Spoiler Oh, Dear Nemesis/ 오, 친애하는 숙적

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by -NEAR-, Dec 26, 2021.

  1. Miki04

    Miki04 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Sorry for the delay. Got lot of things to do. Anyway here's Vol 3 Chap 10

    “Wow, this month has been amazing.”

    When El Lua let out a formal exclamation, Yurd El, who was sitting opposite her, answered with a bright complexion.

    “I took into account the advice you gave, and it was really possible!”

    “Well, if the energy of magic ore can be strengthened, it can be weakened on the contrary.

    “But I would have lost a lot if I hadn’t given you precise directions!”

    “It’s just an application of some existing experiments.”

    El Lua shrugged her shoulders as if nothing happened. He looked at the pile of reports in front of me with tired eyes, and reluctantly picked up one. You don't have to check it here because it's all you'll need to bring anyway, but it's true that checking it now will reduce work later. El Lua lay her back on her sofa and was about to turn over the report in earnest, but Yuur Del, who was hesitating, secretly opened her mouth.

    “I, but… … .”

    He looked around his stretch and asked in a disappointed voice.

    “Are you here alone?”

    El Lua, who sat cross-legged and peered through her report, glanced through her paper.

    "as you see."

    "Ah… … .”

    Yurdel sighed. Ellua, knowing the reason, frowned at her as if she was annoyed, but reluctantly she froze him.

    “The Count is also very sorry. You know, he needs him to be busy.”

    It wasn't empty words. At least in Plyace, no one knows that Count Phlox is constantly busy. To the extent that even her fiancée was given a ticket for her turn. There is no way the Count, who is brimming with requests for a date from his reputable fiancée, can't afford to take the time to listen to Yurd-El's report. Moreover, she had recently entrusted the research of magic ore to Elua. There will probably never be any direct appearances here in the future.

    Even so, she urged her to maintain her smooth relationship with Terra Coma. Ellua was also very interested in their research, so she didn't want to be mistaken. So she had to show such sincerity.

    “I will tell you that I missed Young-sik.”

    At the sound of Elua's mouth, Yurd-El's expression brightened.

    "thank you!"

    “Then can I take a look at this now?”


    El Lua shook her head and held back her Chimi sigh. She thought she couldn't understand where the hell Kal Mia was so good.

    * * *

    Her funeral, which was held out of her sense of duty, ended modestly and quietly.

    The succession ceremony of her title, which followed immediately, was not so grand. Since there were no other grown-ups in the family, there were not many things to take care of, and there were not many attendees because it was a women's title succession ceremony. The girls from close families in the south kept their seats, and thanks to Duke Matari's help, it was finished to the point of barely saving face. Her reputation as the fiancee of Duke Matari So was not as strong as this one. As long as she inherited the title, it was interpreted that her betrothal relationship would be broken as well.

    The parties rather liked it. The reason was that she had a lot of work to do, but she was glad that she did not have to put in much effort to prepare a grandiose ceremony. She took the ceremonial succession of her title with ease, and obtained the King's sanction in writing.

    She then said she had to reorganize her family and she was locked in the estate. for over 8 months.

    “Duke Matari has sent you an updated date.”

    “Sorry, she told me she was going out.”

    In response to her annoyed tone of voice, her aide, Note Rock, said bluntly.

    “That excuse worked last week.”

    “Then it hurts… … Oh, would you like to come see me right now?”

    After Strooni had gone to her 2nd Prince, Kal Mia had to reorganize her estate and prepare for her full-fledged religious life. She took care of her immediate estate, hired her aide to manage her mansion, and reorganized the distribution channels for Rashid and magic ore. At the same time, she started showing Haley's work to the world with a sneak peek. Magic ore, which weakened her energy by processing, began to be supplied to Haley. After signing an exclusive contract with Haley, Kal Mia was gearing up with Rashid to earn her sack.

    After entrusting Elua to research Terracoma, it proceeded without hesitation. Based on the few books left in her underground library and research reports from the Terra Coma family, Ellua has made remarkable achievements. Thanks to this, Kal Mia was relieved to be able to keep her promise to her 1st princess.

    Together with her, she further strengthened the territories' security and reestablished her relationship with the rat herd. Viscount Enfil, who was the manager of her herd of mice, accepted her Khal Mia's offer to study a cure for her daughter, and handed over her herd of mice to her. After all, George's health was slowly deteriorating, so even if he had a swarm of mice, he would not have been in the mood to properly manage it. Kal Mia, who had made a big deal with herds of mice in advance, took over them easily.

    Things that were messed up are being sorted out one by one, and things are going well. All that remained was the engagement to Rudbeckia.

    “I’m going to the capital soon anyway, so don’t come and ask me to see you there.”

    As she spoke in a sighing voice, Note Rock lowered her head. She recently asked Not Rock to deal with Rudbeckia, but within a few months her face was halved. Kal Mia shook her head as she looked sadly at the back of the note-rock, lean enough to flutter her clothes.

    While she was locked up in the estate, she asked to settle the rumors in the capital and prepare for the breakup, but she stubbornly refused to return. I waited about 3 months to see what I was going to do, but when 8 months passed, I was in a lot of pain.

    Apparently he had changed his mind. I don't know what kind of change of heart he went through. It's always been like this, isn't it okay to give and receive strategic help while maintaining her engagement? Kalmia thought about it for a moment.

    Of course, her thoughts did not last long. Soon she will turn twenty. Her promised deadline was approaching, and she naturally assumed that she would break up at that time and set things up. It never occurred to me that Rudbeckia would carry on with her engagement even after she had done her thing.

    It would be neat for each other to break up quietly as promised.

    “I’m here, Mia!”

    Kalmia, who was moaning with her forehead on her forehead, opened her eyes. El Lua, who will soon turn twenty, is still playing and eating at her mansion. Of course, behind her back she is handling the chores that Kal Mia handed her one by one, but she hoped at least that she would still be a prodigal master, outwardly. she's a weird guy When she tries to give her even a plausible title, she becomes disgusted and runs away and hides. She really didn't like to splash.

    “The look on the Notelock’s expression was a spectacle, is it your brother’s problem again?”

    “Don’t talk.”

    Ellua narrowed her eyebrows as if she couldn't understand her tired voice. He has seen Kalmia, who has been trying hard for months to distance herself from Rudbeckia. Although El Lua was her seemingly futile effort, Kal Mia prepared the divorce alone with great enthusiasm. She seemed to have no doubt that she was going to break up with her to be exact.

    “Mia, you don’t hate your brother that much, are you? Do I have to avoid it this far?”

    What was more incomprehensible was this. Kal Mia said that whenever she met Rudbeckia, she would often flirt, but surprisingly, she got along quite well. She often seemed to have various conflicts of opinion, but even that she ended up in a good mood. After the succession ceremony, thinking about the two people who collided several times over the magic ore problem, it was completely out of the question. In particular, when there was a big clash over Haley's magic ore piece, I really thought that this time would be the end of the breakup, but the two of them found an agreement.

    So, in Elua's eyes, it seemed that there would never be a breakup in the future.

    “What did I say I was going to give as an engagement gift for Princess 1?”

    “That’s it… … .”

    “Aren’t you going to get angry with that sassy, hard-headed Duke Matari?”

    Of course you will Ellua, who answered her timidly, quickly expressed her doubts.

    “But are you going to accept the divorce just like that?”

    8 months, if short, is short, considering the number of fights and agreements that have been made in the meantime, this doesn't seem like a big deal. Even Rudbeckia has been actively asking for a date in between. Although it has never been done properly because of Kal Mia, who created hundreds of reasons for her busyness, it was not likely that Rudbeckia would let her Kal Mia easily, considering her devotion and devotion.

    At Elua's objection, Kalmia grinned.

    “It’s not ‘just’ for him.”

    “But he will understand that it is a necessary matter.”

    “Yeah, I understand, but I feel betrayed.”

    Ellua did not fully understand the meaning of ‘betrayal’ that Kalmia meant. But she didn't try to explain it to Kal Mia. Because she was the inexplicable part in the first place. Instead, she unfolded an invitation that had been put on hold on the side of her desk. She was the culprit that made her diligent tremble for several months.

    “Let’s stop talking nonsense and get ready to go to the capital of Iman. The more subtle it is, the more late it is.”

    Khal Mia let out a heavy sigh, scrutinizing her luscious golden letters. It is an official document that will be the beginning of a full-fledged religious life, and the moment when you see the first fruits of what you have been preparing for.

    She was an invitation to announce the grand engagement of Perishica and Apis.
    The first thing she had to do in her capital city was to buy her clothes.

    Not forgetting that she had been pointed out by her princess in the past about her dress, Kal Mia had her dress in mind this time. She was determined to buy some accessories at this time, even for accessories that she doesn't normally enjoy. At the same time, Rashid, who has a keen eye for her, decided to pick out the high-quality items, so she felt free to send someone in advance to make reservations for a few stores.

    Rashid accompanied her from the start of her departure from Plyace. There was only one Rashid stuck, but the road on the way was twice as noisy. From the reaction, it seems that Apis hid the meeting with Perishica from Rashid as well. He expressed a profound sense of betrayal that Kal Mia knew first about her meeting, which he did not know.

    “It means that I have won the prince’s trust that much, so please do my best in the future.”

    “When did you not?”

    While grunting like that, Rashid has been presenting bracelets for a long time. In a sense, it's a very consistent and persistent attempt, Kalmia smiled and accepted his gift. She then thought of his imaginary ship and wore it in the seat she received.

    If she had known that she would meet Rudbeckia as soon as she arrived in the capital, she would never have.

    “Why is Confucius here?”

    “The princess has told me to do my duty as a good fiancée this time.”

    As she entered the capital, she saw the carriage of the Matari family she met as soon as she crossed the drawbridge, and Kal Mia had a foreboding. Tomorrow, surely, "the story of the desperate love of Duke Matari So, who came to meet her fiancee in front of the drawbridge" will be spread throughout the capital.

    "Besides, you said you'd see me in the capital."

    Kal Mia opened her mouth as if in absurdity. It was only a few days before she left the estate that she replied to the letter. So Rudbeckia would have received her reply a few days ago at best, but she didn't know whether to say she was surprised or tenacious as she knew her arrival date in a short amount of time and she was there to meet her. Even the time was right.

    Isn't she supposed to have been killing her since morning?

    Kal Mia, who was staring at her Rudbeckia with her hopeless expression, swallowed her sigh. She already catches the attention of passersby simply by the fact that she has a wagon of the Phlox family and a wagon of the Matari family standing side by side. Even the commoners, the wealthy who knew it, once in a while, sticking their heads out the window of the carriage. Fortunately, thanks to the escorts of the Matari family, no one made any major attempts to stop the carriage and overhear their conversation.

    Even so, the reality that it became her spectacle was different and did not change, so Kal Mia only wanted to get back on her quick carriage.

    “Who said I’d see you as soon as I set foot in the capital?” she said.

    She couldn't even raise her voice, and she muffled and muffled her voice. She is smiling, but her pronunciation is muffled as she bit her molars. Without any sign of dismay at Khal Mia's reaction, which she was not at all pleased with, Rudbeckia turned her around.

    “However, you made accessories that I had never seen before.”

    Rashid, who had to get off because he couldn't get in her carriage, heard those words and snuggled into El Rua's arm. Shaking, he grabbed Elua and hid as much as possible into the shade. Rudbeckia, who glanced at him who was trying so hard for her, bit her lips with her date.

    “You seem to be in the bracelet business.”

    Why is this man wearing all his bracelets? Kalmia, who regularly manages the mansion's employees, felt strangely skeptical. He is threading the kinds of jewelry in someone else's jewelry box, so what is he going to use it for? If you use that good hair elsewhere... … No, I think it would be better if I was distracted by being distracted by such a harsh place.

    “If you need a sample, tell me, didn’t you? I bought it in a variety of ways… … .”

    “Are you going to be so sarcastic, knowing that it’s not?”

    When he cut off his words coldly, Rudbeckia raised an eyebrow.

    “It’s not sarcastic.”

    Kal Mia crossed her arms and she smiled confidently.

    “Then, did you even admire my popularity?”

    “… … Let it be.”

    “Isn’t the answer a bit strange?”

    At Kal Mia's point, Rudbeckia calmly avoided her gaze. Then he spoke in a rather serious tone.

    “What do you plan to do with your accommodation? Because of the princess's engagement ceremony, the number of visitors to the capital has increased significantly. You probably won't have a room in a luxury property.”

    That was the part Kalmia had already guessed. When she sent someone to make a reservation for the store, she had already ordered a reservation for accommodation. So she could confidently assert.

    “I have already booked.”

    However, Kalmia's self-confidence was shaken helplessly upon hearing Rudbeckia's subsequent counter-questions.

    “Are you sure?”

    “… … What do you mean?”

    “It is a busy season, so accidents with overlapping reservations occur frequently.”

    No way. The high-end lodging establishments in the capital were very sensitive and thorough in their schedules as they dealt with the nobility. If there was an accident of overlapping reservations, it was obvious that the business would not be possible due to widespread rumors. Therefore, Kalmia's reservation should have been completed normally. Unless someone intentionally cancels the reservation.

    Kalmia recalled that the man in front of me was the one who exercised the power to make reservations for a restaurant that only accepts one customer a day, and even to change the date. Also, this man must have guessed that Khalmia would not accept his normal invitation. Somehow I had a feeling of insecurity. Turning to her, who closed her lips and looked at her sullenly herself, Rudbeckia added her words in a favorable voice.

    “Fortunately, we have a lot of room for the Matari co-authors.”

    An anxious feeling turned into an ominous certainty. She took a deep breath as she stiffened her cheeks with her sarcastic expression on her face. El Lua, who was standing next to Rashid and watching the conversation behind her, secretly widened her distance. She would have to clear the eyes around her, but she had no choice but to be in the middle of the road. Elua prayed that my sister would not lose her reason. Perhaps she felt his earnest gaze, fortunately, Kal Mia managed to put up with the tantrum.

    Kal Mia, who controlled his inner anger, smiled and bit his molars again.

    “… … I'm just about to buy a mansion anyway. I'm on my way to see the house right now, huh?"

    In the future, if you want to live in the capital, you must have a house anyway. You're a count, but you can't even get a house in the capital? Kalmia, who was trying to regain her composure, heard Rudbeckia's dull voice in her ears.

    “I don't know if there is a mansion to buy right now, but even if that is possible, it will take time to tidy up the interior and put in the furniture.”

    Rudbeckia must have already decided on the location of her room to give her to her. She was so sure. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to talk about the vacant room of the co-author with such confidence. Normally, you wouldn't even know how many vacant rooms there are in your co-authorship.

    “By the way, I am glad that you are willing to sit down in the capital. It was not easy to get to and from Plyace.”

    Even Rudbeckia was overjoyed. Karl Mia, who was staring at him with her stricken eyes, ruffled her bangs as she groaned in pain.

    “I understand very well that you have no intention of cooperating with the breakup.”

    “You have conveyed my message well.”

    Hearing Rudbeckia's words to unpack her luggage and relieve her exhaustion, Kal Mia gently lowered her gaze. Free movement is impossible once you enter the co-authorship. That alone was reason enough to decline the invitation. But even more worrisome was the fact that this mysterious favor was about to disappear. The face you will see after that will never be pretty, and even if it is not the same as in her previous life, you will not come to see her with a smile. A muffled murmur, like a self-talk, came out softly.

    “Don’t be resentful.”

    I need to find a house for her to live in quickly before her princess's engagement ceremony.
    Despite Rudbeckia's advice, Kalmia toured the capital's luxury accommodations in vain. The place she had originally thought she had reserved was of course unbooked, and she had no room in any of the other lodgings.

    Rashid hurriedly escaped, saying that he would owe Apis, my master and his close friend. And Kalmia and Elua were invited to the joint writings of the Matari family. It wasn't exactly the Matari family, but it was a co-authorship provided to Rudbeckia personally.

    I hate to admit it, but the collaboration was very good. It was incomparable to a luxury hotel. Since Rudbeckia gave permission to keep Phlox's employees on their side first, the Matari's employees would only come when needed. So Kalmia was even more pitiful. If it wasn't for the love story of a century of a cow duke that swept the capital city, she'd be at ease and she would have enjoyed the situation.

    She felt somehow confronted with a situation similar to when she had come to the capital before, but fortunately there were no insane onlookers to peek in front of the co-residential residence of Duke Matari So. She left her room to visit her shop, which she had reserved for her, at least in peace within her mansion. On purpose, she hadn't told Rudbeckia that she was going to be with Rashid.

    She forgot for a moment. His master is Pericicago, Perishica's lover is Apis, and the person who is indebted to Apis is Rashid, whom he agreed to meet today.

    Kal Mia, who was about to go out quietly, saw Rudbeckia standing on her porch first, and lost her motivation. Wearing a frock coat embroidered with silver thread on light blue silk, he looked like he was ready to go out. She heard that the lights in the co-author's office don't go out until late at night, but she doesn't know how she manages her time so well. Seeing Kalmia's dissatisfied expression, he calmly explained the validity of his joining.

    “The capital is a breeding ground for discordant rumors.”

    It wasn't something the person who contributed greatly to the dismal rumor had to say.

    “Rashid is brought in to check the quality of things.”

    "Is that so? I thought you wanted to spread the word about your quarrel with me.”

    When the hell is that eye going to go away? Kalmia, who secretly grinded his teeth, stopped him again.

    “Even if there are rumors that there is a quarrel, I can’t easily touch the second prince’s side since I inherited the previous family.”

    It was the excuse that Rudbeckia had used while leading the strange rumors the other day. 2 princes. However, the present Kalmia has inherited the Phlox family, so even the second prince will not be able to easily send an engagement letter or work hard. Of course, I know exactly how he treats the female head of state, but... … . Kal Mia narrowed her eyes as she recalled the second prince of her previous life. Her red-brown eyes that gleamed softly through her well-groomed red hair will judge her indifferently in this lifetime as well.

    “As long as a person named Storoni has passed over there, I will not give up on you.”

    She even showed her kissing another man, would there be any more obsession with her?

    Even with such skepticism, he could not easily deny Rudbeckia's words because he was not sure that Kalmia had penetrated all of Storoni's inner thoughts. Storoni said that my heart came from pure love. But who in the world puts out the woman he likes as a puppet out of pure love?

    In the end, he could not deny Rudbeckia's words, but Kalmia pointed out another part.

    “An engagement isn't the only way to stop them from approaching. Why the hell do you want to break up the marriage?”

    “There is no reason to do it.”

    The answer came easily. Kal Mia, who had been silent for a moment with her lips closed, asked again in a slightly more serious voice.

    “What if there is a reason?”

    This time, the answer did not come immediately. He narrowed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then replied in a blunt tone.

    “You can get rid of the reason.”

    No, I have a reason to break up, so why get rid of it?

    I didn't even have the energy to grab it. The man has already decided on the answer. Now I was worried that Storoni and Kalmia would join hands, so I didn't even think about it. It's been a while since they've seen each other, but he must have understood that in the future, Storoni and Kalmia will never be able to stand side by side.

    Then, did the Phlox family grow so covetous that Rudbeckia couldn't let go of it? No matter how well the Phlox family has built up its internal structure than in the previous life, it does not change that it is a family that has turned against the royal family externally in the outlying territory. What would the duke of the Matari family, who lacked anything, covet the Phlox family?

    If not... … .

    “Do you still have a grudge against me?”

    It must have come from a grudge from a previous life. Since we are in a position to serve the princess together, we can't pretend to be her, and I'm afraid he's trying to get revenge like this. By messing up other people's wedding paths and reputations!

    At Kalmia's confident question, Rudbeckia's expression was subtly distorted. Losing her words, he stood stunned and parted his lips as if he was about to say something. But before that, Kal Mia backed away, waving her hands.

    “No, don’t answer me now, and tell me after the princess’s engagement ceremony.”

    By then, I won't be able to hold back my grudge, so I'll be honest with whatever I say. Kal Mia, who quietly swallowed her back words that she could not spit out, stared at Rudbeckia. Rudbeckia, who could not hide her complicated feelings, and looked at her, answered docilely. Then she naturally escorted Kal Mia to her carriage. She, of course, and herself climbed into her wagon.

    It goes without saying that Rashid, who was waiting in advance at the store he had reserved, was startled by the appearance of Rudbeckia. All day long, the three of them wandered around the store in the eyes of everyone. And Kal Mia handed over her payment to Rudbeckia with the intention of resolving her grievances. Sadly, the amount that Kalmia was passing over did not do much damage to the Matari family, so Rudbeckia signed the autograph without hesitation without a single expression on her face.

    Kalmia, who had loved the Phlox family to the point of buying a mansion in the capital, felt embarrassed again. It was a dirty world where the rich lived better.

    “As expected, the Matari family spends differently.”

