Spoiler I Raised an Obsessive Servant

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Chizuru, Apr 22, 2019.

  1. Shorty97

    Shorty97 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2019
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    I MTL-ed the chapters so I'm sorry if I got any part wrong. I'll just summarize/translate the chapters for Vol 2 beginning Chapter 8 onwards because there's already an MTL for chapter 7 above.


    Shocked from meeting Ray, Yurina brought him to the study room they used when they were young. Logically, she was going to ask him why was he here and if he's escaping from the academy, she'll send him back but the words that came out instead was "Why didn't you send a letter?". She couldn't stop her emotions and rambled on about how worried she was. Once she's done, she hid her face with her hand. Ray removed her hand to reveal that her eyes were wet with tears. Yurina attempted to wipe her tears with her sleeves but Ray removed her hands and wiped her tears with his fingers instead. He told her that he graduated early. He said he tried his best to graduate early because he felt guilty of the incident that happened last time (when Yurina was attacked at the kingdom). He didn't tell her that he actually constantly had nightmares ever since the incident where he saw her die and he helplessly couldn't bring her back to life while desperately hugging her lifeless body.

    Betsy, who was looking for Yurina, screamed out of surprise when she saw Ray and Yurina brothers rushed over. The twins surrounded him while asking questions to intimidate him while the oldest brother, Rigg, welcomed him and shook his hand. Rigg noticed that Ray's hand had sword calluses and invited him to spar together. Rigg won obviously because he's an established knight but he applauded Ray's swordsmanship skill and invited Ray to join the hunting competition with Yurina. Ray looked at Yurina questioningly (because she hasn't told him about this) and later in private, she told him she's going there to represent her sick mother. She also embarrassingly told him that she sent him a second letter because she was impatient that he didn't reply to her. Ray said Aiden will help resend the letter back but Yurina mentioned she included the handkerchief that she embroidered for him with that letter. He went silent and asked her when was the letter sent and Betsy said around a week ago. Yurina asked why and Ray just shrug it off. The next morning, Ray went to meet Yurina and put on a matching bracelet as the one he's wearing on her. He said the bracelet helps to signal the wearer's location. Yurina then went "Isn't this a tracking device..." but she wore it anyway because she trusts in Ray. Ray told Yurina that he's going somewhere and went MIA until the morning of the hunting competition.

    On the morning of the hunting competition, Yurina's new young maid Emily, was nervous because this was her first time accompanying Yurina to a large event and while putting the earrings on Yurina, she accidentally scratched the earrings on Yurina's neck. Betsy was angry at Emily but Yurina told her it's just an accident. Dave didn't attend the event so they called for a doctor and treated her wound. Even with makeup, the wound's still there so Emily, in tears and deep guilt, offered to style Yurina's hair to cover her wounded neck and it not only turned out gorgeous, but also helped covered her wound. She met up with her brothers and gave them their handkerchiefs. She's glad that it seemed like no one noticed her wound. One of her twin brothers told her to be careful and she's like "What's to worry about? The barrack I'll stay at will be guarded with magic so beasts or animals can't enter" but her brother replied with "Not animals, him." and signaled to the crown prince at the back. Yurina accidentally made eye contact with him and he continued to stare at Yurina. Once her brothers had left, the crown prince approached Yurina and invited her for tea but she gave excuses like "How could I undeservingly have teas with you when there are more people waiting to request for your audience etc etc" she really gave every excuses possible to avoid him. The crown prince then hinted that he's interested at the 'talented magician the Carthia is sponsoring'. He finally went away when the attendant told him that Marquis DeFron was waiting for him. Yurina did feel weird that Marquis DeFron is attending the event even though he's a magician (since magicians aren't allowed to participate in the hunt) but was relieved nonetheless that Curtis has left her.

    Just as Yurina was sighing in relief, a voice behind her asked "Who's that person?". Yurina turned around and was surprised to see Ray, and with purple eyes. Ray explained that he's disguising himself but for some reason, no matter what color he tried to change his eyes to, it just ended up as purple. He then went back to asking "Who's that person?" at Yurina.

    Yurina: That's the crown prince.
    Ray: Crown prince... Isn't he the one who invited to to his coming of age ceremony last time?
    Yurina: Yeah but I think he's interested in you (she proceeds to explain how the crown prince is interested to have a talented magician like Ray to support his political power)
    Ray: Okay, so what do you think?
    Yurina: Ultimately it's up to you but I suggest that you don't get involved with him.
    Ray: No, what I meant was what did you think about him. Do you want to be an empress?

    Yurina firmly told Ray she doesn't want to be an empress or had anything to do with the crown prince and Ray finally laughed (he wasn't smiling when he asked about the crown prince earlier) while entangling his fingers with Yurina's. Yurina asked where did Ray go the past few days and he showed her the handkerchief she sent him. He said it took a while because the delivery person went further than he expected. Yurina had a gist that Ray might chase after the letter she sent him but she wasn't expecting him to actually do it! Ray then gave the handkerchief to Yurina and asked her to give it to him herself. She gave him the handkerchief and he kissed her fingers. Before he leave for the hunting competition, he healed the wound on Yurina's neck and Yurina was surprised that he noticed (even though her own brothers didn't) and he said that he always do when it's about her.

    Yurina spent the morning entertaining and socializing with people. When she returned to her tent, she noticed Emily looking gloomy. Emily was excited when she heard that they're going to the hunting ground since she's never left the town and thought they'll get to enjoy the scenery but they ended up spending time inside the tent. Yurina then gathered her maids and knights and told them she's going for a walk to get some fresh air, which Emily was excited about. They walked quite a bit and reached a valley. Emily played in the water, Betsy and Yurina sat at the side; relaxing, and the knights kept watch. Yurina took a quick nap but she was awoken by someone arguing with Sir Aaron (her knight). It seemed like the other person wanted to walk at the valley but Sir Aaron didn't allow anyone to enter the area since Yurina was resting and the other person argued that this is a public property. Yurina, not wanting the argument to escalate, got up and told Sir Aaron that she'll return to the tent right now.

    As she walked past by Sir Aaron, she finally got a good look at the other person. He had blonde hair with purple eyes. He seemed surprised to see Yurina and asked her if they've met before. Yurina thought that this was some old-school flirting trick and just as she was to respond, she noticed tears were falling from the man's eyes. The man grabbed her and used a space separation magic. Yurina panicked and was going to attempt to break the barrier like last time but the man stopped her and told Yurina that he's not planning to harm her. The man asked Yurina again if she's really never met him and told him even if she does know, how dare he do such thing towards a member of the Carthia family. He then went "...Carthia. So you're Yurina Carthia?". Yurina demanded him to tell his name but instead, he released the space-separation magic and disappeared. Yurina immediately ordered the knights to search the surrounding but couldn't find the man anywhere.

