Spoiler I Thought It Was A Common Possession

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Naenia, Apr 4, 2023.

  1. YuviellaHart

    YuviellaHart Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    I just wanna see a chapter where the Duke, Duchess and that ogML apologize properly to FL. Does it even exist?
    ZERO_Eight, Kid_ and zozoshawky like this.
  2. rubyizek

    rubyizek Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2022
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    Why is ogNovel's "ogVillainess" is usually a fiancee or wife that the ML cheated her on, with the ogFL?
    The number 1 villain should be the ML who cheated, and the number 2 villain should be the ogFL who doesn't keep a distance from married/engage man.
    Sure maybe ogML is forced to marry the ogVillainess but shouldn't he take care of the relationship (breakoff/divorce) before he starts ogling ogFL?
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2023
  3. rubyizek

    rubyizek Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2022
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    I hope Lizzie died in monastery, then isekaied over and over again to suffer in no-controlled plot for 12 times, as consolation for the 12 lost souls. She's basically a murderer of 12 Ediths.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2023
  4. Aguni_Erina

    Aguni_Erina Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2017
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    for the OgML he did apologize sincerely.. i think it's in side story but for the duke... haven't read it.. it was just being said by killian that they were sorry to edith and that the duke couple added more gold coins, gold bars, and furs for killian n Edith when they go down to their estate...
    Tem, snzzykitten, Hnnh_Mirai and 4 others like this.
  5. Wangjia

    Wangjia Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2020
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    About duke Apology it wasn't mentioned clearly, I was said that he was sorry for doubting her. And yes OG ML apologized in the Second last chapter in Chapter 155 . When Edith and Killain took their son to met with Their Family .
    Tem, Korelou, snzzykitten and 4 others like this.
  6. heiler

    heiler Active Member

    Sep 18, 2019
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    Does anyone know if there is a temporary maybe?, or an old version of the full novel available? If not that's okay, and I understand that morally there shouldn't be, but asking just in case there is a rogue link since I could read it all at once, as a student with no income, greatly appreciated lol.

    last time someone with a 성스러운 그대 copy saved me the hassle so I'm taking my chances for this one too...:whistle::bloblenny:
  7. Wangjia

    Wangjia Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2020
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    I read from A MTL site :blobwoah:
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  8. heiler

    heiler Active Member

    Sep 18, 2019
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    Oh it's on those too? I wanted to read at my own pace and that might mean,, maybe skipping or like 30+ chapters a day... do they have a lot uploaded?
  9. Selene830

    Selene830 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2021
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    what’s the name of that manga?
    What’s the name of that manga?
  10. Cookiemonster_007isback

    Cookiemonster_007isback I need them cookies

    Jun 30, 2022
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    Dayum what a line..
    TrinaAngel, DOHere and Naenia like this.
  11. Wangjia

    Wangjia Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2020
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    Yes, They uploaded the whole novel , The site is like New_toki. But in Korean so need to read in MTL .

    Edit : There's a chance of the site getting delete and I got a warning to, that's why I deleted the post and will not be sharing it. Hope you guys will understand. And Others have already spoil it if you have any questions just ask will try my best to explain it .. Hope someone will TL it soon :blobsmilehappy:
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2023
    heiler likes this.
  12. Soul of Power

    Soul of Power New Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    Can you pass the link please
  13. Elyriona

    Elyriona Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2018
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    I actually like this story very much. I can’t define why I like it. Well, what I can definitely say I like that there is POV of ML. Usually in most novels there are no ML's POV or it is so short that there is no way to found out the whole picture of ML's character.

    But in this novel I can say that half of the story was FL's POV and another half was ML's POV. So it was quite of refreshing to read ML's POV.

    I can say that ML isn’t such a jerk as many people consider him. Yeah, I agree that at the beginning he behaved rather rude and unfair to FL. But we need not to forget that he was under control of author aka orgFL.

    It was surprising that he began to get out of orgFL's control almost at the begging of the story. FL didn’t even meet first restriction, but ML already began to fall in love with FL. And they even spent night together rather fast considering ML's attitude toward FL at the beginning (Ch 28-29).

    If we measure the time from the beginning of ML and FL marriage till their departure to their new territory, it was about 1 year (Ch 129). So development of their relationship was very speedy. Some of people may wonder how ML can have physical relationship with FL while loving orgFL.

    But in his POV he said that he accepted this marriage because he already knew that orgML didn’t love him (Ch 33, ch 72). Although he did not give up his feelings for orgFL yet (because of this damn control), he already decided to accept FL after their first night. He already planned to take FL to their new territory after receiving new title (Chapter 33).

    While reading this novel and especially ML's POV I sensed that ML didn’t love orgFL as woman, rather he treated her as his younger sister. If we compare his attitude to FL and orgFL, then it was clear that ML saw FL as the woman. Although he did call her vulgar he was already confused by her behaviour that was so different than he expected (Ch 133).