    Rashid whispered as she watched the back of Rudbeckia signing autographs without hesitation even at her last visit to the clothing store. He said he's seen a lot of wealthy people of all kinds, and he's the only one he's ever seen spending that amount of money like that. Rashid's admiration seemed to prove that Rudbeckia was a really great person, so Kalmia frowned involuntarily. I wondered if it would feel so bad for her fiancée to be wealthy, but there was something about her resentment.

    She said, "I've got to get Haley's sculptures into fashion quickly."

    I'll make her a bunch of money and flatten her nose. Rashid smirked at the sight of Kal Mia, her competitive spirit in front of her wealthy fiancée. Even if Haley's sculpture business was a huge success according to her wishes, Rashid decided not to let him know that the fortune of the Matari family would never be compared. After confirming that the staff was still holding Rudbeckia, he quietly lowered his voice.

    “Did you hear about the banquet before the engagement?”


    Since it is a royal engagement ceremony, the entire capital will be buzzing with excitement from the eve of the eve. When she asked again, remembering the decorations already hanging all over the street, Rashid shook her head.

    “No, apart from the eve banquet, a banquet soon to be held in the royal palace.”

    Kalmia looked at Rashid, confused. Neither in her previous life nor in this life, she did not particularly enjoy banquets or balls. Except where it was absolutely necessary, she would not want to attend. So this time she only confirmed her engagement schedule, and she didn't pay much attention to the banquets to be held before and after. If I had to attend, it would be because I wanted to pay bribes for my smooth entry into politics.

    Rashid sighed when she showed a look that she didn't understand at all.

    “I heard from Apis, well, there is going to be a masquerade.”

    “If you put on a mask, everyone you know will recognize it, but what?”

    What are you doing with the cumbersome mask? As Kal Mia was about to retaliate, she suddenly thought that she would find it quite useful. If you wear a mask, you don't have to spend hours on makeup! I'm going to cover it all up with a mask anyway, and wearing a mask will ruin my elaborate makeup! Is it the princess's consideration for young girls who have to spend all their time on makeup?

    “That's not the point. It’s a position that has been officially recognized by her to pretend she doesn’t know even if she knows.”

    Rashid did not hide his excitement and continued.

    “The princess who had to fall in love with her secretly pushed forward with her anger. For all lovers who are hiding in this country. Well, it doesn't seem like a good place just for lovers.”

    Rudbeckia showed signs of turning her body around. Rashid quickly finished her words.

    “I will attend too.”

    At the end of her meaningful words, Rashid slowly moved away, and Kal Mia put on an absurd expression on her face. However, because of Rudbeckia, who soon came close, she had to quickly pretend to be calm and make up her expression. He looked at Rashid suspiciously, who was looking at me, and asked calmly.

    “Did you buy everything you need?”

    “For now.”

    Dresses, accessories, shoes, hats, and other miscellaneous goods. I went around her shop so much that I wondered if she had ever spent so luxuriously in her previous life. She later impulsively visited stores that Rudbeckia didn't even make reservations for because she hated it. I deliberately chose only a place that looked luxurious, and went in and bought at least one item and left. However, Kal Mia, who was determined to spend Rudbeckia's money, was exhausted first. She decided to put an end to her with this clothing store.

    However, Rudbeckia seemed to have a slightly different opinion from her.

    “Then let’s go to the place I reserved.”

    The reason why she is anxious about her reservation is probably because of her previous experience. The sky was sunset, so it was time to start an early dinner. Kal Mia, who was looking up at the sky outside her window, looked back at Rudbeckia with her determined expression.

    “… … I wouldn’t go to a store that only accepts one team per day.”

    “It's just an ordinary jewelry store.”

    Probably, Rudbeckia and her are quite different from what she thinks of her normality. Anticipating that, Kal Mia reluctantly loaded her into her wagon. Rashid secretly tried to fall in love, but Kalmia's ferocious gaze could not overcome him and he rode with him. It was comforting to him that her shop wasn't far away, so he didn't have to endure her awkward atmosphere for long.

    As she was escorted by Rudbeckia, Kal Mia got off her carriage and looked up at the building in front of me. It was not surprising that her luxurious and glamorous appearance did not disappoint her expectations. As they entered, the store owner, who had been waiting for them in advance, bowed to greet them. Kal Mia was escorted by her into the room for her inner esteemed guest on her freezing. Boxes prepared in advance were neatly displayed on the table.

    “We had to match the design to the clothing we were buying, so we couldn't pre-order it. Instead, we’ve chosen jewelry, so you just have to decide on the design you like.”

    Rudbeckia, who had half-forced Rashid into her burial hall, entered her room, she said.

    “Originally, I was thinking of a necklace or a brooch, but I was told to bring it as a bracelet design to suit your taste.”

    He's got his bracelets, I'll have to sell them all. As I was looking through the open boxes with a firm resolve, I heard a request from Rudbeckia.

    “I hope you will wear it at the upcoming banquet.”

    It wasn't surprising that the plot was so obvious. Kalmia, who had heard about the masquerade from Rashid a while ago, felt that Rudbeckia's attitude toward putting a name tag on her wrist was both funny and imaginary. It doesn't look like the man won't recognize him if he wears a mask, but he seems to want to provide something that can be recognized at a glance. He didn't have the heart to do what he wanted.

    But isn't it the first thing he asks if he wants to attend the masquerade in the first place? Did he think he would like a position like that?

    “I will consider it.”

    With her sarcastic reply, she observed her jewel a little closer. Seeing like this doesn't mean that her eye for appraisal of her jewelry suddenly increases, but the clean and clear color even for her, who is an outsider, guessed the connoisseur of jewelry. Even when she thinks of her accessories, she has never seen a color as dazzling as this. She was not very greedy for jewelry itself, but putting it in front of her eyes made her a little covetous.

    “But, Confucius. I think this is a bit large, am I wrong with my eyes?”

    It was not Rudbeckia who answered her question.

    “You saw it right! It's really hard to find a diamond this big with this quality. If you can recognize it at a glance, you have a great eye!”

    He just said that he was big, but he was transformed into a person who had emotional skills to pay off. The manager, who appeared with her thick booklet on her side, began to praise Kal Mia's eyes in earnest. While not forgetting to admire the boldness of Rudbeckia, who purchased this great diamond without any hesitation in the middle.

    With a blurry expression on her face, she whispered the words of her manager through one ear, and Kal Mia roughly picked out the basic designs on the very first page of the booklet. It was a quicker choice than ever. She didn't expect the manager's absurd flattery to stop. I just hope tomorrow's rumors will be a bit common sense.
    In order to attend the masquerade, several rules had to be followed. The first was that all participants covered their wagons with a black cloth, the second was that only one family was allowed to ride in a wagon, and the last was to get off the wagon with a mask on. After all, the invitation itself was sent only to those who have thoroughly checked their identity in the royal family, so they will decide whether to enter the room only by having it.

    Kal Mia, who had been contemplating until the day before the ball, finally decided to attend. After her engagement, she had a celebration banquet, which she decided to get acquainted with her mood in case she was to attend. She also didn't know that even if it was a masquerade, she wouldn't be without political exchanges like at other banquets, so at least she might get a little bit of information. Unexpectedly, El Lua refused to attend, so Kal Mia got into the carriage of the Melody and Phlox families.

    She didn't even ask Rudbeckia if she was with her in the first place. Unbeknownst to his intention to attend the ball, he was stranded in the office. As she looked busy, she left the word to her butler that she was going out and left. It's a masquerade anyway, so you don't need a partner. She was a bit nervous to enter by herself, but Kal Mia calmly captured her heart. Isn't it absurd that she fears the banquet hall more than the conference room?

    To be honest, my reluctance to attend the banquet hall seemed to prove that I was caught up in her previous life, so I attended with a sense of repulsion. The previous life and this life are completely different. So she had to be different in her banquet hall.

    As she fiddled with the mask on her lap, the carriage passed through the arched golden gates of the palace. The place where the masquerade was held was the private palace banquet hall located on the outskirts of the palace. As it got closer, the black carriage increased. Karl Mia, who was pulling her curtains slightly and peering outside her, took a deep breath. Melody fastened her mask straps from the back of her head.

    The mask was sent in a random design along with the invitation. The shape that covered her eyes and nose bridge was like a colorful butterfly with its wings wide open. A red ruby was embedded in her forehead, and black feathers profusely stretched upwards around it.

    When the mask was put on, the feathers curled back in a circle as if covering the crown of the head. Every time he moved his head, he rustled like a peacock with its tail spread out.

    Her mask of Kal Mia, adorned with gold patterns on her black background all over her, matched her and her very well. With her silver hair and black, it was a bit clichéd, but it wasn't too conspicuous, and it was a moderately comfortable combination. Perhaps the person who sent this didn't even consider that.

    “I am so excited! It’s a masquerade ball!”

    Melody seemed excited just by accompanying her to the front of the banquet hall of her detached palace. It would be nice to be able to take them to the inside of the banquet hall if possible. Kal Mia got out of her carriage, swallowing her disappointment. She was escorted by waiters who had been waiting in advance, attached to each wagon.

    Her attendant, confirming her invitation to her Khal Mia, led her to her entrance. As I passed the corridor covered with gold decorations, I saw a huge chandelier brightly illuminating the high ceiling. The red-violet velvet curtains reminded us of a typical ballroom scene that we can often think of.

    A rather classic interior decoration stood out, as if it had been copied from a fairy tale book. It was funny to see the masked attendees playing freely in it, making me feel like I was at a ‘real ballroom’. Kal Mia was captivated by a romantic sensibility she had never felt even in her childhood.

    The banquet hall of her previous life was a terrifying place. One glance and one gesture turned into a mockery, and everyone pounded their mouths. But here it is different. She only wore a mask, and people seemed much more free to move. It may be like blindfolding, but as Rashid said, this place was a publicly recognized place to pretend that you didn't know even if you knew.

    She knew that Perishica's character was free-spirited and outspoken, but she knew how to make it happen at the Royal Palace. Kalmia was a little surprised. The attendants of the 2nd Prince, who had always wished to escape, must have attended this event. Following the second prince, who did not enjoy the banquet itself, their subordinates did not enjoy this event either. She hated banquets, similar to Prince 2, Kal Mia. She was insignificant, but she often sees others swallowing their disappointment. To them, today's masquerade was a good excuse to hide and play under the guise of 'we need to understand the enemy's plans'.

    Did the princess even have such a part in mind?

    Once those things came to mind, this banquet hall didn't seem like a fun ball. Kal Mia lit up her eyes as she moved with her four-and-a-half steps. Her palpitations were stronger than before. Previously, the palpitations were caused by tension, but now they are beats due to anticipation. Attendance was impulsive, but I think it was not a bad choice after coming.


    Karl Mia was startled by her thick voice coming from right next to her and turned her head. A man with a fairly large appearance approached with his boat out.

    “What a beautiful mask you are.”

    The mask that barely covered her man's face was also very beautiful. Although the string was so tight that it looked like it would break at any moment. Kal Mia, who had been silent for a moment because she was speechless, barely moved her head.

    “You look shy. Is this your first banquet?”

    Even if it's the first time, I don't want to tell you. Kal Mia barely resisted what she meant to say. Instead, she swung her distance away and expressed her intention that she didn't want to have a deep conversation with him. Her man kicked her tongue in regret, but she didn't even try to catch her. After all, there were many women other than Kalmia who wore masks and played freely.

    This is very convenient.

    Kal Mia gently stroked the mask that covered her face with her fingertips. No one tries to reveal the face behind the mask, and he doesn't want to be tied to his face either. A place where light harmony is recognized. Moreover, since it was held in the royal family, guests who could do something unsavory were not invited at all. Fortunately, if someone felt that urge to do something, he would never be able to set foot in the palace again.

    The tension relaxed a bit. Her stride, as if in a search, gained strength. A few people started talking, chatting lightly, and then moving away. Everyone was so free-spirited that I wondered if the banquets of their previous lives were too exaggerated memories. Those with a clear purpose have long been paired up with like-minded people. The people who had close contact, which is hard to believe that we met for the first time today, seemed to be ‘lovers in secret’.

    As the sound had more room, more came into my sight. Kalmia stood by the wall and looked at the people's ornaments. Among the sparkling jewels and gold ornaments, magic ore was intermittently visible. Considering what is called Ighalo's jewel in the world, it didn't have much use as an ornament. It was not easy to process, so the shape was simple and the size was too large. Kal Mia narrowed her eyes.

    The 2nd Prince will secretly create a research lab to uncover the secrets of magic ore first. However, can magic ore be more popular than now, and still be able to keep its secretiveness in the country? In her previous life, Haley's sculptures became fashionable when she was twenty-five. I plan to pull it out for about five years, so that means that the second prince has taken away that much time to devote himself to his research in secret. No matter how smart Stony is, he won't be able to achieve more than his previous life in a situation where he can't concentrate.

    Karl Mia, who had been biting her lower lip involuntarily and chasing only magic ore with her eyes, suddenly stopped her gaze. Her bustling people Someone was staring at her in her crevice. In particular, her bright red mask is very passionate, so she unintentionally stared at her for a long time. How she interpreted it, the opponent she had been looking at strode over to this side.

    Have you ever misunderstood the other person? Kal Mia frowned as she looked at her approaching partner and quickly parted her lips. However, before her, her partner spoke to her in a friendly voice.

    “Are you having fun at the ball?”

    The strength in her tense body was lost in an instant. Karl Mia, who draped her shoulders, clicked her tongue as if she was steaming.

    “It was you.”

    “Is it you?”

    “Did you expect me to not understand your distinctive pronunciation?”

    Rashid sighed softly as he replied bluntly.

    “Gee, I thought I was fluent here now. No one knew that I was a foreigner.”

    Those must be people I met for the first time today. There was no way that she could not recognize Rashid's tone, having had her face-to-face for several years. Kal Mia clicked her tongue and shook her head. Then she shifted her gaze to the rest of the banquet hall again.

    “I guessed by looking at the store displays, but isn’t it too much to wear in the banquet hall? How about your eyes?”

    “Are you talking about the Jewel of Ighalo?”

    “Haley’s work is sure to be fashionable.”

    It wasn't because she knew her future, it was a result that she could have guessed so easily just by looking at the level of ornaments she sees in this banquet hall now. It was good to see that gold coins, which would have been more than enough to build the walls of Plyace, would pile up like a mountain. The red lips exposed under the mask drew an arc. Rashid, who glanced at the shadow of her lips and smooth jawline, which was full of satisfaction from her, asked with a sighing voice.

    “Are you here to work?”

    “Then what should I do?”

    “Of course you have to have fun. It’s a place that’s made for that, isn’t it?”

    His voice even seemed to be embarrassed at first glance. It seemed that he didn't want to hear him talk about work at the place he came to play. Kal Mia, who was staring at Rashid with his lips clenched prickly, declared with a shrill voice.

    “My entertainment comes from a wealthy estate and a strong family. In addition, if you add a high level of power, it will be an added bonus.”

    To be honest, half of the aristocrats who visit the ballroom must be moving for their own political position. Maybe more than half of them are. Since politics and social circles cannot be separated, attending banquets is not an extension of work.

    Kalmia looked around Hwihwi. In fact, she was looking for Perishica from time to time. Because she thought that if it were her personality, she wouldn't be in a position like this, no matter how close the engagement was. Before she met her in public, she wanted to meet her in person and get her words right. However, it was not easy for her to distinguish someone from among the colorful masks that dazzle her eyes.

    No one believed to be Perishica was seen nearby. No, maybe you don't know. Kalmia looked at Rashid with bitter eyes.

    “Did you come to see me?”



    No matter how much she looks around, she cannot find Perishica. She must have attended.

    “Haha, let’s call it the eyes of a merchant.”

    Kal Mia sniffed her nose as if she was not happy. Rashid lowered her voice to her and whispered to her.

    “Remember? He said that he would like to see more interest in the culture of Ighalo.”

    It wasn't difficult to recall her old memories. She looked at Rashid with a curious mind, but her only open eyes could not read his thoughts. The only thing I could tell for sure was that he was constantly flirting. The current proposal may not be a joke, but a more serious intention.

    “You said there is no such thing as a ban on dating in the same industry?”

    “Since when have we been in the same industry?”

    “Actually, he is a more valuable trader than that. If the superintendent intervenes, it could make a big mistake.”

    “Hey, didn’t you notice that I was a trader?”

    The mere fact that he attended this ball proves that he is not an ordinary business man. Kalmia sighed at the sight of him uttering nonsensical words.

    He didn't try to stop Rashid from playing, and sometimes he had fun, but he didn't really mean to play with him. Of course, Rashid is pretty good-looking, he doesn't have a bad physique, and he doesn't look like he has a back, so it's not burdensome to fit in lightly... … .

    Kal Mia, who stood with his arms crossed and looked at Rashid from head to toe, tilted his head. Is it because he's plausible, or is it because he's covering his face? Does it seem a bit tempting?

    “Can I recite one more good thing about free love?”

    Rashid asked if he had guessed Khalmia's mind with a smiley voice. Hearing her voice, Kal Mia felt her fantasy shattered again. Oh, she's too innocent to play with this guy. It was a relationship where she couldn't feel the excitement at all. She finally shook her head with a sigh.

    “Didn’t I tell you before? Any man worthy of the reputation of my great fiance would think of it.”

    "Wow, you'd rather be outspoken."

    Rashid bit his mouth in dissatisfaction. But just looking at the eyes that were muttering inside made me angry. Rashid, who had been muttering alone, looked around and whispered in a low voice.

    “But since you’ve come, why don’t you dance a song? The floor looks safer than standing in the midst of bare-eyed ones.”

    It was only after hearing her words that Kal Mia realized that there were gazes directed at her. Because she was observing other people, she was insensitive to the gaze that came to her. She narrowed her eyes as if in anguish as she bit her short tongue. Compared to her previous life, her dancing isn't too bad. At least it's not the worst enough to be ridiculed by others. Even if there are people around me who look at me sly, I don't think it will become a major accident, but if I didn't know, I wouldn't need to stand in an unfamiliar place even if I knew it.

    “Well, at least one song.”

    She took Rashid's hand.
    It was a dance that required big movements.

    From time to time, thin ankles and smooth shoes with high heels appeared and disappeared between the wide, fluttering dark purple skirts. The silver thread embroidery was embroidered like raindrops on the dress, and every time it unfolded, it sparkled like the Milky Way in the sky.

    The waist strap that gathered the skirt was black. It was tied around the waist in the shape of a flower, and when the decorated black pearls shone black in the light, they looked like dew reflected in the moonlight.

    The fabric wrapped around the upper body was embroidered with silver thread just like a skirt. However, what caught the eye more than that was the clearly positioned clavicle and the clearly exposed shoulder line. Because the color of the dress was dark, it looked particularly white and thin. I didn't know that I was so skinny because I was always wrapped up tightly, but I was both surprised and worried.

    Closed lips and a graceful jaw line appeared and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Sometimes, as if smiling, the lips seemed to have risen a little. The black feathers protruding from the mask fluttered seductively over her hair tied up without being disturbed. Maybe it's just like that too. From her head to her toes, she looked so perfect that she definitely caught the eye even in her glamorous masks.

    The way she turned round and round to the lead of her man was straight and precise like a textbook. It was something she had felt before, as if she didn't want to tolerate her mistake, and it was a loose movement. Perhaps the reason I recognized her at first glance was because of her, her dancing line. Unlike the personality of a dancer, it is straight and hard, a gesture that makes the partner feel a sense of distance.

    Sipping the cider from her waiter, Rudbeckia stared intently at her floor. The mask he wore seemed to show the corners of his mouth, and the overall color was brilliant gold. The embossed ornate vine pattern adorned the mask without any jewelry. Even so, compared to other people's masks decorated with all kinds of decorations, it was very simple. However, the clear jawline exposed below it matched well with the rather crude mask, capturing the attention of women around him.

    In fact, while waiting for the two songs to be played down in succession, the woman who spoke to him crossed ten fingers. Disappointed at Rudbeckia's attitude, which did not even look at them, let alone respond to them all, she turned around. He treated me like someone I didn't have and didn't even respond, so he doesn't bother me anymore. But the subtle gaze was attached to it without realizing it. Like it or not, he drank cider from time to time and focused only on the floor. Slowly, the women around him noticed that he was waiting for someone.

    The sharp string instrument finally stopped playing. The fluttering skirt sat down quietly. But he stopped, he didn't come down the floor. Rudbeckia narrowed her eyes.

    As if she was having a conversation with the other person, she prepared the next song. Her cider-soaked lips were bitten by her straight line. This time, it was a dance song that started with a calmer piano melody. She raised her arms as she greeted her partner lightly. She still had a stiff attitude as if she had copied her textbook. Judging by that gesture, it must have been that he liked the other person and continued to dance. I don't know if I'd rather have a story to share.

