Spoiler I Thought It Was A Common Possession

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Naenia, Apr 4, 2023.

  1. nxiuboo0

    nxiuboo0 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2023
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    Has ML ever slept with OGFL before?
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  2. Priyyaa

    Priyyaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    I don't Like this story at all, srsly what kind of shitty story is this. I won't say anything about ML loving someone else before marriage but after marriage, It's simply pathetic. U shitty people don't even care about an innocent person who never wronged u in any way and just believed In all the bullshit that rizze trash spouted.i get it that she is ur enemy's daughter but it's wrong to insult her without knowing or seeing anything yourself. There are really all kinds of shitty bystanders out there but the worst ones are those who believe one sided story. I think ML doesn't deserves to be a ML. He wants rizze trash as well but he also wants FLs body. Simply pathetic I say. He's a non disposable trash. The entire ducal family and county people, everyone needs to die. They need to die to make up for the innocent lives of those 12 girls among which the first one who was the real Edith, she must have suffered the most. Just like MC got transmigrated to her body when she was already an adult and about to marry ML, the other tranmigrators must have also possessed the body at the same time so, the one who suffered since her childhood was real Edith. I srsly pity her. She lived her entire life being abused physically mentally and by verbal accusations only to be killed by her own husband.
    Since FL knew what he did to the other 12 girls she still had the gall the forgive him. Tbh she doesn't have the right to forgive him. How could she forgive him in their place, they were the ones who died unjustly and were literally killed by that pathetic trash. She can't forgive him in their place, just bcz he didn't kill U doesn't mean u can forget what he did to others. She forgave him and didnt even divorce that man. Idk if I could even like the FL. She is in Edith's body so how could she not think about this stupid asshole wrongly killing her when she wasn't the one who did anything. Tbh is it wrong of a wife to expect her husband's love? And if he couldn't give her love, At least give her the basic respect as your wife. was her life so disposable that he could just kill her as if removing a dirty mosquito from his house. FL also only thought about herself and forgave that trash, who took innocent lives, for FL to think of their lives as disposable trash, it disgusting. The original edith never got her revenge from anyone, and here she is forgiving him bcz he didn't harm her. Would she be able to forgive him if she was the real edith who died unjustly bcz of him?. I can't forgive him for taking so many innocent lives and they were dependent on him. And that rizze bitch, no matter how much power and money u want in life, how could she kill those innocent girls for her gain. This is the worst ending ever, I really want her dead rather than being sent to a monastery.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2023
  3. Karaaaaa

    Karaaaaa Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2023
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    I'm conflicted... I can kinda see the shitty parts of the story but I really wanna give it a try butttt I don't like angst that is caused due to dumb choices of the male and female protagonists. Also the villains feels to be rather stupid and predictable so I dont know if I should read this or not... any opinions people?
  4. Aguni_Erina

    Aguni_Erina Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2017
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    i'll probably just read it.. and rolled my eyes everytime i find a cliche.. laugh at the 'supposedly clever scheme' every character try to execute ... sighing at FL stupidity/naivety ...narrowed my eyes at the ML redemption/whitewash and then move on looking for a more interesting story... seriously KLN nowadays it getting more closer to the usual dogblood story of CLN generic plot....

    thank u .. will try it on my laptop once i arrived at home...
  5. Deaf Bunny

    Deaf Bunny Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2021
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    I’ll recommend you a better one where in the ‘original’ the villainess was also killed by her husband, but it has a nice twist and the foreshadowing is chef’s kiss.