    Yurina then returned to the tent. Exhausted from earlier events, she took a nap. Not long after, she was awoken by Betsy urging her to wake up and escape the place. When she exited the tent, everyone was in chaos because several wolves managed to enter the area even though they were told that beasts/ animals couldn't enter the area thanks to the imperial mages guarding the place with magic. Yurina ran and for some reason, the wolves went after her. She fell down while running and the wolves were about to attack her when she remembered the necklace Ray gave her (btw at this part, she thought she was going to die and saw flashback of the time she spent with Ray together ; - ; ). She poured mana into the necklace and the wolves around her exploded.

    However, one of the wolves was separated from the fact and didn't explode from the magic. The wolf ran past Sir Aaron towards Yurina, ready to attack her. She closed her eyes while holding the used necklace , readying herself for them impact but the pain didn't come and instead, she felt warm embrace. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Ray hugging her, shielding her from the wolf but he got bitten instead. Yurina hugged him back, trembling as she felt the warm blood oozing from Ray's body. After asking if Yurina was alright, Ray collapsed.


    Yurina stayed by Ray's side throughout the time he was unconscious. She constantly checked for his breathing and hold his hand, begging him to wake up. She refused to eat and sleep (because every time she slept, she dreamt of the scene where Ray was bitten by the wolf again and again). Even when Betsy offered to take care of Ray and asked Yurina to rest, she refused. Ray's injury was severe (the flesh on his shoulder was torn to the point of seeing his shoulder blade) and it was a miracle he survived. Everyone was thankful that Yurina was unharmed because of Ray but she felt guilty instead.

    Ray has been unconscious for two days, Yurina felt like she's going crazy from worrying and decided to wash her face. When she exited the washroom, Ray was sitting on the bed, looking around anxiously. Yurina thought she was dreaming. Ray got up from the bed the moment he saw Yurina and headed towards her. She immediately ran towards Ray to support him. The first thing Ray did was scan Yurina's entire body for any injuries and was relieved to see her uninjured. Yurina felt negative emotions rising through her. She originally had a lot of things she wanted to tell him; "thank you for saving me", "are you okay", "why did you get injured instead", but none came out. Seeing Yurina silent, Ray grabbed her cheeks and lifted her face to face him but Yurina lowered her gaze instead and Ray bowed down to meet her gaze. He apologized for coming late to save her and said that Yurina must have been scared in the situation. Hearing him, Yurina felt angrier.

    Yurina: How about you, are you okay?
    Ray: Yes, I'm okay.
    Yurina: You were seriously injured.
    Ray: It's okay, I've been fully treated. I'm fine now, look!

    Ray moved his shoulders to show that he was fine but Yurina noticed Ray winced a bit at the beginning.

    Yurina: You're not okay.
    Ray: I'm fine though.
    Yurina: There's no way you're fine, you've been unconscious for two day!
    Ray: (trying to lighten up the situation) Wow, seems like I've slept longer than I thought. Haven't had enough sleep before I guess.
    Yurina: Why... Why didn't you used magic back then?
    Ray: ...I did use magic but somehow it didn't work. I didn't have time to think and assess the situation.
    Yurina: So you're telling that your first instinct is to shield me?
    Ray: Yes.
    Yurina: Even though you knew how dangerous it was for you?
    Ray: Anything is better than having you hurt.
    Yurina: How about you? You could have died! We were lucky, but you could have died! Do you not value your life? Is it more important to you that I'm safe and not you? Why did you intervened? Why must you the one hurting instead of me? Why?
    Ray: Yurina.
    Yurina: What?!

    Tears were flowing down from Yurina's cheeks. She tried biting her lips to stop herself from crying but to no avail. Ray held her shoulders and slowly wiped Yurina's tears. Yurina tried moving away from Ray but he strengthened his grips on her shoulders.

    Ray: The promise.
    Yurina: What?
    Ray: Did you forget? I promised you that I will keep you safe.

    Deep down, Yurina knew that her promise with Ray will put Ray's life in danger. She knew it but now that Ray's injured in front of her, she realized she never wanted this to happen.

    Yurina: What good is the promise if you hurt yourself because of it?
    Ray: It's not just because of the promise.

    Ray hugged Yurina's waist and rested his chin on top of her head.

    Ray: Even without the promise, I will still do the same thing.
    Yurina: Why?
    Ray: Because I can't imagine you dying.
    Yurina: ...
    Ray: Yurina, without you, there's no me (without you, there's no meaning to my existence).
    Yurina: ...Does that mean that you don't care whatever happens to you as long as I'm safe?
    Ray: Yes.

    Yurina, feeling anger rising up again, pushed herself from Ray's embrace and glared at him

    Yurina: Then how about me? You said you wouldn't exist without me? Then it's okay if I'm the only one safe? What about me?
    Ray: ...
    Yurina: Do you think I'll be fine without you? Do you think I'm okay right now?

    Yurina grabbed Ray's shirt and tears fell from her eyes again. For the past two days, she felt neither alive nor dead as she watched Ray unconscious body in front of her. She realized that she's more afraid of seeing Ray died than her own fear of death. For the past 7 years of living as Yurina, she has forgotten about her past life in Korea except the sensation of her death, hence why she was very afraid of dying. But the moment she saw Ray collapsed in front of her, she realized for the first time that someone's death is more scary than her own. She's okay with Ray leaving for the academy because they can always meet again no matter how long it was but what if Rey died? Just the thought of it made her feel like throwing up.

    Yurina: Ever since you collapsed, I've only had nightmares of seeing you die. You died instead of me, you died because of me. Do you think I'm okay with that? How can you be so nonchalant when saying that you don't mind dying in front of me?

    Ray knelt on the floor and hugged Yurina. She tried pushing him but his held her tight. Yurina finally gave up trying to push Ray and buried her face in his shoulder.

    Ray: Sorry, It's my fault. I'll never say that again.
    Yurina: Promise me that you'll never do that again next time.
    Ray: I can't promise you that.
    Yurina: Why...?
    Ray: If it happens again, I'll definitely make the same choice all over again.
    Yurina: No.
    Ray: Yurina.
    Yurina: If you really like me, then don't do it.
    Ray: Eh- ...how-

    It was impossible for Yurina not to know, she's not stupid. She's been with him every since childhood. She's known about this feeling but she simply refused to acknowledge it because she thought she didn't deserve Ray's affection. After all, she originally took Ray in with selfish motives. Everything she did was for her own gain. In the beginning, all Yurina wanted was for Ray to open up to Yurina but soon, everything developed beyond mere crush. The stronger the feelings grow, the deeper the guilt that Yurina bore. But this incident made Yurina realized just how much she loves and cherishes Ray, to the extent of her fearing his death more than hers.

