Spoiler The Viridescent Crown

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Deleted member 262282, Oct 29, 2020.

  1. Ggukiieee

    Ggukiieee Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2020
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    I’ve purchased it way before on g00gle book.
    But i think someone already uploaded a pdf or epub copy here but got removed i think, since i can no longer find it.

    You may call out in this thread if someone has another copy of it. And ask to direct message you the copy.
    123456hh likes this.
  2. 123456hh

    123456hh Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2019
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    Seeking out where i can get a pdf or epub copy of the novel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. xlilium

    xlilium Active Member

    Nov 17, 2021
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    Please send me a DM, I have a pdf copy of the novel.
    Rielli, giseord and 123456hh like this.
  4. giseord

    giseord Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    Hello, where can I buy the books?? Is there a translated ver
    Hi!!! Do you know where can I buy the books??
    Haanaah likes this.
  5. Ggukiieee

    Ggukiieee Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2020
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    I think she has the pdf copy, try to dm her
    xlilium likes this.
  6. karaa00000

    karaa00000 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2022
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    When is the release of season 3 in manhwa?
    Jukki likes this.
  7. MJT05

    MJT05 Active Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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    Can you also send me a copy of the novel please
  8. Micus

    Micus Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2022
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    Es una pregunta para todos, alguien sabe donde leer la novela completa, el lugar donde la leí fue borrado y no pude seguir leyendo la historia.
    Agradezco a cualquiera que pueda decir dónde leerlo.

    How do you have it?
  9. Lunara__

    Lunara__ Active Member

    Nov 20, 2021
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    Which chapter in the novel do I continue after reading the manhwa chapter 83?
  10. yodireads

    yodireads Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2022
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    I don’t know about the serialized version, but in the ebooks - Volume 3, Chapter 1: 두 갈래의 길, which contains the New Year’s party and the conversation onward (the chapters are long, but this occurs towards the beginning)

    Summary of some of what follows if you’re interested!

    • After Eus confesses, gives Lan a hickey on her arm, he goes to get Dimodia to escort Lan back to her room and Lumie and Lan have a kind of dazed convo about what Lumie just overheard before Dimodia arrives.

    • Dimodia gets Lan back to her room, and they have a clearly needed girl talk complete with tear-ruined makeup removal that’s honestly kind of precious.

    • Dimodia promises she will help Lan leave if she’s finding it hard to say no to Eus or if Eus was pressuring her, and Lumie agrees and likewise offers his help.

    • Lan’s shocked by the idea of Eus being painted in this kind of villainous light, he would never do that!

    • Lan is all weepy, and Dimodia gently continues to ask her if she really hates the idea/if she hates Eus.

    • Lan immediately thinks, how could she ever hate Eus? Lan admits she’s just emotional, and she doesn’t hate the idea, but she’s afraid he will change his mind and she doesn’t know her own heart.

    • Dimodia, possibly recognizing how much of this is like, Lan’s fear of abandonment, explicitly tells her that she (Dimodia) wants Lan to stay in Latia.

    • Lan is surprised by this for a second and then tries to play the ‘but wouldn’t it be weird, after all Eus and I were brother and sister’ card.

    • Dimodia, bless her, once again is rather blunt, literally snorting that nobody but Lan thought of the two of them as siblings, and assures her she has a place in Latia - after all, the Blue Flame accepted her. She then confidently says the same will be true for the vassals.

    • Comforted but still kind of spinning (which, to be fair, she’s drunk), Lan goes to sleep, thinking if what Dimodia said is true, maybe it’s okay for her to stay.

    • Lan wakes up thinking the prior night was a dream, until she sees the kiss mark Eus left for precisely that reason (he knows her so well AHAHAH)

    • When she sees him she gets extremely flustered and Eus admits he’s glad because it means she’s seeing him as a man, which he hopes she will continue doing.

    • They go to a meeting with the vassals, where Eus puts on the ring and by not being burned to a crisp by the Blue Flame, proves his right to the lordship and is formally recognized as the new Lord of Latia by the vassals.

    • His immediate next order of business is to announce Lan’s removal from the family register.

    • Several vassals protest, speaking up for her and pointing out how hard she worked.

    • Lan, in her continued style of not recognizing her impact on people, is genuinely shocked by their support and thinks to herself that Dia was right.

    • Eus, in his continued style of stoicism, lets them get it out of their system and then says he’ll offer Lan a Countess title if she wants to stay and the meeting goes on.

    • After the meeting, several vassals come up and ask her to stay (including Sir Blaine) in a series of very sweet exchanges that show how well they all know her and that she really has had an impact (not that Lan really lets any of that sink in).

    • Baron Wilde says he agrees with removing Lan from the family register - but not from Latia. He supports the idea of giving her a new title and tells her he hopes she won’t misunderstand him - he didn’t want her to remain in the family and have a child without Latian blood that could one day fight with Eus’s kids for the seat, but he does want her to stay.

    • Lan admits to Count Illuminati (...I can’t remember his actual name, sorry - the one who found Lumie, who has a daughter that Lan’s actions saved) that Eus proposed and his immediate reaction is basically, like “Yes, good, perfect.”

    • He is exactly ZERO PERCENT surprised, and says that’s the ideal outcome for Latia.

    • Lan again is warmed by their thoughts of her, but still doesn’t seem to have allowed it to sink in that she has a lasting place in Latia.

    • Lan realizes Eus has been waiting for her while she was chatting with all the vassals and is again flustered.

