Spoiler Neira's Dragon / 네이라의 용

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Averyn, Aug 25, 2022.

  1. ArcanaAuriella

    ArcanaAuriella Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2021
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    Tbh this story should be called “Neira’s Baggage” because I cannot imagine how this ML can be redeemed. I’m still following along though because I like the FL. I keep checking for spoilers about their relationship development.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2023
  2. i_am_here

    i_am_here Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2020
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    It's probably going to be like lady to queen where the FL won't even have a real choice but end up with the dragon. Since it's mentioned that unless the ML is with his fated one he will descend into destruction and madness. Which is sad because the MC was so much happier without him in her life when she started over again. She didn't even miss their child (whom according to spoilers also mistreated her).
    MisaLissa, beazacha, Scapezz and 6 others like this.
  3. myuun.

    myuun. Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2022
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    100% agree with you, the ONLY reason I'm still reading is to see if she's okay and how she is handling the trash. I'm glad she's not bowing down to any shit. I just can't... Accept... Him as the ML. ANYONE ELSE.

    His redeeming story better be absolutely fucking AMAZING on his knees crawling to her because if he doesn't even apologize or finds out why she hates him... :sweating_profusely: I can't.

    :derpyblob: Imagine living hundreds of years in a place no one respects you, likes you, and even your husband and child dgaf about you. And you can NEVER escape. GURL. I rather him die in his own madness cause at least he would mildly understand the stress and anguish he put her through. :bloborz:
  4. amin882

    amin882 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2021
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    People hating on the ML, but honestly not really his fault She was his chosen partner by the heavens or what not. Not like he had a choice. He's literally going crazy without her. Like what's the other option in this matter. He either goes crazy without her by his side or makes her his wife. I dislike how he's literally forced into this matter.
  5. N3wr

    N3wr Active Member

    Mar 1, 2022
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    but it’s his fault for not helping her in her previous life, not noticing that everyone around him hated her. Not communicating once for any action he did, she had no agency in her prior life besides going with him. His lack of empathy towards her caused her behavior towards him in the current life, why would she care if he’s going crazy when in both life’s all he’s done is used that so called destiny against her?
  6. JustATalkingOwl

    JustATalkingOwl Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2021
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    As far as I know, it's spoilers forum, not an arena for moral gladiators. Jesus! I need spoilers.
  7. Calypso Noir

    Calypso Noir Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    I love neyra, can anyone who have access to novel tell me what happen after chapter 25? Because i really love how neyra put those scholar to their place
  8. Nonotaku

    Nonotaku Member

    Mar 24, 2023
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    Neyra's brother brought Haeryun and his secretary back to Neyra telling him that they wanted to talk to her. Neyra thinking that they hypnotized him asked his brother to leave in order to protect him. She asked them the reason why they came to see her when she already rejected them. And we learn that Haeryun feels the energies and that Neyra has an energy that is similar to his and this energy comforts him. Also, Haeryun starts having flashbacks of his life before. And in the end, he told her that whether she loves him or not, she will be his.
  9. Calypso Noir

    Calypso Noir Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Thank you so much for the spoilers!
    Ew, haeryun is a creep, i thought after getting some flashback from neyra previous life he will become wiser or something, but instead he become.. This..
    i am scared for neyra, because of the possibility that haeryun might use force, and since its shown before he is not the type of people who would hesitate to use force, i hope neyra got something to protect herself with
    Scapezz, Jann and myuun. like this.
  10. i_am_here

    i_am_here Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2020
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    It's not really that straightforward as the implication of his descending into madness and destruction is a No-win situation for both ML's non-human and the human realm where the MC currently resides.
    He isn't human or even a regular dragon from the other realm. But the heir to the kingdom with imense power, if he were to go loco and go scorched earth the consequences would be dire for everyone. I think this is why even his "friend" and assistant who treated the MC like garbage in the 1st timeline and secretly wished he didn't have to find his fated mate, understands the importance of the ML to be with her, hence her pushiness in trying to coerce the MC to return with to their domain. Hence, why I think it will come down to the FL realizing she doesn't really have a real choice but to be with him.
    myuun., Nika Tsubasa and Jann like this.
  11. Reign28

    Reign28 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2018
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    I'm reading the manhwa but since the spoilers is saying that the ML is her ex-husband I will regretfully dropped this one at the moment. Imagine, enduring humiliations, criticms, and no acceptance of her as their Queen, and being so miserable in her life only for the end-game to be as the same man. I get as that was her "past life" but she experience all those pain and grievances for a whole hundred years. That was her past, yeah, but if she didn't altered her life it was still considered her fcking future.