    Yurina: If it's really for me, then don't hurt yourself.
    Ray: ...
    Yurina: Just like how I'm very important to you, you're also very important to me.
    Ray: That means...
    Yurina: I like you, Ray.

    Even this confession is out of Yurina's selfishness. Her feelings for him are real but she's putting this confession as a shackle to avoid Ray from hurting himself again. Ray, who just received the confession from Yurina, blushed and held his breath. The room was silent and after a while, Ray, who was still blushing, moved towards Yurina. He asked Yurina several times if what she said was true and she said yes.

    He proceeded to hug her waist and kiss her deeply. Yurina, in response, wrapped her arms around his neck. Ray's kissing force was strong and Yurina fell backward to the floor (while kissing) but Ray held Yurina's head to shield her from the impact. They continued to kiss and Ray's body, that had slight fever from the wound grew hotter. When Yurina's breathing became rough, Ray parted their lips momentarily before continue to kiss her again. They don't know how much time has passed and Ray kissed the tip of Yurina's nose and he told her "I like you, Yurina. Much more than you like me."

    Yurina opened her eyes and realized that she's lying on the bed, with Ray lying beside her and his face being right in front of Yurina's. She was confused as to why she's on the bed and Ray told her that she fell asleep after the kiss last night and he brought her onto the bed. He wanted to let her sleep longer but the people will come soon. Yurina tried to get off the bed but Ray hugged her waist and she fell on top of him. Yurina asked him to let her go and tried to move Ray's arms from hugging her but Ray tighten the hug instead and buried his face in her neck. Yurina then remembered last night's confession and grew red all over. Ray commented that she looked like a tomato and bit her neck as if he's eating one :blobsmirk: . Yurina panickily pushed him off and ran out of the room.

    Ray laughed at Yurina's action but secretly, he was blushing/ nervous too but Yurina was too panicked to notice. He was nervous and couldn't sleep the entire night with Yurina sleeping defenselessly beside him. When he closed his eyes, he heard the sound of Yurina's breathing and remembered her warm and soft body. Knowing that Yurina is now his, it's harder for him to keep his greedy instinct. He's also afraid that if he slept, everything turned out to be a dream instead. He then remembered the kiss(es) he had with Yurina's last night and smiled alone. Suddenly, he felt the pain on his shoulder and felt glad that Yurina already left or else he'll make Yurina worried again. Although Yurina's crying face is pretty, Ray didn't want to see her cry if possible. He lied on the head of the bed and remembered Yurina blushing like a tomato. He thought "How cute..." and blushed as well.

    Yurina returned an hour later after showering and dressing up. For some reason, Yurina refused to meet Ray's gaze. Betsy then brought soup for them and leave the room. Yurina told Ray to eat his soup but he said it's hot so Yurina took it from him and blow to cool it down. Ray silently watched Yurina and his gaze lingered on her lips and he suddenly felt an unknown thirst. Yurina realized that Ray has been silent and asked him if he's hurting anywhere (in reality, he was just thinking how pretty Yurina is and couldn't believe the fact that a pretty girl like her, liked him). Yurina put down the soup and moved closer to check on Ray and Ray immediately wrapped his arms around Yurina's head and kissed her lips. Yurina was surprised at first but soon soften up and kissed him back. Ray bit her lips, sucking in and shoved his tongue in the small gaps of her lips. After a while, Yurina pulled away from Ray and demanded him to eat. Ray was about to protest, almost saying that they can just eat later but decided against it and simply opened his mouth instead.

    Ray: Ahhh~
    Yurina: ?
    Ray: Feed me.
    Yurina: (grows embarrassed)
    Ray: I hurt my right shoulder so it's hard to eat. Feed me.

    Yurina was hesitant but took the spoon and decided to feed Ray in the end. Instead of eating the soup on the spoon, Ray moved his lips to kiss Yurina again instead. :blobpeek:

    The next day, Dave arrived to check up on Ray. Regarding the incident, it seemed like the magic circle protecting the barracks was damaged. Some people dismissed that it might just be an accident but Marquis Carthia pointed out it might be deliberate since the wolves were oddly targeting just Yurina. In the end, Curtis, who was also suspicious of the incident, ordered the knights to investigate. Dave said he couldn't check the location due to the order from the imperial knights and so far they haven't found anything yet. Ray was angry that it has been days yet they found no clues and claimed that he'll just go there himself. Yurina protested against it but after Ray pleaded her, she hesitantly let him go.

    On their way to the location, Yurina was all Ray could think about. He was worried to leave her alone but he also couldn't sit still knowing they haven't resolve who's behind the attack. Ray's hands were trembling as he clasp his necklace similar to the one he gave Yurina last time. He didn't tell Yurina but aside from protecting Yurina, the necklace also had an alarm function that will alert him the moment Yurina activated the magic in it. For the past one and a half year, he constantly check the necklace several times a day to make sure Yurina's okay. Every time he suffered from the nightmare where Yurina dies, looking that the necklace's fine when he woke up gave him relief. He then remembered the day of the hunting competition. He was chasing after a deer when the necklace's alarm went off. He felt like his breathing stopped and immediately teleported to Yurina. That's when he saw Yurina was about to be attacked by the wolf.

    Dave asked Ray about the attack in detail and Ray said that it wasn't that he didn't try using any magic. His plan was to use physical-defense magic against the wolf (as thought in the academy, they need to use physical-defense magic when facing beasts/animals), protect Yurina, then kill the wolf off. However, his physical-defense magic didn't work on the wolf. But what's weird was, when he was bitten by the wolf, he casted magic-defense magic just in case and it worked. Just who would have casted a magic-defense magic against a wolf, a non-magical being?

    They finally arrived at the location and Dave told Ray to inspect whatever possible without making a ruckus. Ray disguised his eyes to avoid commotion. They tried to enter the location but the knights refused them. Ray got worked up and Dave pulled him away from the place. Ray said maybe he should reveal his eyes to them, maybe he can enter the location but Dave advised against it. Ray got angry, accusing that Dave is trying to prevent him from investigating the incident but Dave calmed him down. He knew that Ray was angry, anxious and very concerned for Yurina but he asked Ray to be patient. Ray remembered Yurina and felt very helpless. He promised to keep her safe yet she was put in a scary life-or-death situation.

    Then, from afar, Ray heard Curtis voice. He was inspecting the incident and receiving report as the crown prince. The senior mage commented maybe the wolf simply targeted Yurina because she's the youngest one there and Curtis raised his voice in anger at the mage, questioning his ridiculous deduction. Ray remembered Curtis talking to Yurina on the morning of the hunt and thought "I don't like it.". When Ray saw them talking together that morning, his vision went white and he was going to separate them if they took any time longer. However, he did notice the way that Curtis looked at Yurina wasn't out of love.

