Novel I Own a Brothel in Another World

Discussion in 'Community Fictions' started by Saileri, Feb 5, 2021.

  1. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 136 – Slow Improvement ❤❤
    After everyone leaves, Ailish walks up to me with a smile. “What now?”

    I sigh softly and wrap my arm around her waist. “I planned to see how Mari has settled in and perhaps check on Velen but I just remembered that I really should let the King know about the mess I made in that brothel.”

    “That would certainly be wise.” She nods as the tip of her tail playfully traces circles over my lower back.

    “So, yeah, I gotta pay one more visit to the castle, a quick one this time. Want to tag along?” I raise a curious brow at my charming Succubus.

    “With pleasure.” She gives me an alluring smirk as her eyes run over my exposed front.

    While she is distracted, I land a solid, juicy slap on her bubbly butt, making Ailish squeal and giggle impishly as she nibbles on her lower lip.

    “No horny in public, though. I’ve had enough troublesome events for one day.” I squint at her.

    “I can’t promise that,” she purrs enchantingly.

    Shaking my head, I give her tender behind a good squeeze. “At least get into your maid uniform. I don’t need you making every single guy we pass by as hard as steel.”

    Purplish smoke twirls around Ailish’s figure and quickly forms our iconic maid dress and other decorative pieces.

    “What if I wanted to make you as hard as steel?” she asks while crossing her arms under her delicious chest, intentionally causing it to bounce a bit.

    I step closer and push myself into her, stealing her plump, tasty lips. “You don’t need to wear skimpy outfits to make me hard. Just your beauty pushes me into overdrive,” I whisper to her ear after we split.

    She lets out a musical moan while rubbing herself into me and steps back with a wide smile. Then, she extends her elbow to me and I quickly resummon my clothes too. We link arms and walk out of the mansion. Just in case, I let my senses wander over all the residents briefly to see if there’s anyone who may need some assistance or something, but everyone seems to be doing fine and doesn’t need to be bothered.

    We don’t drag it out and head straight to the castle, chatting casually about various things. As expected, the most common topic amongst the ones we assume is of course related to Lilith. I would be shocked to learn that it’s actually not what is occupying the mind of the dazzling Arch Succubus after we reached a revelation regarding her life mission.

    But, she is as understanding as always and often repeats that I shouldn’t try to rush into danger blindly for her sake, even though I can feel her slight anxiety. Their progenitor seems to be safe but we don’t really know much about that, honestly. I make sure to hold Ailish’s hand dearly and stroke it gently to convey that she is not alone and she has clearly done so much more for the revival of their Allmother than all the other Succubi.

    The castle appears in front of us in a flash, or at least that’s how I feel since time flies when you are talking with the person you love spending time around, and we enter its premises without any issues. One of the guards leads us inside while another, wearing lighter armour, speeds ahead to announce our unexpected request for a brief audience.

    A bunch of men and women do throw some anxious or disgusted looks at my stunning companion but we pay them no mind. Surprisingly, more and more people start getting a bit friendlier and more open, at least towards the non-humans from my close circles. Some even smile kindly at Ailish and exchange greetings, and one young maid straight up compliments her hair.

    Soon, the other knight runs into us from the opposite direction and takes us over, guiding us to the chamber where the King is awaiting our arrival. After knocking lightly, he holds the doors for us with a polite bow and we slip inside to find Ross going over some documents scattered over a round table in the middle.

    “Al! I didn’t expect you to be back this early. Did something perhaps happen? Oh, and welcome to the pretty lady too, of course.” He straightens up and cracks his knuckles a bit before giving us a respectful nod.

    “Trust me, neither did I, but recently, things just don’t want to go according to the plans.” I sigh heavily and Ailish giggles devilishly. “Don’t distract him too much,” I warn her playfully and smack her behind.

    “I’ll be a good girl,” she replies coyly and walks aside to wander through the room.

    Ross’ eyes follow her dancing tail for a second before returning to me. “What’s wrong then?”

    “I hope you aren’t too deep in your preparations to fuck that rude guy who assaulted Hari over.” I glance at the plentiful parchments resting on the tabletop.

    “Well, to some extent I am, but this isn’t exactly it.” He gestures at them and I nod. “My subordinates need to work on that for a moment while I deal with other issues.”

    “You might want to recall them, then.”

    “Why?” He furrows his brows at me.

    “He’s dead.”

    Ross snorts and shakes his head. “I should have expected that. Couldn’t hold yourself back after seeing his ugly mug again?”

    “No, actually, I really planned to spare him and drag him to your doorstep but fate just didn’t want to cooperate with me on that.” I chuckle and spread my arms to the sides. “Believe me or not, but that fat bastard planned a revolt to take over their entire association and chose today’s meeting as the day of the operation. Or, at least he brought his men in preparation just in case but me drugging him a little bit with his own aphrodisiac tipped the scales off.”

    The King stares at me blankly for a moment and then explodes laughing while slapping his thigh.

    “I swear, every single day is something else with you around.” He wipes away a few tears of amusement. “Yeah, I need to let my men know that they don’t have to invest in that plan anymore. I take it that the meeting didn’t go well?”

    “Depends who you ask.” I smirk at him. “I guess I had some fun with those thirty thugs he threw at me, unfortunately, accidentally killing him in the process as he tried hiding behind the last few like a coward and I didn’t notice before launching two literal glaives into the crowd and turning him into a hanging decoration.”

    Ross clicked his tongue. “Bastard went out far too easily but I can’t blame you. I planned to have some fun with him too while extracting some information. Alas, as you said, life makes its own plans.”

    “Yeah.” I shrug. “Other than that sudden plot twist, everything went rather well. One of the other members murdered another, then I stepped in, scared them a little, had a short talk about their association, which now technically belongs to me but unofficially, and created a few rules for them to follow. They shouldn’t be causing any more problems but let me know if anything comes up and I’ll whip them back into order.”

    “Sure. That will be helpful a lot.”

    “Also, we might need a cleanup and cover for this little massacre in one of the well-known brothels. I instructed them to go with anything your people tell them to do and such. I hope you can assist me with this and I’ll owe you one.”

    “Don’t mention it. I’ll let my men on the case right away. It will benefit us both anyway.” The King waves his hand at me. “So, you now control the entire night service network in the capital?” He smirks at me proudly.

    “To some extent, yes. But, I don’t really plan to thwart any law-abiding new businesses that come up as those guys had. This is your field, not mine. I’m just going to use them to elevate myself as much as I can, that’s all. I’m sure having some insight into the inner workings of the market and how it’s going to move from now on will be interesting too.”

    “Hopefully, we can use it to spread more of the demi-human-friendly ideology. The changes are already noticeable, I tell you, but we need to utilise every bit of opportunity that presents itself to us if we want to make big transitions.” He strokes his chin while looking at me with a serious gaze.

    “I noticed. And naturally, that’s the plan. How is the situation right now then?” I ask curiously.

    “Crime rate, assaults, and general hostility towards them is steadily falling. Society's perspective has clearly shifted a tiny bit thanks to your girls. It doesn’t mean that the living conditions for the demi-humans have suddenly risen by a lot, but I have a feeling that we could actually try to push a slavery reform very soon, and that’s a grand first step. I would have never thought I would live to see the day I can move from just thinking about that to introducing it.”

    “That’s amazing.” I show an excited smile. “What’s in it?”

    “First, the most crucial, making demi-human slaves equal to the other slaves. You witnessed first-hand how they are treated. If this goes through without too much opposition, they will gain the same rights, the same protections, and such. It might sound like nothing, but—”

    “No, no, that’s huge,” I interrupt him. “I can see how this might be tough even with the people’s approval. Slave traders might not be as happy. But I really hope we can make this happen.”

    “Yeah, this will be a big operation. Many captives who were taken unlawfully will have to be released and that’s the biggest hurdle. We are currently trying to calculate things on how to possibly compensate the traders for the loss.”

    “Thankfully, we both know demi-humans are worth trash right now, as much as it pains me to admit that.” I shake my head with a tense smile. “But, don’t go too far. They all know what they’ve been doing is wrong so giving them anything after the law changes is already very generous. Make sure to convey that properly and we should thwart at least some opposition.”

    “We will. For sure.” He nods sagely. “I’m also secretly hoping that this will fix our relations with the other races at least a tiny bit. We are going to relay the change to them so that they can prepare for an influx of people coming back. If it won’t bite us in the ass and they choose to take revenge for their abused by starting a war, of course.”

    “If worse comes to worst, know that we will certainly lend you a hand in protecting the people. Shino and the others are strong, and I’ve been slowly building a quite powerful squad myself. Not everyone is a born fighter but many are now much better trained than D or even C-rank adventurers. I wouldn’t be surprised if our side project gets a chance to surface soon.”

    “Side project?” Ross blinks at me a few times. “What am I not aware of?”

    “Oh, you should be.” I chuckle at him. “You suggested it yourself long ago. We are building mercenary corps under that brothel, waiting for the public opinion of the demi-humans to improve a bit before we step into the light. You can call it Phase Two of showing that demi-humans are just like us and can be very beneficial to our lives.”

    “Right, there was something like that in the rumours coming from those wretched villagers you guys took care of. So, you really are serious about it?”

    “Definitely. It did start as a means for them to defend themselves but it will be good for them to be able to go out on missions or quests freely. Plus, just imagine how much further they can spread the word like that. Groups of badass women who fight like legends and fuck like Succubi. It’s still a far future but we are almost ready to initiate the first parts of the plan. Our numbers still need to grow a little more.”

    “I think that will be the first-ever mercenary brothel in the world, hahaha.” The King laughs openly and steps closer to pat me on the shoulder. “I really didn’t think much about it when I spoke about you creating an army of badass girls to save the world but it’s now more likely than ever.”

    Ailish walks up to me from behind and wraps her arms around my torso as her chin rests on my other shoulder.

    “There’s no doubt. Everyone is learning diligently. They are excited to become hunters after living as prey for so long. There are exceptions, of course, but that’s the majority. And Master makes sure to boost their growth with his marvellous seed as often as he can too.”

    I snicker and bonk her on the head. “You could have skipped the last part but I appreciate the optimism.”

    Ross clears his throat with his cheeks growing just a tad redder. “Glad to hear that. You are certainly living the life, aren’t you?”

    Exchanging a glance with Ailish, who then lovingly pecks my cheek, I sigh softly and smile at him. “Yeah, I am. And I will continue to do so for as long as I can. There are still many things to do.”

    “And a world to save,” he adds with a grin.

    “Maybe Shino will be able to take care of that one for me.” I chuckle. “Don’t make it look like I’m the only one you can count on. I was literally nothing when we came here.”

    “And look where you are now.” He scans my figure proudly. “Let’s just hope you don’t decide to take over the world right after saving it.”

    “Too much of a hassle.” I wave my hand dismissively. “But, we need to get there first. And so, I need to go too. We’ve wasted enough time on pointless chatter already.”

    We share a firm handshake and the two of us leave the King to his own matters. No one seems to be waiting to guide us back so we stroll through the castle by ourselves. About halfway towards the exit, we stumble on Lianne, who is naturally surprised to see me again and stops us for a brief moment.

    I pepper her with some gentle kisses when nobody is watching and the two women exchange a few words between themselves. The Queen doesn’t indulge in my affection for too long and soon escapes to follow what she has been doing.

    Jogging away from us, she sends me a wink over her shoulder while raising the back of her azure dress, flashing us her exposed slit, clearly a little bit heated up judging from the small drops of love juices dripping from it.

    That insatiable pervert is going full commando around the castle. Who would have thought?

    We get back on track and exit the castle without any more impromptu stops. I take us to one of the food stalls as we walk through the town and we share a few skewers together happily. Although, the beautiful Succubus lady would certainly like to feast on a different type of meat much more, judging by Ailish’s lustful glances.

    After reaching our home again, I reward my sexy companion properly and she gets to suck two entire loads out of me right in front of the reception desk while fingering herself like mad. Very thankful for the delicious dessert, Ailish places a tender peck on my cheek and scurries away to leave me to my other responsibilities.

    And there are plenty.

    Today is a free day so I have quite a few more hours to do things than on working days. I could go to Velen and Dhosk, Nyfile and Mari, perhaps check on Sirgia’s work too, or maybe pay a visit to Vivi and Leilei.

    Thinking about it more, I should start with the last idea. They’ve been waiting for the moment I finally claim them so that they can start working properly after rewarding me for taking them in. A lot of things happened in the meantime and I kind of delayed this unintentionally. I just hope they aren’t disappointed or think that I’ve been avoiding them.

    So, the plan is clear, I gotta show our two Nereid friends a good time and rehabilitate myself. Tomorrow is another working night and I’m sure they will want to get on it already. Using my abilities, I locate them behind the mansion, resting in the garden, and head there.

    I find the colourful duo sitting on the edge of the small pond while dipping their legs in the crystal-clear water. Meiya and Neiya loiter around and tend to the plants, with the shorter Satyr sister hanging around the Nereids. She exchanges some quiet words with them as the two giggle together.

    Walking to their spot, I crouch behind them just as they glance over their shoulders.

    “Hi. Enjoying yourselves here?” I ask with a smile.

    They giggle again and answer with the same.

    “We do. Would you like to join us, Master?” Vivi, the yellow-skinned beauty asks.

    “Sure but if you would like, then I have a longer moment to—”

    Their eyes suddenly turn wide and both women jump to their feet in one, single motion, causing a loud splash of water which splatters partially at the poor Satyr girl tending to the nearby bush, making her squeal in surprise. I don’t get to finish my sentence as the Nereids grab my arms and run ahead with me in tow. Before we disappear from Meiya’s sight, I flash her an apologetic smile, watching the water drip off her curly, brown hair.

    The two excited girls drag me through the entire mansion while giggling to themselves and we pass a few other residents who give us curious looks. I can only smile wryly as I’m taken straight to the lair of the yellow and green seductresses and shoved inside right after they open the door.

    I stumble a little and land on the chilly, jelly bed as they keep laughing to themselves adorably behind my back. Flipping myself around, I watch as Vivi and Leilei energetically jump out of their already quite skimpy clothes and their appetising bodies bounce in front of my eyes with so much enthusiasm.

    Moments after all of them is revealed to me, they lunge forward in complete sync and slam into me as I let out a playful grunt. Their smooth, slightly slick and cold bodies gently rub into mine as they pepper my neck and face in giggly kisses while their slender fingers stumble on every bump of the muscles of my torso.

    “Looks like I underestimated your eagerness to mate.” I chuckle under their lascivious caresses. “I’m sorry for making you wait for so long.”

    “It’s fine. We understand. You have a lot of things to take care of, Master,” Vivi says in between her sucky kisses.

    “But, you can certainly make it up to us,” Leilei pokes my erection a few times and they both giggle.

    “She is right. Perhaps you could also punish us for our past behaviour while we are at it,” the former suggests while nibbling on her lower lip.

    “Oh, I think I agree wholeheartedly,” the latter purrs with a quiet whine as she grinds her privates into my thigh. “We were bad, bad girls, playing with the hearts of many males. You should punish us in their stead, show us what scheming witches such as ourselves deserve, make sure that we never forget our sins.”

    I place my hands on their respective necks and squeeze them softly, bringing their faces to my own.

    “Is that what you want?” I ask with a deep tone.

    They giggle at me and I can literally see the dense lust in their pretty eyes. They want to be devoured and I will devour them as per their polite request.

    “Fine. I’ll fuck you so hard that your knees will go weak every time you see me.”

    They stare at me with hungry, starving expressions and I sit up while sliding my fingers into their bountiful hair. Pulling them with myself and evoking some cheerful gasps from the duo, I bring their faces to the sides of my cock and they lock their sights on the standing monument of desire momentarily, forgetting about anything else.

    “Lick it,” I order them and push their mouths into my shaft.

    Vivi and Leilei waste no time in bringing their tongues out and doing as they are told. I drag them up and down my length as they release sighs of bliss, most likely from getting to finally taste a male. They close their eyes and fully enjoy the slow brushes I apply to myself with their tongues.

    But, it would be no fun to just continue like that, right?

    I reaffirm my grip on the green-skinned lady and don’t drag her down my shaft again after reaching the tip. Leilei gives me a curious side glance since she can’t do much more and I smirk at her before plunging her open mouth onto myself from above. Her eyes widen briefly but she quickly closes her lips and gets to work with her chilly tongue.

    The other girl whines with a tiny pout and I tug Vivi’s hair down. Her face ends up right in my orbs and she quickly starts sucking on the two balls while humming to herself in joy. I hold her close to my sack while gently bobbing her friend’s head on my cock. They stare at each other from opposite directions and I can make out the happy smiles slightly curving their busy lips.

    Exhaling in pleasure, I push Leilei further onto my length and she gags a little as I partially enter her throat. Naturally, I hastily pull back up to check on her but she fervently shakes her head while glancing at me and it’s not the negative shaking. She clearly urges me to ignore that little hiccup.

    So, I press her down again and actually force myself in until her nose kisses my underbelly. Vivi whines again seeing Leilei’s throat speared by my cock. I bring Leilei up and start repeatedly moving her up and down to fuck that pretty throat of hers.

    As wet noises and some occasional gurgles fill the air, I pull the yellow-skinned Nereid up from my jewels and bring her face next to mine. She gazes deep into my eyes with a pleading expression.

    “Please, let me do that too. I want to feel you pierce my throat like that.” She surprises me with a quite open request, sneaking glances at Leilei.

    I lean forward and join our lips in a passionate kiss. Vivi moans into my mouth as I grab a handful of her jiggly breast. Her tongue actively chases after mine while I squeeze and knead the tender hill, giving her stiff nipple a few pinches and pulls.

    Then, I slide my hand into her hair again and pull on it strongly, causing her to groan seductively as her head tilts to the back. Slowly dragging her towards my waist, I finally pull Leilei off my cock and she starts gasping for air as saliva drips from her mouth. Vivi licks her lips before I plunge inside them and I give her some time to relish in this hot lollipop before I begin to make a mess out of her throat too.

    Her green-skinned friend watches me intently while breathing heavily and I graze over the gorgeous Nereid’s side tenderly. She moves closer by herself and presses her breasts into me as she starts pecking my lips. My leg ends up between her thighs and Leilei rubs her chilly, dripping pussy into it with melodic moans causing my mouth to vibrate.

    In the meanwhile, Vivi gets to experience what Leilei had not that long ago and gladly receives all of me without a single sound of protest. We remain in that position for a short while so that she can enjoy getting drilled for a bit until I take her off my dick too and she joins her friend over my other leg. They grind themselves into me together and I listen to their enchanting voices working in tandem.

    “I thought it was Sirens that ensnare the poor sailors with their songs but your moans are bringing me closer and closer to losing myself in my urges,” I say with a playful grin and they giggle at me after exchanging glances.

    “That’s because… Ahhhh… We love to sing…” Leilei replies with a stronger thrust of her hips.

    “We practised… Nhhhhnnn… A lot… Mmmm… To seduce the males…” Vivi admits as she shivers a bit and rests her forehead on my shoulder.

    “It’s definitely working.” I smirk at them and snake my fingers down their tummies until I run into the shy nubs above the curtains usually hiding their secret alcoves.

    The musical notes grow in volume as I start tracing circles over their clits and the two charming girls stop their movements to fully enjoy my caresses. They actually try to give back a bit by pumping my shaft with their dainty hands but they often pause to shudder or push themselves more into my digits.

    “I guess it’s time to make you really sing,” I whisper to their ears and draw myself back to watch their faces. “Which one of you lured in more pitiful men? Be honest with me.”

    They share a pensive look, as much as they can under my assault, and Leilei bites lightly on her lower lip.

    “She did… I was always second… Ahhhh…” the green-skinned beauty admits.

    I grab them by their necks again and push them behind myself. The duo bounces on the bed with more giggles and I turn around to take a look at them sprawled on the jelly mattress with hungry, expectant smiles.

    Without further ado, I wrap my fingers around Vivi’s ankles and pull her towards me as I remain on my knees. She squeals in delight as her thighs land on my shoulders and my lips crash into the light yellow flesh of her fragrant lily. I immediately start giving her wet folds sucky kisses and running my tongue all around her labia.

    “Oh, my Goddess… It feels like I’m flying… Mmmmmm…” she moans openly and grips the sheets.

    Leilei obediently watches from the side as I eat her friend out but I do catch her very slowly rubbing her own slit in anticipation too. Vivi’s moans turn even louder when I dive into her leaking honeypot with my tongue and scoop her juices like sweet, chilly, melted ice cream.

    “Ahhh… Ahhhh… It’s so nice… Ahhhh… Leilei’s tongue is completely different… Ahhh… Ahhh… So warm…” the yellow-skinned Nereid keeps moaning charmingly.

    At this point, Leileil’s breathing grows a bit ragged too and I can see her cheeks lit up with desire as her fingers move faster over her girly mound. So, I flick my tongue for the last time and spin Vivi around as she squeals in surprise. I lift her up a bit and drag her face over her friend’s waist, where I lower her while setting her on all fours.

    “Now, take good care of your friend as I begin the punishment,” I order her while placing my hands on her lower back and pressing her down so it forms a slope with her mouth right in front of Leilei’s greenish crevice.

    With Vivi’s ass up in the air right in front of me, I thrust myself into her pussy in one go, forcing a scream full of lust and pleasure from the thirsty Nereid girl. As I thought, we’ve played around for long enough for them to be affected by my pain-nullifying abilities. She starts moaning like crazy from the moment my cock begins hammering her chilly passage.

    “Oh, Goddess! Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Leilei! Ahh! It’s so deep! Ahh! Ahhh! It’s so hard! Ahhh! You need to feel the dick too! Ahhh! Ahhh! We’ve been missing out on so much!”

    Vivi tries to convey her pleasure to her friend while awkwardly attempting to lick her too but failing miserably. Leilei practically sinks her teeth into her lower lip while watching me pound the other girl furiously. It’s clear that the yellow Nereid’s tongue is not enough to scratch her itch. But, she has to wait patiently for her turn.

    I move my hands to Vivi’s hips and pull her up as I raise myself. Sliding my palms onto the top of her thighs, I spread her legs a bit and continue to thrust into her slick, frosty channel in the air. She now hangs off my waist right above Leilei’s slit and does her best to extend her tongue to tickle it but is just short of her goal. Her body bounces around as she moans to the heavens.

    “Ahhh! Ahhh! Leilei! I’m sorry! Ahhh! It’s too good! Ahhh! Ahhh! I’m cumming already! Ahhh! Ahh! Cumminnnnnnng!”

    Vivi’s insides squeeze me tighter and I thrust forward for the last time. The floodgates explode as she coils around my member during her orgasm and I send waves of milky white liquid into her cold embrace. She arches her back and shivers, making a silly face in front of her best friend and accomplice.

    Before she even comes down from her high, I plop myself outside of her convulsing snatch and toss her aside without any care. Taking a deep breath, I walk up to Leilei, who peers into my crotch with such intensity I’m afraid that her eyes will pop out of their sockets if I don’t dick her down right now, especially with how furiously she is rubbing her pussy with her palm.

    Not wanting that to happen, I kneel in front of her and grab her by the ankles too. But, this time, I pull her into me and place her feet on my shoulders. Putting my hands under her elbows, I stand up with her in my hold and she quickly wraps her arms around my neck.

    The moment we are steady, I pierce her craving slit with a mighty smack too and the green-skinned girl whines in ecstasy as her eyelashes flutter enchantingly. I proceed to hammer her pussy just like I did to her friend but at a slightly different angle. My hands move to her tender behind and drag her waist into mine to raise the intensity of the punishment she is subjected to.

    “Ohhh! Ohhh! Vivi was right! Mmmmmmm! Please, harder! Ohhh! Ohhh! Show us no mercy!”

    I do exactly that while thrusting forward with my life on the line. Loud, wet smacking fills the air as my cock rushes in and out of Leilei’s snug insides, stroking us both in great pleasure. I take careful steps as we fuck while standing and soon reach the wall behind the bed’s headboard, slamming the green girl into it.

    Leilei shrieks in delight as I strongly press myself into her while still drilling her needy love hole. She starts dragging her nails down my back and attempts to kiss my lips but she shakes way too much from my pounding to achieve that properly. She can only scream joyfully while slowly getting closer and closer to the grand explosion.

    With that in mind, I slide my fingers down her tummy to rub her clit since I don’t have to hold her so firmly now. Leilei trembles even more after I add this additional stimulation to the plethora of sensations she is experiencing and she suddenly turns silent. It seems that her cries get stuck in her throat whenever she is quickly approaching her climax because a moment later, she tries to crush my dick with her constricting walls.

    She directs her face to the ceiling with a soundless scream and I release my load deep into her comfortable pussy. Giving her a few more thrusts to ride my own high until it’s completely spent, I toss her aside just like her friend and she actually lands on top of Vivi in something akin to a sixty-nine. My seed starts spilling out of her lower lips and onto Vivi’s chest as she keeps shuddering from her orgasm.

    The other girl smiles at me enchantingly and runs her finger between her friend’s folds, playing with my cum seductively. Chuckling at her lightly, I kneel over her head and grab Leilei’s butt, giving it a nice slap.

    “What are you doing, Master?” Vivi asks from under me, placing small kisses on my sack in the meanwhile as it hangs over her face.

    “Continuing with the punishment,” I answer and summon a certain slimy substance from my ring. “Spread her for me, please.”

    Leilei perks up a little when I let some of it drip on her back entrance as her friend parts her cheeks obediently.

    “Don’t worry, Master. Nereids are very durable to accommodate all the races,” the yellow-skinned lady informs me, letting go of my orbs for a moment. “We will enjoy it almost no matter what and where.”

    “Good.” I nod at her and press my tip into Leilei’s tight upper ring.

    “OH! Something is entering! Ohhhhhhh! My butt! Viviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”

    She arches her back as I slowly slide into her slightly resistant anus. Bit by bit, it loosens up and accommodates more of me as Leilei releases funny noises making the other girl giggle. Soon, I bottom out in her ass and go to town with her other hole.”

    “Oh! Oh! Oh! He is splitting me in half, Vivi! Oh! Oh! My ass is all tingly! Oh! Oh! Oh! So weird! Oh! But nice!”

    “I can see.” Vivi chuckles and moves a little bit down. “Master’s cum is escaping your pussy from how hard he is thrusting into your butt. Let me help you with that.”

    “Wait! No! Ohhhhh! Vivi! Ohhhhh! Ohhhhh! That’s too much!”

    I keep pushing through Leilei’s incredibly tight ass as the other Nereid laps her tongue over her neglected pussy, sucking out all the white delicacy from the presented platter. The green-skinned beauty can do nothing more than moan and shiver as we both assault her together. I groan occasionally from how insanely tight her ass is. It’s truly bliss.

    We continue to shower our friend in affection until the planets align again and Leilei turns completely silent once more. I take it as a sign to finish up too and grunt for the last time as I flood her backdoor with more white delicacy so that both of her entrances are fully claimed.

    After pulling out of Leilei, I let Vivi clean me up a little by angling myself towards her face and she gives me a questioning look. It’s pretty obvious what she is wondering about and I smile at her with a small nod. She nonchalantly flings her friend off her and pulls her legs to her body, raising her sexy bottom into the air and spreading it as much as she can for me.

    I stand up and walk behind it as she supports her back with her hands so that her holes stay fully presented to me. She nibbles on her lower lip as I pour some of the lube onto her cute button too and urges me with her eyes as I tease her anus with my tip for a moment. Hearing her whine so pleadingly I stop playing with her and plop my glans into her insanely tight ring.

    “Oh shit! It’s so big! Mhhhhhhmmmmmmmm!” Vivi hums to herself with a musical note as I gradually sink my cock into her backdoor.

    She welcomes me much quicker than her friend for some reason and I begin drilling her ass in no time. Since she so kindly holds herself more or less steady by supporting her back, I can pound into her with my all and even flick her shy nub with my thumb, caressing her pussy at the same time.

    Leilei watches us from the sidelines with a hazy gaze, still drunk on her previous orgasms. She has a silly smile on her face as plenty of white stuff flows out of her holes and onto the sheets. I send her a small wink before returning my eyes to the yellow-skinned lady’s face so that we can stare at each other in this intense moment of passion.

    “Yes! Ahmmm! Ahhmmm! Yes! Yes! Claim me, please! Ahmmm! All my holes! Ahhhhhh!”

    “That’s what we are doing, no?” I grunt at her with a chuckle and Vivi manages to giggle back at me amongst her moans.

    The fun continues for a good while as the charming Nereid coaxes me into fucking her long and strong enough for her to cum twice from her ass before I paint her insides white during the third climax. She seems to be enjoying butt play much more than her friend. I fill her up to the brim while leaning forward to reach her lips and pepper them with kisses.

    After she comes down from her high, just resting there while breathing heavily, Leilei crawls to us and pulls me down. I drop onto their joined bodies as the two Nereids snuggle with me with sweet giggles.

    “We’ve really been so stupid,” Vivi whispers while grazing my skin.

    “I know, right? We wasted so much time by playing around while we could have been doing this every day,” Leilei replies as she plays with my hair.

    “You’ll quickly catch up.” I chuckle and kiss them both after raising myself to my elbows. “You will surely gain a lot of admirers with how beautiful you are, and with how nice it feels to be inside you.”

    They giggle together once more and drag me into their chests as their perfect breasts smush me from every side. I chuckle too and let the dazzling Sea Nymphs dote on me a little bit after we shared a slightly rougher moment.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2022
  2. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 137 – Count Me In ❤
    I rest on the comfy, slightly chilly water bed with the two Nereids snuggled happily to my sides. The yellow and green beauties have blissful smiles on their faces as they graze my chest with their fingers, giggling now and then when their hands bump into each other. There are brief moments when they do work together, and that’s when they arrive at my crotch to gently brush my family jewels and the stiff tower above them.

    Running my fingers over their smooth, slim backs, I watch the colourful duo enjoy the gradual fade of pleasure that’s unhurriedly escaping from their bodies after we’ve finished our little fun, which resulted in me claiming all of their holes.

    As another giggle echoes through the room, and something gives me a few rubs up and down, I sigh contentedly and squeeze Vivi’s and Leilei’s jiggly butts with a tad more force. They gasp adorably and open their charming eyes to look up at me from my sides.

    “How long do you plan to play with it like that?” I grin at them and they show playful smirks too. “And also, how are you girls feeling?”

    Leilei glances down at my member and pokes it a few times with her finger. “Regretful…”

    I raise a brow at her, getting a little anxious, but Vivi quickly smacks her friend in the head. Softly, of course.

    “Stupid!” She turns her face to me and shows an apologetic smile. “She meant to say that words can’t describe our happiness from having a chance to mate with you. We do feel regretful, yes, but not because we had sex. We regret playing so hard to get in the past. It makes us feel even worse now after you made such wonderful love to us.”

    “I’m sorry,” Leilei apologises quietly, plagued by a small blush of most likely embarrassment from her wording. “It’s as Vivi says. I’m so glad we finally got to mate, and with someone so incredible too. The sensation of your thick seed filling both of my holes is just heavenly. My pussy still tingles a little, already missing your powerful thrusts.”

    They flash me dazzling smiles together and pull themselves up to place a loving peck on my cheeks with perfect coordination. I chuckle softly and rub their sides while taking in their marvellous curves and flushed faces.

    “I’m all happy if you are happy too. I got to have lots of fun with two stunning and energetic girls. Thank you.”

    “Oh, no, we should be thanking you, Master.” Vivi pushes her pert breasts even more into my arm. “We could feel your passion and fondness in every move. Something this sweet and at the same time rough is like a dream. We have no doubt that none of the males we have tempted before would have taken such perfect care of us.”

    “She is right, Master.” Leilei mirrors her friend’s actions and I end up between two impressive valleys of blissful softness. “They would only care about their own pleasure. And while we would certainly feel good with them too, it’s not something comparable to what you did for us. Do you think they would use anything to make it more comfortable for us if they suddenly desired to put their genitals in our butts?”

    “Well… I’m not sure if they would have anything like we do on hand.” I smile at them wryly, now brushing my fingers dearly over their adorable tummies. “But maybe there is something similar existing amongst the aquatic fauna and flora. Who knows?”

    They giggle charmingly and shake their heads.

    “Even if there is, they would not bother to look for it,” the golden-skinned woman replies with a roll of her eyes. “It’s all about sticking their dick in places that make them feel good. I tell you, Master, the males from most aquatic species would fuck a fish if they couldn’t find a female to copulate with during their mating season.”

    “True.” The green-skinned girl nods sagely. “I clearly remember one talking in a tavern about his adventure with an octopus. Although, it did not end well for him, from what I heard. I missed the details but they were painful enough to scare all the others from following in his footsteps.”

    I snort a little and sigh exasperatedly. “I can’t even say that I’m surprised. Men would fuck literally anything loosely resembling a hole.”

    Leilei chuckles and brings the tips of my fingers from her toned stomach all the way down to her pretty lower lips, nudging her feminine mound.

    “I think we all know that it’s not just men.” Her cheeks turn a shade darker. “You should have seen how many times I had to stop Vivi from sitting on a random phallus-shaped fragment of the environment.”

    “Hey! I was super horny back then! We seduced like three extremely hot males that day!” Vivi huffs in annoyance and one-ups her friend by slipping the fingers of my other hand into her velvety passage. “Besides! It was you who stopped to consider it right after talking me out of it! I could literally smell your lust the entire way back home! And don’t think I didn’t hear you masturbating furiously that night!”

    “Alright, alright, we are all horny twenty-four-on-seven.” I chuckle at them again and try to defuse the situation a little, watching the two Nereids pout and show tongues at each other while pushing their pussies into my fingers. “From now on, you won’t be forced to reach for penis-shaped rocks to satisfy yourselves. Plenty of our patrons will be more than willing to do anything for you just for the chance of spending a night with one or two stunning Nereids.”

    “Thank you, Master,” they respond in unison, almost singing their reply with their musical voices.

    “We heard a lot from the other girls and can’t wait for tonight. We appreciate that you came to us early so that we can get ready after you roughed us up.” Vivi giggles at me adorably.

    “Let me help you two with that real quick, then.”

    She lets out a pleasant gasp as I pull her on top of me and steal her lips as my hands begin to roam over her entire figure. Vivi purrs into my mouth as the warm energy of Rejuvenate penetrates every cell of her body. Bit by bit, I get rid of her fatigue as we exchange sweet pecks.

    Even after I finish, the needy Nereid lady doesn’t stop nibbling on my lips. I have to smack her tender booty to peel her off me, taking the chance to slide Vivi aside as she giggles from the echoing slap.

    “Me too! Me too!” Leilei instantly flings herself into her place without giving me even a second of rest.

    I catch her, obviously, and let the green-skinned woman experience the same treatment. It would be rude to deny her this brief pleasure and definitely necessary recovery. Thankfully, she seems to be a little bit more obedient and ends the passionate kisses on her own after my mana stops pouring into her body.

    Stepping off me, she extends her hand and Vivi mirrors the motion. I accept their help and sit up. They peck my cheeks once more and start pushing me off the bed.

    “Now go, Master. We are happy that you entertained us for this long but you surely are very busy. Thank you again,” Leilei says with a wide smile.

    “Yes, thank you. We would feel even worse for hogging you for ourselves while there are so many girls around just waiting to get a piece of you before the punishment game ends,” Vivi adds with a mischievous grin.

    I raise my hands in surrender and hop onto the floor. “As you wish. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll talk with whoever works at the reception today to bring out the new menu cards with your portfolios. You better get some rest. Surprise reveals can sometimes explode in popularity.”

    “That would be wonderful!” The green-skinned Nereid beauty stares into the distance with an excited expression.

    Shaking my head, I give them one last wave and leave the two aquatic ladies to their plans. They must have really looked forward to the day they would finally be released from their past mistakes. If I’m at least a somewhat decent judge of character, they are going to thrive in their new environment. Safi and Emi might be in danger of getting dethroned from their positions of eternal best girls of the establishment.

    Glancing around the hallway to check if no one is perhaps waiting to speak with me about anything, I start moving back to the main lobby while scanning the mansion with my senses. I quickly locate who I’m looking for and switch my internal GPS to the underground area.

    On my way there, I bump into a few women walking either alone or in pairs. Everyone seems to be on their daily schedules, though, as no one stops me for longer than a few short minutes to chat a little.

    Naturally, their gazes are glued to the obvious place, but perhaps I’ve been worried about getting jumped at way too much than I should. It’s obvious that they would love to share a moment with me if I just asked, but none of the girls is in the state of not being able to hold back after seeing me stroll around with a bobbing stiffy.

    This punishment game, as my Nereid friends have called it, might actually not be as intense as they think. And I’m very grateful for that. It would be a tad hard to operate while swarmed by dazzling figures all the time. Hari got her fill just recently when she clung to me like a koala—an impaled koala, to be precise—so she doesn’t really tempt me that much for a moment.

    Bidding farewell to the last trio I’ve met on my way to our dungeons, which was a mix of two Dark Elves and one Wood Elf, I slip into the hidden staircase and begin to descend. It’s a really nice feeling to see everyone become friends so quickly. Though, I guess different subraces might not hate each other as much as some Humans do back on Earth with the only major difference being their skin colour.

    Without dilly-dallying too much, I reach the door to a certain workshop and knock gently. Looking to the side, I can spot an orange glow escaping through the gap in the slightly opened entrance to Sirgia’s forge. A brighter flash illuminates the dark hallway in a rhythmic fashion.

    Why am I not surprised anymore that she’s going ham on her creations all the time?

    But, in any way, my knocking is met with no answer so I repeat the motion but with a bit more strength. I know for sure that there is at least one presence on the other side, judging by the bonds I share with my women. There might be someone else who I expect to find in there after taking a peek inside, but we’ll see.

    If they open the door, that is.

    After waiting for two more minutes, just to give the girls time in case they can’t yet answer the door for whatever reason, I put my hand on the knob and give it a try. As expected, it turns without any issue so I do my best to take a silent peek into the clothing studio.

    The moment my eyes peer into the chamber, I find two people in the very centre of it, with their backs turned to me. I can hear the excited giggles and squeals as the two women repeatedly comment on something to each other while leaning over whatever they hold on the belly-high stone counter.

    It looks like those two outfit maniacs, meaning Nyfile and Mari, are completely lost in their own little world. And to prove that, I open the door fully, step inside, and close it with a bit more strength than necessary. The semi-loud thunk does literally nothing to the two women.

    I chuckle and slowly walk toward them.

    “—and so, we could replace those two parts over the chest area with soft, curly frills. With that, we won’t really have to worry about the wearer’s breast size,” the Wood Elf lady explains with a quiet but clearly upbeat tone.

    “You are a genius!” The Human tomboy squeals happily and does a bunch of small tippy-taps with her feet. “The frills will compress when someone with a small bust wears this, making it look unbelievably cute, and they will stretch to their full size with someone bigger, making it equally amazing with a smooth appearance! What about the colour?”

    “I thought about dark gold to go in line with the skirt. The vest is closer to dusty cream so it should work together rather well,” Nyfile answers with a pleasant hum.

    “Yeah, I can see that. But here. The back feels somehow… empty. The front is so nice and full of eye-catching features but there’s pretty much nothing over there. What could we—oh! I know! Let’s cut it in half, make holes along the edges, and add stylish laces of the same colour as the frills! With a cute ribbon at the waist!” Mari claps her hands joyfully.

    “Brilliant. That will further enhance the comfort of the wearer, allowing them not only to easily fit their breasts no matter the size but also letting them fasten the cords as tight as they need to fit in the vest. Just like a corset. We wouldn’t really need to make a dozen versions. And who is the genius here?”

    “Looks like you two are having fun,” I join in from the side, finally being able to see what they are talking about.

    Both girls jump slightly at the sound of my voice and their faces snap my way. A wide smile instantly overtakes Mari’s lips and she lunges at me while laughing cheerfully. I barely catch the overenthusiastic tomboy moments before she slams into me and sends us into a spinning motion. The world becomes a smudge and her merry voice fills the chamber as the rotations turn faster and faster.

    I chuckle at her too and force us to gradually slow down. After we stop for good, I set the ecstatic tomboy on the ground and we look at each other with wide smiles.

    “Alastair! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” Mari bounces on her feet as she showers me with her gratitude. “This is heaven! Everyone is so nice! And Nyfile is just the best! But Shino is a goddess too, even though I only met her for a second! Her sketches are completely out of this world! There’s so much we can do!”

    I fail to hold in a snicker at her curious choice of words. If only she knew.

    One day, most likely.

    “Calm down a little bit, would you?” I grin at the energetic woman in my arms. “What will happen when we actually finish equipping this workshop with all the proper appliances? I would rather not have such a pretty girl explode.”

    Her freckled cheeks show a hint of rosiness as she takes the compliment with a toothy smile, but then they turn completely red. Mari finally realises the state of my undress after her eyes skip down to glance at the element of my nonexistent attire that keeps poking her in the belly. Her eyes turn wide and she steps back while clearing her throat, trying her best not to stare at my member but failing fabulously.

    “Hahaha, sorry… I don’t know what’s gotten into me…” She smiles wryly.

    “I can guess what and I don’t mind. I’m glad to see you making friends already. And, don’t worry, you can look without averting your gaze. You’ve seen a bunch of them, right?”

    “I mean… Yeah… But none that… full…” The blush creeps even further, now covering even her cute nose, as Mari takes a more thorough glance. “It’s… nice…”

    “Thank you very much.” I chuckle at her. “So, you are already making big plans?”

    To not embarrass the tanned tomboy any longer, I step closer to the counter and lean forward, somehow hiding my erection from the more direct line of sight. One of Shino’s notebooks rests open on the hard surface, with a few sketches of something in the likes of those idol outfits from the musical anime and manga covering the pages. Some loose pieces of paper litter the tabletop too, where the two fashion artists added their own spins to the design.

    Nyfile steps closer to me and smiles softly. “We have three projects on our lists, Master. Mari is truly amazing. I’ve never been able to bounce ideas off another person this fast. She has much more talent than I have.”

    “Oh, please, you are making it sound like you do nothing, Nyfile!” The person in question takes my other side and rolls her eyes, still grinning happily and slightly blushing. “It’s only thanks to your suggestions that I can see things from so many new angles! My head is spinning with never-ending concepts!”

    “I can’t wait to see you two in action,” I comment, running my gaze all over their own sketches. “Better get ready because I’m going to throw so many orders at you that you might start actually hating it here.”

    Mari snorts adorably and shakes her head. “That ain’t gonna happen. If your rush orders are going to be at least half as fancy and interesting as the designs in these notebooks, I’ll happily die working on them.”

    “You better not.” I point a finger at her and raise my brows. “Because I’m going to find a Necromancer and bring you back from the dead to continue forever. I hope you’ve read your new contract to the tiniest print because you are mine now. Understood?”

    As the rosy flush on her face grows a shade denser, she skips with her eyes down at my waist and nibbles on her lower lip while giving me a faint nod shortly after looking up again.

    Damn. I meant that as a joke but why the fuck is she so fucking hot?

    It’s my turn to clear my throat and I stand up straight. “We are quite short on time right now since the evening starts soon so I’ll take you girls shopping tomorrow. Is that okay?”

    “Shopping?” Mari tames down her blush a little bit and gazes at my face curiously.

    “I’m sure you know the best stores to pick up some tools and equipment. The sooner you two get what you need to let your creative juices flow, the better. Nyfile was waiting for you to join before we went to buy a ton of things so that we could be sure that you would like them too.”

    Another blinding smile blesses my eyes and the wild tomboy throws herself at me once more. Mari plants a long, smacking kiss on my cheek as she wraps her arms around me in a bear hug.

    “You are the best boss ever! I’m going to love being here so, sooooooo much!”

    “Told you so.” I chuckle and run my fingers through her short hair. “Now, I would appreciate it if you stopped attempting to squeeze me out of my skin so that I can return to my responsibilities. You girls can get back to your fun too. I know well that brainstorming sessions should not be interrupted like I just did. I’ll hear you out in full tomorrow.”

    “Master is right. Let’s finish up with that costume before we get even more distracted. And that’s not hard with him present like that.” Nyfile helps me escape Mari’s clutches and flashes me a warm smile before they return to their designer world.

    It doesn’t take long before they are back to ignoring their surroundings and I keep listening to their excited banter for a few minutes longer. We really need to get them this equipment. If this is what they can think of while keeping in mind what they have on hand, then I can’t imagine what they are going to be like with a fully stocked studio.

    With that thought, I leave them be and walk back to the surface, first taking a peek into Sirgia’s den. She seems to be working on something small and delicate so I decide against breaking her focus. It’s a heated metal too so the more reason not to distract her. She clearly has to keep it at the correct temperature for what she is trying to achieve.

    Back on the main floor of the mansion, I take a quick detour to the kitchen to grab a snack. I meet Rene there as she sneakily preys on what looks like a jar of cookies. Her eyes turn into saucers when she notices me and she hastily hides them behind her back but the crumbs on her pouty lips are the clearest evidence of her misdeeds.

    I learn that those belong to Cornelia after questioning the adorable doggirl and snicker a little. Her tail turns into a smudge as I offer help in emptying the round container with her. We feed each other cookies for a bit until they completely run out. I clean the face of the chubby bundle of joy with my thumb and bid farewell to my partner in crime with a peck on the lips.

    I can’t wait to see how our tsun magician will react. I really hope I’m home at that moment.

    With my belly full of the fluffy and tasty sweetness, I head out to chase after Elea. She always keeps tabs on everything so she’s the best person to inform about the slight changes in tonight’s lineup. Besides, she would definitely rebuke me for trying to do everything myself instead of relying on her and the others.

    She seems to be having a talk with our two bouncers in the eastern wing so that’s where I go. Meru crosses my path as she wanders toward the garden according to what she tells me and I shower her with some pats and cuddles for a minute or two. She really loves having her tail caressed and I’m a sucker for doing exactly that.

    I don’t intend to trap her in the endless cycle of affection so we continue further with each other’s blessing. Taking a right after reaching the corner, I lock my eyes on the door to the room where my Dark Elf wife currently is.

    But, before I can reach it, another door swings open just next to me and someone grabs my arm.

    “Wha—” is all I can utter as my captor pulls me inside and slams me into the wall with the use of centrifugal force, closing the door behind us at the same time.

    I grunt as my back slams into the wooden surface and someone’s figure blurs in front of me as they lunge at me from the side.

    To be exact, at my waist.

    “Sweeeeeeeeet Jesusssssss!” I whimper and shiver a little as something warm and wet envelops my member, slamming my hips into the wall.

    More groans escape my throat as I finally catch the sight of my attacker and support myself with my hands in their slightly curly dark brown hair. My brain tries to process the information fed to it by my eyes as some mature-looking woman blows me like a motherfucking vacuum cleaner on turbo mode.

    It finally catches up with all the other sensations and lets me know that my cock is currently being ferociously assaulted by no one other than our resident MILF named Ria. Her violent bobs make my hips bounce between her face and the wall on repeat as she shoves my dick deep into her mouth with the help of the hard surface behind me.

    “Goddess almighty… Ugh… Fuck… Slow down a little…” I chuckle awkwardly as pleasure overwhelms my lower body.

    My words only seem to push the suddenly thirsty accountant even further and my knees start to shake from the intensity of her blowjob. There’s no doubt Ria is a very experienced woman with how perfectly her tongue coils around my shaft during that short moment when she takes me all inside, then yanks her head back to let it tug my erection a little while unrolling from it.

    I can’t help but squirm under her rough affection. As if having perfectly calculated the length of my penis, she pushes her face into me just enough to lightly stab herself in the throat, clutching only my glans in her tight embrace, which in turn causes it to experience something beyond comprehension. She literally just tickles, and teases me with her throat, making me go crazy from all those combined sensations.

    “Shit… You want it that bad? Then fucking have it… Ugh…”

    Letting my high build naturally without any influence of my Class, I’m brought to climax in a flash and Ria quickly pulls back just enough to keep my member between her luscious lips. The dam breaks a moment later and waves of warm seed spill on her tongue one after another. I can clearly see a wide smile forming on Ria’s mouth wrapped around my cock as she relishes in the taste and releases a quiet hum.

    She takes her time while swallowing my load bit by bit and still caressing my shaft with her skilled tongue as I slowly catch my breath. After no more of the creamy delicacy is left for her to consume, she releases my member from her lips with an audible pop, already cleaned to perfection.

    “What the fuck was that?” I ask the hungry accountant with a raised brow and a small smirk.

    “I did my best holding back but you didn’t exactly help it by parading through the mansion with such a prime specimen out in the open.” Ria lets out a ladylike chuckle and looks up at me to meet my gaze. “I really, really hoped to keep my promise but it doesn’t look like I will be able to. You are just way too slow and indecisive.”

    The second part of her answer is clearly not meant for me and I don’t miss that. But, it’s at that moment that I notice what I did in fact miss up until now.

    And that is another person in the room.

    Back there in the centre of the soft, double bed, sits Elise with her legs tucked under her butt. Her face is all flushed and she holds a hand close to her mouth, hiding her dainty lips from the world. The other palm grips tightly her short skirt and presses it firmly between her legs to desperately cover something else.

    Ah yes. My ultra nemesis. Diabetes.

    My dick literally twitches at the unbelievably cute sight despite the fact that it has just unloaded its pleasure into the other woman’s mouth and Ria chuckles again, recapturing my attention. She smiles at me sweetly, her expression clearly announcing that she understands my confusion.

    “I was supposed to wait before I sank my fangs into you until our lovable Elise made her move and finally did what she’s been dreaming about since the day you brought me here, but everyone has their limit, especially single mothers who have not experienced a good dick in years.”

    I move my eyes between the hot and thirsty MILF accountant and the cute and adorable receptionist, who is definitely blushing even harder right now. Before I can recollect myself fully, Ria stands up and runs her sharp nails over my toned abs.

    “Therefore, it’s time for a change in plans. Since she still seems hesitant, I’m going to show our cute, shy friend what an honest and caring man can do with a very, very horny woman who has nothing more than his thick, tasty cock on her mind. It’s time for a presentation.”

    Somehow, the memories of a bunch of PowerPoint presentations flash through my mind as Ria mentions them while still wearing her alluring white shirt which barely hangs for its life holding her voluptuous bust and the sexy pencil skirt. Naturally, she is the one presenting them.

    I swallow my saliva as my eyes wander over her curvy figure and finally meet hers. Seeing the intense craving in them, I take a peek at Elise for a brief moment before returning to her.

    “Are you sure about it?”

    She shows a beautiful smile and grabs my wrist, leading me to the bed. “She had her chance. She has no right to say anything now. All she can do is regret that she didn’t take it.”

    Again, I’m sure that Ria is speaking to Elise and not to me as the two women look each other in the eyes. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem that the latter is bothered by the seemingly rude words of her older friend. On the contrary, the fervent blush on Elise’s face keeps growing by the second.

    Since both of them are clearly good with this, I catch up to the mature beauty from behind and wrap my arms around her, causing Ria to gasp alluringly.

    “My, my. Someone is getting impatient.” She smirks at me over her shoulder.

    “Look who is talking. I’m not the one kidnapping my boss to face-fuck him into the wall until he busts in my mouth. Though, I would gladly eat my secretary out until she floods my face with her love juices at any time.”

    She purrs into my ear as my fingers start to fiddle with the buttons of her shirt. Not wanting to go through every single little token, I grab the material and pull it to the sides with a lot of force. Ria whines alluringly as I accidentally tear through her bra too and her massive melons spring free right in front of Elise, whose eyes widen right away.

    I immediately begin rubbing the needy accountant’s nipples with the tips of my fingers and Ria lets out quiet moans of pleasure, reaching out to comb through my hair. I play with her mighty mountains for a good while, kneading them tenderly and rolling their peeks between my digits while listening to her blissful sighs.

    Then, my right hand starts sliding down and buries itself under Ria’s waistline. Making sure that I feel not just the material of her skirt but also her panties under my touch, I rip both of them off her in a similar fashion, grabbing her mature pussy right away.

    Ria shudders when my palm gently brushes over her completely drenched folds, decorated by a quite lush dark brown rug. Just as a woman of her age and stature should, she is pleasantly hairy down there, but not fully unkempt, which only adds to her incredible charm.

    Giving her a few slow grazes, I suddenly push her forward and she yelps in surprise. Her legs bump into the edge of the bed and she trips, falling right on top of Elise, smashing her enticing cushions right into the poor girl’s face. A few muffled noises escape the trapped receptionist’s mouth, making me chuckle a little.

    “Oh! Yesssss… That’s exactly it…” Ria hums happily as I jump after her and run my tongue over her inviting slit from behind as she rests on all fours above Elise.

    My actions make her straighten her back and release the other woman from her suffering. A loud gasp reaches my ears and it takes all my focus on the delicious, dripping snatch in front of me not to snicker.

    Glancing slightly below, I can now see what Elise has been attempting to hide earlier. Her legs ended up slightly spread and her skirt rolled up just a bit, revealing her cute panties. An obvious damp spot decorates their bottom part, which seems to be unhurriedly growing.

    She is definitely intently watching me eat Ria out right now from below.

    Therefore, I decide to give my number one receptionist a well-earned show and gently pull Ria’s petals to the side, exposing her sensitive flesh to myself. She lets out a louder moan as I begin to run my wet tongue over the inner pink of her labia in slow, irregular circles.

    I make sure to explore every nook and cranny of this beautiful flower before I finally move on to the little pearl decorating the top of the entrance to the promised land. A longer, sultry moan reverberates through the room as my tongue tickles the shy nub. She follows it with a throaty groan and arches her back the moment I give her clit a good suck.

    Slowly but surely, I can sense Ria’s orgasm building up. I keep exploring her magnificent pussy without a single moment of pause. Her abundant nectar drips onto the sheets between Elise’s legs whenever I fail to catch it with my lips. It’s not that easy when you try to nibble on someone’s clit to bring them the best experience possible.

    But, to not prolong this too much, for both women, I finally slip my tongue inside Ria’s hot channel, evoking another grunt from the mature lady. I use my thumb to caress her clit in the meanwhile and slid in and out of her soft passage with my warm muscle.

    “Mhhhhhmmmm… How I missed this sensation… Mmmmmmm… Just a little bit more, please…”

    It seems that as far as the two girls have gone together, I don’t think they ever went down on each other this much. Or at least Elise hasn’t. I’m well aware that this peculiar duo talks a lot about their sexual experiences, which mostly belong to Ria, but it is truly sad to learn that she didn’t have anyone to even go down on her properly.

    And it’s against my own morals to leave my partner unsatisfied so I double my efforts and Ria’s body answers them almost instantly. She starts pushing herself into my face each time I thrust my tongue into her fragrant crevice as light shivers run down her spine. Her titanic tits sway so much that Elise must be bordering on getting hypnotised back there.

    The well-endowed accountant finally reaches her peak and releases the last, prolonged moan as the climax hits her. My tongue is pushed out of Ria’s constricting pussy but I keep tenderly rubbing her clit to add to her orgasm as much as possible. Small trickles of love juices spurt out of her yearning hole in little bursts.

    Finishing riding her high, Ria falls onto Elise again and I quickly help roll the mature beauty aside so she doesn’t suffocate her friend with her weapons of mass destruction. With a very apparent flush, the poor receptionist thanks me with an appreciative nod as my naughty secretary chuckles at us.

    “That was nice. But, it’s not what Elise always wanted to do. I’m afraid that we’ll have to move to the core part of the demonstration for her to truly understand what she is missing.”

    I shake my head with a wry smile as the two completely different dazzling beauties rest on the bed under me.

    What a fucking day…
  3. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 138 – Family Secrets ❤❤❤
    I run my gaze over the two women lying next to me as I sit on my knees between them. Ria has a soft, pleasant smile curving her pouty, mature lips, still breathing a little quicker than normal from the short spike in pleasure she experienced not that long ago. Her impressive chest heaves strongly as not a single piece of clothing covers her tender charms.

    Meanwhile, Elise has again grabbed her skirt and tries her best to pull it down as much as she can to hide the faint wet spot present on her cute panties. She holds her knees together and stares at me with an apparent blush, often skipping with her eyes to my waist. Nothing surprising with how I stand out between them with my flag raised high and proud like during the national anthem opening up a grand event.

    Well, I’m fairly sure this is going to be one.

    But before that, I drag myself a bit closer to the adorable, black-haired receptionist and extend my hand to Elise. She regards it with a somewhat unsure and curious gaze and I smile at her warmly to reassure her. Thankfully, with a hint of hesitation, she does take it and lets me pull her up to a sitting position.

    I then place my palm over hers, which holds her skirt tightly, and smile once more.

    “Getting a little bit aroused is nothing to be ashamed of, especially while working in such an environment.”

    Elise’s cheeks turn a shade darker as she realises that I definitely saw the state of her underwear and she nods shyly. I gently pry her fingers off the soft fabric and move them aside, fixing the crumpled material. She gives me a tiny, appreciative smile while directing her pretty, light brown eyes right back at me. I have to commend her efforts not to stare down with us being this close.

    “You don’t have to be here if it feels awkward or uncomfortable, no matter what Ria says, okay?” I reach out to delicately set a lock of her black hair behind her small ear. “I’m pretty sure I will have to take care of our accountant friend soon or she will jump at me again and I have a feeling it won’t end up as gentle as earlier if that happens.”

    She lets out a charming giggle and gives Ria a brief glance, who lays on her side while supporting her head with her hand as if posing for a painting. Even though I’m not really a very artistically gifted person, I get a faint urge to grab a piece of paper and try to sketch the mature woman like one of the french girls.

    “I… I’m okay…” Elise answers me with a quiet voice.

    I return my attention to her. “You sure?” She gives me a slightly more confident nod. “Alright. Considering what Ria said before, don’t feel pressured into anything. If you would like to spend some more time together, maybe go out a bunch, or just meet with a bit more privacy, I will gladly accompany you, okay? I honestly think you are pretty and cute so I would be happy to have some fun together, and I don’t just mean this.”

    Elise’s face has been calming down gradually but it seems that my words cause it to light up once more as a wide, unbelievably charming smile overtakes her petite lips when she drops her gaze down to escape from mine. And that results in her getting even redder as she turns her eyes right to my member, quickly looking aside and shooting me a few side glances.

    “Thank you… Ummm… You know… I think… Ummmm...”

    She has some trouble speaking her mind and Ria chuckles from our side.

    “And now you can see where the problem lies.” The big-tittied accountant raises herself and embraces me from the back, squeezing those amazing cushions into me. “She’s always this indecisive and shy about getting a little intimate, no matter how much she looks forward to it. I wanted to give my best friend all the time she needed for this but I’m not as patient as you might think.”

    Ria squints her eyes at the cute receptionist and starts slowly stroking my shaft up and down. Elise of course instantly locks onto her motion and watches as my erection bobs back and forth in her older friend’s long and slender fingers. Perhaps unaware, she even nibbles on her lower lip ever so faintly, making it look so much more adorable rather than seductive.

    “So, this is your last chance,” the brown-haired lady continues, raising the tempo of her strokes and starting to plant sucky kisses on the side of my neck. “If you don’t say it properly like the grown-up girl you are, you can’t blame me for taking him for myself. I really need a man back in my life again.”

    An almost deafening silence falls onto us, broken only by the lewd sounds created by Ria’s lips caressing my skin and her palm rubbing me energetically. I swear it feels like it lasts for way longer than it physically does before Elise opens her mouth to answer, but the teasing accountant beats her to it at the last moment.

    “Time’s out! All you can do now is sit and watch what you’ve been missing all this time! Well, I’ve been missing it a lot too,” Ria purrs into my ear as her other hand starts getting a feel of my chest and muscles.

    She pulls me back and I shoot a quick look at Elise’s face. The black-haired receptionist gives me a barely discernible nod as if giving her permission for this and I soon end up down on the mattress with Ria straddling me. The lusty financial advisor stares back at me from above as her plump body covers mine.

    My hands immediately move to her tender cheeks and I sink my fingers in both halves with a quiet slap. Ria’s mouth parts to suck in a small breath and then curls into a wide smile. Seeing me answer with the same, she places her lips over mine and we share a slow, sensual kiss as I keep playing with her luscious ass.

    I can literally feel her need drip on my underbelly. She’s been ready most likely even way before she captured me and went down on my cock like a milking machine. My earlier feast on her mature pussy clearly didn’t ease her yearning.

    After about a minute or two, our pleasant exchange finally comes to an end.

    “How would this lady like to proceed?” I ask Ria with a soft smirk.

    “This lady needs to experience the strong hand of a man again,” she answers with a small grin too. “It’s been a long time. Use my body as you wish and show our young audience how real adults enjoy their time together.”

    I don’t have to be told twice and roll us over in an instant. Straddling Ria, in turn, I catch a brief glance of Elise watching us from the sidelines, and quickly bring myself down to envelop one of the massive peaks with my tongue, going after Ria’s perky nipple.

    “Ohhh, yessss… Someone who actually knows what he’s doing… Mmmmmmm…”

    I give lots of attention to her impressive bosom and receive musical sighs and moans as a reward. My left hand moves to caress Ria’s left breast while my right slides down her alluring body until my digits run into a completely drenched and flooded spot. The mature woman sprawled under me trembles lightly as a gasp escapes her throat.

    Somehow, I achieve an angle allowing me to lock gazes with Elise as I play with both of Ria’s tits and slit. The cute receptionist’s eyes are glued to the jiggling hills, focusing on my tongue tracing circles around Ria’s dark areolas and my fingers tenderly and carefully rolling the other, free nipple. She seems to completely ignore me in pursuit of this visual stimulation, which is also accompanied by a plethora of lewd noises and sounds.

    “I’ve had enough of your fingers… Mmmmm… Alastair, please…” Ria whimpers under me and I return my attention to her.

    Seeing her pleading expression, I give her slick folds one more rub and unhurriedly spread them to the sides. An excited smile paints Ria’s lips when she feels my tip press against her entrance, teasing her a little bit. I leave her breasts for now and sit up, grabbing her legs under her knees.

    Her own hands shoot down in an instant and she takes the role of spreading herself from me, revealing even more of her fragrant, mature flower to my awaiting cock, and I slip in. My glans sink into her velvety channel and she hums joyfully. Bit by bit, I push through her drenched insides until my pelvis kisses her lower lips with a quiet smack.

    I sigh blissfully and glance at Ria’s face. She is watching me intently, already waiting for the next part. Her fingers trail over her skin and stop at her impressive tits. Giving me an inviting grin, she begins to knead her chest, clearly aiming to put up a good show for me.

    Not wanting to leave her unappreciated, I draw my hips back and plunge myself into her leaking honeypot with a wet slap.

    “Ohhh! How I missed this sensation! Ohhmmm! Your toys are great, Al, but there’s just something else about the real thing! Ohhh! Ohhh!”

    Ria keeps showering me both with her captivating moans and bountiful love juices. I’m quite surprised to see how wet she actually is. Each thrust makes her pussy spurt some more nectar onto my rushing member and my underbelly. I don’t think any of the ladies I've been with were just this drenched all the time.

    Nevertheless, I give my all to please the woman in need instead of pondering over her bodily functions. Pulling her thighs even more to the sides, I continue plunging myself into her very welcoming love nest, causing her titanic tits to bounce happily up and down. She starts having trouble holding onto them from how hard they jiggle under the pounding she receives and soon gives up on rubbing herself completely.

    “Ohhh! Yes! You can be rougher! Mmmmmm! I need you deeper, please!”

    She grips the sheets next to her head and smiles at me between her moans. Following her request, I push her knees a bit closer to her body and shove myself into her soft and pleasant channel with much more force, nailing Ria into the bed. I lean forward a bit and stare at her face full of pleasure from above, working my hips to the bone.

    Loud smacking echoes throughout the room as we continue our ardent session. Ria’s velvety insides tickle me so gently, giving me just a little squeeze now and then when I hit a good spot. I slide in and out of her without any issues, like she trusts me to always come back, to return to her smooth embrace. It’s a nice change of pace after experiencing the vice-like grip of the sea ladies.

    But, I notice more of those little hugs that are given to my member and Ria’s eyes start slowly escaping to the back of her head as her mouth opens wider. A throaty moan fills the air the moment her body is enveloped by strong shivers. Her welcoming passage embraces me with a firmer hug but I can still freely stroke her insides with my cock as Ria rides her high.

    As expected, a small gush of love nectar gets launched out of her needy snatch the moment I draw my hips back just not enough to plop my tip out of her gentle hold. I continue to plow through the spasming MILF until she stops spraying my belly with more of her juices and sets her palm on my stomach.

    Pausing my movements but still remaining inside of her, I lean forward and place a myriad of gentle kisses all over her face as she trembles silently under me. Ria gradually calms down and finds my lips with hers, joining us in a passionate exchange. Her hands roam my front as she purrs into my mouth.

    Totally thinking that she will need a second or two to rest, I’m completely not ready to suddenly get shoved aside, ending up on the bottom. The curvy accountant shows up on top of me, with her seductive, toned legs crossed over my body. Before I can utter even a single word, Ria drives her pussy down onto my dick with force comparable to that of an avalanche and starts riding me off to the sunset.

    “Ohhh! Ohhhh! I love missionary but this hits the spot way better! Ohhh! Ohhh! Come on, work with me!”

    I chuckle at the brown-haired beauty and grab onto her sides. After a few initial slams, we find a good rhythm and I drive my waist up to meet Ria’s bottom the very moment she puts some strength behind her own motion. Meeting in the middle, we create a loud smack and a little splash of her wetness each time. Our lovemaking turns even louder than the lovely moans my lusty accountant releases into the air.

    Bouncing on my cock like on a trampoline, Ria lets me admire all of her curvy, plump, very toned and mature body. And there really is what to look at. My eyes wander not just over her enticing, well-groomed slit decorated by an appealing little carpet right above the feminine mound spread wide by my length, but also over those massive, perky mountains jumping right in front of my face with enough intensity to smash a watermelon if one ended up under either of her amazing tatas. Of course, that’s without mentioning her beautiful, thick thighs that could clearly take lives.

    “Ohhh! Ohhh! I’m close! Ohhh! Are you going to cum, dear? Are you going to fill me up this time? Ohh! Ohhhh!” Ria glances down at me with a lusty smirk, fully aware of the term she has used just now. “Come on! Ohhh! Ohhh! My womb aches to taste real seed again! Please, dear!”

    I grunt slightly as she pushes her pussy even harder into me, causing the bed to release some squeaky noises as the mattress caves in with each of her attacks.

    “Fine. You’ve earned it. Count me in.”

    Ria grins at my obvious joke but her mouth soon opens wide as I reaffirm my grip on her hips and begin hammering her mature flower from below.

    “Ohhhh myyyy! Ohhhh! So deep!”

    She has to quickly support herself with her hands on my chest from how hard I pound her leaking hole. My fierce banging sends ripples through her thick thighs, waist, and smooth but faintly chubby belly. Ria grits her teeth while letting out cries of fully carnal pleasure and I soon sense the light, quick squeezes embracing my member during each of its short visits inside her, announcing her upcoming orgasm.

    Ria arches her back and her eyelashes flutter as a guttural groan escapes her throat. I keep plunging myself deep into her as she showers me in brief bursts of love nectar again, this time letting me see each fragrant squirt perfectly well. My cock rushes through her tightening passage until she grabs my wrist to stop me once more and I drive myself as deep as I can with one, last, mighty stab.

    I explode at the very moment Ria’s love nest spurts the longest burst of liquid yet and I fill her depths to the brim with milky-white delicacy. Her prolonged groan is like music to my ears as crashing waves of warm seed paint her womb inside out.

    She lands on my chest, still trembling a little, and I hug her lovingly, rubbing her back. We both breathe roughly, with her being a bit more winded than I am. Her fragrant, curly, dark brown hair lay right under my nose and I can enjoy her flowery scent filling my lungs to the brim as we unhurriedly come down from our respective highs.

    Well, until Ria raises herself up, hovering over my face with a sly grin.

    “More?” I raise a brow at her and she gives me a sultry gaze. “Geez. I don’t think your husband left you just because of your workaholic nature. I wouldn’t be surprised if you ground his bones to dust with how fierce you are.”

