Spoiler Trash of the Count’s Family

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by immortaltear, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    I think it's because KRS/Cale has already have closure of their deaths, remember 1st-time KRS/Cale saw LHS after his death when LHS came to visit? KRS when he was going to give his Embrace.... At that time both have already talked about the past and LHS made clear to KRS/Cale that it wasn't his fault that he died but it was his choice (to save KRS) as well CJS choice to accept GoD deal, which gave Cale the closure he needed.

    Also when they reunited again, the situation isn't the type that one should be too emotional if anything it wasn't the right place and time to be emotional about the past since there is a crisis. Also, I think both don't linger too much to their past but more on moving forward but I do feel their some high emotions when CJS and Cale meet the fact that CJS is avoiding Cale means that their no closure yet for him, I really hope they meet soon.

    I agree Sui is hiding some things but I think on the GODs side would be like it is not yet the time to know the type.... but regarding his new family I feel something big there that it seems he would only tell Cale when everything is okay, I feel like if he informs Cale it makes Cale move and does something good or bad:confusedcatblob:
    Ina_YS, naomi120, DarkeAOU and 2 others like this.
  2. Ardna

    Ardna [Avid slacker]

    Jun 4, 2019
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    It's precognition :blobowo:
    Alberu will hear about the statue for sure (I suspect Raon to babble about it). I imagine he will tease Cale with erecting a statue for him on his own.

    You're right. Still, it was rather dull reunion for all that build up. I guess they will talk later and then the emotions will burst :blobpopcorn:
  3. Reign28

    Reign28 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2018
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    >> a fire that embraced lightning would defeat the darkness

    Bruh, I love this line.
  4. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Alberu will go different phases before he processes all of the given info, it not something one easily believed but its Cale nothing impossible to him:cookie:

    Speaking off, honestly Cale is the type of person that is so good in controlling his emotions even before (I think it's from his dark childhood) but if released it will huge his anger is prime example but the only time by far that Cale had a minor emotional outbreak was after talking to LHS and waking up.... that really pure emotion on Cale he didn't even notice he was crying until Raon ask him and he himself is also asking why:blobcry:

    Tears from all the years he kept it in with pain, guilt and depression for losing 2 important people to him, I think that scene is enough for Cale as he lets go of the past and move on with his new life....
    Ddragonesse and naomi120 like this.
  5. Sansushira

    Sansushira Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2021
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    Well... We dont know a secret about this right? Maybe a twist plot?

    Maybe.. The Author is actually Redika :blobsweat:

    Wtf did I think.. Bad brain.. Hhhahha

    Hhahha.. Looks like one of comment before that saying they will have a statue for Cale will become a reality :blobsweat::blobjoy:

    I love how Eruhaben and Sui smiling while looking how Cale being strugling about this.. LMAO..

    Dnt forget about how Alberu will terasing him too... :blobjoy::blobjoy:
  6. naomi120

    naomi120 Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2022
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    hahahaha he only left for 1 DAY and he already has a statue, god they want to make Cale suffer
    they know that he hates attention, since Sui is doing it to annoy, obviously in the sense that he wants his friend to be recognized
    But what do you think about Cale's dizziness, that is, will it be a symptom of Karma?

    I think the same, that is to say, in the whole 1 part they mentioned to us how important LSH and CHS were for KRS, but their meeting was a bit lazy, I don't know?
    I hope that when all this fight is over they take some time to talk, talk about their past, future, current problems and open up their feelings a little more...
  7. hika21

    hika21 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2020
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    Is this completed already?
  8. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Part 1 - Yes :cookie:
    Part 2 - Just begun:blob_grin:
    All in all status is still ongoing :blobbunny:
    CaleFan 24, Ddragonesse and Agavadon like this.
  9. AN.H

    AN.H Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2021
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    Thank you Angie nim

    I don't know how to express it... But I guess every action Cale takes will only always lead to more misunderstandings even more...And according will continue with another misunderstanding(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)(⁠θ⁠‿⁠θ⁠):p:blobjoy::blobjoy:
  10. Rafalfafi