    Back to the situation, Ray got impatient and argued with Dave again. Dave told him to calm down. Once he finally did, he realized that he's been feeling a creepy energy since earlier. He followed the feeling, disregarding the knights around him who tried to stop him, and reached the carcass of the wolf that attacked Yurina. He took the sword from a nearby knight, causing all the other knights to raise their swords towards him cautiously. He ignored them and stabbed the wolf's stomach. Seemed like there's a magical force blocking it and he poured in mana into the sword. He broke the force and the wolf's blood spurted towards him. A small marble dropped from the stomach and rolled to his shoe. It was a transparent marble with black smoke swirling within. He smashed the marble with his mana and what came out was a piece of earring smeared with blood at the tip.

    Ray suggested that this might have been black magic. Normal magic uses internal and natural mana but black magic uses internal mana and blood. If the blood-stained earring belonged to Yurina, it made sense why the wolves targeted her. Ray inspected the wolf's mouth and noticed its teeth were slightly black, as if poison was put there. No wonder Ray spent longer to heal even though he can heal himself naturally. Ray realized the person behind this really planned to completely kill Yurina this time. Even if Yurina wasn't bitten by the wolf, just a slight graze of its teeth could kill her due to the poison.

    Curtis confronted Ray and asked how could he have noticed all this when the imperial mages and knights couldn't even find a clue. The mages accused Ray of being the perpetrator, that maybe he simply elaborately planned all this just to get recognition. Curtis silenced them and asked Ray again on how did he knew all of this. Ray revealed his red eyes and asked "Can you believe me now?"

    Yurina was sitting alone and wondered how and why did the original story changed. She knew she changed the story the moment she brought Ray in but as for everything else (the sudden assassination attempt on her), from where did it begin to change? She was pondering alone when Ray entered the room. She got up to check up on Ray condition and continuously asked him if he was okay. Ray then interrupted her questioning by kissing her on the lips. He then licked her lips and rested his head on her shoulder before sniffing her scent. It was a bit awkward and unfamiliar for Yurina but she's slowly getting used to it. Yurina then gently stroked his hair and Ray hugged her waist. Ray let off a small laugh, showing that he's in a good mood.

    Yurina asked Ray how did the investigation went. Ray turned serious and took out the blood-stained earring from his pocket. He asked if Yurina had seen the earring before. Yurina's face hardened while her hands trembled. That earring was the earring that Emily claimed to have lost after 'accidentally' scratching her neck with.

    Some times later, Sir Aaron brought Emily into the room. Yurina asked Emily to confess but Emily feigned innocence. Yurina then showed her the earring and asked her to explain. Emily immediately asked for Yurina's forgiveness. Yurina was disappointed. Deep down, she wished it wasn't true. Emily had only worked for them for 6 months but she truly did care for and really liked Emily. She felt betrayed by her. Yurina proceeded to leave the room but Emily clung to her, begging Yurina to hear her out. Emily said that she was threatened to do this. The mastermind told her to bring Yurina to the hunting tournament or else her mother and brother will suffer. Yurina asked how long has it been since she was ordered and Emily said it was since before she worked there as a maid. Yurina got angry at her excuse, asking why did she not tell Yurina about it if she was really threatened. She had 6 months to tell her and yet she did nothing. Yurina pointed out that Emily's excuse was that she had to do it in order to protect her dearest family, but thanks to her action, Yurina almost lost someone dearest to her. Not wanting to face Emily anymore, Yurina left the room.

    Ray watched Emily being taken away by Sir Aaron. Just thinking about what Emily had done to Yurina made his blood boil but he told himself that they must follow the proper investigation procedure. However, he noticed something on Emily and walked towards her. She accidentally called him 'monster' but Ray didn't care about the malicious comments anymore. He extended his hand towards Emily and grabbed her neck. Emily choked but Ray, in a cold voice, told her that no one can hear her anyway. Afterwards, Ray released her and pulled off the necklace that she was wearing. The necklace emitted the same creepy energy as the one he felt from the wolf earlier. It seemed like she used a deception magic, hence why people readily accepted her in the mansion.

    Yurina sat beside the window and stared at the flowers in the garden. She was distracted from what had happened and her mind felt cloudy. She closed her eyed and banged her forehead against the window. She felt the pain but it seemed like it wasn't enough so she did it again and again until suddenly a warm touch on her forehead stopped her. It was Ray. He rubbed her forehead a few times and the red marks disappeared. He then kissed her forehead before telling her not to do that again. Yurina told him that because of her blind trust in Emily, she put Ray in danger. Yurina bit her lips in frustration and Ray stopped her and rubbed her lips with his thumb. He then told her that it's not her fault. He showed her the necklace that Emily was wearing and explained to her about the black deception magic.

    While talking to Ray, Yurina finally realized something. From Emily's words earlier, it seemed like the mastermind already knew that Yurina will go to the hunting competition. However, initially her mother was the one who was supposed to go, until she got very sick recently and Yurina had to go as her replacement. She then realized that her mother's health deteriorated ever since Emily came to the mansion. Yurina alerted Ray and told him they need to return to the mansion ASAP.

    They managed to return to the mansion in just half a day thanks to space movement magic. The marchioness was surprised to see Yurina returning alone with Ray. Yurina said that she missed her mother as an excuse. She then proceed to ask her mother for permission to check her room. Her mother worriedly asked why but Yurina said she couldn't say anything yet unless it has been confirmed.

    Once they entered her room, Ray ordered Yurina to sit down in fear of her safety and he will inspect the room alone. Yurina also worried about him and asked "how can you look through this entire spacious room on your own? What if you fall over and injure yourself?" Ray grinned and told her he's not that weak. He then kissed Yurina's forehead as she quietly sit down. Ray took some times checking the room and his head got sweaty from moving around. Yurina walked towards him and gently wiped off his sweat with a handkerchief. He bent down to let Yurina reach his face easier as he closed his eyes and smiling while enjoying Yurina's touch. Ray then pulled Yurina's hand to his neck, asking her to wipe off the sweat there and Yurina did as he asked (she thought in passing of how cheeky/clingy/spoiled? he is).

    On their way back to the mansion earlier, Yurina shared with Ray her assumption that maybe her mother's illness was due to black magic and Ray agreed because it didn't look natural. If it was indeed black magic, then she'll be healthy again as soon as they get rid of the magic item. Ray then searched nooks and crannies for the black magic item. Finally, on the floor, under the cabinet, he found a white ribbon stained with blood.