    She gives me a ladylike chuckle and pecks my lips. “There might be something to that, dear.”

    Not waiting for my answer, Ria sits up and spins herself around, presenting her beautiful back to me. She sets her hands on the sides and leans back. Since she has skillfully seen through all of those movements, I’m still lodged deep inside the gentle embrace of her womanhood and she throws her hips into motion right after achieving the perfect reverse cowgirl position.

    I swear to Goddess, I can’t ever let Ria and Lianne get a jump on me or I’ll never be able to see sunlight again.

    With the added lubrication from my previous load, my rock-hard member slides in and out of her pussy with even more ease than before. I assist my passionate accountant as she spears herself onto me by holding firmly onto her sides. Not before long, Ria sings us the song of her pleasure again.

    “Mmmmm… Yes… Another round just after a creampie is the best…” she purrs while glancing at me over her shoulder with a mischievous smirk.

    Her right hand moves away from the mattress and snakes somewhere to her front, leaving the matter of keeping herself stable almost fully to me. A moment later, I notice her fingers clearly rubbing her clit as she drops her snatch onto my cock, their movements a slight blur between her legs.

    It looks like she is much more sensitive now after cumming so many times and her voice rises from melodic moans to loud cries quite quickly. Ria drops herself onto me faster and faster as my dick scratches her slightly more tense vagina from her bent position, stroking her uneven walls at a completely new angle.

    She reaches another orgasm in a flash and flies off my cock while letting out a deep, prolonged moan and I watch as she squirts a powerful jet of liquid ahead while ferociously flicking her bean. Collapsing onto me as soon as she lets all of it out, she chuckles to herself and rolls aside.

    That’s when I notice that we have somehow ended up right in front of Elise and the previous water cannon sprayed the poor, adorable girl right across her face. She stares at me with a fervent crimson flush and droplets of Ria’s nectar dripping off her chin. Her blazer and shirt suffered the same fate.

    I shake my head with a quiet chuckle. This scheming vixen has clearly aimed for this result and did not need another round.

    Summoning a trusty handkerchief from my storage ring, I scoot closer to the poor Elise and hand her the piece of cloth while bringing out another one.

    “Sorry about that.” I smile at her softly as she lets me wipe her cute face, taking care of her neck and clothes by herself.

    “It’s okay…” she whispers, giving me a small, pretty smile too. “You couldn’t see anything from back there so it’s not your fault…”

    After cleaning up Elise’s flushed cheeks, I help her a little with her clothes and notice that her skirt has rolled up a bit, revealing her underwear again. The damp spot on the bottom of her panties has grown quite critical now and even faintly leaks outside.

    Elise notices where my gaze is directed but doesn’t try to cover her privates anymore, giving me a shy glance instead. Sliding her hand holding the handkerchief lower and lower, she arrives at the hem of her skirt, brushes over a few of Ria’s stains, and actually pulls it up to bring her nether regions more into sight. Hesitantly heading even further, she reaches the wet spot on her panties and very slowly rubs it with the handkerchief, still looking at me timidly.

    Having in mind Ria’s words about Elise’s indecisiveness and the signs she’s clearly giving me, I lean a bit closer to the sweet receptionist and bring my own handkerchief next to hers. She doesn’t stop me from pressing it into her wet crotch and sighs blissfully as I apply some delicate pressure onto the damp material, starting to drag my fingers up and down.

    Slowly and gently, I stroke her precious place more and more, intentionally running into her entrance or definitely erect clit. The black-haired girl stares deeply into my eyes as I caress her, releasing lovely sighs and puffs of air as her mouth opens slightly when I run into a more sensitive part of her arousal.

    She seems to be inching closer and closer to me so I mirror the motion and our noses almost touch. Quite confident in my belief that Elise won’t be able to cross this last, invisible boundary by herself, I do it for her and subtly press my lips into hers.


    A lovely hum reaches my ears as our mouths brush against each other. Seemingly getting bolder after the initial contact, Elise lightly nibbles on my lower lip as we exchange lazy pecks. Of course, I don’t stop cleaning her panties with my handkerchief, putting some more force into wiping that big stain off the drenched fabric. But, from what I can feel, I might be achieving a completely opposite result.

    A minute later, Elise withdraws her lips from mine with a diabetes-inducing, happy smile. She glances down for a brief moment and I soon feel her petite fingers gingerly wrap themselves around my shaft. She gives it a few inquisitive tugs while gently biting on her lower lip.

    “How does it feel?” I ask her in a whisper.

    “Nice,” she answers quietly too. “Hard.”

    “Would you like to do something more with it?”

    Her cheeks turn a shade redder and I swear she sinks her teeth even stronger in her pouty lip. She examines my front with her gaze and stops at my face. I watch her open and close her mouth a few times, clearly trying to find the correct words, but each time she looks like she’s finally got it, her eyes skip to the side before returning to me and she fails to follow the momentum.

    I sigh softly and smile at her. “If you are too nervous around your friend…”

    Before I finish, Elise crawls very close to me, her body almost pressing into mine. I wait patiently as she leans into me and guides my hand which has still been caressing her nether regions to the small of her back. Holding my fingers firmly, she dips them under her panties and I feel my digits travel down the narrow canyon between her tender butt cheeks until they run into a slightly different texture.

    “Here…” she whispers right into my ear.

    “Got it,” I reply in the same fashion, poking her back entrance inquisitively. “What about Ria?”

    “It’s okay…” Elise assures me and I bring my face back to see her smiling, red face.

    “Let’s get you ready, then.”

    She leans into me again and I start slowly unpinning her blazer as we make out like gentle lovers. Elise assists me in taking it off and even takes care of a few buttons in her shirt, wanting to get out of it sooner than later. Her simple, white bra is revealed to me and we pause our kisses.

    Gathering some courage, she reaches behind her back and unpins it by herself, holding the two cups close to her chest for a moment. I carefully pull her hands down and reveal her moderate chest. To convey how much I love those adorable hills, I start running my fingers over her soft skin, bumping into her hard nipples now and then.

    Elise moans softly under those caresses and grows a little impatient. She unbuckles her skirt by herself too and wiggles out of it with a few awkward movements. Slowing down a bit when pulling down her panties, she does manage to take them off and lets me take a look at her cute little slit, blushing furiously again.

    “You are adorable and charming, down there too,” I whisper to her gently.

    She answers with a dazzling smile and a flash of even deeper red over the arch of her adorable nose. I pull her into me and turn her around, pressing her back into my chest. Elise gasps sweetly as my erection pokes her lower back but I start planting kisses on her neck, reassuring her that we are not jumping right into it from the get-go.

    But, before I can let my hands roam over her body to help her relax, something yanks the black-haired receptionist away from my grasp and she falls forward with a yelp of surprise. Elise lands right on top of Ria, who is resting on her back. The younger girl ends up with her head in the older woman’s bosom.

    “Now you will have much easier access to all of our adorable Elise and I will be able to help her relax, right sweetie?” Ria chuckles and brushes through her friend’s hair with evident affection.

    Elise gives me a slightly uncertain gaze but then her body becomes much less tense. Retaining eye contact with me through the single eye she can direct my way from between those two massive mountains, she even gingerly spreads her butt to me as an invitation and permission to approach.

    I smile at her dearly and slowly crawl to them on my knees. Resuming raining pecks on her skin, I leave a sucky trail all the way down to her cheeks which she’s holding open for me so bravely. I’m fairly sure she’s made herself ready for it before Ria dragged me here, but I cast a few simple cleaning spells just in case and tickle her cute anus with my tongue.

    “Oh.” A single, quiet gasp travels through the chamber as Elise shivers lightly.

    Chuckling to myself, I give her back entrance a few more prodding licks and it seems that my amazing receptionist enjoys it so much that she is very eager to experience more, pulling her cheeks even further aside with both hands this time. I can’t very well disappoint this fair lady and push my tongue inside with all the care in the world.


    The sweet moan that answers me is all I need and I lose myself in exploring Elise’s backdoor. She sighs blissfully into Ria’s chest as I keep loosening her tight ring with my prodding muscle. A few adorable oh’s and ah’s escape into the air whenever I delve deeper than before.

    Soon, her pinkish anus opens and closes as she learns how to cooperate with me and I add some delicate rubs to her tightly sealed pussy, caressing the spot where Elise’s shy pearl should be hiding. My efforts are met with an instant reaction in the form of sporadic shivers every few seconds.

    “I think our friend is ready to receive her reward for being so brave,” Ria says with a tinge of mischief in her voice but she clearly does everything she can to make Elise as comfortable as she can get.

    The girl in question glances at me over her shoulder once more and nods ever so faintly. I smile at her warmly and summon our prized lube, dripping some of the miraculous gel onto her puckered button. Just in case, I also cover myself with it just a bit, and lean over the two women.

    “Here I go then. Relax and enjoy. I will do it slowly,” I whisper to Elise’s ear as I hover over her back and she nods again.

    Her lips twist into a cute ‘o’ when my tip pokes her backdoor and her eyes bulge in shock when I push forward, spreading her extremely narrow passage to accommodate my girth.

    “Ohhhhhhh, Ria, it’s so big!” Elise whimpers into the older woman’s bosom. “It’s going inside me! Oh! Oh! I’m really taking it in the butt!”

    Ria chuckles softly at the younger girl’s surprised face as Elise grabs her wrists, giving them a light squeeze. At the same time, my glans slip past her tight embrace and I pause for a brief moment.

    “How is it?” I ask Elise and place a kiss on the side of her head.

    “Super, super weird.” She giggles adorably. “But the good weird. You are spreading me so much. Can you go deeper?”

    “Of course. That’s just the tip,” I reply and gently enter her more.

    “Just the tip? Ohhhhhhhhh… I don’t know if I can take all of it…”

    After half of my length disappears from my sight, I begin pulling back and Elise’s mouth again forms a cute shape of a circle. She whimpers quietly whenever I slide my member inside and sighs delightfully with a small shiver whenever I withdraw my cock through her choking hold.

    We fall into a steady rhythm and I try to be very careful not to plunge myself too far so as not to make Elise uncomfortable. From the half a dick she bravely receives, she looks to be having lots of fun. Ria’s face is adorned by a wide, motherly smile as she watches her kind of adoptive daughter enjoy the wonders of anal penetration even before she experiences the proper way.

    “I’m ready…” Elise moans at me after a few short minutes. “I would like you to give me all of it, please…”

    “With pleasure,” I reply and bring my face next to her so that we can share a gentle kiss during the motion.

    A vibrating moan tickles my lips as I slowly make more space for myself by poking deeper and deeper into the charming receptionist’s asshole. Bit by bit, I’m able to bury more and more of my shaft in Elise’s tight, hot, and very stimulating insides. Soon, my pelvis softly smacks her jiggly butt and she giggles.

    “I took it all! It feels so much better than I thought!”

    “I’m glad. Should I start moving?” I ask after she flashes a joyful smile at Ria.

    “Yes, please. You can be a bit rougher and enjoy it too.”

    I chuckle and peck her flushed cheek. “I already enjoy making you feel good a lot. Plus, you hug me so lovingly down there I could burst at any moment.”

    Elise giggles again and I give her the first stronger thrust. She gasps adorably and nods at me for more. I quickly oblige and start plunging myself into her narrow passage repeatedly, bumping both her and Ria with each shove of my hips. The two women hug each other closely and the mature accountant stares at me over her friend’s head with a proud and grateful smile.

    I admire our cute receptionist's charming back while exploring her tight embrace. My hands move over Elise's skin tenderly as I push my hips into her butt, bumping her lithe body up a little bit with each thrust. She releases sweet whines every time I plunge deep into her narrow backdoor and lets out blissful sighs during the moments I pull back out of her. The three of us bounce on the bed together as one amalgamation of bodies, with Elise squished between me and Ria, becoming the filling for this carnal sandwich. Though, it's me who does the filling to her butthole right now.

    “Ahhh! Ahhhh! This is so nice! Ahhhh! Ahhhh! I think I’m getting close!”

    Ria chuckles while brushing through Elise’s short, black hair. “Are you going to cum from your butt?”

    “Ahhh! Yes! I will cum from my but! Ahhh! Ahhh! Please, Alastair, let me cum from my butt!”

    “I’ll even cum with you,” I answer her pleas with a husky tone.

    “Yes, please! I’d love that! Ahhh! Quickly! Ahhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnn!”

    I gently nibble on Elise’s earlobe as she chokes my cock even more while entering her orgasm. Shoving myself balls deep into her backdoor, I release my cloudy cream into her constricting passage. She trembles lightly, grabbing Ria’s tits as she screams delightfully and rides her high.

    After plopping myself out of her, I fall next to the gorgeous duo and stare at Elise from the side. She gives me a beautiful smile while still catching her breath. I notice her wriggling herself out of Ria’s hold and quickly catch the petite girl in my embrace as she switches her resting place to my chest, pulling me into a loving kiss.

    “That was so nice. I can feel your stuff flowing out of my butt.” She giggles and blushes heavily. “Would you like to… do the other thing with me too?”

    I graze her crimson cheek dearly. “I’d be happy to but we don’t need to go for that if you enjoy anal much more. You could save the other place for the person you set your mind on in the future.”

    “What if… I have?” Elise asks with a faint bite on her lower lip.

    I sigh gently and save that poor, sexy lip from its fate by stealing a kiss from the adorable receptionist girl again. “Then that man must be the luckiest guy in the world and should do anything for his incredible girlfriend.”

    Elise enjoys my tender pecks for a moment before raising us up to a sitting position. She gives my manhood a brief glance, smiles at it pressing into her smooth belly, and looks at my face with an upturned gaze. Pondering over something for a few seconds, she looks past me and giggles adorably.

    With a little kiss on my cheek, she slips out of my hug and crawls on all fours back to Ria. The mature lady helps her climb on her gorgeous body and flip around. Elise ends up lying on her back on Ria’s front and the older woman’s hands slide down the younger one’s sides, reaching Elise’s thighs. She lets her friend spread them invitingly and gets literally presented to me on a silver platter, shooting me a timid but eager smile. If that platter was a MILF instead.

    I approach the sexy duo again and lean onto Elise, letting her join our lips as my cock tickles her tightly shut slit.

    “I heard that you can take the pain away. Could you…?”

    “Of course.” I nod and she takes my face into her hands, bringing us back to our sweet exchange.

    Positioning myself properly with my hand, I push past Elise’s folds and gradually slide inside her marvellous pussy. Compared to Ria, she’s so damn tight. It’s like day and night. She grips me so tightly that I’m not sure if I didn’t accidentally enter the wrong hole, though that situation usually plays out the other way.

    “Mmmmmmm… Thank you. I really didn’t feel any pain. But this is so different. Did you really feel so good from this earlier, Ria?”

    The mature lady chuckles and snakes her hand down the young girl’s stomach, aiming for her pelvic region. “Just wait until he starts making a mess out of your pretty little pussy.”

    Taking that as my signal, I began to unhurriedly move my hips, evoking a few pleasant gasps from Elise. A brilliant smile soon takes over her face as I increase the tempo the more she gets accustomed to having me plough through her insides. Little sighs and moans fill the chamber all around us.

    Even so, I think we can both tell that Elise felt it much more from taking it in the ass. She is still showing some amazing expressions full of delight and pleasure but nothing I do beats how she wriggled and reacted to getting railed anally minutes ago. We make some gentle love while kissing each other.

    Perhaps thanks to Ria’s efforts of massaging Elise’s clit from above, it doesn’t take that long before our receptionist friend gets close. We still remain in our heated exchange as she wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me into her stronger with each concurrent thrust.

    “Please, fill me up just like Ria! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!”

    “That was the plan.” I smile at her and move slightly lower to sink my teeth into the side of her neck with gentle care.

    Elise trembles instantly and gets pushed over the edge. Her already tight channel constricts around me even more and we both release at the same time. A creamy load surges through her hot, spasming passage to the accompaniment of a high cry of pleasure. Elise is very vocal when she’s cumming, as I’ve learned just recently.

    I roll to the side with the petite girl still in my arms so that we don’t inconvenience our mature friend. Elise then slides partially off me and I quickly realise that she’s making space for Ria, who pushes herself into me right after and I end up between the two of them.

    “See? Was it really that bad?” Ria asks, and the question is clearly not aimed at me.

    “No,” the proper recipient answers with a pretty smile. “It was amazing.”

    “I told you he would gladly do you in the butt but you were like noooooooo, he will think that I’m a weird girl, and all of that.”

    Elise turns completely red and hides her face in my shoulder, causing the two of us to chuckle at her adorable behaviour. We rest in relative silence after that, broken only by some soft, friendly chuckles and giggles coming from the two gorgeous ladies. It truly feels like they are one family.
  4. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 139 – Business Be Booming
    We rest on the bed for a few minutes longer. Elise traces over my chest with her fingers, her head lying on my shoulder, a small, soft smile on her lips. In turn, I gently brush through her black hair and keep placing tiny kisses on her forehead. Meanwhile, our mature accountant friend watches us with an almost motherly smile from my other side.

    My eyes jump to Ria’s voluptuous body for a brief moment and she doesn’t miss it. Our gazes meet after she flashes me a tiny smirk and rolls onto her side, setting her arm on her elbow and supporting her head with her palm. Her titanic tits make a bewitching bounce during the movement, capturing my attention.

    A giggle reaches my ears right after I consume the alluring sight before me and Elise’s petite hand wraps itself around my member.

    “You are still so vigorous. Does Ria turn you on so much?” the cute receptionist asks, tilting her head up to give me a glance with a rosy flush.

    “As much as you do.” I smile at her and lean down to peck Elise’s pouty lips. “It’s almost impossible to get enough of you two. How are you feeling?”

    The blush covering Elise’s face deepens a little and she escapes my gaze, without stopping the tender, unhurried rubs she is giving me.

    “Very nice… And a bit… loose…” She giggles again.

    I chuckle and slide my hand down her spine, reaching her perfect ass to give it a loving squeeze.

    “Were you always into butt stuff? I honestly didn’t expect it.”

    She returns her mesmerising eyes to me and nibbles on her bottom lip lightly.

    “Well… Not always, that’s for sure…” Elise gives Ria a slightly uncertain glance and then sighs softly. “It’s really embarrassing to talk about but… it’s kind of an accident...”

    I raise a brow at the blushing girl and look between her and our resident MILF. Before I can tell Elise that she doesn’t have to explain, Ria takes it upon herself.

    “I guess I’m partially to blame too. Indirectly.” The mature woman chuckles quietly, which causes her heavenly bosom to jiggle seductively. “I bought Elise a bathing oil one time as a gift, not that long ago. It was in one of those fancy glass flasks with a long, crystal stopper which extends into the neck of the bottle. It was shaped like one of those toys you offer here which can be put in your butt and then cover your butthole with a colourful gem after fully inserted, just much more elongated.”

    I cock my head back in understanding. She clearly means butt plugs. They are now a staple element of our repertoire.

    “Yeah…” Elise giggles embarrassingly and we look at each other again. “After opening the vial, I set both it and the stopper on the seating part of my tub. The stopper had a flat top so I could place it down without having it roll away. Then… I kind of lost myself in enjoying the scent of the water…”

    As she gives me a very timid, upturned gaze, I smirk at the adorable receptionist a little. If I have imagined everything she described properly, I can already see where this is going.

    “Let me guess. You wanted to sit down?”

    Elise turns even redder and makes an adorable nod. I chuckle at her and caress her tender butt some more.

    “Everything ended up okay back there?”

    “Yes. I wasn’t hurt. It just… snuck in by surprise… quite easily since it was all oily and such…” She gives me a shy smile and I peck her forehead. “Thankfully, it wasn’t some cheap glass and it didn’t shatter. But, when I pulled it out… it felt… weird…”

    “Weird enough for our cute Elise to start investigating and suddenly end up with a finger up her butt.” Ria chuckles, finishing the short story of how our adorable receptionist gained her kinks.

    “I’ve never put anything so big in there before. I’m sure you know since we talked about it during our interview.” Elise giggles, taking a peek at my waist. “It’s very shameful to admit but… I really liked it when you moved inside my butt…”

    My palm slides between her cheeks and I prod her back entrance a little with my ring finger, evoking a cute gasp from the flustered receptionist girl, and slip it in as she is still a bit loose. Elise returns her attention to my face and I pepper her mouth with a few kisses the very moment she swings her head up.

    “Your butt is heavenly. I loved exploring it. And, there’s nothing shameful in knowing what you like and enjoy. I’ll gladly be your butt friend if you would like.”

    “Butt friend?” She laughs softly, jumping on my chest slightly. “What about… a boyfriend?”

    I let my actions speak for themselves and leave myself open in front of Elise’s face. She quickly recognizes my intentions and a beautiful smile paints her lips moments before she pulls herself to press them into mine. We both let out a quiet moan or two as my finger still teases her cute butthole and her palm still strokes me up and down.

    “Fufufu~ I’m glad it took only one good dicking to get rid of your timidness.” Ria chuckles on the side while watching us. “Though, it’s not that surprising considering the cock we both have just experienced.”

    I smirk at our mature accountant as Elise hides her crimson face in the nook of my shoulder. “Still can’t believe you would kidnap me and proceed to throatfuck yourself with it out of the blue.”

    “Oh, how can you say that? I had that impressive thing in my sights for weeks now.” She shows a mysterious grin. “It was almost impossible to hold back when you started parading around buck naked while keeping yourself all hard and tempting the entire time. You can’t do that, dear. Not in front of a woman who tasted no dick for years.”

    “My dating life might have been a disaster, but Ria wasn’t that well off either,” Elise joins in with a giggle. “Even considering that she wasn’t looking for just a quick fling, the choice was often very lacklustre and disappointing.”

    “Does that mean I’m sufficient enough for you to settle down again?” I snicker at Ria.

    She lets out a beautiful, ladylike chuckle and leans more into my side, pressing her sizable melons into my arm. Bringing herself closer, she hangs inches before my face with a tinge of rosiness decorating her usually fair and composed skin.

    “I would lie if I said that you aren’t bringing something out of me which has been long buried deep down inside each time we spend some time together. I didn’t think I would be having these thoughts about a man again. You are making my belly warm up, and not just with your hot seed sprayed in my womb. Plus, I really needed someone to help me blow some steam off from work, though that stressful job isn’t part of my life anymore.”

    We stare each other in the eyes for a moment longer and I join our lips together. Ria purrs into my mouth and joins Elise’s fingers around my shaft. They start working on my member in tandem.

    “I’m sure you are still under a lot of stress at your new job.” I smile at her as we split. “Let me know whenever you feel even a little bit down and I’ll help you blow some steam off anytime.”

    “Be careful what you say or she might spend more time on a break rather than working,” Elise comments with a smirk and we all chuckle together.

    I turn my gaze to match hers. “Speaking of which, I don’t think you are in a state to man the reception today so we should perhaps let Cornelia have some fun tonight.”

    “It’s not that bad. I can already tell that it’s getting tighter.” She giggles adorably. “I just need to stretch my legs a little and get used to the remnant sensation of being speared by your thick penis.”

    “No need to force it. You deserve a break.”


    “No buts.” I squint at her. “Or I’m going to get back into yours until you can’t feel your legs anymore.”

    Elise laughs sweetly and the barely noticeable glint in her eyes tells me that she would very much like that.

    “Alright. Nothing good ever comes from arguing with your boss.”

    “I’m sure plenty of good would come from it in your situation.” Ria chuckles at her younger friend impishly and Elise blushes heavily again.

    “I’m afraid we don’t exactly have enough time for that.” I smirk at the mature lady too. “We really should get up and ready ourselves for the night. Well, at least I have to. You girls can take a relaxing dip or something. Also, this is just a random thought, would you like to come with me, Nyfile, and Mari for a little shopping date tomorrow, Elise? I bet that those two will quickly get lost in their own world so we could spend some time together, if that doesn’t bother you, of course.”

    Elise’s eyes widen a little at my suggestion. “Uhhh… I…”

    “You can say no. I won’t feel bad or anything. We can have a more personal date when I get a longer moment to spare.”

    She examines my face for a few seconds and her eyes skip to the side before returning to mine.

    “Can… Ria come with us too?” Elise finally asks with some hesitation in her voice.

    The person in question sighs softly and shakes her head. “You can’t even go on a proper date without your mommy holding your hand?”

    “That’s not it!” The cute receptionist hastily protests. “I just want you to go on a date with Alastair too…”

    Ria shows a warm smile and hugs Elise to her chest, squishing all three of us together.

    “You are just too sweet. If it really is fine with you, then I won’t say no.”

    “Let… Me… Breathe… First…” Elise’s muffled voice comes out from between Ria’s massive mountains and she soon gasps loudly. “Gods… It’s a miracle you haven’t killed your previous husband with these. I don’t think anyone but Alastair can handle your enormous tits.”

    “Now, now. Don’t be jealous. You are young and still have a lot of room to grow. You didn’t even have kids yet.” Ria chuckles softly.

    “I’m happy with what I have, thank you very much…” Elise mumbles under her breath while pushing her fair bust up a little bit with her hands.

    I brush over her pert breasts with my free hand too and pull her into a kiss. “I love yours just as they are. Charming, tender, squishy, and very beautiful. A real treasure.”

    We share a few more light kisses and finally drag ourselves up. I bring two big towels out of my storage rings and escort the ladies to the baths. Obviously, I don’t need one since the bet is still on for a bit.

    I let them wash me first since I’m kind of in a hurry and then leave the duo of old friends alone after placing one more peck on their cheeks and giving their butts a playful squeeze. Since we are nearing the opening hours, I jump into my suit and run a final check on everything. The few ladies that pass by keep booing at me now that their favourite reality show got temporarily censored, making me laugh at their antics.

    All the working girls are getting themselves ready, our maids and servers are hanging around the kitchen and the dining hall while setting the tables in the main hall with various snacks created by our skilful cooks, and our two bouncers chat between themselves with excitement. Garrena got really into it so we keep both of them on duty. She only leaves her spot whenever someone wishes to spend some time with the hot and muscular Orc woman in a tight-fitted suit.

    Soon, the time arrives and our scouts report quite a crowd of people in front of the gates. I stand by the main entrance as the guests are let inside and greet everyone personally for a while. Truly, a flood of people flows into our establishment and spreads out like they know exactly where they want to be and who they want to speak to.

    Well, after they get through me, of course.

    Almost everyone expresses their condolences again for the unfortunate events of the previous open night and I accept their best wishes and kind words with a polite and nice smile. Many ask about our charming catgirl and I assure them that Hari is very much fine and very eager to meet up with everyone.

    After the initial influx passes, I walk the central stairs to the upper level, stopping midway on the small balcony above Neria’s enchanting painting, and take a look at the busy main hall.

    I find the earlier person of interest sprawled on the laps of a bunch of laughing guys sitting on a sofa around a coffee table. Hari literally just lays there in her maid outfit with a wide smile as many people gently stroke her ears, tail, or rub her belly. They are truly pampering her like some cute lap cat but I’m not even that surprised considering how much some patrons care for our girls.

    Besides that sight, everything seems to be unfolding just as usual. People form groups while socialising and chatting together, some stand in the queue for the reception, some flirt around and interact with the girls hanging out in the lobby, and so on. The night doesn’t lack a fair number of noble ladies and more common-looking women too. Quite a few cuties show up here and there, seemingly a bit shy about their choice, most likely somewhat new to the establishment.

    The announcement of the roster’s expansion is welcomed with a lot of cheers and whistles as Elea introduces our Nereid friends next to the reception. It isn’t much, but we are finally expanding more in terms of racial diversity. They are the first aquatic species to join us. I have a feeling that they won’t be last, especially since we are heading underwater to aid Meru very soon.

    Learning about the unique environment prepared for our new residents, many patrons show great interest in taking a peek. The beds get literally more popular than their owners for a brief moment and we decide to host a sightseeing tour of Leilei’s and Vivi’s bedrooms before they can enjoy themselves properly.

    It takes us almost an hour to satisfy everyone’s curiosity and people line up in front of the reception right after, willing to test those beds personally. I really wonder what would be their reaction to Meru’s room but I’m not going to show or mention it yet since she isn’t part of our services department and it’s her personal chamber. One day someone with similar qualities will take one too. Perhaps a charming Mermaid.

    Other than that, the night continues undisturbed. I guess we’ve had our share of problems and issues for a while. The association is no longer a threat and I’m pretty sure that the show we made the last time should have been a good warning for any troublemakers. No matter your status, you are not a god inside these walls.

    Okay, I might be, but that's one exception.

    Time flies as everyone is having fun. Especially Hari. It feels like our guests have entered some kind of agreement to give the adorable catgirl a day free of work and just dote on her for hours. They keep rubbing her, patting her head, and even feeding her snacks. If this continues for the entire night, I’ll end up with another chubby Beastkin girl under my wings. We will have to roll Hari to bed at this pace.

    Not like I can even be mad at them. This will certainly be great for her. No matter what I would have said, she would never agree to keep resting for another day, thus I didn’t even bother trying to convince her. Leave it to our best customers to take matters into their own hands.

    I really love what we are slowly building here, even if some assholes try to bring it down now and then. It’s already surpassed my greatest expectations long ago. It’s not been that long since we opened for the first time and we can now even bring the next steps of the overarching plan into motion with Ross.

    The change in the slavery system will be big. I really hope they are able to pull it off without a heavy backlash. Perhaps I should visit Selina again soon and see if we can talk some about it. Her connections definitely run deep. If I made a big purchase, maybe she would be willing to cooperate on this.

    She has a very business-oriented mind so she should be able to realise that there are only positives in that. And now that I have my hands on the association, I can use it as a bargaining chip. Plus, we will be soon beginning the first open phase of our mercenary operation and she might be interested in providing some merchandise for it. The brothel girls won’t be the only ones trained and sent on quests and missions.

    But, we have a lot of other stuff on our heads before that. Meru’s plea is just one of them. In no time will I have to fulfil my promise to Ailish and go with her to search for Lilith. Hopefully, our mercenary forces will be decently developed until then so we will be able to employ their help if necessary.

    I also can’t wait for our cosplay department to take off. So many girls are looking forward to dressing up in Shino’s creations and other costumes. Elea’s friends have been waiting to pair those with their roleplay for a long time too. We did introduce a bit of that but nothing as specific yet. Getting to bang a slutty Elf priestess of a devoted nature in full robes will surely be a deal-breaker for some people. Or a defiant Tiefling warrior tied up by her captor.

    In any way, we’ve come a long way, yet there are still so many things to expand on. And when it comes to expanding, thankfully, the mansion is large enough to still have quite some spare rooms to house any new residents. These side wings are truly massive. Though, we will have to start thinking about possible extensions somewhat soon, just in case. We could either dig down or build up. I bet the latter would cost more.

    And, just like that, spent on a lot of thinking, the working night wraps up without any accidents. We escort people outside, as usual, receiving their heartfelt thanks, help some more plastered patrons get home with our taxi service, and then gather to sum up the day.

    Sharing a few laughs and talking for a little bit, mostly about the experiences of our new employees, who are ecstatic to finally mate after abstaining from it for too long, we soon go our own ways. Everyone already starts making plans for the next day—or today, considering the hour—and leaves for bed. I don’t know if Hari will be able to sleep with how much bouncing around from bliss she is. The treatment she experienced clearly got to her head.

    I kind of expected it, but I end up in bed with Elise and Ria. My other women urged them to wait for me in my master bedroom and I find the two beauties ready to spend the next few hours snuggled together. Naturally, I’ve learned not to argue with my incredible wives and just go with the flow.

    Elise seems a tad shy about the idea of sleeping together even after all we have done so I pull her into myself and spoon the cute receptionist with lots of love. She sighs contentedly as I rub her belly and rain delicate pecks on the nape of her neck, quickly growing comfortable in my warm embrace. Thanks to my amazing abilities, I can keep my lower half from reacting too much to her charms and don’t unnecessarily poke Elise in the butt.

    As for Ria, she of course goes after my exposed back. Her massive rack squishes into my skin as she hugs me dearly and wraps her arms around my torso. With a pleasant hum too, she whispers a few lewd words to my ear in an attempt to make me hard and tickle the person in front with my erection. I don’t give her that satisfaction though and we soon fall asleep together.

    Again, another thing I should have expected is waking up to a surprise.

    I somehow ended up on my back with Elise on my chest. We both open our eyes more or less at the same time and notice the sheets moving up and down in a regular motion. I’m well aware of the reason behind it but my receptionist girlfriend raises them and turns all red after finding her accountant friend going to town with my dick like she plans to skip breakfast.

    No idea how and why, but that sight somehow ignites Elise’s competitive spirit and she soon joins Ria down there with some brief uncertainty. The gorgeous duo works me up together under the sheets for a few minutes and I don’t let their efforts go to waste. Ria relinquishes the reward to her younger friend and Elise gets a little taste of me before we move out of bed.

    After breakfast with all my other wives—except for Lianne, Ghilerie, and Shino of course—I let our clothing artisans know about the slight change of plans and neither of the two shares any concerns about taking more people with us on our shopping trip. All four of them go prepare while I spend some more time with the other girls.

    Fifteen minutes later, I sense them gathering in the lobby and excuse myself. To not stroll in there completely exposed, I summon my suit again and I’m glad that I do.

    Elise dressed up in a short, cute, grey skirt and a navy-blue t-shirt. It hugs her figure tightly, emphasising her moderate charms. A little bit of her belly peeks out from under the bottom of the t-shirt whenever she moves her hand to brush a lock of hair behind her ear. She’s just so unbelievably cute in casual attire.

    Ria’s apparel hasn't changed much. It seems that she loves pencil skirts and white shirts. She did pick a slightly looser one for today and I’m pretty sure that it hides black lacy underwear behind that bright material, visible just barely enough to notice it after straining your eyes, making her so much hotter.

    As for our duo of fashion designers, they wear the same as usual too. I don’t think Mari thought even for a second about it and she’s here in her iconic denim pants on belts and a t-shirt while Nyfile chose her maid uniform for the outing. The former gets a little awkward and suggests quickly changing but everyone reassures her that anything is fine as long as she feels comfortable in it.

    Mari and Nyfile leave the mansion first and we follow after them. Ria joins her elbow with mine and Elise doesn’t wait long to mirror her motion, although with a much more visible blush. Our two friends take the lead and the tomboy artisan picks the first few places we have to visit.

    Just as I thought, she and Nyfile quickly forget about our existence and start talking about all the things they are going to make together after getting all the necessary equipment set up, and exchanging some new ideas in the process too. The three of us chuckle at them and focus on ourselves too, hoping to really make this trip into a somewhat decent date.

    We enter one store after another and I quickly let the passionate duo know that they can just point to the owners whatever they want and come to me after they finish so that I can pay up and store their spoils of war. That way, Ria, Elise, and I can look around at a much slower pace and enjoy our time together while going through the shop’s assortment.

    After about two hours, Mari runs out of places she knows are decent and Ria has to chime in. Our excited tomboy doesn’t notice it but the mature accountant has that very apparent twinkle in her eye when she lists the workshops and stores for her to choose from. We chuckle at each other with Elise, knowing well that we are going to be fucking up Ria’s old boss’ connections again.

    And, exactly that happens. While the other two girls admire and discuss various equipment, appliances, and materials, we have a talk with the owners. Not all of them agree to switch sides as easily as a few other people that we have visited in the past, but the seeds of doubt have been properly planted in their minds.

    We will bring that bastard down slowly but surely. He won’t even know what or who hit him.

    Nevertheless, Elise looks to be enjoying herself much more than I would have thought. I knew Ria would be eager to fuck that guy up more at any time, but our sweet receptionist girl jumps right onto our movement and seems super excited to be part of it. I don’t think we even have to do any of the normal date stuff with how much she thrives in our current environment.

    But, we do stop for a nice, romantic dinner after the girls grow a little hungry. Who wouldn’t be after expending so much energy? For once, the topics of our discussion switch to them instead of artisanship or business. Consuming our fancy dishes and sipping on fine wine, we chat casually among the five of us.

    Hitting a few more stops afterwards, we wrap things up and head back home. Mari and Nyfile can’t wait to unpack everything and turn their workshop into something breathtaking. Ria and Elise don’t mind ending it there either, saying that they loved the fun and active date. I even get a lovely kiss from the adorable receptionist right in the middle of a crowded street, which surprises the mature accountant.

    Returning to the mansion, I go with our fashion experts and help them set things up properly. Half an hour later, the somewhat empty chamber becomes so packed that we can barely walk around. But, it doesn’t seem to inconvenience the people who are going to work here so I let it be however they want.

    Preparations done, they shoo me away and get straight to work. As I’m leaving, Nyfile mentions that I should visit Sirgia to see if their joint project is finished. They have been working on something together and the last part of it was left in my Dwarf wife’s hands.

    Therefore, I make my way to the forge since it’s not that far from their fashion studio and find my precious little work addict doing exactly the same as usual, meaning overworking herself. I wait until Sirgia finishes polishing some metal plate of dark crimson colour while observing her with a warm smile.

    She finally notices my presence after turning around to grab something. “Oh. Master. You really should let me know when you are waiting for me.” A faint blush surfaces on her adorable face.

    “It’s just way too hypnotising watching you do your thing.” I chuckle as she leaves the metal alone and hastily trots to me, jumping into my embrace.

    I lift her up and sit Sirgia on the nearby counter. We rub our noses together, which evokes a few giggles from her, and finish it up with a gentle kiss.

    “How can I help you, Master? Or did you come… for me?” The rosy tint over her tanned skin deepens a bit.

    “Would you like it if I did?” I raise a brow at her and smirk.

    “Very.” She giggles shyly.

    I chuckle with her and place one more peck on her petite mouth. “I’m all yours whenever. Just say a word. But, not to lie to you, I came here after Nyfile told me to.”

    “Ah. She must have told you about our project. It’s finished. Let me down, Master, and I’ll bring it out.”

    I help Sirgia hop down onto the ground and she jogs cutely out of the chamber. I watch her small frame escape my sight as her metalworking apron and leather clothes jump on her short body. A minute later, she runs back to me with something that looks like a suitcase.

    She brings her stepladder to the counter, jumps on it, and sets the container down in front of us. “Here.”

    It’s obvious that she wants me to open it so I do exactly that. Lifting the stylish lid reveals something looking like the top of a folder t-shirt made of black, elastic, leather-like material. Slightly confused, I pick it up and raise it into the air. The bottom part unfolds, revealing some white details on the sides.

    But, that’s not all.

    The remaining part unrolls much further than I would have expected and actually ends in two holes for legs. Looking at it as a whole, it kind of resembles a fusion between a t-shirt and a one-piece swimsuit or diving apparel for women.

    “Is this some kind of a swimsuit that’s going to help when we go save Meru’s tribe?” I ask curiously.

    “Swimsuit?” Sirgia tilts her head at me. “It’s for Hecate.”

    The gears in my head keep turning for a moment longer until it finally clicks. “Ah. I see now. The bottom part is like her current panties and can split, right?”

    “Yes, although it’s a much more developed version that just a few magnets sewed in.” She smiles adorably. “This suit is made of the most durable fabric we could get in the Human lands so it can serve as her battle uniform and is very comfortable to wear so she can use it daily too. The parted sections are pretty much seamless. You won’t be able to notice the cuts until they are opened. They still operate on mana, of course.”

    “Amazing. How tough is it?”

    “It can stop common bladed weapons. A dagger is nothing, a longsword will still hurt a little, and a greatsword or halberd might be able to puncture it. No amount of slashing should damage it. These threads are as hard and durable as the finest dwarven steel.”

    Don’t tell me she just made kevlar or something. I wouldn’t be surprised.

    “Well. Let’s see if it fits, shall we?” I glance at her and Sirgia makes an enthusiastic nod.

    Hecate appears next to us in her pair of panties and sports bra, an emotionless expression paints her face as always. She clearly reads the mood and skilfully hops out of them, presenting herself bare in front of us. Not like it bothers her in the slightest.

    “How does she put it on?” I ask while rotating the one-piece suit.

    “Inject some mana into the back, Master.”

    I do as I’m told and the fabric parts from the collar to around the butt like with an automatic, magical zipper.

    “Hmmm. Fascinating.”

    Turning it around, I hold it out for Hecate and she steps into the holes. I pull it up until the bottom hugs her girly parts firmly but softly and she puts her arms through the short sleeves. I then move to her back and realise that there are a few more limbs that I’ve forgotten about.

    “There are holes for them too. Don’t worry, Master,” Sirgia reassures me.

    With a brief investigation, I do find the small cuts and guide Hecate’s six legs through them. After getting all of her into her new suit, I ask her to try and pour her mana into it and her new clothes zip up by themselves again. The material around her spider legs tightens up and embraces the onyx appendages without leaving even a tiny crevice of vulnerable skin.

    Hecate turns around and looks at both of us. The reinforced suit hugs her lithe body like a wet t-shirt, emphasising all of her petite curves. She looks utterly badass, sexy, and adorable. The kind of adorable that you know can turn you into sashimi in a blink of an eye.

    Though, the tight grip of the material does add some allure to it as we can easily make out her small, shapely chest with its pert nipples, and it doesn’t take much to trace the enticing shape of Hecate’s feminine mound down below. It’s not some incredible camel toe but it looks hot as fuck.

    “Try operating it,” Sirgia suggests to the spidergirl.

    Hecate gives her a faint nod and the fabric covering her nether regions parts exactly when I’m looking at them, flashing me her beautiful, pale pussy. Just as Sirgia said earlier, the cut is impossible to spot and the material moves to the side just enough to reveal Hecate’s pouty lower lips, embracing them around in a tear-shaped fashion.

    I can think of at least one more use than the intended one right now.

    Trying to shove any inappropriate thoughts aside, I watch as the cut heals itself a moment later and hides Hecate’s girly parts again, leaving no trace of anything happening to it earlier. The new owner sends us another nod, confirming that everything works properly.

    Great. My spidergirl finally got her spidersuit. Now we are talking.

    I chuckle and run my fingers over the smooth, black material covering Hecate’s chest. “You look badass in this. What do you think? Is it comfortable? Do you like it?”

    The adorable goddess of death answers each of my questions with a slightly more eager nod, bringing a smile to my lips.

    “I’m so glad.” Sirgia shows an adorable smile too. “The cut over the nether regions can actually extend further so you don’t have to take the entire suit off if you would need to go to the toilet. I wanted it to be an all-purpose costume. The material can actually help you blend in with the shadows. It can change shades to some extent too so camouflaging isn’t exactly out of the scope of its capabilities either.”

    “That’s awesome. With what Hecate can do, this will do wonders. You two really outdid yourselves with it.” I ruffle through Sirgia’s hair and she giggles sweetly.

    “Anything for you, Master. And your mates, of course. We are a family,” she replies with a tiny flush.

    “That we are. I love you so much.”

    I lean in to peck her beautiful, petite lips a few times and we share some loving kisses as Hecate starts testing out her new clothes in more detail. We watch her jump around, make some advanced acrobatics, stab and slice with her spider legs, and generally act all badass and epic. No matter what she does, the suit doesn’t inconvenience her movements. I can literally feel her faint happiness even though we aren’t bonded that deeply.

    “Alright. Are you busy right now, Sirgia?” I ask my cute Dwarf after we finally split.

    “Not really, Master. If you need anything, just say. I’ll do anything for you.”

    “You are already doing more than I could want.” I chuckle at her and pat her some more. “I’m thinking about gathering everyone and discussing our expedition to the sea. We gotta brainstorm this properly before moving out. I’m still not sure who to take with me.”

    “That’s a good idea. It could also give me some ideas of what to prepare for whoever goes on this journey. I’m almost done with Meru’s new weapon.”

    “Great. Let’s get going then and bring everyone in. We have a lot to talk about.”
  5. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 140 – Through the Eyes of Another: The Tactician’s Typical Day
    A certain distance from Evaneheim on the side of a travelling path…

    I take a deep breath while stretching myself inside my sleeping bag. A quick yawn escapes my throat as I open my eyes and look around. Judging by the faint trace of light making it through the thin material of my tent, I’m pretty sure that it’s a very early hour, barely after dawn or somewhere close, most likely. As usual, my body knows its routine well and wakes up by itself at the proper time.

    Warming my shoulders as I sit up, I reach to the side and grab my glasses, tossing them onto my nose and hooking the curved ends behind my ears. I give my head a little shake to check if they are still working and they are, as amusing and amazing as it is.

    Usually, simple glasses such as these would be a pain in very active environments and would either require a durable string attached to the temple tips or be completely replaced by contact lenses. Thankfully, people of this world are very resourceful with their magic and various interesting minerals so I don’t really have to worry about it.

    And, with the help of the King’s artificers, they had quickly fixed me an almost exact same pair as my normal ones but with an extremely neat feature. The nose pads are made of some weird, reactive, adhesive metal, which when supplied with mana, firmly attaches to almost any surface, and yes, that includes the skin.

    Therefore, no matter how much I shake my head, my glasses remain on my face like it's their life mission. Honestly, I don’t even need the temples to go over my ears and could literally wear them without like those round spectacles often shown in fancy steampunk movies and TV shows. But, that feels a little weird with the normal glasses so I opted in to keep the entire package.

    Nevertheless, it is time to get up and follow the schedule. I climb out of my sleeping bag and quickly dress up, leaving my belts, pouches, and cape behind for now. The same goes for my bow and quiver, they remain hidden in my storage ring given to us by the King.

    Giving the inside of the tent one more glance, I turn towards the closed entrance and part the curtains to peek outside. Just as I’ve guessed, the sky is just slowly getting illuminated by the rising sun. There’s at least an hour or two before we get the true morning and the surrounding forest is still bathed in a somewhat shady, dim light.

    Noticing the cracking of firewood, I turn my gaze to the small campfire slowly dying out after an entire night. A single figure sits next to it in a meditative position with their eyes closed and hands joined together. Even though their eyes are closed, I have no doubt that they are much more aware of our surroundings than even I am, considering their situation.

    Since I’ve definitely been spotted already, I walk up to Shino without trying to hide my steps in hopes of not disturbing her concentration. She opens her amethyst eyes and glances up at me with a gentle smile.

    “Good morning, Paul-san. You are up early. But, it’s not like that’s something new.”

    “Yeah. It’s just the usual. Thanks for taking two shifts. Who would have expected Kamil to get food poisoning out of the blue? Even after Nat healed him up, he didn’t look the best.” I nod at her to return the greeting. “You can get back and catch some more sleep before everyone wakes up for us to depart. I’ll keep an eye on the camp while warming up.”

    “Are you sure? You know that I wouldn’t mind taking even the entire night by myself now and then, so this much doesn’t really make that big of a difference.”

    “You still can enjoy a good rest even if you tire much slower after receiving Alastair’s help. There’s no need to stay here unless you really want to, of course,” I answer while looking around.

    “Alright. Thank you, Paul-san. Have fun with your exercises.”

    I extend my hand to her and Shino gets up after grabbing it. She dusts off her clothes, gives me a nice smile, and heads towards her tent, soon disappearing behind the parted sheets. Taking a deep breath of fresh, morning air, I move past the campfire and start stretching, making sure to switch my position after each rep to keep my eyes on every direction just in case.

    So far, since our very arrival in this world, I’ve been able to keep up my usual training schedule almost without any major interruptions. Of course, there were certain emergencies or special periods where that wasn’t possible, but I’ve never broken my streak of remaining in shape for a longer time.

    Simple morning exercises have always been a great way to wake up completely for me and get my brain running properly. The world is usually still quiet at that time, the temperature isn't too high, and there are fewer concerns and issues to deal with while everyone is still sleeping.

    After finishing my stretches and warm-ups, I jump into the slightly heavier exercises. It still isn’t anything too heavy considering our location and situation, but a bunch of slow push-ups, crunches, planks, sit-ups and other simple activities are plenty enough to retain a good form and condition.

    Done with those, I push myself off the ground and start to jog around the camp in circles. If previous exercises are the best way of waking my brain up, the slow, evenly-paced run helps focus my thoughts after getting a grasp on them. There is just something about this rhythmic and simple action of moving your legs and breathing that makes it very comfortable to think about things.

    And, the first thing I usually think about in the morning is my Status.


    It’s been a while since we advanced, at least we as the guys of this group, but I’m pretty confident that our next Tier is just behind the corner. Shino and Marcia received a little boost and help with that, making our party much stronger as a result, but it’s not like we are falling off that much.

    Obviously, considering their circumstances, we won’t really be able to compete in terms of progress. Yet, Natalie is also Tier 3 already, most likely thanks to the fact that she keeps weaving her magic and abilities into literally everything we do. Her music makes our travels much faster and more comfortable, her healing and other rejuvenation techniques restore our fatigue regularly, and she still throws in a lot of offensive spells into the mix whenever we stumble on an encounter.

    I’m quite happy with my own growth. My actives and passives keep going up the more I use my bow and the abilities connected to it. Recently, they have experienced quite the spike too, thanks to some coaching I received from one of Alastair’s friends. Her name is Filue if I remember correctly.

    I’m still not sure how it started but I guess that brief shooting competition sparked our slightly more complex cooperation. It just felt right to practise with someone sharing your passion and who is actually knowledgeable about what they are doing and possesses not small amounts of experience in that field. Then, things just escalated by themselves.

    Filue was kind enough to suggest sharing with me the techniques and teachings she learned in her home settlement. She was a hunter, and her Class is actually exactly that, so her abilities focus more on tracking and efficiently taking down her game, but a lot of small nuances and general practices can be useful in every kind of archery.

    Therefore, we spent a lot of time in the underground training chambers together each time our party visited Alastair’s establishment. It isn’t really my kind of place and I only tagged along initially but he certainly is doing pretty well, and I’m glad I went with everyone. The only issue would be all the beautiful girls who keep acting more than friendly with me all the time.

    Of course, I don’t mean it in a bad way. It’s just that I decided long ago not to partake in such activities with anyone else than the love of my life. Completely no offence to all those pretty and nice ladies. I’m sure we would have a lot of fun together and they are certainly trying to look after me, but I’m not going to change my mind.

    It might seem stupid considering that we are now in a completely different world but a man needs to stick to his own rules. I’ve always kept my word and I’m certainly going to continue seeing through my oath. My future partner might not care about it in the slightest, if I ever find one, but this belief is what allows me to stay in check. If I ever break that one vow, there’s no doubt I would start breaking the others.

    After finishing my one-hour jog, I take a moment to regulate my breathing and move slightly aside from the camp, still having its entirety perfectly in my sight. Summoning my bow and quiver from my storage ring, I equip both and start my regular shooting exercises, picking a few trees at various distances. With my Farsight, I can not only easily see the very cracks in their bark but accurately judge how far exactly each of them is.

    In any way, we spent so much time together with Filue that I actually managed to learn her archery technique from her. She was quite impressed and surprised, saying that it’s something almost unheard of amongst Humans since it would certainly require the person to open themselves completely, bypassing the racial barriers. Not many Humans would think of themselves as Dark Elves, having issues achieving that mentality.

    Well, we don’t really have such prejudices so I guess it’s a bit easier for us. And, I’ve always been taught that the ability to adapt is the most important one no matter your environment and goal. The faster you can accustom yourself to the situation you have found yourself in, the easier time you will have going forward, possibly avoiding making critical mistakes which could end with serious consequences.

    My own shooting, and effectiveness in general, experienced a big improvement after I combined Filue’s style with my own. And I’m pretty sure she gained some understanding and insight from our little competitions and practice bouts too. I certainly reached the peak of what I could do with just the methods passed onto us by our Human trainers brought in by the King so a fresh perspective was great.

    One by one, I send arrow after arrow right into the middle of my picked targets. Releasing twelve arrows in a row, I pause for a moment and repeat the motion after they return to my quiver, courtesy of another useful enchantment. Each next volley is faster than the previous one. Arrows keep sinking into the tough bark until I reach my best speed, launching the sharp projectiles seemingly almost without a moment of rest between the shots.

    It’s not a technique I have many occasions to use as most of my actual arsenal consists of very powerful-hitting spells and abilities. Still, it’s not the greatest idea to let them out on some poor trees, even if they look durable. At least a dozen of them would be blown into bits with just a simple Arcane Shot, not to mention Draconic Sharpshooter Arts. Plus, falling timber would definitely wake everyone up.

    And, that’s not yet necessary. I still have about thirty minutes for my training before Natalie wakes up. She is usually the second one to get out of her tent or bedroom, followed by Shino. Kamil and Marcia are often too tired after their nightly activities to wake up by themselves. Though, she’s also grown much more vigorous just like Shino so it’s mostly him who has a hard time keeping up now.

    Shortly before these thirty minutes pass, I wrap my practice up and head back to the middle of the camp. Everyone is going to start breakfast as soon as they get up so I liven it up a little and bring the flames back, setting the kettle over them to prepare some coffee.

    And, as expected, Natalie leaves her tent just a few minutes later.

    “Morning,” she throws at me quietly, stretching her arms towards the now much more blue sky. “Had a good night?”

    “Yeah. That song you play when we rest is something else. I can’t believe how easy it is to fall asleep after it takes effect and how beneficial that sleep is, no matter how long.”

    “I agree. It’s so nice that I can’t start a night without it anymore. I’m a little afraid I got addicted.”

    I smile at her while pouring her a cup. “Out of all things you could get addicted to, I think you ended up with the least troublesome and unhealthy thing. Are there any side effects to it even?” I ask curiously.

    “None that I’m aware of.” She shakes her head, accepting the mug of hot liquid. “So far, it’s been only beneficial. I hope it stays like that. It will be extremely hard to stop playing that tune before going to bed. Anyway, how is your practice?”

    “Good. Thanks. And I hope so too. These are the best nights in my life.”

    Some noise captures our attention and we catch Shino leaving her own shelter with a big yawn. Her eyes find Natalie and a beautiful smile paints her face. She quickly trots to us and sits down next to her best friend, giving Nat a warm hug.

    “Good morning, Natalie-san. Ready to reach our destination?”

    “I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to face more of those monsters, especially after what we have learned from Alastair,” Natalie replies with a sigh.

    “Don’t worry. I won’t let them lay a single finger on you. We are growing so much stronger bit by bit. The basic grunts don’t even stand a chance of coming close to us. We did very well in that big fight where we split up to handle the three generals,” Shino reassures her.

    “Well, you certainly seem to be growing extremely fast. Especially your stats,” our party’s Bard replies with a tiny smile, which makes the Samurai girl blush.

    “Ummmm… Natalie-san…”


    “What do you think… about Sensei?” Shino asks a little shyly.

    Natalie raises a brow at her while Shino’s cheeks turn even rosier. I smile a little to myself while shaking my head when they aren’t looking my way.

    She really doesn’t know, does she?

    Not hearing an immediate answer, Shino continues while fidgeting in her seat. “You know… Ummm… You would be much safer if… you got stronger too…”

    The golden-haired musician sighs softly, making her Japanese friend giggle nervously. “He is very kind and nice. Often goes out of his way to help people, never refusing to aid them after being asked. He is fun to talk to, at least judging by what we know from back then. He certainly has quite good looks. Like, I’m sure he’s somewhat handsome, yeah, but…”

    “It’s okay, Natalie-san. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be pushy or anything, I just…”

    Before Shino finishes, Natalie places a hand on her shoulder and squeezes it with a tender smile.

    “I know. You don’t realise how happy I am that you worry about me so much. You don’t need to apologise when you are only trying to think of a quite simple way for me to be safer even without you around.”

    Shino giggles once more, trying to look at her best friend properly. “It might be simple for me since I’ve always been… in love with Sensei… but I know that you weren’t really into such things back on Earth. I’m still sorry about it.”

    I catch a little grimace showing up on Natalie’s face for a fraction of a second before her usual, calm expression returns. It doesn’t seem like Shino noticed with how embarrassed she currently is. I can only shake my head again. It’s up to Natalie if she ever chooses to reveal that part. I’m pretty sure she still thinks that no one knows, but it really was hard not to notice back on Earth, and it isn’t any different here either.

    “It’s alright. I appreciate your concern so let’s end the apologies. You never know when to stop after throwing yourself into a long chain of apologising.”

    They smile at each other and then look up at me. Shino lets out another sweet giggle.

    “Sorry, Paul-san. It must be awkward hearing us talk about a guy like that,” she apologises again, this time to me.

    I shrug my shoulders and sit down opposite them. “I don’t mind. Since both of you are up now and the others should be following soon, I’ll get a read on the map again to see how far we are.”

    They turn back to each other and start chatting casually while I do exactly as I said. Bringing out the map given to us by the King’s intelligence department, I set it down on my lap and check our last marked position. Our destination, the village of New Solina, is naturally also highlighted, including all the important landmarks and other points of interest between these two points.

    I spent quite some time with the King’s men studying the surrounding area to the tiniest detail. The terrain, the infrastructure, the common monsters and beasts, and even the more rare and unusual events and reports. It’s extremely important to gather as much information as you can when heading into battle. Not taking advantage of all those elements is anything but smart.

    According to my calculations, there’s still a day of travel between us and our target. But, that’s considering the usual travelling speed, so that’s the worst-case scenario. With Natalie’s enchanted music which relieves the horses, we should be able to cover that distance in less than half of that time. In case something serious happens, we should be able to push our steeds enough to reach it in a few hours.

    New Solina is called a village but it’s more like a town from what I’ve gathered. They even have solid walls protecting the settlement and many buildings are made of stone bricks instead of wood. There’s a prominent salt mine next to it so that resource just keeps coming during the excavation. Though, it’s definitely closed right now due to the threat of Abyssals. As far as I know, they haven’t taken over the mines and the local garrison fends them off valiantly.

    The assault came from the east so that’s where the supposed portal should be located. First, just like the last time, we will secure the village by getting rid of any nearby monsters, discuss things with the local authorities, and hopefully fight our way into the place of the rift to close it without many unexpected things taking place. I would rather no one disappear to another realm again.

    Considering the intel the King’s men were able to gather, we shouldn’t worry about running into anything bigger than a single chieftain or something like that. There were no sightings of any more powerful Abyssals during the main raid or amongst the monsters laying siege to the town. Even if there are more, Shino and Marcia are now our trump cards. The former has already been a force to be reckoned with even before getting together with Alastair.

    I’m afraid she will one day accidentally wipe out half of a city with how much of a buff she received from him. It’s a little disappointing that she doesn’t have access to the temporary one anymore but we couldn’t just drag him around with us when he has so many responsibilities now.

    Taking one more look at the map and my own notes, I fold it back and hide it in the storage ring. While I was deep in my thoughts, it seems that Princess Vanessa joined the duo for some morning coffee and a casual chat. I usually don’t tune out my surroundings like that, but with all of them right in front of me, I don’t have to worry about anything getting a drop on us. Shino would definitely sense the danger much earlier than I can.

    “Alright. After Kamil and Marcia join us, we’ll get some breakfast going and move out. If you can keep up your tune for about eight or so hours, Nat, we can get to our destination before it gets dark,” I begin and everyone turns to me.

    “It shouldn’t be an issue. If you need me to, I could push it a little further even,” Natalie answers with a confident nod.

    “Let’s save your strength for an emergency. Arriving in New Solina before dusk is our current goal. It will be easier to sneak in or fight our way inside if necessary.”

    “If worse comes to worst, I can clean the monsters up, Paul-san! I’m full of energy and can go all out!” Shino gives me a proud smile too.

    “It looks like the two-hour nap was quite beneficial, wasn’t it?” I show her a small smile in response.

    “Very.” She giggles and her cheeks suddenly become tinged with a trace of rosiness. “I’m all buffed up for the next three days.”

    “What?” I furrow my brows at her. “Didn’t you need Alastair’s help to achieve that?”

    Shino turns even redder and glances slightly away. “Since we are this close to the village… I figured out that it wouldn’t take us more than a day to get there… So I asked Sensei if he had a moment… And we met… something like in my dreams but more real…”

    I stare at her in mild confusion, trying to pick up the details there and figure out how that would help while Shino starts twirling a lock of her jet-black hair.

    “To sum it up, Sensei can summon me into a special place that’s part of him… And we noticed that… If we do that there… The buffs actually carry over… Since it’s our souls that get together…” she explains, trying to look at me but clearly having issues with it. “So… I wasn’t really sleepy after you suggested that I take a nap… And instead spent that time with Sensei… So that I can be stronger for the upcoming encounter… And now my stats have increased for three days like they normally would if we met in real life…”

    After listening to her entire explanation, I cock my head back in understanding. “Damn. Does that mean that you can pretty much get that buff from him whenever you want?”

    “Yes…” She nods timidly. “Oh, also, I think Marcia-san might still be there… But she should be finished in a moment…”

    Even more crimson covers her cheeks as Shino’s eyes wander around as if trying to look for something.

    “That's extremely good news,” Vanessa joins in. “Not just because you can easily utilise Alastair’s abilities but also because you can just meet up with him whenever you feel like it, right?”

    “That’s correct, Vanessa-san. I was super happy to learn about it. Previously, only Sensei’s Succubus friend could do that but now anyone who is… deeply connected with him can do that.”

    Just as she finishes speaking, we hear the rustle of material again and Marcia steps out of her and Kamil’s tent, spreading her arms up and to the sides.

    “Hello world!” she exclaims with a wide, almost ecstatic smile.

    “You seem quite energetic,” I comment as she walks closer.

    “Nice dreams do that to a girl.” She winks at me. “Would you like to hear the details?”

    “Thanks but I’ll choose to decline. I have a rough idea about their contents.”

    “Rough sounds right.” She laughs heartily and sits down next to Natalie. “Let’s prepare the feast before our prince charming wakes up.”

    We do exactly that and start breakfast. Kamil joins us ten minutes later while we are in the middle of eating and we share a meal all together. I explain our plan for the day in the meanwhile and no one raises any objections about it. After finishing breakfast, we pack up, tidy the camp place, and jump on our horses. Natalie starts her travelling music and we depart.

    The travel proceeds peacefully. We talk about various things while on the horses. It’s still pretty apparent that Shino tries her best to pull Vanessa into a conversation to keep the princess from thinking too much about her recent discoveries and general family situation, and how she views herself very negatively now.

    But, Vanessa is looking much better than she initially was after returning to us, so I guess it is working to some extent. Shino isn’t really aware of it but she’s an extremely social and likeable person. It’s easy to make friends with her and people are often captivated by how charming and adorable she is while interacting with them. It’s no real surprise that Alastair took a liking to her. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen her being hit on a bunch of times at school, though it never really bothered her since she’s set her mind on someone quite early.

    Natalie decides to assume a slightly more powerful rhythm after consulting it with me and we move forward a little bit faster than I had first assumed. She wants to practice the control of her magic-imbued music and this is a perfect situation for that. With Shino and Marcia all buffed up, we can let her push herself a little bit more without our team suffering from it too much if she ends up more tired than usual.

    After five hours, I spot the abandoned shack which has been marked on the map, announcing that we are nearing our destination. Everyone tenses up a bit after I inform them about it. We are slowly entering the enemy’s territory so we’ll need to be vigilant of any potential ambushes or groups of stray Abyssals.

    Since there’s a sizable hill slightly on the side of our main path, I suggest we move there and scout the surroundings from above before we move close to the village. Everyone agrees and Shino leads us towards it while Marcia covers our backs.

    Our new vantage point gives us a nice view of the town of New Solina and the roads connected to it from all four cardinal directions. Nothing seems wrong at first sight. The village doesn’t seem to be under attack. But, using my Farsight, I’m able to spot individual Abyssals hanging around its borders, some grouped up too. As the reports stated, the main threat seems to have passed but it’s still not safe to leave or enter the town.

    We choose not to waste time and continue forward. Soon, we stumble on the first monsters. Their numbers aren’t great so we don’t even need to get off our horses to take down the occasional humanoids or beasts of dark, onyx skin. I skewer most of them with my arrows while Natalie uses some simple water and earth spells to kill the rest.

    Reaching the gate, we ride into a slightly bigger number of enemies but still very spread out. Since we don’t think that New Solina is in immediate danger, we decide to first get in touch with the authorities and then purge the nearby creatures wandering by the walls. To assure that the gates are opened for us, Vanessa uses her own magic to raise tall and thick walls of mud around us and we kill off the few Abyssals that end up on our side.

    “If you can hear me, we came here on the King’s orders to aid us in your predicament! We have secured safe passage with Earth Magic! Open the gates and let us in!” I shout to the sky and Natalie amplifies my voice in the direction of the watchtowers.

    We wait for about a minute without an answer. Then, the gates begin to open and we make sure that nothing slips past us as we quickly move through the tight gap created by the two massive wings of reinforced wood, just wide enough for our horses to pass. These people are minimising the risk as much as they can.

    A man looking like a typical guard covered in simple metal armour fitted with a hauberk to eliminate the gaps between his pauldrons, chestplate, and chausses, approaches us.

    “Just six of you? We kind of expected an army.” He scratches his head while glancing at us.

    “Trust me, half of this team can easily level the entire town each on their own in less than an hour,” I respond while looking around. “May we be led to the people responsible for the garrison here?”

    The man eyes us up suspiciously, perhaps not entirely buying that part about the town, but he grunts in a decently affirmative fashion and asks us to follow him. First, he shows us to the stables so that we can let our horses rest after the journey and then we move through the streets towards what looks like a small fortress in the very centre.

    It’s not that hard to notice the tension in the people’s eyes as we pass by various residents. They aren’t in a state of panic but they certainly don’t sleep comfortably knowing that there are monsters right on the other side of their defences. There seem to be a few adventurers here who must have gotten locked in when the Abyssals first attacked, not wanting to risk heading out before the current issue has been taken care of.

    We reach the fortress of dark stone and enter the sizable keep. Our guide leads us through a few dimly lit hallways until we end up in front of big wooden double doors. He pushes them inside and we enter a spacious hall with a round table in the middle. There seems to be a map spread out on it. A bunch of people stand around it or hang out in various parts of the chamber.

    “What is this?” a woman asks, raising her gaze from the paper.

    “Apologies, Officer, but you instructed us to let you know the instant the kingdom sends reinforcements,” the guard answers her with a respectful salute. “These people claim to have been sent by the King.”

    “Only six?” She frowns at him.

    “They claim to be powerful enough to make this town become nothing more than history in less than an hour. Each of them alone.”

    “What kind of reinforcements introduce themselves with threats?” The officer then turns to us.

    I sigh internally. It’s always like this when going through a middleman. Before things escalate further, I step forward.

    “Greetings, Officer. My name is Paul and I’m the leader of this party. It was never our intention to threaten anyone. Your subordinate said that you expected an army instead of a small group so I tried my best to visualise our fighting power to him with the simplest comparison. If you would prefer a more elaborate one, then I can inform you that we have felled many Abyssals of chieftain rank before.”

    The woman scans me with her gaze for a few moments before standing up. She walks around the round table and finally shows up in front of us in all her unobstructed glory. The most eye-catching aspect is certainly her military-themed uniform of dark emerald colour. She even wears a peak cap of the same shade with a badge clearly resembling a few designs we’ve seen at the castle in the royal capital.

    With that attire, her being called an officer isn’t that surprising, honestly.

    Regardless of her uniform, she has long, straight, black hair running down her back, crystal blue eyes, a sharp but clearly feminine face, and a very apparent figure, which is barely contained by the tight material. Her chest isn’t large but just big enough to be quite a sight. She seems to be about half a head shorter than me.

    “Chieftains, you say? What unit do you belong to?” she asks after stopping in front of us.

    “None, Madam. We are our own unit, the summoned Heroes,” I explain.

    A few gasps and murmurs break out but she silences the others by raising her hand.

    “I guess I could understand the lack of a bigger company if what you are saying is true. Can you prove yourselves?”

    I take off the fingerless glove covering my left hand and turn its back towards her, letting my Hero sigil show up.

    “Neat trick but I don’t think this will be enough. How can we know that it isn’t fake?” She crosses her arms under her chest.

    I sigh softly and glance over my shoulder. “Shino, would you mind?”

    The Samurai girl gives me a happy smile and lowers her posture, taking a drawing stance with her hand on the hilt of her katana. She closes her eyes and I’m pretty sure everyone can feel the ungodly amount of mana being condensed around her body as a few people in the room shiver.

