Spoiler Fakes Don’t Want To Be Real

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Dec 31, 2021.

  1. ShoujoBro

    ShoujoBro Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    im sorry but why is lillian a villain here? Like she might be an asshole but idk who in this house isnt, if this was from her POV we'd all be cheering her on as she got revenge for getting sacrificed. I think she just tried to survive the same as psyche, shouldn't the two have realized they were both fucked over by these twats? it seems like everyone in this family is a self-serving asshole, and its sadly true that often the two victims would rather turn on each other, than face the actual abuser...

    i dont think they should be like. friends or anything. but does anyone know if they at least leave each other alone in this timeline?
  2. Ltbeast

    Ltbeast Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2021
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    So some spoilers, some corrections and some assumptions until chapter 33
    It appears that her "Father" and "brothers" were originally not from that family. The imperial family (mostly crown prince) falsely accused the original family killed them off and latter placed the "Father" as the new head who has no blood relationship with them. MC is from the original family bloodline and was born from the princess (unknown if the family princess or imperial family but I think the family) and she has an aunt the ice witch who just found out that she is alive and some people who are maybe still loyal to the family. Now her "Father" told somone in the palace somthing and MC got attacked.
    Her power is never melting ice (or something similar) and her fated lover is somone with unquenchable flame.
    ML has to take the drug to suppress it and take another drug to remove to toxic things because MC was not there.
    For MC she doesn't need it but was brainwashed into drinking it and it greatly suppressed her powers and her health dropped. And can't be sure maybe her powers are too strong for her or maybe that headache is the manifestation sign before supreesion.

    Their powers are a gift from the 1 Emperor because he asked tte Gods to remove his powers and distributate to 4 family. But for some families latter on that gift is worst than a curse.
    She was tortured in the imperial dungeon when she was very young and brainwashed to believe that her power was cursed. Than her father "saved" her and continued to brainwash so she won't rebel but treated like trash so she could beg and try to win their love.
    It was said that somone with his power would be dead sooner or latter without the partner so maybe he just didn't want to bother he didn't dislike her but did not love but when he knew she has that power it changed. Originally he thought that her powers were already lost and the owner killed.
    It's one of the thing I like in this novel that she doesn't just stay or leave right away but has to break the Engagement so she couldn't be tracked and could escape.
    Her engagement ring can track her emotions and lactation and can't be removed until some sacred ceremony.
    The imperial family got what they wanted and she was now useless so she was falsely accused by her lily sister (she even tries to do something similar now). ML who realised his feelings and her power came and killed them off as he cried that MC died.
    Someone attacked MC with original forbidden magic that was said to be destroyed. His Majesty is with them and he tried to hide her powers from MC. He tries to crate immortality linage a spell and he needs MC powers and he can't kill her because she is the last of her direct bloodline. Forbidden magic animal are blood is very bad compared with children.

    She was jealous of her in 1 and 2 time and did and tried to frame her and put MC down the ladder. And as we seen she talk agains MC so her reputation went down also, helped to bully MC+.

    And she was already sacrificed and dead I think but somehow got resurrected and went back to the family (lily sister).
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2023
  3. ShoujoBro

    ShoujoBro Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    ahh, truth in television. yeah, victims will often try to yank the chain on each other than try and survive at the same time. still, its not like she's a spoiled brat who got everything she wanted and attacked FL for no reason, i think she's entitled to being A Little Fucked Up after being killed by her parents. sometimes people dont a choice in whether or not they become a villain.
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  4. Ltbeast

    Ltbeast Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2021
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    I think it's not parents but just father. And it was mentioned latter on that before she was brought back she was very greedy so she won't stand someone who shares the same position. She also now tries to harm MC.
    She was left in the wilderness with the necklace. (Basically to get rid of it)
    She joined underground guild.
    Has bad reputation before she found her family.
    And she is now a bit of fanatic because she thinks that whatever she does the necklace will protect her.

    Some spoiler until chapter 71
    She has a genetic fear of winter, how they can go mad if they stay it for long and her "family" doesn't they don't even know that.
    Her memories are locked up with black magic and whenever she tries to remember from where she knows thing that only the original family knew or when they tell her the whole truth she gets a headache and faints afterwards forgets the conversation. And the only way to get rid of it is to kill the one who placed it on MC or find the exact mechanism (found the mechanism).

    MC doesn't know even her original name.
    Appearantly it wasn't a poisoned necklace but a protective necklace for the baby (presumably MC) and not the emperess but the family head that would have been loyal to the MC family lied and helped them be accused.
    The necklace is in hands of lily sister she had all along and tried to create a fake so she can keep it.
    The Duke delayed MC awakening by suppressing her gift so the emperor engage MC and ML so that MC could aweken. He probably tried to delay so he could get more benefits.
    Her brothers hate her because she is better than them and love lily sister because she is worst than them not because of blood.
    Her second brother has ties with the cult (forbidden magic)
    One says that basically the emperor will get dethroned or killed. The other how I get it MC will root (how happened in 1 life).