    After this discovery, Marquis Carthia interrogated all the employees and found that two maids and one attendant had the same necklace as Emily. They tracked down the mastermind and the clues led them to a Count from the southern region. They arrested him and on the very night of his imprisonment, he committed suicide by drinking poison. They concluded that his motif for attacking the Carthia was because he was stripped off his noble status after Marquis Carthia exposed him to the emperor. The case was closed just like that and Yurina was unsatisfied. If the Count really had a grudge on her father, why was she specifically targeted? Yurina couldn't sleep and meet her father at his office. She asked her father to investigate Marquis DeFron. Out of everyone, Marquis DeFron was the only suspect suspicious enough that she could think of. She herself didn't have any concrete reasoning to accuse Marquis DeFron but her knowledge of the original story made her blindly suspicious against him. Marquis Carthia eased Yurina and told her that he will keep an eye on the DeFron since Yurina seemed very serious about it. Yurina then thanked her father and leave his office.

    Yurina didn't feel like returning to her room so she headed to the garden at the back of the mansion. She sat on a chair at the corner of the garden and stared blankly at the garden. "It's windy," Ray approached her as he placed his large overcoat on her.

    Yurina: How did you know I was here?
    Ray: Just by feeling.

    Ray smiled and sat down next to Yurina. He fastened the buttons on the coat that Yurina's wearing and gently hug her by the shoulder. Yurina rested her head on his shoulder. Noticing Yurina's cold temperature, Ray then rubbed his palms together and put them on Yurina's cheeks. Yurina closed her eyes and pressed her cheek against Ray's palm. Ray asked what Yurina was thinking about. She told him that she might have been conceited. Ray asked her what did she mean by that and Yurina kept quiet and bit her lips. She had been conceited because she thought she knew the original story and that she managed to change her fate. Instead, new and different form of dangers approached her now. Her mother got sick, she got attacked by wolves and Ray was badly injured from protecting her. Yurina realized that simply surviving isn't her only priority now. She has people she wanted to protect, people she cherished.

    Yurina: I don't know... I feel lost.
    Ray: Yurina.

    Ray carefully gathered Yurina's hair that was fluttering in the wind and placed them neatly on her left shoulder. He then pressed his lips against the exposed nape of her white neck. "You can be a little more conceited," he said as he continued to press his lips on her neck. "You have what others never have." His lips move up from the neck and brushed against her earlobe. His lips slightly bit her earlobe. "And what is that?" Yurina asked. "Me." He replied proudly with a small laugh. "You found me and supported me. I'm no longer the incompetent kid you first brought in. I can do anything now so you don't have to worry about anything."

    Yurina: ...
    Ray: So don't worry about anything.
    Yurina: Then promise me one thing.

    Yurina held out her pinky finger and Ray cautiously asked her, not reflexively putting his finger against Yurina's.

    Ray: Promise what?
    Yurina: Promise me that you will never do that again.
    Ray: That?
    Yurina: Don't lay down your life for me.

    Ray, who was smiling as he kissed Yurina on the cheek, somewhat stiffened. Yurina repeated her words again, this time more resolute.

    Yurina: Promise me that I will never encounter you with the thought of dying like that again.
    Ray: ...I will try.
    Yurina: It's a promise. Not an effort.

    Ray didn't put his pinky finger onto Yurina's. He simply stared at her finger before carefully grabbing her hand and kissed her finger.

    Ray: I will try, but I can't promise.
    Yurina: Ray.
    Ray: If something like that happens again, I have no choice but to choose you. You know that too, why do you keep bringing this up?
    Yurina: Ray.
    Ray: Yeah, I love you too.

    Ray laughed happily, he felt good to know that Yurina was genuinely worried about him. Yurina noticed that Ray tried changing the topic and laughed at his sudden brazen remarks.

    Yurina: You know how stupid you are right now?
    Ray: Yeah, I know.
    Yurina: You know how funny you appear right now?
    Ray: I know that too.
    Yurina: You know how stubborn you are?
    Ray: I'm stubborn, I've known it since I was little.
    Yurina: Do you know that I like you a lot too?
    Ray: ...

    It wasn't the first time Yurina confessed to him yet it still caught him off guard. Yurina then grabbed his cheeks and kissed him first this time. Yurina knew that no matter how many times she selfishly asked him to not risk his life for her if he really loved her, he won't do it. He's the type that will put her safety over his. Yurina is just using her selfishness as an excuse. An excuse to mask over her guilt for dragging him into this entire situation.

    I'll stop here for now. I'll continue the spoiler maybe some times next week, if I'm not busy. Can't promise //bow
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  2. hongturn2022

    hongturn2022 Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2022
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    Thank you so much for all your hard work
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  3. Lola_Neres

    Lola_Neres Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2021
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    Thank you!
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  4. hongturn2022

    hongturn2022 Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2022
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    Thank you!
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  5. ciadexrn

    ciadexrn New Member

    Nov 29, 2021
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    Is the crown prince evil?
  6. Eloisane

    Eloisane Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2022
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    Curious about OgML/Crown Prince/Curtis and OgMC ending.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2022
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  7. Shorty97

    Shorty97 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2019
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    Sorry that I'm quite busy and couldn't update the translation/summary this week so here's some detailed spoilers on the timelines instead. Basically there are three timelines:

    • Carrion was a boy with blonde hair and red eyes. His mother worked in a brothel and treated him badly so he escaped to the orphanage. He never knew who his father was.
    • Yurina met Carrion when she followed her father to help out at the orphanage. Carrion was sitting alone at the corner because of his red eyes. Yurina approached him and attempted to chat with him.
    • Dave, who also accompanied the Carthia to the orphanage, was looking for Yurina and found her sitting with Carrion. He recognized Carrion's magical potential and suggested the Carthia to sponsor him, so they did.
    • Carrion lived alongside Yurina for some times where he learnt etiquettes, reading, etc. Around this time, he already started developing feelings for Yurina.
    • Dave wanted to take Carrion under his wing but Yurina and her father wanted Carrion to expand his worldview so they sent him to the academy at Crohn's kingdom.
    • Carrion was shunned at the academy because of his red eyes. He didn't want to embarrass Yurina so he did a research and found out that owner of red eyes (Beatus) are loved by the gods.
    • When he returned from the academy, Yurina was already lovers with the crown prince, Curtis. (It was never stated if it was mutual. Curtis, to some degree, might also be fond of Yurina but I think ultimately his main reason for dating her is for political support. Hence why he easily broke up with her in Timeline 2A and got engaged to Lydia instead)
    • Carrion, only wanting Yurina's happiness, kept his feelings to himself and wished for her happiness with Curtis.
    • During the coming of age ceremony (iirc), Lydia had her debut and she met Curtis for the first time and fell in love with him. However, she never acted on her feelings because she knew Curtis already had Yurina.
    • Marquis DeFlon on the other hand, believed that his daughter, Lydia, deserved to be the crown princess instead of Yurina.
    • During the engagement ceremony (I think) between Yurina and Curtis, Marquis DeFlon casted magic so the large chandelier would fall on Yurina. Carrion managed to save her in time.
    • With Carrion's magic, they managed to find out that Marquis DeFron was the person behind the murder attempt. He and Lydia were imprisoned.
    • Before Marquis DeFlon was executed, he rewound time using black magic.