    It’s ’Living as the Villainess Queen’ in novel updates. It’s alternate title is ‘After the Last Trip.’ The author, Covering the Sky, is the same author of The Great Wish and Lucia, if you’re familiar. Hope you like it.
  6. thedukeloveskimchi

    thedukeloveskimchi Active Member

    May 2, 2021
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    Thank you for all the spoilers. I was excited when I read the first chapter of the manhwa now Im sooo disappointed ☹️

    In all seriousness, I couldnt imagine how the author just let go of Rize in the end after making her one heck of a psyho murderer. Rize should’ve been executed or die in a final fight or something. If the story where to continue beyond the last chapters I bet Rize will be out there torturing people

    Whats wrong with korean authors putting their main characters thru suffering without getting their proper revenge and retribution to the culprits?! :(:blob_thor:
  7. jjaggii

    jjaggii Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    I have finished the entire novel.
    Since the plotline has been spoiled already. I will spoil the remaining details.
    Discretion! I ask for everyone to read objectively and try reading the novel/manhwa before concluding your opinion of the book. Killian was a mean person for like a small 30 chapters of the 156 chapters.

    About Lizzie Sinclaire:
    Known as Lizzie, she was the main character of the novel, No Affection! The novel spans five volumes and details Lizzie's life as a child all the way to the side stories where is Cliff's wife and is the duchess. However, the character has been possessed by the original author of the novel. For the past 12 loops of the novel starting from Volume 1 to Volume 3 (where Edith begins her journey as the obsessed Villainess) she has been reliving the same events from the novel, posing as the character. After such a long regressing, she had long forgotten her name and called herself K, as her author name started with K. In the novel, she explains that: "For a long time, even before I was Lizzie, I was always praised as the best. So why can't I live my perfect life Lizzie as I created everything in this world?" She has no love or affection for any of the characters and is instead obsessed with living a life where is the perfect main character. She has special power as the author to impose restrictions to Edith and an a plot armor ability.

    About the plot armor ability:
    This is complex. Lizzie, or K, has the ability to summon lost souls into the body of Edith, whose original soul was deleted since Edith's plot point was to incite Lizzie to accept or decline a harem between Cliff and Killian. Since she summons the lost souls to be Edith, she can place restrictions upon them. These three restrictions were: (1) Sleep with Killian. (2) Refuse Killian's offer 10 times and finally, (3) To accept death calmly. For every restriction cleared, the plot armor of Lizzie weakens. Which means, the influence of Lizzie's character weaken a certain amount. In the novel, Lizzie recklessly harms Edith because she had a 100% influence of the characters that made them move and act like in a novel. The more Edith clears the restrictions, the more the characters act like actual human beings with autonomy that characters who are there to embellish Lizzie's life.

    About Killian's Development:
    In the first part of the novel, where he regards Edith as a villainess, Lizzie's influence on him was 100%. No matter what Edith did without clearing a restriction, Killian will stick to his character archetype: a sub-male lead whose unrequited feelings for Lizzie makes him neglect his villainess wife. As time goes on and as the restrictions are met, Killian begins showing an actual personality. Before Lizzie's influence force him into his role, he was a playful boy who enjoyed teasing Cliff. He had a shy nature about many things but was snot afraid to show affection, a very open Tsundere. He enjoys boating, swimming, sword fighting and has a keen eye for fashion. The author did amazing by showing how flat he was when the influence was strong and how brimming of life he was when Lizzie's control no longer could affect him. Even before Edith cleared the first restriction, he has a pure and innocent side that believed what Edith said, even if it was small. As time goes on, he was the first to always suspect Lizzie despite his affections for her. He was always on Edith's side after their first night and is truthfully, not as terrible as the other leads I have read before.

    About their first night and +18 developments:
    Edith was the first to make a move. She came to Killian's room and kissed him which caused them to make out heavily. Yes, Killian regarded Edith as a "Sensual beauty who overclouded Lizzie's angelic charm. While one was to protect, the other was to be worshipped while the bodies grew hot and heavy. It was easy to admit that Lizzie has lost irrevocably in this department." He did think Edith was sensual but their first night was when Killian suddenly lost a large amount of affection for Lizzie suddenly (before the first restriction was met) and he honored that Lizzie knew of his feelings but accepted that no matter what Killian did, Lizzie was blind to him and only saw Cliff. Edith as well, enjoyed the nights so much that she gets excited when she is very close to Killian, she states: "It was dangerous to be closer than necessary, when I feel his heat, a chill rises from my spine and drips suddenly. What a shameful body."

