aaron a letter. If there was one difference from her previous one, it was that each letter Aaron received had a small press print.

    Aaron could quickly recognize that the press art was made from the flowers he had given him as a gift. In the letters the two exchanged like that, various types of flowers always started to come together. They didn't talk to each other, but the flowers they exchanged were speaking their minds instead.

    And the day Regina's second trip ended.

    Returning to Harlan, Regina proposed to Aaron, who greeted her with a bright face, with a bouquet of wild flowers as a gift. Although she was surprised and embarrassed, Aaron, who could not hide his joy, hugged her bouquet tightly and confessed her love with her tears dripping down, so cute that Regina grabbed her breasts was a story only the two of them knew.

    Last night, after tossing and turning for a long time, Aaron barely fell asleep, rubbing his stiff eyes and waking up early in the morning. It was Aaron, who would normally have showered and had breakfast after running the gym until he started sweating after washing his face lightly. But today is a special day. After washing his face with more care than ever before, Aaron went up to the southern watchtower of Harlan early in the morning after washing his face and changing into neatly ironed clothes. It was a watchtower built at the entrance that outsiders had to go through to visit Harlan.

    “Are you looking at me this morning?”

    A soldier waiting for his shift in the early morning greeted him as if he was familiar with his visit. Aaron's gaze, who replaced his greeting with a slight nod of his head, had already turned to a distant place. It was not known exactly when Regina would arrive. Because the walking speed was what Regina decided. However, Aaron, unable to suppress his desire to welcome Regina before anyone else, was willing to invest all of his time here today.

    Did you know his heart like that? Not long after the sun came up, Aaron could find the figure of someone he had longed for at the end of the road heading south. She was Regina, a dark-haired woman on a horse that was walking side by side with two black wolf dogs.

    As soon as he recognized that she was Regina, Aaron jumped down from the watchtower and started running quickly out of the castle, driving his horse that had been prepared under the watchtower. At his urging, Aaron, who saw Regina getting clearer and clearer on the horse that was running faster than ever, was praying that this would not be a dream while listening to the sound of my heart that started beating fast.

    “… … majesty."

    How long did it run like that? Aaron pulled the reins to stop her, and when he met Regina, none of the words he wanted to say came out of her mouth, and he had no choice but to stare blankly at her face. After a period of 'only three years' or 'three years' depending on the person, she was the first to meet her face.

    Aaron got off his horse, staring blankly at Regina, who had a more beautiful and lively face than he had in his memory, and was barely able to come to his senses thanks to Leon, who stood in front of him. The appearance of a wolf dog as if it were dealing with a foe was distasteful but pleasant. In addition, Riga's bright face, waving her tail and looking at herself and Regina alternately, without being able to grasp the situation, was so consistent that she could not feel the passage of time, and her laughter came out without realizing it.

    “Are you out to meet me? Do you know when I will arrive?”

    “Because I promised you. I will wait.”

    Regina got off her horse and lightly stroked Leon's neck, standing in front of her, and her eyes were wide open as if she had not expected such an answer from him.

    “I’ve been waiting for you, my lord.”

    Aaron, who confessed that he was waiting for you once again, smiled brightly. And Regina, who looked at his face and smiled as if imitating him, answered.

    “I missed you, darling.”

    The sun slowly rising high in the sky was shining brightly as if blessing the reunion of the two.
    After running away from home, Regina enjoyed an excursion to the south and found Harlan. She stayed in the room prepared by Aaron for three months and received a bouquet of flowers that he prepared every morning. A bouquet of flowers placed in front of her door every morning along with a small note with flower language was Aaron's confession of love. However, as she was planning her trip again, Regina could not pretend that she knew his confession.

    It was at the moment when Regina was secretly about to go on a trip again when Aaron realized that he was pretending not to know even though he had noticed Regina's thoughts.

    [Where do you plan to go this time?]

    Theor and Selma, who were trying to get her back to the capital, and Regina, who had unknowingly packed their bags and left the room, somehow found Aaron standing next to two wolfdogs, holding Nael's reins. The moment he saw the bouquet in the hand opposite him, who was not holding the reins, Regina, who was a little sad and a little pounding, and had a dizzying mind, just stood there staring blankly at her. opened the mouth of

    [It is said that the bandits are attacking again. Be careful.]

    Then he quietly left the room, handed him a bouquet made of only the flowers Regina liked. It was after she had done everything she could to get her out of her castle without her knowledge.

    Regina started traveling again, this time moving westward. She wondered about her north, where the yeti lived, but she had to go through the capital city to get there, so she neatly folded her mind and climbed her journey. This trip of her Regina was the same as her previous ones. She moved at her will, occasionally waving her club, and in one place she wrote Aaron a letter. If there was one difference from her previous one, it was that each letter Aaron received had a small press print.