    (This is the plot of the 'original' novel)
    • Marquis DeFlon regressed back in time (from Timeline 1).
    • He took in Carrion before Yurina did; because to him, Carrion's magical ability is a threat to him.
    • Marquis DeFlon announced his finding about 'Beatus'.
    • Carrion, who was took in by DeFlon, fell in love with Lydia. Just like in timeline 1, he was also sent to the academy.
    • Yurina and Curtis became lovers again in this timeline but due to political interference from Marquis DeFlon, Curtis broke up with Yurina and got engaged with Lydia instead.
    • Marquis DeFlon tried to prevent Yurina's interference and ordered Carrion to kill Yurina.

    (This is the current plot)
    • Marquis DeFlon regressed back in time (from Timeline 1).
    • Senna died from a hit-and-run in Korea. She then entered the 10 years old Yurina's body.
    • Senna, now Yurina, remembered the gist of the novel's plot and realized that she will soon die at the hand of Carrion so she decided to take him in before Marquis DeFlon does.
    • Yurina went around every orphanage looking for a "blonde haired red eyed" boy and finally found him around spring/summer. She named him Raynard, meaning hope.
    • Ray lived with Yurina for about 6 months, he learned etiquettes, reading, magic etc. He also slowly developed feelings for Yurina who accepted him and his red eyes.
    • Yurina found the history about 'Beatus' and shared it with Dave, who later shared the findings with the academy.
    • During Ray's birthday, he went out with Yurina to the town and met Marquis DeFlon there who was interested in him. Marquis DeFlon realized that the current Yurina is not the original Yurina and Ray is another 'Beatus' and not Carrion.
    • Ray was sent to the academy at Crohn's kingdom because Yurina believed Ray could learn magic better there.
    • Five years later (Yurina; 15, Ray; 18), Yurina went to visit Ray at Crohn kingdom. She was attacked while she was there. Ray speed up his studies so he can graduate faster and protect Yurina.
    • One and a half year later, Ray graduated. He accompanied Yurina to the hunting competition. Yurina encountered Carrion here but only briefly. Yurina was then almost attacked by wolves enchanted by black magic but Ray saved her. They confessed afterwards.
    • Ray and Yurina went for a break at the Carthia's townside villa after the attack. They celebrated Yurina's birthday and had their first time (yes, they had sex) together.
    • Yurina became Ray's partner to his knighthood(?) ceremony at the palace. There, they encountered Lydia and Carrion. Yurina learned that she picked up the wrong person and Ray was devastated that he wasn't the person Yurina was looking for. Yurina told Ray the truth about the world and they made love again that night.
    • Yurina invited Lydia and Carrion to the Carthia mansion to learn the truth about Carrion. Carrion said he was picked up by Marquis DeFlon in winter and was raised alongside Lydia in the DeFlon's household (he was never sent to the academy). He told her that he has already met her countless time in his dream (he repetitively dreamt of Timeline 1). He cherished Yurina but now he has someone he has to protect and serve (Lydia). Lydia was simply a naive sheltered girl and was never involved with her father's schemes.
    • Unlike Timeline 1 and Timeline 2A, Lydia in this timeline is in love with Carrion.
    • The main antagonist is Marquis DeFlon. He already had a long-term hatred with the Carthia and his hatred deepened after his downfall in Timeline 1. He vowed to take revenge on Yurina.
  8. thomie

    thomie Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2022
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    If the black is the second ml! Who's better in novel? i mean whos better him or the ml ( i hope someone answer this bc the black hair guy is more look like an ml)
  9. readerz

    readerz Madam Jin

    Jan 4, 2017
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    :coffee: Wait, so did the novel timeline even happen? Or was it just a fictional story?
    Melita_H likes this.
  10. IrisBay

    IrisBay Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2019
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    Thanks for spoilers above.
    :blobpopcorn_two: Deflon life was hard to eliminate.
    Overall, the love story was complicated because of repeated back in time. But in the end, they are happy ending.
    Melita_H likes this.
  11. Eloisane

    Eloisane Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2022
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    What was the purpose of the crown prince character?
    He didn't end up the MC, nor he ended up with OgFL, was he just there as a complete nothing, he was neither bad or good, seems like the author created a character for nothing, is there anything about his ending?
    Why did the author hyped him so much, he doesn't even feel like a strong 2ML contender.
  12. Shorty97

    Shorty97 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2019
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    Obviously Ray because Yurina barely met the Curtis (the crown prince) in the novel. Yurina and Ray have deep emotional connections with each other and they are very affectionate (they casually hug each all the time and steal kisses often once they've confirmed their romantic feelings for one another).

    I think it did, and should have happened if it weren't for Senna transmigrating as Yurina. Think of it like this: Timeline 1 > Marquis DeFlon rewind time > Timeline 2 happened (2a) > Senna in Korea died > transmigrated as Yurina at the start of Timeline 2 (2b)

    The crown prince is an important figure because he is the center of this political mess. DeFlon tried to kill Yurina in Timeline 1 and successfully killed her in Timeline 2 because he wanted Lydia to marry the crown prince for political purpose. Even in the current timeline, a political war is going to happen because DeFlon is shifting to supporting the 2nd prince and crown prince needed Yurina & Ray to side with him to ascend the throne.
    Melita_H, orichan and thomie like this.
  13. Manhwalover2

    Manhwalover2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2020
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    Thank you..

    Can you continue...
    The first night and the knight corronation when they officially dating.. pls pls
    Melita_H and leyeh2 girl like this.
  14. yodireads

    yodireads Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2022
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    So I wasn't paying attention after buying the book bundle on ridibooks, and ended up starting with the side stories/special extras. I've been a longtime lurker of the forum as a whole and figured I should pay my dues!
    A month after joining the family, Reynard's concerns that Yurina doesn't eat enough turn into a "who's taller" war that they drag multiple staff/family members into (consensus = they're almost exactly the same height, with Yurina maybe a smidge bigger). It's interrupted by a guest (the second son of a count) who has a crush on Yurina that makes him too flustered to talk. Ray gets jealous and asks if he's her friend, Yurina says he isn't, and Ray asks if he himself is her friend, and she confirms that of course he is - and that he's the only one she has. Ray's happy, because it's the same for him.

    • This story takes place when Yurina is 11 years old and Reynard is 12 years old, and he has been at the mansion for about a month.
    • Reynard's stomach growling disrupts an otherwise quiet afternoon.
    • He stubbornly insists he isn't hungry, and gets embarrassed during some back and forth.
    • Yurina notices that it's 1:30, and they usually eat lunch at noon.
    • Betsy brings them some lunch, Reynard still has no table manners, cleans his plate, and then asks Yurina (whose plate is still half-full) why she eats so little.
    • It turns into an argument with Ray insisting she has to eat to grow big, and Yurina retorting that she's already bigger than he is.
    • This stings Ray's pride, and so begins the "who is taller?" war, and the first victim is Betsy.