    He couldn’t keep distance from FL, so he would come and argue with her excusing himself as to warn her not to do something “strange”. He did say her many harsh words, but every time he said them and got counterattack from FL, he felt pain from her words (Ch 28). And every time he tried to think about her he got headache (because of control). But nevertheless he did try his best to understand FL.

    I can describe his development in three stages:
    1. You are not in position to compare with Lizzie, you are snake, not a person (Ch 12)
    2. You are beautiful as Lizzie (Ch 84)
    3. You are prettier than Lizzie (Ch 134)

    Of course I don’t refer that he liked only FL's appearance, but it showed how he changed his attitude toward FL. In the end the main story he was even ready to kill orgFL (Ch 126), and treated her very cold when he knew that orgFL tried to frame FL (Ch 123).

    He was so in love with FL, that when he knew that FL could be traitor he rushed to find her first. He wanted secretly to take her to their estate and have child with her, so that his father and brother couldn’t oppose their relationship ever if FL was really culprit. (Ch 116)

    While reading novel I had the feeling that they had many hot nights together)))))) It was around the time when Ludwig family prepared for royal ball. I think they could spend more passionate nights together earlier if it wasn’t for poisoning and drowning incidents when FL needed the time to recover. ML himself admitted several times that he felt desire for FL. (Ch 18; 31; 48; 58; 61; 70; 83; 95; 102; 103; 133) But as he said he wasn’t “beast” who would be swayed by desire when FL was in pain. (Ch 48; 95)

    I could tell that he always cared about FL when he realised his feelings for FL. In fact I could say that Edith (FL) was the precious gift for Killian (ML). Considering his role as sub male lead and being second son he always felt inferiority complex seeing Lizzie (orgFL) and Cliff (his brother aka orgML) relationship.

    But in his POV (Ch 58) he admitted that when he was with Edith he doesn’t need to worry about it, because “Edith was the woman for Killian, only for him”. At the day when they went on their first date to opera, everything was new for Edith. When Killian wanted to apologise for modest date but found out that it was first time Edith experienced everything at that day and it was “the great thing” for her, he felt satisfied because he felt that he monopolised her. Of course at the same time he realised that it was very strange that everything was first for Edith.

    Killian also has new experience with Edith when he bought her gifts. At that day upon Lizzie's request he and Lizzie went to buy things for Lizzie, but Killian didn’t pay attention to her, he was just polite to her. What he wanted was to buy something Edith. He eventually admitted that flashy and mature things suit FL, so he decided to buy everything that catch his eye. When he gave presents to Lizzie she always apologised, although he thought it her modesty was pretty. But when Killian gave presents to Edith and she accepted them with joy and thanked him with all her heart he felt much happier with her reaction. (Ch 68)

    Sometimes it reminds some dialogue from The Runway
    I am not telling that Killian literally wanted to die when he had feelings for Lizzie, but I think his life was pretty meaningless especially when he realised that Lizzie preferred Cliff over him. But when Edith appeared in his life she gave him hope and purpose in his life. Precisely because of that he was in hurry to went to new territory given to him by his father. He wanted to begin new life with Edith.

    Surely, I don’t completely defend Killian, at the beginning of their marriages he said so many hurtful words and insulted Edith so harshly, that I sometimes wanted that Edith would rather end up with another guy with nice personality. But when I read their sweet moments (and there are many of them) I can’t help but forgive him.
    Last edited: May 1, 2023
  14. Aguni_Erina

    Aguni_Erina Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2017
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    agreed... at least he really showed his regret and often getting angry at himself with his initial behavior to edith... beside he is very active in defending Edith...

    unlike other ML's whos is more like a baggage with little EQ for the Female Lead to carry through along the story... and author want the reader to feel the need to pardon these ML's because of their heavy amd gloomy past.. Lol XD..

    Killian whitewashing is realistic and the only one who need to be laughed at, is Cliff and the Duke... they gave the heirloom necklace to Lize to wear... and then must face the consequences of Lize's action full of selfishness and narcissism being tied to their name... when they realized that they've been fooled all this time.. cliff can't divorce her.. it's just pure luck that they can evade a bigger future mistake incurred by lize because the emperor's decreed to annuled cliff and lize's marriage... and yes it was thanks to edith being generous as well...
  15. girlwhocriedwolf

    girlwhocriedwolf Active Member

    Jun 21, 2021
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  16. deskynowsky

    deskynowsky Member

    Apr 30, 2023
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    I really like this manhwa and sadly not many TL of the webnovel so far. So I thank you all to updates any chapters from the webnovel, really appreciate (y) have been really looking forward to it