    About Lizzie's sudden confession to Killian:
    After the second restriction was cleared, Lizzie's influence on Killian reduced to below 30%. Lizzie began to pay more attention to Killian that Cliff became wary of them (more on this later). In the duchy, it was well known how sweet Killian and Edith were. In the novel it was said: "How joyful to see the oddest couple to be matched, be a well pair. Lord Killian, who hardly thawed his coldness, was a burning man once more in front of Lady Edith." Lizzie panicked since Killian began to show Edith reaction's that Lizzie was never to elicit from him like his heartfelt laugh, his love stricken face nor his blushing shy face. She decides to head to Killian's room with a loose off shoulder dress. Killian opened the door hoping it was Edith but was faced with Lizzie. He remarks: "On Edith, it was a garment that bewitched all of my body but on Lizzie, it hung awkwardly. It was out of place." Lizzie confessed to him that she knew his feelings and implied that she likes him, even offering to kiss him, but Killian says: "I have long thrown those immature feelings. I am a lucky man that is wedded and bound to my wife."

    About the necklace:
    Edith was called into the office with Killian. The duchess, Cliff and Lizzie were already there. They were stiff faced. It was revealed that they were choosing jewelry for the international ball. Killian, who say the heirloom necklace, was immediately suspicious when he saw his mother's awkward face. The duchess says she wishes Lizzie to wear it but Killian gets angry saying: "This is an heirloom of the daughter-in-law of the duke! To present this to a lady that is unwedded to our family is a disrespect to my wife, your daughter-in-law!" While Edith knew this was a plot point, she dissuaded Killian from arguing. Edith calmed by saying that they already matched clothes and accessories, plus the blue heirloom necklaces suited Lizzie who has blue eyes. Killian left the room in anger where Killian revealed the true meaning of the necklace to Edith. Edith calmed him down and Killian promises her he will call a better jeweler for her.

    About Cliff's Wariness:
    Cliff notices that Lizzie began paying more attention to Killian. He calls Edith and gives her a list of the things Killian likes so that he can have Lizzie and Edith can better her relationship with Killian. Later on, when Cliff tells Lizzie that he notices her sudden pique of interest in Killian, Lizzie denies and states: "I have always been fair of the two of us, no more or less than now." Cliff decides to keep the matter closed and silently grows a dislike for the Killian who suddenly took Lizzie's attention and who is getting ahead of him in life (since Killian is married happily with Edith, has a territory set for him and is taking a Count's title.)

    About the kidnapping:
    Duchess, Lizzie and Edith were ambushed from coming home a international ball. Lizzie was taken first and Edith after but the duchess only worried about Lizzie. Edith's brother, Shane, beat her up for resisting strongly. They were taken to the Wesley Manor which Edith's family owns. Lizzie and the duchess were kept in the ground floor whereas Edith was kept in the underground dungeon. Shane beat her up badly but Sophia (more on her later) used whips and torture tools to harm Edith. While Cliff came and saved the two ladies on the ground floor, he asked her where Edith was and Lizzie lies: "When I awoke she was not here. I assumed she was a spy and was a part of the scheme." So Cliff left without checking a small pathway that led to the underground basement. Edith, who sensed they came and left, was in despair. She was badly hurt and was left alone with a hired mercenary. At first, the mercenary was mean but Edith softened him by talking about family. She used Edith's memories to tell her sad family history which made the mercenary loosen the rope tying her. She left and ran for dear life. When Killian came after winning the war, he immediately went to search for Edith. The others, especially Lizzie, tried to convince him that she was a spy and should be left alone but Killian shouts: "She is my family! My wife! No matter what you have to say, she is a Ludwig and the one whom I love." He came upon the Wesley Manor where Cliff tells him what he saw but Killian spots the small passage to the underground dungeon, Killian argues with Cliff saying that due to his negligence, Edith is probably suffering. They came to her room with the rope undone, the terrible room, the torture devices and the blood. Killian gets angry at Cliff again and set off to find Edith. Time passes, Edith limped all the way from the winter forest to a carriage of a Baron couple. She was kindly driven to a village where she cleaned herself up, wore shabby clothes and covered her beaten face and body. There she found out, the Duke's knights were in the village. She boarded a carriage to leave to next village where she bought essentials to live on the road in case, She bought three potatoes since she hasn't eaten for a few days and used the remaining potatoes like hot packs. When she reached the village, she realizes that maybe the last condition was to be killed by Killian, so she submits herself to the Duke's knights who carefully brought her to the Duchy. Killian finds out and rushes home.