    • They ask Betsy who's taller, and she dodges the question, so they go to ask the Marchioness.
    • The Marchioness thinks this is both hilarious and adorable, but declares them to be the same height, but she praises Ray for eating well (and text explicitly calls out she regards him as her own son - yay foster/adoptive families being good ones!)
    • Marchioness sides with Rey that Yurina should eat more. Yurina sulks for a bit about this and then is like, wait, what does it actually matter, who cares who is taller? And Ray will eventually be taller than her anyway, so she tells Ray he's right, he's taller.
    • He's like...I heard the words that make me a winner buuuut I feel like I lost. So he insists they get measured.
    • They go back to Betsy to get measured.
    • Betsy declares Yurina taller by the tiniest of margins, she's triumphant for a second before again being like, wait, I'm acting like a kid.
    • Ray declares he'll eat more and grow taller than her, and she agrees that's a good plan.
    • Then word comes that Rupert, the second son of a Count has come to visit Yurina.
      • They're the same age, and their older brothers are good friends. They met at her birthday party, where Rupert turned bright red and couldn't say anything when he saw Yurina, and his dad has been trying to set them up ever since.
    • Yurina's annoyed and expects the visit to be tedious, but leaves to go meet with him after telling Reynard to behave, she'll be right back.
    • Ray is stubbornly like, yeah yeah, but as soon she leaves Betsy notes Reynard looked like a listless puppy without its owner.
    • He asks Betsy who Yurina's meeting with, if that person is a friend, and when Betsy answers casually, ends up flustered and jealous
      • ("I only have one friend, Yurina, and she has other friends! It's not fair!").
    • Yurina is enduring a terribly tedious visit (poor Rupert can't get a word out), and feels like she's being watched.
    • She's about to be annoyed until she sees its Reynard and it suddenly amused.
    • Reynard bolts.
    • She wonders why he came, then realizes she promised she'd be right back - so she uses this as an excuse to ditch Rupert but promises to visit him next time.
      • ("I'm sorry, but I have a prior engagement, and it looks like I have to go.")
    • Reynard is pretending he never left the room and was quietly studying the whole time, but is clearly feeling a little insecure.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2023
  15. kairyyy

    kairyyy Member

    Aug 24, 2021
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    Huhu Pls kindly continue when ur free we really hoping for the villa scene (first night) and made out scene where Ray told her he can be better than Charrion so pls dont leave him. Thanks so much for all spoilers <3
  16. Michass

    Michass Member

    Mar 10, 2023
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    Thank you so much!!!
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  17. Ava43644

    Ava43644 Member

    Jun 24, 2022
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    Does anyone know if the original Yurina is our MC or if she really died when she was seven? and if so, will she tell someone that she isn’t the original Yurina?
  18. yodireads

    yodireads Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2022
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    I can follow up since it's been a bit.

    VOL 2 CHAPTER 10:

    • After learning of Emily’s betrayal, Yurina hasn’t been sleeping or eating well. She’s dealing with a lingering sense of anxiety she can’t really explain and is also becoming more aware about her feelings towards Ray, realizing she misses having him close even though he’s now just on a different floor, and is worrying about the hurdles of a relationship between a commoner and a marquis’s daughter

    • She goes to find him but is intercepted by her mother’s invitation to tea. Her mother, who is feeling better after they destroyed the curse ribbon, has purposefully prepared Yurina’s favs (scones) in hopes of tempting her to eat more. Yurina feels guilty about not being her mother’s ‘real’ daughter.

    • Mother suggests she go on a seaside vacation to recover, and comes up with a few plausible excuses for Ray to accompany her, implying she knows about their new relationship.
    • In the carriage on the way to the sea, Ray is all sparkly eyed about seeing the ocean for the first time, and he and Yurina legit play footsie even while her mother is there too, lol.

    • They arrive at a cottage by the seaside, and Betsy (long time maid) expresses her concern for how out of sorts Yurina has been, and then insists on dolling her up for a walk with Ray, which implies, like Yurina’s mother, she’s aware of the new relationship

    • Ray and Yurina go for a hand-in-hand barefoot stroll on the beach, super short scene but it’s sweet and cozy.
    • Later, Yurina is having trouble falling asleep, and Ray tosses pebbles at her window, summoning her to the balcony and gesturing for her to come down even though she’s on the third floor.

    • Trusting him, she swings her legs over the side and he uses magic to float her down and invite her for a moonlit walk to see the stars and sea at night

    • Not having expected to leave, she’s barefoot, so he makes her put his shoes on until they get to the beach, where they lay down to watch the stars, Yurina using his arm as a pillow.

    • She laments all the sand that will get in her hair and Ray assures her he can get rid of all the sand with magic, which prompts a discussion about the academy where he had to constantly cast bath magic on Aiden (snrk).

    • Ray then points out constellations, telling her their stories, and she falls asleep listening (notable given all her issues sleeping in this chap up until this point)
    • Yurina wakes up and wonders if last night was a dream until she sees a conch shell on her pillow, which she realizes is a gift from Ray. Holding it up to her ear sounds like the ocean and reminds her of last night and confirms it was real (and that he kept his promise - no sand!)

    • She sits up and feels horrible, and realizes she caught a cold from being out in the sea breeze while not being dressed for it.

    • Not wanting Rey to blame himself, she’s determined to go out and about, but Bessie figures her out immediately and makes her rest.

    • When she comes down to eat later, Rey also immediately figures it out and takes her back up to bed.
    • Doctor comes and says its a simple fever from the cold sea breeze, not severe, and with rest and medicine, she’ll be fine soon.
    • Yurina’s mother has been obviously extremely worried since she heard Yurina was sick, and Yurina is reminded again she replaced her ‘real’ daughter after a terrible fever.
    • Rey uses magic to warm the room, and worried that he’s going to exhaust himself just trying to make her more comfortable, Yurina kicks him out.
    • Yurina wakes up thirsty only to discover Rey is back despite being kicked out, and he gives her some bitter medicine followed by a sweet caramel, and tells her he’s worried about her, and uses his cold hands to help cool her down.

    • At about the point he puts them on the nape of her neck, she gets flustered and scolds him for being in her room at night

    • He says he wouldn’t do anything to someone who was sleeping, and when she asks, what about someone who is awake, they end up kissing and then with their foreheads pressed together.