    After about three seconds, Shino’s eyes shoot open, flashing with an intense violet glow, and she disappears with a loud thump. A strong gust of wind causes everyone’s clothes to flutter and I notice her standing on the other side of the chamber, still in a lowered posture and her weapon extended to the side.

    With well-trained movements, she sheathes her katana with a melodic click and smiles our way.

    “Will this be enough to prove ourselves?” I ask.

    The officer opens her mouth to respond but a distressed scream interrupts her. One by one, all the people in the room begin noticing extremely shallow cuts in their clothing. But, it’s not two or three, no, each of them is now a walking display of modern fashion with a dense net of slits all over every single piece of their uniforms or armour. Not even the woman has been spared, which she realises after checking herself over. There’s no doubt that Shino could have turned them into sashimi if only she wanted, instead of switching up everyone’s fashion instead.

    The officer woman looks our way again with an unexpected smile. “Alright. Let’s talk.”
  6. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 141 – Through the Eyes of Another: The Tactician Leads the Defence Operation
    After Shino returns to our group, we move closer to the round table with the map. It takes a moment for the people who have suffered some minor damage in their apparel to regain focus and we take that time to see what exactly is displayed on the wide desk.

    As expected, it’s a layout of the settlement and the surrounding areas. Most of the detail was put into the close vicinity of the town but the map expands a bit further to note the most crucial landmarks like the nearby mines and gives a sense of proper distance. As rare as it seems, this sheet actually has a grid but it doesn’t look like an original part.

    “This is a very good map. Easy to follow. The information seems accurate too. I wonder why not all of them that can be found in the capital are like this,” I comment, following a line with my finger in the air.

    “That’s because the lines are my doing,” the black-haired woman replies. “It makes it much easier to visualise the battle when you split the area into smaller parts.”

    “That’s true. It helps a lot in managing and commanding the troops too. Great use of markers. Do these symbolise the monsters?” I ask, pointing at simple, wooden dice scattered around the town’s walls.

    “Yes. The dots correspond to the number of Abyssals in that area, or in a group. More or less, of course, but we try to keep them updated as much as we can.”

    I nod while rubbing my chin. “You seem to have everything under control right now. The southwestern gate might need to be updated as we killed off a bunch of them while securing our entry. I saw three deaths but there could be more.”

    “Much appreciated.” She quickly changes the values on the dice placed near that region. “Now, before we continue, I believe we should properly introduce ourselves.”

    “Right. You already know me and Shino. The guy in heavy armour is Kamil, the dual-wielding redhead is Marcia, the blonde Bard is Natalie, and the brown-haired quarterstaff user is…”

    Pausing for a moment, I glance at Vanessa, who shows a soft smile.

    “Vanessa, a Geomancer. I’m not exactly going to hide it from official so I can reveal myself as Ronerulle’s princess.” She makes a courteous skip.

    “A princess?” The woman raises her brow at her. “I’m Catherine, ex-leader of the 42nd Quick Response And Emergency Fortification Unit, Officer Rank. Currently overseeing the defence of this town. What brings a princess here?”

    “I joined the Hero party some time ago. There’s no need to treat me as a royal out here. Right now, I’m just a fellow adventurer and someone who wishes to aid them in helping others,” Vanessa explains.

    “Ex-leader?” I ask after their brief conversation ends.

    “You can’t call yourself a leader without a unit.” Catherine sighs heavily. “I’m on my way back to the capital to report myself for abandoning my men after my team was ambushed. We faced overwhelming numbers out of nowhere and were wiped out. When things became obvious, our last surviving mages locked me out and told to run… Damned fools…”

    She slams her fist into the table and takes a deep breath, raking back through her black hair with one hand. The wound seems fresh so the only proper choice is not to rub even more salt into it.

    “I assume you stumbled on this situation by accident and decided to take control of the defence?” I attempt to return us to the main topic.

    Catherine gives me a weak smile and a barely noticeable nod, clearly meant as appreciation. “Yeah. You seem quite smart. I walked out of one mess just to plunge straight into another one. But, it’s not like I could have left the town to continue anyway.”

    “And we would have suffered much greater losses if not for Madam Officer’s help.” One of the men present in the room bows, most likely part of the leadership or local garrison.

    “So, what’s the current situation? I would like to receive as much detail as possible, and considering what I’ve seen here, I think you might be the right person to fill us in,” I continue.

    “The main assault has been dealt with, as the report should have said,” she begins and I confirm with a nod. “We are currently left with the remaining vermin surrounding the city from all sides. Their numbers aren’t great but it’s very risky to send out scouts to figure out how many enemies are hiding further in the forest. If only I had my men with me…”

    “We can take care of that, right, Paul-san? With your scouting skills and my Shadow Movement it shouldn’t be a problem,” Shino suggests.

    “Or we can just wreck their shit like always.” Marcia bumps her fists together with a grin.

    “We’ll see. First, we need to learn as much as we can about our enemy,” I reply while pacifying our fighter with a glance. “How many chieftains did you dispose of?”

    “None,” the woman answers. “I don’t think they have any or they would have sent them during at least one of the five attempts to break through the gates. It’s just grunts. Still, their leftover numbers are an issue.”

    “Maybe it’s guarding the gate like the gorilla back then?” Natalie ponders out loud.

    “What can you tell me about the assaults?” I ask.

    “As I said, there were five. These monsters seemed a tad smarter than the usual ones but it, fortunately, didn’t help them.” She scoffs to the side. “They launched an attack on each of the four gates, with a two-day rest between their attempts, most likely to prod our defences. Then, after another two days, they hit the northeastern one again, with a bigger force, failing to secure it, of course. It’s been a week since then. They must have run out of troops.”

    I roam my eyes over the detailed map, focusing on the four mentioned points. After a moment, I quickly notice that the number of scattered dice is much higher near the northeastern quarter. This can easily be taken as the remains of the two armies which tried to push through before, but…

    “Shit. This is not the end,” I mutter under my breath.

    “What do you mean?” Catherine frowns at me.

    “The fifth one wasn’t their final attack, it was one of the reconnaissance attempts too.” I trace a circle over the layout. “They first examined all four gates and then sent one more attack at the one they thought was the most vulnerable. The main army has yet to arrive.”

    “What?” She looks down at the map and follows my finger.

    “Think about it. All five times had a rest period of two days. They would surely take much more after picking their main siege target, which is the northeastern gate. The fact that no chieftain showed up supports that idea too. Losing one or two battalions to make sure that their aim is true means nothing in front of those behemoths. You can also see that the remaining monsters clearly linger in much bigger numbers in that area too, which means…”

    “That they are preparing for the main assault right now.” Realisation dawns on Catherine’s face. “Fuck. This is bad. A week should be enou—”

    “Officer!” Someone barges into the chamber while wheezing. “There’s movement!”

    “Where?” Her head snaps to the man and she asks.

    “All sides!”

    Our gazes meet. “Diversion, for sure.”

    She nods. “They are going for the northeastern gate. It will be much weaker if we try to split our available forces. And who knows what they found out about it during their previous two attacks. This might get tough.”

    “Not if we join,” Kamil says. “I bet each of us could easily hold one.”

    “True but we have to expect at least one chieftain right now,” I add. “It might show up in front of the northeastern gate but we can’t be sure. We should utilise Catherine’s grid. It’s perfect for quick communication. Nat, how is your progress on that Telepathy skill?”

    “I don’t think I can uphold a connection with this many people yet,” our magician answers.

    “I can talk with Marcia-san without a problem,” Shino says and the person in question nods.

    Kamil scoffs to the side, for an obvious reason.

    “Alright. We’ll have to use the tokens we received from the King. Keep them somewhere where you will be able to feel the call since you need to hold it to answer or even hear the message.” Everyone brings out their round badges to show them and nods. “Shino, get a look at this first and let us know what’s going on through Marcia.”

    “Roger that, Paul-san.”

    Consumed by a deep, black shadow, she disappears into the floor and I turn towards Catherine.

    “What can we work with here?” I ask.

    “Five mixed platoons, ten squads of half melee and half range, and some reserve. It’s not much but we were able to push them back each time thanks to accurate tactics,” she lists.

    “We’ll shoulder the brunt of the attack so you don’t have to worry about it.” I rub my chin while looking all over the map and bring a few more things out of my ring.

    I set down a set of chess and a leather bag with some dice. Opening the former, I bring the pieces out, placing them on the side of the map so that they wait for their turn. Quickly grabbing a fistful of the latter, I prepare them for their upcoming use too.

    “As you expected, the main force is moving from the northeast,” Marcia suddenly says, most likely receiving info from Shino. “It’s hard to estimate but at least a hundred or so grunts. No chieftains in sight yet. The other directions aren’t that numerous. Perhaps a few dozen each.”

    Listening to her report, I move a couple of dice to each of the four main directions and spread them out, assuming that each dot equals one dozen. I’m not sure about the exact values Catherine set for the earlier ones so I hastily rework them to match our new system. If she has any qualms about me interfering with her operation, she doesn’t show them and stays silent.

    “The monsters by the walls are moving too. Most of them head towards that one gate,” Marcia adds and I fix the numbers.

    “There definitely is a chieftain, then. Something gave them orders,” I mutter. “ETA of the main force?”

    “Shino says something about ten to fifteen minutes at their current pace,” Marcia replies.

    “Alright.” I reach for the chess pieces. “Kamil, you get the main gate. If the chieftain arrives, you should easily be able to hold it back. Please, assign him one platoon and two squads focusing on ranged damage. He’ll do better with no one around.”

    Seeing how I place a white king on the map, he pumps his fist. “Fuck yeah! All the fun is mine!”

    Shaking my head, I pick up a queen. “Marcia, you get the southeastern entry. Take one platoon, two ranged squads, and one melee just in case. You are nimble enough to deal with them by yourself.”

    She smirks and jabs Kamil with her elbow, definitely happy about her own piece.

    “Tell Shino to reach the northwestern gate. One platoon should be enough for her, even though they will most likely stand there and do nothing most of the time. She’s the strongest of us,” I continue, placing a knight over the blueprint.

    “She says she’s on it, and I’m pretty sure she’s blushing heavily right now.” Marcia chuckles.

    “Then, the last one goes to you Nat, and Vanessa if you could.” I glance at the princess and she nods so I set down a bishop there. “You might need the most help so the other two platoons go to you, and four squads, if possible most melee since they are both more or less magicians. The remaining squads will be on standby to help whichever side might need it.”

    After laying out my plan, I turn to Catherine.

    “Is that alright with you? I’m sorry for butting in just like that but we are in a pinch right now and should act fast.”

    She stops staring at the map while stroking her chin and shakes her head. “No issues here. Go ahead. This seems like a good setup and you certainly know your team much better than I do. Take over the lead and I’ll assist you to the best of my abilities and knowledge.”

    “Appreciated.” I nod at her. “Now, get to your positions and talk to your units. Remember about your tokens. I’ll be reaching out to you regularly to update everyone on the situation.”

    We exchange quick glances amongst ourselves and they hastily leave the room, leaving just me behind. Of course, Catherine remains here too, and the other people who seem to be of tactician nature rather than fighters.

    “You seem very accustomed to this. Did you lead an army before becoming a Hero?” she suddenly asks as I analyse the map in more detail.

    “Uhhh… No, nothing like that.” I meet her gaze for a moment. “Honestly, I was just a normal civilian with some interest in these things, and well, studied whatever was publicly available a lot. Who would have thought any of that would actually come useful.”

    “Interesting. I bet you would have made a fine commander if you chose to become one. You do seem to possess a knack for this.” She shows a soft smile.

    “Can’t say that I don’t.” I try to smile back. “But, I’m certainly no match for real leaders, like you.”

    Her expression falls a little and I instantly recall her earlier story.

    “Real leaders don’t lead all their men to their deaths,” she says with a sigh.

    “With all due respect, even the best leaders aren’t omniscient and we aren’t machines.”

    Catherine raises a curious brow at me and I realise that this comparison doesn’t really work as well in Naharren as on Earth.

    “What I meant to say is that Humans and other living beings make mistakes. Plus, from how you described it, it doesn’t seem like you could have done much to change the outcome. Your men knew it too and chose to save you. I didn’t know them but I would assume that you were a leader great enough to evoke such a response from them.”

    We look at each other for a few seconds and she sighs again.

    “You are right. Besides, we have much more crucial things to focus on rather than my unfortunate past. Let’s protect this town and remove those fuckers from the face of Naharren.”

    Nodding, I pick up my artefact badge. ~Report in.~

    ~King here. We are set and ready to rock ‘n roll, baby. No big ugly in sight.~

    ~Queen’s bored. At least the boys here are fun to talk to.~ Marcia giggles telepathically.

    ~I took down a few strays, Paul-san. Ah, uh, Knight all safe,~ Shino awkwardly adds her current nickname after her answer.

    ~Bishop’s preparations are finished too. Vanessa got us some additional defensive formations.~

    ~Perfect. Get ready to intercept your targets. They should be getting close,~ I wrap it up.

    Placing the token away, I support myself on the wide table, gazing at the various pieces and dice scattered all over the map. Soon, the monsters finally arrive and the battle starts. They all let me know before they engage and I await further reports.

    The ground suddenly shakes and some dust falls off the stone ceiling. Catherine looks around along with all the other men and women.

    “What was that?” she asks, a little uneasy.

    “Kamil, possibly. Or Shino. Perhaps Vanessa too,” I reply, unsure about the source since no one said anything yet.

    “They are all this strong? We are in the middle of the town.” Catherine’s eyes widen in surprise.

    “The princess literally commands earth, Kamil has quite a few big-hitting abilities, but Shino could most likely wipe the entire village out in seconds. She’s always been a little monster, but now that she shares her stats with an even bigger monster, and received another 100% stat buff from them, I don’t think anything is able to stop her for a few days.”

    “What?” She frowns, even more confused than before.

    “It’s complicated.” I shrug.

    The telepathy token vibrates on the table so I quickly pick it up.

    ~Fat fuck spotted!~ Kamil announces. ~It looks like a house-sized version of Godzilla! I really hope it can’t beam us off like the original!~

    ~I’m sure it can’t or else they would have just obliterated the gates or walls. Can you hold it off?~ I ask.

    ~Can I kill it?~

    ~Sure but don’t overextend. Remember, there are people with you. Protect them too.~

    ~Got it, boss. Here’s Johnny!~

    A moment after I place the artefact down, an explosion takes place and everything rumbles again.

    “Now, that definitely was Kamil,” I say, turning to Catherine. “He’s engaged a chieftain.”

    “Will he be fine?”

    I chuckle lightly. “You are worried about the wrong side.”

    Ten more minutes pass and I reach out to everyone. They seem to be doing fine. The girls are repelling the smaller forces efficiently while Kamil plays with the chieftain in front of the northeastern gate. The monster is a tough one, according to his evaluation, but he’s saving his mana and the strongest skills as I have requested him to. I update the dice as much as I can.

    We’ll try to thin out the lesser monsters and see if more chieftains show up. Additionally, the grunts are spreading out between the four locations more than they have intended, for sure. I wouldn’t be surprised if their goal was just to assault the other three gates for a moment to lure the defenders away and then join the main force for the big push. Unfortunately for them, the girls are annihilating anything that moves.

    But, maybe I’m giving them too much credit and looking into it way too deeply.

    I notice another call so I quickly grab the radio.

    ~Queen to HQ. Requesting backup. Enemy numbers started growing. A big group is approaching from ahead,~ Marcia reports.

    ~Will the emergency squads be enough?~

    ~I don’t think so. There really is a fuckton of them. I gotta free my hand soon and focus on making them a head shorter fast.~

    ~Alright. How far from your location?~ I ask.

    ~About fifty metres but approaching.~

    ~Get everyone back. I’ll take care of it.~

    ~Roger that.~

    Pocketing the token, I straighten up and glance at Catherine. “What’s the fastest route outside?”

    “Follow me,” she answers without a single question.

    I do as she says and jog after her towards one of the wooden doors leading out of the chamber. Instead of grabbing the knob, she launches a powerful mid-kick at it and sends it flying with a loud thud and whine of metal hinges. I realise that we haven’t actually even asked what her Class or Tier are, but they clearly are something if she can obliterate a fortified door like this.

    We walk into a quite spacious battlement and I take a peek past the edge, spotting the wooden rectangle still falling down the castle walls while spinning uncontrollably.

    Hopefully, no one gets hurt by that.

    Shoving that issue aside, I quickly get a grasp on directions and turn towards Marcia’s location. Catherine joins my side and looks up at me.

    “What are you going to do from here?”

    “Step back a bit and you’ll see.”

    I summon my bow from my spatial storage and get a good grip on it. Catherine’s eyes widen a little as the magnificent weapon enters her sight and she quickly follows my advice. I’m very eager to see its power after Alastair’s friend tweaked it a bit. She said that a few parts were somehow disabled and she reactivated them. Something around thirty or more percent of power increase.

    Closing my eyes to connect with my weapon better, I focus my mind on grasping the distance and the last known location of Marcia. A few techniques from my Draconic Sharpshooter Arts roll through my mind, fitting my requirements, and I pick one pretty quickly.

    Mana begins to gather in my fingers as I aim the bow up and start drawing back the bowstring. It takes way more effort than I would think it should as the skill activates. With each centimetre, the spiritual pressure around me increases and I can feel my clothes fluttering even without looking at them. It gets increasingly warmer too.

    Finally pulling the string all the way back, I open my eyes and witness a small, spiritual storm of crimson colour swirling around me. An arrow of pure scarlet mana has gathered between my fingertips, surrounded by a helix of two long Dragons, resembling the Chinese variation. They keep nipping at the air near the arrowhead, eager to be released.

    Making sure that my calculations aren’t off even in the slightest, I make the last, small pull, and let go of the gathered energy. A powerful explosion of force throws me and Catherine back as she lets out an unexpected squeal of surprise. We then watch as the crimson arrow paints a red arc in the sky with an extremely loud whizz, definitely heard by everyone all around the town.

    Then, it explodes with a loud boom and suddenly, two serpent-like Dragons soar towards the ground while coiling around each other. I have to mention that they aren’t arrow-sized anymore. No, each of them is like a giant castle tower and they both roar ferociously while descending toward their target.

    As they disappear behind the edge of the battlement, we jog closer and follow them further before they dive behind the outer wall this time and slam into the ground somewhere far ahead. A powerful tremble passes through us as the earth shakes from the impact and two giant blasts of crimson fire in the form of two massive, flaming spheres peek over the defences.

    My pocket vibrates so I hastily pick the phone up.

    ~Nice! That wiped out most of the bastards! And was so freaking cool! Fuck, you made me so wet!~ Marcia snickers into our temporary connection.

    I smile wryly. ~Glad to be of use. Please, try to keep your focus on the enemies until the end of the battle.~

    Receiving another chuckle in response, I hide the token again.

    “I think you forgot to include yourself when listing the powerful members of your group earlier.” Catherine shows a faint smirk.

    “Compared to the others, I’m nothing, really. I make sure that they can fight without having to worry about the battlefield. It’s much easier to keep an eye on everything from the back and archers certainly fit that role well.”

    We hurry inside and update the map. Shino, Natalie, and Kamil report in too, helping us with that. Things are looking well. The main force is getting smaller. They must have split a bunch of monsters to try and take Marcia’s gate by surprise. It really doesn’t seem like another chieftain will show up so I guess it’s time to wrap it up.

    ~Everyone, hold your positions. I’ll move to Kamil with Catherine and we’ll take down the chieftain. Be ready for the grunts to react somehow,~ I convey my intentions through the artefact after they pick their copies up.

    “Alright. Let’s join the battle and wrap it up.” I turn to my temporary second-in-command.

    “I have a horse ready nearby. Follow me,” she replies with a nod and picks something up from under the table.

    To my surprise, she pulls out two handheld crossbows featuring some kind of a reloading mechanism and straps them to her belt on both sides like two handguns. Then, she drags a much bigger one, even larger than a full-sized crossbow, and hooks it onto her back. The weapon almost reaches her ankles at the lowest point and clearly extends over her head quite a bit. It looks damn heavy but her figure doesn’t show the slightest sign of struggle.

    Her eyes meet mine and she smiles. “What? Can only guys play with big toys?”

    I shake my hands dismissively. “Definitely not. I was just admiring your small arsenal. It’s quite something.”

    “I’m a Headhunter. Tier 4. Most abilities focus on close quarters but this little guy knows a few things to show off too.” She points at the large, elongated ballista-like crossbow. “I think we shouldn’t have problems working together, Mr Archer.”

    “Draconic Sharpshooter. Unfortunately still Tier 2. And yes, most of my abilities focus on range so this is perfect. Let’s go.”

    “That attack was Tier 2? Damn, I’m getting jealous.”

    I smile softly and we race down the castle’s hallways together. No one else seems to follow. It’s not like that’s an issue. I wouldn’t have been surprised to learn that Catherine was a non-combatant too, focusing mostly on strategizing and leading others. But, she’s clearly more than that.

    We reach the outside and she brings us to one of the castle’s gates. There’s a guy sitting on a bench while watching over some horse, most likely our method of transport. She waves at him and he hastily unfastens the reins from the nearby post.

    With nimble grace, making completely nothing of all her gear, Catherine jumps onto the animal’s back and extends a hand to me. I grab it and hoist myself behind her, quickly wrapping my arms around her waist. In no time we are speeding through the streets, heading towards Kamil.

    We reach our destination in a flash and I pick an arrow from my quiver while we are still on the move. Aiming it at the top of the walls, I release it with a whizz and a rope follows it as it soars through the air, piercing into the stone. I send one more after it, ending up with two cords hanging down from the wall.

    As our ride arrives right under them, we jump off straight to the ropes and climb up without an issue. Soon, we are on top of the walls, surprising the soldiers stationed there. Ignoring them, we move to the other side and take a look at the battle taking place in front of the gate.

    About thirty Abyssals of various animal and monster shapes run around and try to take Kamil down but he doesn’t let them do anything substantial. The ones that manage to sneak into his blind spots are quickly skewered with arrows shot by his ranged support. If something actually gets to him in time, his armour protects him well from such small attacks.

    Meanwhile, he keeps aggro on himself, poking and taunting the Godzilla-like chieftain. It clearly suffered some wounds but nothing major. Plenty of burns and cuts decorate its dark purple, leather-like skin.

    “I go down there to help your friend and you keep me alive, right?” Catherine asks with a smile.

    “I can work with that.” I nod and she vaults herself over the edge.

    Nocking an arrow, I aim my bow through the gap in the battlements. She drops to the ground like a superhero and brings forth her giant crossbow. After taking careful aim, she launches a massive bolt right into the chieftain’s eye, evoking a pained roar from it. The force of her shot pushes her a metre or two back, showing how powerful that thing is.

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t have a mag or a clip and she has no time to reload it manually. I nail one beast to the ground with a well-aimed arrow as she throws the crossbow behind her back and picks up her crossguns.

    Then, she starts dancing.

    The simplest comparison would be Marcia with her shortswords. Catherine roams the battlefield while doing various acrobatics and irregular movements, raining dozens of bolts at her opponents, turning them into shadowy porcupines. Her aim stays true no matter what and I don’t notice even a single missed shot. Knowing that I look after her, she clearly fights much bolder, and I do my best to eliminate any danger from her close vicinity.

    Kamil, taking our arrival and help as a sign that it’s time, goes wild immediately. He throws his shield on his back, disregarding it for now, and grabs his longsword in both hands. The blade starts shimmering with golden light and he goes into the offensive.

    While he enters a proverbial fistfight with the small Godzilla, the two of us focus on the trash mobs, reducing their numbers as fast as we can. I try to keep my eyes on both him and Catherine, mostly assisting the officer lady by covering her back. She mows the Abyssals down like a mobile turret, stopping only to exchange mags full of bolts.

    My token vibrates and I get warned by literally everyone that their opponents are running away in our direction. It immediately becomes clear to me that the chieftain is somehow calling for them as it has started having more issues with a battle-crazy Kamil. Ready for their arrival, I prepare an appropriate ability.

    Catherine notices the reinforcements early and turns her face up to warn me but stops after finding me already taking aim. Holding my bow horizontally, I launch three arrows simultaneously towards the left side, and three towards the right. They stick into the ground at regular intervals. Quickly adding one more set per side before the monsters reach them, I create a segmented, rectangular shape with them.

    As soon as the first Abyssals cross the barrierless fence, an explosion of fire occurs and a literal wave of flames rolls outwards like a small tsunami, scorching all the void creatures on their paths.

    The reinforcements are gone.

    I receive thumbs up from our new friend and she returns to her part of the carnage. Taking a glance at the duelling duo, I notice that Kamil has almost dealt with the chieftain. He could use a little bit of assistance for the finishing blow so I prepare another technique, hoping that he’ll make good use of the brief window of opportunity.

    Nocking a normal arrow, I fill the tip with mana and it glows slightly with a red hue. Keeping my mind focused on it, I release the projectile and invoke the ability before the arrow flies past Kamil, still remaining behind his back. A bright flash of crimson light explodes from the tip and assaults wannabe Godzilla’s healthy eye, causing it to cover it and take a step back.

    Our golden hero begins charging his sword at a moment’s notice and slices through the monster’s knee with ease, not having to worry about getting interrupted while gathering his power. The chieftain falls to the side and he hastily jumps on top of it, aiming his blade down. More golden energy surrounds it and he sinks it right into the monster’s neck, barely able to pierce its hide. As he shouts angrily, some kind of light illuminates the Abyssal’s insides, and soon, its body literally explodes, dark guts and blood spilling everywhere.

    Catherine manages to hide behind a nearby tree in time and I duck down behind the battlements. Standing up right after most of the viscera passes over my head, I start picking more targets as the grunts begin losing their integrity. That’s a very good sign, and most likely a confirmation that there are no more chieftains in close vicinity.

    My token vibrates and the others confirm the same phenomenon. I allow them to give chase but not far, and order everyone to gather in front of the northeastern gate. Catherine finishes the enemies in our quadrant with my help while Kamil tries his best to get monster intestines out of his armour, grumbling and cursing under his nose.

    Soon, Shino, Marcia, Natalie, and Vanessa join us and I jump down too. We gather up and Natalie turns to me.

    “Do we go after the gate immediately?” she asks.

    “That would be for the best. We need to figure out where it is though,” I answer.

    “I took a quick peek at the Abyssals running away and I think I know the general direction,” Shino chimes in.

    “Then that should be fine. We ought to leave someone behind just in case, though.” I glance around.

    “I’ll do it.” Vanessa steps forward. “My magic is decent for both offence and defence. If worse comes to worst, I can stall the enemy for quite a bit.”

    I nod at her. “Alright.”

    “Should I get us some horses?” Catherine asks.

    “No need. I’ll cast Symphony of the Wind on us and follow it up with Stride. It should be enough,” Natalie suggests.

    “What she says.” I gesture at our Bard. “Let’s not let them notify any possible chieftains protecting the gate.”

    Natalie plays two quick melodies and the mentioned magical effects settle in our bodies. I suddenly feel extremely light, certain that I could run a few marathons back to back. We all exchange a glance, bid a temporary farewell to Vanessa, and break into a run.

    Catherine is extremely surprised and unstable on her feet after experiencing such a method of travel for the first time. I give her a hand until she gets accustomed to sprinting at around sixty kilometres per hour, lending her my body as support. Natalie is getting much better at this and our highest achievable speeds gradually rise.

    We follow Shino’s directions and soon find a slowly descending hole in the ground, looking like something dug its way up to the surface. A bunch of Abyssals loiter around it but we make quick work of them, mostly me and Catherine since our attacks have a bit of range and accuracy.

    Getting rid of an occasional monster, we delve into the earthen tunnel, illuminated by Nat’s magic. Kamil takes the front, of course, while Shino watches our backs. The path leads us quite deep under the ground and we reach the supposed bottom after around ten minutes of careful walking.

    Immediately, we notice the familiar sight of a shimmering, swirling gate of purplish shades and its guardian. It seems that the recurring theme here is lizards as it looks like a massively overgrown komodo dragon. Unfortunately, it notices our approach, smartly facing the only entrance and exit.


    I call our strongest member, but before I even finish, she materialises in front of me out of a deep shadow, with her skin almost bordering on pure black, announcing the activation of her Demonification.

    As the monster screeches at us and rushes forward, Shino is already in a lowered position with her hand hovering over the hilt of her katana, eyes closed. No one dares to say anything and I can tell how tense Catherine becomes, watching the huge lizard charge at us.

    But, it soon gets exactly where Shino wants it to be and her eyes fling open. An immense killing intent explodes from her small frame, making all of us shiver, and even the Abyssal beast suddenly gives its best to halt its movements.

    All for naught, though.

    Before it fully stops, a loud shiiing echoes through the cavern and tens of light violet lines appear all around its body as Shino unsheathes her weapon in a fraction of a second. The chieftain falls apart, chopped into hundreds of small slices that retain their momentum and splatter over the ground in front of us. She lets out a soft sigh and stands up, giving us a pretty smile. Catherine’s mouth hangs open from shock and I place a hand on her shoulder.

    Clearly, she hasn’t been ready to see a gargantuan katana blade slide out of a tear in reality and pierce the Abyssal gate either, because that’s exactly what Shino does a moment later. All of us would have some issues reaching that high. But, in the end, we get rid of the problem and that’s what counts.

    Making sure that there are no more surprises waiting for us somewhere near, we make our way back to the town and work together to clean up the remaining, scattered creatures. It takes us a few hours but we get rid of them all, at least in about a five-kilometre radius. After that, we gather in the meeting chamber once more, receiving many thanks and words of appreciation from the people waiting there.

    “So, what are your plans now?” Catherine asks, walking past the crowd to join me next to the map.

    “We’ll stay around for a moment to watch over things and then most likely return to the capital to see if the King has something else for us. Then, that depends. We are almost always on the move, trying to get stronger and gain more experience,” I reply.

    She chuckles lightly. “You want to get even stronger?”

    I show a small smile. “Shino doesn’t count. Someone multiple times stronger than her is supporting her from afar.”

    “Damn. I can’t imagine a person like that. And here I thought Tier 4 was something mind-blowing.”

    “That’s what we’ve been told too but he can’t be measured with this era’s scale.”

    “Fun. Anyway, do you mind if I tag along?” she asks with a raised brow. “I’ll be on my way back too and it will definitely be safer in a group.”

    “Sure.” I shrug. “Another capable person is always welcome.”

    “Perfect.” She shows a beautiful smile. “There are so many things I hoped to discuss with you.”
  7. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 142 – Brainstorming the New Journey
    After we leave Sirgia’s workshop, Hecate decides to accompany us without disappearing somewhere into the surroundings. I get a chance to look at her new suit some more as we stroll through the mansion together, with her to my right and my lovely dwarf wife to my left. She really starts to look like a superhero.

    On our way to the lobby, we let any women we run into know that I want to hold a small meeting. They agree to share the notice with everyone else they stumble on and continue heading wherever they are. Of course, I reach out to all my wives and they start gathering people on their own too. For those girls who are out of the mansion, I send a few Whispers, telling them not to hurry and that we will wait for their return.

    I could send Whispers to literally everyone but it’s not necessary to suddenly interrupt anyone in the middle of something. We are not in a rush.

    In the meanwhile, I prepare the reception hall with Sirgia, bringing some more chairs and sofas out, and getting some snacks and drinks from the kitchen. As we do our thing, a few women join us, including the slightly blushing Cornelia. I give my charming magician a reassuring peck on the cheek and try to take her mind off exposing herself to tens of other women by focusing on the preparations.

    It doesn’t take that long before the spacious chamber begins to fill with beautiful ladies of numerous races. The air gets filled with friendly chatter as everyone picks their seats, usually in groups of closer friends. But, that’s not a rule and I can see a bunch of them mingling with individuals not strictly related to their race or time of arrival in our establishment. It’s a really nice thing. It just shows that they are finding common interests amongst themselves.

    About half an hour later, I’m pretty sure everyone is here. The lobby got crowded as fuck. I’m not even going to try and count how many residents we have here at the current moment. As long as we can comfortably house all the women, it doesn’t really matter. I talked about it with Ria and Elea, and they will let me know when we start running low on personal rooms. But, just in case, I sent a word to Ross to look for some people willing to work on underground expansion already. Better early than late.

    So, after everyone gathers and finds a spot to sit down, I head to the area clearly prepared specifically for me and my closest Partners, also my wives. It’s a giant sofa, possibly even wider than the one Micah had in the Beastkin Community. And that one was damn huge.

    Oh, memories. We shared a very fun time with Astrea on it back then. I wonder if this one will experience something similar.

    In any way, I watch as ten gorgeous women of various heights and body shapes parade through the centre like they are walking the red carpet to some world-class gala. Everyone stares at them with smiles. It doesn’t look like this procession evokes any negative emotions from the onlookers like envy, jealousy, or such. The spectators seem happy to see them.

    Thus all my women sit down on the comically wide piece of fancy furniture, of course, made of dark mahogany and fitted with comfy, purplish cushions for the seating and the backrest. From left to right it’s Ailish, Teffith, Meru, Astrea, Cornelia, Sirgia, Elea, Neira, Elise and Ria.

    Shit. Only now it actually gets to me how many there are. It’s kind of insane when I look at them and they look at me. To think that there’s also Shino and Lianne. Plus, I’m pretty sure I can count Ghilerie in, possibly even Elyari too. Things are getting quite wild, I’d say.

    But, I’m caught staring for way longer than I should and notice an increasing blush on Cornelia’s cheeks even from as far away as I am from them. Not wasting any more time, I follow in their footsteps and reach the magnificent sofa. She and Sirgia leave a gap for me and I obediently squeeze myself in between these incredible ladies who have accompanied me for so long already.

    Giving my dazzling scholar a reassuring rub over her magnificent thigh, I exchange smiles with Cornelia and turn to the entire gathering. Then, glancing towards the ceiling, I wave at it, and soon, a certain someone rappels herself down from it right onto my lap. I pat Hecate’s short hair and she lets me hug her from behind. Now, the preparations are complete. And I’m even somewhat covered so as not to distract our audience.

    Taking a brief moment to admire the literal rows of charming women from multiple amazing races, I let out a sigh and smile.

    “Alright. Thanks a lot for coming here. I appreciate everyone sacrificing a bit of their personal time to show up even though I mentioned that it isn’t necessary if you can’t or don’t want to for whatever reason. I wanted to discuss with you the current state of things, our plans for the future, answer any potential questions, and finally, do a little brainstorming session regarding my upcoming journey into the deep waters with Meru,” I explain.

    A wave of booing echoes through the hall and I glance at the three women responsible for causing it. Shaking my head, I chuckle lightly at the smirking Tiefling trio.

    “Don’t worry. I won’t leave until the punishment week is finished. You’ll get to feast your eyes on me for the entire promised duration, I can guarantee you that.”

    The mischievous, colourful ladies cheer in response and hit a few high-fives between themselves.

    “What about right now?” Hari, our horny exhibitionist catgirl asks.

    I let out another sigh and tap Hecate’s tummy. She quickly catches on and climbs up over my body, seating herself on my shoulders instead. I hug her slim, toned legs to my chest with my junk completely exposed to the sea of women again. To give them some more fanservice, I spread my legs a bit, because why not?

    A few whistles and catcalls roll through the air and my wives chuckle between themselves. I can see Hari starting to salivate but Zehra smacks her on the back of her head for the thirsty Catkin to control herself.

    “Any more requests before we continue?” I ask while meeting the gaze of anyone I can.

    No one speaks up or gives any other signs, although I catch a few of the more open girls giving my crotch a longer stare while clearly pondering over something. They don’t voice out their thoughts though and I’m pretty sure those are very inappropriate for the moment, and the main reason why they don’t do so.

    “So, let’s begin with how things stand right now.” I resume our gathering. “I bet some of you have already familiarised yourselves with our new residents, who I want to gladly welcome into our small but quite quickly growing family. They are of course Mari and Velen. I hope that you two will find your stay and work here a pleasure rather than a chore and that the atmosphere won’t disturb or make you uncomfortable.”

    Everyone starts clapping as the two women stand up and give a few small bows around them. They sat down next to each other, possibly anticipating something like this, so it looks even better when they do it than when they would have chosen different spots.

    “I’m happy to be here too. And I do not mind the atmosphere or a bit of peculiarity like this,” Velen answers first, gesturing with her eyes at my body. “The people here seem to be very kind and helpful from what I’ve already experienced and I’m grateful for it. I’m also looking forward to working here.”

    “Same here, hahaha,” Mari joins in with a hearty laugh. “I had a hard time peeling myself off my work to come here. I can’t even imagine what kind of things I will be able to create with Nyfile and the others. And, I think I’ll soon get used to the unique atmosphere too. It’s definitely not a bad thing…”

    Her eyes skip briefly to my hard member and a more apparent flush covers her freckled face. I smile at the blushing tomboy and we share a nod before they sit down together.

    “Thank you. I’m happy to hear that. Let us know whenever you need anything.” I regard the duo with one more glance and return my gaze to the gathering. “Thanks to their arrival, we’ll definitely see some upgrades related to both our services and everyday life. First, possibly the most eagerly awaited aspect, the cosplay and roleplay departments will be finally properly opened in the upcoming days.”

    Some applause follows, a few more enthusiastic cheers echo through the hall, and the crowd calms down after a moment. Mari gives me a glance and I nod at her. A little timidly, she stands up again and steps forward so that everyone can see her.

    “As Alastair said, we are going to start bigger projects soon, but we can already showcase a little something which I think looks really nice,” she says a little hesitantly, perhaps stressed by the huge audience, and then unclasps the shoulder belts of her work pants.

    The overalls fall to the ground, revealing Mari’s tanned and toned legs, a short black skirt hiding her underwear, and most importantly, extremely cute black stockings which end with a pair of adorable ears at the front edge, where a very simplistic few white lines imply a cat’s slitted eyes, whiskers, and nose. The back edge is decorated by a curly black tail with a white asterisk on the black material below it, which I bet is meant to be the cat’s butt.

    That part is definitely new.

    There’s a collective ‘ooooooh’ and our resident half-blood Catkin girls perk up in their seats. Even Astrea stirs a little as her eyes lock onto the stockings. Hari jumps off her chair and practically hovers towards Mari with Feriha following shortly after her feline friend. The two catgirls trot around the tomboyish woman while examining the apparel from all sides, excitement literally written on their faces.

    “This is so cute!” Hari finally fails to hold it in and almost squeals from delight. “Can we get those? Can we?”

    “They look very adorable indeed.” Feriha nods, tilting her head on both sides. “I didn’t even know I wanted anything like it until I saw this. Will this be a part of the roleplay costumes?”

    Mari blushes even more as the two girls circle. “N-No… These are just normal kneesocks… We planned to make a bunch of them after asking who would like a pair or two and taking their measurements…”

    “I want one! No, three! Or maybe seven so that I can have a pair for each day!” Hari jumps happily, beaming at our new tailor. “Can you make other colours too?”

    I chuckle at her. “Do you really need that many? Ninety percent of the time I see you, you are almost completely naked over some piece of furniture.”

    She whips her face to me with an elated smile. “I’ll keep them on! They can stay during sex! Wouldn’t they make you want to mate with me even harder if you saw me in nothing else, Alpha?”

    I roll my eyes with a smirk, already starting to imagine finding a hanging, exposed butt somewhere on the railing with nothing but feline stockings in sight.

    “You can have as many as you want, just don’t overwhelm our friends, alright?” I squint at the thrilled Catkin.

    “It’s alright. These are nothing complex,” Mari answers with a weak smile and even pats the much shorter girl a little. “We are also working on panties with a similar theme, maybe even bras later.”

    Hari’s eyes narrow into slits and she launches herself at the poor woman, repeatedly giggling to herself and shouting ‘I want them!’ in turns. Feriha seems to be more in control of her emotions but I can see the other feline bouncing on the soles of her small feet, and her tail dancing eagerly.

    After a moment, the calmer catgirl somehow brings the excited one back in line and they return to their seats alongside Mari, who picks up her dropped pants on her way. Judging by their reactions, I think there’s a good chance that her new underwear line will be a grand success no matter what.

    Then, Velen stands up and everyone glances at her with expectant gazes. She shakes her head with a soft smile.

    “Unfortunately, I don’t yet have anything to show but my new colleagues have already filled me in on most things and we began discussing our next move. Nothing is yet confirmed. I can only promise that we’ll come up with great things too, possibly for everyday and work use like with Mari’s clothes.”

    Her statement is welcomed with a round of applause and the chamber turns silent again. Seeing as no one seems to want to add anything else, I continue.

    “Great. Thank you. Now, let me just say that I’m extremely proud of you all, no matter your field of expertise or the department you work in. Everyone should be aware of how much our guests praise not just the establishment but you as the amazing people who actually give life to it. I appreciate your efforts.”

    After another wave of cheering, I glance over my wives and the audience.

    “Anything else regarding the current matters that any of you would like to add?”

    Elea rises from her seat. “Making use of this occasion, I would like to inform everyone that we will be expanding the schedule for the acting classes. I think it’s a good time to put some more hours into it. Therefore, if you are interested in being a core part of the roleplay service and would like to practice some more, feel free to let me know and I’ll sign you up. Joining for any other reason is fine too, of course.”

    The gathered women whisper between themselves while sharing an occasional nod. My dark-skinned wife gives me a dazzling smile and plops down on the sofa once more.

    Next, surprisingly, it’s Ria who chooses to say a few words.

    Ekhm. As the person supervising our finances, I have the pleasure to announce that we are doing well enough for everyone here to comfortably receive a raise in their allowance. Starting next week, you can expect your available budgets to increase by about one-third. Don’t let it get to your heads and splurge everything overnight.”

    She lets out a ladylike chuckle as the hall is filled with cheers. As our eyes meet, Ria gives me a wink and I shrug at her with a warm smile. It looks like we might be doing a bit better than I thought. I did give her free reins on any aspects of our finances, including our wages and allowances. Of course, I still check those myself now and then.

    The next person to get a word out is Sirgia. She hops off the sofa and takes a step forward.

    “In my spare time, I’m currently working on a few small artefacts to make it even safer for everyone to go out into the city. They are little trinkets for self-defence. I don’t know when they will be done since I need to run many tests on them and there might only be a few at first, so we will have to share. But, I think any help is good in case Master isn’t around.”

    She receives her own round of appreciation and glances at me over her shoulder. I nod at her and she hurries to my side, or rather my front, and I pull her up to reward my hardworking little dwarf with a gentle kiss. She then slips back into her own spot with a tiny flush.

    I really wonder when she finds that spare time she has mentioned with how she spends more hours than there are in a day working in her forge. Perhaps she’s created a time-controlling artefact or something.

    We wait for a few seconds and I take over once more.

    ”Let’s move on to another point on our list, then. For the future plans, there are two aspects we should mention, but one of them is about my quest from Meru so I’ll save it for later when we get to its own segment.” I exchange glances with my new sharkgirl mate. “So, there’s one more thing that will take longer than a week or few to develop. Some of you might remember our plans to start a mercenary force. I had my beloved Cornelia do some more digging into all the laws and regulations so that we can finally get to it properly. I think we have a few people who are ready to tackle this task, and many are eagerly training in our underground arenas.”

    The mentioned magician lady sighs quietly and stands up with rosy cheeks. It’s not really a surprise since she’s completely naked in front of literally everyone living here. She attempts to hold herself proudly, puffing her appetising chest out, but I clearly catch her keeping her palms right in front of her precious place to somewhat cover it up. But, being located behind her, I can see through her shapely behind that slightly glistening slit, revealing that she might be getting a little bit turned on by this entire scenario. Perhaps that’s what she’s trying to hide from the others.

    “As Alastair said, I did some research and queried our friends in high places about the project. We can go straight through them to register as a mercenary company as long as we are able to bring up at least five individuals who will pass the necessary tests. One of the requirements to even participate is the knowledge and good understanding of Common. But, don’t worry too much if you aren’t well-versed in it and would like to be part of this department.”

    She looks around and a few more people stand up, including Elea, Ria, Elise, and Teffith. Then, she exchanges glances with them before turning to the front again.

    “These four, or five if I include myself, will be happy to help anyone learn the ropes of the most common language around these lands and the world in general. We’ve been teaching a person or two here and there kind of on the side, but now, we’ll be opening a fully prepared course. Everyone can sign in, though the spots will be limited. They will free up whenever someone graduates into a higher class.”

    “As for classes, there will be three levels,” Ria takes over. “Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert. Elise and I will have one Beginner class each, Teffith and Elea will take care of the Intermediate ones, and Cornelia will help the Expert rank.”

    “Also, while we will be teaching people mainly in groups, we are going to do some individual lessons too, depending on one’s circumstances,” Elise joins in. “We aren’t sure how many yet since we need to see how everything works out in the beginning. We certainly do not want this to become a time-consuming chore that will eat up all of your free time that you have outside of your usual work.”

    I rub my chin and nod to myself. There’s no doubt that my request to help Hecate with her issue has sparked this development at least to some extent. She’ll definitely be one of the few people getting individual lessons since she needs way more assistance and work, starting from a much worse position than the others.

    Cornelia clears her throat, capturing our attention again.

    “Returning to the main point, everyone willing to join will receive a notebook with the ruleset and guidelines for mercenary work. The strongest and most experienced of us will be allowed to take the tests after studying them thoroughly and fully graduating from their language classes. For the others, our best warriors and fighters will also officially start their practical lessons, taking care of their field of expertise. For example, Garrena will be overseeing unarmed combat and axes, Astrea will teach martial arts, Filue will ingrain archery in you, and Teffith will let you familiarise yourselves with polearms.”

    “You don’t have to learn all of that,” Elea continues after her. “You are free to choose one area, best if it’s related to your Class. But, you are allowed to take more than one course if that’s your wish.”

    “Let’s all work hard together to get stronger and more experienced to show Alastair what we can achieve in his name!” Teffith throws her fist into the air and receives quite a lot of cheers in response.

    There might be more people interested in becoming mercs than I initially thought.

    “We will let you know about everything as it becomes available. There are a few things we still need to prepare. You can look forward to these opportunities. And just like Teffith said, let’s show everyone that non-Humans are not behind any other Human adventurers or mercenaries,” Cornelia finishes their lengthy presentation to a lively applause.

    All the women who stepped forward return to their places and the attention is back on me.

    “Amazing. Thank you. I’m really looking forward to seeing all of this in motion.” I smile at them. “Now, I guess this was exhausting enough for our future plans. Does anyone have questions they would like answered? Not necessarily linked to the aforementioned topics. General ones are good too.”

    “Can I suck your dick?”

    I snort to the side. “Serious ones, Zalia.”

    The Tieflings giggle together and their mischief evokes some chuckles from the rest of the audience. I wait for a moment as everyone whispers between themselves but it doesn’t look like we’ll get any meaningful questions.

    It’s not that surprising, honestly. I always remind them to find me or my wives whenever they want to ask about anything. We’ve been answering such queries all the time and I’m quite close with most of the women living here, in the non-intimate sense, so I’ve been talking with them a lot too.

    I guess this section wasn’t exactly necessary.

    “Okay, not to waste your precious time, we shall move on. Let me know if you think of something that is an actual question.” A wave of nods responds to my words and I smile softly. “So, we’ve finally come to the big finale, which is my journey to aid Meru’s home.”

    The mentioned Nershark hops off the sofa and makes a polite bow towards me. “I’m extremely grateful for your help, Alastair.”

    “It’s alright. We haven’t done anything yet. I can’t accept this thanks until we actually see some results.” I turn to the crowd. “I’ll be departing in a few days, more or less. I’m not sure for how long but I’ll keep you girls updated through my trusted companions as usual. Before anything, I wanted to hear your input regarding this matter.”

    “How can we be of help?” Yudie, our pure-blood Pantherkin, asks.

    “The main thing is, it’s obvious that we’ll be going underwater for a long time. I have already checked with Meru to see if I can borrow something useful from her skills and learned that breathing won’t be an issue for me. And neither will be for her, of course. But, I would definitely like to take some more people with us. Is there anyone who would like to go? Or do you have any ideas on how to solve this issue for the non-aquatic species? I just want all of us here to think a little and see what we come up with.”

    As per my request, everyone starts pondering over my words and our upcoming journey. I can feel even stronger gratitude and appreciation not just towards me but also for the other women coming to me through the bond I share with the fierce sharkgirl.

    Before anyone suggests anything, I glance at the two Nereids. “What about you?”

    Vivi and Leilei show faint smiles and lightly shake their heads.

    “We apologise, Master, but we are not fighters,” the former replies.

    “And honestly, I don’t think either of us would want to go back to see all that destruction and carnage,” the latter adds. “We have already put our past behind us the moment you turned us into real Nereids.”

    “I see. No worries. I was only asking to see if you had any thoughts on the matter. Don’t feel pressured into anything just because water is part of your nature,” I respond, feeling my cheeks getting a tad warmer with all those gazes directed at me and my body. “On the other hand, I can think of one person that most likely shouldn’t follow me.”

    Angling my head to the back, I bump into Hecate's slim navel and look up just as she gazes down at me with her neutral expression.

    “Yes, I mean you,” I specify and instantly feel a tinge of uneasiness in the spidergirl’s mind. “Don’t get me wrong, I would love nothing more than to have you by my side everywhere, but I really don’t think water goes well with spiders, does it?”

    After a brief moment of silence, she gives me the faintest shake of her head. Smiling at her reassuringly, I bring Hecate down to my lap again and start brushing through her hair.

    “I’ll have at least one or two people to protect me there. In the meanwhile, you will be able to focus on the task I’ve given to you, alright? I promise to talk to you mentally as much as I’ll be able to.”

    She gives me a slight nod while Sirgia places her small hand over hers.

    “Don’t worry. You know how strong Master is. Since you won’t have to protect him every day, you will have a lot of time to learn how to speak just as we talked about, and to do that thing Master asked you to.”

    Hecate gives her a blank look, then glances at my face for a few seconds, and finally nods at each of us. I hug her lithe, pale body lovingly and peck the nape of her neck.

    “Thank you. I’m sure you will do great. Just don’t overdo it like this little, naughty dwarf often does.”

    Sirgia giggles adorably at my remark and I return my attention to the others, who have also quietened down, clearly ready to suggest a thing or two. First, Velen stands up and I raise a brow at her.

    “We have already talked about your new journey back in the lab and I wanted to share that we are confident in preparing a potion, or perhaps pills, which will make it much easier on the skin under the water. Breathing might not be an issue when you use magic or anything else, but that doesn’t change the fact that Human skin, or any other non-aquatic race’s to be precise, isn’t designed to function properly while completely submerged in liquid for longer periods of time,” she explains professionally.

    I cock my head back. “Now, that is something I did not think about. Shit, all those movies lied to me.”

    A few women look at me curiously and I wave a hand at them dismissively.

    “Anyway, how long might you need to prepare a working prototype?” I ask.

    “We hope to be done before you are ready to depart, but naturally, alchemy is often unpredictable so I can’t guarantee results in that timeframe. We will do our best.”

    “I understand and appreciate this. You can’t rush perfection.” Velen gives me a tiny smile and I respond with the same. “I’ll wait as long as necessary. We don’t want to turn into water balloons down in the abyss.”

    “Considering your situation, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that water is like your second nature.” Cornelia smirks at me, clearly hinting at my Primordial origins.

    “If we somehow can cover these two aforementioned matters, I think I know who could potentially accompany you, Master,” Ailish joins in.

    “Yeah?” I glance at my charming Succubus.

    “Cornelia is a good fit.”

    “Eh? Me?” The person in question looks at her in shock. “I’m just a normal Human woman, how am I a good fit?”

    “You are a Frost Magician. There will be water everywhere. You will literally be able to snap your fingers and freeze anything you want solid. Your magic should experience a tremendous boost too.”

    “Well… You do have a point there…” Cornelia chuckles awkwardly.

    “Don’t want to go on an adventure with me?” I ask with a grin while rubbing her thigh.

    “I’m just… not so sure… I’ve barely done any swimming and we’ll be so deep in the sea…”

    “It’s alright. Give it a thought but don’t force yourself. We have time to decide. We are here to consider our options.”

    We share a longer glance and she nods. “Alright.”

    I pull Cornelia in for a passionate kiss and we exchange a few loving pecks before she lets me return to the matters at hand. It’s quite obvious that she really wants to go with me but there are a few concerns that keep her logical mind from fully throwing herself at the given opportunity. It’s a thing to be admired, not mocked.

    “Speaking of water and magic, that’s pretty much my area of expertise as a Water Elementalist.” My lovely artist wife enters the spotlight. “I didn’t focus that much on my offensive spells and my Tier isn’t high, though it rose a bit thanks to you, but my Water Manipulation and some other abilities could make it much easier to move around at least.”

    “I can confirm Neira’s high level of proficiency in that regard,” Elea says. “She can both control entire lakes to do her bidding and focus on the tiniest amounts of fluid inside even her own paint.”

    “That definitely sounds useful. I’ll be happy to have you.” I nod at Neira.

    “It would be my pleasure.” She gives me a courteous bow.

    “See? Master already has two strong people to protect him,” Sirgia says to Hecate while glancing up and I pat her brown hair with a smile.

    Then, I look around the lobby to see if there are any more volunteers or if anyone has another idea we could incorporate into our upcoming expedition. But, it doesn’t look like it. From what my hearing can pick up, everyone seems to be chatting about the topic without any more specific remarks. And that is alright. We’ve already touched on a few important points.

    But, when my eyes land on the two jelly beauties sitting on their own chairs right in front of our fancy, wide sofa, my brows shoot to my hairline.

    “Wait… Slimes don’t breathe, right?” I ask.

    Safi notices me staring at them. “No, Master, we do not require air to live.”

    “And water doesn’t really have any negative effect on you, right?”

    “It doesn’t. You know how durable and adaptable our external coating is,” she continues to answer.

    “Can you even move under the water, though? Do you float back up to the surface? Or do you sink to the bottom like a stone?”

    “I’m not sure about our humanoid shapes, but while in our neutral state, we should have no problems propelling ourselves in any direction.”

    Suddenly, Emi springs to her feet and starts bouncing up and down.

    “Are you going to ask Safi to come with you, Master?! Can Emi come too?! Emi will be super useful to Master! Emi promises! Please!”

    I’m sure that if her blue-skinned friend didn’t hold her back by grabbing Emi’s maid uniform, the emerald girl would have crashed into me while begging. Seeing Emi so energetic causes me to chuckle and I gesture at Safi with my hand to release the overexcited bundle of cuteness.

    My green Queen Slime hops onto my lap and I start patting her bouncy head. “I’m thinking about it right now. You’ve been with me since the very first days so you’ve definitely earned the right to accompany me out somewhere. The five of us could make a great team.”

    “Yes! Emi thinks so too! Emi will be a good girl and help Master the best Emi can!”

    I laugh some more as she rubs herself into me with no remorse.

    “I know, I know. We’ll talk about this in more detail with all the people involved later. For now, return to your seat so that we can continue, okay?”

    She bobs her head so fast it becomes a jelly smudge and jumps off my lap. Before long, she’s back next to Safi and the sapphire lady gives me a charming, ladylike smile as they sit down. I turn to the front once more.

    “Alright. This already feels like plenty of progress. If no one has any more ideas or suggestions at this time, I think we can wrap this up. As always, come to find me or any of my wives if you do come up with something. I appreciate your input and everything you do for us. Thank you, everyone. This has been a great meeting.”

    After a brief round of applause, people start slowly leaving alone or in groups. We remain on the sofa and watch them go. I share a word or two with the women that pass by, be it some small talk or some flirting. Soon, even my wives begin to scatter after stealing a goodbye kiss from me and only three of us are left. Sirgia and Cornelia glance at me from my sides.

    “Soooooo…” I raise a brow at them and notice a rising blush on their faces.

    Oh, well. I don’t think they played this episode yet.

  8. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 143 – Allied Rivalry ❤❤❤
    “I presume we aren’t going to chill and watch a movie?” I raise a brow at the two beauties at my sides.

    One might think that my joke would fall flat considering that both women aren’t from Earth just like I am, but we’ve already chatted a lot about many little things that exist in my world. Therefore, Cornelia shows a small smirk while pressing herself more into me from my left.

    “I don’t know, are we?” She chuckles softly, running her fingers over my stomach. “What does our genius inventor have to say about it?”

    “I’m afraid I wasn’t yet able to recreate the incredible devices you have mentioned in the past, Master,” Sirgia replies quietly, glancing up at me with her adorable cheeks full of rosiness. “I would need you to describe them in more detail if you would like me to make them.”

    I smile at her warmly and wrap my arm around the devoted, hardworking Dwarf lady. “Even if you succeeded at reproducing a projector or a TV, which I bet you would considering how smart and creative you are, we wouldn’t really have anything to watch on them. I appreciate your enthusiasm, though. You are so amazing.”

    The blush covering Sirgia’s face deepens even more as I stroke her side while gazing deep into her brown eyes. She leans her cheek against my shoulder and glances down, smiling shyly. A moment later I notice her brows furrow just a tiny bit and her eyes begin to wander over the space in front of us.

    “What if… I used an illusory projection array… And then prepared a semi-transparent glass panel made of Hashenian… If I remember correctly, when you look through various densities of it, it bends the image on the other side and makes it look flat… Then, I could figure out a memory-reading spell… Link it to the illusory array… Design a comfortable device to be attached to one’s body… Yes… We could watch Master’s memories…”

    As the brilliant inventor enters her deeply focused and creative mode, muttering adorably under her nose, I look to the other side and meet Cornelia’s gaze. We smile at each other knowingly. There is just no stopping this complete work addict. Not even when she was just about to work on something else, I bet.

    My dazzling magician shakes her head with a gentle smirk. “You and your crazy mood swings. How can you even not get distracted with something like this standing proud on the edge of your vision.”

    Her palm slithers down my navel and pelvis, soon reaching the mentioned distraction. Cornelia’s fingers softly wrapping themselves around my shaft finally recapture Sirgia’s attention and the timid Dwarf locks her eyes on the gentle motions given to my member. The crimson shade spreads further, now covering even the cute bridge of her nose.

    I sigh contentedly and relax in my seat. Cornelia glances at my face probingly and I smile at her. Moving my hand to her head, I bring a small, frivolous lock of hair behind her ear, starting to caress her cheek.

    “Since when are you okay with getting a little touchy in the open? The carriage I can understand, but here, anyone can walk in on us at any time,” I ask curiously.

    Cornelia snorts and rolls her eyes. “Yeah, it’s completely not like I’ve been flashing my asshole to everyone for almost a week straight now. Because putting something in there for a minute or two will be so different.”

    Brushing over her skin, I lean closer and place a loving kiss on her delicious lips. “A minute, you say? I guess the other fifty-nine I planned to spend here will belong solely to Sirgia, then.”

    Her eyes widen slightly and briefly skip past me. I can only imagine the proud smirk on my little Dwarf’s face.

    “I mean… Ummmm…”

    I chuckle and peck Cornelia’s lips once more. “I’m just teasing you. But, I do think our cute friend deserves some additional affection, especially considering the fact that you’ll get to spend lots of time with me in the near future and she’ll have to stay behind.”

    “I don’t mind, Master,” Sirgia says quietly, standing on her knees and throwing her arms over my shoulders to hug me. “I can be of much better use to you here in the mansion. I know how much you love me without you having to spoil me so much. You always come to make love to me whenever I feel a bit lonely.”

    I embrace her closer and rub our cheeks together. “I know. But I want to make more love to you. You are just so charming and irresistible. If I wasn’t afraid of ruining your work, I would be coming to do indecent things to you every time I’m next to your forge. I think you remember the first time we did so, right?”

    Sirgia’s face turns into a tomato at my question but a brilliant smile curves her tiny mouth. She then starts to pepper my cheeks and lips with soft, fluffy pecks. Giving lots of affection to my lovely short wife, I sneak a peek at Cornelia. She instantly reads my intentions and nods with a warm smile.

    As I fully seal Sirgia’s mouth with mine, bringing her small tongue for a slow but passionate dance, our magician friend sits up on her gorgeous thighs and turns to us. Her slender hands move to the clips holding Sirgia’s work pants and she skilfully unclasps them, letting the clothing slide down the petite Dwarf’s frame.

    The person getting undressed breaks our exchange for a moment and lifts her legs interchangeably, letting the undresser fully remove the unnecessary article of clothing from the equation. She ends up in just her grey t-shirt and adorable, white panties.

    A quiet gasp escapes Sirgia’s throat and we both glance down, finding Cornelia’s fingers rubbing the material below her thin legs.

    “Look at how wet she already is. For someone not wanting to be loved right now, you are leaking quite a lot. I could make a puddle if I wrung this dry,” the bewitching, hazelnut-haired lady coos.

    More sighs of pleasure travel through the air as Cornelia continues to brush over Sirgia’s secret place from below. I join the fray and lean down to catch the pointy peak defiantly pushing against Sirgia’s shirt into my mouth. She hastily wraps her arms around my head to gain more stability as the two of us work on her breasts and pussy at the same time.

    “Mhmmmm… Mhmmmmm… Master…”

    The quicker her breathing becomes, the quicker my tongue laps around her covered nipple, and the quicker Cornelia’s fingers slide over her hidden crevice. I switch my attention between her two tender mounds while scratching her lower back a little. She always loves when I tickle her there a bit.

    “Master… I’m… Mhhhhmmm… Almost…”

    She must have been already turned on a lot to be this sensitive but who can blame her after sitting next to me who is eternally in the full nude? I hear the ruffle of fabric definitely caused by Cornelia speeding up so I match her tempo and Sirgia soon starts rocking her hips back and forth, pushing her slit even more into the magician lady’s digits.

    Her charming eyes find mine as she directs her gaze down and I have no issues getting the message they are conveying. Without uttering even a single word of instruction, Sirgia hastily raises her arms up and I fling her t-shirt over her head. She latches herself to me in a blink, before she loses balance, and my lips find her delicious nipple now freed from its confines.

    Sirgia grows even louder as I begin caressing her breasts directly. Soon, I feel her slender fingers grip my hair even firmer and she hugs my face to her petite chest with all the strength she has. A loud cry of pleasure leaves her lips just the moment Cornelia slides the bottom of her panties to the side and tickles her exposed clit.

    “Mmmmhmmmmmmmmmmm! Masteeeeeeer!”

    I hold my lovely Dwarf wife steady as she rides her orgasm, peppering her skin with tender kisses. Sirgia’s body gets enveloped by shivers for a few short moments and a little bit more of her fragrant love nectar drips out of her love nest, still gently massaged by Cornelia’s palm.

    After she recovers her breathing to a decent level, Sirgia gazes into my face deeply. I pull her into some more kisses and help her sit down on my waist without accidentally impaling herself on my cock. When our lips part, she looks down at the monument of desire standing tall between us, poking her belly gently, and gives it a few unhurried tugs.

    “Do you remember our little quest to save Astrea’s friends?” I smirk at her while rubbing our noses together.

    She giggles cutely and flushes again. “I could never forget, Master. That… is the reason we bought this couch… I was too embarrassed back there, but… I really wanted to be in Astrea’s place…” she admits bravely.

    “Oh, really? Didn’t you see how hard we mated back then? Are you sure that’s what you want?” I glance at her curiously.

    Giving me a tiny nod, she pulls herself into me, starting to brush her hot lower lips over my length, and pushes her mouth into my ear.

    “Please… Be rough with me, Master… I always liked how strong you are…” she whispers hesitantly.

    I feel her sealed folds run into my glans and stop at the very top of my tip. She grinds herself on me a little bit, sighing adorably into my ear. Then, something causes her closed slit to part and her sensitive insides give my glans a hot kiss, causing her to shiver. Glancing down, I spot two slender fingers pulling Sirgia’s pussy lips aside, preparing her for me. Cornelia winks at us over her shoulder and I chuckle quietly.

    Before I actually go any harder with my lovely little Dwarf, I slowly and gently slide into Sirgia’s extremely snug channel. She lets out faint moans as I journey deeper into her tight embrace bit by bit. There’s no real resistance or discomfort, her wetness welcomes me with open arms, or lips. I’m sheathed fully in no time and her shy clit pecks my pelvis.

    “You are so big, Master…” Sirgia murmurs to my ear.

    I stroke her hair with lots of affection. “And you are so comfy and pleasant. Your marvellous pussy gives me a hug almost as sweet as the ones you give me every time.”

    She giggles a little, effectively poking my chest with her diamond-hard nipples. Before I can say another word, Sirgia pulls herself up and brings her waist down onto me again. Listening to her cute moans, I place my hands under her soft butt and help her out.

    She keeps her arms wrapped around my neck as I start thrusting up faster and faster. Soon, she gives up on moving completely and my hips smack her light body into the air with each fierce pound. Loud, wet noises roam all around the lobby from how tightly her pussy chokes me. If I didn’t know how tough my genius lover is, I would be scared to hurt her warm channel which holds me in a death grip and almost prevents me from pulling back.

    “Ahh… Ahhh… Ahhh… Ahhh…”

    Focusing on making Sirgia feel as good as possible, I start nibbling with my lips on her neck she so invitingly exposes while hugging me over my shoulders. Her cute cries become even louder and I instantly notice the difference in how much tighter she gets. It starts requiring some actual physical effort to hammer her unbelievable pussy.

    Something pushes me to glance to my right and I find Cornelia’s passionate gaze locked on my face. She still sits next to us on her thighs, with one of her hands located between those delicious legs of hers. The movement down there is obvious, alongside the shallow breaths she releases with her mouth hanging open. As our eyes meet, she slows down a little and turns even redder, but quickly bites on her lower lip and resumes flicking her bean to us fucking roughly.

    Getting an idea, I turn my face to reach Sirgia’s ear with my mouth.

    “Do you really want to be like Astrea?” I ask with a teasing tone.

    “Ahhh… Yes, Master… Ahhh… Ahhh…”

    “Do you know what cats are great at?” I continue my questioning and feel her curiosity over our bond.

    A surprised squeal leaves her lips as I jump off the sofa with her still on my dick. I don’t stop dropping her hot pussy down onto my member by holding her firmly with one hand and snap the fingers of the other one.

    “AH!” Another gasp of shock echoes through the air, but this time, belonging to a much more mature lady. “What?!”

    I spin us around and we find Cornelia in the very middle of the wide sofa, her wrists chained to the side edges of the backrest and her ankles locked to the bottom legs of the comfy furniture. Her back rests against the backrest with her butt hovering over the edge of the seating. She’s completely spread out for us to see and admire.

    “Now, be like Astrea.” I chuckle, moving my hands from under Sirgia’s knees to her soft waist.

    Of course, I still keep pounding her tight passage so her body jumps around a lot. Unable to hold herself straight, she hunches forward, grabbing the edge of the seating between Cornelia’s juicy thighs. Since her legs are much shorter than mine, they don’t reach the ground and flail in the air from my intense hammering.

    It doesn’t take her long to catch on and she stuffs her face right in Cornelia’s leaking snatch. Her moans become muffled as she does her best to lap her tongue over the other woman’s appetising mound. Cornelia throws her head to the back and groans, not being able to talk back anymore.

    And, with that, I’m able to fulfil the wishes of my sweet Dwarf lover by doing her hard just like I did Astrea back then while also not leaving my enchanting magician wife alone and neglected. I could have lent Cornelia a hand or something else, but with the usual rivalry between these two, a bit of mutual service will be great for them. Especially considering the fact that our magician friend has already helped Sirgia rub one out.

    “Fuck… She’s actually kind of good… Mhmmmmm…” Cornelia whines and tugs a bit on her restraints.

    I chuckle and fix my grip on Sirgia’s hips. “You would be surprised to know what she can do with that tiny tongue of hers… Shit…”

    Somehow, Sirgia tightens on me even more, drawing a grunt out of me. Perhaps she’s happy about the compliment, or something. She does put a lot of effort into practising on all those copies of my dick whenever she isn’t working. I do praise her a lot for how far she has come but I’ve never fucked her during it. Well, they say that a Human’s body is always honest, though it would be a Dwarf’s to be precise.