    Aaron could quickly recognize that the press art was made from the flowers he had given him as a gift. In the letters the two exchanged like that, various types of flowers always started to come together. They didn't talk to each other, but the flowers they exchanged were speaking their minds instead.

    And the day Regina's second trip ended.

    Returning to Harlan, Regina proposed to Aaron, who greeted her with a bright face, with a bouquet of wild flowers as a gift. Although she was surprised and embarrassed, Aaron, who could not hide his joy, hugged her bouquet tightly and confessed her love with her tears dripping down, so cute that Regina grabbed her breasts was a story only the two of them knew.

    Although they proposed, the two did not immediately prepare for the wedding. It's good to get married right away, but it was because I wanted to enjoy a real relationship before that. It was about a month ago that the couple, who had been in a relationship for a long time, decided to get married with Martin's proper advice, Leon's check, and bright Riga's support, who got married first.

    And it was two weeks after that, when the Emperor smashed Regina's plan, which had dreamed of a small but happy wedding, by inviting only the Duke and Sister Vestein and a few close acquaintances.

    “… … I can't get over it just thinking about cancer... … .”

    At the most, I changed my mood by reminiscing about the beautiful dating days, but the ending led to the emperor again, and the anger rose again. Should I throw up a chair and come back? Amman was still the emperor, so if he wielded Titty, there was a risk of being dragged to the dungeon for treason or treason. But what about chairs, they're furniture, not weapons, so wouldn't it be okay to throw them? Theor used to dodge well, but the Emperor is also good at avoiding it? No, it's better if he can't avoid it... … .

    Had Regina noticed that she was having some dangerous thoughts? Aaron, who was walking quietly while holding her hand, stopped her and grabbed Regina's hand lightly. Regina, who was walking immersed in her thoughts, couldn't hide her surprise at his actions, so she raised her head and met his and her eyes. Aaron slowly opened her mouth while looking at Regina's purple eyes, blinking slowly at her asking her why.

    “But my lord… … May I ask when you will call my name?”

    "yes? suddenly?"

    “The wedding will be held in a few days, but the word ‘you’ feels distant.”

    "uh… … Is that so?”

    It must have been said that he was trying to block Regina's dangerous thoughts, but it turned out to be so. She will soon be married... … Calling 'you' as if calling anyone was definitely a title that felt a sense of distance.

    “Then the name from now on… … Shall I call you by name?”

    “I would be happy if you did.”

    Regina licked her lips at the thought that the reflection of my face in her highly anticipated red eyes looked very stupid, but the word 'Aaron' did not come out easily. She's just her name, but when she consciously tried to call her, her throat was clogged and it was awkward to spit her out.

    “Why don’t you try calling the person who spoke first?”

    So I turned around. Expectations grew more and more, and as I was looking at the beautiful face I recalled, I felt like there were no more words to say. First, I was thinking of passing the order to Aaron and buying time. However, Regina's plan was ruined by Aaron's word.

    “… … Regina... … .”

    “Regina” with a shy voice without even making eye contact with her face dyed red from embarrassment. Is it okay for a 27-year-old man to be this cute?
    Because she doesn't want to be a hindrance on Theor's ascension to the throne, some nobles wanys her to be the emperor. Also, she wants to be free. Free from her past and free from being a royal but the emperor didn't want her to be expelled so she run away instead
  5. definitelyprocrastinating

    definitelyprocrastinating Member

    Sep 17, 2022
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    But he did deprive her of something, he deprived her of paternal love and affection, to a child who had just lost their mother. Her father providing her with luxuries honestly requires no effort from him, that's her birthright for being born as a princess and he is literally a king overflowing with wealth, him providing her with access to this makes no dent in his life. Also he still tries to force her to marry her fiance that she told him time and time again that she refuses to, aptly saying that if an alliance is needed through marriage, why doesn't he re-marry instead, why should she be the sacrifice?

    You can argue she should have shown mercy on a deathbed but she was just doing what he always did, which is abstain from familial responsibility.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2022
  6. _etro_

    _etro_ Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2021
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    Noo... i thing this guy has his just dessert...in manhwa you can read that he thought no matter he treat his daughter awfully she will always beg his love and mercy and their relationship is as king and princess not father and daughter

    So when princess doesnt care anymore, not begging for his love, treat him as a king not a father and pretend that his father never has daughter that is when the king has a little shock

    The king try to make his daughter see him as a father. But as long as their past sour relationship, this king feels comfortable to treat her daughter as his subject and not as his daughter so that is why he has gal to order his daughter about engagement.