    • In a slightly indirect way, he asks if she’s made a decision about staying or not and admits he would be sad not to see her face all the time.

    • Lan tells him he’s become a bit shameless, and then confesses to Eus that she likes him

    • Eus is happy, but indicates he knows a ‘but’... is coming (GROAN) and it is.

    • Lan adds that she isn’t sure if it’s “as a man” (heavily implied she is doing this to stall for time in the belief he will soon meet OG female lead and fall in love with her)

    • Eus asks more directly if she is going to stay.

    • Lan says yes, if she can.

    • Eus tells her she can, with his proposed terms still in effect (ie, her saying yes to staying with the title is also saying yes to Eus courting her in hopes of making her Duchess one day) and she says more firmly that she will stay, which makes him smile.

    • There’s a bit of back and forth about Lan’s potential lands, with Lan taking it more seriously at first, Eus saying it doesn’t matter, she can just take whatever she wants, and her chiding him because what if she said she wanted the core lands? He just smiles, and they agree to talk about it later.

    • Lan realizes she’s been in the habit of addressing him casually and realizes she’ll have to break it and address him formally as the head of house.

    • He says if so, can he in turn ask for permission to call her by name now.

    • She asks if he will still treat her with respect if he calls her by name, and he responds it’s only appropriate to be polite to one you’re courting.

    • Eus then mentions it will be difficult to set up a castle and social connections from scratch, and Lan grimaces, wondering how people will respond to the Duchess re-appearing as a Countess.

    • Eus deadpans that if she appears as the Duchess, she won’t have that concern.

    • Lan says she’s not going to get married just for that reason, and Eus tells her to do whatever she wishes while the servants pretend not to see them.

    • Lan tells Dimodia, Lumie, and her other attendants she plans to stay (giving Dimodia’s words credit for why she’s decided to do so) and they celebrate.

    • Later, Lan tells Eus she’s thought about it, and she thinks it would be best if she didn’t have her own fief, and instead her title was purely administrative.

    • He uses this to (rather skillfully imo) convince her to stay in the palace while making it seem like his reasons for wanting her to do so are primarily for her own convenience XD (after all, and administrator should be nearby to help with administrative work!)

    All of that still only gets about halfway through the chapter. Up after is the ice wall ritual, ominous blizzard and rescue, Eus/Lan/Lumie post-blizzard convo, Lumie and Lan exploring palace, Eus and Lan flirting in/organizing the library, news about the king in March, more Golden Rose negotiations, and establishment of a guild….all before Chapter 2.

    Still awhile away from true couple mode, but Eus taking every opportunity to openly court Lan and her actually catching that he's doing so (....most of the time) is still fun to read, even if Lan's pining when she doesn't have to make me want to shake her shoulders at times.
  11. Lunara__

    Lunara__ Active Member

    Nov 20, 2021
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    Dayumm, so we'll be seeing smitten-to-Lan ver of Eus in the 3rd season :blobicecreamlove: I can't waittt

    Is there any news yet?
    Jukki and Azka Anees like this.
  12. chocolahtt

    chocolahtt New Member

    Feb 6, 2023
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    does anyone here knows what Eustaph was asking Haresh the elf guy? when he ask for a medicine that can make someone weaker?
  13. cutesherry

    cutesherry Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2020
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    Does someone know what is going on with the serialization of the webtoon?

    They took a 2 months break between chapter 69 and 70, they released only 7 chapters before taking another 1 month break between chapter 77 and 78, and afterward they published 6 chapters and have been on hiatus since October 9 (chapter 83)...
    rock.doll likes this.
  14. Haanaah

    Haanaah Active Member

    Apr 12, 2022
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    Does anyone have pdf novel of the viridescent crow?
  15. _etro_

    _etro_ Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2021
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    If you mean Eus asked Herace for medicine that make someone weaker it is actually Herace asking Eus if he wanted Herace to make medicine and make Ran drink it so she will become weak and die.

    Herace already know Ran dan Eus situations and afraid that Eus will ask him to make that medicine. So that he asked about it first. Herace like Ran (as a trading partner) and if Eus really ask him to do it he will not make it.

    Of course Eus love Ran and tell Herace that he will never ask him to make that kind medicine. But at this time Ran is sick, Eus ask Herace to make medicine so that Ran can become healthy.
  16. RegisteredToAskAThing

    RegisteredToAskAThing Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2022
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    New novel covers because the novel has been re-published due to a change in the provider (same story content)
    Last edited: May 2, 2023
    KuranFan, dindi, VelvetColors and 4 others like this.
  17. Marinessa

    Marinessa Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2021
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    Thank you for sharing these. I have to say that I prefer the old ones.
    CarisSa, dindi, juuni and 1 other person like this.
  18. Phoenixemmy

    Phoenixemmy Active Member

    May 17, 2020
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    Just wondering if anyone has tried purchasing the google books version of the novel recently. I seem to have found it online (searching google) but can’t seem to purchase it. Searching in the google play books app won’t even find it at all. Not sure if it’s possibly a regional thing.
  19. xlilium

    xlilium Active Member

    Nov 17, 2021
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    Does anyone know if the manhwa will have a physical book release?
    Jukki and Cici love it like this.
  20. ispcizero3rd

    ispcizero3rd New Member

    Feb 6, 2023
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    oh no, what happend to the series? almost half year has passed and no news about season 3
    Jukki and Cici love it like this.