    The oracle happened when lily sister went to check her ability but it turned pich black.
    He remembers the first life because of his family gift to transfer memory. He told MC to go back because of his mistake he got lily sister back home and now he will most likely loose both (something). And told MC what happened after her dead +-.
    Emperor said to ML to brake the engagement to MC and he will send her to very remote and hasrh climate (winter) kingdom on pretext of strengthen the relationship but ML refused.
    That kingdom with her genetics is basically tell her to commit suicide.
    So how it was spoiled the attacked happened but the target were the children. Something unexpected happened because of Mc engagement ring and basically spiled their plans.
    The crowns are (how I presume) devine creatures and one of them gave her a blessing (they can only give 1 a person) because like ML, MC smelled like winter.
    MC god and the crows god are different so she as a side affect turned into the size of the doll and there are still many cute interactions.
    For major spoilers thats it. Cute moments go read it yourself.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2023
  5. Elisee

    Elisee Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2021
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    Spoiler about fl and ml cute moments, please :blob_plusone:
  6. Ltbeast

    Ltbeast Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2021
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    When she turned to doll size we ups and downs she was basically forced to wear a bell on her nech so she will be noticed (doll sized, doll dress, bell), he ordered a desk size painting to be made. When she found out he still has is on his desk he teased her and placed out of her reach.

    Or when ML told to MC to put on the bell and said she would look adorable.

    When she traveled he puts her in his pocket and with his fingers touches her hair, when she sleep her cheeks.

    When the carriage shook and she felt on him he said sweet words and teased.

    It's not a cute moment but still funny :
    He bough entire storage room of gifts to Mc but said it was his hobby to collect popular female stuff, so MC though even if it's strange and doesn't fit him she should stay silent and support him (this misunderstanding deepens latter).

    There are other too but that what I'm willing to share . But ML is quite proactive but when it needs to be straight forward and tell her he is like 'oh I don't like it but in the heart yes, yes and yes!'
    Will spoiler when the translator translates more (if I remember) because 1. don't have the raws 2. lazy to read mtl. 3. Reading other stuff
  7. beazacha

    beazacha Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Because she plotted not once but twice to frame and kill someone who did nothing to her? The MC always left her alone, but if Lilian is dead set into targeting her conflict is unavoidable. She isn't the villain cause that's the Emperor but she's an antagonist force because she decided her problems would be solved by punching down the "fake" everybody already mistreated rather of revenge on her father. She's also a victim,but that doesn't change the fact that Lilian have a bad personality just like her brothers.
  8. CreativeCriticalThinker

    CreativeCriticalThinker Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    Thanks for giving us the long awaited spoilers.
    A FL having the water/ice attribute to conveniently calm down ML's uncontrollable flame/fire magic reminds me of The Evil's Lady Hero + The Heroine Wants Me As Her Sister-in-Law + Scorching Romance (Genderbend).
    The trope where the ML notices & becomes attracted to you because you aren't clingy shy anymore and have the gift to fix/help him, bothers me.

    Can I assume the Evil Royal Family/Crown Prince seeking immortality / eternal life also died at the end?
    Also reminds me of the Antagonist Emperor wanting to stay young & live forever in:
    • The Archmage's Daughter
    • Crimson Karma
    • The Young Supporter of Darkness
    • I Decide My Husband
    • Sister, In This Life, I’ve Become The Queen
    • Sigrid
    • Protecting The Witch's Son
      Hakushaku to Yousei / Earl and Fairy

    FanRom Stories are often about a reincarnated or regressed Heroine reclaiming her rightful place/privileges and getting the most powerful high-ranking husband.
    And the crazy dumb White Lotus Bitch has to be there to make the Heroine look more pitiful, sympathetic and smarter.
    If characters were to blame the actual culprit/Trash Father or CP Emperor, that would make them actually intelligent and self-aware. But the narrative won't allow that because everything has to be about the Leading Power Couple that carries the melodramatic plot.
    It's an easy cheap tool/plot device to depict the FMC more special than she already is in Fantasy Melodramaland.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2023
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  9. Skite

    Skite Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2020
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    The story is set in a standard, fantasy universe kingdom where there is a King who has special powers, and then four major ruling families who each preside in a cardinal direction (North, South, East, or West) and each have special powers of their own (such as fire, ice, etc.) Typically, there will be one standout member of each family who inherits truly extraordinary powers, and they become the next head, though others in the family will have lesser powers in the same trait.

    Nothing we haven't seen before.