    We connect our gazes with Cornelia. She tries to tone down her moans but isn’t really able to. Sirgia’s tongue seems to be tickling some good spots and even nibbling on her lip doesn’t help. It’s making her quite embarrassed, but I can literally feel how much turned on she is too.

    I stare at her intently while slamming my pelvis into Sirgia’s tender butt, keeping eye contact between us. Sweet love nectar drips onto my feet and the ground from the passionate lovemaking Sirgia’s petite slit is experiencing. Now and then, Cornelia subconsciously tries to pull her limbs back but the chains prevent that from happening. She’s completely at our mercy right now.

    It seems that the restrained magician lady finally gives up and gives into the pleasure, but the sound of echoing footsteps catches her attention. Her eyes widen to the brim and her head snaps all around, trying to find an angle on whoever is coming. Unfortunately, she’s pulled so close to the edge of her seat that her back is somewhat bent as if she slid down her desk chair and didn’t care to bring her position back up. Therefore, she can’t really peer over the backrest and panic grows in her eyes.

    “Al! Stop her! Quickly! Ahhh! Ahhhh!” she begs, finally finding my face again.

    I grin at her, pushing Sirgia even more into her beautiful, pink flower. My little Dwarf reads the mood perfectly and uses her slender fingers to spread Cornelia’s pussy much more, digging deeper into our friend’s secret tunnel.

    “Didn’t you say that there’s no difference since you’ve been walking naked for a week?” I raise a brow at the distressed lady.

    “Ahh! That’s different! Ahhh! Not like this! You should cover my body with yours while fucking me! Ahhh! Not spread me open! Ahhhh! Fast! Before I—”

    I’ve been able to see our guests for a while but she freezes the moment two heads peek over the sofa’s backrest from behind. Elise and Ria lean forward, taking a curious peek at the events taking place on the comfy mattress. The young receptionist’s cheeks grow crimson faster than Cornelia can release another moan and the older accountant shows a wide smile.

    “I didn’t know we could use something like this…” Elise murmurs quietly but just loud enough for all of us to hear.

    Suddenly, Cornelia releases a throaty, prolonged moan and shakes in her chains strong enough to push Sirgia’s chin back a bit. She wriggles under the restraints, clearly experiencing a quite powerful orgasm. Some trickles of love nectar spurt out of her secret place and my Dwarf wife eagerly laps them up with her tongue and small mouth.

    Our exposed magician twitches and shivers for a while longer in her post-orgasmic bliss. I sense some more, regular constrictions around my cock and hug Sirgia lovingly to my chest, moving one hand to her shy pearl. Giving her one last, powerful thrust, I tickle her clit just enough to send her over the edge.

    “Master! Ahh! Ahhh! Mhhmmmmmmmmmmm!”

    I explode inside her tightening channel just as she calls to me. Waves of cloudy delicacy roll deep into her depths as we orgasm together. Her body limply hangs down, upheld by one of my arms around her petite chest and another over her girly mound, where I’m still gently stroking her hidden pearl, letting her ride her high to the fullest.

    Exhaling heavily, I glance forward at our two spectators. Ria continues to smirk at me, impishly licking her lips, while Elise seems to be in a trance, her eyes boring into my manhood buried deep in Sirgia’s petite pussy, now starting to leak my milky semen out due to our standing position.

    “Come on, Elise.” Ria finally brings her friend out of her stupor and pulls the younger woman away. “It’s impolite to stare. Besides, there are things to do. We had our turn not that long ago.”

    I chuckle at the wink she gives me and I escort the two ladies with my gaze. After they are fully gone, I look back at Cornelia, who is panting slightly and glaring at me angrily, causing me to snicker again.

    “I can’t believe someone saw me cumming in such an embarrassing position… You are the worst…” she complains with a scowl.

    “Master came a lot inside…” Sirgia mutters and I remember that she’s still impaled on my cock.

    I help her down, holding her steady until she properly supports herself over the sofa. Her short legs don’t want to cooperate with her after the rough pounding I’ve given to her cute slit. Climbing onto the wide furniture, she drops her tender butt on the cushiony seat and leans into the backrest. Small trails of white cream pour onto the sofa and she giggles after noticing.

    Walking closer to them, I cancel the Void Chains binding Cornelia to the sofa and she slumps onto it too. I help her pull herself up and sit properly, setting one knee between her legs and leaning forward to join our lips together. She lets me pursue her tongue while lovingly rubbing my member.

    “I fucking hate you…” she whispers right into my face. “I fucking hate myself for feeling so good in front of others…”

    “Don’t,” I reply softly, brushing her cheek. “Everyone here knows it’s all fun and games. And, you know I would never do anything uncomfortable to you in front of strangers. You can fully be yourself here. I think you are aware of how disastrous holding in your wishes and desires can be.”

    Looking me deep into the eyes for a few seconds, Cornelia sighs, clearly recalling the time before she made up her mind and stopped deluding herself about her feelings towards me. That night, I might have pushed her a bit too far, but it’s true that she really needed a strong push to realise what she was doing.

    “I hate how much I fucking love you…” she complains again and joins our lips in a gentle peck. “If I’m going to stop holding back my wishes, then I need your cock in my pussy before someone else comes. Sirgia’s tongue is incredible, though. I have to admit that.”

    “Dwarves have very strong and precise tongues. Sometimes I use it to unscrew something or to turn a nut or some tiny lever that is unreachable by my fingers. Of course, after properly cleaning everything before doing so. I would never kiss Master with a dirty mouth,” Sirgia shares some trivia with us.

    We stare at her with raised brows, because that’s the first time we’ve heard about her doing anything like that. Neither I nor Cornelia saw her in such situations either. It’s hard to imagine but I guess they did say that your tongue was actually extremely strong compared to the other muscles.

    I glance at Cornelia, both of us confused and amazed equally, and we share a warm chuckle.

    You learn something new every day.

    Wrapping my arms around my dazzling magician’s figure, I help Cornelia stand up. She presses her body into mine, squishing those perfect, perky breasts of hers into my skin. We exchange a few more kisses as my member brushes over her leaking entrance, both of us eager to have a turn together.

    I notice a faint flash of light and smile to myself after spotting the cause. My palms slide down Cornelia’s back and end up on her jiggly butt cheeks. She hums into my mouth as I knead them tenderly and start walking her back to the sofa. It’s just a step or two but she soon bumps into the edge and I lower her down slowly.

    At least until I have her exactly where I want.

    Without a warning, I let go of her weight and she suddenly plunges down towards the seating, from a safe height, of course. Her eyes bulge out when right after I release her, something pokes her butthole. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have enough time to react and her booty slams into the cushioned bench with a soft thud.

    Cornelia’s face twists in a mix of pleasure and shock as she shudders, releasing a loud groan. Her toes curl in and her entire figure trembles lightly with her mouth wide open. A trickle of liquid escapes her delicious folds. There’s no doubt that she came a little.

    From what? Well, I’d guess the rubber dick that unexpectedly invaded her backdoor.

    A quiet giggle reaches our ears after Cornelia regathers her wits and raises herself up a little with the assistance of my extended elbow, spotting something half-buried in her tight ring. A replica of my member is attached to the wooden part of the seat with a suction cup, covered in a slimy substance.

    “You little…” She glares at Sirgia but I can see the corners of her mouth lifting faintly.

    “Do you remember our first time with Lianne?” I ask her and she turns her face back to me.

    For a moment, she frowns at me, scanning my expression, but then her brows shoot to her hairline and she starts shaking her head.

    “Oh, no, no, no—MHHHMMM!”

    I push on her shoulders strongly, sinking the fake dick fully into her hole once more. She shivers faintly again while letting out a lusty whine.

    “It must have been fun to double down on the Queen, no? Where I come from, there’s a saying along the lines of, whatever you wish to do to others, you should first do to yourself.”

    Before Cornelia can protest, I grab her knees and push them to her sides. Sirgia is already behind her and takes them from me, holding them strongly to the magician’s body. Cornelia’s precious place opens before me invitingly and I plunge myself into her dripping honeypot with one, mighty shove.

    “AH! Fuck! Please! That will be too much! Ahhh! Ahhh! Spare my ass! Just don’t let others see me melting from anal! Ahhh! Please!”

    I chuckle at her, hammering into her pussy relentlessly. “It’s too late for that. Don’t you know that there are almost no secrets among the residents? I can’t hide anything from them but you should be allowed to have secrets? How is that any fair?”

    “Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Alastair! You bully! Ahhhh!”

    We snicker together with Sirgia and I refocus my efforts on pleasuring the screaming mature lady. While pistoning her welcoming passage, I hold her butt firmly and bring it up and down interchangeably with the movements of my hips. Effectively, each of her holes receives a nice poke in turns, once in the front, once in the back. It’s not that easy to pull off, but anything for my loving wife.

    Sirgia doesn’t rest on her laurels either and properly keeps Cornelia’s legs spread just enough to expose her friend's pussy to me, and pulled back just enough for it to still be comfortable while almost folding the magician lady in half. She’s nearly in a full nelson, though in a somewhat sitting position. The cacophony of wet, lewd noises is so captivating with both of Cornelia’s entrances playing their roles in the event.

    “I swear! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! If you don’t fuck! Ahhh! Sirgia in the ass today! Ahhh! Ahhh! I will fuck you myself!”

    I raise a curious brow at the serious threats Cornelia is spouting. Wondering about Sirgia’s reaction to them, I glance at the shy Dwarf hiding behind her body and find a blooming blush on the petite girl’s cheeks.

    Looks like we might have one more tight tunnel to explore today.

    “I’m honestly tempted to ignore your words just to see if you have the balls to do it.” I smirk at Cornelia after facing her again. “Though, considering how lovingly your magnificent and beautiful pussy strokes me each time I sink myself into your embrace, I would be surprised to find a pair down there.”

    She snorts amidst the moans and we smile at each other, at least as much as we can while fucking like rabbits. Not sure if rabbits do anal but let’s say that in this world they do. I bet they love getting all stuffed and not by some woolly material.

    I pummel into her even stronger, in response to which Cornelia raises the volume of her amorous cries and moans. Catching her hazy from all the sensations gaze, I lean in and she quickly goes after my lips, throwing her arms over my shoulders. I groan as her nails dig deep into my back, creating stinging lines as she drags them down. But, that only makes me harder and more raring to mess her up even more.

    “Ahhh! Ahhh! Fuck! I’m almost! Ahhh! Ahhh!”

    “Cum for me… Cum from your butt… Show Sirgia how hard you orgasm from it to make her unable to resist…” I growl into her ear.

    Cornelia shivers and her pussy constricts on me strongly. “Ahhh! Ahhh! Inside my butt! Please! Al!”

    I nod at her and peck her lips just as she starts shaking. Throwing Cornelia up into the air, I set free both of her holes at the same time, and then drop her onto my cock again, this time shoving it into her backdoor. Her heels end up on my shoulders as her tender butt slams into my pelvis while her narrow hole swallows me to the very, tight ring.


    A powerful orgasm hits Cornelia and I time my release with it. She throws her head to the back and starts shaking, some fragrant liquid spurts out of her love nest and onto my underbelly. A sea of milky white floods her other entrance while we ride our highs together.

    My eyes briefly catch the view of Sirgia back on the sofa, nibbling so adorably on her bottom lip with a mesmerised expression that almost melts my heart. She barely ever does that, and the way she actually does looks just so adorable and gentle.

    Waiting for our mature researcher friend to come down from her blissful high, I rain gentle kisses on Cornelia’s neck and shoulders. In the meanwhile, I turn around and back into the sofa, slowly sitting down not to stir her ass up too much. We sigh softly together and relax over the backrest.

    Some shuffling catches our attention and we glance to the left at the same time. The sight surprises both of us. There’s a cute little butt raised into the air with the owner on their knees and their chest and head pressed down low to the seating. Two petite hands hold the soft cheeks spread and a trail of lube drips down from the cute anus twitching invitingly.

    Cornelia chuckles heartily. “Looks like your job isn’t done yet.”

    I boop her on her nose. “And whose fault do you think it is?”

    She shows a wide smile and pecks my cheek before sliding off me with a quiet moan. I shake my head and get to my knees, moving to the meal presented before me. The side of Sirgia’s face peeks at me as I move close enough to look over her raised butt. She’s extremely red and embarrassed but it doesn’t hold her back from asking for pleasure.

    Aiming my tip at her cute button, I first lean over her to bring my face above hers.

    “As a reward for my brave little Dwarf who isn’t afraid to express her wishes, I will make love to your butt just the way you want. So, feel free to instruct me,” I whisper cordially.

    Sirgia smiles beautifully. “A little slow at first, please. Then you can go faster, Master.”


    Leaving a peck on her rosy cheek, I push my hips forward and watch her lips form a cute little ‘o’ as my tip unhurriedly forces her backdoor open. Taking all the time in the world, I carefully ease myself into her mind-blowingly tight hole. Sirgia lets out quiet whines as I gradually spread her insides, which quickly assume my shape, but I can tell those are the good sighs and moans. Her slender fingers grip the cushions hard to prevent herself from getting pushed ahead, even going as far as to gently buck her hips back towards me whenever I try to make some progress.

    After about a minute of gentle effort, I bury myself in Sirgia’s butthole to the very balls. We wait a few more seconds for her to get accustomed to it and I start moving as slowly as I can. Her body shivers lightly each time I pull back, and she lets me hear a sweet moan when I slide back in. Of course, I let her listen to my soft grunts as her narrow tunnel gives me incredible pleasure.

    “Mhhhmm… Mhmmm… Mhmmmmmmmmm…”

    Seeing that she’s starting to take it in more easily and begins to enjoy it properly, I raise the pace a bit and some quiet slapping fills the grand hall as my waist bumps into Sirgia’s tender butt. Her moans grow in intensity and volume too, though they remain extremely light and adorable. Soon, I’m thrusting into her more welcoming butt strong enough for her petite frame to jump back and forth.

    “Ah! Master! Your wet fingers are ticklish! Mhmmmm…”

    “But, my fingers are here.”

    I move my hands to entwine my fingers with hers over the cushiony seating. Sirgia looks both right and left in confusion and then directs her gaze under her belly. A chuckle reaches my ears before another quiet gasp escapes Sirgia’s lips. Cornelia has crawled between our legs and supported herself on her elbows while lying on her back. With perfect access to Sirgia’s unattended petite mound, she can now give our Dwarf lady some loving licks.

    Sirgia doesn’t rebuke her on anything. She returns her face to the side, glancing at me now and then as I keep exploring her behind. Her breathing becomes much more erratic and I’m pretty sure that the source of the sucking noises coming from below my waist is to blame for that. Cornelia clearly goes to town with her friend’s pussy.

    I gently hold Sirgia’s fists on the sides of her head and pepper her cheek with tiny kisses. With our combined efforts, it doesn’t take long to see the results of it. Her small frame starts trembling occasionally and we both can tell that Sirgia is trying her best to hold on for as long as she can, perhaps enjoying our caresses a bit more than we first assumed.

    Moving my palms to her small breasts, I give those tender peaks some well-deserved rubs. It seems to be the breaking point as Sirgia immediately starts thrusting her butt into me with much more force, moaning openly now. Cornelia, hearing and noticing it, ramps up her licking and sucking, filling the air with obscene sounds.

    “Master! Cornelia! Ahmmm! I’m cumming! Ahhhhhhnnnnnn!”

    I hold her steady as Sirgia grasps the cushion with so much force that she tears two holes in the material. Her lithe body trembles softly as I pump her butt full of my seed, delivering a fresh load deep into her insides. Cornelia laps up all the additional nectar Sirgia releases during her adorable orgasm, definitely mixed with my remaining cum.

    We shower our short friend in slow caresses until Sirgia’s breathing steadies down a little. I pull her up then and set her on my lap, carefully withdrawing my member from her cute butthole. She sighs blissfully and rests on my chest. Cornelia crawls to my other side and does the same from there as I lean back on the sofa.

    “Now, you have received lots of love from both of us before we leave.” I chuckle, glancing at my sweet, little Dwarf.

    Sirgia giggles and smiles at Cornelia. “I did. Thank you. It was very nice.”

    “No need for thanks. We are sister-wives.” Cornelia waves her hand dismissively. “You can count yourself lucky. I wouldn’t have ever done that if anyone was around. Thankfully, the lobby remained empty.”

    “Are you sure about that?” I give her a cryptic grin.

    Her forehead furrows a little bit in confusion. Since it doesn’t look like she is going to figure it out, I direct my gaze to the ceiling and they both follow it. Clearly sensing my intentions, a certain spidergirl makes herself visible up high in the main lobby’s corner, having a perfect view over the entire hall.

    Cornelia shudders while getting all crimson. “Gods… I’ll never be able to remember that she’s always around…”

    We chuckle together with Sirgia and I comfort my magician wife by lovingly patting her head and placing a myriad of kisses on her flushed cheek.
  9. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 144 – Gearing Up
    After our fun and pleasant moment, we spend a few more minutes just resting on the wide sofa together. Cornelia leans into my side as I brush over her soft tummy and Sirgia lays partially on my chest, receiving gentle pats and brushes while my fingers thread through her beautiful, brown hair. No matter which side I turn my head towards, the evidence of our battle is visible all over the fancy cushions covering the seating. Some of it still leaks out of the dazzling ladies by my sides.

    “I think we should get up soon. Unless you two don’t mind getting seen in such states. Not to jinx us but this situation just begs for someone to walk into the lobby through the main entrance.”

    Sirgia giggles and grazes my exposed chest with her petite fingers. “That would certainly be a sight, Master.”

    Cornelia shivers lightly. “Anything but that. I’ve lost enough face already. It’s a miracle people at the castle aren’t looking at me weirdly.”

    Chuckling a little, I press a tender kiss on her forehead. “You are a talented, smart, and amazing woman and you know it. They know it too. Even though you chose to work in a brothel rather than the castle, you’ve still helped the kingdom tremendously. No one can take that away from you.”

    A delicate blush blooms over my lovely magician’s cheeks and Cornelia snuggles her face more into my neck. “You are just buttering me up as always…”

    “Do I really need to?” I raise a brow at her. “I’m pretty sure you would let me smash even without me telling you pretty words again and again.”

    She starts lightly smacking my face while huffing at me and I laugh a bit, doing nothing to protect myself. Sirgia giggles from the side at our little scuffle. Contrary to her actions, I can see Cornelia’s lips curling into a smile from our casual banter. She loves it as much as I do.

    “Alright, alright, spare my face.” I catch her wrist and pull it close to place a chaste peck on the back of her hand after she stops flailing it around. “I’m still going to need it to seduce female guests into our little establishment.”

    Cornelia snorts, rolling her eyes at me. “You mean seduce a dozen of poor, unsuspecting women into your ever-growing harem. Just one look is enough to make any single girl weak in the knees.”

    I grin at her mischievously. “Does that mean I’m pleasant to look at?”

    Some more crimson surfaces over her skin but Cornelia doesn’t resume assaulting my face. Instead, she smiles teasingly and pulls me down into a passionate kiss, choosing that way to answer my question. My palm resting on her side snakes down her marvellous skin and ends up reaching her squishy butt. Obviously, I give it an affectionate squeeze, evoking a quiet sigh from my beloved, hazelnut-haired wife.

    “Don’t let it get to your head, idiot.” She smirks at me after we finally part.

    “I would never.” I smirk back at her. “Now, do my precious ladies require assistance in getting their dazzling bodies all cleaned up?”

    “Yes, please,” Sirgia answers softly, raising her face to meet my gaze with a barely noticeable tinge of rosiness tainting her cute cheeks.

    “I guess I’ll go too.” Cornelia sighs. ”Someone has to watch over the two of you. We have plenty of things to prepare and this little wench is not to be trusted. I know what effect she has on you, especially when she brings out those cursed puppy eyes of hers.”

    My adorable Dwarf wife blushes even harder while releasing a sweet giggle. Cornelia isn’t exactly wrong. Met with the pretty, short, charming bundle of cuteness, you just want to lose yourself in her and go with anything she says. And don’t let Sirgia’s thin frame deceive you, she is a complete animal in bed. Our brief tussle definitely didn’t drain even half of her energy.

    Thus, with everyone in agreement, I help both ladies up and we head to the baths. As we walk, I ask Elea to arrange some much-needed cleaning in the main hall. She chuckles at me through the bond and promises to send a few girls to take care of the issue as soon as possible.

    I have to admit, her maid subordinates have become pretty much pros at every single thing they do. It wouldn’t be surprising if they put me to shame after we actually verified how many things around the mansion I could do when compared to any single random girl working in the non-lewd department. Those wonderful ladies need no man in their lives. Quite the opposite, I definitely need a woman, or women in mine.

    We don’t waste too much time in the baths. Neither Sirgia nor Cornelia gets any frisky ideas and we chat happily while cleaning each other up. It’s become natural to us at this point. As much as there was some initial embarrassment and uneasiness, we all are very comfortable with such activities now. Naturally, we do enjoy the sight and touch, but it’s no longer something awkward. The casual intimacy is bliss.

    After drying up, Cornelia gives me a hand in dressing our Dwarf friend and excuses herself to get back to work. Naked, of course. Our punishment game is still underway for a short while. And I’ll be missing it damn hard. Getting a chance to stare at her perfect ass and curves on every single occasion is just something else.

    Perhaps we should host something similar regularly? We would have to come up with things to bet on but I guess it could be doable. Not for an entire week but maybe a day or two. As usual, the loser would have to walk buck-naked around the mansion.

    I’m sure plenty of girls would love to bet against me just for the chance to force me into wearing nothing for that duration. That could actually be a fun and nice way to keep everyone’s morale up and entertain the kind and hardworking ladies living here. We could throw in some bonus rules too maybe, and make it even more exciting. I gotta discuss it with all my wives. They might have some ideas of their own.

    “Where would you like me to escort you, princess?” I ask Sirgia with a gentle smile after picking her up into my arms.

    She giggles sweetly and nuzzles her face into me. “To my castle, please, Master.”

    “I’ve barely made all of you squeaky clean again and you are already planning on getting yourself all dirty with hard work, are you?” I chuckle at her and start walking to the hidden staircase.

    We share a few delicate kisses before I reach her place and set my lovely Dwarf down on the ground. “I think we should bring Meru here. I won’t be able to finish the trident I wanted to make for her, but I’ve been preparing a spare just in case. I would like to check if she is okay with it.”

    I aggressively ruffle through her hair, evoking some more giggles from the adorable girl.

    “You little punk. You’ve been overworking yourself not on one but two weapons? Seriously, it looks like the only way for me to force a break onto you is to grab you by the waist and dick you down until you can’t move anymore.”

    A deep flush lights up on her tanned skin and Sirgia gives me a shy upwards glance. I chuckle at her and plant a kiss on her forehead.

    “Jokes aside, remember to take breaks, please. I love you so much for how hardworking you are, but sometimes I hate you for it too. You deserve to unwind now and then.”

    She tugs on my wrist and I lean forward enough to let her present my lips with a fluffy kiss.

    “I might need Master to enforce some breaks onto me now and then…” she whispers with a tiny smile.

    “I’ll keep a close eye on you, then.” I peck her soft lips back. “But maybe we really should start looking for some help for you. And I mean an actual assistant or something. We talked about visiting your homeland in the past. Perhaps we could finally do so and find you a friend willing to come work under you. What do you think?”

    Sirgia’s eyes wander over my face as she gives my suggestion a thought. Then, I recall her words regarding our future trip to her birth nation.

    “You haven’t created anything worthy of showing to your family yet, right?” I ask with genuine curiosity.

    “Actually, I might not be that far from finishing it, Master. My abilities and skills are becoming much better thanks to you. I feel like I’m getting a little stronger each time you make love to me. I think that after I reach the next Tier, I will finally be able to complete my project. Though…”

    She meets my gaze again and stares deep into my eyes.

    “I think I wouldn’t mind coming back home with you by my side even now, Master. No matter what anyone says, I know my true home will be next to you. Always. Where I can just be myself without having to worry about the opinions of others.”

    I graze her soft cheek dearly. “I’m extremely happy to hear that, but the promise I made to you still stands. You are a genius artificer and I’m going to let the entire world know about it. You deserve nothing less.”

    She shows a brilliant smile and hugs me lovingly from the front. “Thank you, Master. I’m truly the happiest Dwarf in this realm. If I patented some of the pleasure devices you helped me design, I’m sure I would already be very famous back home. I would have never expected how far we would have come when I created the first toy.”

    “Perhaps, but you are destined for something much greater.”

    “I don’t think I see these things as something lesser anymore, Master. Maybe I’m destined to create amazing sex toys? Ones that no one would ever come up with? I would be the first one to develop such a field, no?”

    I chuckle and rub her back. “If that’s what you wish for, then I’m not going to stop you. Just remember that I’m always going to support your dreams and passion. I believe in you and always will.”

    She wraps her short arms even tighter around me and we share a silent moment together. Then, after backing away, we join our lips in one more kiss and turn around while holding hands.

    “For now, please bring Meru here, Master. Also, you can borrow her ability to breathe underwater for yourself and one more person, right?” Sirgia glances up at me with her eyes already full of eagerness to work.

    “Yes, that’s right. One of my skills allows me to get one of your abilities, while the other, the new one, lets me pick a skill between two people, one on each side, copy them, and swap the copies. Unfortunately, I can only pick a pair of people at this very moment,” I explain.

    She scratches her adorable chin. “Hmmm… Then it’s good that I’ve been working on something for your journey on the side. You can give that ability to either Cornelia or Neira, but the other one will need something else. I’ll show you the schematics when you are back too.”

    “Got it. I have an idea for something useful and simple too. I’ll be right back.”

    Leaving a farewell kiss on my Dwarf lover’s cheek, I head out of Sirgia’s workshop. I don’t even get to step past the door before some lively noise reaches my ears. She wastes literally no time getting to work. This little workaholic. What do I have to go through with her…

    It takes me just a moment to locate the fierce sharkgirl in the mansion. As expected, Meru is currently chilling in her room, most likely. I can’t be sure what exactly she is doing but I think she’s just enjoying a little swim in the tank Sirgia built for her. Soon, she will be able to soak her body in something more proper.

    After arriving in front of her door, I knock lightly. A few seconds pass before I hear a muffled splash and Meru’s voice.


    “It’s me, Alastair. Do you have a moment?” I ask.

    “Of course. Please, come in.”

    I do exactly that and walk into Meru’s bedroom, closing the door behind me. Turning around, I find the beautiful Nershark resting her elbows on the edge of the see-through tank. She floats close to it, slowly moving her legs and tail.

    It looks like she took my words to heart and stopped covering herself while in the water as her scar-ridden but alluring body is visible to me in all its glory. Her moderate breasts and slim, slightly muscular tummy press into the transparent glass. Truly a magnificent view.

    “Is there anything I can help you with, Alastair?” Meru asks in a calm tone.

    Showing a gentle smile, I walk up to her custom swimming pool and stop in front of the pretty sharkgirl. Meru watches me curiously as I brush my hand over her chilly cheek and slide it into her hair to run my fingers through it as I start patting her affectionately.

    “If you aren’t busy, Sirgia wants you to come to see her. She has a weapon for you. But, don’t get too excited, it’s not yet the magnificent trident she’s promised you but a placeholder for now, just in case she won’t be done with the actual one in time,” I explain.

    Regardless of my words, I catch a visible spark in Meru’s golden eyes. A barely noticeable smile curls the edges of her mouth just a tiny bit.

    “I’ll be happy to see it. Words can’t describe how grateful I am for the help of your little mate. I watched her work for a moment and she is so much more talented than the people in my reef.”

    “That she is.” I chuckle a little. “Granted, I can’t know the people from your village so my opinions are biased.”

    I catch Meru’s gaze linger over my lips for a moment so I stand up on my tiptoes to push myself a bit closer so I can claim her mouth with a gentle peck. She receives it with a quiet sigh so I continue to rain little kisses on those two soft bumps for a few long seconds. Withdrawing myself, I smile at her as she stares me straight in the eyes with somewhat darker cheeks.

    “Don’t hesitate to act on your wishes and desires whenever you feel like it,” I instruct my aquatic mate.

    She gives me a faint nod after a while and joins our lips together on her own this time. I let Meru nibble on my mouth and chase after my tongue. As usual, I’m extremely impressed by the level of control she has over her incredibly sharp-looking teeth. No matter how much she uses them on me, she leaves no cuts or stings on my sensitive flesh.

    Drawing her face back soon, she gives me one more nod and pushes herself off the edge of the tank with her strong legs. Making a quick lap around the decently sizable swimming pool, she gains quite the speed and launches herself out of it, splashing some water onto me in the process. Thankfully, I don’t have any clothes on myself so all that liquid just drips down my skin.

    She lands next to me and shakes some droplets off. I watch her walk to the nearby wardrobe and follow after the charming sharkgirl. We both pick up a towel each after she opens it and I give her a hand in drying up so that she doesn’t leave a trail through the entire mansion. Afterwards, I also assist Meru in slipping into her panties and bra and we head out to join my lovely Dwarf.

    We stumble onto a few women on our path to the underground and exchange simple greetings. Without any delays, we reach our destination. The characteristic clang of metal fills the air so Sirgia must be working on something quite big in our absence.

    I lead my Nershark companion inside and we find the petite girl hunched over one of the anvils, hammering what looks like a small spike, perhaps part of Meru’s final trident. She notices us quite fast, most likely expecting us, and lays her tools aside, quickly trotting down the stepladder she has been standing on.

    “Welcome back, Master, Meru. Give me a second and I’ll bring it out.”

    Without even giving us a chance to respond, she rushes into one of the nearby chambers like the wind. We wait patiently in the main section of the workshop and soon hear the adorable patter of Sirgia’s feet on the ground. She trots into the room while holding a simple trident to her chest, much bigger than she is. Almost tripping over the long pole a few times, she reaches our position and holds it up horizontally.

    “I know it’s nothing much, but I hope it will help you fight off the evil creatures that hurt your friends, Meru,” she says quietly.

    Meru’s eyes roam over the trident alongside mine. As Sirgia said, it’s truly not much in terms of design, but I can easily tell that it’s sharper and more durable than any other weapons of this category. It has a long spike in the middle and two, shorter ones curling to the sides. Though, the tips of the side spikes aren’t pointing straight up but bend slightly outwards. This might be quite useful for swinging the trident around, not just stabbing.

    Our shark friend hesitantly extends her hand and Sirgia raises the trident even higher to urge her to pick it up. Meru finally takes a hold of her new weapon and examines it up close, running her fingers all over the long shaft and the three spikes at the top.

    “It’s a fine trident. Much more durable than my old one. I like the bent spikes on the sides. I can already imagine a few ways of utilising them in battle. It’s a good weapon. Thank you.”

    “I’m glad, then.” Sirgia shows a sweet smile. “But, that’s not all.”

    I chuckle lightly. Because, of course. She wouldn’t be herself if she didn’t put some extras into even the reserve weapon.

    “What did you do to it?” I raise my brow at the crafty Dwarf.

    “If you hold it here, you should feel a little indent that fits your finger. Try to press it and pull it down and—”


    Meru lets out a quiet gasp and I jump a little as something clicks and there suddenly are four side spikes around the main one instead of two, forming a square.

    “These won’t be too useful for when you need to swing the trident around but should come in handy whenever you need something or someone pinned down,” Sirgia explains. “With all four spikes unfolded, the general weight distribution and aerodynamics of the entire weapon are much better so it can be thrown much further with much more accuracy before its path gets too unpredictable.”

    “Amazing,” Meru whispers in wonder.

    “You can fold it back by pressing the same plate and pushing it up instead of down,” my amazing artificer adds.

    With another click, the weapon is back to normal. Meru switches the modes a few times and we watch how the two additional spikes come out of their hiding inside the initial two side spears. It’s quite curious and mesmerising.

    “That’s not all.” Sirgia places her hand on the shaft and brings the weapon down to her level. “Try to push the plate to the left this time.”

    Meru nods and follows her instructions once more. The weapon releases a quieter clang of metal and we spot a tiny, rectangular hole at the conjunction of the shaft and the actual trident part. A thin rope unfurls out of it, reaching the bottom end of the weapon.

    “You can wrap this cord around your forearm before throwing the trident, or just grab it right after, and it should be long enough to let you retrieve it with ease. When you push the plate to the right, the rope starts retracting with enough force to pull a person or two. Of course, you can just pull on it manually too,” Sirgia continues her presentation of the trident’s functions.

    “That could be helpful out of a fight too,” I comment, giving my cute workaholic some well-deserved pats.

    “It’s truly incredible,” Meru whispers to herself in awe. “My old weapon was just that, a weapon. This is something more. Thank you so much, Sirgia. I really appreciate this amazing gift.”

    Some more rosiness tints the petite girl’s cheeks as she giggles quietly. “This is nothing, really. Even the enchantments are very basic. It can’t compare to the trident I’m preparing for you but it has to do until I’m fully finished. I just wanted you to have a decent weapon for your expedition with Master so that you can fight alongside him more confidently.”

    The Nershark beauty sets the butt of the trident on the ground and steps forward to hug her gently. Sirgia doesn’t run away and accepts the warm, or rather slightly chilly embrace.

    “I can’t imagine anything better. I really can’t wait to see the real one, then,” Meru says. “Thank you again. I promise to protect Alastair with my life. This trident will make it a lot easier.”

    “Don’t even think about throwing yourself into mortal danger for me.” I squint at her over Sirgia’s shoulders.

    The adorable Dwarf lady giggles in her arms. “You would definitely risk your life for her, though, Master.”

    “Zip it.” I squint at my short lover and smile. “We’ll watch each other’s backs. Don’t forget that our goal is to save your home. It’s going to be a bit pointless without you around.”

    “There will be Cornelia, Neira, Safi, and Emi with you too. Everything will be alright. They are all strong,” Sirgia adds.

    Meru takes her arms away and finally ends the appreciative hug. She then glances my way and I step closer to pull her into me for a brief kiss.

    “Alright. Don’t forget to practice a bit with your new weapon to get used to how it handles. Though, I’m not sure you are going to be able to do a lot of that considering that your tank has limited space and we’ll be fighting fully underwater,” I say after we part. “So, what was the other thing you wanted to show me, Sirgia?”

    “Follow me, Master.”

    We walk after our artificer and end up in front of one of the workbenches by the wall. I bring Sirgia’s stepladder for her and she smiles at me adorably while setting it where she wants it to be. We then watch as she flips through what looks like a sketchbook with plenty of schematics and brings out a small metal box from the drawer.

    “I was trying to make this.” She points at one of the pictures.

    “Ah. An air filter mounted to a half-mask.” I nod my head in understanding. “From when we talked about the gas leaks in dwarven mines and how people from my world deal with them.”

    “Yes. Instead of it filtering dangerous gases, though, I figured that this could work with proper enchantments and elemental stones. One could generate breathable air whenever a person inhales, and the other could push it out as they exhale. I’m currently in the process of assembling the prototype and will test it out soon. I might need to work on the design a bit too, making it a bit less clunky.”

    “Yeah, I can see that. You are basically trying to create those mouthpieces that can sometimes be shown in movies where the technology is quite advanced and there’s no need for a bottle with air.” I rub my chin. “I’m nowhere as talented as Shino or Neira but give me a second and I’ll draw something better for you than a gas mask.”

    Sirgia offers me a clean sheet of paper and a bunch of pencils. Then, the two girls observe me intently as I do my best to sketch the thing I mentioned. Besides the horizontal, cylindrical part that most of them usually have, I draw an extension which covers not just the mouth but also the nose, like those oxygen dispensers often used by paramedics are equipped with. I somehow manage to make it sleek and decently simple.

    “I see.” Sirgia leans in to examine my sketches from up close. “I could comfortably fit a gem on each side of this tube without a problem. This part is definitely much smaller and less clunky than that big container in the thing you called the gas mask, Master. Increasing the coverage of the mouthpiece to reach the nose too is a good idea. It will make it easier to speak, even though you should all be able to communicate mentally.”

    I ruffle through her hair. “I’m sure you can improve it even more. Try to prepare one before we have to depart if you are able to but don’t push yourself too far. There’s also this that I want you to get done, perhaps with Mari’s and Nyfile’s help.”

    Finding another piece of paper, I sketch some simple fins scuba divers use on their feet. I’m still not completely sure how our manoeuvrability will look but these might prove to be a lifesaver. Nothing stops us from bringing them with us even if we end up not using them in the end. Space is not an issue with my rings and the collars or necklaces the girls wear.

    Sirgia confirms that preparing the fins shouldn’t be hard and promises to have them ready very soon, maybe even with a few additional utilities. I ask her not to go overboard for something like this and we move on, discussing the two gadgets and their creation for a bit longer.

    “Great. Since you two look like you still have some fun ideas to exchange, I’ll leave you to it and take care of other things in the meanwhile.” I clap my hands to bring everyone out of the world of artificer dreams. “Maybe I’ll go and ask Ross about the shore or get access to some decent area of it. Will you be able to find your way home from anywhere or should we start from the area where you and the Nereids ran into the sewer grating?”

    “I should be.” The sharkgirl nods softly. “I’m pretty sure that my nose will be able to pick up the scent of Sahuagins anyway. I can use it to lead us where they are, which shouldn’t be that far from my reef. Unless their warriors advanced much farther already, taking over many more reefs. Perhaps we could help them on our way.”

    “Got it. We definitely can kill all of them while heading to our destination. It would be kind of pointless to just ignore them and swim straight there as they would most likely have us surrounded that way. Have fun here and I’ll see what the King has to say about this.”

    They bid me farewell and I move out of the underground area. Before departing, I ask Cornelia if she would like to accompany me and she asks me to wait a moment for her so I do that. She shows up fifteen minutes later, dressed in the robes she often wears at the castle, so I jump into my suit too.

    There’s a single carriage parked in front of the mansion, which we decided to keep nearby at all times in case we would need to get somewhere in style, like this occasion. Getting into the comfy cart, we enjoy the pleasant ride while chatting together and reminiscing about our little fun here in the past.

    After reaching the castle, we follow a knight who guides us to the meeting chamber and leaves to inform the King about our visit. Shortly after his departure, though, the doors fling open and a certain dainty woman walks inside like she owns the place.

    “Al! Cornelia! Good to see you again!” Lianne chuckles and runs to us, throwing herself at me.

    “Same here.” I laugh, spinning us for a brief moment. “You really have eyes and ears literally everywhere to get informed about our arrival this fast.”

    “A queen has to have her own ways.” She winks at me. “What brings you here, then? Did you perhaps sense how much I want you?”

    “I don’t think there’s a moment you don’t want me.” I raise a brow at her and Lianne blushes a bit more.

    “It’s not my fault that you are so handsome, and nice, and have a big, juicy cock that keeps appearing in all my dreams,” she admits.

    Cornelia snorts. “Why I’m not surprised to hear that you dream about cocks?”

    “Contrary to you, my dear Cornelia, I don’t get to feast my eyes on Al’s treasure twenty-four-on-seven.” Lianne playfully squints her eyes at my magician wife. “Enough fun for now. Do you guys need help with something?”

    “Al is going to liberate our waters and their inhabitants from vicious Sahuagins. We wanted to ask for permission to scout the shore to pick a good spot for us to descend into the sea,” Cornelia lays down our plan.

    “Hmmmm…” The petite queen rubs her chin while pondering over her friend’s words. “You can go wherever you please, of course, but do you really have to start from the shore if your destination is far away from it?”

    “Do you have something in mind?” I ask.

    “What about using a ship?” Lianne suggests. “We could lend you a vessel to take you as close to your target as possible. It could serve as your mobile base of operations, something you couldn’t really have if you just walked into the water. The captain and their crew could wait for us to give you a hand in whatever you might need. What do you think?”

    “That’s actually a very good idea,” Cornelia praises her. “In case of emergency, we could return to the surface and jump onto the deck.”

    “I agree. We might have to make a few stops on our way to Meru’s village but having a ship with us would be only helpful. I can think of so many ways to utilise it both for our convenience and possible advantage over the invaders. The ship would need to have someone to defend it though. My group won’t be leaving anyone behind.”

    “That’s not a problem.” The Queen waves her hand dismissively. “I’ll see to it myself and bring you the best crew and the best adventurers or knights to watch over the ship and you at the same time.”

    “Let’s do that, then. We will really appreciate the assistance, Lianne.”

    “Oh, stop it! It’s only natural that I give my best for my husband, isn’t it?” She bats her pretty eyelashes at me. “How else will I entice him to reward me by wrecking my pussy with his manly cock?”

    She gives me a sly gaze and I chuckle a little. “Right now? Ross could come at any moment.”

    “So can you.”

    Cornelia rolls her eyes at the Queen’s remark. “You really think with your cunt.”

    Lianne shows Cornelia her tongue and brings us to a coffee table. After setting some fragrant tea in front of both of us, she walks to the chair I’m sitting on and turns around. I observe in confusion as she raises her skirt from the back, exposing her petite butt to me. Naturally, the more attention-craving aspect is the drenched fabric of her cute, white panties, drowning in her need.

    Giving me a mischievous smile over her shoulder, she reaches for my belt, unbuckles it, brings my hard member into the air, and then lowers herself onto my lap, assuming a casual pose as if she is just sitting there. With one small, crucial detail. There’s a stiff pole deep in her royal pussy.

    Cornelia watches everything unfold, of course, and can only shake her head at the Queen’s antics. Before Lianne can get to it properly, the doors to the chamber open and her son walks inside. He greets Cornelia and then me, who for some reason can’t stand up. She’s truly a magnet for disasters.

    We continue to discuss with him the same thing we talked about with his mother, who is happily impaled on my dick during the entire conversation. At this point, I still have no idea if Ross is truly as blind as we take him for or if he just chooses to keep acting as if he knows nothing.

    In any way, he agrees to the plan with the ship and heads out to take care of the preparations. He chooses a good time to leave as Lianne enters a screaming and squirting orgasm soon after, barely holding it back long enough. We’ve been this close since the disaster, and somehow, I can tell that both women are even hornier and more thrilled because of that. These damned sluts.

    After giving the Queen a hand in cleaning her petite pussy up, we chat for a bit longer and decide to return home. Our upcoming journey is slowly nearing the date of departure.
  10. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 145 – Changes Are on the Horizon
    “Are we heading straight home?” Cornelia asks as we ride inside the carriage together.

    I turn my face to meet her gaze and smile at my beautiful wife. “Isn’t it a violation of privacy to spy on your husband's thoughts?”

    She smirks and raises a brow at me, entwining her arm with mine. “Shouldn’t a loving wife worry about the reason her husband has been silent for quite a while?”

    Chuckling, I lean in to place a tender peck on Cornelia’s cheek. “I was thinking about visiting a certain place considering all the plans we set in motion, including the King’s upcoming reforms. Would you like to accompany me or…?”

    “Like you even have to ask. And you know that well. So, what’s wrong with it for you to bring it up like this?”

    “Selina’s Splendid Servants,” I reveal the name of the establishment I’ve had on my mind.

    “Ah. That female slave trader.” Cornelia cocks her head back in understanding. “Thank you for being considerate of me but I will naturally come with you. What do you need from her? I’m pretty sure it’s been a moment since your last visit and purchase. You are doing quite fine acquiring new employees on your own. And new wives.”

    My charming magician smirks at me, pushing her perky chest into my arm. I steal Cornelia's lips this time and pepper them with a myriad of tiny kisses as we sigh into each other’s mouths softly. It’s truly a bliss to share such a delicate and casual moment with the person you love.

    “Leaving aside the matter of my rapidly increasing number of wives,” I let out a little laugh and she joins too, “I just want to discuss the near future with her. But, nothing stops us from trying to break someone else out while we are there.”

    “You wouldn’t be yourself if you didn’t.” Cornelia shows a warm smile. “Let’s go, then. We don’t have that much work personally. Most things are on the shoulders of Sirgia, Velen, Mari, and other girls doing their best to aid you on your new journey.”

    “Our new journey,” I correct her with a boop on the nose. “Or did you decide to stay behind? Of course, I will respect any choice you make and you should be fully aware of that.”

    Giving Cornelia a moment to gather her thoughts, I stand up and get closer to the carriage’s door. Using a small, square window, I lean outside and inform our driver about the change of destination. He accepts the new directions without a word of protest and I return to my beautiful companion.

    “I’m sure you can feel how happy I am to have a chance to go with you guys, but I can’t stop having doubts,” she admits with an exasperated sigh. “Ice might be my thing but I don’t have much experience with water as big bodies of liquid, to be perfectly honest. Especially such deep ones. I’m afraid I will drag you guys down, or worse, panic at a critical moment.”

    Instead of sitting next to her, I get on my knees in front of Cornelia and bring myself more or less to her eye level. Taking her hands into mine, I smile at her reassuringly.

    “You are much braver and composed than you assume. Have you forgotten who came to save my ass during the underground raid?”

    She snorts to the side but soon returns her gaze to me, with a faint trace of a blush covering her gorgeous cheeks.

    “If you don’t feel like going, I will not drag you out by force. But, I would love to have you by my side too,” I continue. “We have some time before the departure. If you would like, we can go to the shore and get you a little bit more used to the underwater atmosphere. I could use a refresh of my memories too. It’s been a few years since I went diving.”

    Cornelia strokes my hands with her fingers while pondering my words. After a few long seconds, she nods. “That’s a good idea. I’ll take you up on that.”

    “Great.” I lean forward and present my courageous partner with a deep, passionate kiss. “And don’t forget who your man is. There are quite a few benefits making you so much stronger and tougher after you stole his heart for good. They are all yours to abuse.”

    She lets out a stifled giggle and shakes her head. “Says the person who can duplicate most if not all of what I can do after capturing mine way before he could do any of that, you sly, sexy, beast.”

    “Don’t tempt me like that or we might need another detour before we reach our destination.” I grin at her, pushing myself more into Cornelia.

    She answers with an alluring smirk, running her fingers all over my lower back. “Are you saying that the Demigod of Lust isn’t able to wrap it up in fifteen minutes?”

    I slam her into the backrest with my body and seal that beguiling mouth of hers, evoking a whimper from my beloved magician. Needless to say, I do my best to prove to Cornelia that there is no challenge of this nature that the Demigod of Lust can’t face without breaking a sweat. Although, the no sweat part might not be entirely correct.

    For the next fifteen minutes, we share a more heated moment inside the carriage. Hall of Serenity does help us prevent any suspicious sounds from leaving but I’m pretty sure every passerby is aware of what is happening due to all that heavy rocking our vehicle is subjected to. We aren’t exactly holding back. Props to the driver for being able to lead the horses when the entire thing almost topples a few times during the more creative moments.

    We wrap it up shortly after our ride stops and take a few minutes to rest. My Rejuvenate comes in handy in such situations, even though neither of us is that much tired from our fun activities. Cornelia’s added stats are no joke while I don’t even have to mention mine. We could have continued for hours if we wanted.

    With our clothes and appearances fixed, we step out of the carriage and thank the driver with a nice tip. He humbly accepts the gesture and jumps back into his seat to move our ride off to the side, where he will patiently wait for our return. Sharing one more glance, we enter the peculiar, crimson building. It doesn’t look like anything changed in terms of Selina’s obsession with this colour.

    Even though I haven’t visited this place in a long while, one of the employees recognizes me instantly and brings us out of the main lobby, where the majority of customers are talking with the receptionists or waiting for their turn. Selina’s place is as popular as ever, or even maybe a bit more. I’m not so sure about that.

    After learning that we would like to request a meeting with the owner, the man who has taken charge of us leads us to a fancy lounge. We have to wait for Selina to be back as she is currently discussing a contract with some big names in the industry. I say that I don’t mind and we enjoy ourselves with some refreshments.

    Soon enough, the door to the chamber opens and a familiar figure walks inside.

    “Alastair. I thought you had forgotten about the little old me.” Madam Selina shows a brilliant smile.

    I stand up to kiss the top of her hand as she walks closer. “How could I ever forget one of my valuable business partners who had a huge influence on raising the foundation of my establishment?”

    “As fancy and courteous as ever.” She chuckles softly. “Welcome to my humble store too, Lady Cornelia.”

    “Is it really that humble when it’s the most prominent in the market?” My wife smiles, sharing a handshake with the businesswoman.

    “Oh, stop it. I don’t really care about rankings and such things. As long as money continues flowing and we keep growing, everything is well.” Selina gestures at us to sit down again. “Now, what do I owe this very pleasant visit? I was starting to think that you might not need me anymore with how many new girls you keep bringing in.”

    “I can’t hide the fact that I would be more than happy to turn away from this kind of workforce source but I still believe that we have a chance to save at least a few people from their uncertain fate by partaking in it. Besides, I was just extremely busy recently. Life keeps dragging me around the entire kingdom all the time. Most of the things I watched over are now under the surveillance of my wives and employees,” I explain.

    “I’m aware. Unfortunately, nothing ever is simple, especially not life. I’m glad that you are able to resolve your issues positively, though. You certainly have it rough at moments. I know perfectly well how hard it can be to put newly gained subordinates in line.”

    I chuckle wryly. “Certainly.”

    Why am I not surprised that she knows about our recent acquisition? Selina truly is someone who values information about not just her customers but also the general situation in the capital. Plus, I bet at least one or two of the brothel association's members were her clients in the past, to some extent. It’s only natural she would notice the change.

    But, let’s first confirm that.

    “Regarding our subordinates, am I right to assume that they shared some history together?” I ask.

    Selina shows a gentle smile. “You are correct. There have been some regular orders.”

    “I have to apologise, then. My intervention has certainly cut into them.” I politely lower my head. “But, if this might come as good news amongst the unfortunate ones, I do plan on letting those subordinates continue to employ your services under slightly altered guidelines.”

    “You are going to offer the same deal to Human women as you are giving to the other ladies, right?” She raises a knowing brow in our direction.

    “That’s certainly something he would do.” Cornelia sighs with a gentle chuckle.

    “You got me.” I raise my hands into the air. “While Utopia doesn’t deal in Humans, the other locations don’t deal in non-Humans. The latter do have it much worse here—as in the system, not specifically your establishment—but that doesn’t mean we should completely ignore the former either. There certainly might be women in a financial crisis that are willing to get back out of it by joining us for a specific term. Besides, such a state of affairs won’t remain the same for long.”

    Selina shows a flash of curiosity in her mature, inquiring gaze and I answer with a smile. She easily understands from it that I’m soon going to elaborate and smiles back at me enchantingly. There’s no way she wouldn’t sniff out an opportunity to do business or gain some useful information

    “I’ll have my subordinates do a full inventory inspection and note down the girls that fit your criteria. Of course, as you have said, out of their own volition. We will properly explain the situation to them and not force anyone into anything. I know you value the opinions of others,” she replies.

    “I’m very grateful for that, Madam Selina.” I nod respectfully. “I might not be able to always discuss the details with you or your employees, but someone I trust will definitely come in my stead. It’s most likely going to be Ria or Elea since my dear Cornelia is going to travel with me soon.”

    “You really can’t catch a break.” Selina eyes the both of us. “That won’t be an issue, of course. We will be in touch with your executives. What about your new subordinates?”

    “I haven’t briefed them about these plans yet but it should be done before I depart. If they reach out first to you, then you can assume that they know what to do and how to proceed properly. In case of any doubt, feel free to contact my women.”

    “It shall be done.” It’s the crimson lady’s turn to make a polite bow. “It’s always a pleasure doing business with you.”

    “Same here.” I chuckle warmly. “And since you have been taking such good care of me and my wishes, Selina, I came here today to share some very valuable news with you, which should allow you to prepare for the upcoming changes.”

    “That is truly appreciated, Alastair. I will not be polite and listen to everything you have to say, then.”

    “Let me start by saying that this information is one hundred percent certain and comes straight from a verified source I share a long history with. I trust you to keep it a secret, at least until it’s revealed to the public later, and that will happen.”

    Selina’s expression grows a bit more serious, though she still keeps her mature image of a professional and polite merchant. There’s no doubt that she believes in my words enough to focus on whatever I’m going to say deeply.

    “There’s going to be a change in the slavery system. Non-Humans are going to be brought to equal standing with the Human slaves,” Cornelia shares the news.

    I catch the madam’s eyes widening for a brief moment but the short surprise disappears from her face and she nods at us to continue.

    “What that means is they will no longer be a category of their own, with barely any regulations and rights. Soon, a new reform will be introduced, forcing the slave traders to release all the unlawfully captured individuals at their own expense. It will be necessary to bring them to a healthy condition, equip them with common attire, travelling gear, and provisions for at least a few days. Anyone who doesn’t comply in time will face legal consequences, depending on the number and state of the illegally captured slaves,” my lovely magician sums it up.

    “That certainly is big news.” Selina rubs her chin while pondering. “I assume that acquiring a slave from another trader who has captured that person unlawfully still falls under that directive no matter if the purchasing party is aware of that fact?”

    “Naturally.” Cornelia nods. “Though, there are cases in which you would be able to request financial help from the kingdom if you can prove that you bought the slave without that knowledge.”

    The crimson lady taps the fingers of her other hand on her thigh. “Good. It will definitely help. We do our best to document every single transaction so I believe that should be enough to qualify. I’ll have my men do a thorough check of our entire inventory in that regard too. While I’m not saying that my hands are completely spotless, I dislike dealing with most of the slimy, shady, wandering traders.”

    “And, I do have an offer which could help you get rid of some of the more questionable acquisitions,” I join in again.

    “Interesting. You are really looking out for me today, Alastair.” Selina shows a brilliant smile. “What kind of opportunity do you have in mind?”

    “You should be aware of my plans to build a mercenary force with non-humans at its core. While I’m soon departing on another journey, the preparations will be in full swing during my absence. My trusted companions will visit you multiple times to discuss slaves with high combat abilities, under similar terms as usual. I will trust your expertise and tell them to keep your guidance and suggestions in mind as you know the best what kind of merchandise you are selling.”

    “I haven’t negotiated so many business ventures with a single patron for an extremely long time. This brings up memories.” She chuckles a little. “This year’s inventory inspection will be the most detailed and thorough one in the entire history of our organisation. But, thank you. I will certainly see to it just as you suggest. There seem to be a lot of changes in front of us.”

    “It’s only the beginning.” I chuckle too.

    “They do say that the winds of change blow the strongest with the dark clouds gathering on the horizon. The question is, will you be swept up or ride the storm?” she asks with a soft smirk.

    “Neither.” I show a confident grin. “I’m going to clear up the sky.”

    Selina blinks at me in slight surprise while Cornelia smiles at me tenderly, placing her hand on top of mine. We share a knowing look while our host slowly stands up, picking up a glass of wine alongside the motion, and walks to the sizable window behind the sofa she’s been sitting on.

    “I will be awaiting that moment with my eyes held high, then,” she says while taking a sip and looking outside. “It would be a shame to lose everything we have built up to this point.”

    I’m not sure if she has some personal reason to despise the Abyssals or if she is talking just about the empire she has grown all by herself. The slightly melancholic smile Selina gives us does feel a tad mysterious. I’ve always known that the peculiar merchant woman is quite special but there might be something more to her, perhaps.

    Since we’ve covered pretty much everything I wanted to, I don’t unnecessarily prolong this meeting and leave Selina to her responsibilities. She will have a lot of work in the upcoming weeks if not months. But, most likely as the only person in the capital, she will have a heads-up. I’m quite sure Ross plans to give only about a week after the policy change for everyone to comply with the new standards, aiming to eliminate a few illegal traders covering themselves up with forged documents.

    We don’t take a look at the slaves today, leaving that for another date. Perhaps it’s going to be Elea or someone else from our establishment to come for the first bigger acquisition instead of me and Cornelia. We need a bit of time to set all things up after I just announced their integration during the last gathering.

    Finding our driver and the carriage right next to the entrance of Selina’s establishment, we jump right in and head back home. The short trip doesn’t evolve into anything more active this time as we just sit together and talk about what we have to do next. Of course, that doesn’t mean we don’t share some pleasant cuddles and kisses now and then.

    Back in the mansion, we jump out of our clothes and split up. We agree on our seaside date for the next free day so that we don’t have to worry about time. Cornelia doesn’t want to make Elise do all the work even though the cute receptionist wouldn’t mind giving her some time to spend with me, especially considering how it would be used. Nevertheless, she goes to take care of her stuff while I look for things that I can do.

    And so, the preparations begin.

    In just a few hours, I start noticing a slight change in the mood of our residents. A lot more girls bump into me out in the open than before and the reason becomes obvious. It looks like the news about me soon going away and the blessed nudist week coming to an end in a few days made some people a bit worried about missing their chance to spend some time with me. And yeah, I mean spend time in that way.

    I can’t very well ignore them, therefore I gladly show the girls that I’m always happy to care for them whenever they feel the need for some affection, or just a quick, rough fuck. Forget Hari, who somehow gets herself stuck between the pillars of the marble railing in the main lobby with the words “ALPHA WELCUM” written over her lower back and an arrow pointing at the obvious parts, even the less straight-forward women like Yudie, Feriha, or both Dark and Wood Elves approach me openly or invite me to their rooms.

    My free time gets reduced a tiny bit as I have to wreck the frivolous catgirl’s holes each time she appears in random places in compromising positions, then nailing a teasing Tiefling in the ass on the kitchen counter, then playfighting with a certain birdie in her nest, then sharing a bath with a group of delicious, Beastkin ladies, just to end up pounced on right after leaving it by another thirsty assailant.

    Don’t get me wrong, it’s certainly bliss, and it definitely works as part of my preparations too, so I can’t really complain. I might feel a tad bad for literally fucking around while my incredible wives and companions work their asses off in the meanwhile, but having lots of sex should slowly bring me closer to another advancement.

    And not just me. While it happens much slower, some of the girls do advance thanks to our fun moments. I’ve honestly lost count of everyone’s Tiers at the moment but Elise offered to take care of that after finding out that I made a cheat sheet way in the past and kept updating it whenever I had some time on my hands.

    Now, our adorable and talented receptionist keeps an entire detailed logbook for everyone living and working in the mansion. She often says that preparing adventurer cards was one of the things she enjoyed the most in the guild. That’s why she designed a character sheet of her own just for us, even more in-depth and awesome. Her previous superiors didn’t even want to hear anything about making changes to their system from some lowly receptionist, obviously.

    She keeps track of a lot of things in those, going around and regularly checking on people’s statuses. Well, previously she did that, but now she also visits whoever I have slept with a day later, giving them just a bit of time for the possible effects of our activities to kick in. Thanks to the bond I now share with Elise, she can tell whenever I fuck someone and not just during the initial, first time I share with that person.

    It might be some kind of a quirk of hers that she gained after our own intimate time as she jumped up from Tier 1 to Tier 2 after that event. Thankfully, she completely doesn’t mind getting a little ping in her mind whenever I shove my member into a welcoming opening. I’m starting to think that she might possibly be a little bit into witnessing that, either mentally or perhaps even through her own eyes. We ought to test that one day with Ria, or someone else so the effect is more natural and intensified.

    In the end, she does an amazing job at keeping those records up to date. As I said, I’ve been doing something similar myself, but looking at her tables and sheets, it’s like comparing someone’s hand-written notes made in a small notepad to a full-fledged database with rows and columns and different sections made in a professional PC software and then printed. Seriously, it’s hard to believe she can achieve something that complex just with some rulers and pencils.

    Naturally, I show Elise how much I appreciate all her efforts, and not just in a sexual way. Whenever she isn’t thinking about taking something long and hard up her backdoor, she is a very pure and timid girl who likes to spend her time chatting and laughing with her new boyfriend, which I just love about her.

    Though, I can’t lie by saying that walking in on her working on the aforementioned sheets and seeing how she turns around the stool she’s sitting on so that her cute butt pokes significantly over the edge right after noticing me doesn’t make my blood boil in certain places. Especially when she gives me a shy, blushing glance over her shoulder while sliding aside her pretty panties. That usually ends up with me buried deep between her cheeks in no time and a forced break for the talented receptionist. She isn’t brilliant enough to be able to draw straight lines while having her tight asshole ravaged.

    Yet, at least.

    So, time kind of flies with sex and responsibilities. Nothing unusual happens during the next working night. We are operating in full swing with no issues. Soon enough, the day of my lovely date with Cornelia arrives and I wake up with the dazzling magician by my side. We laze around in bed for a few minutes, just snuggling with each other, enjoying the blissful skin contact, and then get ready to tackle the day.

    The breakfast is as lively as ever and I have a bit of a hard time eating. I think anyone would with a lascivious Succubus shoving her yearning, slick pussy on their dick in a lotus position right in front of the table. While Ailish’s way of attaining sustenance doesn’t bother me, the fact that her esteemed tits and entire body bounce right in front of my face does introduce some complications in trying to take a bite of anything.

    Thankfully, my loving wives come to the rescue and feed me together from the sides.

    What has my life become… And why is everyone alright with people fucking in the dining hall…

    Nevertheless, I then share a bath with Cornelia and a few other girls, and we dress up before heading out. She got so used to walking around naked that she almost forgot to put anything on, making me chuckle in amusement. That would have been a sight.

    Taking the carriage waiting in front of the mansion, we instruct our driver to take us to the shore, possibly the less populated part. He supposedly knows just the place and we enjoy the brief ride while talking about our general experiences with water. Both of us know how to swim but Cornelia doesn’t exactly feel confident about herself, especially fully submerged. So, we're gonna have to fix that.

    Our driver takes us past the sandy, public beach next to the port and we look at each other with slight confusion but also curiosity. He brings us off the main, stone road and continues through a much narrower, paved path. Trees surround us from all sides so we can’t really see much. We can still hear the hum of the waves ahead of us, though, so he definitely isn’t leading us astray.

    After a moment of this confusing ride, we take a turn completely off the path and continue over flat grass for a while longer. Then, the flora in front of us clears up a bit and makes space for what looks like the bottom of a big cliff with a spacious cavern on its side. We stop next to it and exit the carriage.

    “This path leads to a very beautiful natural formation. You can take a pleasant dip in a crystal-clear pool inside a charming cavern, dive down into multiple, twisting, underwater tunnels, or walk into a small beach through a hole in the western side,” the man explains. “This is a somewhat secret but popular meeting place amongst young couples. I’ll stay here and make sure no one interrupts your time, sir, madam.”

    He gives us a knowing look and we share an awkward smile with Cornelia. This guy might be hard to convince that we didn’t look for a less populated beach for that reason after our last ride with him. But, let him think whatever he can if he shares such secrets with us.

    We enter the cavern after thanking him properly. The natural tunnel gives slightly ominous vibes and the sporadic noise of water droplets hitting the ground makes Cornelia flinch a little. I pull her closer and we traverse the dark path with a small lantern. Thankfully, it’s not a long walk and we soon begin to see water reflections dancing on the wall in front of us.

    And, it looks like our driver didn’t oversell the location in any way. What greets us after we step into the spacious, naturally eroded chamber is nothing short of a visual masterpiece. We slowly step into the tall and wide cavern with a hole high in the ceiling.

    Sun rays fall through it and hit the crystal-clear pool on our side, bathing the entire place in an enchanting show of moving lights. Just as we’ve been told, there is a tiny underpass in the western wall, most likely leading outside, and we can see plenty of underwater tunnels escaping the cavern through the floor of the mesmerising pool

    “This is so beautiful…” Cornelia whispers, perhaps afraid of disturbing this serene atmosphere. “I can’t believe there was a place like this in the capital…”

    “People in love tend to find the most romantic spots when trying to escape from the crowd,” I murmur too.

    “We have to show it to everyone. The girls would love it. It’s just so mystical.”

    I chuckle quietly and pull her into a hug. “We will, but first, we should verify that it’s as amazing as it looks.”

    She shows a dazzling smile and we share a loving kiss. Then, we decide to check the outside first and somehow make it through the narrow hole, forced to traverse it on all fours. But, it’s definitely worth it as we find a tiny, gravel beach surrounded by trees. The ground seems to descend slowly the farther it gets from the shoreline and it creates an elegant aura.

    It’s a great place to chill but the charming cavern with a big pool and underwater tunnels will work better for what we have planned so we return inside for now. Moving to the ledge just in front of the fully see-through body of water, we begin to take off our clothes. Contrary to the beach, this pool is more like a hollow in the bottom of the chamber rather than a gradually descending platform.

    I get myself down to my underwear and glance at Cornelia. She finishes taking off her robes and moves her hands behind her back while showing a stunning smile. Her simple but pretty bra falls to the ground, revealing her delicious breasts to the world. She wastes no time sliding her panties down too, and her entire, gorgeous body gets bathed in the dancing lights.

    Not wanting to fall behind, I make my last piece dematerialise too and step closer to the lovely lady, pulling her into myself. Our lips quickly find each other and our tongues get entwined in a passionate dance. It’s just impossible not to get in the mood for some casual caresses in such a place.

    But, I don’t keep us doing just that and place my leg between Cornelia’s. With just a tiny bump using my shoulder, she suddenly loses balance and stumbles over my thigh, falling to the back with a squeal. Of course, I let her drag me down with herself and we plunge into the cold water together.

    After resurfacing in front of me, she splashes at me while giggling. “Jerk! I was enjoying that!”

    I chuckle at her and swim closer, placing a peck on her lips. “Any more of it and we’ll get distracted. We can come here anytime for something more intimate.”

    A noticeable blush tinges Cornelia’s cheeks and she nods, bringing our bodies together. We spin around while staring at each other for a while and then get to work. Well, it’s still a pleasure, of course. We first swim around together and I do take my time to admire her perfect figure as she traverses the clear water.

    Whenever she swims on her back, I get enchanted by her magnificent chest, but whenever I do the same, Cornelia snickers at the raised mast cutting through the surface. I could take it down but if she is intentionally giving me her entire self to look at, it’s only natural to respond in kind. She didn’t have to take off her underwear earlier. That wasn’t part of the plan.

    We meet near the ledge and smile at each other. There’s no doubt that we can handle ourselves above the surface.

    “Alright. Do you want to use Sirgia’s artefact to breathe under the water or share the effects of my skill? I have an early but working prototype here so we can pick whichever you find more comfortable,” I speak first.

    “The skill is more panic-friendly, right?” She chuckles, pushing herself closer to me. “I will be less of a nuisance if I am able to continue breathing even after something scares, shocks, or surprises me. I feel like Neira is more in tune with water so she has lower chances of making a mistake with that device.”

    “Okay. I’ll first check What’s Mine Is Yours on myself and then Divine Matchmaker on you and see if they don’t interfere with each other when the same thing is picked.”

    Cornelia nods and lets me go. I swim a little bit away from her and bring out the menus. After choosing Meru as the target of the first ability, I select Underwater Adaptation from her passives. Since she can live both on land and under the water, I’m pretty sure that’s the skill allowing her to function in the latter environment.

    And surely, I immediately start sensing changes. A warm, ticklish sensation spreads over my chest and I do my best to keep my hands from touching it. If I’m not mistaken, the stinging lines I can feel are the forming gills. My vision changes to some extent too, becoming sharper. There are also some weird, swirly, misty traces under the water now, one coming off Cornelia and one off me. This might be useful.

    “I kind of hoped you would get a handsome tail just like Meru’s but… damn. This much is quite alright too,” Cornelia comments with a big smile.

    “Care to elaborate?” I chuckle, looking all over my body.

    “Well, your eyes are now just like hers. I love the golden glow.” She points at my face. “Then, these gills look really sexy on you, I have to admit. They have a certain charm. Finally, your skin looks a bit slicker, I guess. I bet you are now also an expert diver.”

    “Nice. Let’s test that out, shall we?”

    I wink at her and plunge under the surface. The first noticeable thing is of course the fact that I’m not suffocating. It’s a little awkward holding yourself back from using your nose or mouth but it quickly grows on me. Soon, I start feeling like water is my second home.

    All the various movements that are perfectly fitting the environment are somehow ingrained in my mind and body. With just a single thought, I start swimming around the pool at a quite decent speed, clearly much higher than I could achieve without Meru’s ability. I catch myself doing some weird motions but I can’t disagree that they propel me forward at quite a pace.