    Compared to her previous songs, this song had to be performed much closer to her partner. However, there was still a sense of distance. Thanks to this, the others around me seemed overly sticky. It's a really honest dance line. Perhaps no matter who you put in front of you, that attitude will not change. Rudbeckia, who had thought so, suddenly hardened. It was because of a memory that suddenly came to her.

    I think it was the first day of the debut Tangte prom. Then he did her first dance with her. Then, without even looking behind her, she was hanging out with her girls, then suddenly grabbed her man's hand and stepped out onto the floor. Rudbeckia remembered that time very deeply.

    She said that at the time, she seemed very comfortable with her gestures as she moved to Storoni's lead. therefore. She looked pretty familiar with her contact with her strooni.

    It was the first and last dance with Stononi. The next day, as she danced with various men, she was consistent in her stiff attitude. The fact that Storoni was the only one who was not hesitant to even touch her seriously disturbed her Rudbeckia's mind for a while. She couldn't quite comprehend the meaning of the reaction.

    Of course, he knows very well that the two are not lovers. It may just be that growing up together with her since childhood was a factor that made her subconsciously comfortable. When I finally remembered what I had understood and moved on, I became uncomfortable for nothing. At the time, I didn't feel like I was so upset.

    Giving strength to his lower jaw, he quietly stared at the floor. At that moment, her head, which had turned her body, looked this way. It was neither far nor near, but Rudbeckia was convinced.

    she saw herself

    He drank the cider she was holding in one breath. Handing her empty glass to a passerby, he slowly took a step he did not hesitate to take. His gaze was still on the floor.

    This dance song was short.

    * * *

    As we talked about magic ore, we danced three songs in a row.

    Kal Mia threw Rashid away and came down from the floor with her heart that she wanted to sit down right away. But she could not rest as she had hoped. It was because of the man in the golden mask approaching as soon as she came down.

    How could she even wear a mask like me?

    Kalmia, who had already found him while dancing, looked at him approaching me straight, without looking anywhere else, and kicked his tongue low. I thought it was an illusion, but it was really Rudbeckia. I don't know the Pelicica I've been looking for, but I don't know why I recognized that man so quickly. And how did that man recognize himself so easily.

    “Are you enjoying yourself?”

    “… … Do you know me?"

    Wearing a mask too, Kal Mia put a plate on her face and she brazenly decided to go out. She raised her head, deliberately making up her tone more languid than usual.

    “Yes, I know.”

    It was a no-brainer. Looking at Rudbeckia with her sullen gaze, she shook her head slightly.

    “I heard that her feet were tied to her office.”

    As she murmured with her resentment that she did not know who she was heading to, Rudbeckia stared at her quietly.

    “I thought you didn’t want to attend.”

    It sounded as if she didn't want to attend, so she hadn't thought of him either.

    “There was none. I came here on a whim.”

    “Isn’t that why you didn’t make bracelets? It would have gone very well with the dress.”

    As if waiting, Kal Mia glanced down at my wrist at the pointed out. Her diamond bracelet, which Rudbeckia gave her as a gift, must have gone well with this dress. However, the length of the translucent lace gloves came up to the wrist, so I didn't wear a bracelet today. Not because of the gloves, she didn't intend to wear the bracelet today.

    “I don’t want to reveal my identity with certain accessories at the masquerade.”

    “Only me would have known.”

    “You are the biggest problem.”

    Kal Mia had always been like this, and she thought about asking him to find Perish Kana. However, if she puts Rudbeckia by her side and meets Perishica, she won't be able to talk comfortably, so it seems like she'll be of little use.

    The quick-witted Rashid noticed Kal Mia talking to the man in the golden mask, and she quickly walked away. He also seemed to recognize her Rudbeckia. Kalmia, who had been thinking of running away with Rashid attached to the car, eventually gave up. It was because she was confronted with the fundamental question of how far she would go, even if she ran away, and why she had to run away from this man. When she comes to think of it, there was no reason for her to avoid this man. When she reached such a conclusion, Kal Mia was able to face Rudbeckia's subdued gaze with her more dignified attitude.

    “So, are you pissed that I was the first to attend?”


    “You are pissed off now.”

    Standing with her arms crossed and asserting, Rudbeckia paused. He licked her lips a few times before speaking back slowly.

    “… … no."

    “Then what are you complaining about?”

    Power entered Rudbeckia's mouth. He, who had given her strength enough to press down on her closed part, suggested in his usual blunt voice.

    “Since you sang three songs in a row, your legs must hurt. Which one would you prefer, the terrace or the lounge?”

    Kal Mia realized the tingling in her feet that she had forgotten for a moment. Anyway, there is a limit to continuing her conversation in such a public place, so it would be better to move her place as Rudbeckia said. If I'm not mistaken, women in masks behind Rudbeckia were staring intently at this place. Perhaps it was a kind of hostility towards Kalmia, who took the man they were aiming for. To be honest, even though Rudbeckia was the first to approach, not Kalmia.

    It was unfair for her to be unintentionally hostile, but Kal Mia ignored their gaze. After all, Rudbeckia was also receiving dissatisfied glances from her men. It was good in her eyes that Rashid, who used to say that when she was dancing earlier, all the men were staring at me, must have liked that she was now out of her gaze.

    “The terrace. Maybe it’s because there are more people than before, and the atmosphere in the venue has become stuffy.”

    As she replied bluntly, Rudbeckia reached out her hand coldly. He seemed to have already paid attention to the location of the empty terrace. Passing through the crowd at once, he opened the door to the terrace almost at the end of the hall. The cold air stuck to the skin that was used to the president's smoke. Fluffy hairs seemed to rise on the exposed skin.

    He looked up at the black sky and took a few steps before a weight fell on his shoulder. He felt a stiff touch on his bare skin.

    “The temperature difference is severe.”

    Rudbeckia in a doublet said calmly and backed away. Kalmia, who looked at him with bewildered eyes, said thank you in a flash.


    The warmth of the coat draped over her shoulders was still there. It was a little heavy, probably because of the decoration, and the arms were large, so I felt like I was buried in her clothes. Was Rudbeckia's physique this big? Looking back on the way she hugged me when I kissed her, I guess she was a little big. Karl Mia, who grabbed the front of her coat with her fingertips, moved her steps sternly.

    Unlike the venue that was bright enough to hurt her eyes, the terrace was very dark. Of course, there was a light to illuminate the terrace, but that caused a shadow, and the dark place was dark enough to completely hide. And his chair was on that dark side. The intention was very clear. No wonder the princess didn't care about such a detailed arrangement, but she was still resentful that she had been secretly dating, so when she found out that she had held this ball, she was funny even to such a small detail.

    "I didn't know she liked to dance so much that she sang three songs in a row," she said.

    At his calm words, Kal Mia sighed and sat down on her chair. As she leaned against her railing on the terrace and glanced at him, she replied sarcastically.

    “Don’t say it back, just ask openly. I wonder what you were talking about.”

    “I wonder what you were talking about.”

    “It’s a secret.”

    Seeing her exposed lips and mouth being bitten in a straight line, Kal Mia chuckled. She wears a mask, but it doesn't make any sense at all. It was funny to be able to guess what kind of expression Rudbeckia was making just by looking at her mouth. what is this How did she know so well about her fiancée, who was about to break up her marriage?

    “I don’t think it was a private conversation.”

    “Why do you think so?”

    Your gestures were stiff.”

    This time, Kalmia's mouth was stiff. The voice of her previous life, who had been blatantly sneering at her as to where she came from in her village on the outskirts, suddenly resounded in her ears. Her eyes were bent over her fan, her voice full of ridicule, the sound of laughter, and even the sound of a tongue kicking behind her.

    She said that it was funny that she was greedy for a higher position than that because she did not even learn the basics of her young-ae. Wouldn't she rather have her son-in-law take her? There was no one to help her in her banquet hall, which she had attended unwittingly.

    “… … Wasn’t it uncomfortable?”

    There was a bit of anxiety in her voice as she asked that question. No matter how many times I repeat that the previous life and the present life are different, indiscriminately mixed things appear one by one. Kal Mia swallowed her dry saliva and looked at Rudbeckia with her tense eyes.

    “You misunderstood. It doesn't mean you can't dance. It meant that he didn't look friendly.”

    After uttering her words, Rudbeckia, after thinking for a moment, carefully added her question.

    “Are you reluctant to contact her man?”

    She stumbled, missing her timing to answer an unexpected question. She saw that the dance line was stiff, and it was absurd that she had made such a guess. She's Rudbeckia and no one else.

    “… … Isn't Confucius talking about water?"

    “Or do you have any bad memories?”

    Karl Mia, who looked at her Rudbeckia with a frown on her, tilted her head. Rudbeckia always avoids her direct words. He was a man who talked about what he wanted. It seems that he wanted to know something else this time too, but he couldn't figure out what it was. How he understood Kalmia, who couldn't openly speak, he said in a hard voice.

    “I will take revenge.”

    It was a confident tone. Kalmia, who was looking at him with her mouth wide open, frowned.

    “If there is something to avenge, I do it myself. Why would Confucius do that?”

    “I am your fiance.”

    “Oh, so why don’t you give me some treasures of gold and silver for Kim, her fiancée?”

    After sarcastic reply, Rudbeckia asked in a serious voice.

    “You want something like that?”

    How many people in the world would refuse gold and silver treasures? Kal Mia was a very universal and popular person, so he was confident that he would not hesitate to give. He only likes to win what he wins rather than what someone gives to him. Besides, the answer I gave a while ago was just spit bullshit. No matter who you look at, it's time for a joke to appear in the flow of conversation!

    “You keep me from saying anything.”

    Kal Mia, biting his tongue, put his hands next to his hips and leaned his body back a little. As she sat with her legs stretched out in front of her, she spoke again and again.

    “I have no bad memories. There won't be any in the future. Even if it happens, we have the ability to handle it on our own, so don’t imagine anything strange.”

    "But… … .”

    He was about to say something, but then stopped talking. He looked at Kal Mia with her dissatisfied eyes, then reluctantly nodded her head.

    "all right."

    Are you reluctant to contact her man? Or do you have any bad memories? Looking back, it was a really funny question. It's also the most absurd sound to spit out by the person who's kissed you twice. Kalmia, who was laughing at Rudbeckia's devious glance, asked secretly.

    “Anyway, you’re saying you can’t dance, right?”

    "of course. but… … .”

    I'm just going to give you an answer, so why the hell do you put a four foot in the back? Kal Mia frowned and cut her words off.

    “Why don’t we stop talking and move on to the main topic?”

    “I hope you don’t show a sense of distance when you dance with me.”

    Suddenly, a very direct topic came out. Kalmia was silent for a moment in order to understand his words, which seemed to have skipped several steps. So to recap this long, whirling conversation, she says that when Khal Mia dances she doesn't seem intimate with her partner, but she wants her to appear intimate with herself. What useless conversation is this?

    “What does Confucius mean about distance?”

    “It’s contact.”

    “… … contact?"

    I'm sure we're having a conversation, but why does it feel like we're not talking?

    "look. If I had to pick the person I had the most contact with, it would be Confucius.”

    Having said that, I felt a little embarrassed. There were a lot of men around, but I only did something with Rudbeckia. Did you just think you would fall for Rashid's temptation?

    But even thinking about it again, it still doesn't work. To be honest, Rudbeckia was objectively a very good man, so even if I looked away from him, no one else came into my sight. This was a bit tricky. Kal Mia was not a celibate, because he was willing to enjoy dating men. After she broke up with Rudbeckia, she would have to go through trial and error in her job of finding a new man.

    Kal Mia, who was looking up at her dissatisfied Rudbeckia, jumped up. Grasping her coat and fastening it, she approached Rudbeckia without hesitation and leaned her upper body in front of her. The blue eyes hidden in the dark shade created by the golden mask revealed a vivid color.

    “Can you feel the distance?”

    After kissing a couple of times, it wasn't difficult to get closer. She smiled roundly and asked, and saw Rudbeckia biting her lower lip.

    “Do you remember the immunity you gave me?”

    There is a memory of her answering that she never gave and reluctantly knew to wait to write a coercion. Whatever the process, it is true that she did so when she asked for immunity from her.


    “Can I use it?”

    His question was very serious. Calmia, who had a strange expression on her face because she didn't know whether to laugh or cry, pointed it out calmly.

    “If it’s something you have to write with permission, you can’t say it’s an exemption.”

    "i See."

    Even thinking about it myself, I think my words were ridiculous. He smiled and muttered, then lowered his head without hesitation. Cold lips met. It was a kiss that was as light and soft as a butterfly landing, a little like a child's playful kiss. When he touched his lips as if tasting it with the tip of his tongue, he burst out laughing at the tickling sensation. But the laughter that was about to reverberate was swallowed by her man.

    The two masks collided and there was a friction sound. It got in the way so I couldn't bury her lips deep. The tongue, which could not sweep the mucous membrane, unfortunately fell entangled. A harsh sigh escaped from the gap between his lips.


    Exhaling annoyedly, Rudbeckia put her hand on the back of Kalmia's head. But before he could untie the knot, Kalmia grabbed his hand on the back of my head and pulled it down.

    “This is the ballroom. You cannot take off the mask.”

    Rudbeckia let out a spit full of dissatisfaction. But Kalmia resolutely kept her mask. To keep even Rudbeckia's mask from coming off, he wrapped his hands around the back of his head and checked his knot once more. Blue eyes filled with disapproval. Kalmia, who stared into those eyes, did not hide her smile. Then he licked his lips with his tongue as if to raise a pill.

    Rudbeckia, who was looking down at the fluttering red tongue glimmering in his sight, opened his mouth with a subdued voice.

    “The guest rooms provided by the royal palace are very good.”

    He lowered the arms that were hanging from his railing, dug into his coat, and placed his hands on Kal Mia's waist.

    "okay? What's great?”

    "I do not know. I haven’t been there.”

    Power entered Rudbeckia's fingers. The movement of his thumb, pressing firmly on his waistband, tickled his waist. Goosebumps swelled up the back of his back. Karl Mia exhaled softly and closed her eyes slightly. Rudbeckia looked down at Kalmia's face.

    Even though she was wearing a mask, she felt like she was showing all her expressions, so Kalmia lowered her gaze. The cheerful music of the ballroom, which had flowed in through the terrace door, was muffled and moved away.

    “Aren’t you curious?”

    His hands slowly and persistently rubbed his back. Even though the fabric was sandwiched between her waistband and her waist, the heat of her fingers felt like it was touching her skin. Her gesture of seducing her was very demanding. It was getting harder and harder to pretend the calmness of her breath, and the heat from her inside made her mouth dry all over. She raised her head, licking her lips with her tongue.

    "I wonder."

    The gray eyes that were filled with clear desires smiled softly.
    Get ready ur popcorns and open this if you are ready
    As soon as she entered her room, she was grabbed by the waist and pulled. The coat she had been draping over her shoulders the whole time fell to the floor, but no one paid any attention to it. Rudbeckia grabbed Khal Mia's waist with one of her arms, and with her other hand she ripped the knot off her mask. The thrown golden mask rolled over someone's feet. Even though only one person took off her mask, the kiss became much deeper and deeper.

    Her kiss, which fluttered as lightly as her butterfly, disappeared, leaving only the sticky force of her tongue pulling like a stinging force. As if bursting out of her suppressed desire, her hot flesh ran through her mouth and wiped it away. The scent of apples, which did not match the somewhat rough movements, ran down her throat. She seemed to get drunk on the sweetness. Kal Mia, who was leaning back and staggering, leaning on her arm that she held her tightly, lost her balance and stumbled backward when caught by a hard object she had touched.


    She did not fall, but reflexively parted her lips and swallowed a gasp. As she grabbed the neck of her man who stood close in front of her in amazement, she grabbed her body with both her arms as if her partner had been waiting for her, and buried her lips in the nape of her neck. Her biceps shivered as her lips, wet from kissing her before, touched her bare skin.

    Her heart felt like it was going to explode. If she was careless even for a moment, her reason would disappear and her instincts would be eroded. No, she is already vigilant. Because she gave her head defenselessly to a person she firmly believed was an enemy. If her lips gripping the nape of her neck reveal a sudden change at any time, she will die in an instant. While imagining that, Kal Mia ran her dark hair through her fingers and hugged her tightly.

    Rudbeckia, who bit her teeth lightly and licked the spot with her tongue straight away, pressed her lips to her skin and exhaled her hot breath. The excitement he was feeling was conveyed through his trembling breath.

    “You really are.”

    A murmured voice buried in her neckline was mixed with murky desire and slight sighing.

    “It’s bad.”

    His action as he rubbed both lips that had even been smeared with honey on the nape of her neck heightened with a tickling sensation.

    “Originally, spicy food is bad for the body, Confucius.”

    When he responded with a gasp, Rudbeckia stood up and asked. As she reflexively let out a small smirk, strength entered her arm holding her waist. She was suffocating. She loosened her hand that had gripped her dark hair and pressed her fingertips down her broad spine. Through her clothes, she felt the vertebrae of her vertebrae protrude slightly from her back as she crouched in front of her as she hugged her. She whispered as she carefully touched the shape of her bulging bones with her hand.

    “You know what?”

    Her slender fingers gripped the hem of her robe. The neatly locked top was wrinkled, leaving a gap. She pulled her up and slipped her hand into her ruffled clothes. As her hard bare skin touched her hand, she felt a rush of strength in her muscles. Even with a slight touch, it felt like it was going to burn in the heat from the clothes.

    “The masquerade party is a public place where you can pretend you don’t know even if you know.”

    As soon as Khal Mia finished speaking, Rudbeckia strongly sucked her flesh. Maybe it will leave a mark. As if struck by lightning in her moment, Karl Mia bit her lower lip, barely clearing her mind to be dazed.

    Her man who raised her head looked at her like that and covered her lips. Soaking sounds and saliva filled with heat are entangled, and someone else's skin is pressing on my own. The idea that this man was the fiancée who was about to break up, that he was a quiet friend of his previous life, and that he was the man who led death with his own hands, was erased from my mind one by one.

    Breathing in her breath and opening her lips, Kal Mia murmured in a locked voice.

    “So today is a day to pretend you don’t know even if you know something bad.”

    you and me too

    As her pale blue eyes fluttered with unknown emotions, she looked into it. He, too, did not avoid his gray pupils looking up at me. He wiped away the black mask he had not yet taken off with his fingers, and built a faint gyogo.

    “I’ve been pretending not to know about that.”

    Her body flashed and lifted up.

    Kalmia wanted to see the body of the man I was holding. The body of the opposite sex that she remembers belonged to one person, and her new body was enough to arouse her excitement and curiosity. So she got on top, and Rudbeckia didn't specifically stop her from doing that. I just endure my lust to the point where my eyes turn red.

    “I knew you hated me, but… … .”

    The pectoral muscles trembled greatly as the thin, white fingers hovered over the naked upper body.

    “Did you mean to dry them up?”

    He growled as he leaned back against the head of the bed and the pillow.

    "No way."

    I hadn't looked closely at this man's body, but I didn't know it was this big and wide. It was never to annoy him when she pokes or strokes her with her fingertips like this. It was just that I was genuinely curious. Scanning her muscular body, hidden behind her clothes, she recalled that Rudbeckia was a man with a knack for swords. Her rough and strong abs and flabby sides clearly showed that he was uninhabited.

    “If I do that, not only you but I will wither to death?”

    She leaned her torso and pressed her lips to her trembling chest, as she heard a low thud above his head. Her man's flesh was rough, hot, and a little salty. As he swept the twitching muscles from his hand, his large hand swept up the thigh under his skirt as if in response.

    Her rough palms ran from her knees and pressed gently against the inside of her thighs with her thumbs. As the soft, supple flesh was rubbed, the elasticity came out of it. Kal Mia tilted her head and took a small breath in her.

    “… … ha."

    Rudbeckia's top had been removed for a long time, and her pants had, in fact, all of her waistbands untied. Kal Mia's dress was barely draped over her, but she was in a situation where her white skin could be exposed if she pulled it down a little. Her upper body, which was disheveled enough to reveal her chest bone, was stimulating enough. In addition, she obscured her vision even to the nape of her neck, which was immediately reddened.

    Rudbeckia, who had been stroking her smooth legs caught in the hem of her skirt, asked in her cracked voice.

    “How long are you going to wear the mask?”

    “Isn’t it nice to have different colors?”

    “It’s different, but… … .”

    In an instant, her two hands slid up her thighs and caressed her long bones.

    “I want to see your face.”

    Kal Mia swallowed her breath. Along with the tight voice, the tight grip on the bottom of the inside throbbed. Lifting her upper body and placing her hands on her chest, she twisted her waist involuntarily. A hard thing in her ass pushed her back and stabbed her. As she reflexively lifted her chin, her black feathers slashed through her loose air as she moved.