    In this world, they worship the god of "fate", who supposedly allows you a second chance if you were born to achieve greatness and fail (which is why our MC is reborn). There is a temple, who can do both paternity tests using hair and blood samples, as well as test for the presence of these special, heritable traits, which grant automatic belonging to one of these families.

    Our main character, Psyche, is of the Silkisia family. They rule in the warm South, have Ice mage skills, and all have silver hair.
    Our male lead, Verndia, is of the Lestier family. They rule in the cold North, have Fire mage skills, and have black hair.

    What happened: the king has gotten tired of the balance of power and wants it to skew his way. To do that, he needs to start removing the ruling families. But, he cannot be blatant about it. If he targets or attacks one in an obvious way, the other three will step in to enforce the balance of power.

    First, when the current king was still a crown prince, the royal family took out the Reas Duchy, by having the Queen accuse them of attempted assassination by means of the Keitan, (poison-prick necklace.) They are executed for treason. Once king, he later searched out the remaining distant branch members living in hiding, and "restored" the Reas family by hand picking a "a man who was quick-witted and excellent in worldly wisdom" from among those he found. He was lauded as so good and great and balanced for doing so, but in reality, the guy is useless/ indebted to the king.

    Well, if it worked once, why not again? Next was to destroy the Silkisia family in an "accident", and replace them with fakes. The other three families don't object, because, while sad, they believe the Silkisia family is being continued with legitimate members. Duke Logan and his children are these fakes. They get to take a place at the top of the social and power hierarchy, and the king gets a crippled duchy with the next heirs passing along impotent, powerless genes.

    To keep the King's options open, the youngest true born daughter, Psyche Silkisia, was kept alive.

    I'm sure there were many options and plans for using her as a tool. While extremely young, think toddler age, Psyche was imprisoned and psychologically tortured to the point where using her powers would trigger trauma. She was then handed over to the fake duke to keep in check.

    Duke Logan is quite the enterprising scumbag. He disposed of his own biological daughter. And he is absolutely masterful at manipulating the young Psyche and keeping her trampled, yet desperate for approval. His sons are pretty useless, and neither knows that they are fakes or fully why they need to keep Psyche under their thumbs, though the older son has at least been looped in that it is a vital task.

    It does seem they ultimately settled on using Psyche as a way to bring down the Lestier family. There was a prophesy that indicated the flame users would match with the ice, and be stronger than ever, overthrow the baddies, save the kingdom, etc. Standard prophecy stuff. The king wanted to prevent both this prophecy and cripple the Lestiers.

    Verndia Lestiers, while extremely powerful, is also very, very unstable. He must try to maintain the utmost mental and emotional control in order to prevent his flame from bursting into chaos and consuming everything around him. Only when his counterpart (Psyche) awakens and matches with him, will he fully awaken his own powers and gain control.

    To keep Verndia unstable, and to prevent Psyche from ever gaining strength, steps were taken to prevent Psyche from ever fully awakening. She was given poisonous tea to interrupt her powers, traumatized into never wanting them, named an adopted orphan, so no one would even think she had powers or attempt to teach her, and they had magicians seal her mana. Psyche was kept weak, which made Verndia dangerously volatile.

    To further destabilize Verndia, monsters from the South were also captured and released in the North, where flame powers would make them stronger. The fake Silkisias and the king also refuse to send him any help.

    In the first timeline, Verndia gets fatally cursed/ injured while attempting to steal the Keitan. This makes the plan to wreck the weakened Verndia through the monsters moot, and means Psyche is no longer necessary.

    They probably would have kept her around longer, just because she's useful as an admin, but the Duke's kids, who do not know the full pictures, pushed the issue, and the Duke didn't feel like continuing.

    As for Lillian, she is not the sweet innocent she presents herself as. She was dumped as a toddler on purpose by her father and had a rough upbringing amongst very bad people. She wants her cushy position back, and can be petty, malicious, manipulative, and murderous under her surface. Like her older brothers, she has little to no inkling about Psyche's true importance.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2023
  10. Desperate

    Desperate Desperate for spoilers <( °-° )>

    Mar 13, 2021
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    So what do you think she is? A victim? A victim who really tried to "kill" someone... And that someone never even touch her. I don't understand your point. But I do believe that everyone in the family is shit but let's not exclude lilian the main one who frame fl and that led to her death :D
    Laerta, Lily Valley, Chunin and 7 others like this.
  11. Priyyaa

    Priyyaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    So by any chance do you happen to know how that fucking emperor died?
    zozoshawky likes this.
  12. MissEva