    About Lizzie framing Edith:
    Killian hasn't returned home yet so Edith was locked up since she was highly suspected to be a criminal. The execution was continuing for a couple days. In this time, Edith suffered in the cold with no food. Lizzie came down with a hot pot and gave it to Edith, who weakly accepted it. Lizzie began a weird monologue and murmur, it was revealed Edith completed the final restriction, which caused the entire's worlds flow to deviate from the book to a normal world where anything can happen. Lizzie slices herself on the forearm and Cliff and Killian rush down. Killian opens the dungeon and quietly inspects, Edith grew fearful cause she always doubted whether Killian's affection for her trumped his long love for Lizzie. Lizzie began sobbing, accusing Edith of attempting murder but Killian protects Edith, shocked by her poor appearance. Killian explain why it isn't Edith, demonstrating it's impossible for Edith to reach Lizzie through the bars and that the handle of the knife was warm, Edith was freezing. Killian shames them both. Killian calls for Anna to help with Edith. they both see her condition under her shabby clothes. A lot of wounds. Killian cries and he wipes Edith and nurses her with Anna.

    About Sophia the maid:
    Basically she was a maid who tortured Edith since she was young. She is trained in assassination and reconnaissance. She is in love with Shane, Edith's brother, the heir of the County. She become Edith's maid in the mansion, abuses Edith because she didn't follow the Count's orders and betrayed them. Ate Edith's meals in front of her and made starve. Poisoned Edith. Got kicked out when Killian and Edith were making out, he spots a bruise and immediately knew it was Sophia, the outsider.

    The entire plot arcs in order of short summary:
    - Edith begins her new life.
    - Killian and Edith rough start to married life.
    - Edith helping Duchess with documents.
    - Documents leak. Edith is being framed.
    - Document Investigation.
    - It was Lizzie.
    - Kilian suspects Lizzie.
    - First Night.
    - First restricition clear.
    - Charity Bazzar prep tea party.
    - Edith makes handkerchiefs, Killian buys it all.
    - Shane solos Edith, slaps her.
    - Sophia enters, abuses Edith.
    - Poisoned peace pie from Lizzie and gave to Edith.
    - Edith is being framed, the sequel.
    - Poisoning investigation, Killian on her side.
    - It was Lizzie, again.
    - Investigation done, inconclusive.
    - Edith gift embroidery threads to Lizzy.
    - Lizzy poisoned.
    - Edith is being framed, the trilogy.
    - Suprise, it was Lizzie.
    - Edith a criminal again.
    - Edith cry, in turmoil.
    - Duchess, Lizzie and Edith got to royal tea party.
    - Princess is friends with Lizzie.
    - Lizzie tells whats happening in Duchy, implies Edith bad.
    - Princess verbally harasses Edith.
    - Killian stands up for her.
    - Princess is wrong, she's sorry.
    - Princess friends with Edith.
    - Killain invites Edith out, 10 times, rejected.
    - Second restriction clear.
    - Killain and Edith date.
    - Opera date and street date.
    - Cliff meets Edith.
    - Killian and Lizzie go out, on Lizzie's request.
    - Lizzie fails to snatch Killian, he buys gifts for Edith.
    - Edith and Killian yacht date.
    - Edith drown, Killian save.
    - Yacht tempered investigation.
    - Suspected Captain who everyone loves.
    - Edith vouches his innocence.
    - Everyone warm to Edith.
    - Killian realizes his feelings.
    - Lizzie and Edith go out.
    - Lizzie and Edith go to bookstore.
    - Edith is kidnapped.
    - Guess who? Lizzie.
    - Edith is hurt but Killian saves.
    - Lizzie begins to panic.
    - Edith and Killian romance arc.
    - International ball.
    - Kidnapping.
    - Execution.
    - Lizzie breakdown.
    - Lizzie and Edith talk.
    - Lizzie fucked up in the head.
    - Edith recovers, Killian is by her side.
    - They become Count and Countess.
    - Cliff and Lizzie marry.
    - Cliff and Lizzie relationship tension.
    - Time pass. Lizzie POV.
    - Lizzie Imprisoned in Palace.
    - Cliff remarries.
    - The End :3