    Rudbeckia, who had been staring at it with her blurred gaze, pressed her lower lip down and asked. She is different, as she said.

    It felt like her throat was burning. In her mind, she wanted to sit on top of her and lay her babbling on her bed at once. However, the moment she saw her lying beneath her, the fear that her reason, barely suppressed by her, was about to be volatilized. That confident foreboding made her Rudbeckia tolerate her with her posture all this time. She doesn't know how much longer she can stand.

    Karl Mia, who tilted her head slightly to her side and lowered her eyes to look down at her Rudbeckia, tightened her thighs and straightened her back.

    She did not take her eyes off her blue eyes as she ran her hands on the back of her head and untied her knot step by step. The movement of her abdominal muscles, which went up and down greatly because of her tight breathing, was transmitted to her inner thigh. With the sound of her rustling, her straps were completely untied, and she slowly lifted her mask up and took it off. A few strands of silver hair that had been disheveled by her mask flowed down.

    “… … under."

    An inexplicable sigh escaped between Rudbeckia's lips. Frowning her brow and holding her breath, he saw Kal Mia ripped off her ponytail and threw her to the floor, raising her torso. Her wavy silver hair, faintly aroused gray eyes, blushing flushed cheeks and wet lips made her hazy.

    She pulled out her hand, which had been lost in her skirt, and hugged her waist, twisting her body in one breath. She turned upside down and Kal Mia collapsed on the bed in an instant.


    It wasn't difficult for her to take off her dress, which was already almost completely off. The rich hem of her robe fell like a thorn under the bed. As Kal Mia did earlier, Rudbeckia sculpted her upper body and pressed her lips to her chest. Her lips, which were gradually moving, straightened, biting the spigot with force as if scratching it with her teeth, and sucked it in. Her chest, which had been sensitively raised by her, swelled greatly. As her man's hand grabbed her soft breast and rubbed the tip of her, she felt her simmer.

    “… … Whoa!”

    As Karl Mia, who took in her breath, let out her mournful groans in her mourning voice, he lifted her head, rubbing her chest with her hands and licking her tongue with her tongue. His slightly chapped lips caught his breath, and he saw it.

    Raising her upper body, he placed one hand on the side of her face, burying her lips and sliding her other hand down. The hand that brushed the soft, hot texture of his skin without hesitation reached below his belly button at once. As her thick index finger touched the clitoris, her waist and hips instinctively twisted. Hearing the panting groans coming out of their lips, their minds dizzy.

    “Ugh, huh… … !”

    A helpless moan erupted from the force of rubbing the sensitive area. His gray eyes were quickly drenched with desire. Seeing her face that honestly showed her excitement, I felt a desire to dig into the warm interior right away. But Rudbeckia grabbed the blanket and resisted my urge. Turning her head, Kal Mia, finding a tendon sprouting on the back of her hand, sticks out her red tongue and licks his fist.


    The movement of her fingers, which had been soothing her, unintentionally gave strength. Rudbeckia bit her lip and stared at Kal Mia with her resentful eyes. Karl Mia, who was holding her breath with her flushed cheeks, raised her lips sullenly. Even in the midst of this, she was disgusted by the way she was curling up, so Rudbeckia lowered her finger that was rubbing her clitoris a little lower. She could tell how hot her body was just by looking at the gooey liquid dripping from her vagina.

    Her middle finger, which was pressing and stimulating her vaginal mouth, gently pushed her inside. Kal Mia, who had been relaxed for a while, trembled with her eyelids. It was the first road opened in her life, so it was still narrow. But already knowing her pleasure to get to her by reaching the end, she was forced to shake her ass impatiently. Her diligence, but her never haste, her touch teased her on the contrary.

    Kalmia, who was biting her lips, looked at Rudbeckia with a blurred gaze. He spread her fingers underneath her, while her lips were stroking her shoulders and upper body. She reached out her hand, which was too strong for her, to sweep her Rudbeckia's chest, and put her hand directly under her.

    “Be patient, do you?”

    As her hand touched her hot post, gasping from her tummy, she scraped the slippery end with her fingernails. Rudbeckia bit her molars and made a growling sound.

    “Do not provoke. You are the first... … ha."

    At those words, Kalmia grabbed his penis at once. He couldn't even finish her words and let out a moan like a sigh. He thought he had already stood firm and thick, but just by holding it, he swelled and grew in size. I could barely feel the blood vessels standing on the surface. As she rolled up her hand and ran it up and down, a little liquid dripped from her tip.

    “If that’s the case, I think Confucius is the same.”

    Calmia, muttering languidly, slowly rubbed her Rudbeckia's lips with her thumb, smeared with her gooey mucus.

    “It’s a male bachelor who doesn’t know what to do.”

    Seeing the darkening eyes, Kalmia smiled faintly. Her fingers that had made her boil slipped away, and her huge man's body draped over her. Her ferocious, protruding genitals pounded on her vagina. But her glans cleaved below and did not enter. Sitting between his legs, he grabbed his thigh with one hand and rubbed his pole over her pubic hair. Being her first, he didn't know if it was because he was worried about her body or if he was trying to annoy her with her naughty behavior.

    As she twisted her waist in anguish of her, she eventually grabbed his thick cunt with her hand and led it down to mine.

    “You really… … !”

    “Don’t be fussy, do it all at once.”

    The glans pierced the tip of her vagina at her resolute words, even in the midst of turbidity. Her slight draping didn't even compare to her fingers, so Karl Mia forgot her urging and was taken aback. She had a moment of regret that she should have left her belatedly, until her fingers stretched to three. However, Rudbeckia, who had already been provoked, had completely lost her reason.

    “I apologize in advance. It's a male bachelor... … .”

    Her waist moved a little further. With him, Kal Mia held her breath without realizing it.

    “You can’t afford it.”

    The calm voice was there. She felt a pain as if her body was being split at the column of her who had stepped downwards at once. Rudbeckia, who pushed from the beginning to the end, did not move straight away. As he breathed in her breath and felt the warmth of the inside wrapping around my genitals from the inside, he bowed his head.

    A small kiss on Kal Mia's lips, distorted by her pain, he gently rubbed his clitoris with his thumb. The excitement that had subsided because of the pain slowly rose again. What started as a light kiss turned into a soggy kiss, and I was out of breath. Her chest was suffocating at her immediate breath, but it seemed to stimulate her excitement.

    As soon as she felt the pulse of the hot pillars filling her up, the sense of pain disappeared. She clasped her man's neck with her arms and clasped her lips in haste.

    “Hmm, huh!”

    The stopped penis began to move slowly. The movement, which was small at first, started to get bigger, and her waist began to get faster and faster. The sound of pain was mixed with the sound of thumping, popping and popping.

    “Ugh, black.”

    Her physiological cries clouded her eyes. Kal Mia grabbed her Rudbeckia's neck as if she was holding her lifeline. He lifted her lips and buried her face in the nape of her neck, pressing down on her with her whole body and continuing to shovel her weight. Her genitals throbbed in her lower body, which was immobilized so hard.

    “Ah, ah! Ah!"

    Even though she knew it wouldn't happen, it felt like her body was splitting apart. It's painful, hot, and tingly, but her heart, wishing that she scratched the inside of her more, put strength under her. As the lining of her vagina rubbed against her genitals, the heat spread throughout her body, turning it into a huge flame. Her man shoved her nose into the nape of her neck, breathing her rough breath in her ear. Her slimy tongue licked and bit the nape of her neck and her earlobe.

    It seemed that her striking movements would never end. When her thick penis slipped out and hit her in one breath, Kal Mia shook her head, shedding tears in her eyes. It got to the point where I couldn't tell if what was coming out of her mouth was chivalry or crying. While her mind was hazy, she gave her face to the countless kisses her partner poured out. Meanwhile, the ferocious pillars were rushing in and out of her under her.

    “Ah, ah!”

    From a certain moment on her, rather than her pain, her tingling sensation, as if a spark were bouncing in front of her, tormented her. Her gaping thighs trembled and her ears were deafened by her squeaks. It was a miracle that she was breathing properly.

    From one day onwards, the genitals that stabbed her inside were making her head white. There were several times that she had already felt her body tremble at her chilling sensations. Rudbeckia, who was moving her waist while hugging her tightly, spit out her cursing softly. Her heightened movements and her bulging genitals were rushing towards their climax.

    “Huh, huh!”

    Rudbeckia, who closed her eyes, distorted her eyes and finally pulled her penis out. With her last breath, a thick, thick liquid splashed down her Kal Mia's belly. it was a breakup Her shiny chest pressed heavily over Khal Mia's. The heat exhaled from their breath engulfed the two of them. Beads of sweat dripped down from the tip of her black hair and dripped onto her pale skin.

    When she smelled the thick semen rising from her, her mind that had been far away from her came back a little. Karl Mia, who had blinked her eyes as she stared blankly at her ceiling, opened her lips. It was to inhale her breath, but it was Rudbeckia's lips that came closer. He tenaciously dug into her mouth and began to sharpen her barely subdued senses again. Khal Mia gasping and barely catching his tongue, suddenly realized that her penis was still firm under her.

    “Sleep, wait, Confucius?”

    Kalmia called him urgently with a broken voice. However, Rudbeckia's penis had already been restored to her dignity. He said in a voice locked in her excitement.

    “I said I couldn’t afford it.”

    Since it had already been released once, the second insertion was much easier. His genitals, which had hit all the way to the end at once, gave a feeling of warmth from the inside and pressed on the inside slowly. Every time the sensitive vaginal wall was pressed, a shallow moan erupted from Kalmia's mouth.

    “Heh, ah… … !”

    Because it was after I ejaculated once, there was more room in my waist. Rudbeckia, who had stimulated Kal Mia with a shallow and slow shot, bent his knees and lifted his upper body. He grabbed Kal Mia's leg with his hand and pulled him down a bit, and his joints slammed against each other.

    She moaned and shook her back, then took a deep breath and looked down at her. Rudbeckia was caressing her gently from her calf to her ankle.

    “Before I came, ha. Did you go up the floor with another guy?”

    “All, uh… … God saw it, that’s all.”

    Her round and round waist strokes were too slow and tickling. Kal Mia struggled with her thighs, but she was gripped so tightly that it was difficult for her to move her whole body. Meanwhile, Rudbeckia faithfully rubbed her legs.

    “Still, since you sang three songs in a row, your legs must hurt.” “Confucius, a little faster… … .”

    “Aren’t you going to tell me what we were talking about?”

    Chimi suppressed her annoyance, and Kal Mia tightened her down. She felt her genitals, which had been pretending to be relaxed, twitch from within. Her face of her Rudbeckia, who was looking down at her, also stiffened slightly. But he didn't stop me, nor did he speed it up.

    “… … Do you really not tell me?”

    Just by listening to his cracked voice, you could guess how patient he was. Kal Mia frowned at her stubborn appearance. She said she wouldn't be able to afford it, so it seems like everything was a lie. At this moment, her body was sweet and she seemed to be the only one who couldn't afford it.

    “Really, hehe, I have no luck.”

    “Is that what you said to me?”

    “Then, who else is here?”

    Her excitement, which she couldn't hide, was buried in her fierce questioning voice. At the sight of Kalmia staring at her with open eyes, Rudbeckia finally smiled. Unable to resist her urge, he bent over and sucked her lips. The penis that had been in without a gap came out about half.

    Intertwining her tongue and pulling her back a little further, he parted her lips and shoved her pole inward. At the sudden movement, Kal Mia spat out her voice. It sounded good, so Rudbeckia pulled out her pole several times and threw it down at once.

    Her furious Kal Mia burst into tears again. If it was a cry accompanied by pain, this time it was a cry that came out because Chimi couldn't handle her excitement. Rudbeckia's tongue touched her cheek, wet with her tears. He groaned and whispered as he tasted her tears.

    “What are you going to do? I don't want to let you go now."

    The voice was menacing, and it was also unusually ferocious. Kal Mia, who was panting and surrendering herself to her pleasure, shifted her hazy gaze. Her eyes were blurred by her tears, but even in the midst of it, she could see as clearly as her blazing blue eyes. Kalmia groaned and raised her voice.

    “I can’t help it.”

    Even in the midst of her excitement, there was a strange confidence in her eyes that looked at him.

    “… … I'm going to tell the princess."

    Rudbeckia's expression turned slightly, in fact, quite ferocious. With her distorted expression, he teased her waist without mercy. Kal Mia closed her eyes and sobbed. As her weeping and moaning were mixed, a low warning sounded in her ear.

    “Try it.”

    who wins So whispered, Rudbeckia roughed her genitals. Her fiery poles swelled bigger and bigger in her vagina. Her tightly-filled interior was drenched with love juice, and her man's harsh moan echoed with a fricative sound whenever her inner wall was scratched. Kalmia's hand, struggling to grab something, was caught by the big, rough man's hand.

    The sound of her testicles slamming against each other was heard. Rudbeckia's face was tinged with excitement, concentrating only on her hands and rubbing her clitoris.

    The beat of the puck, puck, puck was so fast that it was difficult to follow. Her thighs and legs trembled with numbness, and it was difficult to keep her knees up. She would occasionally loose her powers, causing her glans to pierce the inside haphazardly each time her movements were disrupted. That alone heightened her excitement again. And finally, Rudbeckia, who met her sense of ejaculation once again, bit her. Again, he managed to persevere and pull her penis out, slitting it into her thigh.

    Rudbeckia, who was breathing heavily at her, touched Kal Mia's body and her chest, which were slick with sweat, with her hands. As if he didn't want the sweat to cool down, he was constantly stimulating her senses. Not having the energy to push him away, who was biting her tenaciously, Kal Mia drooped her limbs and gasped. Then, suddenly, she spoke.

    “There is.”

    Her throat sting a little, perhaps because her throat was resting from spitting out her moan. Swallowing her dry saliva, she looked down at her Rudbeckia's head as she stamped her lips onto her chest.

    “If you change your attitude later, I think it will be a little sad.”

    It was a small voice, but she was enough to be heard by Rudbeckia. Her heart fluttered, and she added her words as if in a whisper.

    “So, let’s stop beating us now.”

    If you are more affectionate here, then you might get really sad.

    Kal Mia gently smacked her lips. I've imagined a lot of her situation where this man doesn't help her, but I've never imagined her saying he won't let her go. So she felt strange. That she would face Rudbeckia, who showed her feelings like this to herself, in her life. When she first held her hand that she would be engaged to him, she never swore.

    Rudbeckia, who had her lips pressed against her plump chest, raised her head.

    “My attitude will be determined by you.”

    The muscles of her man, which had entered into a hot flash, filled his sight. He cast a shadow over her head, as if her body was about to block her hole for her to escape. He gave a shallow kiss to her lips, which had swelled up due to numerous contacts, and continued with a lowered voice.

    “If anything happens that makes me sad, it is the result of your choices.”

    With a remnant of excitement on his face, he grabbed his sticky thighs and lifted them up. Blue eyes shone strangely from the shaded face.

    “So, take care of yourself.”

    Many times, the dark night of pleasure was repeated.

    Damn this chapter is hot. VERY HOT:blobnosebleed::blobcat_hyper:. Also, I am excited for the next heheheheh:blobpopcorn_cool::blobpopcorn_cool:. To think I got lucky in buying the volume.... hehehehehhe
  2. Miki04

    Miki04 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Kalmia realized how fluffy and soft the bedding in the royal guest room was. I also learned how caringly the royal court attendants prepared water for washing. They stood by without changing their complexion, as if they had been through this often. I don't know if that's the splendor of the royal guest room that Rudbeckia was talking about, but it was.

    The dress she wore at her ballroom was designed to expose her shoulders, so she couldn't cover her red neck and her body when she only wore it. Eventually, she borrowed her Rudbeckia's coat from her and pulled it up to her neck, and then she grabbed her back and her stiff thighs and barely left her room.

    Rudbeckia said it was okay for her to leave late and encouraged her to rest, but Kal Mia did not have the confidence to create another rumor as she left in broad daylight with the sun rising in the middle of the sky. Early in the morning with her strong and determined will, the two returned to the mansion in a wagon.

    Her whole body tingled as if she had been beaten, thanks to Dan, who could not sleep and worked out almost without rest. When you wake up, you will probably feel muscle pain all over your body. The unfortunate thing was that Rudbeckia, who had stayed up all night, was in a very good and clean state. She couldn't compare her stamina between a warrior and a normal woman, but seeing her grunting and supporting herself with a very intact face, she was a little bubbly.

    Kal Mia, who was biting her lips awkwardly, refused to help her Rudbeckia as soon as she entered the lobby of her mansion.

    “I’ll go inside on my own from here.”

    “I will guide you to your room.”

    At the reply that came out without thinking about it, Kalmia was indifferent.

    “Are you going to tell the whole house about what happened last night?”

    “Just coming home together at this hour will cause everyone to have doubts.”

    Before Kal Mia and Rudbeckia went to her guest room last night, she had sent her melody, which she had accompanied to the prom, back to her mansion first. No one in this mansion knew what it meant. But Kalmia insisted.

    “There is no need to turn suspicion into certainty.”

    “It seems like a very futile effort, but… … . But are you okay with the way?”

    Rudbeckia had a trembling expression on her face. The room where Kal Mia is staying requires you to climb her stairs quite a bit. Rudbeckia, who knew her physical condition better than anyone else, could easily guess how difficult the road would be.

    “I can walk.”

    She didn't like her at all, from the time she rushed out, refusing to rest, until now, when she tried to sneak in as if she had sinned. However, she could not carry her by his own will. Because she looked like Kal Mia, she managed to walk on her own.


    Rudbeckia did not take the Khalmia. As he laid her back on her neatly letting go of her, she brazenly added her words.

    “Next time, I’ll try harder so that I can’t walk.”

    You must be crazy, really!

    Khal Mia turned her body around in awe. Covering the nape of her stiff neck with her coat, she moved her hastily with her steps. Her trembling legs almost lost strength in an instant, but she barely managed to fall and climbed up to my room at once. Only then did she think of my rushed actions, and she was overcome with a sense of shame. She probably didn't see her fall, did she?

    The reason was finally returned to the man alone. I felt like I had done something very wrong. It's nice to spend the night engulfed in lust, but the problem was that the subject was Rudbeckia. Losing her sense of reality, Kal Mia flopped on her bed, clutching her bare coat around her tightly. Her throbbing body made it clear that this was the unmistakable reality of the situation. In particular, the parts that I can't feel because of her unique tingling are really... … .

    “I did it for nothing… … .”

    she sighed I knew she was a good guy, but what does it mean that she is really good at everything? No, of course, if I didn't, I'd be just as angry... … . But, why the hell should she be thinking like this?

    Kal Mia shook her head vigorously to shake off her thoughts. But the more she tried to empty her head, the more all she could think of were her peregrine peregrine sweaty forehead, black hair tangled in it, and blue eyes clouded with desire. She sighed.

    Even though she laid down with her exhausted body, she fell asleep only after the sun was shining brightly.

    Kalmia was out of sight for about three days.

    While she couldn't move because of her muscle aches, she cried and ate mustard at the marks on her teeth that didn't disappear. Melody, who served her directly, inevitably learned the situation.

    Kal Mia asked Melody to lock up her membership. However, seeing that the attitude of the waiters of the Matari family had become far more ferocious and sympathetic than before, she confirmed that her efforts had been in vain. In fact, it had already been eaten since the time when the people in the city woke up with Rudbeckia. Moreover, her actions of Rudbeckia, who visited occasionally while she was locked up in her room, added confidence to many speculations.

    It wasn't just her throbbing waist that wasted her three days. It took time to recover her body, but it also needed time to recover her reason. And finally, on the day after three days, Karl Mia, who came back with her brazenly ironed face, left her room proudly. Still, her dress was designed to wrap her body tightly.

    After regaining her sanity, she began working hard outside her from that day. She sometimes moved with El Lua, she was very serious about what she was discussing. Seeing that she was traveling with El Rua, it seemed to be something of the Phlox family, so Rudbeckia could not intervene in her carelessly.

    Rudbeckia, unable to follow her guest, asked several times, but she did not reveal the details, even to El Rua, who was cooperative for some reason. She only avoided saying that she would soon find out.

    As El Rua said, she soon found out what Rudbeckia was doing with her twins. From Kal Mia, who triumphantly visited her office.

    “Are you leaving?”



    “Because I found a house.”

    “Did you find a house?”

    No way. She had no foreclosures and she had Khal Mia and she had already confirmed everything before she came up to the capital. Since she had a limited number of residences for the nobles in the capital, she did not come out well for sale, and even if she did, she had to obtain permission from the royal family to purchase it. This was because she didn't want to stay as a guest, but rather a long-term residence in the capital. But she can't possibly finish the complicated procedure in a few days. Rudbeckia, of course, did not believe it.