    MissEva Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2021
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    She maybe the emperor's victim , but FL is also her victim
    She wasn't simply trying to protect herself, she tried to ruin other
    And believe me even if she was the FL , we won't root for her unless she somehow retorted the facts and made mc the bad guy
    A crime is a crime , i would kill someone who said i tried to kill him , why not make that person claims into reality ‍♀️
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  13. Amethyst-Dreams

    Amethyst-Dreams New Member

    Apr 21, 2023
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    Spoilers for when people found out who psyche actually is? Like, when they discovered her powers and all that
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  14. peach.pudin

    peach.pudin Purin

    Jan 19, 2021
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    Do u forgot the fact that lillian framed the mc to get her killed?
  15. pompuru

    pompuru Active Member

    Dec 26, 2019
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    honestly i would be like that too if i was f*cking KILLED AND SACRIFICED by my own family.
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  16. Priyyaa

    Priyyaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    Well, I hope u understand that the reason she came back wasn't for revenge or anything but rather it was for the comforts of luxurious life. She is fighting some innocent girl who herself wasn't treated fairly and blamed MC for all her misfortunes, and for taking her place. It's not like MC took her place but rather they took and captured her place. She should have joined hands in thrashing the family together but look at her, she Was busy thrashing someone else, rather than going for the one who abandoned her in the first place. It was her father who abandoned her. I can understand her hatred but she was directing it the wrong way.
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  17. ShoujoBro

    ShoujoBro Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    oh no she didnt react to being murdered by her father in the 'right way' its almost as if there was a traumatic event that would have realistically altered her priorities and mental development or something. like im not saying she's a saint just that this is exactly the kind of novel that one of those 'i transmigrated into the villainess' stories would be based off, where you think that no reasonable person would have not been on the villainess's side in the original story but here we are.
  18. Priyyaa

    Priyyaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    I know that her mentality and trauma is not something I should talk about cz it was her who suffered that and not me but I still hope that u understand that MC in this story didn't do anything wrong by punishing her. First of all why should she be the one to pay for her father's crime of abandoning his daughter. It's not like MC did anything to her yet she was killed by her. Would you just let the person who killed u go just like that just bcz of her twisted mentality of wanting all the things she lost back rather than getting revenge on the person who made her suffer when she was young. It was her fault to begin with, that she directed her hatred on the wrong person. I can not only sympathize but also empathize her hatred of being abandoned but, I can't support her twisted mentality of taking back things she lost from an innocent person and not trying to wring the neck of her bastard family.
    R0saliaarctic likes this.
  19. ShoujoBro

    ShoujoBro Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    see this is the issue with a lot of discussion around webnovels i dont think i ever said a word on the FL, only that its sad that the villainess took her vengeance out on her and not the father. If i did feel free to rub it in my face tho, because if i did I was definitely wrong. My initial question was that of someone who hadn't sifted through all the spoilers yet, and was genuinely asking if the 'villainess' was just a bystander or not. The more i learned about her situation the more understandable I thought she was, understandable being the key word, not 'right.' I then went on to comment that this is incredibly common in abuse cases, and its sad. Victims of hardcore abuse have their reasoning significantly disabled, and will jump through hoops to blame other victims instead of their abusers. (this is why i hate those hardcore abuse survivor saintess stories where shes just so poised and kind because of what she went through, when the severity of her suffering would have realistically given her a personality disorder)

    I think a lot of people look at the stakes in these novels as metaphorical. Read about enough 'tyrant' MLs and it becomes easy to overlook each time he kills a woman just because she was mean to his girlfriend. you start to view hardcore violence on the same level as someone bullying you in highschool (which is also bad, but you can forgive your highschool bully in some circumstances, you cannot forgive someone who made a rational, thought out attempt on your life) so when people complain that a girl who was murdered by her father should just 'have the sense to know its not FLs fault!!!' they forget that like. she doesnt HAVE sense. of course her mind would be so shattered by that event that she'd reduce to a childlike state that only wants stuff to fill the void in her heart. that kind of wound doesnt just get better on its own, and i dont think its unreasonable to view the villainess as a drowning child who had no real choice in who she would become.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2023
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  20. Priyyaa

    Priyyaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    I really didn't want to escalate the discussion on this part but I never said that I don't understand her situation. I even empathize with her since she was extremely young to experience that but I just said that I can't support the path she took. It's simply that I wanted her character to change her means and thrash her father rather than MC. I didn't want to get into meaningless fights over opinions when even I myself understand that her hatred and her personality wasn't her choice but it was her choice to kill an innocent person rather than the man who harmed her. That's all the more reason I can't forgive her. I do feel bad for her but she brought it upon herself. I don't see any reason for MC to forgive her when she herself isn't ready to let go off MC even after knowing that everything that she thought belonged to her was something that belonged MC all along and that her family were the thieves who took everything belonging to her for granted.
    lan2001h and Melita_H like this.