    Making a quick lap around the entire hole, I burst out of the water next to Cornelia, causing her to squeal and giggle again as she watches me fly over her head and plunge back down. I resurface right after that stunt and stop right before her, pulling us close.

    “You are now clearly like a fish in the water.” She chuckles. “It’s so fascinating watching you go.”

    I grin at her. “Your turn now.”

    Her smile slowly fades away and Cornelia takes a deep breath. After giving me a firm nod, she pushes herself back a bit and I try to activate the other skill. I don’t suffer any backlash or anything so I’m pretty sure it goes through. And, the answer is shown right before my eyes a moment later.

    Just as she has observed my transformation earlier, I get to watch the changes in Cornelia’s body. Her eyes switch colour into black and gold, just like mine, and she slowly gets her gills over her lungs. I follow her skin as it gains a slicker texture and she soon becomes a Nershark-Human hybrid too.

    “I feel… nice,” she says in wonder after opening her eyes.

    “Try going underwater.” I smile at her.

    Cornelia nods with an excited smile and follows my advice. I watch her get surprised and confused for a moment as she gradually takes in the fact that she is fine. After getting used to her new reality, she quickly starts copying my earlier movements and I watch her dart around the pool in awe. It truly looks damn cool.

    She even mirrors my little jumping trick and lands next to me with a beautiful laugh.

    “This is so much fun!” Cornelia shows a sunny smile, wiping some water off her face.

    “Ready to explore these tunnels?” I grin at her.

    “Last to find an exit has to walk around with a sparkly buttplug for the remainder of the bet!” she announces and kicks me straight in the chest, sending me spinning to the back.

    “Hey!” I shout after her as Cornelia disappears into one of the mysterious holes with a charming giggle.

    Chuckling to myself while shaking my head, I rush right after her.

    “Game fucking on.”
  11. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 146 – Cave’s Closed ❤
    Making use of my newly gained mobility, I waste no time and dive into the same opening as Cornelia did. Surprisingly, the underwater tunnel isn’t completely dark. It seems like there’s more to them than I would have thought. I’m sure it’s partially thanks to the skill we both have borrowed from Meru. My eyes can see quite far and without any issues.

    Besides that aspect, the other reason for it is certainly related to the irregularly spaced glowing crystals. The small, fist-sized orbs embedded in the passage’s walls illuminate its interiors just a little bit. A slight rainbow fills the tunnel as I swim through it at a decently fast pace, creating a mystical atmosphere. Too bad only someone able to remain underwater for longer periods of time can experience this wonder.

    But, I don’t have enough leeway to daydream. We are in a race, with the fate of my butt at stake. If I don’t hurry up, I’ll have to wear quite an unusual accessory for a day or two. I’m sure Cornelia would love to see it, though. That cursed closet pervert.

    Thankfully, with the deep bond between us, I can sense her presence with extreme detail, which allows me to pursue her without getting lost. I pass a few underwater intersections and soon catch the sight of a very appealing naked woman exercising her entire body to propel herself forward. She’s caught up on it quite fast.

    Pushing myself even further, I arrive by her side and land a juicy slap on Cornelia’s butt. She yelps in surprise and her head snaps to mine as she continues rushing ahead. We smirk at each other and try to gain some advantage but remain more or less shoulder-to-shoulder. It’s certainly a beautiful view by my side, to be honest.

    We both notice the tunnel widening at the same time. With neither of us aiming to lose to the other one, we look ahead and put our all into reaching the end of this race track in the first place. There are a few stone obstacles and protrusions on our path, constantly forcing us to move around and pass by each other, depending on luck.

    Finally, the water brightens with a familiar, warm light, and we lock gazes once more, perfectly aware that we are on the last straight. Cornelia flaps her legs strongly to rush forward but I catch her ankle before she gets away. With a surprised gasp, she watches how I shove her to the back while pushing myself ahead. Some unintelligible curses reach my ears as she tries her best to stop spinning uncontrollably, making me chuckle.

    Swimming into the open space as the first person, I retain the accumulated speed and break through the water’s surface with a loud splash. Quickly locating the nearby ledge while mid-air, I land on it with a little stumble, making sure that I don’t slip and fall back down.

    Another splash soon echoes through the chamber as Cornelia attempts to mimic me but starts to panic after sending herself a bit too high into the air. I hastily turn around and catch the falling beauty into my arms. With an adorable oomph, she drops into my princess carry. Our eyes meet and we laugh together as I help her stand.

    “Damn it. I almost had it.” Cornelia clicks her tongue, still resting on my chest. “This entire thing was unfair from the beginning. You have much greater manoeuvrability thanks to your additional rudder.”

    I chuckle lightly as she gives my hard member a few pokes. “I bet it must be tough trying to swim fast with those two, perky buoys.”

    She giggles too as I gently squeeze her magnificent breasts. “Being a woman is such a huge disadvantage.”

    After sharing one more laugh, we glance around.

    “So, we ended up back here after all of this,” Cornelia mutters.

    “Those tunnels were quite twisty and convoluted so it’s not that big of a surprise,” I reply, nodding my head.

    We are now standing on the very same ledge we’ve started from. The paths we took led us in a circle and brought us back to the starting point, spewing us out of a different hole than the one we dove into. I now wonder if all the passages return here or if there maybe is some secret chamber at the end of one of them.

    I hear Cornelia sigh and glance at her. A faint trace of a mild blush taints her cheeks. I smirk at her somewhat shy expression.

    “No matter what, I lost the bet. What a shame. I should have frozen the tunnel when I had the chance. It’s only occurring to me now,” she says.

    “Yeah. I would have stood no chance if you used your magic to slow me down. I guess I somewhat cheated by grabbing you at the very end if it was supposed to be a clean race.”

    She shakes her head. “No, I haven’t mentioned anything about that. Rules are rules.”

    Touching the piece of crystal hanging from her neck, she summons something from the spatial storage imbued into her collar. I don’t need to look for long to realise that she’s brought out a silvery buttplug with a pretty, amethyst gem on its decorative end.

    “Why I'm not surprised that you would have one on yourself?” I chuckle at her and the rosy shade on her cheeks deepens even more. “Are you going to put it in already?”

    “Shut it or I’m going to change my mind.” She jabs me with her elbow.

    I fully expected Cornelia to either ask me to turn around or to slip the buttplug in with her front positioned towards me, but contrary to all my expectations, she is the one to turn around and arch her back a little bit, just enough to push her plump butt out. Looking at me over her shoulder, she uses one hand to spread her cheeks, showcasing her everything to me, and the other to slowly push the lewd piece into her back entrance. I watch her nibble on her lower lip as it gradually sinks behind her tight ring and she sighs blissfully after it fully locks in.

    “It looks cute on you,” I comment with a mischievous smile.

    She squints at me for a moment and chuckles, standing upright. Giving her butt a few jiggles, she turns around with a smile too and returns to my side. I pull her closer and place a gentle kiss on her sweet lips, enjoying the tender sensation of her soft breasts pressing into me. Cornelia lets out a little gasp as I poke the gem sealing one of her holes and she swats my jaw playfully.

    “Don’t get any ideas. We came here to train,” she whispers into my ear.

    “Will you be able to focus with that thing serving as a distraction?” I raise a curious brow at her.

    “There’s only one way to check.”

    Showing a wolfish grin, Cornelia suddenly wraps her arms around my waist and hoists us over the edge. We fall back into the beautiful pool and I hear her giggle next to me after we end up underwater. She lets go of me and we create some distance between ourselves.

    “So, I’m certainly doing well with swimming. It looks like we can also talk more or less normally for some reason,” she says, rubbing her chin.

    “Must be something related to this entire adaptation thing. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that underwater species are able to both send out and receive vibrations differently than we do in the open air,” I share my thoughts. “Now, what about your magic?”

    “Let’s see.”

    She extends her hand forward, and almost instantly, three elaborate ice spears form above her. It takes less than a second for them to be fully finished and ready for action, perhaps something close to a half even. Cornelia looks unbelievably shocked.

    “That’s… incredible,” she comments in awe. “The speed, efficiency, and quality are quite unimaginable.”

    “Well, we are surrounded by water so that’s to be expected.” I chuckle softly. “I bet you are skipping a bunch of steps in the creation of those. That’s good news.”

    She tries to lead the three javelins around just like she would outside of the water and they do follow her instructions seemingly well. They zoom back and forth at different speeds, trace circles, patterns, and other moves until she sends them flying as fast as she can and they pierce deep into the nearby wall.

    “It takes a bit more effort to control them but that’s granted considering the difference in resistance. It shouldn’t take me long to get used to it.” She creates one more batch of ice javelins.

    “Good. Since I will be using my borrowing skills on this ability, I won’t be able to help you guys with any magic that isn’t part of my skillset by default,” I reply.

    Cornelia shakes her head with a gentle smile. “With that demigod body and stats of yours, I feel like you will explode the Sahuagins with a single punch while not receiving even a scratch.”

    The image created by her comment plays quite vividly in my mind, reminding me of a very fun and decently popular franchise with a similar theme. Hopefully, I won’t go bald at one point on my path to becoming stronger. Lumina didn’t mention anything like that but who knows?

    “We shall see. I do have a very versatile weapon so it shouldn’t be an issue. Any other spells you have in mind that we could test?”

    Getting rid of the new ice spears, she nods and closes her eyes to focus. I spot a flash of azure between her palms she holds close to each other and immediately push myself away as a chill runs down my spine. An ice sphere appears around Cornelia in a split second and pulses strongly. Sharp spikes expand from it and almost skewer me, turning the created barrier into something akin to the head of the morningstar.

    “At least I don’t have to worry too much about your safety.” I chuckle wryly.

    She answers with a soft laugh of her own and the protective-offensive layer shatters into pieces. They fall down, revealing my smart and beautiful magician just where she has been before activating the spell.

    “Neira was right. My magic is a lot stronger like this. Just the quicker activation is a big deal on its own. With this, I won’t drag you down too much.”

    I swim close to her and embrace Cornelia from the front. “Don’t say such things. You would never be dragging us down. You shouldn’t compare yourself to me and you know it. I’m a monster the Goddess created by accident.”

    Cornelia snorts and the corner of her lips curls up in a faint smirk. “That is certainly true. You are quite a monster. Especially in bed.”

    I roll my eyes at her and smile back. “What about that passive of yours? Coldblooded? I wonder how much stronger it makes you if you even can activate it while under the effect of Underwater Adaptation.”

    “Good thinking. In case it freezes me solid, I count on you to drag me back up from the bottom of this hole.” She smirks at me.

    Nodding, I give her some space again and Cornelia activates her ability. Her skin turns light blue and her hair takes a mesmerising, white shade. Just like in the past, her eyes switch to crystal blue too. I get close enough to touch her body and confirm that she’s cold as hell now. It doesn’t seem to affect the water and I don’t see any complications.

    “How are you feeling?” I ask.

    “Good. A bit better than without it, actually. The temperature doesn’t bother me in the slightest anymore. I might use it all the time while we are in the sea.” She examines herself thoroughly. “Time to check the results.”

    She snaps her fingers and the three javelins literally blink into existence. It feels like they materialize out of thin air, or out of thin water in this case, faster than our eyes can perceive them. Considering that our senses are decently sharper than that of normal Humans, that’s quite an achievement.

    Then, Cornelia tries out the spiky barrier once more and it just pops in like someone spawning a completed model into the game with a console command. It’s not there, and then suddenly it is. Though I have no doubts that the spikes expanded just like before and they would have speared into anything on their path quicker than that anything could react.

    “Shit. That’s fast. It feels so weird to have my magic activate so quickly. It’s almost as if I literally will it into existence. The spell takes effect right the moment I start casting it, not end,” she explains her experiences.

    “Awesome. And you worried so much. You will be the one to carry our asses in the end.” I grin at her while crossing my arms over my chest.

    Cornelia shows a dazzling smile and a little flush taints her cheeks. She swims up to me to leave a peck on my lips.

    “It’s been a long time since I felt like I could actually protect you. After that underground raid, you started growing strong so fast that you literally left me in the dust. Though, don’t misunderstand, I don’t mind you being stronger than me. It’s just that I forgot that feeling.”

    I chuckle at her and kiss her on the forehead. “I get it. I appreciate you protecting the little weak me in the beginning. And now too. I feared that I wouldn’t be able to protect you in turn so I’m glad how things turned out. We just have to protect each other and nothing will be able to get to us.”

    “If anything, you’ve always had a way with words.” Cornelia winks at me.

    After exchanging a few more kisses, we focus on testing out more of her magic. I mostly watch from the sidelines since many spells in Cornelia’s arsenal grow in size and power underwater and I have to be extremely careful not to get caught in the blast. Her repertoire is very impressive, ranging from smaller, precise spells to grand, wide-range techniques that can easily eliminate big groups of enemies.

    At the very end, we decide to see what she can do by unleashing a lot of mana while spinning it around herself like a tornado. For that, I jump out of the pool and observe from the ledge. And it’s good that I do because the entire fucking thing ends up frozen solid in a matter of like two or three seconds, with the invasive frost creeping up the walls of the cavern. She’s like a cryo nuclear bomb. Not much will be left after she detonates in the middle of some poor settlement.

    But, the bad side of it is that she obviously gets locked inside all of that ice. Thankfully, she still has some control over it and gets out with my help as we carve and shatter a path through the steel-like frozen water. Nothing is perfect and without drawbacks in this world.

    Since our test area ends up unusable anymore, we dismiss all the effects affecting our bodies and return to our normal states. The intense cold hits us almost immediately. I didn’t even notice that using Underwater Adaptation from Meru dealt with the temperature to this extent too. My Primordial body certainly plays a role in it since Cornelia suffers much more while in her pure Human form.

    Not wanting to spend hours bringing the hidden cavern to its initial state, we choose to dry ourselves up, get into our clothes, and head back home, leaving this issue for later. Apologies to any lovebirds that are going to come here after our visit. You will have to admire an ice ring for some time, at least until I send someone here to melt all this magical ice which is tougher than most minerals.

    Our driver picks us up and we enjoy the pleasant ride home, talking some more about our discoveries and experiences. It’s always good to discuss your skills, abilities, or magic with someone else as it lets you look at them from another perspective. We certainly learned a lot from today’s date.

    After getting back, we jump out of our clothes in the main lobby and my eyes lock on the cute, amethyst gem poking out from between Cornelia’s cheeks. She sends me a timid glance after I grin at her. I wonder how she will explain this to the others as it certainly isn’t that easy to hide. It suits her, though. I kind of want to yank it out and replace it with something she likes even more.

    But, we split for now after sharing some more kisses and intimate rubs, heading to prepare for the journey. Everything should be ready in a few hours. We might even depart this evening. Since we will be covering some distance on the ship, there’s no reason to wait exactly for the morning to begin the journey.

    Therefore, while Cornelia takes the task to make sure that all the things in the establishment are taken care of upon herself, having in mind the absence of a few key people like me or her, I naturally focus my attention on tending to our expedition members and supplies.

    I have a few things on the list related to that.

    First, get the breathing artefacts from Sirgia. Second, get the skin care products from Velen and her team. And third, check on Mari and Nyfile as they mentioned preparing something for us too. It feels nice seeing all those departments working together like this. Who would have thought that our brothel would turn into something this complex and sophisticated?

    Since there’s a good chance that I will spend much more time with my lovely little Dwarf and the two pro seamstresses, I head to the underground lab before visiting either of them. Knocking on the almost air-tight metal door, I wait for someone to get me. Soon, the sealed entrance opens and Velen shows up on the other side, with her gaze briefly jumping to my treasure and back up.

    “Welcome, Master. Please, come in. We have everything ready for you.” She steps aside and gestures into the chamber.

    “Glad to hear that. Master, though?” I raise a brow at her while passing the doorstep.

    “Lord Jericho was my previous alchemical master but since I’m no longer directly under him, you are now technically my master. Besides, most of my current colleagues call you that so I guess I kind of picked it up from them,” she explains, fixing her glasses.

    “I see. Whatever you are comfortable with.” I shrug and follow her to one of the counters in the far corner.

    Besides our Chief Alchemist, there are a few other people in lab coats hanging around. I spot Dhosk, Meiya, Neiya, but also two Forest Elves. The latter seems to be mostly helping out but curiosity is clearly written all over their pretty faces.

    Velen opens a few cupboards above the counter and starts bringing out small containers with yellow pills. Setting them down in a neat bundle, she turns to me.

    “We first thought about having it come in the form of cream but application under the water would be somewhat troublesome. Therefore, we ended up with pills. One should easily protect the skin from the environment for at least twenty-four hours. Fifteen fit in one tube. They don't dissolve from anything else than saliva since they are coated with an additional, water-proof layer.”

    I uncork one of the containers and shake out a single pill. It’s a flat and round tablet.

    “Quite sizable,” I comment.

    “They aren’t meant to be swallowed. You can just place one on your tongue and they will dissipate. That way we were able to fit an entire twenty-four-hour dose in one pill and eliminate the risk of choking in case someone would need to take the medicine in a tight spot,” she explains.

    “Very nice. You girls thought way ahead.” I smile at her and put the pill back in. “I really appreciate your help. This certainly saved us quite a bit of money and also trouble. Let me know if I could do anything for you or the department as my thanks.”

    “Actually, there’s something.” Velen glances up at me, slightly hesitant.

    “Great. How can I help?”

    “If that would be okay, could I request some more of your… semen… Master? I wanted to run a few tests on it and didn’t want to waste the stored amount reserved for the production of the Elixir.”

    “Oh. I mean, yeah, sure. I can bring it to you. No big deal.” I rub the back of my neck.

    “I wanted to get my hands on a batch as fresh as possible if that isn’t an inconvenience,” she replies and I catch her amber eyes skip to my waist.

    “Uh, I guess? If you give me something to release it into.”

    She quickly pulls a glass chemical cylinder out of the inner pocket of her white coat and looks between it and my face, waiting for approval. I chuckle inwardly. She’s clearly had her request planned.

    I nod at Velen and reach for the container but she beats me to it and slowly lowers herself to her knees. Taking a peek at my face, she gently wraps the slender fingers of her left hand around my erect shaft and brings the open top of the cylinder close to my tip, starting to delicately knead me back and forth.

    “You don’t exactly have to do that, you know? I have pretty much full control over it and can let it out anytime,” I inform the beautiful scientist.

    “Oh.” She pauses her movements for a few seconds but soon resumes them. “If it makes you uncomfortable, I can stop, but I don’t mind doing it the proper way. I shouldn’t expect to receive something without doing anything in exchange. That’s one of the basic alchemy laws, and the natural order of this kind of thing.”

    She looks up at me with a faint blush on her light cheeks. I would have never thought someone would quote that particular rule in relation to a handjob. I guess it can be considered an equivalent exchange when she brings me to a climax to get my seed in return. What a world.

    “But, I apologise. Since I need the sample to be clear of any external fluids and other factors, I can only employ this type of stimulation. Otherwise, I would certainly do better,” she adds as the cute flush spreads over the bridge of her nose.

    I chuckle softly and smile at the brown-haired beauty. “Trust me, you are doing great. It’s very nice and pleasurable. I honestly didn’t expect any of this. Just know that you don’t need to go that far, alright? I could have very well rubbed one out for you. No need to get your hands dirty, or something else.”

    Velen gives me a subtle nod and moves her gaze to my cock, focusing all of her attention on it. I let the pleasure freely spread through my entire body and don't limit it to any extent. Velen’s smooth fingers rub me gently from the base to the tip, giving me delicate squeezes and tugs now and then. She clearly isn’t too experienced in this but still does her best to handle me well.

    Perhaps out of habit, I reach out with one of my hands and brush through her brown locks, uncovering a little bit more of her face. When I realise what I’m doing, it’s already too late. But, she doesn’t seem to mind and even shows a barely noticeable smile, switching her gaze up and down a few times.

    “Alright. Here it comes,” I warn Velen to make sure she catches all of it.

    She carefully aims my tip into the container and I release my load after she gives me a curt nod. A few quite abundant serpents of cloudy delicacy shoot into the measuring tube as she continues to rub me out, watching the semen leave my glans with the utmost attention.

    Velen holds the container close for a few seconds after I’m fully done not to waste a single drop and then sets it aside. Instead of standing up, she draws the hair on the other side of her head back and leans forward. I’m surprised once more as she awkwardly takes my glans between her pouty lips and gently sucks on it. Her tongue tickles my tip for a bit and she soon draws herself back, observing my member to verify that she cleaned me all up.

    With the rosy flush still decorating her charming face, she finally raises herself and puts the filled cup properly on the counter. She’s acting quite composed and calm but the crimson shade betrays her slight embarrassment. What a cute sight.

    “Thank you, Master. I’ll make good use of this batch, I promise. I apologise if this appears rude, but I have to excuse myself to quickly begin my studies before too much time passes.”

    “No worries. I should be thanking you. That was a very pleasant handjob. If you ever need more batches, feel free to let me know. No need to be shy.” I smile and gesture with my head at her to go do her research.

    Velen makes a small, polite bow and hastily scurries away to a much better-equipped corner. There’s no need for me to remain here and disturb the alchemists at work so I move out to take care of the second thing on my list, which is Sirgia’s workshop.

    As always, I reach her humble forge to the accompaniment of various metallic sounds and noises. But, my adorable, short wife pauses whatever she is doing the moment I enter and trots to me to give me a warm hug. I pat her head and embrace her lovingly with a big smile.

    “I managed to finish the artefacts in time. Unfortunately, I’m still not done with Meru’s actual trident. I decided not to overwork myself with it as you requested and just didn’t have enough time,” she says quietly after we separate.

    “Good. You need to take proper care of yourself. I’m very happy.” I peck her cheeks a few times, causing Sirgia to giggle adorably.

    She then leads me to a storage room on the side and gives me a set of three breathing half-masks. They are a lot more streamlined when compared to the initial prototype. To some extent, they give off more sci-fi vibes rather than fantasy, but I guess that’s magitech for you. I test them out in her presence and they all neatly adjust themselves to the wearer, not needing any strings or belts to hold on.

    Very impressive.

    I throw them into one of my storage rings and accompany Sirgia for a little while, helping her out with a chore or two. I always love to spend time with her in the forge. It brings back so many memories, even though it hasn't been that long since we even met. The sight of this cute Dwarf lady being in her little world of artefacts and magic is just too addicting and enchanting.

    Then, I leave the master to her craft and walk to the workshop of our tailoring duo. This time, after I knock, someone actually answers and Mari shows up. Just like Velen, she immediately takes a peek at my proud manhood and blushes even fiercer than the alchemist lady. Letting out an awkward chuckle and unable not to stare, she invites me in and I follow her to the table in the middle.

    “Just a little bit more and I won’t be coming here to distract you like this.” I smile at her as she starts cleaning the table up a little.

    “Hahahaha, it’s nothing! I admit that it’s a tiny bit eye-catching but it’s alright if you are fine with me staring, hahaha!” She laughs it off like the lively tomboy that she is.

    “You can look as much as you want. It’s on the display, in the end.” I join her with my own chuckle.

    “Anyway, let me show you something good too.”

    “Oh? Am I showing something good to you, then?” I raise a brow at Mari.

    She turns a shade redder and chooses not to answer. Her gaze is enough of a reply. She is clearly interested in that thing of mine. Though, I think she is a bit shyer than Velen and nothing much will happen. Plus, Ria did ask me not to go too far.

    I focus on the pieces of clothing she lays out over the table. With just a single glance, I’m able to recognize the shapes and designs. All four of them are clearly meant to be swimming or diving uniforms. Black, slick one-pieces for both me and the girls.

    The male version is pretty much the full suit but with short sleeves and short pants. The wearer's torso is fully covered while their limbs down from slightly above elbows and knees are on full display. As for the female version, the only difference is in the bottom part, which somewhat resembles the Japanese school swimsuits, showing more of the wearer’s hips.

    “These are made from an extremely tough material which should protect you guys to some degree. Sirgia helped us out a little bit in reinforcing the threads. The way they are woven should stop a cut but it might have a problem with a bite or other punctures. It’s not armour but more durable clothing in the end,” Mari explains, getting into her creative mode just like Sirgia.

    “Let me guess, Shino’s design?” I ask.

    “Pretty obvious, right?” She chuckles. “We talked about it a lot through the Whispers. She explained many things regarding the material and her ideas. At first, she insisted on all of them being the same design but quickly changed her mind for some reason.”

    “The first one?” I glance at the male version.

    “No, the second actually.”

    I shudder a little. This little pervert definitely imagined me in the female version. Her intentions are clear as day. She wants that B. The holy bulge. I think we are going to have a nice talk after we meet in real life again.

    Well, not like I would mind giving her a little show and watching her cute reaction.

    “Also, after consulting with her, we also prepared these.” Mari places a few more things on the table.

    “Are those fins?” I pick one flat shoe up. “This might be useful.”

    “Shino said they would. And again, Sirgia assisted us with their creation. She made an amazing mould which she is able to resize and produce different variations. If we ever need more of them for the others, it won’t be an issue.”

    “Just what you would expect from her.” We share a smile. “With what we have learned from our little tests earlier, these will make us so much faster. Thank you, Mari. Pass my thanks to Nyfile and everyone else too. You girls did an amazing job with these. I can’t wait to be back already and see all the breathtaking costumes you will make in my absence.”

    “Hahaha, it’s nothing much! Work moves crazy fast when you have reliable tools and all the necessary materials! Everyone’s help is super appreciated too! And, of course, Shino’s sketches and drawings are just so vivid and detailed! I wish all clients made those.”

    “It isn’t nothing much.” I place a hand on her shoulder. “You have an enviable talent, backed up by an incredible drive. Make sure to pursue some of your own projects now and then and not just the things we issue you. I don’t want you to lose that motivation and excitement for your beloved craft.”

    Mari shows a bright smile and wraps herself around me in a strong hug. I chuckle and pat her back.

    “Thank you so much, Alastair. I still feel like this is a dream. I’m having so much fun here. I’ll bring you the best clothes and costumes you can get!”

    “I’ll be looking forward to that.”

    After we separate, Mari goes into a deep explanation about all the pieces and I listen to her attentively. It’s both fascinating to hear her talk about her passion and also very enjoyable to watch her be so lively. Sirgia might be at fault for that. She made me appreciate these types of people even more. Plus, it makes the girl so sexy.

    When we are finally done, I invite Meru, Safi, Emi, Cornelia, and Neira to the workshop and show them everything. The fleshy four of us jump into our suits to try them out and it truly is a sight to behold. The material clings to our bodies like wrapping, emphasising all the curves and important places. Just as I have a thing or two to hang my eyes on, the women can enjoy some eye candy from me too. This is going to be a great trip.

    Since we’ll be leaving soon anyway, we stay in our uniforms and put some actual clothes on top of them. Then, I introduce my team to Sirgia’s artefacts and Velen’s pills, explaining their use. Of course, for the former, only Neira has to rely on those, but it’s good to have some experience just in case. We never know what kind of situation we might get ourselves in.

    We pack all the things Cornelia and some Dark Elf helpers prepared and get ready to depart. As expected, quite the gathering waits to bid farewell to us and we spend some time chatting with the various residents, especially the Nereids. Naturally, I make sure to show my love to all my incredible wives who stay behind. That involves a lot of kisses, hugs, and sweet words.

    With everything triple-checked, we pack our asses into the carriage and head straight for the port, where our ship and its crew should already be waiting for us.
  12. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 147 – Sisters Above All
    Meru, Cornelia, and Neira sit opposite me in the carriage while I share my own bench with the cuddly duo of the lovely Queen Slimes. The three ladies chat amongst themselves about what is awaiting us underwater, with Meru mostly answering the questions the other two have. I listen to her descriptions and stories as Safi and Emi lean onto me with their jelly bodies.

    About ten minutes after we leave the mansion, I dive into my senses and check if we are truly alone. It wouldn’t be unexpected to learn that Hecate couldn’t actually bear the thought of leaving my side and changed her mind. Thankfully, I find no one else in our close vicinity and locate the spidergirl back in the mansion. It looks like things will be fine.

    The line of buildings moves slowly as I observe the city through the uncovered window. It’s quite easy to notice when we move out of the more rich and noble district, entering the industrial and mercantile area. The biggest giveaway is of course the commonly-spotted attire amongst the majority of the people wandering the streets.

    Some of them give our carriage a curious look and I have no doubt that they recognize the crest on its side. We do get plenty of workers from these regions in our establishment, in the end. They often begin their visit with a long, pleasant bath with some attractive company and a little help. Only then can they shoot for something more involving anyway since we wouldn’t let dirty and stinky men close to our valued employees.

    No offence to the people doing less clean jobs, of course. They work their asses off in various different environments.

    In any way, it doesn’t take us long to pass through the industrial zone and we spot a clear increase in warehouses and storages. The other buildings clear up and we can finally see bigger flashes of the blue sea in the not-so-far distance. Lots of deliveries are being made both ways and crews of the docked ships mingle together at almost every corner of the docks.

    There are a few vessels currently being loaded or unloaded but I try to find out which one will be ours. It’s definitely none of the ships moving heavy cargo since I don’t believe that Lianne would just shove us onto some random transport boat or something like that. If I were to guess, she would most likely get the entire thing commissioned just to bring us to our destination and even assist us as much as the crew and the ship can.

    Unfortunately, our driver is as clueless about it as we are so I stop the carriage after we reach the edge of the docks. After giving a hand to the women, I thank him wholeheartedly and throw in a nice tip, reminding the guy that he doesn’t have to wait for us since we’ll be gone soon.

    “We really are going to use Human ships,” Meru exclaims in something akin to wonder, I guess.

    I glance at her and gently ruffle through her hair. “Does it make you uncomfortable?”

    She shakes her head. “No. I don’t mind it. I’m actually getting curious about them. It will be my first time seeing one from inside, excluding wrecks.”

    “Then you are in luck. I will make sure that you will be able to observe how the crew works as much as you like.” I smile at the fierce sharkgirl warmly. “And, in case you wouldn’t actually feel alright onboard a ship, you can always follow us in the water now and then.”

    “Thank you.” She nods at me politely as our eyes meet.

    “So, do we have any idea which one takes us in?” Cornelia asks, setting her fists on her hips.

    “I don’t. Do you?” I glance at her with a raised brow.

    She snorts and rolls her eyes. “You were the one to negotiate this.”

    “I guess.” I shrug. “I can always ask Lianne through the Whispers.”

    “Let’s do that, then,” Cornelia replies while looking around.

    Focusing on the Queen, I reach the hidden nympho easily and send a simple greeting. A few seconds pass and there’s no answer. Just in case, I throw another hello into the connection but it changes nothing. Only silence welcomes my attempt.

    Noticing Cornelia looking at me expectantly, I spread my arms to the sides. “Looks like she’s busy. I’m not getting through. I’m sure she would answer immediately if it wasn’t something important.”

    My dazzling magician sighs. “You are right. She loves talking to you almost as much as riding your cock. I guess we are on our own for now.”

    “Let’s just look around and see if there’s anyone waiting for us near any of the boarding ramps,” Neira suggests.

    All of us agree with her and we decide to move alongside the edge, admiring the docked ships by our side. As expected, Emi is the one to fawn over them the most but I can tell that Safi is fascinated by the sight too. She might keep her calm and ladylike expression on, but her face is constantly directed towards the water. Not like it has to be since they are like walking radars but still.

    We do our best not to obstruct the seamen and seawomen working on their tasks. I always thought that such places had their own charm. Medieval docks are a real something in the movies. Experiencing them in real life is not just a level above. The view, the noise, the smell, the people, and the entire atmosphere is amazing.

    After about five minutes of walking, Neira points somewhere ahead and we gaze together at whatever she has spotted. First of all, there’s a sizable ship made of dark wood that’s decorated with a plethora of fancy, golden patterns. It has three sails and is clearly a military-type vessel considering all the armament currently hidden behind the closed traps.

    Near that ship, and specifically just by the end of the boarding ramp leading onto its deck, sits a woman with a sign in her hands. She has chosen a few wooden crates as her resting place and lazily looks over the people passing by. There is no doubt that she's part of the crew as her attire just screams sailor. A blue bandana covers part of her hair, her chest is hidden behind a wide, cream strap of material, and loose short pants sit over her waist.

    As for the sign she’s holding, that’s most likely what has caught Neira’s attention. It would be impossible for any of us not to recognize the same crest that is painted on the sides of our carriage. That woman is clearly waiting for us.

    We share a firm nod and approach her together. She notices some kind of motion in her peripheral vision and turns her face to observe us. Perhaps not exactly informed about our appearances, she remains more or less neutral while observing us walk closer to her resting spot.

    I step forward after we stop. “Hello. I’m Alastair and I believe that you might be holding a sign with a crest related to my business.”

    The heavily-tanned woman with waist-long auburn hair studies each of my companions attentively before jumping off the crate and returning her eyes to me. It’s hard to miss the fact that she’s definitely not wearing a bra underneath that thin wrapping going all around her chest. Her nipples are quite stiff and apparent in this slightly chilly breeze.

    “I’ll go and fetch the captain. Please, wait here for a moment,” she says and heads up the boarding ramp without waiting for an answer.

    “Don’t get any ideas.” Cornelia suddenly jabs me lightly with her elbow.

    “What?” I glance at her.

    “I saw where your eyes were.” She squints at me.

    I chuckle and shake my head. “You know well that it’s impossible not to look, especially when they are just begging for attention. She clearly knows and thinks nothing of it. If the rest of the crew is like this, you might be up for some nice eye candy from the male half too.”

    A faint blush shows up on Cornelia’s cheeks as she most likely imagines a bunch of hot, half-naked sailors with chiselled bodies roaming over the deck and taking care of muscle-straining activities. I grin at her knowingly and she jabs me once more, looking even redder.

    The sound of footsteps over a wooden plank reaches our ears and we stop our little fun to look towards the source. The smile disappears from my face and gets replaced by a slightly curious frown as three women walk off the ramp and stop in front of us.

    They all wear somewhat matching dark blue naval uniforms fitting this world’s era. The one in the middle is equipped with the fanciest set including even a cape and a musketeer hat with a feather. She has short blond hair and deep green eyes. Maybe not as tanned as the other woman we’ve seen earlier, she still shows signs of quite some sun exposure.

    “Are you the one called Alastair Carter?” she asks in a respectful tone.

    I make a small, polite bow. “That’s me. It’s a pleasure, Captain…”

    “Moore. Alyssa Moore.” She tips her neat hat in my direction. “Is this everyone we will be taking? The client didn’t specify the exact number, saying that it could change at any moment.”

    “Correct. Six people in total. Is that alright?” I turn my face to Safi and Emi while asking.

    Captain Alyssa follows my gaze and gives everyone a brief glance. “You don’t need to worry. We were briefed about the presence of various different races other than Humans and that’s not an issue here. My crew is quite open-minded, as long as no one wrongs them, of course. They might not hold grudges against entire races but single individuals are a different thing.”

    “I think that’s understandable,” Neira chimes in. “We will naturally follow the rules after boarding your ship, Captain, and avoid causing any trouble.”

    “I certainly hope so,” Alyssa answers and I catch her eyes linger over me for a brief moment as she does. “The client seems to hold you guys in high regard and trust you almost unconditionally so we are going to do the same. Please, follow me onto the deck if you are finished with your preparations and we’ll get ready to set sail.”

    We nod all together and walk behind the captain and her right-hand-women, most likely. They must be her officers or something. After seeing their attire and the ship, I’m now really curious about what kind of vessel this actually is. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that they are part of the royal navy or something. It looks like we’ve ended up in the hands of a female-led unit.

    Though, right after we set our feet on the deck, I realise that is not all.

    No matter how far my eyes reach, or how many people my gaze passes over, I’m unable to spot a single man anywhere in sight. A plethora of women of various ages busies themselves with their predetermined tasks, now working with even more vigour as their captain and her officers start shouting orders.

    I chuckle wryly while rubbing my forehead. “Did she really just put us on an all-female ship?”

    And suddenly, the short glance Captain Alyssa gave me after Neira mentioned causing trouble makes complete sense. What else can be considered the most obvious and probable source of issues if not a guy on a floating box packed to the brim with sailor girls for who knows how long?

    This is going to be one hell of a voyage…

    Cornelia snickers by my side and throws her arm over my shoulder. “And who is going to be the one enjoying quite some eye candy now? Look, I can already see a few nice sights.”

    I follow her gaze and lock onto a chocolate beauty bending over to pick up a small crate of something. Her impressive jugs almost spill out of the clearly too-small tank top and her little shorts are loose enough for a fraction of her pink lily to peek through the space between her thigh and the material, announcing the wearer’s complete lack of any underwear and decency.

    My groan evokes an even more apparent laugh from my charming magician wife. “Isn’t this supposed to be a royal military vessel or something?”

    “That is correct. Why?” Captain Alyssa surprises me a bit by suddenly appearing by our side.

    “Ah, nothing. I was just wondering after seeing the uniforms you and the two other women wore.” I smile wryly. “I might have created an unrealistic belief in my mind that most of the crew would be clothed in a similar way so seeing everyone in something this… revealing… was unexpected.”

    “Usually, I’m the one to deal with all the formalities and negotiations, and if there’s something else that requires someone presentable to attend, my officers are there to fulfil that role too. There’s no need to force everyone into these stiff uniforms. A good captain has their crew’s morale as the top priority,” she explains. “Will this be a problem? The client didn’t mention anything about it.”

    “No, no, no. All is good. As I said, I was just wondering since we knew nothing about the ship or the crew before coming here.” I quickly wave my hands. “Besides, I’m quite used to this anyway. My employees are free to dress however they want to too and some of them do like to show quite a lot of themselves.”

    “Just like you did last week wearing nothing?” Cornelia smirks my way.

    “You are not helping.” I groan at her. “And don’t speak like you weren’t the one to parade with your tits and ass out alongside me.”

    She quickly grows red and avoids my eyes. Clearing my throat, I turn to face the captain again, who is looking at us with a raised brow. All I can do is smile in such a situation, hoping that she won’t throw me overboard for being some kind of pervert and danger to her women.

    “In any way, our destination wasn’t specified so I would like someone to let us know where we are heading. Our task is to escort you guys somewhere in the open sea, protect you on the way there and back, and take care of the ship while waiting above the objective,” Captain Alyssa swiftly changes the topic.

    I take a peek at Meru. “Can you give any initial directions?”

    She points past the starboard. “That way. Further into the sea.”

    “Thank you. I’ll get us going and set the course east after we move out of the port, then. I’ll show you guys around the ship afterwards.” The woman tips her hat at us and walks away.

    Sighing heavily, I look around. “Well, let’s head to the bow and get a good view. I’ve always wanted to watch such a scene. Never thought I would get to do it with so many dazzling ladies by my side, though.”

    Cornelia and Neira show a faint blush as they smile at me charmingly alongside Safi. Emi throws herself at me while jumping up and down and Meru just stares up at my face with a calm expression. I reach out and graze her cheek with my palm softly, evoking some tiny, cute wags from her shark tail.

    Just as I suggested, we move to the front of the ship while making sure that we are allowed to and don’t disturb anyone with our presence. It certainly doesn’t look like it as both the mature women and young girls we pass greet us with some waves and smiles. It’s quite hard not to gawk at their athletic bodies basked in sweat. Plus, I feel like I’m getting some intense stares too from here and there. Hopefully, I won’t get attacked and cause some kind of controversy.

    Alyssa’s crew wraps everything up in a flash and we are soon ready to depart. The boarding ramp gets retracted and brought under the deck through one of the storage gates on the floor. A few shouts travel through the ship, passed from person to person, and the sails drop down, unrolling from their dormant state. After some adjustments, we begin moving away from the solid ground, seeing the last of it for quite some time, most likely.

    Our ship is masterfully led towards the port’s exit and we are set free in no time. The sails get adjusted again, dropping to their full spread, and our new journey truly begins. We huddle up together at the bow, taking in the amazing sights, sounds, and smells of the sea. The noise of seagulls gradually becomes quieter as their majority remains in the docks, with just a few accompanying us for a little bit.

    “What do you think?” I ask Meru, who is currently standing to my left as I keep my arm wrapped around her waist.

    “It’s definitely something completely different. It feels like we are… flying… above the water, soaring through it. And not having to do anything to reach the desired destination is certainly a huge boon,” the calm Nerhsark replies.

    “Well, it’s not like we can do nothing exactly as the ship wouldn’t move an inch otherwise.” I chuckle. “You will soon see how much work is necessary to keep it going, especially with a vessel this big. A lot of people are needed while you as a member of an aquatic race can swim most likely faster and on your own.”

    “While that might be true depending on circumstances, even the strongest Nershark would need to rest now and then. The ship can continue on the set course with barely any interaction, guaranteed that nothing happens, of course,” Cornelia joins in. “Also, I have no idea how people of the deep transport things but ships let us Humans carry a lot.”

    “That depends on the race and community,” Meru replies. “We usually form caravans just like land dwellers do and have some animals pull the shipment. Sometimes it’s people who do that too.”

    “More or less what I would expect,” Neira comments.

    “I guess it would be hard to figure out some kind of transport vessels that work underwater. There are no winds down there to push the ship forward. Though, maybe it would be doable with currents. Not sure, I’m not an expert on those. Magic would most likely be the best answer. Maybe we’ll have Sirgia build a submarine one day.” I chuckle while gazing at the horizon.

    The curious looks all my companions give me make it clear that they aren’t aware of what submarines are but have stayed by my side long enough to know that any foreign words that I use are usually linked to some interesting story or explanation from my original world.

    “I’ll tell you all about it, don’t worry. We’ll have plenty of time to talk and have fun.” I smile at them and turn around. “I think Captain Alyssa should be free now or soon. Let’s go to her.”

    No one disagrees and we stroll back to the quarter deck while observing the busy women working on the ship all around us. Meru absorbs the sights and knowledge with visible interest, snapping her head in every direction whenever something new and curious flashes at the edge of her vision. It’s such an adorable sight.

    “Perhaps we should let Lianne know that we departed now that we are on the move,” Cornelia suggests as we near the quarter deck. “Maybe she has a moment to talk.”

    “True. We do have a few things to talk about regarding this situation,” I reply.

    “Awwww shoot. I was sure you would love it.”

    We freeze momentarily and turn around in a flash.

    Behind us, we find exactly the person I expect to see after hearing another, quite specific voice join our conversation. Lacking her usual, light blue royal dress, Lianne stands there with a pout on her angelic face and her hands resting on her hips. Instead, she wears long azure satin pants, a white sailor shirt with uncovered shoulders, and a dark brown leather corset neatly hugging her figure. Her lush, straight hair has been combed to the back and woven into two big pigtails, somewhat resembling Sirgia’s braids.

    “What the fuck?!” Cornelia shouts in bewilderment.

    “Now, now. Is that how you greet your friend who has helped you out so much, my dear Cornelia?” The petite Queen giggles sweetly.

    “Like fucking hell, you idiot! What the fuck are you doing here?!” My charming magician wife starts flailing her arms at Lianne.

    “Isn’t it obvious? I’m part of the crew.” Lianne does a little spin in front of us.

    Cornelia clearly has some issues finding proper words to respond to this insanity and just keeps aggressively gesturing at the mischievous Queen while repeatedly opening and closing her mouth. I sigh with a wry smile and place a hand on her shoulder to calm my companion down a little bit.

    “I should have figured out something was not right when you didn’t answer my call,” I say, turning my attention to Lianne.

    “I’m sorry about that. I couldn’t risk you somehow discovering that I was close by through the Whispers. You would have definitely made a fuss about it and delayed our departure.” She smiles adorably while batting her eyelashes at me.

    “Of course, we would!” Cornelia joins in once more. “Are you sane?! This is not a fucking picnic trip! We will be out in the sea for weeks if not months! What if Ross notices you gone?! He will flip the entire Human Kingdom over to find you!”

    “Oh, he won’t. I left a double in my place.” Lianne giggles again.

    And Cornelia is back to being stunned.

    Shaking my head, I squeeze her shoulder a bit more. “Drop it. You should know her the best. It’s way too late to argue about this.”

    “See? Listen to our wise husband! It looks like he is the smart one in this relationship!”

    I chuckle lightly while Cornelia makes one last angry gesture at the small lady with her finger before sighing deeply and crashing into my chest with a groan. I start patting her head dearly while kissing her hazelnut hair. We don’t want any of it to go grey with how much stress she suffers by just existing around Lianne.

    “So. What is the deal with this ship?” I ask, faintly squinting my eyes at the cute pirate queen.

    “Let’s meet up with Ali and I’ll explain everything.” Lianne waves at us and starts walking towards the stairs leading to the helm.

    The rest of us share a confused look and I shrug, following in her footsteps. Cornelia keeps rubbing her eyes as I lead her ahead while still gently brushing through her hair. Hopefully, she doesn’t get a migraine from this. Even if she does, I guess I’ll just heal it up with Rejuvenate or something.

    We soon reach the destination chosen by Lianne and approach the captain as a group. She notices our approach and locks the wheel in place with her foot, moving to the side.

    “So, I assume I can finally drop the pretence?” she asks.

    Cornelia groans once more. “Because of course, the two of them are in this together. I should have realised after she introduced herself earlier.”

    As I stare at Cornelia curiously, Lianne trots to Alyssa and starts chatting casually with the taller woman. It truly looks like a captain talking to her crewmate after just a single look at their clothes. While Lianne’s attire is definitely of the highest possible quality, it lacks the pompous decorations and general design of an officer’s uniform.

    “Alright. I guess I should explain a thing or two now.” Lianne turns back to us and stands next to the captain side by side.

    “That would be appreciated.” I nod. “How did you convince everyone to take the Queen with them on such a dangerous journey?”

    “I already told you that. I’m part of the crew.” She crosses her arms over her petite chest.

    “Yes, you did, but how—”

    “She isn’t lying. She really is part of the crew,” Cornelia interrupts me and I raise a brow at her. “Well, at least she was.”

    Lianne spreads her arms wide and shows a beautiful smile. “Welcome onboard the Terror of the Siren Seas, an all-female military pursuit and quick-response vessel under the direct orders of the kingdom! And more specifically, me! Do you want to know where the name comes from?”

    I chuckle wryly and gesture at her to continue, choosing to humour the Queen for a moment.

    “I’m sure you noticed but our crew is full of hot and badass babes! Wherever we go, we steal the hearts of all men no matter their race or age! It’s said that we are often the cause of great Siren migrations whenever we decide to set an anchor in their territories. Our motto is ‘All your dick belong to us!’” She giggles proudly.

    “And what role do you play in this show?” I cross my arms over my chest this time.

    “You see, I’ve always loved ships, dreaming of exciting adventures I could experience onboard one. But, I was just a small, frail girl back then, from a very doting and caring noble household at that. My parents rejected my pleas to join the navy or any other ideas I presented them with. While I was young, I was already somewhat lustful if you know what I mean.” A tinge of rosiness covers her porcelain skin. “There was no chance they would let me stay on a ship with raunchy, horny sailors, no matter how well-disciplined. I was good at controlling myself too, of course, since I couldn’t just sleep with anyone in case my family would need me for a political marriage or something. But, thankfully, I pestered my parents for so long that they finally gave up.”

    Lianne happily spins around and hugs Captain Alyssa from the side.

    “Father announced that they will be recruiting a new crew for an escort vessel and anyone with some experience could apply under one single condition. Can you guess what?”

    “Being a woman.” I smirk at her.

    “Correct!” She giggles cutely. “And that’s how I met Ali and everyone else. It took half a year to assemble the crew but that much was nothing when compared to the years I spent begging my parents to let me out. After all the formalities were taken care of, we started doing jobs for my family and other nobles, mostly guarding the goods. Since that day, I’ve been under Ali a lot. And I really do mean a lot. She wouldn't have it any other way.”

    “Goddess, show some restraint, Lin.” Captain Alyssa bonks the Queen on the head.

    The little grin Lianne shows while looking up at her and the other woman’s very faint blush makes it obvious what kind of under she is talking about. It wouldn’t be that surprising, honestly. Just like a bunch of dudes stuck on a ship would get a little bit lonely, a pack of women wouldn’t be that much different.

    But to think that this frail and fragile Lianne served years on a ship does come as a shocker. I mean, she does look the part in this quite badass sailor getup which definitely isn’t just a costume. It looks beautiful and stylish but lacks nothing in the important areas that could impede such work. Her hair is tightly secured, her clothes are firmly attached, and she even seems to have two daggers strapped behind her corset.

    “Okay. Let’s say that I get this backstory. How did you end up with the King then?” I ask.

    Alyssa snorts and tries to tame her chuckle behind her hand.

    “Ohhhh! Our first meeting! I remember it like it was yesterday!” Lianne claps happily. “So, we were tasked with escorting someone important. At that point, we'd been sailing together for a few years and had accumulated quite some fame and achievements. Someone approached my father with an important deal and he told me that he just couldn’t refuse no matter what even though the information was severely lacking. I wouldn’t understand why he was like that until we were midway to our destination.”

    “Yeah. That contract was just way too suspicious. We would have never taken it under normal circumstances. While we were recruited by Lin’s father, he wouldn’t force jobs onto us, only recommend us to people he verified and act as our middleman. That day was the first time he was so insistent on something. We trusted him and didn’t really have the heart to refuse,” Captain Alyssa adds.

    “Anyway, it was just our two ships and everything seemed like a pretty normal escort from point A to point B with a mysterious client who wanted to hide their identity,” Lianne continues. “But then, we were attacked.”

    “As expected.” I chuckle.

    The flags were just too strong with that one.

    “Four pirate vessels showed up out of nowhere and started targeting strictly the client’s ship. What was more shocking was that we recognized at least two of the enemy crews as ones we had scuffled with in the past during various other jobs. They definitely weren’t the cooperative type, let me tell you that.” Lianne huffed. “So, it was obvious that someone tipped the pirates handsomely to deal with our client. At that point, nothing really changed for us. The task remained the same. Protect the VIP and get them out of that stinky situation. Unfortunately, hell broke loose instantly, before we could book it.”

    “We lost a few good women to those scum.” Alyssa tightens her fingers into a fist and Lianne takes it gently into her palms. “But, we sent many more of them into the abyss.”

    “It’s as she says. The Terror of the Siren Seas’ crew was and is something akin to a local legend. We have talented mages, warriors, healers, rangers, and most importantly, three great leaders with Ali at the forefront.” The Queen beams at the captain, making her blush a little again. “We gave them a sore beating. Our ship was almost sunk but we took down three of their vessels in return. Unfortunately, the last one got close enough to ram into the client and board.”

    “That’s when Lin took matters into her own hands and led a small squad to assist the client’s guards. One of my officers was part of the team, a brave and smart girl going by the name of Naomi. You’ve seen her as we greeted you guys. She was the woman with glasses and shoulder-long red hair combed to the left,” the captain fills the bits of the story in again.

    “It was crazy, I tell you!” Lianne shakes her head with a wide smile. “We jumped off the main mast’s furthest point and threw ourselves onto the other ship’s boarding nets! Then we spread out to assist the knights as well as we could. I remember spotting someone critically wounded trying to fend off multiple vicious enemies and decided to help them. They somehow dealt with three out of five assailants but the remaining two broke that person’s stance and raised their weapons to finish them off. Thankfully, that was when I dropped onto the two from above and pinned their necks to the deck with my daggers. Who would have thought that the person I saved was the young, upcoming King on his way for the coronation ceremony.”

    As she sways her body while giggling during the brief reminiscence, I can only smile wryly at this sudden development. I can clearly imagine that guy thinking his last thoughts when suddenly a literal white-haired angel falls from the sky and annihilates his enemies.

    “Then, we somehow pushed through the remaining pirates and reached our destination safely,” Lianne continues, taking a hold of herself. “I didn’t think much of it, honestly. We handed the client and the other injured to the royal knights and went on our way to mourn our fallen comrades and celebrate escaping death. About a week later, a huge ordeal showed up in front of my family’s mansion as I was still recuperating and I learned that my soon-to-be-husband investigated our crew to find me and came to ask for my hand in marriage after learning that I was of noble birth and nothing stood in the way of our happiness.”

    As she finishes while wiping a small tear of happiness out of the corner of her eye, all my companions start clapping, including even the silent Meru. Naturally, I join too. It was one hell of a story.

    “After that, Lin obviously had to part with the crew.” Captain Alyssa smiles softly. “It was hard to let a family member go but nothing seemed to point out that she was being forced or anything. We would have never forgotten our little, lewd Lin but it looked like she had different plans and offered to take us in as part of the royal navy directly under her orders so that she could continue what her father started and bring us the best possible jobs while also being able to officially meet up with us for regular inspection.”

    “And that’s why I can trust Ali with my life and sneak out on a journey with my new hubby with no questions asked and strings attached!” Lianne throws double thumbs up at us.

    Cornelia groans for the first time in a while and slaps her forehead. “I can’t believe I forgot you had an entire crew under your thumb.”

    “No wonder she suggested finding a ship for me this fast,” I muse.

    “So, you have nothing to worry about! I’m not some inexperienced landlubber and you are in the best hands in the entire Kingdom!” The Queen giggles adorably. “Now come! I’ll show you to our quarters! Is the Love Crib still a thing, Ali?”

    “Of course. No one would dare to break down your own cabin. We are keeping it better maintained than even my own.” Alyssa chuckles.


    Lianne then grabs mine and Cornelia’s wrists and starts dragging us away. I manage to spare a nod towards the captain before we disappear under the deck. After that, we are taken on an extensive tour of the entire vessel and learn just how much she truly is loved by the crew. Just as Alyssa said, they are like one big family and Lianne is an extremely valuable member of it.

    She shows us a lot of things while retelling the stories of her past and how she learned how to operate almost anything on the ship. We don’t even notice when it gets so late until one of the officers comes to fetch us for dinner in the mess.

    It’s certainly something else taking part in a feast full of female sailors acting all loud and even somewhat obscene here and there. Partial or full nudity is nothing new to them, especially after the alcohol starts to flow. The first voyage with their beloved Lianne in long years is definitely a good occasion to celebrate.

    At one point, Lianne jumps on top of the table our small group is sitting by, which is located in the very centre of the entire hall, and starts hitting a wine glass with a knife. The chattering fades away almost in an instant and everyone turns their eyes to the petite lady beautifully smiling back at them.

    “Thank you, girls.” She clears her throat. “To begin with, I wanted to say that it’s like a dream being able to sail with all of you again. From what I saw, almost everyone from the original crew is still here. That makes my heart really, really warm. And not just heart.”

    A wave of chuckles echoes through the mess as Lianne grins at the crowd of seawomen.

    “As you might remember, my great husband lost his life in a noble sacrifice a while ago and I’m sure you’ve been all worried sick about me, especially with the additional responsibilities that befell onto my head until my handsome son took over. I admit that things weren’t the best, but as they always used to tell us, all the pain and misery is just a trial for us to overcome before happiness returns to our life once more.”

    Everyone murmurs in agreement, patting each other’s shoulders and raising their mugs at the speaker.

    “And now I can personally attest to their words! I want to share with all of you a little secret of mine! I have found a new husband! A new love!” Lianne announces cheerfully while looking at me.

    The women cheer happily and I even receive a few smacks on the back.

    “But, that’s not the only piece of good news I want to share with you today.”

    As quickly as the noise has grown, it disappears again.

    “There’s always been something that weighed down on my heart, something I really wanted to do at all cost but was just unable to do due to certain circumstances. Recently, these circumstances are no longer an issue after I found comfort in the embrace of my new, very understanding and incredible man. That’s why, Captain Alyssa…”

    Lianne reaches down towards the blond-haired woman and pulls her friend up onto the table.

    “I didn’t come here to all of you just to brag about my new hubby,” she continues without raising her voice and the silence inside the chamber gets overbearing. “But also to finally fulfil my promise!”

    I haven't been ready for the ship-shaking and wood-bending roar that suddenly explodes all around me. It sounds like the women lost their minds at Lianne’s words for some reason. They start slamming their tankards and fists onto their tables while chanting ‘Vir-gi-lin! Vir-gi-lin! Vir-gi-lin!’ like their lives depend on it.

    As that devoted chorus keeps going, Lianne and Alyssa use their feet to clear the table in front of me and sit down on its edge.

    “What exactly… is the promise?” I raise a brow at them with a wry smile and a very, very bad feeling.

    Lianne giggles while her hand rubs up and down Alyssa’s thigh.

    “You see, out of all the women in the crew, I was the only one who didn’t and couldn’t have any experience with men back then, for obvious reasons. At one point, everyone had their turn and I was left the lone virgin amongst my peers, somehow becoming our mascot as the girls started calling me Virgilin for fun and giggles. One day, during a gathering just like this, I promised that after I’m finally made into a woman… I will bring my husband on the ship… and let all my sisters here feel the joy of riding his dick alongside me!”

    Another powerful roar shakes the entire vessel and the two beautiful ladies in front of me start undressing each other while looking at me with a visible sparkle in their eyes.

    I chuckle wryly.

    “Ah, fuck. I’m in danger.”
  13. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 148 – The True Terror of the Siren Seas ❤❤❤
    The cheers and shouts of joy still travel around the entire mess hall as the women celebrate both such an outstanding occasion to have some fun and their family member finally being able to fulfil her promise. I can easily tell that they are unspeakably happy and glad as they smile and laugh at each other while waving their cups and tankards. I can only guess that the oath Lianne made wasn’t just some easily disregarded statement. Nobody would most likely blame her for not keeping it due to how insane it was but they don't have to worry about their friend’s honour anymore.

    After roaming around with my gaze, I turn to the duo sitting in front of me. Lianne and Alyssa keep their eyes on me while unhurriedly grazing their fingers over each other’s clothes. I smirk at them softly and they answer with knowing grins, taking it as a signal to move on for real.

    Before they give me an incredible show, I chuckle lightly while shaking my head. “To think you had such a past, Lianne. I would have never guessed.”

    The petite Queen giggles shyly with a tiny flush. “Are you disappointed now? My image of a gentle and noble queen must have shattered ever further in your eyes than after learning about my affliction.”

    I sigh heavily and stand up. Placing my hands on the edge of the table by the sides of Lianne’s thighs, I lean forward to bring my face in front of hers.

    “I would have thought you’d know me decently well after this much time.” I smile at her warmly. “All of it only makes you more attractive in my eyes. And that integrity, willpower, dedication of yours not to fall for even a single cock until the time was right is just so admirable. Almost as admirable as your promise.”

    She shows a brilliant smile while staring deep into my eyes. “I’m very glad that my judgement of you proved to be correct. I apologise for suddenly dragging you into all of this without speaking a word of it. You’ve been thrown into a barrel full of hungry predators just to sate my own sense of duty and obligation.”

    “I really wonder who is going to be the predator here.” I grin at her and Lianne answers with a sly smile of her own.

    “Feel free to use your ability on all the women here. Besides an unforgettable night, this is the least I can do to reward you for going along with my silly antics. It’s truly only thanks to you that I’m able to keep my promise. I don’t think there’s another man capable of satisfying an entire ship loaded with horny, raunchy girls.”

    “Are you sure?” I raise a brow at her and glance at Captain Alyssa briefly.

    “She is.” The other woman nods with a delicate smile. “No one here minds becoming your strength. We already belong to Lin, therefore we belong to you as her man too. But, keep in mind that we will always put her above you no matter what.”

    I chuckle while nodding at her appreciatively. “She’s the decision-maker in this relationship. Got it.”

    The two ladies laugh a little together and exchange glances. Then, Lianne crosses the remaining distance between us and joins our lips in a loving kiss. I push past her lips and invite her small tongue for a lively dance as we passionately make out. Her gentle palms are already massaging me down there in the meanwhile. She just can’t survive a moment without getting all touchy and feely with my dick.

    After a while, she pushes me away. “Now sit. I’ll show you how I was able to avoid getting insane from not getting my prescribed dose of cock.”

    Stealing one more kiss from her, I obediently return my ass to my seat and Lianne shows a satisfied smile. Someone’s hands lay on my shoulders from behind and I look up. A tall bombshell with dark skin and shoulder-long rusty hair starts giving me a pleasant massage while glancing down at me with a proud expression. A different girl approaches me from the side, resembling an eastern beauty, and hands me a full tankard with a quick wink before disappearing.

    Taking a sip of the quite tasty alcohol, I return my eyes to the front at the perfect time. My dear Lianne is assaulting Alyssa’s neck with sensual kisses while roaming her gentle hand over the other woman’s front. One by one, all the buttons holding up Alyssa’s uniform are skilfully led out of their holes and the captain’s white undershirt is presented to the world and me specifically.

    Lianne wastes no time and gives her friend’s fair breast a tender squeeze, evoking a quiet sigh from the blonde. It’s clear from the sharp points sticking out over the surface of the material that she doesn’t wear any bra. They clearly grow even more aroused as the lusty Queen continues to knead Alyssa’s tits with great care.

    It doesn’t take long before my lewd wife yanks the material up and causes the two, perky mountains to jiggle in front of my eyes after being freed from the tight confines. Alyssa’s sighs grow more heated as Lianne begins pinching and tickling her nipples without any more obstruction. Our eyes meet briefly and I can tell that being watched like this turns Alyssa on quite a lot. I smile knowingly at that little pervert and the rosy flush over the bridge of her nose deepens greatly.

    Then, Lianne’s palm travels down the captain’s smooth and well-toned stomach, slowly reaching the edge of the woman’s pants. Her fingers slip past the belt and Alyssa gasps adorably when Lianne’s palm runs into her heated folds.

    The Queen giggles and shakes her head. “It looks like you’ve been slacking off, Ali. Is this really how you want to present yourself to my husband? I’m so disappointed in you.”

    Before Alyssa can give any excuses, her lips get sealed mid-word by the naughty little lady. Lianne starts caressing her friend’s mound with some more affection as the two girls kiss lewdly. I observe the show while sipping on the cold drink and receiving a neat massage.

    A heartfelt moan leaves Alyssa’s lips as Lianne fingers her leaking snatch for a few moments. After showering her friend with enough care, the Queen pushes the woman onto the table and hastily peels the bottom part of Alyssa’s uniform off the pretty sailor. Finally getting a peek at the captain’s treasure, I understand what Lianne meant by her earlier words. Someone has neglected their precious place a tiny bit and Alyssa’s mature mound is decorated with an alluring carpet. Lots of glistening nectar escapes her sealed folds.

    “Ah! Lin!”

    It doesn’t seem like Alyssa expected her friend to shove her fingers into her hot channel this early and the blond-haired woman gasps in pleasure when exactly that happens. Lianne starts assaulting her pussy relentlessly as Alyssa holds a tight grip on the Queen’s small wrist. But, she doesn’t mean to inconvenience Lianne, as it seems. I get to watch and listen to the lewd smacking and wet sounds coming from the lively fingering of the slightly hairy pussy happening before me.

    “Ahhh! Ahhhh! Lin! Fuck!”

    Slight shivers pass through Alyssa’s entire body as she is brought to a small orgasm. Lianne clearly knows what she is doing or she has lots of experience behind her belt. Possibly, both. They must have spent hours pleasing each other so it wouldn’t be that surprising for Lianne to learn all the ways to make her partner cum in a flash.

    A loud cheer echoes through the chamber as the crew celebrates their captain getting off. I raise my mug with them and chuckle. Such a bizarre situation. A bunch of the women are in a greater stage of undress than they were earlier and I already spot a few making out here and there.

    No wonder. They have no idea when their turn to get railed will come so they have to pass time somehow.

    Hearing a soft thud, I look ahead again and see that Alyssa has flipped them over and yanked Lianne’s pants and panties off too. She docks herself on the Queen’s face, grabs her friend’s legs while holding them up and spreading them to the sides, and leans forward while keeping eye contact with me. Her gaze drilling into me, she unhurriedly draws her tongue over Lianne’s petite slit like a hungry but mischievous cat.

    She continues to lick Lianne’s feminine crevice and tickle her clit while they are seated in a proper sixty-nine to my great amusement. I have an incredible angle at this play and the actors are hell-bent on pleasing their audience to their utmost talents and capabilities. Watching Lianne’s royal cunt getting eaten out with truly refined, feline movements while her legs are up straight and spread is just unimaginably alluring.

    But, before things develop too far, Alyssa halts her performance and raises her mouth from her friend’s mound.

    “It would be disrespectful for me to make Lin cum before her husband does so. Come in. She is all yours.”

    She spreads Lianne’s legs a little more, just enough to open her precious place a tiny bit. Someone takes my tankard away and two other women help me stand up. A third one joins as they all work together to get me out of my suit. I could get rid of it in a flash but I let them have some fun with it, allowing them to explore my body as they carry out their duty.

    In just a few seconds, I’m buck naked and the trio shows wide smiles at me as they roam their fingers all over my muscles. They purr and moan into my ears, clearly eager to have me for themselves, but they don’t cross that line and instead lead me closer to their awaiting friend. I feel three pecks on my cheeks before the helpers disappear as I near Lianne’s opening.

    Alyssa locks her gaze on my face while breathing a little heavily. My loving wife must be working hard on her pussy in the meanwhile so I should do my best to reward that effort properly. Showing a smirk to the dazzling captain, I get a hold of Lianne’s waist and thrust myself into her hole in one go.


    A single cry of pleasure escapes the petite lady’s lips before they get sealed by the more mature-looking woman’s fragrant lily once more. Keeping my face right in front of Alyssa’s as she sits up, I start pounding the hell out of our mutual, freaky friend. She seems to find it really hot as her eyes can’t stop boring into my waist as my dick repeatedly disappears in Lianne’s depths and comes back to the edges of her folds.

    Suddenly, Alyssa looks up at me and shows a dazzling smile. “I would have never thought that I would see the day when I truly get to watch our little Lin getting railed like a true member of the crew. You have no idea how happy this sight makes me. I can tell that you are fucking her good.”

    A chuckle escapes my lips. “I haven’t even started yet.”

    She blinks a few times as I lean forward and kiss her. Albeit surprised at first, she quickly reciprocates the gesture and we exchange some sloppy kisses as I keep pumping in and out of Lianne. Since Alyssa holds her steady, I move my hands to the captain’s fair breasts and give them some gentle attention, involving a bit of mana in my fingers.

    Alyssa’s moans pass through my lips as she enjoys the new pleasure. She starts rocking her hips back and forth over Lianne’s face to get herself off even more. These two are just so fucking hot it’s unthinkable.

    But, I have plenty of other women to satisfy and a limited amount of time to achieve that so let’s step it up, shall we?

    Delicately pushing Alyssa away a bit, I give her a soft smile. She catches up on my intentions fast and smiles back with a nod. I grip Lianne’s thin sides once more and plough into her like there is no tomorrow. Alyssa moves back on her knees and steps off Lianne’s mouth, starting to masturbate instead not to lose her current progress. She watches me with anticipation, flicking her bean before my eyes.

    “Ohhh! Ohhhh! Al!”

    Lianne finds my gaze and I lean forward to peck her forehead, effectively bringing her legs closer to her body as her knees rest over my shoulders. She shows a brief smile before diving into the depths of ecstasy once more. I bounce off her pussy like a jackhammer at this point, her nectar splattering around from how wet and turned on she is. Her tight, narrow channel tugs me so hard it feels like I can barely pull out from her death grip. Yet, she still can take all of that with pure pleasure.

    “Ohhh! Ohhh! Harder! Ohhh! Ohhh! Show them that I can fuck too!” she pleads and I obviously have to oblige.

    I move my arms under Lianne’s armpits to grab her shoulders from behind and pick her up. Her legs are still pressed into my shoulders and I start ravaging her royal cunt standing right in front of the table. Alyssa gets a great look at the rough thrusts and a small crowd gathers around us. Some of the women please themselves or even each other, with their hands either over their breasts or in their panties, if they have any.

    “Ohhhh! Ohhhh! Yesss! Do you all see?!” Lianne shouts amidst her cries, running her gaze over all the nearby spectators. “I’m getting fucked so hard my pussy is louder than my voice! I’m no longer Virgilin! I’m getting my tight hole hammered without abandon!”