    As if Kal Mia knew she would, she smiled and held out her paper. I didn't even read her content. It all made sense the moment I saw the princess's signature scrawled at the bottom of her.

    “… … Without knowing it, the two of you became very close.”

    Rudbeckia's expression as she said that was unsettling. Recalling the image of Kal Mia smiling, saying, “I will swear by her princess,” Rudbeckia swallowed her dry saliva with her sunken eyes. It was because her composure for a moment was disturbed by the memory of her sudden invasion. Karl Mia, who did not notice her Rudbeckia's condition, trembled at her with her brazen face.

    “I just happened to meet you at Ighalo’s shop.”

    You don't know how much Kal Mia has worked with Rashid the past few days to get her home. She knew Rudbeckia and she feared that she would interfere with her meeting in advance, so she took Elua with her and didn't hesitate to deceive her. Although Elua was embarrassed, she eventually sided with my sister, and Rashid delivered Kalmia's torch to Apis. I do not know what side Apis, who had already taken care of Kal Mia, was on her side, but the princess smiled cheerfully and prepared a mansion where Kal Mia could move into her immediately.

    After the princess said a word, the house appeared. Kal Mia felt her power and the preciousness of her personal connections.

    She said, “Is there any reason to go out in such a hurry? I was planning to help her with her house problems slowly after the princess's engagement ceremony was over."

    Rudbeckia was very skillful and said something that didn't make sense to her. Kalmia, who had seen all his lies, responded with a smile.

    “I got a good opportunity, but there is no reason to do it every time,” she said. That’s why I’m here to say thank you.”

    “It’s a strange thing to say.”

    She speaks like someone she'll never see in the future. Rudbeckia frowned subtly.

    “I’m not sure, but I’m honest. I owe you a lot to Confucius in many ways.”

    To be honest, that was the problem. Rudbeckia's expression hardened even more.

    He suddenly couldn't understand the words he was saying. The only special thing that happened recently was that the two had more intimate contact. But I do remember that that day was definitely a happy time for each other. Did you not like Huhee? But it was she who insisted on leaving her guest room quickly.

    Or did she go to the ball and feel sad to see him clinging to her work? This was unavoidable. I had to take care of it for the past few days because there was a problem with Hempton, which I thought had been sorted out early. But if he waits a little bit, it's a matter that will be cleared up soon. Above all, Rudbeckia knew well that Kalmia was not a woman to feel sad for this reason. If she asks you to go out on a date, she hates you even more and runs away.

    Rudbeckia, who had been silent, made a calm voice as if trying to change his mood.

    “Are you just talking about it?”


    Today's Kalmia was definitely strange. There was a clear vigilance on her Rudbeckia's face. Even Kalmia's eyes could see his head spinning. Kalmia gently folded her arms. When she saw how Rudbeckia couldn't get a grip on her, she felt a little excited. She spoke her words in a very light tone.

    “After all, Confucius is good, so no matter what I give, you won’t be impressed, right? So I thought about it a bit, and I found something useful.”

    “It would be a great gift to me if you didn’t just say that we should break up the marriage.”

    She had hit the player ahead of time and said, but coming back was a meaningful glance. Looking at Rudbeckia with her eyes closed, she asked in a lower voice.

    “… … Confucius, do you have a troublesome older brother?”

    She was very surprised that she mentioned Karen. Rudbeckia raised her eyebrows assertively.

    “It’s been a while since I cleaned it.”

    The Duke of Matari tried to embrace the stupid eldest son as a son. The part where the Duke's affection was revealed was the problem of Karen's marriage. The Marquis of Ondrea was the largest and best hand that the Duke of Matari could give to Kallen. At the same time, the young daughter of the Marquis of Drea, fell in love with Callen's shiny face and readily accepted the engagement, and if only Callen had her heart, everything would end peacefully. Of course, he met the second prince three years ago and seemed to be trying to do something, but Rudbeckia, who was caught right away, broke the bud before he could do anything.

    With his honest heart, he wanted to kill him at that time, but he couldn't resist the will of Duke Matari. In the end, he had to be content with taking an oath from the prostrated Callen that he would never cheat again. And by now, the older brother who swore a humiliating oath to him must have been living in a secluded country cottage disguised as a confinement.

    He was so sure until Khalmia asked.

    “Are you sure you cleared it?”

    “What do you mean?”

    The calm, subdued voice was now clearly businesslike. Noticing the sudden change in his attitude, Kal Mia gave strength to her lips, which were about to open up, and spoke his words as calmly as possible.

    “You know I was wary of the second prince, right? I wanted to catch the eyes of a princess, so I paid a lot of attention.”

    Anyway, I got the misunderstanding that the second prince was in check by being caught running a swarm of mice, so it would be better to use that excuse. Kalmia did not change a single look on her face and naturally told lies. Actually, it wasn't all lies. The only excuse he had was that he kept the 2 princes in check. It was just that kind of excuse that was added to convey real information, but not to cause any suspicion.

    “Then I found out. That he coveted the position of Confucius and was even prepared to become an idiot.”

    Rudbeckia's eyes trembled.

    “He’s a guy who doesn’t have the courage to commit an affair. Aren't you misunderstanding something?"

    When I saw the frown in my eyes, I suddenly remembered the night a few days ago. When I frowned like that, there was followed by an annoying breathing sound. Perhaps it was because uncontrolled desires were burning like flames. The sight of him panting and losing control over his usual blunt appearance really touched my heart. So every time she gives strength to her legs as if to provoke him… … .

    Kal Mia stopped her thoughts. And as she gently lowered her eyes, she lashed out at herself with stingy swear words. It must have been really crazy. It wasn't long ago that she decided to shave it off. Ignoring the heat that gently tickled her belly, she spit her words out hard.

    “The 2nd Prince took Storoni.”

    With her cogs back in place, the future that had stood still was left to roll. Storoni was the principal vassal of the 2nd Prince. She used to know that Kal Mia knew she was the only one she was in that position, but now she is not. Even without her she would go alone to her second prince, and Stony would follow the same steps in her previous life. So Storoni will encourage Karen in this life as well. Karen will be fooled by the provocation.

    “I don’t know if Confucius’ older brother is alone, but I told you, right? I found out that she was wary of the 2nd prince.”

    Karl Mia, who had her mouth shut and looked at Rudbeckia, who was silently meditating on her date, said calmly.

    “It seems that we have only made a commitment yet, so I think we will be able to block any ‘accident’ in advance.”

    In a previous life, the 2nd Prince succeeded in assassination of the Duke of Matari. And as the tool of the assassination, he chose the eldest son, Karen. When Khal Mia turned twenty, Kallen said she would betray the Matari family, and she came to the 2nd Prince. Originally, the 2nd Prince did not show much interest in Karen's incompetence, but for some reason he changed his mind. And three years later, the Duke of Matari was murdered. After that, Rudbeckia succeeded the duke, but he only had a deep feeling that the duke had been murdered and could not find the culprit. I don't know if it's because I didn't remember Karen, because the second prince hid Karen well, or because the family was turned upside down due to a sudden succession of the title.

    Unlike her previous life, Rudbeckia has become the heir to the family earlier in this life, so she will not be as embarrassed as before if she takes over her title within a few years. Even so, it was an unchanging fact that it would be much more stable to save the duke's life and to inherit the title through normal procedures.

    “Isn’t this enough to repay the kindness we’ve been doing?”

    If this is enough, no matter what happens for the time being, I will have no choice but to take care of my housework first. It won't take a day or two to figure out what Kallen bought the second prince's heart for. With her chores distracted, and even after her engagement ceremony, Rudbeckia might naturally give up her rational interest in Kal Mia. She has erased her blessings from the Matari family, so she won't be able to do anything with her at once.

    Karl Mia, who threw a problem into the head of her man, who was still in her normal condition, took off the discomfort that she could not figure out what had been tormenting her for a few days, and turned her body around with a slightly lighter heart. But before she left her office, her Rudbeckia summoned her.

    “I’m sorry, but how did you find out?”

    “Like I said, coincidence.”

    I thought it was a plausible excuse in its own way, but it seemed that Rudbeckia did not trust her. She thought she was going to pass on even her clumsy excuses for being her blind man to herself.

    “Did you find out by chance?”

    “Surprisingly yes.”

    Seeing the distrust that appeared on her face of her Rudbeckia, Kal Mia smiled. It didn't matter if she didn't believe it. Because the warning she gave her was true. It was okay if her diarrhea made her doubt her through this.

    “I’ll just go out. You can move in right away tomorrow, so you have to pack up quickly.”

    Anyway, before he finds out, she'll reveal it first.

    Count Phlox was not officially invited to the princess's engagement ceremony.

    But as Rudbeckia's fiancée, she deserved to attend. Because she seemed to have expected that Rudbeckia would accompany her of course. After Khal Mia moved into her new mansion after leaving the co-authorship of Duke Matari So, she faced Rudbeckia, who had avoided meeting her for a while, in front of her house. Just before she came out of his co-authorship, she threw a big problem, so I thought she would be full of all her thoughts, but to my surprise, her Rudbeckia treated her with her usual face. But when she suddenly received his visit, Kal Mia, she could not act very much as usual.

    When she greeted him at the banquet hall to be held after dinner to meet him as if it was only natural, he frowned at once. She looked a little sad because the sound of meeting her face in a few days meant that she had to attend her main ceremony alone.

    But Kalmia was adamant. In fact, when I saw the wrinkled skin, I was embarrassed because the sound of my breath that had been drenched in turbid desire came to mind one after another. At her insistence that I will see you in the banquet hall in the extreme district, Rudbeckia turned without a hitch.

    Only after he left did Kalmia pat her forehead and let out a groan of pain. She thought she would get better if she ran away from co-authors, but looking at her face sometimes reminds me of the secret times. If she does this, she will have a lot of trouble in her future steps. Should she distract her by spending the night with her other guy too?

    No, by the way, how does that man look at my face like that with such a normal complexion and no regrets?

    “… … Was it bad?”

    Kal Mia, who had muttered involuntarily, was startled and covered her mouth. Then she stomped and ran to my study. Get caught up in her work and clear her head right away!

    No excuses, she had a lot of work to do as she settled into her new mansion. The detailed furnishings and décor of the mansion were also less tidy, and the employees in the mansion had to be newly recruited. There were a few employees who were recommended by the princess, but trustworthy employees must be selected by hand.

    As she calmly read down the list of employee candidates she had on her desk, her confused mind calmed down a bit. She reviewed her papers with more enthusiasm than ever. And it wasn't until around lunchtime that she returned to her usual reason, and she finally began to prepare to attend the banquet hall.

    “Mia… … . Do I have to go today too?”

    Ellua, who had woken up slowly, was whining, and Kal Mia, who had slapped her on the back, confirmed the recovery of the kite that Kal Mia had prepared in advance. Since it was an important day, she chose clothes with more care than ever before. The same goes for shoes and hair ornaments. Her accessories, which she doesn't usually wear too much, were also carefully selected. Her earrings and necklace, and… … .

    Comparing to the other accessories, Kalmia bit her lower lip, looking at the overwhelmingly mountain bracelet.

    Let's wear this as a courtesy.

    With that determination, she finally made up her mind and chose her bracelet. Then she took a deep breath.

    Finally, it was the day she gave the present she had prepared to the princess.

    In the banquet hall, many nobles who had not been invited to the engagement ceremony had come in advance and kept their seats. They all came to hand over the present to celebrate the princess's engagement. Kalmia, accompanied by Elua, also entered the banquet hall before it was too late. Maybe it was because she wasn't there to have fun, so the feeling was completely different from when she went to a masquerade ball the other day.

    When the famous twins of the Phlox family appeared, unknowingly, the banquet hall became a little noisy. Karl Mia, who she naturally thought she would be at her engagement party with Rudbeckia, was a surprise to most of her because she was here, and from time to time she turned to El Rua as well. Of course, the twins casually ignored those gazes and talked.

    The twins' goal today is to hold out like that until the princess arrives. To be precise, it was Kalmia's target.

    So she was very embarrassed by the current situation.

    “The 2nd Prince is entering!”

    Kal Mia, who heard her gatekeeper's cry belatedly in her conversation, turned her gaze to her wide-open eyes. Her body stiffened as she caught sight of her coming through the massive door of the banquet hall, wide open. When she saw the others bowing, she lowered her gaze in a hurry. Regardless of Prince 2's political position, he was a member of the royal family. And today is the wedding day of the royal family.

    As a member of the Elmark royal family, you must have attended the engagement ceremony, so why did you come to the banquet hall at such an early hour?

    Others in the banquet hall had the same question. Most of them, however, expressed more joy than doubt. They were the ones who saw the unexpected appearance of the giant as an opportunity. When the 2nd Prince greeted him in a friendly voice and allowed him to raise his head, the nobles approached the prince as if they had been waiting.

    Perhaps because of Stony's work, El Lua implicitly revealed her hostility towards her second prince. There was nothing good in her mind, so Kal Mia quickly took El Lua's hand and marched to the terrace near her. As of today, she couldn't see Ellua flirting with her, so she hurriedly shoved her into her patio. She has to say hello to the prince, but taking Elua with a face like this will surely cause trouble.

    Ellua expressed her concern at Kal Mia's words that she would go say hello to her by herself, but she was not confident in managing her expression even if she thought for herself, so in the end she quietly followed her instructions. . Kal Mia told him never to come out, she told him several times.

    In the meantime, people around the 2nd Prince became crowded, and from a distance only his red hair could be seen protruding. Kal Mia, who had been staring at the crowd from a distance, bit her lip as if in pain.

    Since the royal family appeared, I had to say hello, but honestly, I couldn't imagine how he would react when he saw him. He took Stony with him, so he must have done her some justice as well. Besides, she never handed over her keys. She must have noticed that her locks were badass, and she didn't know what to say about it.

    Would I rather be surrounded by people saying I couldn't say hi because there were too many people? I'm not going to follow him in this life anyway, so there's no need to try to look good... … .

    Kalmia, who was thinking like that, met red-brown eyes staring straight at me. The prince was already aware of Kalmia's existence.

    “The true servant of Elmark, Khalmia, the head of the Phlox family, is meeting the honorable second prince.”

    Reluctantly, she greeted him from the crowd. Her second prince, Crocus, who was staring at her with her curious eyes, did not immediately reply to her greeting. It seemed that she was on purpose rather than because she couldn't hear. As he stared at Kalmia quietly, the noisy surrounding noise gradually subsided. Then he smiled softly and opened his mouth.

    “Isn’t he my lover? Can you see your face now?”

    Many people in the banquet hall were listening to the prince's voice, so of course everyone listened to his answer. Kalmia's complexion turned pale. The prince did not try to hide his feelings. It was a fact he had already guessed, but seeing his hostility in person was a little creepy.

    “It was a joke by the ignorant luxuryists. I am sorry for disturbing you.”

    “On the contrary, I am sorry. To say that you did not even know the face of your partner, wouldn't that be rude."

    The reason why we call him a political opponent again means that he has no intention of considering Kalmia's reputation at all. Kal Mia, who swallowed her dry saliva, struggled to smile. She was surprised to see her like this, even though she knew how harsh she was to her man, who did not serve her.

    “I remember how I greeted my men the other day. Tell Count Phlox that I am very grateful.”

    “Excuse me, but my father passed away a few months ago.”

    “Well, I remember that the Count wasn’t very old. Still, I've heard that the Phlox family has one clever spirit. It will be a happy day.”

    It's a bad habit Hearing the second prince's mannerisms, which I didn't think much of while serving, in a different situation, it's so different. Crocus himself was very low-key for cursing the 1st Princess. Kal Mia straightened his complexion and lowered his gaze. She was a little bloody, but she still didn't lose my composure.

    “I inherited the title. Please feel free to call me Count Phlox.”

    At Khalmia's words to openly call him the Count, Crocus smiled strangely. Kicking her tongue, he mumbled in a mournful voice.

    “Oh, I haven’t heard of Young-sik’s health being bad. Or maybe there was a story that I couldn’t tell as her man.”

    His gray eyes narrowed coldly. If the prince's words were passed on like this, the social world would become noisy with all kinds of speculations about Ellua. Instead, the prince will happily accept her submission and stop the attack.

    Kal Mia bit her molars softly. I can tolerate cursing at me. Because she had already endured enough in her previous life. With her back she listens and ignores her and takes revenge on her back. But does she have to paint up Elua's name? Do I have to bow my head to that prince until I do that?

    No, it's not worth it at all.

    As head of the Phlox family, she had a duty to protect her blood. Kal Mia, who had been looking down on her the whole time, slowly opened her eyes. As she made eye contact with her prince without her permission, she answered bluntly.

    “My younger brother is extremely healthy, and I dare say he is a genius. But he has no intention of taking the title, he just wants to help my sister.”

    Crocus narrowed his eyes. Her serpent-like eyes stared intently at Kal Mia.

    “Aha, the distribution was small. It would be a waste of ability.”

    “The Phlox family has already reached a major distribution point.”

    Kalmia's voice gained strength. A few people watching their conversation involuntarily swallowed their breath. Despite her terrified look on the faces of those around her, Kal Mia looked at Crocus without changing her complexion.

    Naturally, the prince, who knew he would be angry, smiled again. Looking at his twisted lips, Kal Mia barely suppressed her chirping sigh. Outside of her eyes, I am also very strong.

    “I thought you only had the knack for grabbing her man.”

    “These words are misleading, and I am deeply perplexed.”

    “I have to be able to bear it because I am curious because the handsome men are crying even when I hear the rumors.”

    If it was a rumor, it would have been with Rudbeckia, but for some reason, in Kalmia's ears, the 'man' he was talking about seemed to include Storoni. Perhaps it was not an illusion. Because there is no reason for her prince to face her in this way and express her enmity, except because of her stolony.

    “I don’t know who it is, but you have disturbed the prince’s ears, so please punish him severely.”

    At Kalmia's answer, Crocus's eyes ripped to the side. He was often told that he was handsome in the public eye, but in Kalmia's eyes, it was only a creepy smile.

    “He is already suffering enough from the death penalty alone.”

    It was a real stony story.

    I was a little perplexed when my vaguely guessed things came true. Besides, he's a sergeant. It was said that Storoni's condition was so bad that Crocus was able to recognize his feelings from his side. It was difficult to control her expression this time, so Kal Mia frowned slightly. Did he know he was wrong about the concept of corporal? She had never felt Storoni's heart so desperately.

    “Sergeant, you seem very stupid.”

    “I think so too. I can't understand his eyes at all. There are too many beautiful women in the world.”

    I'm not particularly proud of her beauty, but when I met someone who kicked her tongue in her face, she felt a little bad. So Kalmia smiled.

    “That’s it. Even the most handsome men in the world are full of garages.”

    I do not know. It seems that she has already quietly passed away, and now that she has become like this, she shouldn't lose a single word. I wonder if the princess who even prepared her mansion to sit down in the capital will abandon me.

    Indeed, if the princess did not protect me, she would have lured Rudbeckia out, but she had to protect herself. I've been scratching his insides a lot lately, but I still have a crush on him, so I won't let the second prince die.

    Kal Mia came to such a conclusion without her measures.

    “Ah, so Young-ae… … Oh, excuse me. Did the Count turn down my engagement letter? It must have been a good opportunity to enter the royal family.”

    Crocus wasn't easy. There was not even the slightest sway in the way she smiled shamelessly, making her intentional mistakes in speech. Even though it must have been that she was trembling with anger inside her. I think it's still tolerable, but does that mean I can be more cocky than this? Kalmia decided to check it out immediately.

    “I come into the royal family as a count, not as someone’s wife.”

    "That's misleading enough."

    It wasn't a misunderstanding, it was just what he understood. Not being able to tell him that, Kal Mia struggled to wrap his words around him.

    “If something is desired in my own eyes, it can be coveted in the eyes of others. How could marriage be the only option?”

    “Are you saying that a count is better than a princess?”

    Besides, Kalmia's fiancée was none other than the Duke of Matari. Of course, he was angry because it sounded worse than his engagement to the little duke. I can't say it was cool, but I still felt a bit of relief. Kal Mia laughed at her Crocus with such satisfaction.

    “If necessary.”

    The banquet hall was now silent as if cold water had been poured on it. Everyone was busy keeping an eye on the prince, and they glared fiercely at Kalmia, who had offended the prince. Meanwhile, Kal Mia reassured her that she did a good job pushing El Lua into her patio. If she had El Lua she would have been able to fight back more fiercely, but she would have been branded as a target for the 2nd Prince for nothing until then.

    Kal Mia wondered if Crocus would provoke her wrath this time. If she shows the clumsy royal family who cannot control her emotions and returns early, everyone in the banquet hall will turn around to praise her princess. As if laughing at Kalmia who was expecting such a situation, Crocus suddenly burst into laughter. It was loud enough to leave the banquet hall. Of course, when he smiled cheerfully, who knew he would be angry, the people who were watching could not hide their bewilderment.