    This is all so far I can think of. If there is anything you are curious about, I will spoil it ^^
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2023
  8. Aldis

    Aldis Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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    Omg Thanks for the spoiler! It's kinda rare to see ML doubting Heroine cause they somehow always tend to tilt to the heroine... is what I want to say, BUT WHAT THE HELL WITH THIS OTOGE DEVELOPERS MOD ROUTE LOLOLOLOL

    This is more advanced than 'ML is trash becoz mAgicK!!!' I'm impressed. I really impressed. I need to read the novel.

    And surely blondie need more than monastery. Why deus ex machina god did not took a part and made her suffer in samsara 13th times??

    Btw reminder to everyone to read the plot throroughly (and complete spoiler if any) before judging ML trash just because a simple spoiler of he's in love with others before marriage or just because he prefers her body (why can't love start from sex anyway, some ppl do that irl).
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2023
  9. Yume-sama

    Yume-sama Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2021
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    Thank you, the restriction thing was really intrestring. But true Lizzie is f*cking crazy.
  10. ladyescalante

    ladyescalante Member

    Apr 5, 2023
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    hii! thank you for the spoiler~ and can you spoil me about how Edith's family fared, are they punished? and how was all of Lizzie's bad behavior towards Edith exposed?
    Blood A likes this.
  11. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    I just wanted to say that I think we are being a little harsh with Edith coming back to the male lead.The girl's family was branded as traitor and the only reason she didn't die with them is because her husband didn't wanted it.
    If she leaves him,she has no money,no friends,no expectations.
    He wouldn't divorce her(because mls like to shackle fls to them...) and he could easily refuse her alimony if he did(because she has no backing...)
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2023
  12. jjaggii

    jjaggii Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    They declared war on the Ludwig's and lost. Due to this, the Ludwig's had accessed their home and to all the crime they have committed so far. In the execution, they shouted to the Ludwig's (minus Killian cause he hasn't arrived) that if they sentence them to death, they should kill Edith as well too. Appalled, the duke sensed something amiss. By then Edith was brought to the execution area but luckily Killian came at the same. He fought with Cliff and Father for Edith's innocence, even saying: "If you mark my wife a sinner, be prepared to be my enemy!" to Cliff and the Duke. Killian urged Edith to answer but oddly she only showed her neck. At the time, her body is fully covered and her face was too. Edith thought, "If I die, I'd rather die by the hands of the one who I love and supports me." Weirded out by this silence, a knight unravels Edith's face cover and sees the terrible wounds on her face. She was sent quickly to the dungeon to be investigated. Killian personally killed Sophia, the maid who tortured Edith, who spouted harsh words even when Killian held the axe. The rest of the family die by guillotine.