    He want his daughter see him as a father but how he treat her is like a king order his subject so that is why the princess stop caring for his father
  7. keonang010

    keonang010 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2022
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    Can anyone spoiler side story?
    cometothedarkside97 likes this.
  8. hilise_

    hilise_ Member

    Aug 28, 2022
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    You mean ancestors?
  9. Missy Mischief

    Missy Mischief Well-Known Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    to be specific, the first emperor and since he already dead for how many years, his descendants and the empire he build
  10. hilise_

    hilise_ Member

    Aug 28, 2022
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    Ah, yes the Ancestors of FL right? Got confused to the “descendants of FL” part.
    bleedingliar24 likes this.
  11. Missy Mischief

    Missy Mischief Well-Known Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    yep the OP might have mixed up the words but its the ancestors not the descendants
    bleedingliar24 likes this.
  12. nineknights

    nineknights Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2021
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    TBH I really wish there was a moment where the fl smacks the Hermann guy right across his face in public and he has no choice but to take it and also Apologize cuz if he didn't it might implicate the crazy witch Anita and her plans it definitely wouldn't be nearly enough suffering for him but it would be kinda satisfying because he not only harmed his own parents but also cheated on his fiance and also became a traitor and ended up harming and ending the life of countless innocent ppl all for the completely misdirected revenge of an insane witch that he was in love with.
  13. _etro_

    _etro_ Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2021
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    Hermann is the exact example of "love is blind"

    If his love can see a little logic he will not harm his parent, his title, territory and his duke family vassal and follower

    But what can you say, love is blind for Hermann, so blind that make him idiot :sweating_profusely:
    M30WWWW, nyxxx, Leilacus and 5 others like this.
  14. Mari-29-2.0

    Mari-29-2.0 Active Member

    Sep 14, 2022
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    He’s pretty much the same as Anita when she was blindly in love with the first emperor. And Anita did the same to Herman at what the emperor did to her.
  15. yourmomtenkeyy

    yourmomtenkeyy procrastinating my procrastination

    Apr 5, 2021
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    Does this thing has a novel? Can anyone share me the link!?
  16. Missy Mischief

    Missy Mischief Well-Known Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    i dont think someone translated the series... i just read mine from kakao
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  17. beansbeanie

    beansbeanie Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2022
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    oh i forgot can someone spoil the scene where aaron rejects regina publicly? :blobowoevil:
  18. SkyLisette

    SkyLisette LadyGrimmOfAutumn

    Apr 30, 2020
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    It was spoiled previously but a mod deleted it whoever posts it next will probably have to be more vague
  19. Missy Mischief

    Missy Mischief Well-Known Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    your wish is my command and not because i find this scenario funny
    Finding Aaron wasn't difficult.

    He just instinctively looked for the brightest spot and he was there.

    Aaron raised his head as if he felt Regina's gaze as he looked at him with his beautiful brow wrinkled as if he was having a serious conversation with Gisley.

    Regina, who had stood only looking at him as if possessed by his red eyes for a brief moment, was awakened by the voices of the nobles murmuring over me and turned around.

    Aaron must have known her intentions, as I had asked her to spare some time during today's banquet.

    Regina came out to the terrace and waited for Aaron while standing in the spot she had known beforehand.

    With the help of Una and Johan, the location was found after several days of research, and it was an exquisite location that could only be seen by others.

    Now, as long as Aaron stands in front of her, it's perfect.

    Aaron was turning his back, so even if the acting was a bit awkward, the smart nobles wouldn't find out that this was a well-planned show.

    'Only me, only me!'

    From now on is important.

    It was about to change the location after deliberately attracting the attention of curious ladies and young-ae.

    Aaron, who catches people's attention just by being there, moved in the same direction as Regina.

    Everyone's attention in the hall will be drawn to this side.

    Regina glanced over Aaron's shoulder as he slowly walked towards her.

    Again, a lot of people were watching.

    “Thank you, dear, for taking the time. Now I think we have to move on.”

    Regina, who muttered a very small whisper so that only Aaron in front of her could hear it, caught her breath and looked at him.

    Although it is a fake, it was the first time I had to confess to a man that I like and love him.

    Her heart started pounding and pounding loudly, and her face heated up, and her white, soft cheeks were flushed red.

    “That, you. Actually I... … .”

    “Sir, I’m sorry. May I speak first?”

    "uh? huh? No, it doesn't matter... … Are you okay, darling?”

    Did he change from the setting that he was forced to accept Regina's earnestness to the setting that he confessed to Regina's earnestness first?

    Regina was waiting for Aaron's next words with eyes mixed with doubt and expectation.

    And Aaron, looking at her sparkling purple eyes, was unable to spit out the first words of the chosen words out of guilt.