    Rafalfafi Active Member

    Nov 7, 2022
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    First thank you so much I really don’t know what to do every week without you
    Second oH my god Cale!!! Not a big deal?!
    Well of curse since his power are decreasing because this world is regaining it’s balance, and they are going back to normal which is not a big deal that’s the truth.
    EXCEPT, how he made it sound to them.
    He basically said “I have used too much of my god like power to purify YOUR world so I’m slowly losing them, which leave a strain on my body to help you all, ah but don’t worry it’s not a big deal or anything.
    And to put an oil on the fire, Olivia just asked no, Begged him seconds ago to stay a year and continue purifying THIER world. OH GOD I LOVE HIM SO MUCH EASILY MY # 1 Main character of all time. Anyway from the title it’s pretty obvious we are done of this world they will just have to do a few other things and then they will have to come back home, to reunite with everyone report what they did and all ( cough* check the mess the bishop of god of death and Celoph did cough*) and to reinforcement, a vampire, a dark elve, and a necromancer are not exactly suitable for murim world, and they wouldn’t be any use of them anymore anyway, I wonder who is he taking with him next and what will happen when they go back home?!? Seriously can’t even wait until Wednesday!!
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2022
  11. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Thank you Angie for today's summary!:blobangel:

    Yup is 100% certain that the statues will be made no matter:blobjoy: what after their meeting their burning passion for the "great purifier" has risen:blobtorch:Sui will be teasing Cale more when all the statues are made:blobjoy:, GoFP might voice out, and say make Cale a statue of gold near his temple:blobjoy::blobrofl::blobrofl:

    Wow finally the day we get to see Cale get a least a minute break from all the chaos, thank you, author-nim, Cale can finally get some minutes to rest from all the chaos unlike in the past:cookie:

    From what Super Rock explains Cale's OP and Cale observation the core to it all is Balance:blobnom: make me wonder by any change GoB gave a helping hand for Cale to be OP, having an OP person could balance things:hmm: and GoB also doesn't like the hunters since they are the cause of a lot of imbalance.... Cale dealing with the hunters will bring balance back to the world.....:cookie:

    I agree with you and there be more in the future:blobjoy: its also his charm and allure:blobbunny:

    I did notice there are 2 types of misunderstandings of Cale:

    1. Cale will intentionally do it for people to dislike him (aka act like trash or a bad person) but it always ended up having the opposite effect:blob_grin:, from his expected haters to undying admires:blobjoy: (and still dense at the matter:facepalm:)

    2. Unintentional but will always make Cale the star of the show and would end up with a lot of admirers and followers:blobjoy: that their times he would try to clear it up but no one believes him:blobjoy: or he is clueless that he unknowingly gain new adoring admires/followers ( a good example is when Mary was honestly telling them the true:blobjoy:) this the times he would panic:blob_grin:
    Ddragonesse, naomi120 and CaleFan 24 like this.
  12. uvallrelato

    uvallrelato Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2016
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    This is just a general question about the novel as a whole, dose anyone know how many parts the author is planning to write before the final end of the novel? I read somewhere
    That there is going to be 5 parts, is that true???
  13. naomi120

    naomi120 Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2022
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    so it is possible that the monsters appeared in the land of KRS because the hunters wanted their karma?!
    Cale creating misunderstandings is excellent
  14. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Thank you Angie for today's summary:blobangel: and Cale's thoughts:blob_grin:

    Another huge misunderstanding:blobjoy::blobjoy:, Xiaolen might end up as one place Cale will avoid coming back.... since he really made a huge impact in this world add the fact that he was also the one who brought back a new WT:blobrofl: and he will leave Xiaolen with the highest praise and admiration (worshippers:blob_grin:)

    I love everyone's reaction to Cale's answer, Olivia and others gained more admiration for Cale while the gang can read Cale's thoughts:blobjoy::blobjoy: Olivia was cute trying to make an image of the heroes who save them, though no one can copy Cale's image:cookie: (they are already set in the history books), I hope Appe will have some last minute lesson with Eruhabin before leaving....

    I hope that the new call Cale is receiving wont be any bad news from BoaH, Friday is going an intresting intergation cant wait to see Redok's reaction when he finds out all plans has been destoried:blobspearpeek:
  15. chaosdestructionlove

    chaosdestructionlove Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2022
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    Thank you for the summary as always, Angie-nim!!