    And her Kal-Mia's expression softened a little.

    “What a great momentum! I appreciate that courage and allow you to stand by my side. As a woman headdresser who has appeared with a lot of effort, shouldn’t she broaden her face?”

    Crocus put out his hand with a friendly smile.

    “I will personally introduce you to others.”

    It was not enough to generously forgive the cheeky new headmaster, but he showed mercy by introducing himself to others. Kalmia's eyes contorted slightly. As it is, holding her hand, her life is over. But if she doesn't catch it, she won't gain anything, only her loss. Did the 2nd prince in his previous life manage his emotions so well? The prince in his memory often had a friendly smile, but he was also often angry.

    Did Storoni ever hear anything from her about her?

    Kal Mia looked at the prince's hand with her complex expression. Then, reluctantly, just as she was about to spit out her words of refusal, someone interrupted with a cheerful voice.

    “The face of a prince is not worth it!”

    Crocus's face, which was smiling as if painted with a brush, stiffened. A conspicuous rise in contempt filled his eyes. Slowly taking his extended hand, he leaned back and turned his head. Someone led a group into the wide open banquet hall. Kal Mia, who confirmed her newcomer, enthusiastically lit her eyes.

    “How can you gossip about your fiancée?”

    Peri Sica, in a gorgeous dress, approached, shedding her ridicule. With every move she made, people backed up and made her way.

    Even though she is holding Apis's arms affectionately, she gives the impression that she is walking majesticly ahead rather than being protected by my lover. Was the engagement ceremony over prematurely? Those who didn't know they would arrive so early, chattered with surprise. Even the gatekeeper did not announce Perishica's position. Perhaps it was because Perishica told her not to do that, but thanks to her, she appeared more triumphant, as if raiding the people in this banquet hall.

    “You have come early.”

    At Crocus's unwelcome words, Perishica shrugged her shoulders as if indifferent to her.

    “Are you alone?”

    Perry Sica, who replied with a grin, gave Kal Mia her glance. Kal Mia, who was not able to say hello because of her royal conversation, was disrespectful to Kal Mia. Behind the languidly smiling Perishica, a familiar black-haired man stood. She was not far away, so she could see his eyes quite clearly. Minor anger and concern were mixed in the blue eyes staring at Kalmia quietly.

    Kal Mia slowly looked away from her. Just recognizing her man's feelings made me feel uncomfortable for no reason.

    “I said, ‘Where are you too busy to go out before the ceremony is over, did you come here to flirt with her fiancee? Oh, my poor little brother. You must have been upset to see my happy engagement ceremony? Even so, how could you become a prince and do such an absurd thing?”

    Perishica's words reverberated throughout the banquet hall. Crocus, who had been driven into a rogue in an instant, looked at her princess with a cold, hard expression.

    “I’m even engaged, but I’m not careful with my words.”

    “My fiancée has a heart like heaven who will embrace me all. You don't have to worry about it.”

    She smiled as she stroked Apis's chest with her hand, as if lavishly wrung out. Apis, who had been watching Crocus with a watchful eye at her affectionate gesture, quickly relaxed her expression and looked down at Pericica. He was one of today's protagonists, wearing a splendid costume presumably an Ighalo-style robe. Crocus didn't hide his ignorance and had a contemptuous expression on his face. Like it or not, Perishica turned her gaze to Kal Mia.

    “Of course I thought you would come with the peacock, but I said I would bring my own invitation,” she said. I saw the Count in a rough way.”

    “Thank you for your generous words. I am thrilled to be able to congratulate the princess.”

    “I am very much looking forward to the Count’s congratulations.”

    In the eyes of others, today was clearly their first official meeting, but Pericica didn't seem to want to hide her acquaintance. Apis was not surprised, but the princess's servants stared at the back of the master's head with strange eyes. They were the ones who knew how picky Perishica was when she picked people. Kalmia glanced over the faces of some of them. That one is Cecilia Pumpins, and that one is Isold Cole. Then that guy must be Theorno Ihar. After that, people from the Molly family were also seen. They were the closest aides in charge of the princess's escort and throne.

    The back of the head must have sting from the gaze of my subordinates, but Pericica burst out a delightful laugh as if she had no idea of such a thing. She then joked that she playfully wrinkled the back of her nose.

    “Are you going to be offended by the flirtatious flirtation of a ruthless man, and won’t you buy a gift for me?”

    In an insult that could not be heard, Crocus intervened in a cold voice with a low smile.

    “You’re joking, sister.”

    “Hey, aren’t you going to show me even a gentlemanly measure?”

    Of course, as if Crocus knew how to endure it, Perisica raised her eyes. In fact, there were not many Crocus minions here. Even if they were forced to attend until the engagement ceremony, it was because they weren't close enough to meet each other, even to the point of handing out gifts like this. Besides, the main character of today's banquet is a princess, so if there was a quarrel, she was at a disadvantage for Crocus.

    Aside from that, the current situation was not very favorable for Crocus. Pericica smiled mischievously and nodded behind me.

    “Then what if I get a duel request? From what you can see, the little duke wants to throw a glove at your cheek right now.”

    Rudbeckia, who had been holding her seat the whole time, took a step forward. As he stared at Crocus with her cold gaze, he glanced at Kal Mia. His gaze was fleeting, and he turned to her princess and answered in her clever voice.

    “Thank you for letting me know, Princess.”

    There was an illusion as if the glove that had not been thrown had fallen to the floor. Khal Mia held her breath involuntarily and alternately glanced at Rudbeckia and Crocus with her excitement. She felt like a spectator and watching someone fight. Maybe it's an escape from reality. The external cause of the two of them fighting is Kalmia. She didn't want to believe that she was the center and culprit of this dreadful chi fight.

    So Kal Mia took a step back from her. She just wanted to be a spectator.

    I thought she would pull out her sword right away, but to my surprise, Crocus quickly regained his composure. As he looked at Rudbeckia with a twisted, yet strangely soft smile, he said to Perishica.

    “Your talent for selling people is astonishing when you look at them.”

    “If I didn’t want to be sold, I should have avoided it when I was in a good mood.”

    As if she had ever smiled, Perishika cut her words coolly. A faint contempt crept into his playful eyes the whole time. When Kal Mia saw it, she suddenly realized that the two had different mothers, but she was a brother and sister with the same father. Those green eyes of Pericica and those of Crocus' red-brown eyes radiated the same contempt as if they were glued together.

    “Are you going to stop us from celebrating your sister’s engagement?”

    Crocus's smile brightened again at the sight of his fierce sister.

    “You mean sincere? Then I will stand there and contribute to the sound of applause.”

    Perisica sarcastically shrugged her shoulders.

    “That’s what you do best.”

    The words seemed to pierce a certain point in the crocus. It was barely noticeable on the outside that a strong force entered her chin. Kal Mia quickly recalled her previous life. She said what the prince was sensitive to. He has a great sense of inferiority towards my bloodline. Because it was an irreversible condition no matter what he did. The queen's nephew, Perishica, who knew this clearly, had no hesitation in promoting her ancestry. Perhaps this conversation was also related to it.

    Perisica, who had greatly disturbed her crocus' composure, turned her head with a more refreshed expression.

    “Now, my brother wants to congratulate me like that, so should I make something to clap? Count Phlox.”

    Kalmia, who had been quietly buried by a crowd of onlookers, was summoned again. Perisha smiled brightly at her Kal Mia, who raised her head in amazement with her.

    “Let me receive your gift first.”

    It seemed that the servants could not leave it alone this time. No matter who came first, at the same time, she called Perishica in a perplexed voice.

    “Princess, that is… … !”

    “My younger brother has done something wrong, so why don’t you fix it as an older sister? It’s not my fault, so the apology is too much, and the opportunity to offer the gift first is just right.”

    In this great banquet hall, I'm going to give you the opportunity to be the first of all these people to offer a gift. How much more would you like to receive her present before Rudbeckia? Kal Mia couldn't believe the opportunity she had given me, so she looked stunned for a moment. Oh my God. Her princess did not match her hands and feet, and was a partner boasting of her very heavenly breath.

    “Isn’t that not ready?”

    “Of course I am ready.”

    Kalmia brought Elua faster than ever. El Lua, who had been waiting patiently with her presents on the terrace, was surprised by the situation in the banquet hall that she could not keep up with, so she just kept her mouth shut and chose to stand quietly.

    Originally, she should have delivered colorful and lengthy congratulations and delivered gifts to the attendants, but the princess declared that she would receive it right away from her seat. Perhaps he was trying to block the quiet escape of the Crocus. Crocus, who had just been congratulating her for nothing, was standing like a bridesmaid, sharpening her teeth and glaring at Pericica.

    Of course, Kalmia liked that kind of thing. She said what's important to her is to hand this gift to her in front of everyone. Swallowing her dry saliva, she brought out a wooden box wrapped in smooth silk. Cecilia accepted the present instead of the waiter in the sudden situation.

    “It is an infinite honor to be able to give you the first gift. This is a gift from the Phlox family.”

    At Pericica's glance, Cecilia untied her silk. She carefully checked her box with her danger in mind, but the princess, feeling frustrated by the slow touch, opened the lid of the box at once. She looked inside her box and narrowed her eyes. Rudbeckia, who was standing near her, swung over her shoulder to check her contents, and her expression hardened. Kal Mia, who was rolling her eyes to check their reaction, gasped at Rudbeckia's gaze staring at her.

    “What a beautiful piece. Has anyone ever been able to craft the jewels of Ighalo so precisely?”

    “It is the work of a sculptor I am sponsoring. For various reasons, I did not start an external activity, but the workmanship was very good, so I wanted to present the work to the princess.”

    “How can you be so beautiful?”

    Pericica exclaimed with a sincere voice. The box contained five colored magic ore sculptures. It was a sculpture of five beasts that were said to protect the royal family. Even though the stone is only about the size of a thumb, each finely sculpted animal hair made it possible to guess the skill of the maker. When the subtle color of the jewel itself was added, the beast became alive as if it were alive. It took Haley six months to complete those five. After she finished her job, she couldn't do another job for well over a month.

    That sculpture was a token of the promise Kalmia made to Haley. Kal Mia had promised to do everything in her power to help bring the Bonnets back to life with Haley's hands. Is there any other place to clearly reveal Haley's presence than to present her excellent sculpture to the princess? Kal Mia was sure Perishica would like her sculpture.

    She, of course, guessed that Rudbeckia would be angry. A few months ago, when fighting with Haley over the sculpture, the agreement was to keep it privately and not sell it to the last. Rudbeckia, who, like her, must have remembered her agreement a few months earlier, looked at Kal Mia with her hardened face.

    Seeing him like that, Kalmia laughed softly. This is not a sale, just a gift. So the agreement was not violated.

    If you want the princess to pay attention to Haley Bonnet's skills and commercialize it with that gift, you won't be able to stop that. That's the meaning of the princess, so it's no big deal.

    Rudbeckia, who had guessed Kalmia's plan, bit her teeth and glared at the sculpture in the box. Perhaps he was logically arranging the words he was going to pour out to Kalmia in his head. After examining Rudbeckia's face, which was clearly visible for some reason, Kalmia took a step forward. Actually, there was something else that really turned Rudbeckia's insides upside down.

    “Another word for the jewel of Ighalo is ‘magic ore’. I believe this gift will not be enough to bless the union of Ighalo and Elmark.”

    The sharp eyes of Rudbeckia and Crocus were focused on Kalmia. At the word ‘magic ore’ that suddenly popped out, Apis also looked at Khal Mia with her tense eyes. And, hearing the new word, Perishica waited for Kalmia to speak with her eyes mixed with wonder and interest. The lower part of the sculpture popped open. When Cecilia lifted the plate, the real gift Kalmia had prepared was revealed.

    The blood disappeared from Rudbeckia's complexion.

    “The Phlox family has found a miracle stone in this land for the princess.”

    ‘The Matari family has found a miracle stone in this land for the princess.’

    His blue eyes were clouded with so many emotions that he couldn't tell what he was feeling. Kalmia quietly faced his gaze. This moment, she imagined a lot too. She reacts in a variety of ways and that makes her feel her own pleasures. such as freshness and coolness. Something gleaming with that tingling sensation she felt just before she returned to her past.

    In fact, now that I met her, she was surprised by my feelings, which were more calm than I expected. Despite Cecilia's reluctance, the princess took out the objects inside her with her own hands. A turbid blue stone that is slightly smaller than a fist and contains a red core as if it were embracing fire.

    Kal Mia rolled her eyes down. She knelt down on one of her knees and shook her head.

    “This is the first Elmacsan magic ore.”

    ‘This is the first magic ore from Mt. Elmark.’

    Like Rudbeckia in her previous life, it was a gesture of utmost loyalty.

    ‘Kalmia, my Count. What they dug up wasn't a miracle stone, it was a curse stone.'

    A cursed stone that summons monsters. So, in this lifetime, he decided to bury him forever, and he must have taken his back with Earl Heil and excluded Hampton from the trade route. Because information is blocked due to tight restrictions, it is still called the "Jewel of Ighalo" in a funny way. But Kalmia did not agree with his method. There can be no eternal secrets, and what is buried will always be revealed. If so, you have to dig it out first and use it.

    Thankfully it took a little while for her to ruminate on her first magic ore so loudly in her previous life, but after digging into her memory, she eventually found it instead.

    Perishica looked down at the head of Kal Mia, who had her head bowed in front of me. Then she smiled vaguely and shifted her gaze to the stone in my hand. After a moment's thoughts on her, rolling the stone in her hand, she put it back into her box.

    “You seem to have a lot to tell me.”

    “If time permits, I will explain to the best of my ability.”

    Even specific information cannot be recited in front of everyone. Perishica, who understood Kal Mia's words, nodded her head coolly.

    “Get up. Change your seat right now.”

    Kal Mia, who had her head bowed slightly, raised her eyes in surprise. Cecilia, who had closed the box lid and sealed it tightly with silk, called out to Perishica with a bewildered voice.


    The princess's servants once again spit out the words of displeasure in a startled voice. Of course, Pericica listened to them with her back and picked up the box herself. As she was originally spontaneous and selfish, she noticed that she was about to move to an empty lounge or terrace right now. Perishica, who had shrugged off her servants clinging to me, suddenly looked back at her Apis.

    “Ash, go with me. This is our engagement gift, so you should know.”

    Even in the midst of this, my lover was not close enough. Perry Sica, who had been urging Apis to leave, kissing Apis on the cheek, glanced at the servants who looked at me pitifully and frowned.

    “I’m not saying I’m going to sell my seat, I’m just going to listen to you for a while.

    They intuitively realized that they could not stop the princess. While everyone retreated with a resigned expression on their faces, Rudbeckia, who had stiffened with her pale, tired face, suddenly stepped out.

    “I will accompany you.”

    It was the first time I had ever heard a blunt voice. No, it's not my first time. To be precise, it must be said that this is the first time in this life. Khal Mia had always heard Rudbeckia's stand-insensitive voice that day in her previous life. he wouldn't Who was Kalmia standing in front of me?

    Aside from her sinking heartbeat, seeing Rudbeckia's head blanked out in a situation she couldn't have imagined gave her an inescapable upliftment. She wasn't intense and thrilling, but still, her whole body felt light as if it were floating on her water surface. Ah, my nature must be very sadistic.

    “Hey, little peacock. I know how you feel, but this time it’s difficult.”

    Kal Mia grinned at her man, who was staring at her himself. The expression of her man, who had been trying so hard to disguise her expressionless expression, fell helplessly, revealing the sense of betrayal she had been hiding all along. Are you really going to kill me and regret it? I wanted to ask, but I gave up. Even if you think like that, it's no use. Pericica decisively pushed Rudbeckia away.

    she can't fix it She has already captured the hearts of Perishica and Apis. She wants to kill her, but what can she do?

    “You fall.”

    he was late

    Kalmia cleverly explained the mixture of truth and lies.

    The Phlox family had no choice but to turn their backs on the royal family externally as they secretly studied magic ore. It was a secret agreement between the previous king and Count Phlox, who recognized the infinite potential of magic ore.

    However, until trade with Ighalo was made, a suitable specimen could not be obtained, so research could not proceed. Then, thanks to the princess making her trade, she was able to achieve results, and she planned to capture this knowledge and report it formally, but her father, who was about to die, was deceived by the 2nd prince with an imperfect mind and took her data. . Betrayed by her first pupil he had raised, she managed to keep some research material hidden.

    However, it was believed that the second prince would secretly misuse the magic ore if it stayed like this, so he was determined to publicly reveal the truth to the princess and publicize the true master.

    Apis added a hint to her explanations. It was testimony that the knowledge of magic ore provided by the Phlox family was reliable. It must have been thanks to the information he was constantly passing on to Rashid. When Apis put his words on him, his credibility increased a bit. She wanted to know about the potential of magic ore, but she pulled out during the banquet, so she couldn't have a long conversation.

    I thought she explained it as quickly as possible, but when she came out, it had been quite some time. Most of those who attended the banquet had the purpose of offering a present to the princess, so everyone was waiting impatiently. Crocus was nowhere to be seen. It was the same with Rudbeckia. Kal Mia calmly lowered her eyes, ignoring the stinging gaze that was pouring on her.

    It was this time that Perishica sat down in her center chair and began accepting the presents normally. In the meantime, some people asked to explain something like Kalmia did, but they were mercilessly rejected. While her ceremonial blessings were exchanged, the princess seemed to be immersed in other thoughts and occasionally missed the conversation.

    “Mia, are you okay? What did you talk about with the princess?”

    El Lua, who had been watching her secretly, slowly approached her and asked. Karl Mia, who had been standing in her head and gazing at her gift procession, replied bluntly.

    “I told you about magic ore,” she said.

    “… … Is that all?”

    "Yes. Why?"

    “It’s just that you’re a little… … .”

    El Lua stuttered with her pitiful face. Kal Mia, who was looking at Elua with her puzzled eyes, suddenly looked around the banquet hall. There were still many people, and envy and curious glances pierced her skin. However, she still couldn't see the person who she thought would chase after him and question him.

    Hey, I don't think there's any need to ask.

    It seems more likely that she is planning an assassination right now. The last time she saw her expression was so bad that if he rushed to kill her without thinking about her ejaculation before and after her, blinded by her anger... … .

    Kalmia frowned at the sudden concern. She did, she would add, that her life was threatened when she spoke to Perishica earlier. Is there no way for her to give a hint even now? But there were so many gift lines that I didn't see any time to get in.

    Kal Mia was vigilant around her and kept her seat. As she wandered around, she seemed safer because she was exposed to a lot of people rather than getting hit with a knife.

    Even if he tried to assassinate, he wouldn't even touch Elua, would he?



    “Wherever you go, take Wei with you.”

    At her absurd remark, El Lua made a puzzled expression. Kal Mia, who was looking at her gift procession indifferently, El Lua, who was looking at her side profile, answered with a bewildered voice.

    “Yeah what… … .”

    “Let me be your escort. From now on.”

    “Then you?”

    Adding Wei means that she felt something threatened. No matter how thoughtless El Ruara was, she could have guessed that much. Kal Mia, who was struggling as she frowned as she spoke the words of El Lua, which raised her objection to her, through one ear, suddenly lit up her eyes.

    “Would you rather enter the academy a little earlier? Have you solved all of the professor's exam questions? Is it enough to pull?”

    “Mia, really, why?”

    Geez, she should have accepted El Lua ahead of time. She thinks she's used to rolling her head, but she omits something so important. Kal Mia bit her lip, reflecting on my brief thoughts. The Royal Academy was managed by the royal family and was guarded by the royal forces as it was a place where various researches were conducted. Whoever it was, he wouldn't want to have an accident until he had to bear the risk in it. It would be a case of rebelling against the royal family.

    “Did I say that the Academy officials had visited before? If you utter a hint, I will surely create a place that does not exist.”

    “Did you crash? He denounced me not to buy and hit me like that!”

    “It’s not… … .”

    Kal Mia, who was trying to persuade Elua with her dry tone, stopped. It was as if she had seen her dark hair in her diagonal direction, through her rows of people. She narrowed her eyes and peered through the crowd with hers.

    She was not mistaken. The man who was suddenly taller than her others was the man she knew.

    “El, did I get a grudge against the Duke of Matari?”

    "older brother?"

    "Yes. So, if that guy approaches for a while, avoid it. No, just go to the academy. If you just want to go, the academy will bow down and accept you.”

    Elua frowned at her. Kal Mia's expression, confirming Rudbeckia's movement, was so serious that she couldn't take it as a joke, even though El Rua did not understand it. As if El Lua wanted to explain her situation, she grabbed Kal Mia's arm and waved it. But she was focusing all of her senses on Rudbeckia. The other party wasn't looking this way, but somehow I was convinced that he was also aware of her existence.