    To help illustrate her words and prove her point, I drive myself even stronger into Lianne’s love nest, dragging her even closer into my body. I’m bending her slim frame hard while pistoning into her as rough as she wishes for it. She glances at me for a second and shows a delighted little grin as her eyes sparkle with excitement and lust.

    “Ohhhh! Ohhhh! See?! Ohhhh! He has folded me in half like a toy! Ohhh! Ohhh! I’m taking his godly dick all the way inside! Ohhh! And now! Ohhh! I’m going to get creampied right in my womb!”

    That statement seems to raise some murmurs and surprised glances but I ignore those for the moment as my dear Lianne lets go of all her stored energy and comes on my cock hard. Her incredible passage snuggles my member with powerful constrictions and I drive myself into her deepest depths. She screams into the ceiling as I burst into her furthest place, filling her up with an abundant load of hot, cloudy delicacy. Bit by bit, I flood her womb with my seed to the brim.

    After catching her breath, Lianne slowly climbs off me, still delicately gasping for air as she looks around at everyone. A steady trail of white leaks out of her petite slit and drips onto the wooden planks. It clearly catches the attention of quite some women.

    “There is one thing I didn’t tell you,” Lianne says and rests her hand on my chest as everyone’s gazes are fixed on her creampied mound. “He can decide to impregnate his partner or not. So, whoever wishes to, can get creampied to their heart’s content without a single worry. That is my gift to you all.”

    Silence falls onto the mess hall as even the girls enjoying various activities in the corners have grown quiet in an instant. Everyone seems frozen as the petite lady next to me shows a wide grin. Even Alyssa looks to be taken aback, her mouth hanging open with her fingers half-deep in her snatch.

    Then, in one unison, a powerful roar shakes the ship as all the women cheer together with an unseen before vigour. Some girls start literally shaking and screaming at each other so I guess getting a load in their pussies isn’t something that common. They most likely like to stay as safe as possible even if they have access to ways that prevent pregnancy to some degree. I gotta help them out later.

    Lianne glances at me and we share a nod. Then, we both look at Alyssa with wide smiles. My lovely Queen pecks my cheek and gives my ass a slap to get me moving towards the blonde presenting herself to me on top of the table like the most exquisite dish.

    I climb onto the circular surface and crawl closer to the sexy captain. Her gaze jumps between my eyes and my hard, bobbing cock. I smirk at her and gently pull her fingers out of the wet embrace of her folds.

    “Your turn now. Are you ready?”

    She gives the invisible prompt that appears before her a quick glance and accepts it without a moment of hesitation. Alyssa then lets herself fall to the back with a soft thump and moves her slender fingers to her precious place. With a tame blush over her light skin, she uses her palms to spread her delicious pussy decorated with a sprinkle of golden hair for me as invitingly as she can while gently biting on her lower lip.

    “Please… Inside too…”

    I smile at her warmly and grab my member while moving closer. She eyes it attentively so I give my cock a few nice bobs before pressing the tip into her hot entrance. I don’t tease Alyssa for too long as it looks like her teeth are going to puncture her lip if I continue to rub my glans into her opening too much. She exhales softly as I slip the tip in and gradually enter her cuddly embrace inch by inch. Her amazing passage welcomes me all in and her puffy lips kiss my underbelly with a wet peck.

    A few whistles and some clapping reach my ears as the crew celebrates their captain getting nailed. I lean over Alyssa’s charming body and bring my lips close to hers.

    “Anything for my precious Lianne’s friend,” I whisper with a smile.

    “Then fuck me like you want to break me. Dick me down to the ocean’s floor,” she replies with a sultry tone.

    “Alright. You might want to hold onto something, then.”

    She hastily wraps her arms around my neck as I draw myself back and drive my cock right back into that hungry hole of hers. A loud groan escapes Alyssa’s throat as her entire body jumps up from the mighty thrust and she rolls her eyes from the pleasure. Having confirmed that she truly can take this much dick, I get to work immediately.

    “Ah, fuck! Ahhhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!”

    Alyssa’s moans reach the heavens right from the start. She does her best to keep her eyes on my face as I aim to wreck her pussy as per her own request. Loud, wet slaps echo through the air under the hammering her hairy cunt receives. To silence the beautiful sailor lady a little, I seal her mouth with mine and invite her tongue for a dance.

    Muffled noises replace her moans as I reaffirm my grip on Alyssa’s hips and drive myself forward even harder after she’s gotten to experience a little bit of this rough fuck. I’m going to fulfil her wish bit by bit while checking often if she is alright getting blasted this hard. But, from what I can see, she is one hell of a woman and I have no doubts about her being a tough badass perfectly fitting the position of the captain.

    “Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Harder! Fuck me rougher!”

    She seems to pick up on my thoughts somehow and begs for even more. I don’t see any other options than to turn her into a trembling, shivering mess, then. Leaving her delicious lips for now, I push myself more into her, pressing into her thighs harder. Grabbing them firmly, I pound her yearning hole hard enough for her ass to smack into the table underneath us and bounce back for her pussy to get stabbed once more, completing the cycle.

    “Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Fuck yes! Ahhhh! That’s how fucking should be like!”

    The poor table seems to disagree as it starts releasing louder and louder creaking noises with each push. It’s of no surprise with how fast and hard I hammer Alyssa’s body into its wooden surface. The cacophony of her cries, the obscene noises her sopping pussy makes, and the thudding of wood creates an entire orchestra.

    And yet, she wants more.

    Doing my best to satisfy the needy captain, I take a glance around and spot Lianne in the far back, still buck naked, of course, and with plenty of white trails over her slim legs now as she clearly doesn’t bother doing anything about the flood of cum escaping her petite pussy. Next to her, I find my other lovely wives, having a conversation with the nympho Queen.

    That sight makes me realise that all of them have at some point left the table and wandered off somewhere. Now it makes sense. There was no reaction from any of them as during Lianne’s grand speech. They must have been in on this for some time already, knowing that if they remained close by, I would choose to satisfy their needs first before moving on to Lianne’s friends.

    At least, from what I can tell, neither Cornelia nor anyone else is bothered by this sudden situation too much. I would have thought that she would be a little bit opposed to such a massive orgy but she seems fine. She’s slowly getting corrupted, I guess. Though, there’s no way she would be joining something like this ever even if she has nothing against letting it happen. It takes a certain kind of special to get manhandled in front of tens of people you know personally while shouting at them to watch closely as your pussy gets destroyed.

    In any way, I’m glad to see them still enjoy the evening to some extent and return my focus to the wriggling and jumping body of the blonde beauty currently getting dicked down under me.

    Unfortunately, my momentary lack of attention results in me being slightly too late in noticing the quiet cracking noise coming from under her. With another heavy thrust into Alyssa’s marvellous pussy, the entire table literally splits in half in the very middle and I manage to shield her head as we fall to the ground. She groans and lets out a long whine as I spear into her pussy with the weight of my body.

    Almost immediately, Alyssa’s insides squeeze my member with lots of love as she enters her high. I watch her writhe and tremble in pleasure, riding her orgasm amongst pieces and splinters of the wooden table. I wait for her to finish fully while slowing my motions a little to only caress her womanhood instead of treating it roughly. She soon regains control of her face and shows a warm, slightly drunk in pleasure smile.

    “You didn’t cum…” she purrs at me.

    I chuckle lightly. “Sorry. That took me by surprise. I’m going to make it up to you, I promise. But, we gotta switch it up if we don’t want to sink this ship.”

    She laughs heartily and the enchanting sound of her voice makes me smile too. “That would be a way to go for the Terror of the Siren Seas. Sunk by getting a hole fucked through her hull. I kind of want to see if you can do it.”

    I grin at her. “Let’s try to make one, then.”

    Alyssa yelps in surprise as I yank her up and she starts chuckling. After getting us both to our feet, I carefully smack her booty and all of her back to get rid of any splinters or other annoying, prickly things. Then, I grab her wrist and march to the side, passing through the encirclement of women. Reaching the furthest wall, I shove Alyssa into it to her giggling satisfaction.

    Right after she bounces off it softly, I push myself into her from behind, evoking a surprised gasp from the alluring captain. She peeks over her shoulder as I bring one of her arms behind her back and hold it locked there in a tight grip. She watches me intently until I start thrusting into her dripping snatch from below, pinning her right into the wall.

    She spreads her legs a little bit more to give me better access to her thirsty lily and I proceed to hammer her ass so hard that her tummy smacks into the wall with each thrust. She moans gorgeously, clearly enjoying the rough treatment and getting more than just off on it. I can feel how wet she is as her love nectar basically drowns my cock with her thick arousal. The floorboards under us are getting sprinkled with her juices which are drawn out of her passage by my pistoning member.

    “Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Is this all you can do?” she asks with a spark of excitement in her pretty eyes. “Ahhh! Ahhh! I had common dock guards handcuff me rougher! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!”

    “Fine. You asked for it. I’m not stopping until you get knocked out cold.”

    I catch a brief, happy smile on her lips before it gets crooked in delight as I twist her other arm behind her back and grab her short, blond hair with my free hand, yanking it down with quite some force. Both of her limbs now restricted, she is fully at my mercy, with her head cocked to the back.

    “Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Fuck yes! Ahhh! Fuck me! Ahhhh!”

    I really thought she was a captain with some more decorum but it looks like it takes just one decent dick to throw all that out of the window and right into the sea. I guess it’s quite a fun and sexy gap in her personality. You wouldn’t expect her to be such a slut at first sight. She’s the true captain of this bunch in more ways than one.

    Fucking Alyssa as hard as I can into the wooden wall, I notice that we’ve gathered our own little crowd. A few girls sit down right behind me and smack their pussies to the view of their captain’s slit getting obliterated. The others stand around and cheer me on to show Alyssa who is the man here.

    What a crazy bunch.

    Pulling on her hair a bit more, I look at all of them with a smile and increase my pace. They cheer even louder as Alyssa’s face twists in pure joy, her mouth hanging open. Her ass, thighs, and stomach are so red from getting repeatedly hit that it’s no joke. I can’t imagine how tough this girl is.

    “Ahhhh! Ahhh! Fuck! Cumming again! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

    I keep the pace steady and as inconspicuous as I can while Alyssa plunges into her orgasm. She tries to escape from the overloading pleasure but I hold her down without an issue. After she is deep into her climax, I let go of her hair and focus on holding her wrists behind her back.

    A loud, continuous groan leaves her throat as I begin to swing my hips fast and hard enough for her entire body to be bumped into the air. The mighty smacking of flesh against flesh and wet splats fill the air as she barely keeps herself on her tiptoes from my fucking. The other women cheer energetically seeing their leader getting ravaged amidst her orgasm.

    I hammer into Alyssa’s quivering passage until she is thrown into another climax right after the first one and I finally let her free by releasing a big load inside her hot embrace. A wide smile paints her lips as her entire frame shivers and trembles, her feet hanging inches above the floor as she remains nailed on my cock like a decoration.

    After I finish filling her up, I release my hold on her completely. She falls limply to the ground with a fine smack and keeps twitching down there while letting out a small groan now and then. A river of white flows out of her puffy, swollen folds.

    Mission accomplished.

    Wiping my forehead of sweat, I turn around. The girls have brought a new table next to us and there’s an obvious queue in front of it as one particular woman sits on her knees on top of it. It’s clear what their intentions are and it’s just so amusing.

    “Alright. Let me just take a sip of something and we can begin,” I say, putting my hands on my hips.

    Quicker than I can finish my sentence, two women drop to their knees and begin worshipping my cock with unshakable devotion. I chuckle at them and brush through their hair as their lick and suck me clean as if their life depends on it. Then, I see another lady approach from ahead and notice her proud grin as she holds a bottle of some fancy wine.

    “Let me quench your thirst then, handsome. Ladies! Some help!”

    I watch two strong women rip the bottle holder’s clothes off and lift her up into the air. Leaning her to the back, they spread her legs in front of me like on those chairs in a gynaecologist’s office and position her pretty, fully-shaven pussy in front of my lips.

    The upheld lady smiles at me impishly and uncorks the bottle. I instantly catch on and move my lips closer to her lovely mound. She then pours the scarlet liquid over her chest and I watch as the crimson river heads down between her peaks, over her stomach, and then into the valley down below.

    She nibbles on her lower lip as I start lapping up as much of the alcohol as I can, obviously, eating her out in the process as it flows over her mound and slit. My server chuckles happily amongst the little gasps and moans as I suck all of it off her pussy. These women are damn creative, I have to admit that.

    To reward her a bit for such an incredible idea, I sneak two fingers into her hole from below and tickle a few possibly good spots. It’s met with an instant reaction and her voice grows louder. Soon, her hands start shaking enough for her to splash the wine all over her tits and stomach. But no one minds the waste so I keep finger-fucking her until she gets off, at which point the bottle slips away from her grasp and shatters on the floor.

    Licking all the remaining liquid off her body, I thank the lady with a peck on the lips and leave her in the hands of her two friends. Not delaying the upcoming event any further, I head to the prepared table and lie down on top of it on my back, extending a hand to the first woman sitting next to me.

    She literally squeals in delight before mounting me with one, impressive jump. I grunt as she falls onto me, stabbing herself deep with my cock. Her eyes roll almost all the way to the back of her head. But, a moment later, she is bouncing her hips up and down like she hasn’t just nailed her precious place on a hard pole with all her weight.

    From that point, Lianne’s promise comes true. All the different women get to ride me alongside their little Lin. My lovely wife often pays the fucking table a visit to chat with me or sit on my face whenever it’s available. I love the sight of her petite body towering over me as my tongue explores her tight pussy. She enjoys it as much, judging from her brilliant smile and the way she delicately grinds her soft folds into my mouth while tenderly grazing my cheeks.

    Of course, cowgirl or reverse cowgirl is not all that happens for how many hours. At one point, the table breaks again as a slightly chubby girl gets her turn. A real THICC babe in its full definition. That event evokes quite some laughs and cheers as the women keep joking that out of the two, it’s better that the table broke rather than the dick.

    That’s when we switch to a more free-for-all-whatever-you-want. I get to have fun with all the nice and cheerful women in the positions they love, often presenting them with a deep creampie in the end, which seems to be a delicacy to them.

    Standing doggy while supporting yourself on something in the front is a quite popular choice. They love getting taken from behind and feeling the force pushing them back and forth. No surface at waist-high gets spared either as they are prime places to be used for some rough affection. I even get to snack on a few nice fish dishes while nailing a busty babe in the middle of them, using her back as a table, which amuses her greatly as she tries her best not to shake off my plates.

    Honestly, it's a little tough remembering who is who and what they look like with such a wide range of beautiful women all around constantly switching with each other or mingling together. All colours of skin, hair, and eyes flash in front of me as I enjoy a great time with their owners. A plethora of body types accompanies them too, though most of the girls are really fit or even neatly muscled. They look damn hot, especially after working out some squats over a cock with a wide smile.

    Alyssa's two officers get their hands on me and sandwich my cock between their pussies together. It seems that they are in great sync not just in terms of their responsibilities but also in bed. I relish in their caresses while taking in the sights of their marvellous breasts and cleanly-shaven mounds. They receive three loads in total, with one of them ending up all over their chests from the time they give my member a fine massage with their lower lips.

    There’s this one short girl who asks me to destroy her throat while she hangs upside down from the nearby chandelier. She is a true pro at blowjobs and her throat is just something else. Naturally, I grant her wish and fuck her until she can’t take it anymore while caressing her modest breasts.

    Out of all the women, there comes only one asking for some anal and that’s when I bring out our prized lube. She gets off with it so damn hard that she keeps squirting as far as she can see from just the slightest pumps I give to her tight ring after she gets used to it. She’s a literal hydrant on demand, triggered by a cock shoved up her ass.

    The unusual scene catches the attention of many other women and suddenly, hell breaks loose.

    They always thought that anal couldn’t be anything but painful and it is just a thing for some specific people but after trying our lube and listening to me talk about how to properly play with your ass after some preparation and simple magic to clean stuff up as I show that in practice, causing another girl to faint from the new sensations, everyone wants a try.

    Girls literally form body towers with their asses sticking out to get a dick in their backdoors quicker and I have to swap between their holes all the time. Things turn quite messy really fast as a few of the pile-up participants turn out to be squirters too and sprinkle their friends with their juices from getting their narrow tunnels pounded.

    All in all, the mess hall turns exactly into what its name suggests, a mess hall. A few tables end up shattered into pieces and the remaining ones are all covered with a plethora of love juices and semen, obviously. Wherever you direct your gaze, there are always at least two women lying somewhere or over something, groaning in post-coital bliss, drunk after celebrating getting their holes blasted marvellously, or simply knocked out.

    I’ve lost count of how many pussies I creampied somewhere around halfway. It’s been a great test of my cumming capabilities since I haven’t been part of such a huge event for some time. It looks like my enhanced body is still able to keep up with the increased demand.

    Until all the girls get their requests turned into reality, I keep working hard and rough oftentimes. I’ve quickly learned that the more timid ladies are the ones with the most creative ways of getting fucked. Some of the shy girls have waited till the very end to ask if it would be okay to receive some affection too.

    You would think that they want to cuddle while enjoying some gentle strokes but nah, these freaks want all their limbs bound and twisted at all angles while hanging upside down from the ceiling at exactly thirty-seven degrees while having their clits vacuumed and buttholes fisted. Bonus points for planting their face in your balls and sucking on them like there's no tomorrow.

    But, well, I do get to spend some slower time with a few women for a very nice and lovely end. Lianne stays with us to the very last group of unsatisfied girls and joins in to help them get a little bolder. They are by no means inexperienced, just shy around others or strangers, mostly. And that makes them even more precious as they are obviously still part of their big family.

    Finally, when nothing moves anymore, I can take a breather and Lianne giggles at me. We exchange glances and I adore her quite dirty body. With how much she put herself between the women and me, and with how much of my own love she took in, she looks like a little disaster, stained with all kinds of liquids, including drinks and beverages.

    “I didn’t think you would be able to do it with everyone. They look so happy,” she says quietly as we look at the bar with two women hung over it and their holes dripping with white.

    I chuckle, shaking my head. “Your definition of happy is totally skewed.”

    She giggles and hugs me from the side. “Perhaps. But you are the only one who can bring that happiness out of me and my people.”

    “Right. Right.” I kiss her cheek. “Shall we clean them up or something?”

    “Don’t worry. It’s not their first orgy. Although, I guess the first one with everyone getting a load in.” She giggles again while roaming her gaze over all the carnage. “They will handle themselves well in the morning. Let’s go to our quarters. I’ve stolen you for a long time already. I need to bring you back to your very understanding wives before they get angry at me.”

    “What about the ship? Is anyone keeping a look on it?” I ask as she leads me out of the mess hall.

    “Ali is already back at her station. She might turn into a total slut in the hands of a professional but she takes her responsibilities seriously. We can stop by the helm if you would like.”

    We do exactly that and find Alyssa wandering around the helm and taking note of all the things involved with steering the ship and some other stuff.

    Still completely naked.

    She spots us and shows a soft smile, clearly back to her captain persona, minus the lack of clothes. I can still see the evidence from our rough scuffle very clearly all over her stunning body.

    Lianne nudges me with her elbow and I step closer to exchange some tender caresses with the captain before we move away. She joins us for a few kisses and we leave after she reminds Alyssa not to overwork herself and take a moment to recover from the dicking she received. Her swollen pussy is still dripping with my cum all over the helm.

    Soon, we reach our quarters and join Cornelia, Neira, Safi, Emi, and Meru who are lounging all over it. My incredible magician wife smirks at me openly after seeing our state and I get the feeling that this entire expedition will be fun like hell.
  14. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 149 – An Enjoyable Voyage
    “So, are you done sticking your dick into every single hole on this ship?” Cornelia raises a brow at me, still keeping her playful smirk up.

    I wink at her as we both walk towards each other. “I’m pretty sure there are still a few that have been left unexplored. Should we fix that right now?”

    She chuckles as I wrap my arms around her waist from the front. “You are just insatiable. After nailing so many girls, you still have energy for more?”

    Leaning forward, I place a loving kiss on her delicious lips. “For my beloved wife? I’ll never run out.”

    “And I can confirm that.” Lianne giggles happily from behind me, throwing herself onto my shoulders, causing her feet to dangle in the air. “As you can see, he is still as hard as ever. I’ve had my share so you are welcome to take all of him for yourself now.”

    Cornelia snorts while rolling her eyes at the naked, petite Queen hanging off my back. “I’m not a sex maniac like you are. I won’t die if I don’t stick a dick into my pussy for more than a day.”

    “I won’t either. Alastair provided me with incredible replacements.” Lianne grins impishly.

    “Goddess…” My lovely magician wife sighs restlessly.

    I chuckle softly and steal some more tender pecks from her. “I sympathise with you so much. I’m only starting to grasp how tough it must have been for you during all those years.”

    “You can’t even imagine…” She shakes her head with a wry smile. “But, if that was necessary for my life to arrive at the point at which it currently is, then I have no regrets. I would have followed the exact same path as many times as necessary if it meant that I would end up by your side.”

    A faint, modest flush paints Cornelia’s cheeks as her charming eyes gaze straight into mine. I let her be the one to initiate a few delicate kisses now while gently brushing over her back without any inappropriate intentions.

    “It’s so unlike you to say things like this.” I pull her a little bit more into me. “Did my actions make you feel a bit insecure again? Just so you know, I would throw all of it away at a moment’s notice if only you gave a single word. You are one of the main characters in my life. You get to decide how it progresses. Not them.”

    A brilliant smile slowly makes its way onto Cornelia’s lips as she listens to my words. She then leaves one more peck on my lips and rests her forehead on my free shoulder.

    “I know. And I’m unspeakably happy to hear that,” she whispers into my ear. “You don’t have to worry about me feeling inferior after you just wrapped up a ship-wide orgy. I just felt like saying it for no particular reason. You can’t be the only one making such grand statements to the people you love, right?”

    As we lovingly hug each other, I feel the mischievous Queen slide off my back and give us some space. She might be a complete sex fiend but she is also a smart and caring woman, especially towards her friends and those she considers her family. It takes much more than her craving for cock to do anything hurtful for the people she loves unconditionally. It has been proven many times during the period between her husband’s passing and us getting together.

    “So, how much did you drink?” I ask with a soft smirk after a minute or two.

    “Asshole!” Cornelia smacks my head from above and lets out an almost uncontrollable giggle. “Seriously…”

    “Am I wrong?” I keep grinning at her as she draws her face back.

    “No, you aren’t. I just hate the fact that you always know what to say to make me lose my composure.” She sighs heavily with the wide smile still ever-present on her dazzling face. “As you can see, I’m not yet drunk enough to drop to my knees and suck you off on sight. That should be a pretty good measurement, right?”

    I chuckle as we finally break the embrace. “Why do your eyes constantly jump down as if you are about to feast on some sausage, then?”

    Another mighty smack lands on my head while Cornelia giggles sweetly with a deeper blush.

    “It’s been poking me in the belly all the time we hugged. Am I really the one to blame here?” She smirks.

    I raise my hands in surrender. “Fine, fine. Let me grab something to take it off your eyes. It’s obviously all this guy’s fault.”

    She hastily grabs my wrist with a snort. “Did I say anything about it being unpleasant to look at? Don’t you dare get rid of the only source of entertainment in this room.”

    “Hey! There are plenty of sources of entertainment in my cabin!” Lianne steps out from behind me and rests her small fists on her petite hips, still buck naked like I am.

    “All the explicit novels and texts describing sex positions do not count.” Cornelia squints at her while crossing her arms under her ample chest. “I can’t believe that’s the only thing besides clothes that you keep in here. How could you have lived in this place?”

    “They are not all.” The lewd Queen huffs at her, pushing her very modest chest out. “There’s also a secret compartment under the bed with the items that helped me pass plenty of lonely nights on the sea.”

    Cornelia groans while rolling her eyes, evoking a playful giggle from the shorter woman, and turns around to head towards the big bed which is currently occupied by all the other girls. They’ve moved to it while we’ve been speaking in the middle of the cabin. She climbs on top of it and drops herself flat on her back with another tired sigh.

    I pick up the little lady by my side in a princess carry and follow the sexy magician. Seeing me approaching, Safi and Emi get rid of their maid uniforms and quickly return to their formless states, becoming massive blobs of blue and green jelly. They ooze themselves towards the headboard and spread to the sides. After a few short moments, they shape themselves almost like one big pillow reaching the far ends of the mattress.

    Stepping onto the bed, I move to its middle and turn around before sitting down. With Lianne still in my arms, I lie on my back and sink into the slightly chilly but extremely comfy slime cushion. My shoulders and back literally plunge into Safi’s fluffiness like in those delicate bean sofas.

    The other girls follow my lead and rest their bodies against the incredible duo too, exhaling in bliss. The two rounded blocks of slime made up of Safi’s and Emi’s bodies accept us into their embrace like something straight out of heaven. It feels like we are lying on a divine cloud.

    Taking a glance around me past Cornelia, Lianne, Neira, and Meru, I observe the sapphire-emerald piece of bedding.

    “I didn’t know you could do something like that,” I comment as my eyes stop at the clear fusion between these two jelly cuties, announced by the straight line separating their colours. “You girls come up with the most incredible ideas. First the body suit, now this.”

    ~Safi and Emi can do much, much more, Master!~ Emi’s joyful voice plays out in my head. ~Do you like it, Master?~

    ~Thanks to the multiple advances we’ve gone through with the help of your seed and affection, Master, we gained a lot of minor abilities,~ Safi chimes in too. ~We are now very close to evolving, actually.~

    “Oh shit, really?” My brows rise in surprise. “I would have thought you needed so much more time before that could happen. And yeah, Emi, I love it.”

    “You’ve been pumping them full of your love a lot.” Cornelia chuckles from my side. “It’s a natural course of things considering your abilities. I’ve been wondering what will be their next evolution, though. Slime Monarch? Slime Emperor? I’ve heard and read only legends about those creatures.”

    “I guess we will have to wait and see.” I smile, lovingly grazing Emi’s slime. “I’ll need to spend lots of time with you two during this voyage. It’s the perfect moment for you to gain some power.”

    “Speaking of power, how are you feeling?” Neira joins in for the first time since we came in.

    “Why?” I raise a brow at my lovely artist wife.

    Lianne turns around to plop herself flat on her belly on top of me and supports her adorable, smiling face on her elbows.

    “You just fucked about thirty women who consented to your Love Contract, no?” She giggles softly. “Even if their Bond Level is all at one, that should be quite a haul.”

    “Great.” Cornelia groans quietly. “All that power is definitely going to get to his head.”

    “Which one?” I glance at her with a playful grin.

    She snorts and slugs me in the side, causing the other head to wiggle around. It makes her shake her head at her own actions and I refocus my attention back on the topic at hand.

    “I don’t feel that much different but the stats coming to me through all the bonds have already been unimaginable. Let’s take a peek at them now, shall we?” I share a look with all the girls and bring out my status window as they huddle up together around me, including the silent and calm Meru.


    “Goddess almighty…” Cornelia shudders into my side. “Some of them are now almost halfway to a thousand… How much more broken can you even get…”

    “Do you remember the values from before the orgy?” Lianne asks with a curious gaze.

    “Not the exact numbers but I’m sure that they rose by around eighty points on average, more or less,” I reply, stroking my chin. “This is a really insane gift, Lianne. Looks like I will need to be even more careful around the ship or I might truly punch a hole in its hull with my dick.”

    The Queen giggles alluringly. “You just need to sheathe it into something before you decide to smack your waist into any walls. I’m always there to be of service if you get a sudden urge to swing your hips wildly for no reason.”

    “Can you stop turning everything into a sex scene?” Cornelia rubs her forehead. “Though, it’s not like you are completely wrong. He really would need something to cushion all that potential force.”

    “Don’t worry. I’m sure he would love it if you were the one to offer your aid too. I think you would be perfect, rather. He could lock your limbs to it with the chains you love so muc—mwwhhhhmmmmmmm!”

    Lianne doesn’t get to finish her sentence as Cornelia quickly puts her hand over the short lady’s mouth with a rising blush on her embarrassed face. I chuckle at her, place a reassuring kiss on her crimson cheek, and take her hand away from Lianne’s lips.

    “Let’s both stop teasing our beloved friend before she really gets angry with us, alright?” I ask the frivolous Queen.

    She pouts for a brief moment but then smiles beautifully. “Fine. I should be more thankful for our dear Cornelia for letting me drag you into that situation. I promise to be a good girl for a while. But, I hope you can reward me for it later.”

    “Sure. Whatever you wish, my Queen.” I wink at her.

    “I would be careful with that.” Cornelia smirks at me. “You aren’t the only one suddenly getting a surge of stats and power. The portion all of us receive from you has just grown substantially too, and that means that this horndog will become even more inexhaustible. Even you might start having trouble keeping up with her.”

    I shudder at the very thought of Lianne turning even more ferocious in bed, taking me for entire marathons of nothing but constant sex for weeks. If she is able to do that, she will definitely do it at one point. Period. Her fleshy limits are the only thing that is keeping her cock-craving urges in check. If those are gone, Goddess watch over me…

    “I wonder how much I have now. It’s definitely nothing as great as Alastair but I should be a little bit stronger, right?” Lianne ponders out loud and summons her own status screen for all of us to see.


    “Goddess take me…” Cornelia fakes fainting. “To think that a Human of the current era can even see these numbers…”

    The Queen giggles as a wide smile curves her dainty lips. “Don’t be so melodramatic, my dear Cornelia. You must have not checked yours for quite a moment. As far as I know, your Tier was higher than mine since you were able to enjoy the benefits our husband provides much earlier than me.”

    Rolling her eyes, my enchanting magician brings up her window too and instantly pales. With just one glance, I can confirm that her numbers are way higher, including those in the brackets. It seems that Lianne is still settling herself in with everything that happened and her bond with me hasn’t reached the maximum level yet. Not that I need it to, of course.

    All the girls follow the trend and a rainbow of status windows floats in front of us. I bring Safi’s and Emi’s out too to complete the collection. No matter the Bond Level, everyone here gets at least a hundred points per stat. Even the usually collected Meru shows lots of shock and awe at the quantification of her strength.

    “With this, you should be able to take your revenge with ease.” I reach out and pat her head with a gentle smile. “We are going to obliterate all those smelly monsters with no issue and bring your home back to how it was.”

    She turns her head to look straight at me. “I didn’t know I would receive so much for becoming your mate. I thought receiving your help in saving my reef as one of the females in your care would be a lot already.”

    Lianne finally rolls off my chest and crawls to the sharkgirl, hugging Meru from the side.

    “Fufufu~ Our husband is just this devoted. He wants the best for his women and gives them the best. That includes part of his love, but also part of himself and his strength. He isn’t like all those males that give nothing back, right?” She smiles kindly at our aquatic friend.

    “Well, she is right about at least one thing.” I scratch my cheek awkwardly. “My strength is certainly yours to use. I would have lent it to you if I could even without you becoming my lover.”

    “Thank you so much, Alastair. I’m really glad I found you. And that you accepted me,” Meru replies with the faintest hint of a blush on her darkening cheeks. “Thank you for accepting me too, everyone.”

    “There’s no need for that.” Neira smiles at her sweetly. “From the moment Alastair chose you, we are like sisters. We could tell what kind of a person you are right from the day you joined us so there’s no way we would have anything against you. Even now, I can feel your feelings towards him being real.”

    We huddle up even more for some pleasant cuddles, caressing our dazzling, valiant shark friend. Though, with just me and Lianne lacking clothes, it turns a little awkward rather quickly and the other women actually decide to shed their own apparel instead of telling us to dress up. That’s how we somehow end up as a pile of naked bodies rubbing against each other. Meru ends up in the centre, in my arms, and everyone snuggles to her chilly skin as I tenderly rub her tail, bringing out cute sighs from the fierce sharkgirl.

    But, even with this much skin contact and a very relaxed mood, it doesn’t evolve into anything more than some loving touches and gentle kisses. Even Lianne is somehow able to control herself not to reach for my cock, perhaps thanks to the fact that it’s been inside her quite a bunch of times in recent hours.

    After talking some more about our numbers, we all agree to hit the bed, in the proper way. I thought it would take a longer moment to get used to the ship’s dynamics but I zone out pretty fast with all those beauties resting on my body. I guess the presence of the people you love and care about can truly ease your mind out of anything.

    When we arrive in the mess hall in the morning, the entire place is already completely clean, without a single drop of last night’s evidence in sight. Well, perhaps except for the missing tables and slightly disfigured wooden planks here and there, around the spots where I went a little bit harder on a girl or two.

    But, most of the women are happily sharing breakfast together when we walk in, with the remaining ones most likely at their stations while the majority of the crew can leisurely enjoy some food. Needless to say, we are noticed instantly and the hall erupts in a greeting cheer as everyone looks my way with smiles or grins.

    I receive a lot of respectful nods and heartfelt thanks as we walk to an empty table. It seems that they are all quite grateful for getting to experience some demigod dick. A few girls which I remember messing up greatly even bring us the best foods they have kept away from their starving sailor sisters. That’s how we are served even when it’s usually a grab-what-you-can dinner.

    It’s surprising to see so many of them already recovered from the intense experience but then I remember that they do have a few healers in their ranks. That’s most likely also why they don’t have to worry much about drinking too much. All the women look way too bright and happy for them to be on a heavy hangover. They have somehow taken care of it, and the other damage their bodies accumulated, especially the vulnerable parts.

    As we chat amongst ourselves while eating, many women come and go, switching with those who have yet to get their fill. Captain Alyssa remains in the mess and oversees everything. Now, with a connection between us, I can feel even better how much she cares for her crew. She will not let a single person skip breakfast no matter how busy they are. But, I think her family knows that well so I don’t expect anyone to willingly go against her nature.

    Finishing our meal, we move with the officers to the main deck to observe our new, temporary companions work on the ship. Right from the start, I’m a little bit surprised and perhaps confused. I expected them to be real pros at everything they do after having a taste the previous day but the crew seems to be moving rather… awkward and uncertain.

    One of the officer ladies quickly explains that everyone is still confused by the sudden change in them and that they need to get accustomed to it. After asking her what she means, she mentions that they all woke up feeling different, stronger, better, and so on. Since many of the tasks have long been ingrained in their muscle memory, with that change, they are now making tens of little mistakes. They need to relearn their own bodies again.

    I chuckle wryly at that while shaking my head. Even if it’s just a Level 1 bond, it surely affects their lives greatly. Lianne proceeds to explain everything about it to the two women accompanying us and I confirm that the source of this is actually me. They don’t accept my apologies and instead shower me with praise and thanks again, with one of them running off to tell the captain.

    Honestly, I don’t mind them getting a little bit empowered. They are Lianne’s family so I have trust that they won’t abuse their newly gained strength. Even if some of the women might be a tad rough, I can feel that they are good people deep down. Lianne’s father must have really expended so much effort to build up such a perfect crew. If only he knew what was happening on this ship all the time with so many horny girls around her, hahaha. It’s not like Lianne needed a meat stick to go all out if only she wanted. There were plenty of other options walking by on their own two legs and the lack of a thing between them.

    It’s a little bit comical watching everyone stumble around trying to figure out the way to do things again. Yet, even if the officer lady said that they now make plenty of mistakes, those are negligible most of the time. They must have noticed the change early and everyone is now twice as careful as usual. It will take them no time to master their enhanced physiques once more. And we will be there to witness it all.

    Meeting up with Alyssa, we talk a little bit about their role and our destination. As agreed, they are going to be our taxi service to wherever we need it. Naturally, they will step in if anything unfavourable happens but they aren’t going to join us under the water, which is obvious. They are going to stay above us and keep the ship in perfect shape, ready to depart at any moment and to give us some shelter too.

    Meru leaves us for a few minutes and jumps into the water to get a hold of our location. Unsurprisingly, she strips naked before throwing herself past the ship’s side and I don’t blame her. She’s been away from the sea for a while so she’s naturally happy to feel it all around her once more. And it gives me a nice sight too.

    After she returns, I dry all of her body off and help her jump back into her sporty shorts and bra. She then proceeds to give some directions to Alyssa and the captain makes small changes to the ship’s instruments. We still have a bit of distance to cover before we arrive above the first settlements on our path to have been struck by the Sahuagins. That’s where we will head down to take a look at it and gather some information.

    Thankfully, with the bonds I now share with the entire crew, it’s become unspeakably easy to inform them about anything so they are able to follow us whenever we would need to traverse the sea while underwater instead of waiting for us to resurface and let them know. Though, Lianne is amongst them too, which was unexpected, so they would have been fine even without that. Not like we could have known that she would sneak onto the ship. She is smart enough not to try and force herself into our small squad, obediently staying with the crew, at least.

    Therefore, with new, more accurate directions shared with the captain, we continue on our path to glory. At one moment, I catch Lianne and Alyssa exchanging a few whispers while looking at me but they suspiciously decide not to include me in their conversation so I let them be for now.

    And, soon enough, I learn the topic of that private discussion as one of the crew members approaches me during one of our strolls and asks if there is a chance that they could get to experience some more of my skills if I would be feeling in the mood. Just one glance at the scheming Queen makes it obvious that she has given Alyssa and her girls a green light to purchase re-entry tickets to the pound town, as long as the mayor of that place consents.

    So, after a brief consultation with my dear wives, they come to the conclusion that why shouldn’t they let me enjoy all the perks of our adventure and encourage me to accept the requests, predicting that this one won’t be the only time. Naturally, they reserve the right of priority and I additionally promise not to neglect them in the slightest, especially my two lovely Slime Queens.

    With that, things develop exactly as expected.

    Agreeing to share a fun time with the first requester, I’m taken to one of the utility storages and have to squeeze my own tool into a quite tight space while hidden in a similarly restrictive closet. The noise of not only all the mops and brooms getting smacked around but also the girl lubricating my own pole with her wetness brings another person in to check on the suspicious situation. After witnessing her comrade getting railed to the heavens, she spreads the news like wildfire and everyone learns that I’m free game.

    From that point, there’s no point in hiding so I get to bang all the hot sailor girls right in the open, often amongst their peers still taking care of their responsibilities. This seems like a chore but they actually don’t take it too far and I’m not swarmed twenty-four-on-seven and the women approach me more at a more casual rate. They have no reservations after getting together to act naughty, though.

    I can certainly admit that I’ve never thought I would one day get to nail a girl all around the entire ship. Amongst all the interesting and exciting locations where I have some fun with the badass women are things like the top of the crow’s nest, right over the steering wheel, on one of the cannons, in the middle of the main deck, or in the air while entangled in the ship’s boarding nets. Every day brings something new for me to experience.

    And so, a few short days pass like that. Since Alyssa has motivated her crew to get used to their new bodies by promising that whoever manages to do it first gains the priority to ask me for some dicking, everyone mastered their skills in a flash.

    Yeah. They had a list for that. First come, first served. It actually baffles me how organised they are about it. But, I guess I’m actually on the deck of a respectable ship belonging to the royal navy rather than some raunchy, unruly pirate vessel where the only order is the order of chaos.

    As I’m enjoying a quiet moment with Meru at the ship’s bow, the two of us just standing shoulder-to-shoulder in silence and staring into the horizon, one of Alyssa’s officers approaches us and relays the request for my presence coming from the captain. She emphasises that it’s urgent so we don’t waste any time and follow her to the helm.

    Up there, we find Lianne discussing something with Alyssa and all my other wives and companions waiting in close vicinity. After we group up, the two ladies come closer and I raise a curious brow at their serious faces.

    “Is something wrong?” I ask.

    “It might be. We aren’t sure,” Alyssa replies with a sigh.

    “What’s the problem?” Cornelia joins in.

    “We spotted the signs of Sirens in the area we are sailing through,” Lianne explains. “It’s not enough to be sure if they are already gone or are still hanging around.”

    “To give more context, they aren't supposed to be in this region,” the captain continues after her. “This part of the sea is extremely dangerous with many predators fighting for control over their territories. They aren’t smart or merciful enough to tolerate trespassing, no matter by what or who.”

    “And that has what to do with us?” Neira asks curiously.

    “If we can see the signs, that means the other creatures can too. This quadrant has become unpredictable. Its inhabitants might act out of the usual order. It’s going to be risky passing through these waters but we are already deep enough that it’s quite dangerous to just turn around too,” Alyssa answers.

    “So, we should be ready for anything, is what you are saying?” Cornelia looks around.

    “Pretty much. Hopefully, we are able to just make it to the other end unnoticed—”

    “Contact!” someone shouts from further on the deck, interrupting us.

    We hastily follow Alyssa and her officers to the person who made the callout and reach the ship’s side. She is the first one to peek over the edge and we don’t fall too behind. After joining them in looking into the water, I spot three silhouettes poking out of the surface, shoulders up.

    “Hi there, handsome.” One of them waves at me and all three giggle gleefully.

    “Right. I forgot we have a man on the ship now,” Alyssa mutters under her breath and sighs.

    “Is that bad?” I ask while keeping an eye on the three quite pretty entities floating next to the vessel.

    “Sirens can smell a male from miles away,” Lianne explains. “It’s not bad per se but it depends on the situation. It’s certainly not favourable when we want to attract the least attention. That will be impossible with an army of fish women following us.”

    “I assume we can’t just politely ask them not to do so?” Neira ponders out loud. “Didn’t you say that all the Sirens run at your sight?”

    “The families that know about us, yes.” Alyssa nods. “They have set habitats and either rotate between them when we come near or leave for the duration of our stay if that’s their only home. I don’t think we’ve made contact with this tribe yet.”

    “Sirens are very stubborn. You need to make a point for them to listen. Stealing their hunting grounds often is enough but this tribe is clearly on the move so that option isn’t available,” Lianne continues. “If they continue to tail us, it will get much more dangerous. We might get dragged into something because of their presence. The ship might be at risk of getting targeted.”

    A strong silence broken only by the noise of the sea and the splashing of our three guests falls onto us. Alyssa and Lianne are clearly anxious about the situation. Who wouldn’t be? Their precious ship is threatened just by the presence of the Sirens. Yet, they certainly aren’t the people who would hurt someone just for that reason.

    “I’ll exchange a word or two with them,” I finally say, breaking the tense atmosphere.

    “You shouldn’t.” Alyssa shakes her head. “You are a man. They will charm you.”

    Cornelia snorts to the side. “Who will charm who? If he goes down, our chances of them not following us drop to zero. I vote for Meru showing them who is the boss.”

    “We might return home with three more girls.” Neira chuckles quietly.

    I roll my eyes at them while taking off my clothes. “I can be quite persuasive when I want. Besides, we don’t know their situation. I don’t want to chase them away with violence. I’m sure Meru wouldn’t either.”

    “I will follow your orders. But, if I could have a say in this, I would like not to threaten the sea folk,” our proud and caring Nershark replies.

    I plop my hand onto her hair and ruffle through it with a smile. “Of course, you do. You are the experienced one here and we are intruding on your home. We should be listening to your advice instead of telling you what to do.”

    She shows a rare hint of a smile and nods lightly. “I believe we should talk to them. If they are migrating, they shouldn’t be stopping just to lure in a single male. I can go with you if you would like.”

    “Maybe if it was any normal male.” Cornelia snickers, eyeing me up and down.

    “Thanks. I’ll see what I can do alone first. They should be less on guard with just me. I’ll call for you if the need arises.” I step closer and place a gentle kiss on Meru’s chilly cheek.

    Finishing undressing myself, I end up in just the diving suit Sirgia made for me. It still clings to my body like paint, emphasising quite some areas. Hopefully, this much coverage will allow our new fish-tailed friends to control their urges and let us speak like intelligent races. Even if my skin is hidden, the crucial parts of my physique are still on a great display in this tight material.

    “Alright. Let us talk some with fishies, then. See you soon.”

    I salute the women on the deck and hoist myself over the railing.
  15. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 150 – The Power of Voice ❤
    Before I dive right into the water, I manage to activate the ability I borrowed from Meru earlier and my body changes slightly as I descend. I plunge into the cold sea shortly after all the important features materialise through the skill and some pleasant giggling welcomes me. I try to find balance after the sudden arrival and look around, finding the three Sirens circling me curiously with pretty smiles.

    As I kind of expected, they are more or less completely naked. It was hard to make sure from above the surface but now there are no more obstructions hiding their toned woman halves from being admired. Similar to Humans, their skin colour varies slightly per person, just like their bust size. There’s one quite hefty rack swimming around me, and one very petite chest too. Nevertheless, they are all complete beauties and their long, vibrant hair and sparkling eyes truly can charm a man with just a single glance.

    Well, any other man except for me.

    But, as I mentioned, while they are almost entirely nude, there’s a single covered thing, being their lower privates. Naturally, I was extremely curious to see that part of them considering their half-woman, half-fish bodies, but all I get is the view of what looks like a neat, sculpted sea shell protecting their nether regions from the eyes of the bystanders and most likely some other, actual dangers.

    I’m not sure how it holds on to their skin but it makes their mid-sections even more alluring and enchanting. Those aquatic panties are decorated with intricate patterns, most closely resembling the fish scales covering the Sirens’ long and mesmerising tails. If you don’t focus on their crotch, you can miss them easily since they do look like an almost indistinguishable part of their figures. There’s no doubt that they come off, though. The faint lines of the underwear’s edges don’t escape my enhanced sense of sight.

    The fish ladies swim closer as they examine me with their curious eyes from all around. They keep circling my body and letting out cute giggles, flashing me lovely smiles. Finally, after a long while, they stop in front of me and bask me in the glory of their toned bellies and delicious chests.

    “What are you, handsome?” the black-haired one asks with a pout.

    “You look like a Human but you smell different.” The red-haired one scrunches her nose adorably.

    “And you can breathe under the water too. Not to mention the other aspects of your body that are very well fit for living here.” The blonde ponders with a sexy squint.

    “There’s also this weird armour you use. It’s the first time we see something like that. Though, I have to admit that it makes your good looks even more gorgeous,” the first one adds and they all giggle as their gazes drop to my visible bulge.

    I chuckle quietly and raise my hands in the air. Or water.

    “Let’s slow down with the questions a bit, shall we?” I smirk at them as their charming eyes widen greatly.

    “You can even speak properly! And know our language!” The redhead claps joyfully.

    “Does that mean that you understood all we said?” The blackie blushes slightly.

    “I know a lot of tongues and dialects. And thanks for the compliments.” I wink at her while skipping with my eyes down and back up, making her flush even more.

    “That’s so interesting. Are you really Human?” The golden-haired beauty swims closer, almost touching me with her impressive tits.

    “I don’t know, am I?” I raise a brow at her and move my arms to the sides.

    She quickly picks up on my intentions and shows a dazzling smile. Her eyes then roam all over my body alongside her slender hands as she delicately rubs my skin, my suit, my hair, and whatever else she can find. Showing some rosiness on her cheeks, she matches my gaze and cops a feel of my junior too, giving the tender package a few curious squeezes. Her smile grows even wider as part of it becomes harder and soon makes itself quite apparent through the tight latex-like costume.

    Giggling to herself shyly, the fish lady returns to her friends. “At least that part seems to be Human. I’m not so sure about the rest but I don’t think it’s that important.”

    “What are you doing on that ship full of Human females, sir?” the red-haired lady asks.

    “My name is Alastair. I’m just travelling with them to my destination. I hope we didn’t intrude on your home. Our captain wasn’t aware of any settlements or migration paths in this area,” I answer. “As for the confusion about my race, you can say that I’m something akin to a universal being. You might not know of it but I’m a Primordial.”

    “Ooooooooh. That sounds very fun.” The blonde starts applauding me with a giggle. “I’m Nel and the other two are Yun and Fei. We are all Mermaids.”

    “Mermaids? Not Sirens?” I rub my chin.

    “It’s pretty much the same thing to non-aquatic races,” Fei, the black-haired girl replies. “People call Mermaids the pretty and friendly ones and Sirens the fiercer and less kind ones. In the end, we are all the same species but just differ in culture, upbringing, and perhaps the community we grow up in. Though, skin colours straying further away from the common Human shades tend to get dropped into the second category too.”

    “As for inconveniencing us, you don’t have to worry,” Yun adds. “These aren’t our usual waters. We were forced to move due to certain circumstances so we don’t want to cause trouble. Our entire tribe is behind us. You can say that we are the scouts at the very front.”

    “That said, we should let everyone know that there’s a ship on our path so that they don’t panic,” Nel says, looking between her friends. “They should be here in a few minutes. We’ve been idling around for a while already.”

    “Too bad we are on a mission. I would love to idle around for a bit longer.” Fei giggles and I catch her eyes focusing quite often on the shape of my not-so-little friend.

    “We could talk a bit more. I can send someone to deliver the message. She’s quite a fast swimmer,” I suggest and something drops into the water next to me with a splash.

    The trio squeals cutely and hugs each other.

    “A Nershark?!” The big-tittied blonde exclaims in shock.

    “Don’t be scared. This is Meru and she is my mate.” I ruffle through the sharkgirl’s dark hair a little and turn to her. “Could you do me a little favour, please?”

    Meru nods softly and takes off immediately. The impact sends me spinning and I chuckle while watching her speed away from us at an incredible pace. Even the Mermaids stare after her with amazed expressions.

    “So, you want to see?” I ask with a small smirk while raising a brow at them.

    They turn back to me and all blush slightly as their eyes drop down. The petite lady with black hair separates from the group and swims closer.

    “I do.” Fei nods softly.

    “Well, let’s make a deal, then.” I grin at her. “I show you, you show me. What do you say?”

    She glances over her shoulder at the other women and then back to me. After a moment of hesitation, she nods again.

    “Okay. You first.” She checks my face for a brief moment and moves her attention down with anticipation.

    I chuckle quietly and send the diving suit into the ring, appearing in front of her completely naked. Fei’s eyes widen slightly and she nibbles on her lower lip as her gaze literally drills into my erect member. She gets so dazed that the slight movement of my hand spooks her as I try to gesture at her to fulfil her part of the deal.

    A stronger shade of crimson taints her cheeks but she slides her slender palm down her belly to the place where her humanoid half meets the scales. With great ease, she detaches the protective plate and reveals her pretty slit to me. Not sure what I expected but the sight of a beautiful pussy of the same colour as her skin welcomes me, alluringly puffy and inviting.

    After raising my gaze from her charming privates, I notice two more heads peeking over Fei’s shoulders. Nel and Yun are staring straight at my cock alongside their friend. It looks like I’m as appealing to them as they are to me, if not even more. If I had to guess, that would most likely be due to what I am and my peculiar skillset.

    Curious about their reaction, I unhurriedly snake my hand down my stomach and reach for my dick. Taking a hold of my hard member, I start moving my fingers up and down at a slow pace. The peeking duo swallows their saliva but the petite lady in the centre exceeds my expectations.

    Fei’s dainty fingers also dive down to her feminine mound and she starts rubbing herself alongside my movements. Smiling to myself, I watch her massage her pretty folds up and down, perhaps not exactly aware of her actions. Deciding to see how things develop, I raise the tempo a little and she does too, actually using her other hand to spread her petals and revealing the sensitive pink of her precious place.

    At the same time, her friends are just as entranced. Their grip on her shoulders is getting firmer but Fei doesn’t seem to notice. Taking it a step further, I form a ring with my fingers instead of using the entire palm and tighten it around my length. Almost immediately, Fei bites her lower lip and slips two fingers into her pussy. I notice a trace of glistening secretion slowly escaping her love hole as she clearly gets increasingly aroused.

    “What is going on here?” An unknown voice reaches our ears and the trio flinches.

    We all turn towards the source and spot a big group of Mermaids swimming towards us. They are being led by my beloved mate and another woman who wears a few things more compared to her other kin-sisters. Multiple stylish chains and chainlets of gold and silver hang over her body and bright emerald caps cover her nipples, matching her panties and scales on her gorgeous tail.

    “M-Matron Mother!” Fei stumbles on her own words after realising what she’s been doing. “It’s not what it looks like!”

    The green-haired Mermaid stops next to us as the others surround our spot from some distance and she glances at the petite girl trying to cover her womanhood with her hands. Although she succeeds, I can still see trails of her love nectar flowing out from between her fingers, and I’m pretty sure that the other Mermaids can spot and even smell it even better than I can.

    “It looks to me like our scout has been neglecting her duties for her own pleasure,” Matron Mother states firmly, making Fei lower her head in shame.

    I insert myself between them and show a soft smile towards the dignified lady. “Please, don’t be too harsh on her. It’s my fault for distracting your subordinate. If you have to blame anyone, you should direct your anger at me.”

    She skips with her eyes to my waist briefly, they widen just a little, and she hastily raises her gaze up. The matron shivers lightly and clears her throat. Taking a peek to the side, I find Meru next to me, with a quite fiercer expression than her usual, calm and cruel face.

    “It looks like you are speaking the truth. I can see how she got sidetracked. Still, I would prefer it if my scouts possessed slightly more poise and self-control.” She glances at the trio behind me.

    “I’m afraid that no matter how well-trained or mentally resistant they were, there would be not much they could do when in front of me.” I chuckle softly.

    Just as the matron has been aiming to reply, I put some actual intent into my Primordial body and my abilities. The result is almost instantaneous as her brows rise to their limit. After a moment, even the women further away get affected and their hands shoot to their panties, trying to desperately cover their nether regions. Whispers break out amongst them, creating a comfortable ambience around us, along with quite some scents and secretions escaping from behind the carved shells.

    “But, don’t worry. I bear no ill intentions towards any of you,” I continue, recapturing their attention instead of my cock. “We met by chance as our paths crossed. We will soon continue on our way. I was only curious about your migration and intended to ask the trio behind me about it but we got a bit lost on other topics.”

    I smirk faintly at the matron and glance over my shoulder. Fei’s face is suddenly so red it feels like the water around her is going to start boiling anytime soon. Taking a peek lower, I notice an abundance of those juicy trails practically oozing from between her fingers as she desperately tries to block them off. It seems that my aura has made the situation only worse due to how close she has been to me.

    Since it wasn’t my intention to embarrass her even further in front of her friends and possibly family, I cover Fei with my own body and turn my gaze back to their leader.

    “As a token of my goodwill, let me take the responsibility for troubling your scout without earlier notice, please. I’ll make sure that Fei is back to her top form in a blink.” I make a courteous bow, observing the woman’s reaction.

    “Very well. If Fei isn’t against it, I will give my permission.” She nods after a few seconds of consideration, looking past my shoulder to most likely inquire what the other person’s thoughts are on the topic.

    I smile warmly and turn around. Fei’s gaze lingers over my face as she shows a timid smile too. Without giving her more reasons to be ashamed or embarrassed, I float a little lower and place my hands over her palms, looking up at her to be able to judge her reactions. She lets me plant a kiss on the back of her hand and move both of them aside, revealing her abundantly leaking slit.

    Not wasting any more of our precious time, I drag my tongue over her puffy lower lips and scoop a lot of her escaping nectar in the process. Fei’s big fin makes a twitchy flap and she lets out an ardent moan, lifting her face up. She quickly covers her mouth with wide eyes, making me chuckle into her sweet folds.

    But, from this point, things are only going to get more intense as I use my thumbs to spread her delicate entrance and move my muscle over the sensitive pink of her fragrant flower. Another moan makes its way out of her throat and gets muffled in her hands. Each time I lap my tongue up and down her alluring crevice, her fin flaps lightly and her body shivers faintly, not to mention the cute, musical moans she releases.

    My smile grows as I listen to them and I decide to turn it up.


    Fei’s voice finally pushes through just as I push my lips stronger into her pussy. The little shake she does gets strong enough for her hands to fly to my hair and grasp it firmly. Nothing is obstructing her mesmerising cries anymore and I shove my tongue as deep into her warm embrace as I can.

    “Ohhhhhhh~! Oooooohhhhhhh~!”

    Her moans turn louder and somewhat booming as they travel far into the distance. Fei’s trembling and flapping increase so much that I have to wrap my arms around her thick tail to keep my mouth locked on her tasty mound. She raises the pleasure for herself with those erratic movements, brushing my lips against her puffy floods and dragging them over her swollen, hidden clit.

    “Ohhh~! Ohhh~! Ohhh~! Ohhh~!”

    She gets into it so much that her fingers practically try to rip my hair out. Fei begins thrusting her waist towards me, most likely subconsciously searching for even greater pleasure. Her body bends forward from her attempts to get my tongue deeper into her leaking channel, no matter that it’s already as deep as it can go.

    So, there’s only one thing I can do in that situation, and I obviously choose to bring it out.


    The reaction is instantaneous and Fei lets out a beautiful, echoing cry that raises its pitch by quite a lot. Her musical voice gets high but still remains melodic and mystical, like a magical opera singer. My mana-infused tongue explores her insides thoroughly until I can practically feel her orgasm arriving right at the very edge of explosion. I redirect my attention to her clit and flick my tongue over her shy nub while sucking on it lovingly.

    “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Matrooooooooon Mooooootheeeeeeeeeeeer~! I’m cuuuuummmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg~!”

    Fei arches her back incredibly far and releases the loudest, highest, most musical and mystical cry since the very beginning. The sound waves literally pass through me and surge into the depths all around us as her voice keeps fluctuating with a brain-tickling reverb. It sounds and feels divine, like a reverent chant in the name of the Goddess. A large amount of delicious nectar bursts out of her pussy as she climaxes and I scoop it all for her.

    Mermaids are just something else.

    It takes a few moments for Fei to stop her harmonious cry and our surroundings turn silent, broken only by her rough breathing. I draw my lips back from her precious slit and float a little higher. Our eyes meet as I smile at the pretty, raven-haired Mermaid. She shows a timid blush but responds with a brilliant smile of her own. Surpassing my expectations, she suddenly throws herself in my arms and hugs me tightly as we spin around to the accompaniment of her adorable giggling.

    “Thank you so much, Alastair! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” She beams at me so sweetly it almost makes me blush.

    I chuckle at her as we continue the dance. “I always aim to please. Hopefully, this much was enough as compensation for embarrassing you in front of your matron and tribe.”

    She fervently shakes her head as we come to a stop. “No, I don’t think you understand! I sang! Everyone heard it! It was so powerful!”

    “Yeah, it was beautiful. I’m surprised that you weren’t embarrassed to do it so openly, though.”

    A cute sigh escapes her lips and she giggles once more. Placing her hands on my shoulders, she turns me around. My brows rise to my hairline at the sight of dozens of Mermaids pleasuring themselves or each other. Even the matron is touching herself quite inappropriately with a gentle tinge of rosiness over her noble face. Yet, there is something else in her and others’ gazes. Some kind of awe and respect.

    Fei swims in front of me again with an unshaken smile. “From the moment I sang, I became a Diva. In the current era, only about one Mermaid in about ten thousand is able to break her limits and become one. It’s an incredible blessing that gives power to our voice, making us much less helpless. Just so you understand it better, I’m long past the age when you can turn into a Diva. After a Mermaid passes that point, she no longer has any chances and hope of her powers activating.”

    “Oh. That seems like kind of a big deal.” I smile wryly.

    “You have no idea how much,” the matron joins in and we turn our faces to find her next to us.

    “Matron Mother!” Fei makes a polite bow but the big smile is just unable to leave her sunny face.

    The other woman chuckles nobly. “There’s no need for you to address me with so much respect anymore.”

    “You look to be doing much better than your comrades,” I comment, looking around the pleasure field.

    “That’s because our Matron Mother is also a Diva,” Fei explains joyfully. “Up until now, she’s been the only one in our tribe, and even that is rare in the current age. There are so many tribes without a Diva’s protection.”

    “Yet, even with me being there, we had no other choice but to run…” A sad smile takes over the matron’s face and Fei’s expression soon matches it.

    “Pardon my random assumption, but is your situation related to the expansion of Sahuagins?” I ask while rubbing my chin.

    “How did you know?” Fei raises her brows at me.

    “My home was violated and pillaged by their kind,” Meru joins in too, spooking the other two, who completely forgot about her presence. “Alastair agreed to help me chase them out for good.”

    “Really?” The matron looks between us. “Does your ship transport an army, then?”

    “No.” I shake my head. “The women up there are only transporting us both ways. Except for a few of my companions who are currently still on the deck. There’s a total of six of us on this expedition. I came down here after our captain spotted your scouts, with the aim to figure out their intentions.”

    “You plan to fight the Sahuagins with just the six of you?” Nel’s voice reaches our ears and she swims closer with her red-haired friend.

    Both of them look flushed and there are still traces of their nectar on their fingers and exposed slits. I don’t know how but I can tell that those on their hands belong to each other. They seem to notice that I realised and blush even deeper.

    “That’s very brave of you… Or stupid…” Yun says hesitantly.

    I chuckle heartily but my proud Nershark mate doesn’t seem to take as kindly to her comment and Meru frowns harder.

    “Alastair is not stupid. He is strong enough to kill all of them on his own. He wouldn’t need me for anything other than being a guide if he wanted. Yet, he offered me the chance to take revenge for my friends, even bringing with us his other mates to help.”

    The redhead shows an apologetic smile and I plop a hand on Meru’s hair. “It’s alright. She didn’t mean anything bad by it. It is true that it might look stupid to someone from the outside. No matter how strong I am, going in alone is just getting cocky and even more moronic. You can never predict what is going to happen.”

    “Can we help?” Fei asks after turning to look straight at me.

    “Fei!” The matron hisses at her.

    “What?” The black-haired girl frowns back. “We have a common enemy. It’s not every day we stumble on a chance to join hands with someone who can actually get rid of those hideous monsters.”

    “We are not warriors and you know that well.” The noble Mermaid shakes her head. “Rather than allies, we would be nothing more than deadweight and a nuisance to them. And before you suggest that just the two of us go, we can’t leave the tribe without protection, or a leader, and you barely activated your powers. You might feel like you can take on the entire world right now but that’s just your recent orgasm making your brain high.”

    Fei blushes heavily while taking a glance at me. “But… He can just make more of us into Divas if he doesn’t mind…”

    “There is no way that is possible. Just because you got lucky, doesn’t mean that everyone can suddenly advance from mating with him. You shouldn’t give people false hope. We all know that once in a million, there’s a Mermaid whose powers get activated after intercourse with a Human, but that’s just a legend. A single case won’t help us.”

    “What if he can turn anyone into a Diva?” Fei doesn’t back down. “Alastair is not a Human. He is a Primordial. Maybe there’s something different about him.”

    The matron’s eyes widen to the extreme and she grabs Fei’s hair in a flash, pulling her down as she bends forward to an almost perfect ninety degrees.

    “We pay respects to the Honourable Ancestor.”

    “What?” The raven-haired girl whines, trying to look at her superior.

    “Shut up and bow!” The matron pushes her even lower.

    “It seems that you know something,” I say amusedly.

    “While the number of Divas is extremely low in these times, all Mermaids around the realm are instructed to pass on one thing to the next generations, which is an ancient obligation for all the Divas to visit our Sacred Temple at least once in their lifetime, as soon after their awakening as possible. They are taught there about the origins of our race and our incredible ancestor, who resided in the Sacred Temple in the primaeval ages and guided us with wisdom and power. It’s a tale known only to the minority but we are to treat Primordials with the utmost respect. We can’t know if they won’t be our returning benefactor.”

    I stroke my chin while staring at the two fish ladies bowing low in front of me. The forced position has brought Fei quite close to my lively member and she is clearly trying her best to keep her composure.

    It looks like many races were dependent on Primordials in the past. First the Humans, then the Succubi, and now the Mermaids. Sounds like they were quite nice guys to everyone. Plus, obviously, they were the reason behind the existence of many of the current species and races, of course, so there’s that. I wonder how many more connections will we discover during our journeys.

    “Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you but I’m not your old ancestor. You can raise your head already. While I do share the blood and body with those ancient Primordials now, I’m someone from the current era, though from a slightly different place. I’m not even past thirty.” I chuckle.

    “It matters not. If it is true that you are a Primordial, we ought to show you proper respect. Your wish is our command,” the matron replies.

    “My wish is for you to stop this and return to normal, then.” I sigh. “Just treat me like you did or I’ll get angry. We don’t want that, right?”

    She hesitates for a few seconds and nods, bringing herself and the other Diva up.

    “Can this day get even crazier…” Fei giggles timidly with an anxious smile.

    “I’ll try my best to limit the surprises for now.” I smirk at her and she giggles again, more comfortably this time. “So, you are running away. Do you want me to reclaim your home too while I’m at it?”

    The emerald-haired lady shakes her head. “We have already agreed unanimously to find a new place to settle down. Whatever could have been of use to those monsters, we destroyed. The rest is hidden within our storage artefacts.”

    “Matron Mother is right. It would be troublesome and a little sad to return there now,” Fei agrees. “We discovered a nice spot to move in and that’s why we are migrating right now. It should be relatively safe from the Sahuagins after we seal the only entrance leading to it. We planned to try and stay low, observing what they would do after conquering all the lands. It’s impossible for them to have enough people to occupy every area so there is a chance that we can just wait their campaign out and survive in a new home.”

    “I see.” I nod at them.

    “But, if that’s your wish, we will aid you in your fight as much as we can,” the matron adds. “It might take a moment to convince the common Mermaids, but we, Divas, have the obligation to serve you unconditionally. That is the only price we have to pay for our powers. Though, I’ve never heard of any Diva actually having to follow up with that duty. I don’t know if we are unbelievably lucky or unlucky.”

    “I’m not going to assume control over you and your tribe just because some old tradition allows me to,” I reassure them gently. “I’m also not going to force any of you to fight when you aren’t capable of it. We will naturally appreciate any help, especially from someone who knows their way around.”

    “If you truly are a Primordial, and you are able to awaken any Mermaid into a Diva, then we wouldn’t be so incapable anymore,” she replies with a sagely tone.

    “I’m sure of it!” Fei clenches her fists and makes a determined face. “I know it’s hard to believe but I felt it! And it wasn’t… an orgasm…” She blushes strongly. “I’ve never had any predispositions to become a Diva but from the moment Alastair touched me, it was like something buried deep within me, clearly not meant to be brought out, began surging out of its confines! I know myself better than anyone! I was just a plain, not even that pretty Mermaid!”

    “Now, that last part is a lie.” I smile at her and she glances to the side to avoid my eyes.

    “Everything else seems to be true, though,” the matron replies. “It would be something unthinkable if you could turn everyone in our tribe into Divas. I’m certain that at least a third of us would willingly support your fight then.”

    “I think that’s something worth considering, Alastair,” Meru makes herself known once more and I turn to look at her beautiful and fierce face. “Most aquatic races heard the legends about the Divas. They aren’t strong physically or skilled with weapons but their magical voice is as deadly if not even more. It would be beneficial to have some on our side.”

    “And you don’t mind, for sure? I’ll most likely have to mate with lots of other aquatic girls for that to happen, or at least touch them until they climax.” I pull my lovely sharkgirl into my embrace.

    “Of course not.” She shakes her head softly. “In the first place, I’m not even your only mate. I’m part of your shoal. I’m happy to know that you value my presence this much. You don’t have to worry about how my kind takes mates for life and can find more of them if you wish to, or satisfy yourself with others without bonding with them.”

    I cup her cheeks and pull Meru into a delicate kiss. “Thank you for speaking your mind again. I love you, even though we might not have known each other for too long. Don’t forget that.”

    A rare darker shade tinges her cheeks and Meru nods gently. We share one more kiss before I turn to the fish-tailed girls. Most of them are now done with their rituals and observe us curiously.

    “Since I don’t like accepting help without giving anything in return, let us escort you to your destination and help you settle down. After that, I will try to awaken those who will wish to become Divas and we will discuss our future plans with everyone who agrees to accompany us.”

    “You are already doing the impossible for us by turning us into Divas.” Fei giggles. “We won’t be able to repay such a heavy favour ever.”

    “I’m pretty easy to please.” I chuckle and draw out a nice blush from her. “What do you think about this, Matron Mother?”

    “Ah, you can freely take Fei’s words as equal to mine. I’m the Matron Mother only because I’ve been the only Diva in our tribe. She is now equal to me.” The emerald-scaled lady smiles at her friend. “And you may call me by my name, Cir.”

    “I think we might have to figure out a new way to pick the Matron Mother soon if most of us are going to turn into Divas.” Nel chuckles from the side.