    The misunderstandings are just getting bigger and bigger LMFAO.:blobrofl: You gotta speak your thoughts out properly, Cale-nim! You wonder why people misunderstand you so much, and yet it's been 63 chapters into the part 2, and you're still like this.:blobjoy:

    Tbh, I'm a bit skeptical that they gave their names. Especially Cale's. In a way, the fight in Xiaolen was easy because the Hunters underestimated Cale's capabilities. What if his name as Xiaolen's savior spreads to the Hunters soon? They might prepare more in the possible case that Cale comes after them next. It's different if the Hunters are only aware that someone called the “Purifier” beat the Huayans and saved Xiaolen, and it's different if they know that it's Cale.:notlikeblob:

    On another note, I'm glad they decided to plant the fake WT in Xiaolen. :aww: And the last part for today's summary made me cackle a bit. :blobrofl: Cale-nim out there really be acting like he's some boss of a gang or smth lol. :blobpopcorn_cool:

    Anyway, I'm so excited for the upcoming chapters! :blobpopcorn: Redok's gonna be so surprised with how their plans ended up lol. This interrogation gotta prove fruitful or else we riot. :blob_catflip: Cale-nim's also gonna avenge his hyung, Grandpa Ron, and Beacrox soon. So those damn blood cultists better wait for their turn! :blobtriumph:
  16. Rafalfafi

    Rafalfafi Active Member

    Nov 7, 2022
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    First as always thank you Angie second Ohhhhhh I can’t wait for next chapter to see those scum hunters interrogation, especially since Redko was so sure that everyone will die, only to wake up and find out that the man they thought they can easily deal with at any second easily defeat all the monsters, I wonder if we will actually get any valuable information from them, anyway one family is out 4 left, I’m really excited to see if Cale other ancient power will increase in other worlds and if every single one of them will be exactly what they need to defeat the hunters in that world, but I will be trying not to see any spoilers after they go to the next world because even though I really like the spoilers because I have zero patience, but I want to return to reading the new full chapters with the element of surprise still intact
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2022
  17. Rottenwomen

    Rottenwomen Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2019
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    Angie-sama!! Thank you for today's summary :aww:
    I can't wait to see Cale go back home, and look for the reaction from the people of roan Kingdom.:blobpopcorn_cool: I wonder if cale other AP will increas like Fire of Destruction AP in other worlds?:blobthinkingsmirk:
    naomi120 likes this.
  18. Reverand Insanity

    Reverand Insanity Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2021
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    I want Appe to follow the Gang back to TBOAH !
    I want selfish Appe !
    inori-chii likes this.
  19. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Thank you Angie for today's summary:blobangel:

    That was unexpected from Redok's small wound that had a huge effect (tortured/purified/powerless:blobtorch:) to his immediate death from just naming a hunter family:blobdizzy:, I fear this is a foreshadowing of this getting more dangerous for Cale as gets deep with the hunters so far seems like the Five Colored Family are the most dangerous one :sweating_profusely:

    Redok already knew that he will die if he spoke of their name.... looks like they might have placed a spell on the others (I guess their position is much higher in the family) that if anyone spoke of (just their name) they will die:sweating_profusely:, well at least Cale got some good info Orsena was because of the Blood Cult and the Five Colored are ones who attack the royal palace....

    The Blood Cult is the next target Cale will need not just the usual team but a whole army:blobtorch::blob_grin:, I read mirum stories so it going to be a huge battle with all sides forced:blobgift: I hope Cale will still be OP in that world and CJS finally confronts Cale:facepalm: and since this mirum I hope that Cale's tittle there will have the Dragons name attach to it!:blobjoy:

    I wonder if the Five Colored were the ones in charge (backers) of AWS & WS:hmm: and if it was them that cause the Thames and White Families to hide:confusedcatblob::hmm:, but I think Zed is aware of this family too well....

    On another note.... Honestly, when they start the integration I felt like a scene where the villains won and know ready to torture their victims:blobsweat: Sui's actions, Cale's responses, and Seven reactions made me feel like it was:blobsweat_2: and Cale at the end looking at the divine item:blobjoy:, Cale looks like a loan shark getting ready to collect his money:blobrofl: :blobjoy:

    I can't wait on Monday to see how much profit Cale will gain on this trip, especially a promised reward was made:blobjoy: :blobrofl:
  20. naomi120

    naomi120 Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2022
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    We are going to return to the world of BOA, how happy are the other members?
    Why does the author make us suffer leaving us with the most interesting at the end?
    we want our Cale to be full of money and live happily, but they keep getting him into trouble, I wonder, I want it to be that family of 5 colors