    “It is with great gratitude that I congratulate you on our engagement today.”

    The gift procession that had continued throughout came to a halt. It was because Perishica suddenly woke up. Kal Mia also took her gaze away from Rudbeckia and looked back at her princess. Perisha's expression looking around her banquet hall was very kind.

    “Especially, the deep loyalty of my Phlox family is a joy that will never be forgotten.”

    What is the reason for taking a picture of yourself again and mentioning it? Kal Mia, who had already attracted the attention of the nobles, could not hide her bewilderment at the sight of her princess who called herself anew.

    “As a matter of fact, he was the king’s teacher, and his glory was not for nothing. Say it. I mean, I've been thinking deeply."

    Pericica squinted her eyes and smiled. Then she calmly spoke her astonishing words.

    “I am very impressed with the Count’s intelligence, so I would like to have you by my side and teach me. So Count Phlox will be Perishica's teacher and watch over me."

    The banquet hall was enveloped in silence. They all looked at each other, doubting whether what they had heard was true. It was the same with Kalmia. As she stared at Pericica with her dazed eyes, she saw her eyes gleaming with her sun shining brightly. With that face, what did the princess just declare?

    As she struggled to roll her staggering thought, Perisica sighed as she understood how she had understood her silent Kal Mia and clapped her palm with her own fist.

    "Oh yeah. I had forgotten the Count's troubles. Isn't it funny that he has Suha's fiancee as her mentor?"

    Kal Mia, who was swallowing her dry saliva, stopped eating it. Her face flushed red as she covered her mouth and spit on her. Seeing Kal Mia looking at me with her tearful face, Perry Sica burst out into laughter. She said, she said in a light tone, as if she were joking her.

    “Even for the sake of a neutral and objective teacher’s attitude, it would be better to organize some useless tags.”

    Perishica downgraded her name, 'Fiancée of the Duke of the Cow' to her useless tag. It was such a natural and elegant procedure that flowed like water, and there were only a handful of people who followed the princess' words on the spot. Kal Mia couldn't quite fathom her princess' thoughts, so she just listened to her with a fly-eyed look.

    She said, “In a world where even the princesses of one country are engaged in love, there is no reason for her to maintain a political relationship. Isn't that right, Count?"

    Perishica, who had made all the decisions alone, asked a polite question. Kal Mia, who had been grabbing her stinging neck, reflexively nodded.

    "of course."

    Only after answering did she realize that she had agreed to the breakup. Of course, she was the one who had declared that she would break the marriage, but the breakup she had imagined so far was not like this. What she had envisioned was a quieter, smoother kind. In other words, it is a kind of breakup that naturally leads to the disappearance of feelings for each other. It's not like you're being forced to break up with your master while spreading rumors around the neighborhood.

    Perry Sica, who looked at her puzzled Kal Mia meaningfully, sat down with a smile. The princess, who supported her elbows on her armrests and clenched her chin, shifted her gaze.

    “The Count agrees, what do you think?”

    Many people in the banquet hall looked at one place. Rudbeckia, who received her gaze, glanced back at Kal Mia. A numb gaze stared at her as if trying to pierce her heart. She was so close that she could feel her tingling with just her gaze from afar. His expression was indifferent. The only thing I could see vaguely was that he wasn't very happy with the current situation.

    “The Phlox family is trying to restore their honor, but how can they stop it?”

    The calm voice conveyed the meaning of conformity. Perisica was delighted as she tapped her armrest.

    “Did you hear me? From now on, the Count will not be the duke's fiancee, but will be my teacher."

    El Lua, who was standing next to Kal Mia, spit out her monstrous divine voice. Hearing that, Kalmia was suddenly relieved. She won't have to push Elua to her academy. She was a carefree relief that didn't fit the situation. Seeing Kal Mia immersed in such a foolish sentiment, Perishica urged her with her strong voice.

    “If anyone bothers you, tell me. I'm going to give it a go."

    The princess promised to accept Count Phlox into her arms.

    You should thank Perishica, who declared that she would take care of her before asking for it, right?

    However, for her own greed, she ordered Suha's divorce with one word at first, so she will hear bad things about it. Perisica doesn't seem like a great person to care about that, but did she even bother to show such coercion officially? Did she possibly care about her reputation?

    In the eyes of her outside, it will be seen as a broken marriage by intention, so neither Kal Mia nor Rudbeckia will be severely hit. But this has to do with the premise that she already knew that Perishica was going to break up the two of them. What did Rudbeckia say to her beforehand? Recalling Rudbeckia's reaction earlier, I don't think she had agreed with him.

    In the midst of all sorts of thoughts, her headache aggravated by the people who rushed to say a word to Count Phlox, who suddenly took the seat next to her. She smiled and said, 'Come on, take good care of my teacher.' The princess sat in her chair and was busy playing love games with her fiancée. Kal Mia, who was trying to hold on with a smile, finally raised a white flag. She threw Elua as bait into the flock of seungnyang, and came out as if running away.

    It was she herself who hit Rudbeckia in the back, and she doesn't know why she's lost her mind now.

    It was only when she came out to the corridor directly connected to the garden that she was able to breathe. As she breathed in the cold night air, the thought that had been hovering around her dumbly seemed to be moving again. Kal Mia rested her forehead on her forehead and leaned her back against the pillars of the corridor, letting out her long sigh.

    She leaned her head back, closed her eyes, and caught her breath, as Kal Mia heard the sound of someone's clean footsteps. His personality was reflected in the sound of steps with uniform force in a constant stride. The sound that seemed to be approaching stopped with a certain distance. The corridor was quiet again. There was only the occasional chirping of insects from the garden.

    He slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to see Inyeong through the shadows of the long poles reflected in the moonlight. Kal Mia, who was quietly looking down at the shadows on the floor, licked her lips.

    “Should I send the breakup letter?”

    The shadow that had been standing still moved again. Kalmia, who had been listening to the sound of footsteps getting closer to me, raised her eyes.

    “Or will Confucius send you?”

    As I stepped forward, the moonlight shone on the face of the other person who had been shady.

    “Count Phlox.”

    As the moonlight touched my hair that I thought was black, it seemed to have a subtle blue color. Cheong-an, who looked just like her previous life, looked at me. Oddly enough, Kalmia thought it was very welcome. So she struggled not to break her chin. She looked at him with her head tilted gently and spoke in a rather friendly tone.

    “Now it’s time to say hello. Poor Duke.”

    A man who struggled to embrace the fallen princess and the tattered power. A man who never lost his arrogance. Kal Mia recalled her last conversation between the two of them in her previous life.

    ‘Poor Duke, please drink a lot of wine you like.’

    To Khalmia, who had ridiculed him so much, Rudbeckia gave a faint sneer and muttered briefly. It's called 'stupid and stupid Count'. At the time, I thought it was just the pride of a man who was cornered, but looking back now, he was not wrong. In Rudbeckia's eyes, the relationship between Storoni and Kal Mia must have been stark and absurd, and she must have been pathetic.

    Rudbeckia, who knew how to assert that he was a 'stupid Count' like that time, was silent again at Kalmia's words. Then, abruptly, she parted her lips.

    “You really… … .”

    A heavy bass sound was carried in the gentle night wind. However, the words were not clearly formed and disappeared in mid-air. Perhaps it was because he realized that it was a meaningless question. Kal Mia smiled at him, staring at him without her expression. I wanted to put a little more force into her bitten lips, and then her hard question popped out.

    “Since when?”

    It was a very unkind question, but Kalmia understood it at once. Moving her gaze to her garden, she replied in a tone of indifference.

    “I am ten years old.”

    Rudbeckia burst out laughing. It was a cold reaction, imitating only a laugh, but a sound.

    "You've been acting stupid for nine years."

    “Even Confucius didn’t tell me.”

    “So, aren’t you more stupid? Even though I didn't tell you, you seem to have figured it out right away."

    Her self-help murmurs were mixed with remorse and irritation. Consoling him would be like making fun of him, so Kalmia was silent, looking only at the bushes in the dark garden.

    Should I say I noticed? I just couldn't know. Unlike Kal Mia, who did not change much on the outside, he relentlessly made up for the failures of his previous life. Perhaps without Kalmia, everything would have changed completely according to his will. It just didn't happen though.

    Kalmia asked while keeping her gaze on the garden.

    “Are you going to get revenge now?”

    "I beg your pardon?"

    “Are you going to kill me?”

    The reply was late. Kalmia glanced at Rudbeckia's face. He stood motionless on his back. Maybe there was a sword in that hand hidden behind his back. Maybe they have already placed assassins around them. Seeing such atrocious thoughts come to mind, he must now identify the man in front of him with the enemy of his previous life. However, the strange thing was that he did not feel any particular fear while imagining this.

    He looked at Kalmia with enigmatic eyes and sneered even more coldly.

    “It’s not something the person who seduced and arranged for the princess would say.”

    After all, it must be difficult to see the princess who killed herself right now, drunk with her feelings. Because in front of so many people, the princess declared with her mouth that she would make Khal Mia her teacher. Kalmia concluded that her strange confidence was thanks to Perishica. Because she had ensured her safety through her, it was in a situation where Rudbeckia could not attack recklessly, so it was okay to imagine her terrifying.

    “Not everything was my intention. I'm glad he liked it."

    It was sincere. However, as if nothing had been conveyed to Rudbeckia, he twisted his lips wide and laughed.

    “Are you going to believe that you don’t serve the second prince?”

    “Do you feel that the nine years that Confucius saw were all lies?”

    “I think I can pretend to serve the princess and serve as her son-in-law.”

    His suspicions were quite natural. It's a little surprising that he cares about the princess first rather than getting angry at the fact that he cheated on him. Kalmia felt strange. She must have been angry, but seeing her rationally prioritizing her princess in the midst of this, I thought she was amazing. Because he is such a person, he must have endured alone in his previous life when everyone collapsed.

    Even in my previous life, I must have endured alone when everyone collapsed. Then, why did he think he would lose his temper and devote all his energy to rebuking me? Kalmia realized that she had been filled with strange convictions and was a little perplexed. Both in his previous life and in this life, Rudbeckia was a man of great loyalty. If he had known the identity of Kal Mia, he would have had his suspicions about whether he was the King. Because the feeling of betrayal of his own is all personal.

    Kalmia, who had blinked her eyes, averted her gaze and hid her feelings.

    “Thanks to Confucius, I lost the books in the basement library. I kissed you in front of Stony. Is it all like a play?” “Is there any reason not to play? You gave me poison.”

    There was a sense of vigilance and slight rejection in his voice. Kal Mia nodded his head broadly.

    "that's right."

    Recognizing her coolly, she glanced at Rudbeckia.

    “I am the woman who poisoned you. She was always the same person.”

    From the day we met again until now. She was always the same person, and so was Rudbeckia. It is true that we have had a chance to make up for the failures in our previous lives, but we cannot say that the two people in our previous life and this one are different. She was definitely the same person, at least as much as Kalmia and Rudbeckia.

    She just changed.

    “It’s a surprising point.”

    As she said that, Rudbeckia's face, which had been frozen like her ice the whole time, was cracked. Perhaps he was trying to hide the frown on his forehead, he brushed her bangs and turned her head away from her Kal Mia. Kal Mia, who watched her move silently, stiffened her body with a smirk. Kal Mia, who had blinked her eyes and looked away, hastily turned her eyes away. She wiped her dry lips with her tongue and groaned in pain.

    “I told you, you hate Storoni. I've already lost my pretense with the 2nd prince, and I was chosen as the princess's teacher in front of everyone. What good things will happen if you go back to your previous life... … .”

    “You know it too. Whatever is going to happen is happening one way or another.”

    Rudbeckia, who had cut her words coldly, said firmly.

    “So, you never know when you will poison me in this lifetime.”

    “… … Oh, yes.”

    That cannot be denied. Kal Mia, who had her eyes closed in embarrassment, nodded slightly. Just because she serves the same master, there is no guarantee that the same situation won't happen. Even during her immediate engagement with her, she wasn't very much at odds, more or less likely to have met in her conference room. Will my relationship with that man end up being the same as in my previous life? Rudbeckia said coldly when she was about to stand with her mouth shut, with her hair on the side of her for nothing.

    “I will write the breakup letter and send it to you as soon as I get back.”

    He was standing upright with his back on his back just like when he first appeared. The way she expressed with her whole body that she no longer wanted to talk, made her a little sad. She wanted to ask about something she had seen briefly earlier.

    The cuff buttons, which were more conspicuous due to the dark collar, vividly revived in my mind. It was a turbid red with a blue haze pattern, and it was a magic ore she had handed over to her as a joke in the past. There aren't many engineers who can handle magic ore, so it must have been very difficult to process it with cufflinks. If it hadn't been for the incidents that happened today, she would have given him all sorts of respect just with those cufflinks as usual.

    It would be meaningless to continue talking about these things now as an excuse.

    Having cleared her complex head, Kal Mia straightened her body, which had been leaning against her pole the whole time.

    “Yes, send it right away.”

    I felt bloated inside, as if something I ate was on top. She quietly took her breath back and walked past Rudbeckia.

    Oh, it was a taste she shouldn't have known either.

    Rudbeckia, who had been staring at the garden, crouching between her pillars, glanced at her side. A red-haired woman approaching, flapping her dress, looked at his face and raised her eyebrows.

    “Isn’t your expression weird?”

    I don't know what my expression looks like, but since Pericica is talking like that, I'll have to stay outside for a while. Judging by that, Rudbeckia calmly turned her head to the front. Seeing that, Perishica came closer to her, kicking her tongue. The way she looked at Rudbeckia's expression, knowingly and unknowingly, wasn't like her, who usually does what she wants without hesitation.

    Rudbeckia, who had been ignoring Perishka's glance at me, couldn't stand it anymore and said:

    “If I hadn’t done this, I wouldn’t have done anything to her.”

    At that cold voice, Perishica muttered in a stern tone.

    “But what did you look like?”

    what to do what to do Rudbeckia passed Perishica's words to her snort. It was funny that Perishica was convinced of her feelings of not being able to draw her own conclusions. She wasn't particularly offended by his cheeky appearance, but Perishika shrugged her shoulders and spoke her words carefreely.

    "I'm sorry for not agreeing, but you've been emphasizing the dangers of magic ore, aren't you? She knew it well and she couldn't let her go without her safety gear. Plus I'm curious what she'll bring to me. You guys always said it was dangerous, because it didn't bring any real results."

    Seeing how long the words are, it seems that I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. Rudbeckia opened her lips indifferently.

    “If that was your intention… … .”

    “Is your strength enough?”

    Perry Sica, who snatched the end of Rudbeckia, twisted her lips and smiled.

    “Don’t say it’s not even funny. The fact that you asked me not to help break up the marriage means that you are already out of your power.”

    There was nothing wrong with that. Rudbeckia frowned and looked at the pitiful garden. She's never asked Perishica like that. She could not forget the elated expression on her face at that time, the voice of her smiling as she said that she would join her to her princess, and she finally spoke her words out. It was only a few days ago that Perishica laughed at her for a long time after hearing her sincere request from Rudbeckia.

    yes it was

    Rudbeckia shed a scorn at her, recalling her stupidity a few days ago. She chewed her blood to taste her blood on her lips, but it didn't clear her mind. I didn't want to even imagine how ridiculous my words of not wanting to let go would sound to the other person. Her wretchedness enveloped her body as if she had fallen into her mud with one unintentional step.

    “Thanks to me, I know that your desperate heart is not distorted. Did you hope that the rumor that you broke up with your heart would spread?”

    He didn't respond. In such a situation, how much influence would it have on how to break up the marriage? As long as she revealed my secret, the breakup was in a fixed order. Her process would mean nothing to her. Seeing the side face of the silent Rudbeckia, Perishka sighed loudly and muttered.

    “It looks amazing. In fact, the Count didn't seem to have any regrets. ttt.”

    Hearing her words, she naturally put strength into her hands. Her palm, which had been holding her back all the way from the time she talked to Kal Mia, hurt. It was his effort to calm himself by feeling the pain. If he hadn't put up with it, he might have grabbed Kalmia's wrist earlier. He couldn't even control his power. Rudbeckia hid both hands behind his back, preferring to injure mine. Fortunately, he was quite patient, and he managed his facial expressions very well.

    At least in front of Kalmia, I think. Maybe she didn't see through everything like Pericica did?

    “Am I so ferocious?”

    “Can I bring you a mirror?”

    “It’s done.”

    When Kal Mia brought her magic ore as a gift earlier, when she took it and went to have a secret conversation with her princess, Rudbeckia was also absent. It was to understand the situation and manage my emotions. At that time, she thought she had managed her emotions well enough, but in the end, it seems to have been a useless thing to do.

    ‘Are you going to kill me?’

    Of course he seemed to think so. Her face of Kal Mia, who mourned her revenge, was extremely calm, and she seemed to be prepared for it. She wondered if she should even prepare her assassin so as not to disappoint her.

    Rudbeckia managed to provoke her princess and turn her away, but she had to suppress the flames that spread inside her. He was angry that her Kal Mia had rationally understood her utterances, and was nonetheless annoyed by her stupidity, which she had never thought of until she spoke.

    “But didn’t the two of you get along very well? Why did the Count wish so much for a breakup?”

    “It was not particularly good.”

    Come to think of it, Kal Mia has always been reluctant to and away from Rudbeckia, and she always had her breakup in mind. It was only natural for her to act that way if she had lived her life once and came back like herself. Rudbeckia recalled Kal Mia, who repeatedly told her to 'do not regret'. Did she say she's back when she was ten? In terms of her time, she had returned to the past in the same year as Rudbeckia.

    The days of her nine years ago resurfaced in her mind. The day she saved El Rua's life, the day she first visited the Phlox family.

    It was literally her first visit as she had never been to Plyace in her previous life. It was smaller than expected, quiet and very peaceful. He had imagined Kal Mia, who had always been at odds with her in her previous life, and was a little surprised to see her small and delicate appearance in front of her.

    I don't know if that's where the problem started. A girl with a young face and a peaceful countryside. Although the girl felt shy about him, at times she was surprisingly cooperative and even gave him the behavior he wanted.

    Rudbeckia was confused. Is it really appropriate to hold her accountable in advance for something that has not happened, or something that will happen soon? She couldn't find any hostility in her previous life in her cheeky girl, and she seemed rather busy living her own life.

    “You must have been clinging to the Count, and the Count must have hated you.”

    Rudbeckia frowned at Perishica's words that stabbed her in the face.

    “Young-ae, who wants to speak with you, lined up, and the count is amazing.”

    Pericica was genuinely incomprehensible. Rudbeckia, too, was often incomprehensible. Kalmia's attitude was obviously unkind, but it was because there was a strangely casual corner somewhere. She had already seen how she treated her Stony, so she knew she was clearly at odds with him. She recites Dung's words that she wants to marry Rashid, but in reality, it was not a very rational relationship. Rather, Kal Mia seemed more happy when she was working.

    As she said, it was her Rudbeckia who had her and her closest contact. At least for the rest of this life. So I didn't understand any more. It was clear that she was rationally attracted to her, but she kept trying to draw her line. Even the day she spent the night together.

    It was only now that I understood the attitude and words. If it was Kal Mia who returned with the memories of her previous life, she would be still in her eyes. She now doubted whether what he had seen was real. In fact, for nine years, maybe she has been hiding her true nature and acting like her? She thought that the expression on her face revealed her true intentions, but she actually… … .

    “By the way, Ruud. I don't think you're mad at me right now. Actually, the Count came back to the banquet hall with a very unusual face earlier? Did you fight?”


    Before she could get her question into her head, an answer first popped out. She denied it with a single blow, but Perishica did not believe it.

    “Is it because of that gift? Are you serious enough to get mad at the Count who hangs you so much?”

    “I’m not thirsty.”

    "What? Is it that magic ore?”

    Rudbeckia's expression hardened even more. Pelicica, who was looking at his expression, smiled and asked again.

    “Earl Phlox?”

    She murmured in her sullen voice, who looked at him with a absurd look, who affirmed with her silence.

    "Rude, you're talking nonsense. They told me to break up the marriage, but I did not hang my head on a subject that looked like the world was collapsing.”

    She didn't like his look, not because of the breakup, but because she found out that Kal Mia was actually back in her past like herself. But she couldn't tell the truth, so Rudbeckia had to swallow her words.

    She says she hangs her by the neck? she is ridiculous Is there no reason for that? She has yielded a hundred times and she may have treated her favorably until yesterday, but never now when she finds out that she is the woman who poisoned her in her previous life.

    “Ah, then you must have fought because of the breakup?”