    “When that becomes our biggest worry, we will be happy Mermaids,” Yun adds with a bright smile.

    “Not to rush you, Benefactor, but a Diva’s first song travels far and is imbued with an incredible amount of mana. Easy to imagine, it works like a magical beacon. There is a chance that it attracts some unwanted attention so we should move away from this location as soon as we can,” Cir warns me.

    “Thank you for letting me know. Please, speak freely, and use my name too.” I nod at her. “Let me just fill my companions in on everything and we can go. Or swim.”

    We exchange smiles and I turn to Meru. She gets my intentions without a single word between us and soars upwards, launching herself out of the water first. I quickly follow her and do the same after gaining some speed, hopefully enough to end up back on the deck.

    After bursting out of the water, I fly up a few metres and drop onto the wooden planks next to the amazing sharkgirl. I waddle a little and almost slip on the wet puddle but Meru comes to my rescue and supports me before I fall. Thanking her with a nod, I focus my attention on the lovely women in front of me.

    “Alright. We need to move soon so I’ll keep it sho—”

    “Why are you naked?” Cornelia asks with a light squint, pointing at my dangling hard-on.

    “Uhhh… I was establishing friendly relations with the natives?”

    She snorts to the side and a wave of chuckles rolls through the deck.

    “In any way, I will explain everything in detail in a moment, but the most important thing you need to know is… that I have just recruited an army of Mermaids to our cause.”

    “Bullshit…” An unusual curse slips out of Alyssa’s lips as she shows a gobsmacked expression.

    Lianne giggles next to her and trots to wrap her arms around my neck. “As expected from my husband!”

    I chuckle with her and peck her on the forehead before setting her down on the side.

    “There’s more to that but they agreed to support us after we escort them to the location of their new home and I turn some of them into Divas by… doing the usual.” I smile wryly.

    “Divas?!” Alyssa’s eyes roll to the back and she faints, fortunately, caught by her officers.

    “So, it’s not that you are just after more fish pussy?” Cornelia raises a brow at me.

    “Do I look like that kind of person to you?” I raise one in response.

    She skips with her gaze to my waist and back up, raising hers even higher. I snicker and shake my head, bringing a pretty smile onto her lips.

    “I’m kind of excited to be able to see real Mermaids in their usual habitats,” Neira chimes in with a distant gaze. “I’m really glad I took the water-resistant paints and dyes on this trip.”

    Cornelia, Safi, Emi, and I share a warm smile. We all nod together and I look to the side.

    “Alright. Let’s wake up the captain and set the course before some Kraken gets to us.”

    “Already on it!” Lianne shouts while holding onto Alyssa’s collar with one hand and slapping her friend’s cheeks from left to right with the other.
  16. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 151 – Uninvited Guests
    After about five minutes, Lianne succeeds in rescuing Alyssa from the claws of her unconsciousness and the captain rejoins us again. In the meanwhile, I have resummoned my diving suit to hide my junk since there’s just no reason to keep flapping the beast around. We have things to do and such sights might be a little too distracting.

    I explain the situation in more detail so that Alyssa and her aides get a full grasp of it. We host a brief meeting to discuss our next steps and pretty much everyone agrees that it won’t really be a problem to make a little detour, at least not supply-wise. She has stocked more food and other provisions than necessary just in case things go south, already taught by life many times that being stingy can end badly.

    Naturally, Lianne is all for helping the Mermaids and her cheerful nature overpowers everyone else on the crew so we don’t see any real opposition to the new agenda. I don’t think the women would even have anything against it considering the fact that they will get to spend more time with her sister-in-arms… and perhaps my dick.

    Confirming that we are in complete agreement, I jump over the ship’s side and confront the fish-tailed girls once more. They are extremely happy to hear that we will accompany them on their journey to their new home, especially the three scout ladies I have first interacted with. But, the matron isn’t that far behind them.

    We talk some more about the directions and the general location of their new dwelling and I return to the crew above the water to relay all the necessary information. Alyssa takes her officers to the captain’s cabin so that they can chart a proper course with the help of their skilled navigator. I introduce the four Mermaids to my companions and the sailor women while we wait for them to get back to us.

    Cornelia doesn’t spare me the snarky comments about the naked humanoid halves of all the pretty girls besides the matriarch and I can only roll my eyes at her in response. We both know that she’s just being a tease though so it’s all good. And, it isn’t exactly wrong to say that swimming amongst tens of bare-chested beauties of various dazzling skin shades isn’t a decently stimulating and breathtaking sight. Their fair breasts move and wave so enchantingly in the chilly seawater.

    When Alyssa and her friends rejoin us, we speak all together for a little while and decide not to waste any more time here. Fei’s song might lure some unwanted guests our way if we are to believe the Mermaid that has just advanced into a Diva. She is now constantly by the matron’s side, seemingly receiving an unimaginable amount of pointers, hints, tips, but also knowledge which has been restricted to her before.

    But, if things develop as I expect them to, Cir might need to repeat those lessons quite a few times more very soon.

    Nevertheless, the ship’s crew spreads out and finds their respective positions in a flash. To keep live contact between the people above the water and the people below its surface, Safi suggests that I swim with the Mermaids, which should also give me the chance to react quickly in case something unexpected happens. Meru volunteers to keep me company and the two of us plunge into the sea after bidding a temporary farewell to the other women.

    The Mermaids are happy to have us and we finally resume our journey.

    As much as it saddens me, my current favourite trio of Fei, Yun, and Nel has to swim ahead since their role hasn’t changed in the slightest. Fei might have become a Diva but she is still a valuable scout and part of the forward party so the matron sends her out too, pausing her teachings for now. Just in case, I request Meru to go with them and she agrees, promising to protect my new friends to her utmost abilities.

    The four girls zoom ahead while I stay with Cir and watch her brief speech to gather her people and instruct them on what to do. Everyone follows their leader’s words obediently and we are ready in a blink. I notify Alyssa through the bond and both our groups get moving again at the same time, pretty much.

    Needless to say, it’s my very first time swimming in an entire convoy of any underwater creatures, not to mention Mermaids. The movement of the main unit is so mesmerising that I catch myself looking behind and around constantly, admiring the beautiful ladies of all sizes, colours—and personalities, of course—travelling in a tight and decently trained formation.

    All those big fins create lots of noise and waves like a large ship’s turbine. Thankfully, our less modern ship is able to keep up, maybe thanks to Cir’s efforts to keep the pace more or less comfortable. I bet they could swim even faster if only they needed to. It’s just less efficient for long distances and in such a large group.

    As we traverse the cold seas, Cir keeps me by her side and we talk about Mermaids, Sirens, Sahuagins, and their aquatic culture in general. It’s mostly to pass time but also for me to find out as much about the unknown environment I have suddenly found myself in. She is quite surprised to see me so interested in the tales and traditions of her people, almost as much as at me being able to casually keep up with her for hours.

    From what I learn from her, in the past, the Mermaids were still a nomadic community which split between groups but there existed a Queen amongst them at first. It was during the age when they received support from their Primordial guardian. The ancient Diva from that time had the honour to be that person’s wife or mate, however one likes to call it.

    While everyone naturally followed that hierarchical order back then, they still kept to their tribes mostly. There were fancy, regular gatherings and meetings now and then, where the leaders had to gather, of course. The Queen liked to watch over all her kin, receiving updates from various ends of their underwater world.

    Things unfortunately didn’t stay the same for too long after the Primordial left. As expected, Cir doesn’t really have that many legends and tales about the reason behind his disappearance. It does seem that most if not all Primordials ended up being gone somewhat mysteriously. It’s hard to understand that phenomenon without more context but from what I have already gathered about them, most of those individuals were pretty nice towards others so it’s possible that they just had no other choice than to leave.

    In any case, the Queen felt responsible for finding their patron and departed on a grand journey to find any clues, never returning back to the place which was considered the capital city of Mermaids. The other people in high positions didn’t dare to select her successor since that would be stepping into the territory of the Primordial and everything just faded away with time.

    The tribes had no more reason to gather regularly so the Mermaids spread out, living on. They remembered to teach the next generations about the importance of that Primordial and the duties of the Divas whenever another showed up in their communities. The number of the evolved individuals quickly dropped as there was no person to influence their advances anymore so it’s been left completely to the inner talent of the aquatic women.

    From Cir's words, it looks like some of the most devoted Divas are still respectfully watching over their records and past history in the place she called the Sacred Temple. It’s where she has to send Fei one day to get proper education for her. Easy to guess, that temple is located in the abandoned capital city.

    It seriously gives me Atlantis vibes no matter from what angle I look at it.

    As I ask for more details about that interesting underwater structure, the matron shares only some scraps with me while smiling proudly, saying that it will be better to experience it on my own. She assures me that as a Primordial, I will have access to literally the entire capital and all the assets hidden or stored in it.

    While it sounds incredible, I can already feel how much trouble that will bring. There’s a high chance that I’ll end up being revered as the second coming of their guardian or something and the highest priestesses will do everything to return things to the state from the ancient past.

    But, I certainly am more than very eager to visit that otherworldly Atlantis so we will have to deal with that at one point. It would be nice to establish warm relations with the Mermaids and Divas. Having access to the aquatic wanderers who are spread all around the realm is definitely a huge benefit. It doesn’t look like they are straight-up loathing Humans so I might even use their help in mending the relationships between the inhabitants of Naharren.

    First, though, I have to reach and secure a safe home for Cir’s tribe as promised. And deal with an invasion of Sahuagins right after that. And perhaps ask around a little bit to see if the Abyssals haven’t been causing too much trouble around too. It’s not like we can fully exclude the possibility of those monsters having some aquatic variations even if I didn’t see any during my short visit to Umbra’s sealed realm. All we know, they might be stacking an unimaginable force in some crack or trench right under our noses.

    And that’s how the first day of our travels goes. Since we aren’t being chased or anything but just relocating, there’s no need to rush ahead without rest. Cir and our brave scouts know that well and they find a good spot to stop for the night. At least according to Fei and her friends since I can’t really understand what’s better about this bunch of water from that bunch of water a few metres farther. We don’t even dive much deeper to reach the seabed. But, Meru confirms that this location is good so I can only believe my fierce and smart mate.

    I’m quite interested to see what the Mermaids are going to do so I stay with them for a bit longer before returning to the ship and observe the women from the side, trying my best not to intrude on their privacy or some other, secret rituals or traditions. Thankfully, my presence doesn’t seem to bother them and they continue with their lives as if I’m part of their tribe, perhaps due to all that Primordial thing or such.

    The women share a meal after gathering together, which mostly consists of the fish some of them have caught not that long ago and also various underwater flora they have on themselves all the time. Some of the women carry bags and pouches filled with food for their trip and Cir makes sure that things are distributed properly. And, no surprise there, they have no issues with eating the fish raw.

    Since I don’t really have anything in my storage ring that can be taken out underwater without completely ruining the taste, I leave treating them to some delicacies of the land dwellers for a bit later.

    Seeing me just watching the Mermaids snacking on their provisions, Meru brings me a fish too, aiming to share it between us. I give it a small try and learn that by using the ability I borrowed from her, my body must have gotten adapted not just to water but to underwater life in general. The raw fish is much better than I expected and I have no issues consuming the unusual meal with my lovely mate.

    After the Mermaids are done, they spend some time socialising so I jump back to the ship to do the same amongst the crew and my other wives. Unfortunately, it seems that even though I can normally eat raw fish, I’m not magically spared from the consequences of that action which affects others. Namely, my breath stinks so bad Cornelia jumps away when we get closer for a small kiss, barely holding back from puking.

    We share some good laughs after that and I make sure to get rid of all the evidence from my marine meal. It might not bother me due to whatever has happened to my body through Meru’s ability, but the women other than her aren’t immune to my fishy charm. I will have to be much more careful in the future.

    I accompany them to the mess hall and join everyone for a late-night dinner, sharing with the crew what I have learned about our new friends. Alyssa and a bunch of other girls still can’t believe that we stumbled on not just one but two Divas. Though, technically it was one until I made the second myself.

    They all consume the tales and news eagerly no matter what and in turn, share some of their own legends and information on the Mermaids and Divas. And also about Sirens, of course. It’s a slight surprise to some crew members that Sirens and Mermaids are pretty much the same thing but named differently by the people of the land.

    When it gets really late, I jump back into the water for a moment to fully satiate my curiosity for the day. And, the view that welcomes me certainly achieves just that.

    If someone asked me how Mermaids sleep, I would most likely answer with something in the likes of them finding a nice niche at the bottom of the ocean or the sea and snuggling into it. Maybe finding a cavern, reef, or something else that can serve as a temporary safe spot to rest in or around.

    But, while I’m not sure if any of that is actually incorrect, the truth is much different and much more adorable.

    The women form pairs and move quite close to the surface of the water, sticking near the ship as if hiding in its shadow. It doesn’t provide as much of it as during the day, but the moonlight does create a dark spot underneath the vessel and I have to strain my eyes to spot the Mermaids hiding in the darkness.

    After finding a spot for themselves, the two girls swim closer and embrace each other from the front. They enter a soft but firm hug by locking their hands behind each other’s waists and pushing their bodies together. Their tails entwine a little bit too and they rest their foreheads on each other’s shoulders, closing their eyes as they go to sleep.

    That creates an incredibly sweet image of two Mermaids hanging in the water like in the middle of the air, floating there while also slightly spinning in case of some pairs, and napping peacefully while relying on their friend to stay in the same spot. It’s mesmerising with just one pair but with an entire tribe doing it, it becomes something else entirely.

    If not for the fact that my loving girls are waiting for me up there on the ship below which the Mermaids are sleeping so soundly, I would have definitely joined one of them to try this interesting technique. I bet Fei or Cir wouldn’t mind teaching me all about it and it does look so interesting. And calm.

    That’s a thought for another time, though.

    Sharing a peaceful night with my wives and two beautiful Slimes, I wake up well-rested and ready to continue our journey. Not that I need this much sleep for obvious reasons but a relaxing time with the people I care about always makes me even more energetic than spending the same time napping alone.

    While the crew gets their breakfast, I share some dishes with the Mermaids. My talented magician wife creates a neat ice platform next to the ship’s hull so that we can all come down and comfortably offer the food to the women staying in the water. I’ve been a bit worried about their reception of our cuisine but they quickly fall in love with various grilled and cooked types of meat, veggies, and such. Hopefully, they don’t get addicted to it.

    With that taken care of and our fish friends reinvigorated by the delicious meals, we continue ahead. From that point, I spend a day on the ship and under it interchangeably, accompanying my companions and new friends in turns. Meru takes my place amongst the Mermaids whenever I’m gone just to keep an eye on them, per her own suggestion. She’s just way too nice.

    And just like that, five more days pass and Cir approaches me right after I jump into the water in the very morning.

    “We are nearly there. It shouldn’t take us much longer. We are so lucky to reach our destination without any dangerous accidents,” she says with a gentle smile.

    I chuckle lightly and shake my head. “You don’t say things like this until you are there. And even when you are, just don’t. Trust me on that.”

    “What’s there to worry about? We have you and your powerful mates to protect everyone,” Fei joins in with a more apparent smile.

    “Thank you for the vote of confidence but we shouldn’t be getting too comfortable because of that.” I nod at her and glance around. “This is a lot of people to keep from harm’s way, many more than there are those who can protect them. Don’t lose your focus, alright?”

    “That’s right. Just because you are now much stronger as a Diva, it doesn’t mean that you are suddenly omnipotent,” the matron admonished her pupil gently. “Don’t let these new powers get to your head. You lack practice even if I drilled into you quite some theory during our breaks.”

    “I promise to be cautious, Matron Mother.” Fei makes a respectful bow, causing her petite breasts to sway a little.

    “Good. Let us depart, then.” I ruffle through her hair a bit, evoking a faint blush from the raven-haired Mermaid.

    We do exactly that and continue our journey. It’s pretty obvious that all the fish-tailed ladies are excited to finally get there because the pace is much quicker than during the previous days. Alyssa and her crew are still able to match it decently well so no one complains and we swim slightly faster than usual.

    After four hours, the main body of the tribe catches up to the four scouts usually swimming ahead. I move closer to Meru and the Mermaid trio with the matron and we group up in a small circle.

    “Is there some problem?” I ask, glancing at my calm mate.

    “No. Everything is great. We just reached our destination,” Yun replies with a big smile.

    I look around in confusion, seeing nothing more than water in every direction. Assuming the only logical explanation, I direct my gaze below my feet and put my hands on my hips.

    “It’s below us, isn’t it? Some kind of a cavern or such?” I ponder out loud.

    “We’ll show you. Come on.” Nel grabs my wrist and leads me down.

    The others follow shortly after us and we descend into slightly darker waters. Though, they aren’t that dark, at least not for me and my Mermaid friends. Our eyes seem to adjust decently well to the increasing lack of light in the water. It still might get a tad troublesome in complete darkness.

    Soon, we reach the very bottom and stop in front of a rock formation made up of some almost obsidian-black mineral. Various sea creatures of different sizes loiter around, minding their own business. If any of them are predatory or hostile, they don’t show their fangs in front of the Mermaids, trying to remain on the edge of their attention.

    “Is there anything special about this place?” Meru asks the same question that has been floating around in my mind.

    “There’s a passage between those rocks that leads to a beautiful place with lots of space. I don’t think there’s another entrance to get there but we didn’t get to explore its entirety since we stumbled on it accidentally during one of our scouting missions,” Nel explains.

    “It’s like an abandoned temple so it’s a perfect spot to settle in. There are already rooms that we can utilise and turn into something amazing. After we secure this passage, perhaps camouflaging it even better, there’s no chance that anyone finds us there,” Yun adds.

    “Let’s not waste any more time and bring everyone in. There’s so much to do.” Fei smiles joyfully and flaps her big fin to propel herself forward.

    “Wait.” I catch her wrist and stop her in her tracks, surprising the Mermaid with my strength a little. “You say that it’s like a temple. We should be really careful then. Even if it’s abandoned, who knows if there aren’t any traps.”

    “We didn’t notice any the last time,” Nel says, swimming closer to us.

    “Alastair is right. We need to make sure that no dangers lurk in the shadows of our new home.” Cir comes to my rescue. “Let us first look around before sending for the others.”

    “I’ll call for my companions and we can go in a small group with everyone here present,” I suggest.

    “Very well.” The matron nods politely.

    I bolt towards the surface with Meru by my side and we jump onto the deck, shaking off the leftover water out of our hair.

    “It’s time for an adventure,” I announce as my lovely wives glance at us curiously.

    Cornelia snorts to the side. “Is it one of your adventures or…?”

    I chuckle and walk closer to pull her into myself. “We can all enjoy it this time. And I really do mean it.”

    She smirks softly and pecks my lips. “I’m looking forward to it, then.”

    “Anyone wants to stay behind?” I glance around while still holding onto her waist.

    All the girls shake their heads, including Lianne.

    “Sorry, but you are staying out of this exactly as we agreed.” I squint at her.

    “Awwwww. I’m sure you can protect one more person, no?” The Queen pouts cutely.

    “I need someone strong to protect the ship in our stead anyway.”

    “And you are going to leave it in the hands of such a frail and weak-looking maiden?” Lianne bats her long eyelashes at me.

    Cornelia scoffs at her. “With all those stats you are leeching off him? I wouldn’t be surprised if you sank the ship by accident after tripping over your own feet.”

    The petite but not-so-weak lady giggles impishly while appearing as innocent as she can.

    Alyssa steps closer and rests her hand on Lianne’s shoulder. “It’s alright. Leave her to me. I’ll make sure she obediently and patiently waits for your return like a good wife. You have my word.”

    “Noooooooo… Don’t leave me with her… Saveeeeeeeee meeeeeee…” Lianne begs desperately as the captain drags her away under the deck.

    I turn away from that sight and focus on my other companions. “Let’s go, then. This will be a good test before we confront the Sahuagins. Everyone has their gear and applied the cream?”

    They all nod and we jump into the water.

    I take the plunge first with Meru by my side and we watch over the descent of the rest of the party. Safi and Emi join us next, getting rid of their maid uniforms for now and leaving only their collars with spatial storage gems on their jelly bodies. I try my best not to focus on their lady bits and welcome the two beauties with a smile. They use their elastic structure to propel themselves around with relative ease. It’s a quite funny and somewhat sexy sight seeing their curves expand and shrink in turns.

    Neira and Cornelia soon jump in too and I quickly swim closer to them to check on my beloved wives. They open their eyes instantly and while Cornelia panics just a little bit while trying to find her balance, Neira seems to be doing pretty well, getting the hang of the fins at her feet and the small half-mask providing her with oxygen.

    I approach Cornelia and get a hold of her. She chuckles at me shyly and a trace of rosiness covers her fair cheeks.

    “Sorry. I’m still getting used to this water creature thing,” she apologises awkwardly.

    “No worries. You’ll get there.” I smile at her and we wait a moment for everyone to get comfortable.

    While Neira runs both fins and the mask, Cornelia doesn’t have to use the latter thanks to my skill which lets me copy and swap an ability between my Partners.

    After everyone gets comfy and we make some practice movements, we head back to the Mermaids as a group. Cir and the others stare at us curiously, especially at Cornelia, who appears slightly different from how they remember her, most likely, including the fact that she can casually exist underwater.

    “Alright. I will lead the expedition since I’m pretty sure that I’m the most durable out of us,” I begin the briefing. “I’d like Meru to close our group and watch everyone’s backs. The formation in the middle isn’t that strict but try not to swim too far away from everyone.”

    No one raises any objections and I bring out a few flashlights and lanterns from my spatial ring. Courtesy of our master artificer, of course. Sirgia has created some prototypes on the side, though prototypes is a strong word considering that a glowing gem on a stick or inside a glass box isn’t that unheard of. She just utilised some of the modern casing designs Shino shared with her.

    With all of us carrying a light source in hand, I move into the black cave after Fei finds the exact entrance. Its opening is positioned at a very weird angle and hidden between two deep obsidian ridges so it would have taken me a lot of time to locate it by myself. But, the same can be said about any potential intruders.

    We swim into a wide but irregular passage. I guess it’s something like ten metres in diameter at the widest points we pass. It snakes around like a mad serpent, though, and we have to take so many turns that it’s easy to lose count. Add a pitch-black darkness illuminated only by our tools to the mix and that’s a prime recipe for an underwater horror movie.

    A few minutes into our spooky journey, we find a dead end. But, it turns out that it was the correct way as Yun points out a giant hole in what looks like a man-made wall from the outside. It’s still made of dark stone but it’s slightly lighter, at least, and consists of neat bricks which are more noticeable. It’s definitely part of the mentioned temple.

    “Master, in case there really are any traps inside, I think it will be wise for the two of us to accompany you at the front,” Safi speaks up before we delve further.

    “Emi agrees! Safi and Emi can easily avoid almost everything while also protecting Master! Even if Emi’s body gets damaged, Emi is going to be all fine as long as the core is safe!” the green beauty adds cheerfully.

    “Fine. You do speak some truth. And I’m sure that you will be able to take a peek into the tiniest crevices with your slime.” I nod and they smile at me happily.

    We keep the base formation more or less intact and slowly make our way into the breach. I quickly note that the edges of the hole look quite jagged and damaged by something other than time or water currents. Nothing else comes to mind, though, considering the fact that even we had some trouble getting past the two ridges creating a tight fissure. Perhaps someone used quite destructive magic on either side of the wall.

    Carefully shining some light inside the spacious corridor extending past the forcefully made entrance, we swim inside while being wary of our surroundings. The first thing we can notice is the evidence of some race or species truly living or using this place in the past. The bricks have been obvious but there are much more decorations on this side, resembling an actual temple or something similar.

    We decide to stick together and choose one of the two available directions. Cornelia uses her Ice Magic to mark the hallway so that we don’t get lost exploring this unknown, abandoned complex. It doesn’t look that habitable at the first sight but if we can figure something out to bring more light to this place, it should warm up nicely. Maybe there’s some illumination system here and we just need to discover it.

    Nevertheless, we carefully continue ahead while checking out all the rooms and chambers on our way. Safi and Emi usually enter them first, followed by me, and the three of us examine the interiors before the others join us. We don’t stumble on any traps just like the Mermaids said but my lovely Slimes still check every nook and cranny just to be completely safe. They are even more invaluable to this operation than I initially thought.

    “This place really could work,” Cir comments after we swim into a bigger area, looking like a hub of some sort, with many paths leading out. “If only we can take care of the darkness.”

    “I think Glowstone should do the job decently well,” Fei replies while looking around. “There are many spots all over the walls, ceiling, and the supporting pillars where we could hang them.”

    “I’m pretty sure we saw a deposit not that far from here during our journey. We should be able to mine it without much issue,” Nel adds.

    “We will need a lot for a place this vast,” Yun comments. “It might take us more than a day to fully explore this temple or whatever it is. If we don’t want to risk any surprises, we have to verify that there aren’t any other exits like that scary hole.”

    ~I was keeping an eye on the presence of any currents and I don’t think I noticed any,~ Neira lets me know mentally since her mouth is quite busy so I relay her words.

    “Maybe we should split now? We must have covered more than half of this structure for sure. If we didn’t stumble on any traps so far, I’m fairly certain that there just aren’t any,” Fei suggests.

    “I wouldn’t be so sure,” Cornelia quickly shoots her down. “We might be located in an unimportant part of this complex. It’s not like we have a map to know where we are exactly and what else is around.”

    “It seems at least somewhat important to me.” Safi’s voice reaches us from the side and we all turn to find the sapphire-skinned lady.

    She floats in the water quite a distance away from us, right next to another wall on the other end of this massive chamber. We swim up to her to take a peek at what she has discovered and realise that it isn’t really part of the wall but a giant double gate with an intricate design on each wing. The patterns depict some aquatic race and unrecognisable symbols.

    The gate is slightly open towards us, just enough for one person to almost squeeze through. Naturally, we don’t risk anyone’s safety by sending them into the unknown and everyone just gazes into the gap while prodding the insides with their light sources. I focus on the sigils carved into the two wings.

    “Are you able to figure out what this is with your overpowered Linguist?” Cornelia asks, stopping by my side.

    “Well, I’m trying my best, but it isn’t coming that easy. This might have been a food storage or warehouse if I’m not mistaken…” I answer and furrow my brows after noticing something.

    Slightly above us, the gate wears marks closely resembling those we have seen all over the edges of the hole that we used to get in here. Jagged, chipped bits are torn off mysteriously by some weird spell in an attempt to open the massive, stone double doors. It’s much clearer in this case from which side the break-in was attempted. It’s like someone used that spell to scratch or carve their way into opening this storage. Or perhaps to… bite?

    “Ah fuck.” A shudder of realisation passes through my body and my face jerks towards the girls below me. “Stop shining light into the gap this instant!”

    My sudden shout causes some frowns as they all look up at me and I feel an unexpected death grip on my wrist that almost makes me jump out of my skin. Glancing to the side, I find Cornelia’s face as white as a sheet with her eyes open wide to their limits. Following her gaze, I shiver once more, finding a feral vertical pupil on top of a dirty gold iris staring right back at us while one of the flashlight beams shines straight into it.

    I flinch when a confusing shape lunges forward and I drag Cornelia aside while waving frantically at the others. “Get away from the gate! Now!”

    Nobody questions the order and they all swim to the sides as I prepare myself for the impact, taking out my draconic hilt and filling it with mana. Whatever I’ve seen in there was massive and there is no doubt that it can smash right through these doors without an issue.

    But, after a few long seconds, nothing happens and I grow increasingly confused. Then, a scene right out of a horror movie plays out in front of our eyes.

    A scary-looking creature literally squeezes itself through the slightly open gap in the gate, bringing its dark grey body outside. Multiple tentacles of the same shade slither over the edges of the two doors in the process, trying to help the monster pass the obstacle. We watch as more of its humongous body pushes through the crack like some squishy stress relief ball until it fully plops itself into our chamber.

    “What the fuck is this?!” Cornelia cries out next to me in pure shock.

    “A Lusca,” I answer, staring right at the creature in the form of a giant, ferocious shark with numerous tentacles coming out of its back end instead of a fin. “It’s basically a shark with the qualities of an octopus. Kind of explains the chipped bite marks around the edges of the breach and how it squeezed itself into the passage to get here in the first place.”

    “What do we do now?” She turns to me.

    “What else? We fuck it up before it fucks us up. I don’t think it’s going to kindly escort us back to the front door of its home after we have woken it up from its peaceful nap.” I shrug and she pales even further. “It’s time to party.”
  17. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 152 – Not So Jawsome Way to Go
    I certainly haven’t expected to run into a humongous shark with freaky tentacles coming out of its ass when coming here but it’s not like we have any other options than to face it now. The massive creature floats in front of the gap in the gate behind it and regards our group with a calculative glance. It seems that the gummy feelers aren’t the only thing it takes after its aquatic cousin. We might need to put some effort into dealing with its smarts too.

    The scary shark-octopus hybrid turns towards the nearest target and compresses its body into itself. In a flash, it smacks all of its tentacles to the back while pushing itself forward like a jellyfish. Seeing a shark use weird movements like that is a sight that's equally as terrific as it is comedic.

    But, we don’t exactly have time to be focusing on such aspects as the angry predator lunges at Cir, who is in front of the three other Mermaids. It rushes forward like a bullet, leaving a trail of bubbles on its path. Its merciless jaws snap open and it takes a swing at the surprised matron.

    Before it sinks its sharp teeth in her, though, a rounded wall of ice suddenly comes into existence right between the two and the Lusca slams into the cold surface so hard that its elastic body turns into a pancake for a fraction of a second. No matter how distressed my beautiful magician wife is, she never completely loses her cool in the middle of a fight and I send a warm smile at Cornelia, whose still-pale forehead is tensed from focus.

    The monster regathers itself before any of us manage to squeeze in a follow-up to Cornelia’s spell and it smacks its tentacles a bunch of times to increase the distance between itself and everyone else. In the meantime, we spread out a little more, taking positions at all angles and in all directions, making sure that it gets a headache while trying to keep up with our numbers.

    Meru shows off her incredible battle sense and skill by sneaking on the Lusca from its blind spot and jabbing at it with her trident. Contrary to our expectations, the sharp middle spike of her weapon doesn’t go through the creature’s gummy body like through cotton candy and instead causes a small cave-in before sliding to the side over the surprisingly tough scales. The monster responds instantly and spins around, slapping Meru away with its tentacles, sending my fierce mate spinning to the back.

    It doesn’t get to rush after her as piercing, high-pitched sound waves hit it from the side, clearly throwing the monster into distress as its entire frame pulses and twitches frantically under the assault of the loud noise. Fei keeps floating not that far from it while releasing an offensive song from her powerful throat, which is closer to a melodic but also deadly scream of a single vowel. We can literally see the water ripple alongside the note as it crashes into the Lusca.

    Safi and Emi need no orders to take action and they slither through the water in their true forms, wiggling threateningly as two giant blobs of sapphire and emerald slime. Fei halts her attack the very moment they latch onto the aquatic beast and start swallowing it together, covering the Lusca with their jelly bodies. A quiet sizzling noise reaches our ears and we can see the scales and skin touching their slime being eroded bit by bit.

    A pained roar shakes the hall we are all in as the not-so-poor monster writhes in agony. No one else makes any moves, leaving the fight to my two charming Slime ladies, not wanting to accidentally hurt them in the process. We don’t just watch and do nothing, though. We keep exchanging thoughts and preparing the next steps in case it won’t end this easily.

    And, unfortunately, it would have been too good to be true.

    The Lusca starts spinning around its own axis faster and faster, becoming something akin to a detached propeller from a wind turbine. Its oblong body rotates quickly enough to turn into a smudge and all of its tentacles are extended outside as far as they can, threatening anyone who dares to swim close to them with a mighty slap if not something worse.

    The centrifugal force is too much for our two amazing Slimes and they don’t manage to overcome it in the end, gradually getting flung off the beast’s skin bit by bit. More of their slime uncovers the monster until almost none of it remains around their cores still somehow glued to the scales. But, sensing the incoming danger, Safi and Emi retreat their hearts too and start recollecting their viscous bodies on the side.

    I wave at the four Mermaids to wait a moment, noticing that they start preparing something, and we bring our own plan into motion. Cornelia stops chanting the spell she has been holding onto from the moment the Lusca started spinning and finishes the last bit. Her hazelnut eyes gain a cerulean glow as she joins her hands in a weird sign. Five serpents of frost circle her limbs and tummy each and then shoot forward.

    Just as the monster turns to us, it notices the flashing streaks of energy flowing towards various points around it and tries to follow them with its ferocious eyes. They stop after forming a pentagonal shape and shine brightly with white light, causing us to squint. Scary-looking ice bursts out of these five positions and begins swallowing the Lusca whole, not leaving it any room to run away.

    As expected, thanks to the fact that we are under the water, Cornelia’s magic does its job in a blink and the elusive shark ends up encased in tough, magical ice that forms a see-through block with a pentagon as its base in the very middle. We smile at each other as Cornelia exhales heavily after ensuring that the spell finished properly.

    “Good job. As I thought, having someone with Ice Magic on board was the correct decision,” I praise her, patting my amazing wife on the shoulder.

    “I admit that it might make things a little bit easier.” She chuckles with a proud smirk. “I feel almost invincible in the water. My magic is so strong that I’m afraid of it getting out of control at one point.”

    ~We just need to make use of opportunities like this to let you practice as much as we can.~ Neira floats up next to us with a gentle smile.

    “Its skin is so tough. Even Sirgia’s trident wasn’t able to pierce it,” Meru comments after getting near us too. “What are we going to do with it now? We can’t just leave it be, right? The ice won’t seal it forever.”

    “Yeah. Since it’s magically created, I will have to supply it with mana for it to retain its enhanced properties. Otherwise, it can even start chipping off by itself. I can fill it up with energy to a certain extent, ensuring that the consistency remains for a while, but without me around, there will be no way to support it any furth—”

    A loud crack interrupts Cornelia as she gives us an explanation of how her magical ice works. We all turn our faces to the floating sculpture and strain our eyes to watch the incapacitated shark with great attention. And, right in front of us, another cracking noise travels through the spacious chamber as a small chink appears in the ice on the inside of the block.

    “Ummm… I don’t want to be the sceptical one, but are we sure that it’s going to hold?” Yun chuckles wryly.

    “Ah shit. Things just never go according to the plan, do they?” I snicker while shaking my head.

    More and more fractures begin damaging the structure of the ice prison, appearing on the inside and heading towards the outer edges. As one of them actually reaches the end of the frozen water, a loud whistling and hissing sound escapes into the surroundings as something looking like hot, steaming gas gushes out of the tiny hole.

    “Take cover!” Cornelia shouts and I hastily pull the girls near us into a hug, turning around to protect them with my own back.

    A moment later, a powerful explosion quakes the entire place and sends me hurtling away from its source. I grunt as countless little, jagged pieces graze and bite into my skin while the four of us keep spinning without control until we slam into the far end of the hall. I hastily open my arms and check on Cornelia, Neira, and Meru. They all seem fine, just a little shaken.

    “Everybody alright?” I shout back towards the spot we’ve all been in, quickly turning around to see the aftermath.

    My eyes find Safi and Emi on the side, stretched over the three Mermaid scouts like a bi-coloured protective layer. Plenty of ice chunks are lodged in their joined slime and a few smaller, sharper projectiles have clearly breached their defensive shield, but the girls seem to have only minor scratches over their soft skin. My brave Slime ladies don’t look injured either and I don’t sense any pain from them through our bond.

    Unfortunately, Cir wasn’t as lucky and she had to deal with the intense blast solely on her own. She has many more tiny cuts and a few growing blemishes where bigger pieces of ice hit her. A very noticeable trail of blood escapes from between her fingers as she presses them into her side, trying to stop the bleeding. A pained grimace twists her ladylike face.

    As for the culprit behind that sudden explosion, the Lusca floats ominously in the middle of a sizzling cloud of what seems to be an escaping steam. It releases angry growls while staring right back at us as the water bubbles in contact with its scales all around, creating a weird, blurry effect near its figure.

    Cornelia groans behind me, rubbing her forehead. “Fuck… That bastard’s ink just has to have a strong reaction with water and MY ice specifically…”

    ~What was that?~ Neira asks, regathering her wits too.

    “No idea but whatever it releases makes the ice hot enough to melt and boil after getting in contact with it. The air and water that accumulated inside shattered the prison into pieces. Talk about bad luck,” Cornelia answers.

    “Shouldn’t the pressure have killed it in the process?” Meru furrows her brows.

    “Fucker’s endurance is just impossible,” I growl to the side. “This is going to be a real pain in the ass.”

    The Lusca stops sniffing the water around it and finally locates the sweet scent of blood, snapping its attention to the Mermaid matron.

    “She won’t be able to fend it off in her current state!” I shout to the girls.

    ~I’ll be the bait, you help her, Alastair,~ Neira replies and swims closer to place a kiss on my cheek, taking off her breathing artefact for a brief moment.

    Before I get to question her about anything, she summons her own magic and takes control of the water around her body, creating strong currents. She brings a small knife out of her spatial storage and creates a long cut on her left forearm. We watch her speed forward with grace and incredible agility while leaving a trail of blood behind her.

    It’s too late for me to talk her out of it so I rush towards Cir just as Neira reaches the monster. It ignores her for a moment but switches its attention to my clever wife after she swims right in front of its ugly nose. The tasty scent must be impossible to resist as it decides to chase after her as if its entire existence depends on catching the pretty Elf and tearing her to shreds.

    “Alastair… Ugh…” Cir winces as I get to her.

    “Shush. Save your words. Drink this and be on the lookout. I’ll heal you up in a moment.” I give her one of the healing potions I keep in my ring and move closer, placing a hand on the gash on her side.

    It would be great if I could bring Elea’s healing magic in to help me but I need to keep the skill locked on Meru’s ability if I want to remain useful in this fight. I do have a spare breathing artefact but my mobility would be greatly reduced. Thankfully, the potion our alchemist team prepared, paired with my decently powerful Rejuvenate, should suffice.

    While the wound slowly closes and regenerates, we watch as the mad shark swims in circles all around the huge chamber in an attempt to snack on Neira. She stays focused all the time, not giving it any chances to put even a scratch on her, which certainly makes the hungry beast even more enraged.

    The others try their best to fit in an attack or two during those wide laps, being careful not to inconvenience the brave Dark Elf using herself as bait. That crosses out the more powerful techniques but Meru still uses a few weapon skills to stab and slash at the monster whenever possible. She is able to put some shallow cuts in it that way but doesn’t manage to make any meaningful progress in taking the Lusca down.

    What an unbelievable monstrosity. Kraken seems like nothing in front of it. At least according to the legends from this world.

    Cornelia and Fei throw their attempts in too, with the former hurling various ice projectiles at the creature and disturbing its swimming path with numerous deadly obstacles, while the latter throws it off the course with her loud, mesmerising voice attacks. I’m glad that the magical noise doesn’t seem to hurt us as much as the target of her techniques. It certainly looks painful each time the Lusca is hit with it.

    “I’m alright now. Thank you.” Cir’s voice brings me out of my thoughts and I glance up at her strained smile.

    “Wait a little longer. I’m almost done. I can still feel how much you hurt by just coursing my mana through your muscles. No need to act tough, they can handle themselves for a while,” I reply, squeezing her shoulder with my free hand.

    “Alright.” She nods appreciatively. “But we can’t keep this up forever. The others are bound to grow tired if not exhausted. We need to deal with this monster once and for all quickly.”

    “If that happens, I’ll just reinvigorate them with my skill. I’m much stronger than I look. I can support them for days. No one is getting seriously hurt on my watch.” I find her beautiful eyes and gaze into them confidently. “Although, you might find it hard to believe after I failed to protect you.”

    She lets out a quiet, lady-like chuckle as a pretty smile curls the corners of her luscious lips up. “It was my own fault. I saw how you protected your companions and how your friends defended my subordinates. I don’t doubt your prowess. You are a Primordial in the end, both in boy and in mind.”

    Well, there might be something to that. From what we’ve heard up until now, most of the Primordials were quite kind and protective of others, especially from different races than them. If I’m going to take a guess, it might possibly be because of their own quite horrific experiences with the evil twin goddess and how she played with them. It wouldn’t be a surprise if they wanted no more people to experience such cruelty, perhaps becoming even overly kind.

    But, we can think about that another time. Right now, we have an enraged shark-octopus thing making our lives unnecessarily harder. Unfortunately, it either isn’t a female or its resistances are completely bonkers since the pure effects of my Class aren’t affecting it in the slightest. Or perhaps the Lusca is too much of a monster to get seduced by me, though the ancient Primordials did have to fuck quite a few monstrous entities to create some more interesting races inhibiting Naharren in the current age.

    “Do you know anything useful about this monster?” I ask Cir while finishing treating her wound.

    “It doesn’t have many weak points from the outside, according to the legends. It’s a menace and a true predator of these waters. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that it brought the downfall of whatever race or civilization lived in these ruins,” the matron answers.

    “Perfect. We haven’t even reached the Sahuagins and we are already facing a raid boss.” I sigh softly.

    “Raid boss?” She raises a brow at me.

    “Nothing.” I shake my head. “Any bright ideas, though?”

    “Its inner flesh is definitely vulnerable, just like most of its orifices. It might be hard to wound its eyes or the roof of its mouth with both being dangerously close to its incredibly sharp teeth. The stories say that many fearless warriors lost their limbs attempting that.”

    I ponder over Cir’s words, stroking my chin lightly. My gaze falls onto her tail, spotting a certain neatly masked spot somewhere midway through her aquatic appendage. Without looking into it with great attention, you wouldn’t even know that it’s there.

    “Wait…” My brows rise as it dawns on me. “You said all orifices… Isn’t there one that’s quite far from its jaws? Like, right on the other end?”

    “What are you—oh.” A barely noticeable blush tinges Cir’s noble cheeks. “There should be one. Though, it might not be as safe to approach as in the case of all the other fish since the Lusca does have its tentacles to defend it. I’m not even sure if it is located on its underside or somewhere amongst those.”

    “That’s enough for me. It’s time to end this.”


    Cir stops me and I’m suddenly pulled into a deep kiss, accepting not just her greedy tongue invading my mouth but also some kind of pleasant energy that flows down my throat, making me quite hot on the inside.

    She breaks the kiss with a slightly more apparent flush. “This will make you immune to our songs. I’ll regroup with Fei and we will do our best to immobilise it for as long as we can.”

    “Thank you.” I smile at her warmly. “You taste amazing, by the way.”

    With a wink, I leave the pretty matron’s side and rush back towards the battlefield. It’s in as much chaos as it has been moments earlier. Neira remains elusive and impossible to capture, dancing through the water in all directions like a professional swimmer. Though, rather than her being good at swimming, it’s more like she is just one with the water, using it to propel her body exactly how and where she wants.

    “I’m joining in! Keep its attention off me and slow it down as much as you can!” I shout to everyone so that both my companions and the Mermaids get the message.

    “What are you going to do?” Cornelia asks as I pass by her.

    “Something you would definitely love me to do to you.” I chuckle and continue ahead.

    After a moment of confusion, she successfully finds traces of my plan in my thoughts and turns red in an instant.


    I snicker once more at her embarrassed cry and close onto the flailing monstrosity. The Lusca’s tentacles keep propelling it forward with strong thrusts. Thanks to its elastic body, it can change directions mid-lunge, not having to worry about its mass and acceleration. It’s definitely a complex foe to fight, not to mention running away from it.

    Even through her slightly flustered state, Cornelia still manages to aid me and sets a few perfectly placed obstacles on the shark’s path, directing it exactly where I need it to be. Naturally, Neira is informed about their creation beforehand and makes proper adjustments to her manoeuvres.

    Hiding behind one of the dense ice walls, I wait for the perfect moment. The beast swims next to me and suddenly gets smacked by Meru’s trident from below, hit straight in its pointy nose. She follows it up with a spin and a mighty hit from her tail, sending the monster barrelling towards the other frozen obstruction. It looks like hitting one of those mushy stress-relief toys with a baseball bat in mid-air and I barely stop myself from laughing at the sight.

    Speeding after the ugly creature, I catch up to it shortly after it crashes into the block of ice. Trying to quickly verify if our new plan has any chances of success, I get myself under the monster’s belly and scan its surface with my eyes. Since what I’m looking for might be slightly camouflaged like in Cir’s case, I brush my palms over its skin and scales too, grazing my fingers dangerously close to the place where its body changes from that of a shark into tens of wriggly tentacles.

    An angry roar shakes the chamber and at least a dozen of those slimy, yucky appendages wrap themselves all around my torso and limbs. Immediately, the Lusca starts releasing its ink or whatever this unpleasant, acidic substance is called amongst its species, and my diving suit starts emitting sizzling noises.

    Somehow, it turns out to be surprisingly durable as no holes show up immediately after the material comes in contact with the acid and only some of my uncovered skin gets burnt by it. Sirgia and our two amazing tailors must have gone to infinity and beyond to make outfits so durable and tough. I should have realised earlier that they wouldn’t give us anything normal.

    The fingers of my left hand brush over a slight change in the Lusca’s slick underbelly but I’m yanked away from it by those annoying tentacles. No matter how much I struggle, they don’t let me go. I try ripping them out with my decently OP strength but they just shrink and expand like some radioactive gummy worm.

    Thankfully, the brave ladies from all around come to my aid.

    Safi and Emi have formed that weird circular body-merge from the past and I watch them blast a ray of acid straight into the face of the shark-octopus, making it wince and growl. Smart of them to try to fight fire with fire. Cornelia keeps creating ice walls and blocks all around the overgrown fish with an obvious identity crisis, preventing the Lusca from running away and moving around in general.

    Then, my lovely Neira shows up in front of the bastard with Nel and Yun by her sides, all of them bleeding from their arms. Their mixed blood flows right into the monster’s ugly mug and throws it into some kind of frenzy. It lets out a mighty roar, loosening its grip on me ever so slightly.

    I don’t have to wait long for it to let me go completely as Cir and Fei join forces and begin a song at the same time, positioned on both sides of the massive creature. They hit it with a reverberating, shaking vowel each, which makes the monster growl in pain and thrash around. The restraints holding me back retract and I hastily get into position right under the bump I found a moment earlier, summoning the draconic hilt from my storage.

    “I’m really sorry, Lilith. I swear to meticulously clean you up after we are done here.” I kiss the purplish gem at the end of the hilt.

    Not wasting any more time, I reel my right arm to the back and take aim upwards at a slight angle.

    Placing my left hand just below the targeted hole, I smirk to myself. “Apologies, dear sir, but your prostate exam is long overdue. I’m afraid that this won’t be very pleasant.”

    Thrusting my right arm forward with the strength of all my stats, I drive it straight into the Lusca’s anus and sink the hilt deep in its fishy exhaust. Another roar full of anguish makes the walls tremble as I drive my limb into the quite sizable hole way past my elbow. Scrunching my face, I reaffirm my grip on the weapon and follow up with the next step of the plan.

    Trying to bring up the most detailed and precise image of a big mace with long, devilishly serrated edges running all the way down the metal shaft in my mind, I infuse the artefact with lots of mana. I can feel it taking shape accordingly to my wishes and the Lusca wails again as something expands inside its anal cavity enough to press into all its walls.

    “Should have not neglected your regular appointments.” I snicker to myself and begin the torture.

    Using all my strength again, I yank the weapon back towards myself, tearing out a new one for the ugly creature. The firmly lodged head of the diabolical mace scrapes, cuts, and blasts the insides of the poor fishie as I drag it almost to the very exit. Serpents of blood flow out of the widened hole when I reach the end.

    “My apologies. I didn’t get a good feel of that one. Let me try again.”

    With a wide smile forcing itself onto my lips, I thrust my arm back in, this time alongside the materialised weapon. The deadly serrated blades at the edges of the mace rip even more wounds inside the Lusca’s rectum as they violently graze against the delicate inner flesh while going higher and deeper. Naturally, more wails and pained roars follow. Who wouldn’t scream in agony under such circumstances?

    In any way, I proceed with my enhanced fisting and repeatedly shove the hilt up the monster’s asshole to do as much damage as I can. My girls wouldn’t be the badasses they are if they didn’t cash in on the given opportunity and they work together to take down the Lusca alongside me.

    Cornelia creates two thick javelins of ice and swims closer to the screeching beast to push them into its open jaws when they reach the widest point of expansion. She sets them up on the sides of its teeth from the inside, placing them vertically. When the Lusca tries to close its jaws again, it impales itself on both of them and they stop it from finishing the movement like the pneumatic rods upholding the hood in modern cars.

    Without any risk of getting bitten and torn into shreds, my fierce sharkgirl mate leans into the creature's ominous jaws and starts making soup from the roof of its mouth and its tongue with her gifted trident. Safi and Emi show up next to her and help her out by adding one more ingredient into the mix, one that easily melts the chunks and pieces their aquatic friend kindly prepares in the Lusca-themed bowl.

    Seeing that the monstrosity is getting really desperate and defensive after sensing imminent danger to its life, our Mermaid supporters bring their songs from its sides once more, preventing it from doing anything stupid. Unfortunately, the force behind their voices vibrates so much that it shatters the ice javelins holding the Lusca’s jaws open and they snap shut, thankfully without any of my companions between its teeth.

    Although, this seems like a big mistake as the mix of blood, flesh, and powerful acid poured into those by my lovely Slime ladies flows deeper inside the monster’s digestive system and causes heaps and loads of additional damage. The Lusca slowly loses its energy instead of getting even angrier and its movements gradually come to a stop.

    As it freezes completely, I halt my fisting too and plop the mace out of its anus, unplugging the violated tunnel completely. A steady stream of blood and something else flows out and I hastily swim away to keep my distance from it. The Lusca then releases a deep rumble somewhere from within and flips upside down, starting to float up into the ceiling, where it stops and remains dead.

    “Now, that was a shitty encounter.” I chuckle, shaking my arm to get rid of the blood and other stains.

    “You are not coming anywhere close to me with that arm for a week straight!” Cornelia announces with a grimace, increasing the distance between us.

    Everyone else laughs softly and the two of us smile at each other.

    “It’s fully dead, isn’t it?” Nel asks, poking the unmoving, bloated corpse of our enemy.

    “I would still be careful. You saw what its ink can do. You can never know when it will leak out,” Yun replies with a smirk as her friend jerks away in panic.

    “What are we going to do with it now that it’s dead?” Fei looks between the matron and me.

    “Do you guys want to turn it into food or something?” I raise a brow at Cir.

    “That is possible but we would like to offer its carcass to you since it was your group that has contributed the most in slaying this monstrosity.” She nods politely at me and the girls. “We are receiving a lot from you and it would make us feel less uncomfortable for being unable to reciprocate that kindness.”

    “Yeah!” Fei instantly agrees alongside the other duo of Mermaids.

    I glance between all of my girls and they shrug together. “Sure. We won’t be impolite then and accept your gift. I bet Alyssa will love it.”

    Our side chuckles again while the Mermaids are unfortunately unable to get the joke.

    “Leaving the corpse aside, what are our next steps?” Cornelia asks the fish ladies.

    “I think we need to make sure that there are no surprises hiding in this underwater complex anymore. Even though I don’t think that the Lusca would allow any other predators or even prey to live in its territory, it’s better to be safe than sorry,” the matron replies.

    “I agree.” Meru nods lightly. “This place is very nice to settle down after some initial work. We just need to patch the hole or turn it into a fortified entrance and you should be safe here. As long as there are no other breaches.”

    “You girls take a moment to rest and recover your strength while we bring the carcass to our ship,” I suggest. “We will continue the exploration in half an hour. Everyone on board?”

    The Mermaids nod respectfully and we do exactly that. While my women push the floating body of the Lusca down the hallways leading to the forcefully created entrance, I spend a moment revitalising Cir, Fei, Yun, and Nel. They smile at me appreciatively as my warm energy fills their bodies and the sweet Fei shows a fair blush while glancing at me with an upturned gaze. Her two friends grin and jab at each other with their elbows.

    I leave the four beauties to take a short break, supplying them with some water-resistant jerky and a few waterskins filled with delicious cold tea. Rushing after my girls, I catch up with them just as they are trying to squeeze the Lusca through the narrow gap hiding the entrance to the cavern leading to the ruins.

    They count to three and push the mushy body with all they have, forcing it past the thin crevice. Halfway through, the carcass squirts some blood and other substances out of its violated orifices and makes us all laugh maniacally at the farting sound it releases. Giggling like idiots, we somehow bring it out into the open waters, hoping that the faint trail of blood and less savoury liquids won’t attract any unnecessary attention to the masked passage.

    Seeing a massive shark monster the size of an orca emerge from between the waves causes some panic but we quickly inform Lianne to let everyone know that there’s nothing to worry about. They quickly throw down lines and nets and we flip our prize onto them, tying everything together.

    As expected, the moment the Lusca falls onto the deck, the captain almost faints again. This time though, Lianne is there to catch Alyssa and somehow keeps her conscious while giggling impishly. The rest of the crew is in awe at our prey and tens of questions rain on us as they examine the ugly monster.

    The marine experts point out parts that might be valuable and we start taking our kill apart alongside the sailor women. Safi and Emi flow inside the Lusca and melt anything dangerous and already obliterated with their acidic slime, getting rid of the soup they have cooked with Meru earlier. They are careful not to damage the sack holding the monster’s ink and soon emerge from its body with proud smiles, earning themselves lots of mana kisses and pats.

    After we cut the shark-octopus in half from the inside, the rest happens in a flash. The ladies make sure to preserve its skin, scales, teeth, bones, and ink, of course. Most of the other elements are skillfully turned into preserved food or loaded into barrels to sell off for a nice price. The cooks already prepare an incredible meal from our game and we take some of it with us as we jump back into the water, returning to the Mermaids awaiting our presence.

    Snacking on the tasty meat, our reunited group explores the remaining parts of the ruins while keeping our guards up. We don’t find any other sleeping monstrosities, nor the Lusca’s potential mate. Hopefully, it was a loser and didn’t get to score a nice, ugly, octopus-wannabe lady.

    There are also no other holes in the entire structure. We do stumble on a massive, sealed gate, most likely intended to be the main entrance to this place. They don’t want to move easily and we can’t see any special mechanism to operate them so we leave them be for now, deciding to focus on the breach made in the side edge of the complex.

    With no danger in sight, we bring all the other Mermaids in and Cir starts giving out orders to her subordinates. The ladies spread out and form teams related to what their tasks are. Some of them know minor magic and such and thus we move with those able to manipulate earth and similar elements to seal the broken wall.

    Instead of completely fixing it, we turn it into a revolving door which opens by pushing a specific rock on the concealed side and a certain brick from the inside. The entrance is almost impossible to recognize from the caverns so we shouldn’t have to worry about someone finding it on their own. Of course, they will put some sentries down here to watch over it later.

    When we return to the main hall, it’s already completely changed. First of all, the surroundings are illuminated much better thanks to numerous glowing crystals in the walls. Not all the sconces and other holders are filled yet but the Mermaids brought out all the gems they had on themselves. Cir says that they will send people out to mine more tomorrow, just making the ruins habitable for today.

    I swim around with the girls and we help the fish-tailed ladies whenever we can. They are very capable on their own, of course. It’s also their new home so it’s only natural that they decorate and customise it to their own liking. We just give them a hand with a thing or two. And, well, who can say no to being around dazzling, topless fish ladies with bright smiles?

    After about three hours, we are kicked out of the ruins and invited to come back two hours later to celebrate their tribe finding a new place to settle down. We obediently escape back to the ship and spend some time with the crew, retelling our small adventure down in the depths many times. Lianne claps excitedly all the way through the story, listening to our tales with a wide smile.

    When the time comes to return, we bid farewell to everyone and prepare to jump over the ship’s side. Since Lianne is quite adamant about coming with us, we talk about it briefly and agree to take her this once since it should be safe now. She gets her own respiratory artefact and swallows the skin care pill. We observe her carefully while swimming back to the Mermaids to see if she will be fine this deep, but she takes everything like a champ, perhaps partially thanks to all the stats she is stealing from me.

    We find the grand hall beautifully decorated with a myriad of tapestries, artsy materials and other elements. Stone tables have been set up with lots of food and drinks at the bottom, going in circles all around the central point. Some of the Mermaids prepared corners with musical instruments and are either playing slow, calming melodies or still tuning their beloved tools.

    The big party starts a moment later and we join everyone in the obvious VIP spots next to the matron. Beautiful music plays as we snack on their offerings and chat casually. Many women swim to us to give their thanks for our help and protection. All in all, a warm and friendly atmosphere.

    At least until it suddenly turns silent.

    Cir floats up at the centre above all the tables. “My dear sisters. I hope you are enjoying yourselves during this grand feast meant to celebrate us finding a new home to settle in. I’m pretty sure you are aware that this moment of glory and happiness wouldn’t have been able to exist if not for the benevolent help of our new benefactor, Alastair, and his women. I’m also sure that you, just like me, don’t want to appear ungrateful in the face of such a blessing. Therefore, after discussing it with the elders of the tribe, we decided to pledge our allegiance to our new patron, the honourable Primordial Alastair! Let us now begin the Ritual of Fidelity!”

    The mermaids cheer happily and start clapping with joy as we look around in slight confusion. A mesmerising, almost hypnotising tune starts playing as all the instruments work in tandem to bring out the best possible melodic experience.

    My eyes move to the front as Fei swims up to me with a shy smile. Her entire Human half is decorated with beautiful patterns made with paint, perfectly accentuating her lithe figure and the alluring swell of her womanly charms. And that includes her girly mound too as I quickly notice that she lacks the panties all the Mermaids use to cover themselves down there.

    Exchanging polite glances with the women sitting by my sides, she shares a nod with them and extends a hand to me. Giving them one last look, I take it and accompany the adorable Diva to the centre as we float up to the matron.

    A slightly apologetic smile paints Cir’s lips. “Normally, it should be the matron mother who offers herself as a tribute, but since I’m not the only Diva in our settlement anymore, I don’t think the traditions will be disrespected if I relinquish the privilege of the first pledge to Fei, who requested it ever so kindly. Please, accept her and our tribe alongside. It will be an honour.”

    She makes a respectful bow and Fei follows up with a polite nod, smiling at me with her cheeks growing increasingly more rosy. I smile back at her softly and release a quiet sigh.

    “I accept. Let’s make your tribe stronger together.”

    Fei beams at me with a timid, toothy grin and pushes herself into my chest, joining our lips in a delicate kiss. I wrap my arms around her waist and graze her back as cheers erupt around us once more.

    Oh well. No matter where I am, it looks like I'm just not destined to rest.
  18. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 153 – A Beguiling Show ❤❤❤
    I spin slowly with the pretty Mermaid, or rather I should say the pretty Diva in my arms as we exchange gentle kisses. Joyful cheers fill our ears as we nibble on each other’s lips in the centre of everything. It sounds like the party is just getting started with this quite interesting ritual their matron initiated. At least from what I understood during her grand speech.

    But, Fei doesn't let my mind wander away from her, actively chasing after my mouth. I can feel her pouty lips curling up with each dainty kiss she plants on mine. Her delicate hands hold my cheeks as her fingers brush over my skin. Meanwhile, I graze over her smooth, alluring back.

    “So, a tribute, hm?” I whisper to her the moment I get a chance to open my mouth.

    Fei withdraws her lips for a moment, still hugging me dearly. “If you expected the Matron Mother to be one then I’m very sorry.”

    “No, not in the slightest.” I chuckle at her and steal one more kiss from her. “I didn’t expect any. But, I’m happy that you decided to fulfil that role. I just hope that you aren’t doing this just to repay my earlier favour. And making you into a Diva.”

    She shows the sweetest smile as an adorable trace of rosiness paints her cheeks. “I would lie if I said that those aren’t part of the reason, but I’m doing this because I want to. Just like everyone else here. Including Matron Mother.”

    “It looks like I left a lasting impression on you after our first meeting.” A small smirk sneaks onto my face.

    A cute giggle escapes Fei’s mouth. “That you did. You are very handsome, and you seem smart and charming, not to mention how good you made me feel with just your tongue. It was heavenly. I only hope that I can do half as well. But, that will come in a moment. First, I wanted to show you something.”

    Sneaking a shy glance at my face, she trails with her palms over my chest until she reaches my waist. Finding my hands on her hips, she takes a hold of them and giggles quietly, flapping her enchanting fin with enough strength to pull me with herself. I let the black-haired Diva guide me to a block of stone near the ground and sit me down on its edge, facing the entire gathering of the celebrating Mermaids.

    Fei takes a look to the side, nods at someone in the distance, and the music that the various instruments have been playing the entire time switches into a slower, more enchanting tune. She shows a beautiful smile at me and pushes herself a little bit to the back, floating in front of me.

    It takes me a moment to realise what she’s up to, but after the first few seductive waves of her arms, it becomes crystal clear, just as clear as the water inside this ancient underwater complex. Fei intends to give me a good show of her body and most likely her dancing skills as a Mermaid. She might lack legs but that doesn’t mean she can’t present me with a skilled belly dance that can make my blood boil. Especially in a certain place.

    I rest my hands on the stone by my sides and politely watch the kindly offered spectacle. Fei’s smile grows even bigger and more charming after she sees me fully intent on following her every movement. She shakes her hips to divert my attention to her tempting, completely exposed feminine mound, just to steal it again with her fingers, waving them seductively in front of her girly parts and tracing them up her slim belly to her very breasts.

    She keeps her long tail and wide hips swaying from side to side while leaning slightly to the back. A seductive sigh leaves her luscious lips as her fingers pass over her hard nipples, with her pert and tender chest displayed to me in all its glory, now even much more due to her faintly arched back. She keeps running her palms over her front, inching closer to her sealed slit, sneaking lustful glances at my face.

    The music becomes a little bit quicker and she swims closer to me again. Our faces stop right in front of each other for a brief moment before she unhurriedly floats up. My nose literally traces a path over her chest, stomach, and then pelvic area. She spins around when it reaches her nether regions and all I can catch is a whiff of her strong arousal before her fragrant pussy disappears from my sight.

    A giggle reaching my ears confirms that she knows perfectly well what she is doing and Fei circles me while slowly spinning. She looks down at me as my gaze follows her dazzling figure the entire time. I get a glimpse of her perfect breasts and inviting slit every now and then as she moves her hands to different regions with each lazy rotation.

    The tune switches once more and she returns to my front with an even more seductive sway, extending her arms high above her head. She wiggles her hips around while angling her body from side to side, watching me intently with her head locked in place. It looks almost impossible but yet she is doing it right in front of my eyes. And the effect is amazing.

    Lazily moving closer, she hangs her perky chest at my eye level and holds it there for a moment, almost smushing my face with her delicious-looking breasts. It takes quite a lot of self-control not to lean forward or reach out but I know better than to disturb a lady during the dance she’s putting so much effort into.

    But, it seems that the Earth's rules of no touching do not work the same in Naharren as Fei first brushes her hands over my cheeks, then grazes them down my chest and stomach, and finally finds my own palms. Pulling them up, she mirrors the motion over her body while using my hands, placing them around her cheeks and dragging them down.

    She stops briefly around her fair bust and releases a dainty sigh, still swaying her pretty tail and hips. Her delicate fingers force mine to knead and squeeze her tender breasts. I act accordingly and fulfil my role while leaving the lead to her. Fei nibbles on her lower lip while looking at me with hooded eyes.

    After letting me play with her chest long enough, she drags my palms down her sides. Surprising me a little, she slowly turns around and my hands end up on her back. Floating even closer, she pushes herself into my chest and guides my fingers to stroke her charming hips and travel up her sides. Letting go of me, she raises her arms up again, giving me a perfect view of her alluring back and seductive figure. I can see the inviting roundness of her breasts poking past the sides of her lithe frame.

    Straightening her back, she rests her head on my shoulder and turns her face to me as much as she can. Taking hold of my hands once more, she runs them over her smooth belly and soft breasts while leaving fluffy kisses on my neck. I graze her nipples a little more than she intends me to and evoke a quiet moan from the cute Diva. She giggles sweetly and bites me, punishing me for getting ahead of myself.

    Though, she decides to reward me right away and brings my fingers down low, passing her pelvis. She looks deep into my eyes as my digits run into intense heat and I quickly recognize the texture embracing my fingers. Fei drags them up and down her parted lower lips using one hand, and teases her clit with the other. Her mouth hangs open, whispering sweet whines and sighs into my ear.

    But then, she slides down, escaping my grasp as the music takes another turn, becoming almost chaotic and frantic. She makes a lot of spins and pirouettes around me, flashing me her privates. At the same time, she keeps one palm all the time on me, making one, uninterrupted path.

    Slowly, bit by bit, the tune calms down and so does the dancing Mermaid. After making a few more laps, Fei ends up back in front of me and brushes her fingers down my cheek, neck, chest, and stomach again. Just as the music comes to a complete stop, her hand finishes its path right on my crotch. Leaning forward to give me the best view of both her beautiful breasts and aroused pussy, she gives my manhood a tender squeeze and sighs heavily.

    “How was it?” she asks with a wide, toothy smile, trying to catch her breath.

    “I lack words to describe how unimaginable that was.” I smile back at her, evoking a deep blush on her adorable face.

    “I’m so glad,” Fei breathes out quietly. “You are the first person I showed my full dance to. Others saw only parts of it. I wanted to save it for an important man. I still can’t believe I got the chance to dance for our new protector. And the male I like.”

    I chuckle softly and graze her cheek. “I’m honoured. There are so many handsome sailors you could have chosen to perform for, especially with your first dance.”

    “No, I am honoured. And I want to keep showing you more of my dances. And only you. If that’s okay, of course.” She glances at me with an upturned gaze and a deep blush.

    “It is.” I lean forward to place a tiny peck on her forehead. “Do Mermaids settle down like this, though? I thought your race prefers to be a bit more free, unrestricted.”

    “You are right. But it’s not a rule. This is my choice. From the moment we saw each other, I knew that was it. And then you awakened me. And stayed to help. I think that might have ruined the taste of other males for me.”

    “I guess I now have to take responsibility for that.” I laugh a little and her blush deepens because of it. “You are aware that I live mostly on land, right? I’m not a sailor. I don’t spend my life on the sea. I won’t be able to be with you regularly.”

    “That’s okay with me. I will be very busy from now on too. Just seeing each other now and then will be fine. And if it gets too hard, I’ll figure something out. Maybe I’ll seduce some sailors with my songs, make them put me in a barrel and deliver to the place where you live.”

    I chuckle again and shake my head. “Don’t do that. It’s dangerous. You’ll have to promise to tell me whenever you grow too lonely. We will be able to converse mentally at any time if you accept me.”

    “Oh. Really? That’s amazing.” She beams at me. “Do we have to mate for such a magical bond to form?”

    “Well, it certainly helps to do so, but it can be done without it too. You just have to accept this.”

    I send her the request and Fei regards it with a quick glance before accepting it.

    “What a useful ability.” She giggles. “But, I should try to tuck away my curiosity for now. I’m keeping everyone waiting far too long already. I was supposed to present myself as a tribute to you right after the dance. So, may I do it now?”

    Finding her pretty eyes again, I nod at the pretty Diva. A charming smile takes over her gentle face and she hovers closer, pressing her perky chest into mine. Both of her hands move to my crotch and rub the bulge visible through the elastic material. She clearly searches for a way to unveil it but since she won’t find it no matter how long she looks, I make my suit disappear completely.

    A small gasp escapes her lips as my hot member suddenly lands in her grasp. Fei’s cheeks grow more crimson and she regards my face with one last glance before floating a little bit lower, positioning her head in front of my cock. Placing her hands on my thighs, she spreads them a little and leans forward to plant a peck on the monument of desire standing between them.

    “It’s finally time for me to return the favour.” She giggles adorably and focuses her attention on my waist.

    I observe how she rains fluffy kisses all over my length, almost nibbling on me mischievously. Those loving bites make me bob all around and I can barely hold back a chuckle at how she plays with my member. It does feel nice for sure and I continue to enjoy Fei’s gentle caresses.