    Heck, I thought I would reading the MC fighting to change her fate and would eventually found new love but here we are still
    Scapezz and myuun. like this.
  12. christigbs

    christigbs Member

    Sep 25, 2021
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    can someone give me spoiler did haeryun remember the past tl and how's his reaction about that? i'm dying to know this :blobtired::blobsob:
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  13. myuun.

    myuun. Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2022
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    Thats what bums me out, especially with the new chapter explaining how his own insanity can destroy the world. :blobsad: It really forces her with no other way out. You explained it perfectly, it's just so sad that no matter what she can't escape her fate, but at the very least she can change some of it with a new powerful hand.

    I do really really love how she's choosing chaos though at the moment. When she said "so what?" after hearing their shpill I was like :aww: QUEEN. I want her to have the power this time around. If she HAS to be with him then she should have the upper hand.
  14. hastingsj

    hastingsj Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2019
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    The flaming & backtalk she is doing is really cathartic tho. Neyra goes hard on destroying her enemies with words and it is addictive to watch her SHUT DOWN these arrogant gods who need her way more than she needs them. The SECOND they let one of their biases slip she brings out a flamethrower in words to put them back in their place. They dont stand a chance in an argument. If she ends up their queen again, I hope she makes the whole court fear her.

    ML is in pain and confused... but also fkn good he better be. I get the feeling its a first. 100 years of taking her for granted & murdering her kin. Even after the reset, his first interaction is choking her till she passes out & realizing he cant kill her. Second interaction is standing by while she gets insulted by a bunch of sexist diplomats from "his country." Third interaction is threatening her that he is insane and she wont escape from him bc he "needs her." Not to mention his two-faced lackey (whose not so secretly in love with him) following her around the whole time trying to bribe her into following while talking down to her. Even in this timeline with no memories of the previous one, Neyra has every right to hate him.
    It has fully gone the character tourture route (specifically of the ml). Its a pretty mesmerizing toxic relationship
    MisaLissa, Nanashy, myuun. and 2 others like this.
  15. teranaut

    teranaut Active Member

    Sep 29, 2022
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    Not to mention (if I didn't misread it), he also got happily married to someone else and would STILL be happily married to her if it wasn't for 'chosen partner' curse. They're not made for each other, they're being forced together and would both actually be perfectly happy without having the other in their life if it wasn't for that curse. Not very romantic at all really :p
    MisaLissa, myuun., beazacha and 3 others like this.
  16. spica moore

    spica moore Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2021
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    Any spoilers about their child aside from him mistreating his own mother?
    MisaLissa and chiri.ru like this.
  17. hastingsj

    hastingsj Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2019
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    I forgot about that part. Yeah he got married to change his fate and his wife died bc fate said no. He literaly goes into murder fits because Neyra's presence is his anti-psychotic medicine.
    The fact they are so incompatable seems to be because she is human. He physically needs/wants her and cannot harm her or go against his fate. he is 100% bound to it (and tries to kill her to get out of it but it doesnt work). her absence = his existence ending. If she were a dragon it wld be mutual, but Neyra is human which means the same rules dont apply. She neither needs or wants him. She is fully capable of harming or killing him and can just say no to fate. She also has a human mind which cant really handle the long years of near-imortality. So either he goes insane without her, or she goes insane with him.
    no win senario (unless he somehow accepts mortality)
    MisaLissa, Nanashy, myuun. and 9 others like this.
  18. Nika Tsubasa

    Nika Tsubasa Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    I was surprised by today's chapter. Haeryun's maid was scolded by his mother because this bitch belittled Neira as a person and her life in the human world. Mother said that no normal, sane girl would immediately go to no one knows where, leaving her family and past behind. This is just my guess, but perhaps Haeryun's family did not like the past Neira just because of her frivolity and stupidity, although this still does not justify the way they treated her. Therefore, no one stood up for Neira. It is a pity for her, because she became like this because she was not loved at home either.
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  19. Yume-sama

    Yume-sama Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2021
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    She is not the mother, but the princess of the black dragons (manga ch 27), so his sister. His mother having black hair. But it was surprising for me to.

    Mother and father
    And the sister

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    Last edited: Apr 21, 2023
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  20. Nika Tsubasa

    Nika Tsubasa Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Ah, ok) i don't remember clearly about Haeryun's relatives, they rarely participate in story
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