    • Yurina frets he’ll catch her cold, and he wishes for that, because Aiden once said catching a cold from someone else cures it (and that he used to sleep next to his sick little siblings for exactly that reason)

    • They chat about Aiden for a bit and Yurina goes back to sleep, with Rey promising to stay by her side while she does (despite her protests that he rest)

    • Yurina wakes up feeling better and with an appetite for the first time in awhile, but at breakfast Rey starts coughing. Sure enough, Rey now has a fever (cute moment– when she tries to check his forehead with her hand, he catches it and kisses her fingers instead)

    • He also flees so she won’t try and catch it back. He gets better within a day.
    • A week later, Rey has been insisting he wants to stay inside (ostensibly to keep Yurina from being out in the cold breeze) though they’ve gone out a few times on warmer days.
    • Yurina notices Bessie has been acting unusually in a cheerful way, and asks if she has gotten a boyfriend, which Bessie immediately denies.
    • Yurina presses that something must be up, and Bessie fesses up that she’s planning a surprise party for Ray’s graduation, since it’s a big deal that he graduated a year early, but with the hunting tournament and the accident, they hadn’t had a chance to properly celebrate.
    • Yurina remembers how happy Ray was to have a birthday party as a kid, and figures there’s no harm in having two parties - one at the seaside villa and a larger one when they return to the capital.
    • Yurina asks why she wasn’t told and Bessie is basically like, because you’re always with him so if you knew he might find out.
    • For the party the next afternoon, Yurina’s job is to keep Ray distracted until it starts, which she does.…sort of – turns out it wasn't a surprise graduation part for Ray, it was actually a surprise birthday party for Yurina, and Rey was keeping her distracted!
    • Yurina’s so happy she cries, and wishes for a future where everyone can be as happy as she is in that moment - ‘no more, nor less, just as happy as now.’
    • Yurina later grumbles to Bessie about tricking her, but Bessie is like, you’re too sharp you were going to notice something was up.
    • The staff and her mother are worried Yurina might be disappointed since her brothers and father aren’t there, and promise to hold a second party in the capital
    • This prompts Yurina to reflect to herself that she’s always felt disconnected and forgotten her birthday because it wasn’t her ‘real’ one, but that for the first time, this little party with (most) of her closest people and her favorite foods that everyone went to the trouble to bring (including fruit Rey brought from Kron, proving he’s been planning this for over month, for the first time, feels like ‘hers’.
    • She wonders if the difference is having Ray there.
    • Party goes late into the night, she and Rey share a glass of wine while people dance and sing, until Rey takes her inside so she doesn’t get a cold, and asks what she wants for her birthday.
    • She reminds him he got her a cake and he says that’s hardly a present
    • After some back and forth, she asks if she can ask for a wish instead of a thing - echoing Ray’s 13th birthday.
    • Ray swears to grant her wish, and Yurina again echoes him, "My wish is the same. I want to spend time with you, just the two of us, without any interruptions."
    • Ray doesn’t hesitate, clearly pleased, and offers to go out with her tomorrow, but Yurina says ‘Not tomorrow, now’
    • He thinks she wants to go for another walk by the see until she slips her hand under his shirt and flat out says “I want to be with you.”
    • Ray blue screens for a moment or two before managing to ask if she’s really sure and Yurina spells it out point blank that she wants him.
    • They then have a fairly intense make out while clothes are stripped off, Ray promises to make it a memorable birthday, Yurina confirms she wants him to do exactly that.
    • Aaand fade to black
    • Ray wakes up notes the cold air on his bare skin, except for where he's warm from Yurina being in his arms.
    • Worried she’ll get another fever, he goes to reach for their clothes but a sleepy, clingy Yurina holds onto his waist and asks if he’s really leaving already.
    • He promises he’s not but that he doesn’t want her to get cold. His shirt is basically the only thing he can reach without leaving the bed, so he puts it on her and notes it’s not that much warmer but he feels better.
    • With their height difference, it’s like a dress on her, going to her mid-thighs - as soon as Rey notices this he yanks the blanket up to cover her to her neck, only to notice there’s a hickey on said neck, which he promises to himself to heal before he leaves - though it leaves him conflicted because he also wants to leave his mark.
    • Ray then spends awhile mentally and adorably gushing about Yurina, basically thinking how she always tried to appear so perfect and put together, and how this vulnerable, sleepy, defenseless, pretty girl fumbling with sleeves that are too big for her (and which he ends up cuffing for her) is someone he gets to see, and he can’t stop smiling, which Yurina notes.
    • He evades the teasing, kisses her forehead and tells her she’s tired and to get more sleep.
    • Yurina, hilariously IMO, deadpans like, ‘and whose fault is it that I didn’t get any sleep’.
    • Ray immediately deadpans back he was in the wrong, and she says if he’s really sorry to give her an arm pillow, which he does.
    • Ray tells her he’s happy, that he didn’t know he could be so happy, and admits that in the past he was so sure he would freeze or starve to death, and that when he followed her, he just thought he’d get something to eat, he had no idea it would lead to such happiness.
    • He ends by saying he’s glad he followed her that day
    • Yurina feels guilty, wishing she had brought him in purely out of a desire to care for him and not for her ulterior motives.
    • Ray asks if she’s happy to have met him
    • Yurina thinks she would have still been happy if she hadn’t met him, since she had her family, and Bessie, and Dave - but that the level of happiness would be different. She thinks the happiness peace of mind Reynard provides greater than all of them combined, and tells him yes, she’s happy.
    • She realizes this is the first time she’s said that out loud in this life.
    • She then says she loves him, and, nearly crying, he replies he loves her too.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2023
    Melita_H, killchan, hikawa and 4 others like this.
  19. Tumciale

    Tumciale Active Member

    Aug 13, 2022
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    Wait what? So who's Rey and who's carrion? They're different person?
    layyu likes this.
  20. yodireads

    yodireads Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2022
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    Yup! They’re completely different people who both happen to:
    • Be of similar age
    • Come from unfortunate family circumstances
    • Have blonde hair
    • Have red eyes indicative of significant innate magical power
    • Have the very common given name of ‘Tom’
    They differ in that:
    • One of them was raised by a single mother in a bar and the other was raised by an alcoholic dad (this is the earliest in-universe hint that Rey isn’t who Yurina thinks he is—she notes the backstory is different than what she remembers from the book.)
    • One of them (Carrion) has memories of a prior timeline where he knew Yurina.
    • In the manhwa it’s pretty subtle, but if you look at silhouettes of Carrion in early chapters and contrast with adult Rey, you can see they have slightly different hairstyles.

    Carrion appears in the original novel and in the current novel is with the Deflons (again) and Rey is basically a random village kid who never showed up in the original novel but was found by Yurina essentially by accident in a case of mistaken identity. The winter he ran away from home (and was intercepted by Yurina in current timeline) was one of the worst on record - it’s basically hinted though not outright said that the reason he never appeared in the original novel despite his substantial power is because he wouldn’t have survived its conditions from either hunger/cold. :blobconfounded:
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2023
    Melita_H, Plumpuppeach, dindi and 3 others like this.