    Getting bored of just kisses, she slides her mouth down my shaft and sucks one of my orbs into her mouth. Her hand starts unhurriedly pumping my erection up and down as she licks one of the two precious jewels like a lollipop, swirling her tongue all around it. Watching her work on me from above, I reach out and brush through her black hair, uncovering more of her beautiful face. Our gazes connect and she doubles her efforts in response.

    Moving to the other half of the treasure, she still uses her free hand to tickle the released one. She is more than just skilful at what she does. Fei clearly possesses the necessary knowledge to drive a man mad with lust. It might come from the fact that she is a Mermaid perhaps. They are kind of like the distant cousins of Succubi but living in the water so that doesn’t come as a big surprise, honestly.

    After a few short minutes of pleasing my two dangling friends, she finally traces her tongue back up my shaft and stops her lips right on the tip. Looking straight at me, she parts them and very carefully takes me inside her mouth. Almost instantly, she creates such a vacuum with her cheeks that she forces a groan out of my throat. She spares no effort to milk that sausage dry.

    Unhurriedly bobbing her head up and down on my cock, she makes the most powerful vacuum cleaners ashamed of themselves each time she pulls back, and embarrasses any massage devices while going in again, coiling her slick tongue around my length, giving it an unbelievably complex series of squeezes and tickles.

    That thing about Succubi might actually not be too far off from the truth.

    To reward Fei’s devotion, I let my pleasure slowly build up through her efforts, limiting almost none of it. She clearly senses me getting closer and closer to the grand eruption and speeds up even more, not dropping the quality of her blowjob in the slightest. Shortly before I reach an orgasm, she pulls back far enough to almost let go of my tip, most likely to focus her attention on it for the last bit.

    Or so I thought.

    Instead of doing that, she suddenly opens her mouth wide and sings a loud, high, echoing note. In the middle of it, she slams her face down, literally impaling her vibrating throat on my cock, pushing my dick deep into it up to the very base. I groan loudly and grab her head as she assaults me with pleasure-blasting soundwaves, making not just my manhood tremble but also my entire fucking underbelly.

    With that firm grasp of her narrow throat coiled around my glans and shaft, and with those orgasmic, muscle-penetrating sound waves, I erupt into her embrace like never before. Holding her in place, I ride my high with her keeping it like that for the entirety of my climax. Not even the hot serpents of cloudy liquid painting her throat white stop her resonant song. And I feel like I shoot a double from that unconceivable stimulation.

    After I’m fully done releasing my load, which takes a while, Fei withdraws herself from my member while scooping all the cum along the way with her flexible tongue. She lets me out with a soft pop and a dainty peck on the tip, showing a wide smile.

    “It’s so delicious. And so abundant. I’ve never had anything like this,” she says with a tiny spark in her eyes.

    “Well, you might not have had a Primordial, then.” I chuckle at her and she joins me with a giggle.

    “Did I do good?” she asks with an upturned gaze.

    “Let me just say that I usually don’t cum this much.”

    Fei hits an adorable fist bump by her side and blushes heavily after realising that I was able to see that. “I’m glad, then. Now we can properly seal the promise. This was just me being a bit selfish.”

    “You can be as selfish as you want.” I smile at her and accept the hand she extends to me. “What now?”

    “Oh, nothing much. I just get to offer you my body. I’m sure you will know what to do with it.” She shoots me a quick grin and pulls me back to the centre of the celebration.

    After nodding respectfully at the matron, she turns to me and we float closer to each other. Fei takes a deep breath, causing her pert chest to heave strongly while pressed into me, and closes her eyes. The entire hall grows completely silent as every single Mermaid watches us with bated breath.

    I’m a little lost for a few seconds, not sure if there’s something I need to do or say at the current moment, but Fei starts whispering something without opening her eyes. I soon realise that she is beginning another song. And this time it is an actual song.

    Her voice gradually grows louder and louder as she sings about the journeys her people, the Mermaids, have made in ancient times. I hold her close as she tells a beautiful tale about a pilgrimage to find a place they could call home, the work they put into turning the location they discovered into one, and the rise of a friendly and kindhearted society.

    At the moment when she reaches the part about starting a search for a guardian and protector of their people, her tone hits a crescendo, and the dormant until now lines covering her lithe figure come to life. The temporary tattoos begin to shine with a rainbowy glow and I follow them with my gaze, admiring her entire body. I quickly notice that they all head towards the same place, her womanhood.

    Even though Fei is in no state to instruct me, these lines are enough of a guide. She keeps her song echoing through the underwater chamber and I wait for the perfect moment, confident that I will know exactly when to do my part.

    And that time truly comes as she spreads her arms to the sides and directs her face towards the ceiling.

    Reaffirming my hold on Fei’s hips, I thrust myself into her pussy with all I have. Her voice instantly hits a much higher note as my hard member slides through her loving embrace, reaching her very depths. The tribal tattoos glow the strongest for a few seconds and then start coming off her skin, dissipating into the water.

    Fei slowly lowers the volume of her song as it nears its end. Bringing her face back in front of mine, she opens her charming eyes the moment the last sound escapes her throat, showing me a warm smile. No more patterns decorate her smooth skin.

    “It is done. You can now release your seed inside my womb. The ritual will be fully completed when I receive your semen deep in my body,” she announces quietly.

    “You don’t need to ask twice but…” I grin at her and Fei raises a curious brow at me. “I ain’t going to cum by myself.”

    I lean forward and steal her lips, moving my palms to her tender breasts. She lets out a sharp gasp of surprise and giggles sweetly. Our tongues are soon coupled in a passionate dance as we make out with any reservations. Fei’s fingers rub my muscles as I knead her chest, focusing on making her feel as good as possible.

    “Mhmmmmmm… Our tribe is so lucky to find such a generous patron…” Fei moans into my lips, starting to grind her pussy on my cock.

    I break the kiss first and bring my lips lower. Fei sighs blissfully as I nibble on her nipple, playing with the other one using my palm. She wounds her fingers into my hair and holds me close to her soft boob, starting to get even more proactive with her hips. I can feel myself going in and out of her warm, comfortable pussy.

    To not leave it all to her, I move my hands to her lower back and thrust my waist forward while pushing her body towards mine. Some more ardent moans travel through the water as Fei receives my affectionate strokes with a pleased expression. I don’t forget about her petite bust and continue pecking both of her breasts in turns.

    “Ohhhh… Ohhhh… This is so good… Please, more…”

    It certainly isn’t easy to make love to a Mermaid while floating in the open water but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to give it my all. For now, I keep pounding Fei’s tight channel with our bodies joined together by hammering into her from slightly below. To get a better angle, I leave her tasty nipples be for now and float a bit higher, going after her lips again.

    My movements grow quick and mighty enough to throw us into a slight spinning motion and we start descending lower at a sharp angle. Only muffled moans are now able to grace my ears as I keep Fei’s lips sealed with mine. Our mutual thrusts throw us around more and more whenever we fail to time them together properly.

    Soon, Fei gasps sharply as her back hits a stone wall. She glances to the sides and notices that we arrived between a Mermaid playing on the lyre and a few other girls next to her. A fierce blush taints Fei’s cheeks as she makes eye contact with one of them and I use that opportunity to push her more into the wall and start nailing her wonderful passage with more force.

    The other women stare intently at the place we are connected, observing how Fei’s pussy spreads around my dick with every shove. Since all the Mermaids have gotten rid of their panties, I can see their own arousal wafting from their closed girly mounds. The more strength I seem to put into fucking their friend, evoking louder cries from the enchanting petite lady, the more love nectar leaks out of their sealed crevices.

    “Ohhhh! Ohhh! Alastair! Ohhhh! I’m getting close!” Fei moans into my face, holding onto my cheeks to keep our gazes locked. “Please, let it out deep inside! Ohhhhh! Fill me up and accept the allegiance of our tribe!”

    “You want it deep? Say no more.”

    She gives me a curious glance and then yelps when I suddenly yank my cock out of her snug pussy and spin her around. Taking a peek at me over her shoulder, she ends up squished into the ground underneath us as I grab her mesmerising fin and pull it up. Fei figures out what I’m after when her tail gets bent up just the way I thought it should be able to and the curve of the tender and flexible appendage reaches her nether regions.

    With her cute slit exposed and pushed out by the unexpected stretch, she receives my penis with a loud, throaty moan. I thrust into her while firmly holding onto her tail with one hand and her hair with the other. Fei starts releasing slightly incoherent noises and moaning cries as I hammer her tight channel relentlessly. Our spectators don’t have enough self-control not to reach down to their own warm folds and they begin pleasing themselves to the stimulating spectacle.

    “Ohhh! Ohhh! It scrapes so many good spots! Ohhh! At this angle!” Fei whines loudly as I dick her down into the ground. “I love it! I love it so much! Ohhh! Ohhhh! Ohhh! Cumming! Ohhhhhhhhhh!”

    Sensing her firm embrace squeeze my member even harder, I plunge myself as deep as it’s physically possible as per Fei’s earlier request and release all I have into her womb with a grunt. Her own high strokes me real good with the little convulsions, coaxing more and more of my seed out of my tip. We ride our orgasms together until we are fully done and only then do I unplug Fei’s little pussy by drawing my hips back.

    Letting go of her hair and tail, I let them both fall down naturally and turn the black-haired Diva around, raising and supporting Fei against the wall. She smiles at me charmingly while catching her breath and pulls me into a gentle hug. I chuckle softly and reciprocate the embrace, running my fingers over her soft back.

    “That was incredible.” She breaks the silence first, bringing our faces in front of each other. “No one has ever bent me like that. I could feel how much tighter my pussy got from it. Sex with a Primordial is something else.”

    I chuckle at her timid smile and place a peck on the tip of her nose. “I don’t think it has a lot to do with that. I possess quite a bit of unusual knowledge I gained from various valuable literary and artistic masterpieces created back where I’m from.”

    She giggles shyly and I can recognize the curious glint in her eyes but Fei doesn’t chase after answers for now. And that’s good since it might get a little tough to explain how people on Earth have lewded every possible fictional creature in every possible way imaginable and unimaginable, immortalising their creations in books, comics, and animation.

    Before either of us says anything else, a faint shadow falls onto us from behind and we both glance towards its source. The busty matron floats to us with a proud smile and exchanges a nod with Fei.

    “You did great. Thank you for becoming the pillar of our loyalty towards Alastair. The tribe won’t ever forget your involvement,” Cir says with dignity.

    “I’m grateful for this opportunity, Matron Mother. Thank you for relinquishing your spot as a tribute to me. I felt it. The oath proceeded properly. It’s such a divine feeling. And the knowledge that I had a part in it is making me unspeakably happy,” Fei replies with a half bow.

    “Rest now. You’ve earned it. I think… it’s my turn to welcome our patron.”

    The older Diva extends a hand to me and I accept it. We bump into each other while ascending through the water and I get to experience the tender firmness of her voluptuous bosom on my own skin. She still wears lots of golden chains that press into me but her nipples are free, poking into my chest intently. Some movement catches our attention and two figures appear next to us, which I quickly recognise as Nel and Yun. Fei’s scout friends.

    “Do you mind if we join you, Matron Mother?” the former asks.

    “We would like to show our appreciation to our new patron too,” the latter adds with a tiny smirk.

    Cir chuckles softly. “I’m sure we can all work together with what I had in mind for our dear patron.”

    She lets go of me and the trio gathers up, starting to whisper between themselves. I could easily eavesdrop on their conversation but choose not to. I’m pretty sure that wherever they are scheming, I will end up on cloud nine.

    They finish soon and the two younger Mermaids show impish grins while their matron gazes down at me with a ladylike smile. Yun swims to me first and positions herself horizontally with her head facing my direction.

    “Please, have a seat.” She giggles with a tinge of rosiness decorating her cheeks.

    I furrow my brows at her and she keeps smiling back at me. After her eyes jump to my crotch for a second, I finally catch on and chuckle. Crossing my legs over her face, I do sit down right over it, with my back directed towards her legs.

    Yun guides my hands to her alluring breasts behind me, clearly instructing me to use them to hold myself steady, forcing me to lean back. The moment I comfortably settle down, a warm invader tickles my backdoor and I jump a little. She lets out a muffled giggle and continues to play with my butt a little, making my dick twitch in response to her gentle prodding.

    Then, Cir shows up in front of me and positions herself right before my member. I watch her take a hold of her impressive breasts and bring them around my dick, squeezing those amazing cushions all around it. Without any further ado, she starts an incredible titfuck while looking me straight in the eyes.

    To complete the formation, Nel arrives at my back and pushes her own breasts into me from behind. Her arms embrace my torso and she starts grazing my muscles with her fingers. Purring into my ear seductively, she nibbles on my earlobe, licking the edge with slow, sensual movements.

    Somehow, I end up in the care of three Mermaid bombshells with one literally eating my ass, one squishing my dick with her massive tits, and one giving me a massage while kissing my ear. There’s so much stimulation that I have no idea what I should focus on. If not for my extremely helpful abilities, I would be unloading buckets at such a combination.

    Well, I have nothing else to do other than to enjoy the situation so I do exactly that. With the kind offer of Yun, I sink my fingers into the delicate flesh of her quite sizable boobs, which in turn translates into my chair sighing and moaning into my butt. Cir devotes her entire being to kneading my cock with her tits and I watch it disappear and pop back into existence between those two huge mountains. Nel might have taken a less direct role but she doesn’t let the other two best her, putting commendable effort into stimulating my hearing receptors with her musical voice.

    “Are you enjoying our service, Patron?” Cir asks with a mischievous smirk.

    “Very.” I smile at her, letting out another grunt of pleasure.

    “It looks like we aren’t yet doing good enough if you can answer.”

    As if waiting for that moment, all three of them intensify their delegated actions three times harder if not more and I plunge into the depths of cumulative pleasure. Yun additionally starts kneading my orbs, trying to coax an even bigger load out of me as her tongue curiously pokes my backdoor. Cir leans forward and uses her lips to suck on my tip whenever it pops out of her cleavage and Nel reaches out to massage around my cock just close enough not to inconvenience the matron.

    Not wanting to keep them at it for too long and I fully embrace their efforts and let the wave roll through me, bucking my hips up to plough through Cir’s bosom during my intense orgasm. She squeezes her breasts even more into my cock as I unload multiple jets of cloudy delicacy into the water between us and the two women share a collective ‘ooooooh’ at the amount pooling up before their eyes.

    After I finish creating a priceless piece of surreal art with my cum, my seat shakes me off and the three ladies suddenly compete amongst themselves to scoop the most of my seed for themselves. They float around the concentration of my semen while pushing each other aside and suck the milky resource out of the gathered deposit.

    I chuckle at the unexpected sight and watch them relish in the sweet taste of my Primordial seed before they turn around to face me with hungry gazes. The scent of their raised arousal escapes from their slits like a serious leak in an important underwater pipeline. Looking around, I notice that many more Mermaids are starting to slowly swim towards our position, easily able to notice their state too.

    Well. We all knew where this was heading right from the start.

    There are going to be so many more Divas in this tribe in the morning.
  19. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 154 – Settling Down in the Depths
    I wake up in complete darkness, surrounded by something soft and pleasant. I quickly realise that I’m underwater, thankfully with my borrowed ability still active. Feeling the tender surface all around me with my hands, I try to figure out where exactly I am. My prison seems to be quite irregular and extremely narrow as I can tell that my skin is in contact with the walls at many points.

    My fingers finally run into a bigger opening and I put both hands into the crevice, trying to slowly push it to the sides. The breach grows in size without an issue and I’m soon able to squeeze myself into the gap. Wiggling around and pulling myself up, I notice a weak, blue glow and my head pops out of my temporary jail.

    Seeing what it’s made of makes all the memories from the previous night come crashing back.

    The aforementioned prison turns out to be a huge heap of naked Mermaid bodies entangled together like a massive, flattened ball of yarn. I’m currently sticking out of that amalgamation somewhere on top, recognizing the squishy handholds I’m resting my palms on as two pairs of perky breasts.

    With some more struggle accompanied but a few quiet sighs and moans, I manage to crawl out of the beautiful mass of fish ladies and swim a little bit higher, taking in the amazing and quite unexpected sight. Because who would have expected to find such a sexy pile of tens of Mermaids napping comfortably with a guy in the centre?

    Well, I guess I could potentially have, considering all that happened last night. Or this night. It’s hard to judge when inside a giant underground hall filled with water where the only source of light is the azure crystals placed here and there.

    If I remember correctly, after getting into the hands of Fei’s friends and the matron of the tribe, I was pulled into quite the celebration. Things escalated quickly and we suddenly were dancing in the water altogether with all the other Mermaids joining us. Some pleasant and definitely sensual music accompanied the event as all the pretty women began rubbing themselves into me.

    Left in their hands, I travelled from one person to another and enjoyed swaying our bodies together to the rhythm. Which, naturally, evolved into a more vigorous swaying in literally every single case. I came so many times while spinning in circles with a dazzling Mermaid in my arms that I lost count early in the celebration. I do remember our fun with Cir, Nel, and Yun clearly, but a lot after that has become a blur, to be perfectly honest.

    One thing I clearly remember though is Cir conveying to everyone what my main abilities are after I filled her in and the uncountable number of requests I had to send to all the ladies who were willing to become part of my strength. I can feel it even right now. My stats clearly rose by quite a bit after everything. I’m sure I mated with almost every single Mermaid in the tribe, save for the elderly, children, and the few that were hesitant. Thankfully, I managed to convince the matron not to force the unwilling to partake in the ritual.

    I honestly wonder if any of the girls turned into Divas just like Fei had. We were focused on slightly different aspects of the celebration than the potential evolution. The enchanting moans and songs of the aquatic ladies are still reverberating in my ears even now. Thank Goddess we are deep in an underwater complex or that much carnal noise would have definitely attracted lots of attention from other residents of the seas.

    Prying my gaze away from the delicious pile of sexy Mermaids, I glance around. Most of the things remain just like they were back before I fell asleep. The hall still needs some cleaning up after the feast. I spot a bunch of drunk or exhausted girls just lying or floating at various places by the tables, musical instruments, or just random locations around the sizable chamber. Some of them are still accompanied by a trail of white from the obvious parts.

    Finding one specific slab of stone with some leftover dishes, I quickly recall how my loving wives excused themselves somewhere in the middle of that giant fish orgy and returned to the ship. Lianne was adamant about staying and watching the show until the end but Cornelia forced her to withdraw so as not to overstrain her body, especially since the Queen was this long in the water while protected by the pills for the very first time. She should take it one step at a time. We don’t want to risk her forgetting herself and dozing off when she does need to remember that she has an oxygen-generating mask she has to consciously operate, more or less.

    Perhaps one day I would be able to share skills between more people than just myself and one other person—or two, technically, since the second share happens between a pair of my Partners—but until that time comes, we need to work with what we have. I’m sure everyone understands that, including Lianne. Her pouting face might have looked pitiful but I felt no negative emotions from her. Only the usual spark of mischief.

    Some movement catches my attention and I turn my head to get a better look. A small smile sneaks onto my face as I watch Fei and Cir swim towards me. I open my arms and welcome the shy Mermaid first with a warm hug. Fei giggles quietly and pecks my cheek as Cir arrives by her side.

    “Good morning, ladies. If it is morning.” I chuckle at them.

    “You are correct, Alastair.” The matron nods with a smile of her own. “It dawned not that long ago. The sun is slowly rising above our new home.”

    “Which we owe all to you.” The young Diva beams at me. “This place will be even better than our previous location after we refurbish it a little bit.”

    “How are you feeling? Tired?” Cir asks, brushing a hand over my cheek. “It certainly couldn’t have been easy keeping up with so many of us.”

    I smirk at her and put her palm into mine. “I think you are underestimating your Primordial Patron a little bit, aren’t you?”

    A cute giggle escapes Fei’s lips. “He is right. Don’t you remember how strongly he embraced every single one of our sisters even near the very end? I’m pretty sure he filled their wombs with so much seed that it could easily rival a whale.”

    “Not something I’d have ever imagined being compared to.” I laugh openly and peck her forehead. “I hope it was enough to help them become Divas just like you.”

    “I’m certain that it was.” Cir nods, taking a peek at the heap of her naked, sleeping subordinates. “I can already feel that most if not all of them are different. You created something unimaginable, a never heard before miracle. To see this many Divas in one place is something out of this era.”

    “Good. You will definitely be safer thanks to that. I saw the two of you in action and it was incredible what you can do with your voice. We are all aware that I won’t be able to be here all the time to watch over you.”

    A slightly disheartened expression takes over Fei’s face as she drops her gaze to my chest. I don’t miss that, including the way she trails her finger over my skin at a somewhat sad pace. Cir sighs softly as our eyes meet. We both know what our black-haired friend is thinking without having to try and read it from our bond.

    Before I get to say anything, Fei raises her eyes and stops her palm on my pecs, looking straight at my face with an anxious, upturned gaze.

    “It might not be my place to ask this of you but…” She gently bites her lower lip. “Is there a chance that I could come with you?”

    I smile at her kindly and pull her chin up to present Fei with a delicate peck on the lips. “You do remember that I’m from the land, right?”

    “I know…” She hangs her head down again. “I’m sorry…”

    Helping her raise it up once more, I lovingly graze her cheek. “I didn’t exactly say no, did I?”

    Her charming eyes brighten a little bit as she stares back at me with a clearly hopeful gaze. “Then…?”

    “It certainly won’t be easy. We do have open-top tanks filled with water for our aquatic friends but it doesn’t change the fact that they are very limiting. For a Nershark or Nereid, it’s not that much of a problem, but a Mermaid might find it extremely restricting,” I explain. “Honestly, I did hope that perhaps some of the women here would consider coming back with me since my business employs many races other than Humans and we could use the help of some aquatic individuals but I’m still on the fence considering the fact that you would literally be locked in a glass container for most of the time.”

    “The brothel, right?” Cir strokes her chin.

    “You know about it?” I raise a brow at her.

    “We talked a little bit about a thing or two with your mates. That petite Human woman explained that you run a safe place for poor non-Humans which also operates as a brothel for Humans. She mentioned that it would definitely be a huge asset to have Mermaids in the roster since many people of the land love the tales and legends about us,” she replies.

    “Well, we are talking about gorgeous women with dazzling figures, mesmerising scales and fish tails, and truly angelic voices. There’s no doubt that many Humans would dream about spending a night with one of you without risking never waking up again.” I chuckle softly.

    “I think we should be able to find at least a few sisters who would like to work for you,” Fei chimes with a bright smile. “I personally know of at least two people who always wonder how it would be to live on land and interact with other races more directly. Mating with Humans is definitely a bonus too. They are really fascinated by the world outside of our waters and having limited living space might not be that big of a deal for them.”

    “Hmmmm…” I ponder over their words for a moment. “That would certainly be great. The problem is, they are extremely thrilled about this now, but after let’s say a year, they will surely grow homesick, learning as much as they can from staying in just one Human city, no matter how grand. We would naturally not hold them hostage or anything if that happened, allowing them to leave, but… Hmmm…”

    “Perhaps we could utilise the sewers?” Another voice joins us from behind and we glance towards the source.

    “Meru. Welcome.” I smile at my fierce sharkgirl mate and Fei gingerly escapes my hold, clearly making some space for her. “Do you maybe need something?”

    She swims closer, stopping in front of me, and I brush through her short, fluffy hair. “I sensed you waking up and so I came. There’s nothing else to it. I apologise if my appearance disturbed your conversation.”

    “Please, don’t. Alastair’s mates are always welcome to join us at any time.” The matron makes a polite bow and Fei mirrors the motion.

    Pulling the calm Nershark lady into a gentle kiss, I bring her to my side, turning us to the two Mermaids. “Could you elaborate on what you meant, then?”

    “Astrea found us stuck against one of the gratings. After rescuing us, she brought us to your mansion through the underground tunnels. Perhaps we could transform one of the paths to not mix with the other ducts, at least until it reaches past the entrance to your home, creating an easy way for aquatic races to swim right to it. It would be easier for them to come and go that way, without having to be transported to the port over the surface,” my amazing mate suggests.

    “That… could technically work.” I try to imagine the entire venture. “We would need to consult it with Ross first and see if any of the sewer canals can be singled out without causing problems for the city. And replace the grating with some kind of gate. Perhaps remotely controlled. Sirgia should be able to take care of that with a slightly altered version of our internal phone artefact.”

    “Then… It wouldn’t be an issue if I came with you, right?” Fei glances at me with hopeful eyes.

    “If that’s what you want, I’ll make sure to find a place to accommodate you.” I smile at her.

    She squeals in delight and slams into my chest, causing me to chuckle as I wrap my arms around the overjoyed Mermaid. A rain of dainty pecks floods my face as Fei keeps giggling adorably and her fish tail smacks the water all around like crazy. At least until she realises what she is doing and grows so flushed that she has to hide her face in my neck.

    I pull her up for a slow, deep kiss and she slowly calms down. Cir shakes her head with a quiet sigh and smirks at me.

    “You are not going anywhere before we visit the Sacred Temple and that’s not negotiable, young lady,” the matron states coldly, evoking a delicate whine from the girl in my arms. “And before we finish settling down here. We could use every single pair of hands to make these ruins habitable and safe enough.”

    “We will help.” I nod at her. “I bet Lianne and the others would be up for that too. Especially if her crew gets to spend some more time with the Mermaids. I feel like both sides could have lots of fun interacting with each other. You share a strong connection in how you prey on sea men wherever you go.”

    “Any help is appreciated.” The matron makes a respectful bow with a charming smile painting her luscious lips. “First, though, we need to wake up all those lazytails. It’s already long past the hour we should have started cleaning up.”

    “Cut them some slack, Matron Mother. They experienced the mating of their life last night. Many were barely able to move after being filled up so much. It felt like I was going to float to the surface belly up with my womb full of Alastair’s hot seed.” Fei giggles sweetly and peeks up at me with a tiny flush.

    “I can’t refute that.” Cir sighs dreamily. “Stop clinging to our respectable Patron for now then and let us meet again in an hour or two. He must be starving after expanding this much love and energy. His lovers haven’t seen him for a while too.”

    Fei leaves a peck on my cheek and swims to her superior’s side, waving her fingers at me. They both lower their heads politely and escape the chamber together. I exchange a glance with Meru, bringing our bodies together in a gentle embrace, and we share a more passionate kiss before heading out of the underwater complex too, holding hands along the way.

    We jump back onto the ship after moving through the rocky passage and Alyssa’s crew welcomes us with cheers. Some women walk closer and start patting me on the back while giving me thumbs up and shouting something about a great job. It doesn’t take me long to figure out that a certain lewd royal has already spread the news of my recent conquest amongst literally every living soul on the deck. Definitely in full detail.

    I find my girls in the mess, sitting around one table, and we join them with Meru. I share a good morning kiss with everyone, giving some well-deserved mana-pats and mana-tickles to my precious jelly queens. Safi and Emi played a big role in our last subjugation and I let them know about that properly. They deserve all the kisses and cuddles for being so brave and smart.

    Cornelia obviously starts teasing me about the amount of fish pussy I was drowning in a few hours earlier, trying to act jealous and all pouty. Too bad I can clearly sense her smug expression through our really deep connection. But, to play along, I promise to do anything she asks of me to make it up to her, no matter what it is. Her eyes glimmer mischievously and she accepts in a flash, clearly already having something sinister in mind.

    We share breakfast while chatting about the ritual and all the other things connected to the Mermaids. I let everyone know about their situation down there and things go just as I expected. Lianne suggests we help our new friends a little and drags Alyssa and her officers into it. They find that a good and fun idea and so does the entire crew. They are all excited to spend more time around Mermaids. And Divas, who are an even bigger legend.

    Since we aren’t in that big of a rush and we feel at least somewhat obliged to help after receiving so much from the fish ladies, we finish up our meals and jump back into the water to see what we can do to make their new home as hospitable as possible. I’m sure we will be able to figure something out.

    We regroup with Cir and the trio of scouts. The matron informs us that last night’s ritual was a great success as over seventy percent of the Mermaids that mated with me have awakened their latent Diva talents. Unfortunately, not every single lady was able to get to the next stage, but everyone was aware that it might not have been fully guaranteed that they would. Some people might need more time or such.

    In the end, dozens of Divas are not something to scoff at. It’s almost an entire tribe of entities that are supposed to be almost extinct, endangered, with a single individual per kilometres of underwater land. I’m pretty sure that tips the scales of balance just a tad. Those knowledge keepers in the Temple are going to be so confused when an entire colony suddenly shows up at their doorstep. Though, I assume that Cir will be sending people out in smaller groups or there would be no one left to take care of things at home.

    Anyway, we move on to the more pressing matters and discuss what we can do. The Mermaids have already tidied the ritual chamber up so that is out of the way. Their entire home could use some cleaning and my amazing Slime Queens offer their help in melting away all the unnecessary weeds, moss, and whatever else covers the walls of the rooms and corridors. Cir accepts their suggestion and they slither away to happily do their thing.

    Neira and Cornelia volunteer to help with transporting the rock piles and other obstructive pieces of stone or other heavy materials out of the Mermaids’ new settlement. The former can easily control water to create a strong current while the latter coats everything in a layer of frost or ice, creating slick, shiny highways for all the debris that moves at great speeds.

    As for me and Meru, we are sent with the scouting trio to find some more glowing crystals so that there could be more light. A very important task, I would say. Fortunately, they remember seeing traces of something they have a suspicion should be what we are looking for so we head straight towards the area. Nel and Yun keep flashing Fei tiny grins and smirks, clearly teasing their friend about something and succeeding, judging by the tinge of rosiness on her cheeks.

    After two hours of swimming, we find a deep trench in the seabed. Our Mermaid guides swim around and examine the ground while the two of us wait for their verdict. It comes as I expect and we continue into the unending pit of darkness. It looks like Meru’s vision is well-adapted to such levels of light as we still are able to more or less see our surroundings.

    The three ladies don’t seem to have an issue with that too, though they also support themselves with an interesting technique. Fei explains that after becoming Divas, not just their voices got enhanced but also their senses, including hearing. They let brief sounds out of their throats and listen to their surroundings. From what I see, it seems to be an ability similar to echolocation but even more accurate and obviously magical.

    They locate a natural cavern hidden behind an extremely thick blanket of seaweed and the two of us deal with the obstruction in a flash. If not for their skills, I don’t think we would have found it that easily. Just in case, I bring out a torch, which technically is just a metal stick with a shining gem atop it, and hand it over to Yun. They switch places with us and it’s now Meru and me who take the lead, warily advancing further.

    And it’s fortunate that we’ve decided to do so because just after a few minutes the entire tunnel rumbles and something big clearly rushes our way. I order the girls to retreat to the entrance while our team of two scouts out the upcoming danger. Nothing would have prepared me to see an eel the size of the entire cavern wiggle itself right at me with fury in its eyes and jaws.

    I shape a greatsword with Lilith’s artefact and try to stop the beast but it hits me like a fucking freight train and sends me flying back. Meru jumps in to poke the monstrous underwater snake in the eye, rupturing it heavily. That makes the gigantic eel even more enraged and it starts thrashing around with tripled ferocity. We don’t really get any decent chances to poke or slash it with our battlefield limited this much.

    Fei requests us to fall back too, saying that they have a plan to deal with it, granted it will follow us. We make it a little bit angrier by inflicting some more shallow wounds in its ugly face and start swimming away. We don’t need to act like we are escaping since it chases after us fast enough to force us to put actual effort into not being caught.

    Soon, we reach the exit and immediately swim up after getting out of the hole. The Mermaid trio positions themselves all around it and takes a deep breath. Just as the eel monster pokes the tip of its head out of the tunnel, they let their voices ring all at once, bombarding it with an impressive and clearly painful sonic wave from three directions, shaking the surroundings even more than it had during its mad chase.

    We don’t waste any time and get to work too. Meru rushes down under the stuck, wriggling snake, and soars up at a high speed. She sinks her trident into its throat from below and shuts its jaws closed, pinning them together with her durable polearm. I mirror her actions and fall onto the top of its head, driving my purplish greatsword into its skull. The blade pierces the bone with ease and sinks up to the draconic hilt.

    With a few last shakes and shivers, the violent serpent grows soft as the last bits of life leave its long body. Pulling my sword out, I change it into a massive greataxe and chop its head off bit by bit just to be safe. You never know when it’s gonna pull a bamboozle on you.

    We regroup to check if everyone is alright. I treat all the girls with my Rejuvenate to deal with the minor bruises and to refresh them a little bit. The Mermaid trio thanks me with a peck on the cheek and the less expressive Nershark beauty looks up at me, giving me a cute, grateful nod. I fluff her hair for a little bit, unable to resist that fierce cuteness of hers.

    Ready to continue on our quest, I throw the eel’s corpse into one of Ailish’s rings so the blood doesn’t continuously leak into the water. The cave unblocked, we swim inside once more, still as careful as ever. Who knows if our wriggly friend didn’t have a girlfriend or a boyfriend?

    But, after we reach the far end of the stone tunnel, we figure out that mama had no husband.

    Besides a decently sizable chunk of glowing crystals growing out of the ground, we stumble on a multitude of eggs. They are all basking in the azure light emanated by the shiny rocks. It’s quite clear that the eel must have chosen this place having the crystals and possibly some of their effects in mind.

    “It’s quite unfortunate, but it looks like we killed the mother defending her nest,” Meru points out in her charming, calm voice.

    Fei sighs heavily. “It makes me feel bad but we had no way of knowing. Perhaps she might not have pursued if we didn’t agitate her so much.”

    “We can’t know that. She might have very well chased after us to the ends of the world. It was us or her.” Yun swims closer and comforts her with a warm smile.

    “What are we going to do with all those eggs? Can they survive on their own?” I ask, glancing at Meru and the trio.

    “I’m pretty sure that it would be better for everyone to get rid of them right now. I’m not one hundred percent certain but I think I recognize this species and they are extremely predatory. They might be a danger to the Mermaids after they grow up. It’s possible that the female ran away from the Sahuagins to lay her eggs here before coming for revenge with an army,” Meru shares her thoughts.

    “An army of your own children.” I shake my head with a wry smile. “A mother you wouldn’t want to fuck with.”

    “Maybe we could take them,” Fei suggests and we all turn to her. “They aren’t yet born and lack a parent. If we bring them to our colony and raise them properly, they might become the guardians of our tribe. Both sides get to live in peace that way.”

    “Are you sane? We can’t raise murder eels into obedient pets.” Nel looks at her weirdly.

    “Correction, we couldn’t.” Fei waves a finger at her friend. “We were just Mermaids back then. Now, we are Divas. Our voice has power. Magic. Matron Mother alone might have had an issue but there are many of us now.”

    “So, we are supposed to brainwash them into submission?” Yun asks, crossing her arms under her perky chest.

    “I think it’s better than killing them off now or later when they become a danger to you,” Meru says. “If you really can raise them amongst your people, both species will only benefit from it.”

    They all look between themselves and think about it deeply. After a moment, everyone agrees that it’s not a bad idea. But, they obviously have to consult with their matron and Fei suggests swimming back to talk to her. Before she escapes onto her journey, I catch her in a gentle hug and explain that they can now communicate mentally thanks to being connected to me after most of them accepted being my Partners.

    Fascinated by the prospect, they decide to check that ability and get in touch with Cir. A wide smile curves my lips as both sides realise just how spicy their voices sound while using Sweet Whispers. I can feel their embarrassment and also a little bit of something else as they sneak some glances my way while covering their Mermaid panties.

    After getting used to it, they discuss the matter with their leader and Cir also agrees to have a try at it. Since I can’t really shove living things into the ring without risking ending their life prematurely, we have to wait for a bigger squad of Mermaids to reach us and help us transport the eggs the usual way.

    In the meanwhile, we excavate the crystals from the floor using some simple tools I find in one of my spatial storages. As for me personally, I manage to shape my artefact hilt into a pickaxe and it does the Goddess’ work. Before the reinforcements arrive, we dig out every single piece of the glowing rocks, excavating quite a sizable pit down into the ground. This much should be enough for the entire ruins and some more.

    Our helpers show up with big nets onto which we load the eggs. They are of the perfect shape to firmly sit in the holes between the lines. It takes us fifteen minutes to collect all of them and secure the payload. Checking everything for the last time, we head back home without dilly-dallying since the journey this way will take a bit longer than before.

    When we finally reach the hidden complex, Cir greets us and guides the transport to a specific chamber. As we traverse the hallways and other rooms, we quickly notice how much cleaner everything became during our absence. It’s literally like someone took a wet wipe and washed every single dark brick, removing all the dirt, mud, moss and so on. If that wet wipe was highly acidic slime, of course.

    The interiors need just a few more light sources here and there and the ruins should become super cosy. Perhaps it won’t be right to call this place ruins anymore. It will soon transform into a thriving underwater city of beautiful Mermaids and Divas. And most likely ferocious murder eels.

    What a combination.

    It’s also quite obvious that Cornelia and Neira did a great job at getting rid of all the debris. The hallways cleared up so nicely without all the rocks and chunks of stone cluttering every single step. The Mermaids will have to slowly fix all the cracks and chinks if they would like to fully renovate this place but I think it’s worth the effort. It can become a beautiful settlement.

    But, that is for them to decide and not us. Though, I bet they would love to ask me about how I would like to decorate their tribe’s home. I guess I do have some ideas but it would be nicer if they used their cultural knowledge to make this underwater complex pretty rather than my weird, surface ideas that don't even come from this world.

    After dropping off the eggs in what will become the hatchery, we gather in the meeting chamber with all the important people in the tribe and discuss the matter of the eels. Cir presents the way to tame the aquatic beasts with the use of their songs to everyone and the elders approve of it. Since she has to quickly teach at least a dozen girls how to do it, everything else is delayed for later and I leave with Meru for late dinner on the ship.

    We share the experiences of the day amongst ourselves while eating and Cornelia mentions that they wanted to investigate the other side of the massive gate through which the Lusca came out to attack us but they decided to wait for me. Since it could potentially be risky to leave it just like that, we return to the settlement after finishing and head for the chamber where we fought.

    I put myself in the gap and use all my stats to increase it. The giant dark stone wings groan just as heavily as I do while opening wider. Meru helps as much as she can and we create enough space for everyone to comfortably step inside, or even bring bigger things in or out.

    In that sealed room, we find the Lusca’s treasury. It was clearly its nest for quite some time. Heaps of daily items made of precious metals are piled up into decently sizable hills alongside coins of various nominations. We also spot armour and weapons, and even ship cannons but those are mostly squashed and deformed, most likely by the owner of this place so that they could pass through the narrow slit.

    Some digging reveals much older pieces of table decorations and similar stuff. Perhaps there’s even a chance that some items belonged to these ruins way in the past. We can’t be sure if anyone plundered them or if it was just the Lusca that hoarded what it could into this small vault.

    In the end, we take only coins for now since the Mermaids tell us that they don’t really have any use for so many of them. So, we leave a healthy amount and store the rest. As for the decorations and other stuff, we agree to leave it all to them, picking just a piece or two that catches our attention.

    Cir insists all of us do, including the sailor women, so we spend a few hours escorting every single crew member to the treasury so they can pick their fancy. Ignoring the fact that swimming this deep under the water with a breathing artefact amongst numerous Divas and Mermaids already puts them in an amazed trance.

    Alyssa is so grateful for this opportunity for her ladies that she insists on showing it to me right away so we end up spending that time in her private cabin as the girls lead the women. Thankfully, everyone is so busy with their trips and gifts that they don’t notice the heavy rocking the ship must be subjected to from me receiving my own gift. It’s not just the Mermaid’s place that needs renovations now after we are done with Alyssa in her cabin.

    Naturally, she gets her turn in the vault too, choosing to come last as the captain. She can barely move even after my Rejuvenate and I don’t miss the clear smirk Lianne gives me when I guide the captain to the treasures. After our trips finally end, we all go catch some good rest and decide to meet in the morning. Things are looking good for the Mermaids so we are going to continue on our journey.

    As planned, gathering all my mates, I jump into the chilly water and pay a visit to the matron’s throne chamber. Cir and many other Mermaids wait for us, including Fei and her friends, of course. The scouting trio takes positions around us like honourable guards and escorts.

    “So, the time to part ways has come,” the matron begins with a soft smile.

    “I believe that it’s not the last time that our paths cross, Matron Mother.” I smile back and make a polite nod.

    “That is for certain. We will now begin a diligent training of the newly awakened Divas and I can promise you that in a week's time, you shall have an army of powerful Mermaids at your command. It is our duty to both serve you and return the favour, therefore we will do whatever it is in our power to aid your conquest. Await our songs on the battlefield.” She makes a deep, respectful bow which is repeated by everyone gathered.

    “Thank you. Don’t rush the training. Take only those who will be confident in their abilities and will to fight. Your help will be appreciated but we won’t fail if your numbers won’t be high,” I instruct her.

    “I will keep that in mind, Patron.” Her smile grows a little. “As for our previous discussion, we shall await the news of the underground duct’s construction. Right after it’s completed, I will send those willing to visit your home. We are already asking around for people interested in working for our dear Patron.”

    “Thank you again. I shall contact you as soon as we figure it out.” I nod gratefully.

    “Well, then. I won’t delay you any longer. We all wish you luck on your conquest of the barbaric Sahuagins, dear Patron. May the blessings of the Goddess be with you.”

    All the Mermaids bow again as Cir begins a brief but powerful song consisting of just a few prolonged notes. It has a divine feeling and I don’t doubt that she truly blessed me with some sort of skill or something. Or it really is Lumina working through her to aid us via some loophole based on faith.

    Exchanging one last farewell, we turn around and start slowly leaving the throne chamber.

    “Fei.” Cir’s voice echoes through the hall and we stop, glancing over our shoulders.

    I find our black-haired friend just by my side with a wry smile. From how she looks at me with an embarrassed flush, I can clearly guess what’s going on here.

    “You are to receive training alongside everyone else,” the matron continues. “Until then, you can’t leave.”

    Fei bites on her lower lip and tries not to cast her gaze down. I smile warmly and swim back to her, pulling her into a tender hug.

    “I thought you were a good girl but to try and sneak out like that?” I ask with a smirk and she giggles shyly. “We will see each other soon so don’t rush it. I would hate it if anything happened to you so listen to Cir and learn whatever you can to become stronger. We can talk in our heads and I can see you in my dreams if you get lonely. The real you.”

    She nibbles on her lip even stronger but nods obediently with a much bigger flush. I cup her chin up and pull her into a delicate kiss, chasing after her mouth like after the sweetest piece of candy. She wraps her arms around me and we share a few slow pecks before finally moving away.

    Sighing heavily, she nods again and returns to her two friends, completing their formation again. They wave at us together and we return to the ship. There’s quite some ass to kick in these waters and my feet are starting to itch.
  20. Saileri

    Saileri Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Chapter 155 – This Means War
    After jumping back on the deck, I deactivate the borrowed skill and return to my Human form. Or Primordial, I guess. I’ve been spending quite a lot of time as an aquatic hybrid and while it shouldn’t have any serious negative effects on me, it’s better not to tempt fate. So, all the additional features disappear from my body as I glance around. Cornelia follows suit soon after, returning to her original appearance too.

    “So, is it finally time to get back on track?” Captain Alyssa walks up to us and shows a warm smile.

    “Looks like it. I don’t think there are any Mermaids left for him to fuck.” Cornelia smirks at me.

    “Hey. That was never my objective.” I squint at her.

    She snickers lightly, crossing her arms under her chest. “Sure, sure. Tell yourself whatever you want.”

    I shake my head at her while sighing softly and turn back to Alyssa. “We are good to go. It’s been fun to escort and help the Mermaids but we can’t stay around forever. I’ve already overused your kindness by taking us out of our course, definitely turning this into a much longer voyage than first assumed.”

    “Oh, think nothing of it, dear husband.” Lianne giggles from behind me and appears under my armpit to hug my side with a bright smile. “This is more like a vacation for Ali and her crew. One they can spend with their family. The longer we take, the longer they can relax before having to get back to their usual commissions. Of course, since I hired them for you, they are getting paid for this properly too.”

    “It’s as Lin says.” The captain nods at her royal friend. “Besides, who would reject the opportunity to aid the legendary Mermaids? It’s not often you get a chance like that. The very sightings are considered rare. Yet, thanks to you, we’ve been able to even experience some of their culture.”

    “It’s unfortunate that you had under the current circumstances,” Meru says with her usual, collected tone. “If not for the Sahuagins, you might have been able to see their home in a more welcoming and beautiful state. Chased out by those monsters, the Mermaids had to leave a lot behind. It will take some time for them to turn those underwater ruins into anything closely resembling their previous reef.”

    “And that’s why we are here.” Neira smiles at me warmly. “Alastair is going to solve that problem once and for good.”

    “Yeah! Master is going to kill them all! Emi will help too! No evil fish-people will escape Emi’s slime!” Emi throws her jelly fist into the air while cheering us on.

    I chuckle lightly and move my hand to her head, patting the wobbly surface with some gentle affection. “You girls give me way too much credit, as always. But, I agree with you on one thing. We are hopefully going to scare them off enough to guarantee the safety of the other aquatic races. But, if nothing else works, we shall have no mercy.”

    “No mercy,” Meru repeats strongly.

    Glancing at her, I use my other hand to brush her side. Considering what the Sahuagins have done to her and the people she knows, it’s not surprising for Meru to feel this strongly about revenge. I’m not trying to delude myself into hoping that this conflict can be solved peacefully, but who knows? Judging by the descriptions of those monsters, negotiations through anything other than pure strength might not even be in consideration, though.

    “I’ll go set the course, then.” Alyssa nods at us respectfully and walks away alongside her officers.

    “We are quite lucky though, aren’t we?” Safi asks shortly after we are left alone.

    “Why?” Cornelia raises a brow at her.

    “We haven’t run into any Sahuagins yet. Considering that they are conquering the aquatic tribes and lands, the parts of the sea through which we sailed have been relatively calm,” the sapphire beauty explains.

    Meru glances her way. “We didn’t sail above any bigger settlements or colonies that aren’t hiding from sight. Most of their army is focused on taking over the major, larger reefs while sweeping through the smaller ones on the way. Their scouts won’t really pay attention to a single ship unless it’s close to their main forces since their task is to find more underwater targets. The group that pursued me and the Nereids was a forward party that overextended a lot.”

    “Now, that might be jinxing it.” I chuckle a little, still rubbing her chilly side. “But the earlier we stumble on them, the better. We do need some actual battle experience against those entities.”

    “It shouldn’t take long considering how far from the shore we are now, and the fact that your new Mermaid worshippers have been running away before the Sahuagins got to their home,” Cornelia chimes in with her thoughts.

    “I agree. We should be ready at all times starting now,” Lianne says. “I’ll take care of the crew and the ship, you guys take care of everything that happens under the water. We have a lot of bad fishies to catch if these seas are going to become safe again.”

    “We appreciate the assistance, Lianne.” I move my hand from Emi’s head to her white hair to brush my fingers through it dearly.

    “I bet you are glad that I’m here now, aren’t you?” She giggles while gazing up at my face with a sly expression.

    “Ignoring the fact that the Queen herself snuck out of the castle or even the entire capital just to reunite with her gang of raunchy sailor women with the goal of fucking her husband in front of them before giving him to everyone for a wild ride, yeah, for sure.” I smirk at her while roughly rubbing her head.

    She chuckles and escapes my grasp while spinning in circles. “Children always dream of being free and unrestricted.”

    Cornelia lets out a heavy sigh while rubbing her temples. “You are not a child anymore. You had a child.”

    “Details, my dear Cornelia, details.” The petite Queen flashes us a mischievous smile. “That only makes it better, doesn’t it, my dear husband?”

    I catch up to her and evoke a cute gasp from the Queen as I yank Lianne into me by her wrist. Lifting her delicate chin up, I steal her delicious, pouty lips, listening to the quiet hum she releases as we tenderly make out. Lianne’s hands brush all over my front and cop a good feel of me, as expected from the little pervert that she is.

    “Perhaps having one more would fix your childish behaviour.” I smile at her impishly from up close, running my own hands over her smooth back and supple butt.

    Lianne’s eyes widen ever so slightly and an extremely rare trace of an honest blush tinges her light cheeks. Letting out a quiet chuckle at her adorable, flustered expression, I pull her in for one more loving peck before stepping away and returning to the others. The corner of Cornelia’s lips curls up in a tiny, satisfied smirk and we hit a sneaky high five as I approach my beloved magician wife.

    With the playful Queen pacified, things calm down just a little bit. We spread out throughout the ship and take care of various things, just like we’ve been doing for the entirety of our voyage. Whenever she isn’t with us on the deck, Meru continues to swim alongside the vessel to scout for any potential danger. Of course, I still join her now and then to spend some time alone with the incredible sharkgirl, listening to more stories about her home.

    But, there’s one more thing that deserves a lot of my attention at the moment. To be exact, two things, or rather two people. From what Safi and Emi tell me, they seem to be slowly nearing the limits of their current existence. Checking their statuses confirms that they are at the last Advancement Stage before their next evolution. It isn’t possible to ascertain it in more detail but if they feel like they are almost there, I believe them.

    It’s certainly a very curious thought. The evolution, that is. Safi and Emi have been by my side since the very beginning and I still remember their first advancement, letting them speak with me properly. Each next advancement was a small thing like that too so we didn’t really celebrate all of them, and they haven’t even told me about one or two, but something like an entire evolution is on another level.

    And, judging from what I know about monster evolutions, they can go in any direction, including unexpected ones. Previously, they evolved from Greater Slimes into Queen Slimes thanks to the consumption of the two poor girls who were on the verge of death. I’m wondering what kind of influence consuming my mana and something else can have on their evolution.

    In the end, I’m a Primordial right now. I’ve been one for quite some time already. Safi and Emi have received quite some of my time too. There isn’t a lot about the Slimes from the age of Primordials in the castle’s records so it’s hard to predict what might happen. I would be a fool to expect the possibility of only a normal evolution as the next step on a Slime’s evolution path.

    Hopefully, it won’t end up as something utterly outrageous.

    Nevertheless, I do my best to spend as much time with my loyal Slimes as I can without neglecting everyone else who came with us on this expedition. Time passes quickly while we are having fun and we soon reach the location where we met the Mermaids, more or less. Alyssa and her girls make sure that we stay on track and their prized ship cuts through the waves like the elegant lady that she is. She might be the Terror of the Siren Seas but she isn’t exactly hostile to Mermaids, as we have learned.

    But, less than a day after we pass by that point, I sense some distress in Meru’s mind and she jumps out of the water, landing on the deck right next to me. She raises her calm gaze to meet my face, now with a much more apparent tinge of fierceness on her sharp visage.

    “Enemy ahead. Either a small forward team or a scouting squad,” she announces. “There’s a high chance that they will catch my scent and pursue it since it leads to an unusual place, which is the ship.”

    “So, we are going to be under attack?” I stroke my chin.

    “Very likely.” She nods. “Those beasts are not interested in exchanging pointless greetings if they can take whatever it is they want with their own strength. We should let others know.”

    “I already sent a Whisper to the girls and Alyssa. She will forward the message to her crew the way she deems the best for the situation. I don’t want to cause unnecessary chaos when they surely have procedures for situations like these,” I reply, brushing through her black hair.

    And, just as I said, my lovely wives show up running to us in a flash.

    “It was a matter of time,” Cornelia says with a soft smirk, catching her breath.

    “Are we going to strike them down before they get to us?” Neira asks.

    “I’d like to at least try to speak to them. My Linguist should be enough for them to get the meaning behind my words. If they turn out to be complete bastards, we eradicate them as fast as possible. I don’t want to damage Alyssa’s ship. But, if they are following orders that can’t be broken, incapacitate them and interrogate them,” I answer.

    “We should leave at least one alive just for that reason anyway,” Lianne suggests. “I’ll leave the main deck to you, then. Alyssa will definitely appreciate some help if they choose to jump on all around the ship. I’m pumped up with your stats so I should be able to give them a good fight.”

    “No worries. Go and protect your family.” I wink at her and Lianne answers with a lovely little grin.

    She trots closer to us and pulls me down into a deep kiss. “Be brave and you might earn yourself a reward, my hero.”

    Cornelia snorts on the side. “Like you wouldn’t let him wreck your pussy senseless otherwise.”

    Lianne escapes to the accompaniment of her cute giggles and we both shake our heads, chuckling together after noticing it.

    “So, will I get a reward from the pretty lady who wouldn’t let me wreck her pussy senseless otherwise?” I raise a brow at my lovely magician.

    Cornelia blushes heavily under my gaze and escapes with her eyes to the side. “Well… Maybe… I will let you wreck something else…”

    Snickering lightly, I move closer and leave a loving peck on her rosy cheek. “Just teasing. I love you.”

    She huffs at me but a smile still creeps onto her sweet lips. After our eyes meet again, we nod at each other and turn serious. Cornelia recollects herself with a soft sigh and the rest of my beloved mates and companions join us in the middle of the deck. We spread around a little bit to cover more space and observe the ship’s sides.

    I move closer to the left side and peer past the safety railing, awaiting our uninvited guests. But, instead of politely popping their heads out of the water to exchange greetings as the Mermaids had, the Sahuagins just burst out of it and fly above our heads before dropping onto the deck with a myriad of thuds.

    Kind of expected, to be honest.

    The seven individuals land inside the small encirclement we’ve created with our positions and look around. They have roughly humanoid figures, not deviating that far from Humans if we ignore the colour of their skin and scales. While one shade doesn’t seem dominant, it’s clear that their palette is quite limited, revolving around dark, murky tones.

    They all have long tails similar to Meru’s coming out of their backs but that’s where the pleasant similarities end. To sum up the rest of the details in one word, they are fucking ugly. A line of thin, dark fins runs over their spines, up to their hairless heads. As for their faces, they are honestly hard to describe, besides being unsightly flat. It’s something akin to a fusion between a humanoid face and a quite repulsive, feral fish.

    These freaks have webbed fingers and toes, holding onto weapons and equipment made of bones. From the very first glance, those bones don’t seem to belong to some monsters or beasts but to more civilised entities. It’s pretty clear that their gear is crafted from the corpses of their enemies, or even anyone who is unfortunate enough to run into these ugly fuckers. Their waists are the only places that are covered by some material, which looks to be either flora found under the water or… skin.

    And that skin doesn’t give good vibes.

    Looking around the ship and warily examining their surroundings, they release weird, gurgling noises. Before they decide to jump at any of the ladies, I make a few steps forward, catching the attention of the entire pack. They all turn their hideous mugs to look at me with their dirty yellow eyes, constantly tilting their heads while gripping their weapons harder.

    “Hello there. What do you say about having a little chat, guys? That is if you can even understand what I’m saying.” I give it a try by picking one of the main aquatic languages I’ve learned.

    The Sahuagins study me carefully as I speak to them, glancing between each other and making some erratic gestures with their heads. The one standing the closest to me, at the front of the entire group, makes some more weird noises and the others respond to it. Feels to me like they are having a conversation, and I’m slowly starting to get a grasp on the meaning of a noise or two.

    But, before any of them decides to direct their reply at me, they all turn silent, staring into the same point. I follow their gazes and deduce that they are looking at Meru, who is in the position just to my right. Then, they all let out a constant, croaking sound, and I don’t even need the help of my maxed Linguist to understand that it’s their hideous way of laughing in joy.

    As she glares back at the group of Sahuagins, I notice a quite unsettling detail. Their loincloths rise a little for some reason, which becomes obvious after a moment. Not every piece of algae serves its purpose properly when poked from behind and some of them reveal what they are supposed to hide. And the sight is… grotesque and as much repelling as their ugly mugs, at the very least. Their intentions are more than clear as they start moving towards my dazzling Nershark mate.

    “So, it’s going to be like this in the end.” I sigh heavily and step between them, causing the fishfaces to halt their movements. “I don’t know what I’ve been hoping for after Vivi’s and Leilei’s descriptions of you guys.”

    The boss of this group of Sahuagins releases some angry gurgling noises, trying to scare me off to not block their way. When I summon my draconic hilt, they all flinch and take more battle-ready stances. I’d rather avoid using Carnal Mist on them when they are already eager to go. Who knows in what kind of a frenzy would that throw those primitive, vile beasts into?

    “Remember, leave at least one alive,” I remind my precious companions. “Do with the others whatever you see fit.”

    Meru lunges from behind me first and flies past my side, aiming to skewer the boss of the Sahuagins with her gifted trident. He lets out a surprised croak and hastily raises the bone shield he is holding to block her attack. It manages to stop Meru’s assault, protecting the owner, but the sheer force she’s put into her strike flings it up, exposing his flank.

    Before she can make a follow-up attack, two of his cronies jump in with their bone spears and try to skewer her with the sharp tips. Even if their weapons are just an amalgamation of bones, they seem to be crafted and perhaps enchanted very finely. I don’t doubt that getting hit by any of those will be no different than getting wounded by any other sword or polearm from the surface.

    Well, you first need to land a hit to achieve that.

    My fierce Nershark mate ducks under the crossing thrusts coming at her from both sides and spins around, smacking her opponents in the shins with her mighty tail. They fall onto the deck with loud thuds and I jump in to take care of one while she targets the other. Shaping a simple but mesmerising longsword, I stab it into the back of the ugly fishman and yank it to the side, easily cutting through his flesh.

    It looks like even their blood is hideous as a near-black substance leaks out of the monster’s veins and meat, which matches its skin colour. In his case, it’s a mix of unpleasant blue and grey. Perhaps there’s not even a single thing on their bodies that doesn’t make you nauseous when looked at.

    In the meanwhile, Meru skewers the other guy’s head, places her foot on his neck, and rips it off with a mighty swing. She holds it up like a marshmallow on a stick before getting rid of it somewhere to the side. Finding the gaze of the leader, who stares at us in shock after two of his underlings have been dispatched in a matter of seconds, Meru’s expression grows even fiercer than her usual, resting face shows.

    “No one but my mate is permitted to stare at this body lecherously,” she states coldly, preparing herself for another charge.

    Well, considering how serious their relationships are, I guess it isn’t that much of a surprise that she would be this pissed off after these things clearly displayed their intentions towards her. Still, it makes her look even more badass and hot. I’m just wondering why they haven’t reacted to all the other amazing ladies surrounding them but that’s a thought for a later time.

    As she goes after the leader, I take a look around the ship. It doesn’t seem like any more of these things jumped onto the deck after we took the first two down so they might not have any other reinforcements. Unfortunately for them, it’s more than clear that they are in desperate need of those.

    The remaining four Sahuagins are currently trying their best to survive the assault of my amazing companions.

    Cornelia has created a set of ice daggers and keeps slicing one poor fella from every possible angle, not giving him even a chance to rest. He frantically spins around, trying to keep most of them in his sight, but even if he would be able to do that, the fact that he is holding a javelin already makes it so much harder to block any attacks. When one of the flying knives leaves a cut on his other javelin while passing between his legs, I wince faintly at his pained scream and switch my targets, choosing to watch something less disturbing.

    The next Sahuagin I lay my eyes on isn’t faring that much better from his brother. He’s been unlucky enough to be put up against my lovely duo of Slime Queens. They both got rid of their uniforms and attached themselves to his fishy body. A blue blob is currently swallowing his entire, ugly head and clearly preventing that guy from breathing while also eating off at his face with the acidic nature of Safi’s slime. At the same time, a green blob is attached to the bastard's… waist. Emi is also melting him apart, though starting with a different head.

    I have a feeling that Meru’s words might have potentially affected them. Just a little bit. Maybe.

    Curious about what kind of heavenly punishment my incredible artist wife is delivering to her targets, I glance around the deck in search of Neira. I snort the very moment my eyes find my beloved Dark Elf wife. She’s set up an easel with a clean, white sheet of paper and is currently painting the various scenes of carnage that are taking place in front of her, unbothered by the ongoing battle. Though, I don’t feel like she is in danger, noticing the hidden trail of clear water running all around her limbs like a serpent waiting to strike.

    Shaking my head at her antics, I break into a run and pass by Meru, who is still fighting the leader. There are two more Sahuagins, currently trying to save their brothers who are in the clutches of my talented Ice Queen and crafty Queen Slimes. Before they decide to switch their attention to Neira, I decide to get rid of them.

    To minimise the risk of damaging the main mast or anything else, I switch my longsword with my trusty whip. It’s the first shape I’ve been able to assume in the very beginning and still one of my most favourite ones. It’s versatile, hard to predict, and unimaginably fun to use.

    Not so fun when you are on the other end but I digress.

    Sending the snake-like purplish rope forward, I wrap the Dragon’s tongue around the ankle of the guy who is trying his luck with stabbing Safi and Emi. I yank him into the air and wave him around a little bit while he releases panicked croaks and gurgles. Just as his friend who is trying to aid the guy assaulted by Cornelia notices it, I slam the dude in my grasp into him and send them tumbling to the side.

    Leaving the remaining Sahuagins to the ladies, I get closer to the fallen duo as they slowly gather themselves up from the deck. To their credit, they didn’t drop their weapons even amongst all of that. It’s certainly impressive. But, it won’t save them from their fate, no matter how strong their grip is.

    After they stand up, I’m against one spear and two heavily curved shortswords. They glare at me angrily but don’t dare to make the first move. Considering what they’ve witnessed, it’s not that surprising. I doubt they would like to end up in a similar state as the two Sahuagins they’ve been trying to help before I pulled them away. I wouldn’t wish that for anyone, honestly.

    Before I take action, a soft thunk reaches my ears from behind and I glance over my shoulder, finding Neira just setting down her easel not that far from us.

    “Don’t mind me.” She flashes me a beautiful smile. “I just wanted to have a good view of how you are going to massacre those ugly monsters.”

    I chuckle while shaking my head and turn my attention to the two guys in front of me again. They seem confused about the whole ordeal, most likely wondering if the person behind me is going to join in as a support or something like that. Thanks to Neira, they become even warier of me, but that’s not going to be a problem.

    Testing their reflexes, I send my whip at the Sahuagin wielding two shortswords and he manages to block it barely in time, getting his hands flicked to the side. The spear guy jumps in front of him to protect his partner while he fixes his posture. Their cooperation seems to be quite good. It really might be an army and not just a hastily gathered group of individuals belonging to the same species. Or they are just very good friends who fought together for a few years.

    Unfortunately for them, I don’t care about any of that and bring my whip back just to start smacking them with it repeatedly. If they have been trained, they’ve clearly never dealt with whips, which is quite logical. With water instead of open air, it definitely gets difficult if not near impossible to use one. Thanks to that, I land a few solid hits on their bodies, targeting both the areas covered with skin and with scales.

    The former seems to be just slightly tougher than Human skin and I can easily make them bleed just by grazing them strong enough with my whip. Having in mind that the spiritual rope is extremely coarse and patterned like the scales of a Dragon. As for their scales, they fulfil the role of natural armour decently well. They only cover the outer surfaces of their limbs and body, including their back, but it’s definitely not as easy to make a cut in those.

    Suddenly, after I smack one of my opponents in the head, he reels it to the back and releases an unusual choking sound while his body makes a weird, trembling motion. As I recall my whip, he flings his head forward and shoots a disgusting blob of acidic green fluid out of its ugly mouth. I step to the side to avoid the repugnant projectile and realise what I’ve done just a fraction of a second too late.

    A scream reaches my ears and I snap my head to the back with the worst already playing in my mind. My eyes immediately find Neira as adrenaline rushes through my entire body, but it calms down as quickly as it came.

    My beloved artist stands next to her easel with her hands gripping her hair while staring at a giant hole in her unfinished painting. It emits dark smoke over the edges, which are expanding further while eating away the rest of the sheet.

    Before I manage to even begin asking if she is alright, Neira’s face snaps to me with untamed fury in her usually calm, slightly teasing gaze. I shiver involuntarily as her unrestrained killing intent crashes into me like a mighty wave of a stormy sea hitting the breakwater. Lots and lots of clear liquid starts gathering all around her in the form of numerous serpents of water.

    “How dare you… The masterpiece that I was pouring my entire heart into making… For my beloved Alastair…”

    The moment she seethes in fury, my silly brain finally decides to figure out that she isn’t directing all the rage at me but at the monsters currently standing behind my back. I relax a little bit and watch the serpents of water coiling around Neira’s figure turn into literal serpents. Like, Chinese Dragon serpents. The size of a buff guy’s forearm.

    She throws her hands forward with an angry shout and at least a dozen of those draconic snakes swim through the air at an incredible speed, passing right around my body. I take a peek over my shoulder again and watch the dude who made the spitball get bitten by all of them and shredded into bits, piece by piece, as the violent serpents tear his body apart until nothing but blood and mutilated traces of flesh remain on the wooden planks.

    Seeing it, his best friend sends Neira one last, fearful glance, and breaks into a sprint towards the other side of the ship, abandoning his weapon straight away.

    “Oh no, you don’t,” Neira growls in a furious but also so hot voice.

    She extends her arms to the sides and directs her head to the sky. Her eyes shine brightly as she opens her mouth wide in a silent, voiceless chant. A few clear tendrils raise her body into the air and the ship suddenly lists towards our side heavily. With a loud splash, a gigantic head of the same draconic serpent emerges from the seawater and looms over the deck. It’s size almost twice as big as a fucking truck.

    The panicked Sahuagin comes to a halt with his path of escape blocked. Neira’s serpent wastes no time and plunges down right onto the deck, causing the ship to list the other way this time. It slithers up the wooden surface and catches the poor guy with its massive jaws. Bouncing off the deck, it flies straight up in a mesmerising spiral, and everyone follows it with their gazes by craning their heads to the sky.

    Two more loud splashes take place on both sides of the ship and two more gigantic serpents soar into the air just like their friend. Reaching the same level as the first one, they open their jaws wide while imitating the motion of taking a breath, and shoot a massive beam of pressurised water each. The two rays of annihilation crash into the head of the middle serpent and blast it into oblivion, alongside the Sahuagin hatching a forced ride.

    A powerful explosion shakes the air as a heavy downpour falls onto the deck while the three Dragons drop into the sea. Not a speck of the monster left, that’s how finely it’s been ground into dust. The ship rocks from side to side due to the strong waves caused by the descent of Neira’s creations.

    Note to self, NEVER disrespect Neira’s paintings.

    The person in question slowly descends onto the wooden planks and sighs heavily. The glow in her eyes gradually fades as she looks my way. I expect to see a proud smirk on her beautiful face, but the very moment our gazes meet, she gasps in terror while covering her mouth.

    “Oh no… I’m so sorry… We were supposed not to kill them…”

    I snort lightly to the side and look around.

    The guy Safi and Emi have assaulted is now missing all the flesh from the shoulders up and around his pelvis. Unless these monsters can function without a brain and a giant hole in place of their waist, he’s dead dead.

    Cornelia’s opponent resembles a porcupine, with his javelin clearly sliced off, judging by the amount of black blood flowing from under his loincloth. Unfortunately, it seems that she’s just recently stuck one of her daggers right in his skull, perhaps by accident when the ship was rocking around heavily. We can count that dude out too.

    The last remaining candidate is the leader, who has been going against Meru. I don’t have any expectations regarding his state considering how furious my lovely sharkgirl mate was at his unforgivable transgression, but it looks like we are in luck. He lies with his back on the deck and with Meru’s trident pinning his neck to the wooden planks, caught between two of the spikes. With how thick his neck is, it did suffer a small injury, but it doesn’t look threatening.

    I return my gaze to Neira and walk up to the distressed Dark Elf lady, brushing over her delicate cheek with my palm. “It’s alright. You had a good reason to be angry. I was looking forward to that painting too. It looks like Meru caught us one so don’t blame yourself, alright?”

    Neria gazes deep into my eyes and smiles wryly with a rare, dark brown blush on her pretty skin. She makes a delicate nod to acknowledge my words and I pull her in for a gentle kiss. Our lips brush together as we exchange a bunch of soft and fluffy pecks. Neira is the first one to break our sweet moment and draws her face back with a more fitting, happy smile.

    We both turn around and start walking towards the others.

    There’s a guy we have to interrogate.

    And an entire army to purge.