    I was able to picture her in my head even though I didn't see her past time, when I pretended not to be, and waited only for today.

    Of course, the source of this imagination was mostly Egil's, but Aaron was clearly aware that he was about to inflict an indelible wound on Regina at this moment.


    Aaron knelt down on one knee and bowed his head.

    At the end of the lowered gaze, thin white fingers trembling with tension caught my eye.

    Aaron felt the guilt piercing his chest once more and closed his eyes tightly.

    He was not here now, who bluntly refused any confession from any woman.

    I couldn't understand why only Regina had this kind of feeling.

    Did you spend a lot of time together?

    Or is Regina desperate?

    Or is it that she is a lovely person?

    I don't know the answer, but what Aaron had to do now was a definite rejection.

    He opened his closed eyes and lifted his head to look at Regina's face.

    After a while, a gentle and beautiful face, not knowing what would happen to him, was reflected in his red eyes.

    “I’m sorry, Your Majesty.”

    “… … What?"


    said it

    Aaron continued to speak while looking at Regina, who blinked quickly as if in bewilderment.

    “I was foolish and could not comprehend Your Majesty’s heart.

    Blinded by the immediate interests, I ended up making promises to my majesty that I should not have made.”

    “That, you?”

    “Forgive me.”

    It was a deal that would not have been accepted if Regina had known beforehand.

    It was just something he did to solve his annoyance.

    I didn't even realize it was wrong.

    They just nodded their heads to say they liked each other.

    “My selfish greed has made a decision that hurts you greatly.”

    “I have no idea what you are talking about, dear.”

    Watching Regina's purple eyes flutter, Aaron felt sorry for him.

    Even though the situation was like this, he could not even dare to guess the deep inside of Regina, who pretended not to know or pretended not to know.

    “I’m sorry I didn’t notice your feelings in advance.”

    “No, baby, do you really think I like you? no! Did you forget the promise I made to you?”


    Seeing Regina shaking her head and waving her hand, Aaron slowly closed her eyes and opened her eyes, suppressing the pity and sympathy that rose up in her eyes even though everything had already been discovered.

    Even if Regina made excuses, not desperately in Amman, she couldn't repay her sincerity, and she couldn't continue to pretend she didn't know.

    “No, you! Not really!”

    “I beg you, my lord. I want you to take that heavy heart away. I cannot accept your heart.”

    “Again, I don't like you, really! No, I mean, don't look so sad! You really don't like it?"

    “I beg you again. Please tell me... … !”

    "there? my words... … Are you listening?”

    Seeing Regina denying her heart with a trembling voice, Aaron couldn't bear it and got up from her seat, closing her eyes tightly.

    From now on, what he would do might seem harsh.

    But being hard-headed was 10 million times better than giving any hope.

    “Your Majesty, I do not like Your Majesty.”

    “No, I don’t like it either! I don't like it!”

    Regina screamed and looked at Aaron, who was looking at her with even more pathetic eyes, and said, 'Oh, this is the wonderful situation I've only heard of... … ' I thought.

    I mean, where the hell did you hear that from where you could make such an illusion!

    The more I tried to clear up that misunderstanding, the more I felt like I was screaming at a hard wall in anticipation of an echo that would never come back.

    The reason that seemed to be even more spectacular was the gaze of the nobles looking over Aaron's shoulder.

    Perhaps they thought they were hiding well, and when they stood up together and looked at the situation inside, they were shocked to see their eyes, and it felt like they were really going crazy and jumping.

    This is a scene that was not in Regina's plan.

    Whether or not he knew her feelings, Aaron kept repeating the words "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," and "I don't like him", and every time he said those words, her insides turned upside down!

    And the onlookers don't want to take their eyes off them like those who even have fun watching!

    'Why the hell did Sir Aaron have such a misunderstanding!'

    It was just that the brothers who had no talent for dating came to a stupid conclusion while having a conversation, but Regina, who was not aware of the situation, could not do anything other than beat her in the chest.

    “You, no… … . Please believe me.”

    "sorry. I’m going to go away.”

    As if she had finished everything she had to say, Regina wanted to cry as she turned around like a sword and looked at Aaron's back as he left.

    No, when did he fall in love with him!

    I was just trying to put on some bangs and put on a show, I swear I didn't take him to heart.

    Regina, who watched Aron's back disappearing into the hall through the nobles who pretended not to know, and then disappeared into the hall until the end, began to wonder how to deal with this.
  20. beansbeanie

    beansbeanie Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2022
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    THE SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT AAAAAAA:notlikeblob::notlikeblob: also if possible do you have the scene where they reunite 3 yrs after the rejection (or can u summarize it?)