    There was no particular event that clearly made everyone aware of Lizzie's crimes. However, after Lizzie was rules to have hurt herself to blame Edith, the family (namely Cliff and the Duke, duchess is unaware) began to re-investigate the happenings in the house with an unbiased view of Lizzie. All of the cases were ruled against Lizzie. Cliff, bewildered, asked her but she began to feign amnesia, saying the trauma of the execution made her act volatile and caused her to shut her memories off. When the duke questioned her, she replied, "I don't know. I have no idea." After this thought, when Edith and Lizzie talked, she admits to her crimes but was never revealed with certainty to the family. Edith tells her to live like herself and Lizzie did. People began to hate the "new" Lizzie and the Duchal couple often sighed. The duchy was no longer happy but bleak. Cliff and her also began to fight which caused Cliff to seek alcohol at nights. In the side stories, she has her own POV and her old rimes within the duchy where overshadowed by her new crimes.
  13. sssssleigh

    sssssleigh Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2021
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    AHHAHAHA this is honestly so funny. The fact that you guys can't even think the situation thoroughly and let your guys' emotions AGAIN, and call ML trash when his reactions are understandable is way too funny. At this point, I'm not even mad anymore. This is too hilarious.

    1. You guys are mad that ML has his first love. Oh no! :blobfearful: a perfectly normal circumstance is happening to the ML. He has a first love before marrying FL. Boo-hoo.

    Honestly. Stop acting like y'all never liked other people before y'all found y'all's S/O (if you guys have any).

    2. ML doesn't treat FL good cause of Edith's actions before she isekai'd.
    Yet you guys would trashtalk or curse someone with bad attitude. You guys would K*LL ML in your minds if you guys could. Cause of what? His bad personality? Bunch of hypocrites. Ofcourse ML would not treat FL good (at first). You guys are doing it. Why can't he?

    3. ML does learns his mistakes and makes it up to FL. He becomes supportive of her and believes her after he got to know her better. And he's a more good of a person than the likes of you who doesn't believe in character development.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2023
  14. Yume-sama

    Yume-sama Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2021
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    Answer to the point 1.
    I don't hate him because he having a first love. He can have it. But after you married, you shouldn't neglet your wife and go out your first love to date, that is just disgusting
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2023
  15. Deaf Bunny

    Deaf Bunny Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2021
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    It really baffles me sometimes that people just don’t have the patience for characters to flesh out. They always want a perfect character that suit exactly their taste at like, chapter 1. And proceed to complain how much of a Mary Sue/Gary Stu the MCs have become, and how the story had gone stale. I mean, DUH, the story had been completed in the first few chaps, there’s no more real stories to tell! Of course it would go stale! Even in rl, real people change, so life is never boring. Even in that novel I recommended, I’ve seen people complaining how the FL is so effing boring and doesn’t do anything after reading chapter 8. It’s effing literally chapter 8! This is a 200+ chapter novel! What did you expect in like 8 chapters?!!! A massive info dump?!!! WW3?!! An apocalyptic event?!!! Then what? A repetitive cycle for the rest of the 192+ chapters?!!
    It’s kinda sad, that some people nowadays can’t appreciate well-written character development. I doubt they even know what it means. It’s even worse when it comes to SMLs. :facepalm:
  16. Queenofmirth

    Queenofmirth More than a Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2021
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    The name nailed the story so well. It is NOT a common possession.
    The author is there, inside OGFL's body, using it, using everyone around her, to play make-believe. Taking away from people, mainly from ML, their free will so that they are nothing more than flat characters condemned to conform to their pre-established roles.
    So is Lizzie the OGFL? NO. Lizzie is the author and the author is the villainess.
    I would say it was a great idea to an isekied-into-a-story plot, and based on @jjaggii 's spoilers it seems it was well executed.