    Perisica alone came to her strange conclusion. She didn't even have the energy to try to correct it, so Rudbeckia decided to just ignore it. He couldn't afford to take care of her princess' conduct as usual. It was because her jumbled mind was hardly ever organized. He couldn't even remember how he usually kept his composure. Have you ever been so angry that you lost your temper in your life?

    No, by the way. Is this an angry state?

    “Am I mad now?”

    “Why are you asking me that? Don't you know what condition you are?"

    He told Khal Mia that she would be her 2nd prince, but he already knew she wouldn't. The things she had seen from her side were sufficient grounds to make such a judgment rationally.

    So her problem is that she's actually returned to the past like that? Her judgment of not telling her the truth was also understood in her head. If it hadn't been for this special situation right now, he wouldn't have thought of revealing it to anyone forever. How much more would you say to someone who was silent?

    So, is she mad at herself because she sacrificed her magic ore to her princess? Was she angry that in her previous life she made what she had found her public sheep? Of course, I would be lying if I said it wasn't terrifying, but the truth is, Rudbeckia didn't even think about it until Perisica spoke her up about it.

    Turns out, that's a problem too. What the hell was that woman thinking to bring her magic ore out of the world again! Someone who says she even remembers all of her previous lives!

    Rudbeckia frowned at her sudden realization of the problem. She must have known that she herself was going to bury her magic ore, but she was behind her back she was doing that! As in her previous life, she had the same personality in this life, knowing that hitting her in the back was rewarding.

    “Oh my God, Duke Matari was such an idiot.”

    Perisica let out her sigh with a pitiful look. But Rudbeckia was seriously swearing at her with her hardened face.

    “Magic ore is dangerous. It remains to be seen why she crawled out of it, but she must never be too harsh to judge.”

    Ferisica frowned as if she was dissatisfied with the arrow that suddenly returned to her. Rudbeckia had the momentum to reconsider the dangers of magic ore, which she had been talking about. Perishica, who had already been tormented by the nagging to the point that she was tired of it, retreated in disgust.

    “Don’t run away from reality and be alert!”

    “Why is this an escapism?”

    Rudbeckia has now come to the conclusion that communication with Perishka is not going smoothly. Now, the princess was excited about the state of Rudbeckia, which she had never seen before in her life, and was letting her imagination run wild. She wouldn't listen if she gave her warnings about magic ore. I guess I'll have to officially visit tomorrow and talk formally.

    Pericica, who had no idea what he was thinking, seemed to be genuinely concerned about her, she advised very seriously.

    “Sorry, if you like it, start dating.”


    Seeing his questioning as if she did not understand her again, Perishica expressed her sincere pity.

    “When I did it, it was really good. I will recommend it.”

    Without knowing the circumstances, you are speaking very carefree. If she wasn't really a princess, she would have thrown out politeness right away. Thinking of her like that, Rudbeckia just turned her away. What is her love story?

    ‘I am the woman who poisoned you. She was always the same person.’

    What the hell do you do with someone who says things like that casually?

    Thinking about it again, it was so ridiculous that Rudbeckia just clasped and opened her pitiful hands. The slight pain felt every time he moved gave it a sense of reality.

    I don't know what the hell I was expecting. How could she see her in her previous life differently from her in this life? Did he expect that if he didn't say he would become something he didn't have before, and that he would be able to build relationships just like people he had met for the first time?

    “By the way, Ruud. Count Crocus seems to have some sediment, do you know why?”

    “Is it sediment?”

    “He’s not the kind of guy who’s been petty until now just because he didn’t accept the engagement. There must have been another reason.”

    Perisica, her arms crossed, frowned at her serious face. With those words, Rudbeckia recalled the scene she had seen earlier. Crocus reached out to Kalmia. The princess knew and he knew that he couldn't have done that in a good way. Crocus stands with a smile and entices people, but when it achieves its purpose, it mercilessly disposes of it. In her previous life, he... … .

    Rudbeckia's eyes suddenly darkened. He stood still, then answered in a calm voice.

    “The first disciple of the former Count Phlox went under him. He must have been involved.”

    Other than that reason, Crocus has no reason to be interested in Kalmia. Kalmia's usefulness to Crocus will probably be limited to making the Storoni move. At least that was the case in my previous life. Did Kal Mia know that and let go of her hand she held with the 2nd prince?

    “I heard that. It was said that the Count had been betrayed. But that's not the case with having sediment over there. I'll have to grind my teeth here again."

    “That disciple is in love with the Count.”

    Perisica, widening her eyes, mumbled exclamation.

    “Did we have a deep relationship? I hope I didn't accept you... … !”

    “It was his one-sided feeling and it was a car without a second thought.”

    Isn't that what you want to believe? She didn't say it out loud, but Perishica's expression was definitely saying that. It hurt her inner self-esteem, Rudbeckia emphatically emphasized.

    “It is true.”

    Perry Sica, standing there with a puzzled expression on her face, reluctantly nodded her head. To her expression that still shows no trace of trust, Rudbeckia added her explanation with her dissatisfied expression.

    "He's a lousy and cunning bastard."

    “Do you look very sorry?”

    I didn't really want to know what the emotions contained in the strange tone were. So, Rudbeckia decided to ask another question.

    “How long are you going to leave Apis-sama alone?”

    Seeing his stubbornness in a strange corner, Perisica raised her hands as if she had lost.

    “Oh, yes. I don't have the confidence to admit this, right? great. I'll take care of you today, so let's calm down and come in. Hurry up and make peace with the Count. From what I saw earlier, her complexion wasn't good, but no matter how much she wanted the marriage to be broken, her heart seemed quite uncomfortable.”

    Rudbeckia lowered her gaze. Do you feel uncomfortable?

    ‘If you change your attitude later, I think it will be a little sad.’

    At the time she heard it, she passed it on, but when she thinks back, she wonders. Do you really feel sad? Did she have enough emotional interactions with herself?

    Rudbeckia remembered the silver-haired woman standing in front of me earlier. Her cloister was dark, and a shadow was cast over her face with her back to her pole. It wasn't that she didn't show any features at all, but she wasn't bright enough to notice even the slightest emotional change.

    She always thought that she was a woman whose expression showed her inner feelings, but she had never known a single word of it before. As she just swept her hair, the diamond bracelet that glittered on her white wrist was exceptionally clear. It was a gift he had just a few days ago. Previously, she often wore the bracelet he gave me, but today I'm even more annoyed that the look was meant to make fun of me.

    The bracelet he was wearing today wasn't mocking him, maybe it meant something else.

    “Even if you’re like an idiot, there’s a big difference between being around and not being there. Just hearing the words of that disciple doesn’t make me feel good.”

    I would have pointed out that it is usually frivolous to judge someone by just hearing their words, but I decided to leave it alone for today. Because her judgment is very accurate. Rudbeckia silently affirmed Perishica's words and turned her gaze away. Karl Mia, who returned to the age of ten with the memories of her previous life. She was around the same time as Rudbeckia. It meant one thing.

    Whether you like it or not, in the end you too have been sacrificed.

    After returning from the banquet hall, Crocus was unhappy the whole time. He stayed up all night in the study with an annoyed face, and the next day, he immediately called out Storoni. Then he asked about magic ore. When Kalmia presented magic ore to the princess at the banquet hall, the plans of the second prince, who had been secretly conducting research for several years, went awry.

    He was furious and asked Storoni again and again why he shouldn't have killed her. Storoni then held out a book from the Phlox family. The originally locked book was unlocked and opened wide.

    “Is the key correct?”

    "Yeah. Fortunately, some of the keys the prince had were correct.”

    Fortunately, that only softened Crocus's anger a little. However, that did not remove the sediment for Kalmia. If Khal Mia hadn't broken her key, she would have opened all the books and proceeded with her research smoothly. She said that all the books she had brought would have been of no use if the prince had not had a few keys. Crocus sharpened his teeth, remembering the silver-haired girl who dared to raise his head in front of me and talk back.

    “How many more can you open?”

    “No more than five books fit.”

    Crocus rubbed his forehead and swallowed fiercely. The scorching eyes had the momentum to tear Khalmia to death at any moment.

    “She must know the answer. Without that, Perishica wouldn't be interested in her."

    At the banquet hall, he impulsively said that he would make Khal Mia his teacher. Upon hearing the news, Crocus laughed out loud. It couldn't have been impulsive. It's true that Perishica is often an emotionally driven personality, but she was also a sister who instinctively knew how to grasp what was important. Her animalistic sense is something that Crocus recognizes, too, so it was clear that something from Kal Mia had attracted her Perishica again this time. Storoni, who had been staring at the crocuses with their teeth, gently lowered her gaze.

    “We need to secure the rest of the data and succeed in our research before the monsters appear.”

    It was no anger. Storoni was not surprised even when he checked Crocus's wildly distorted face. After a moment's hesitation, he said in a low voice.

    “So if she knows something, she must live and embrace it.”

    “It’s a monster.”

    Unlike yesterday when she laughed out loud, today's princess was arrogant and serious. In front of her, who was sitting with her legs crossed, Kal Mia put her hands together rightly. She had already guessed that when she told her to become a teacher, she wouldn't mean that she would become a real teacher. So she wasn't surprised when Cecilia came to pick up Kal Mia.

    Inside the princess's gorgeous private study, there was a narrow and dark place that did not match the palace. It was a closed room with no room for sound to leak out, and it was a space that only one person could open.

    Here, Kal Mia calmly handed over her materials that she had prepared.

    “Yes, my lord. It is said that their shells cannot be cut with a blade, nor are their arrowheads pierced.”

    “Does this stone summon those abominations?”

    Yesterday's genuine magic ore was contained in the box with the lid open.

    “It is believed that the reason the monsters flock is the difference in grades. Unlike the many low-grade ore buried in Yghalo, this country has high-grade magical ore.”

    “High grade… … .”

    Perishica mumbled as she swallowed her saliva. She seemed to understand the dangers of this, seeing that she was interested but not just for her fun. Kalmia continued the explanation slowly, recalling the report Ellua had brought.

    “It is a stone that summons monsters. Even if they are buried in the ground, will their energy be suppressed forever? It is just a matter of time.”

    The quality of Ighalo's gem and Elmark's magic ore is different. A high-grade magic ore does not end with a small boost of energy. It would show infinite possibilities the more it was processed and the more it was transformed.

    Kalmia had already told Rashid to dig up the next magic ore, and the Terracoma family was waiting for the high-grade magic ore to be delivered to them. Ellua looks at Yurd El's report, and she points out the next research direction.

    “Rather than delaying the deadline, digging up and researching first is the way to protect this country.”

    Crocus was silent. He realized that Storoni was finally saying that Kalmia had to be saved. The prince ruled out emotions and weighed better judgment. To aid in that judgment, Storoni lifted his lips.

    “If you allow it.”

    Did she say she broke up? Finally, I broke up with the wretched peacock. She said instead that she was supposed to be the princess's teacher.

    “I want to step forward and deal with her.”

    The prince wanted Storoni to focus on research. If possible, without external activities, with the prince's full support, it was expected to bring about quick results. Storoni originally intended to follow the will.

    It was because Strooni's status was so lowly that he had nothing to show up in front of others.

    If Khal Mia hadn't shown her magic ore publicly, she wouldn't have changed her mind.

    No, the reason I changed my mind was probably because of the news of her breakup.

    “She said she wanted her.”

    Unlike the bright study, the cold voice was gloomy. Storoni, who quietly closed his eyes, was silent, and Crocus, who had his chin on his chin and stared at him coolly, continued.

    “I have decided to stop understanding you. What does it matter?”

    Saying so, he handed the papers to Storoni. He had already spoken several times, but he was only talking. Storoni looked down at the paperwork in front of me.

    “Did you say you wanted to go on your own? That is the way.”

    Storoni quietly picked it up. The papers in his hands were what he needed most now. Storoni smiled softly and spat out a word of thanks. It was Kalmia who summoned herself again. He sincerely thought so.

    So I was very happy.

    “But didn’t you just say it with your mouth? It can't be cut with a sword or hit by an arrow. What are we going to prepare for the monsters?”

    “The material that the 2nd Prince stole from the Phlox family is how to use magic ore.”

    At Kal Mia's words, Perishica frowned. She looked down at the magical ore with her dissatisfied eyes. It must have offended her that her cunning brother had known of its existence before himself. Kal Mia, who was carefully observing the ferocious princess' mood, continued her explanation seriously.

    “So, it is a very important issue for the princess to preempt it. Magic ore can be processed in a variety of ways, and new weapons can be crafted.”

    What the hell is a magic ore that makes your eyes turn around and run at you? With that thought, Kal Mia went in and out of her underground study. And by this day she understands a little bit why they were so excited. This was a cursed stone and a miracle stone. It was the kind of thing that would bring disasters and give them the strength to overcome them.

    “Heroes are born in difficult times, so how can this stone bring only disaster?”

    Perishica's green eyes fell down coldly. Kalmia whispered softly to her.

    “Make the glory to come yours.”

    The princess did not answer. But Kalmia could sense it.

    that her own alluring offer would be accepted.

    Things took turn so suddenly:blobpopcorn:

    Kalmia being shy or conscious of her reputation is quite funny and understandable (considering her past life). Though Rudbeckia is quite very... ahem direct:blob_blush:
    Priar, L.A.C.L., cutesherry and 8 others like this.
  3. dindi

    dindi Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    Thanks Miki04!!

    Ohh can believe I just needed to refresh to get a new spoiler,
    YOU ARE THE BEST:bloblove::bloblove:
    Alanif_7. and Miki04 like this.
  4. twerk and bounce

    twerk and bounce Active Member

    May 14, 2022
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    interesting as ufck
  5. Furiae19

    Furiae19 Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
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    Does anyone know what the hell is the father's problem ? Why is he so indifferent towards the FL and gets in the way of her education ?
  6. Reinblick123

    Reinblick123 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2021
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    Any spoilers on storoni's ending? Damn I want that guy to suffer so bad
    Alanif_7. likes this.
  7. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Thanks for all spoilers!

    Do you perhaps also know why MC's dad treats her like this and why he favors Staroni so much?
  8. Silver_Owl

    Silver_Owl Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2021
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  9. Heily

    Heily Member

    Mar 30, 2022
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    Same, tho he already suffered in the 1st timeline. (went insane after Calmia dies) Double the bad karma for him ✨
  10. Parth37955

    Parth37955 [Unavailable, go away] Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    so...wtf is up with the shithead father? this feels like more than the usual sexist or you killed your mother trope.
    DOHere likes this.
  11. sssssleigh

    sssssleigh Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2021
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    What happens with the twin in the end? He's such a lovable character, I hope there won't be plot twists where he is also a greedy man like his father:(

    Lmao, ikr. Like if we analyse things, we would've understood that, for example.: Ruv became what he was because of his upbringing and he was poisoned so his mind isn't in the right place. But people saw that as an "excuse", and that he is shitty and that Tia should marry green guy (who many people doesn't accept being an actual yandere). But now that it is a woman, people are suddenly so accepting. Like lmao, my unpopular opinion stands still: "If he's a man, he's an asshole/jerk. If she's a woman, she's a badass queen." Fvcking double standards.
  12. SoShy

    SoShy Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2017
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    Honestly I feel like everyone is avoiding the right questions at this point. Rather than how they roll in sheets or who fell for who first, I'd rarher know how they ended up as enemies in the first place.

    First of all, why did FL decided to kill ML in the first time line??? Why is everyone so accepting of her past heinous actions that doesn't even seem to have a reasonable point behind it? It would be less baffling to me if Storoni (or wahtever the dude is called) had made her think ML was the one behind her twin's death or something. Is it???

    What reason does MC have for killing this unrelated man and why does Storoni dude hates him so much??? Her father's weird partiality towards Storoni could have made him rather spoiled and ambitious to own everything in County as his but as far as I know, the duke was still a completely unrelated existence(at least on their 1st TL where MC wasn't even engaged to him) to their County. Why try so damn hard to kill an innocent man? They both supposed to have their own reasons for entangling the duke in all this mess, otherwise it just doesn't make sense. Did I miss some context somewhere?? Can someone please explain this? :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:
    ursweetalksx and Aikodesu like this.
  13. Serphinalily

    Serphinalily Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2019
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    Political rival in terms of influence on the next ruler. That's enough reason in many political dramas to kill someone. Especially since Storing was very ambitious and had a very strong influence on Calmia.
    mentalnette, Queenofmirth and MariL like this.
  14. maskedwaltz

    maskedwaltz Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2022
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    He died Erhm basically he felt mixed feeling abt her , (rmmber that he was a fallen noble) But he only lasted some days w/o her before experimenting w the magic stones to revive her, let’s just say that he kind of became a necrophyliac, stuck all day at the lab , and as I said he dies at the end aún the streets bcz the servants dragged him to go out and touch grass
    One day, Stoney had a very clear and vivid dream, not the blurry dream he had ever had.

    For some reason, Rudbeckia appeared in the dream instead of Kalmia. In her dream, Rudbeckia mocked Stoney and showed off that she and Kalmia were intimate. Stoney couldn't do anything. His blade pierced the heart, and Stoney woke up in despair. Waking up, he ran to his bedroom, shuddering at this ominous dream. As always, Kalmia was quietly asleep in his bedroom. He regained his composure, sharing her cold body heat as usual.

    After that day, he had no more dreams. The research didn't make any progress, and no matter how hard I tried, Kalmia didn't appear in my dream. Stoney, who could not bear to cut Kalmia's chest and check her heart, hung on to the bed. But no matter how much I begged, pleaded, pressed, and angry, it was useless. Undeterred, he knelt down under the bed and howled.

    It was a complete break.

    * * *

    In Elmark, where the entire country was in disrepair due to excessive warfare, rumors circulated that the king's favorite count had gone mad. It was a while later that the Count, who continued his cruel research activities, was finally dragged out by the hands of the locals, died in the streets, and only the name of the cursed Phlox wandered around the empty mansion.
  15. MariL

    MariL Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2020
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    Thank you everyone for their spoilers!

    Um... where can I purchase novels online? +19 Version or the other one. I couldn't do it at naver. It doesn't let me buy.
  16. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Thank you for the spoiler. May I also ask, please, what was the deal with MC's father?
    Why didn't he want her to become heir or even learn anything? And why did he want to marry her to Storoni so bad?
    mentalnette likes this.
  17. Astellar

    Astellar Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2022
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    theres still a few questions worth spoiling around. like what happened to Ellua at the end? the deal with the 2nd prince, the count and storoni?
    mentalnette likes this.
  18. mentalnette

    mentalnette Member

    May 1, 2023
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    The MC's father was scared of politics. For him, politics is a source of distress, since he misunderstood his father and grandfather's disagreements with the previous kings as a decree to avoid politics at all costs. He was a very, very rigid, narrow-minded man.

    He saw the MC as a tool to help her twin brother running his small estate through a marriage with Storoni. He didn't know that Storoni was so cunning and greedy, and that Storoni wanted to use the MC as his tool instead. He thought that Storoni would only be a meek pupil who could suppress the MC's will by keeping her busy in marriage responsibilities.

    Why did the father favor Storoni over anyone else? The novel repeatedly mentions that Storoni was very manipulative, the way he spoke etc were calculated to make people adore him and believe him. So probably the father banished his other students because he was slowly manipulated into relying on Storoni alone. Having accomplished that, it was only a matter of time before Storoni could subtly influence the father into matching him with the MC ("oh this boy is very obedient and he likes her since he was a kid anyway").

    For the father, the male MC (Rudbeckia) was seen as a monster who would drag him to politics through the marriage with the MC (his daughter). Compared to the male MC, Storoni was the safest bet that the father could make.

    The female MC wasn't allowed to learn because I think the author was inspired by 19th century inequality: women weren't supposed to talk about economy, politics, etc (I'm sure many women at that time were educated and intelligent etc, but things were different back then). The father took it too far by limiting her options altogether.

    Ellua became a master of languages in the palace academy and eventually was given a barony.

    The 2nd Prince worked together with Storoni to bring the downfall of the 1st Princess by bringing out monsters to the capital and conducting inhuman experiments by the magic ores, but they failed because the Princess, the Igalloan people, and our two MCs worked together by expanding magic ores trade into pharmacy and by exposing the coup plot.

    After that the Prince was imprisoned with the possibility of exile (that's the last part that I read), while Storoni and some of their remaining men ran away to a deserted region and attempted to get the most powerful ore to turn it into weapons and to turn back time. But the ore was gone because it was the ore that was used in the previous lifetime (and didn't transfer into the current one) by our MCs.
    and in the end Storoni was killed by the male MC (Rudbeckia).

    I hope this helps.
    Last edited: May 1, 2023
  19. Astellar

    Astellar Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2022
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    understood, thank you for the spoilers, i really appreciate it...
    mentalnette likes this.
  20. mentalnette

    mentalnette Member

    May 1, 2023
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    I purchased it on Google PlayBooks. Just type the Korean title.