    It has been used the cliche trope: 2ML married to the villainess
    It has been used post-cliche-critique trope: 2ML who hasn't any kind of chance with FL doesn't treat his actual wife with basic respect
    And it has been used the critique of how roles in a story can imprison the characters in dull behaviors, and how authors who want to live their fantasies can create internet universes that sacrifice some characters just to glorify others, which leads to stories that can be unappealing.
    It could be intentional or not, but it is what I saw.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2023
  17. ladyescalante

    ladyescalante Member

    Apr 5, 2023
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    Omg Thank you
    can you give any spoil about the cute or romantic moments between Edith and ML?
  18. roseO

    roseO Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2019
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    Honestly, I hated the ML when I read the first couple of chapters of the manwha. But instead of dropping it, I looked for the novel out of curiosity and I completely changed my mind. Usually, I don't have the time or patience to read overused cliché novels, but the author had the writing talent to make this one interesting and to keep the reader wanting for more, imho. The MCs have a lot of obstacles to overcome and as you read, you can't help rooting for them every step of the way.

    Unfazed by Killian's unusual orders, the maid a moment later prepared a bathtub by the window of Killian's room with two other maids.

    As they covered the side of the tub with coverings, prepared towels and robes, and walked away with a on his head, Killian, stretching widely, pulled the blankets off and hugged me.

    "Well, you can walk......."

    "I know."

    "Oh... yes......."

    Facing such a moment in the bright sunlight was a shame, apart from what happened at night.

    I didn't know where to put my hands and eyes, so I buried my face in my hands.

    His heart heaved and he heard a low laugh.

    It felt like it was gripping and shaking my heart.

    "If it's too hot, speak."

    He picked me up and slowly slipped into the tub.


    As I slipped into the hot tub, I let out a satisfied groan of my own accord.

    I heard a small chuckle.

    "The first night I was sitting in the tub by myself, dozing off, and I guess I like bathing in the tub quite a bit?"

    "Oh, haha, yes, what......."

    Killian gently washed me, who couldn't resist anything, and wiped me back with a towel.

    "You'd better get some rest for a few days."

    "I guess ... I should."

    I even washed myself after a passionate night, but I didn't know how he felt about me.

    He didn't seem to be crazy, so he wouldn't suddenly say he loved me, and maybe what he had been holding back towards Rize had exploded.

    It was a big hit for Rize, but it wasn't miserable. That was when he was a man of his level.

    I'm doing this with the most handsome and sexy guy by my standards, and I can't hate that.

    I don't expect anything emotionally from this guy, but my heart melts because he's strangely sweet today, melt.

    'What a change compared to my wedding day, when I didn't want to touch my fingertips.'

    I remembered him putting the ring on with a face as hard as stone, and I laughed sheepishly.

    He dried my hair thoroughly, dressed me in a spit, and had a maid outside summon Anna.

    "You seem to have a little fever, so as soon as you get back to your room, put on the blanket well and rest."

    "Yes, thank you."

    We looked at each other and mumbled, feeling like we needed to say something more, and then we parted.

    I returned to my room unnoticed by Anna who had picked me up, but I couldn't comprehend the whole sequence of events from last night and earlier.
    Th.ay, rtmwng, VelvetColors and 51 others like this.
  19. Sirena82

    Sirena82 Active Member

    Sep 15, 2022
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    After reading the spoilers, this one is hard to accept really. Usually I’m ok with stories of a modern person taking over a character in a story because we know there is a good reason and even if there is a lot of suffering, they get a happy ending of their own at the end. But this one, there were 11-12 girls who had a horrible life on earth, yet they were sacrificed like this in this story. I’m not ok with that really. These were 11-12 souls that no one cared for. It was like they were treated like trash and discarded on a whim of a crazy writer who is obsessed with being the main female and is just a disgusting person. Who gave such a person the ability to bring poor and suffering souls to a story to give them more suffering and kill them in the end.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2023