Spoiler Wish Upon a Husband

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Jul 11, 2021.

  1. tifftiff2121

    tifftiff2121 Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2021
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  2. Cookiemonster_007isback

    Cookiemonster_007isback I need them cookies

    Jun 30, 2022
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    Thank you for sharing this. Now I remember why exactly I dropped this novel and how weird and frustrating the novel I found lol.

    I definitely was exhausted by them, not because of their antics, but because they felt like a useless character to me. They frustrated me a lot and Priya in the end was behaving like nothing happened or somehow she was made to look like some kind of angelic person, as for Badil, he was just a simp. He couldn't get his master to stop treating the madame of the house like a pest given the reason he was very loyal to the master who saved his life but wanted to leave and follow Priya in a heartbeat at the end. I think he was also the one who kind of reasoned with his master to 'let Priya go'.
    Atleast that's how I remember the novel was. Sorry if there are some ups and downs.

    One thing I definitely know about the novel was, after Priya went away, suddenly the husband turned 180° and even proposed the female lead to marry him again. He kind of saw her as 'oh, I think I can live the rest of my life with her cause atleast she is a good woman who'll take care of me', the audacity, I'm glad he was turned down.

    All in all, for such a plot, this novel was surely very long.

    If someone wants to read this novel, I can guide you to the raws (and please drop the clear spoilers as well).
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2023
  3. peach.pudin

    peach.pudin Purin

    Jan 19, 2021
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    more spoilers about priya and the cheating husband, also about how the male lead reacts after he finds out he is the second husband lol
    solivagantsoul and drikamichiura like this.
  4. tammilicious

    tammilicious Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2021
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  5. ValReads

    ValReads Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    It's disgusting that your only comment is about a woman who is a third-party and not the actual cheater in the relationship - the husband. Aka the man who is actually at fault for everything. Why are you not mentioning that HE doesn't deserve a happy ending? And he didn't even get any vengeance or grief either. Nope, I don't count some leftover regret that he doesn't have a woman to coddle him while he rolls around in money as enough punishment for cheating.

    Priya didn't do anything to seduce the husband AND she was also in a disadvantageous position. Frankly, if he insisted on having her, it's not even certain that she would have been able to resist him in any ways other than run away and start her life anew elsewhere. Like, you know, what happened to women historically (and even now). Why on earth would she make her own circumstances even worse when accepting does give her a chance to lead a better life for some time in one of the very few ways which are accessible to her? Especially since FL isn't even her bestest friend or anything to try so hard.

    Literally THE ONLY party at fault for cheating is the cheater who couldn't keep it in his pants. Because the target of cheating could have been anyone and the only thing that matters is the cheater's choice to cheat.
  6. KiwiBear

    KiwiBear Active Member

    Mar 5, 2023
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    Did....did you actually read the manga?
    She DID seduce the husband AND she doesn't love him, she's using him. I agree the husband does not deserve a happy end but she is not a victim and is most definitely at fault.
  7. ValReads

    ValReads Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Again, the ONLY one at fault for cheating is the cheater. If the husband never had the intention to cheat, he wouldn't. It doesn't even matter whether he is seduced or not so long; his actions are HIS responsibility alone.

    And what I detest is the double standards. I wouldn't have minded if she was just a little scolded and most of the hate went to the husband... but as you can see from some of the comments above, they hate and blame HER first, and barely mention the husband. Even though her fault is like just 5 per cent tops and she IS a redeemable character who also potentially can have a redemption arc and her own happiness. Meanwhile, there is not much negativity towards the husband who is ENTIRELY at fault and who frankly deserves far more suffering than what he actually got in the novel.
  8. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    The blame went to Pria because she was the one who approached and seduced the husband. This situation has nothing to do with power dynamics and a girl being taken advantage of. She knew that the guy is married, so she is an affair partner, because she knew a married man is cheating on his wife, her actual master, with her, a maid.

    Pria was the one who has made the first step and approached the husband for her own hidden motives, so of course she deserves to be condemned. Everyone wants to have a better life, but it’s not an excuse to go against society norms or laws. If a person commits a crime or is unfair, rude or scheming then they deserve a punishment equal to their misconduct.

    The victim card doesn’t work in this case and it’s very strange to see someone defending Pria just because she’s a woman.
  9. ValReads

    ValReads Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    I'm not sure whether your braincells are working at full power today (or ever) but it seems not. Again, I didn't say she is entirely blameless - but her fault is minimal and it's definitely redeemable. It's a crime to have an affair (which the husband is guilty of) but it's not a crime to sleep with a guy or woman while being unattached (which Priya is). It can be somewhat frowned upon but it's NOT monstrous or heinous, and it's definitely legal until she commits an actual crime like killing the wife. So, sure, she can have a very LIGHT punishment to fit the crime (because, y'know, she literally didn't do anything illegal or physically hurtful to anyone) but it's definitely not something like the misogynistic idiot I quoted in the first place said, i.e. "sHE doEsN't DesERVe HapPinESS".

    Once again, the main culprit and the ACTUAL cheater is the husband. Literally the only thing that matters is his actions. IF he didn't want to cheat and cared about the FL, he could have just fired Priya. Or just made her have another schedule where he would never be in her presence. Or sent her away to some other place to work. Or, if nothing worked and she stalked him, just had her arrested. That's literally all it would have taken. But he CHOSE to cheat and he is the only one responsible for that choice.

    And I care about defending her because 1) it's misogynistic as hell to only focus on the woman instead of the actual cheater, 2) I resent this BS double standard that when a man cheats with a woman, the woman is blamed. But when a woman cheats with a man, the man usually doesn't get any hate at all unless he commits other severe crimes (with the exception of some male power trip fantasies I guess, aka stallion harem novels). Just look at manhwas like Selena, where everyone just hates on FL for cheating despite her valid reasons, but no one resents her male lover; on the contrary, some halfwits literally cheer him on to swindle her and take her fortune
  10. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Wow, so rude!

    While you’re so obsessed with a far-fetched topic of misogyny in this thread you completely ignore that MC is also a woman, and she has suffered this humiliation and heartbreak because of both her husband and Pria.

    The husband didn’t cheat alone, he did it with another person. And that another person has approached him with a resolve to seduce him and make him cheat on his wife. The fact that Pria was single at that time doesn’t change anything.

    She wasn’t a victim of husband’s power abuse, she wasn’t lied to about him not being married, she didn’t accidentally fall in love with her boss.

    She. Has. Planned. It. All.

    Do you think that if her seduction didn’t work she would have left? No, because she had a specific goal that needed an affair with MC’s husband. She would have used love potion or something similar if he didn’t react to her seduction. He did react to her charms which confirms that he’s an AH, but he was an AH even before, because of his attitude. It still doesn’t mean that the blame is only on him, just because he’s a man, and Pria is not at fault, because she’s a woman. She is equally guilty and deserves a bad ending. Not only because of an affair and MC’s broken heart, but also because she’s a criminal who tried to rob MC of her property.
  11. Charlotteoxford

    Charlotteoxford Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2023
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    is this even a debate? Both Pria and the husband are scum.

    One seduced a married man
    One let himself be seduced and cheated on his wife

    The fault lies on both. Idk why you're trying to make Pria seem like a victim.
  12. Euxine

    Euxine Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2018
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    Mistresses should be condemned. Period. Those who defend these skanks probably knows someone who is a mistress (and approve of it) or maybe a paramour herself.
    She destroyed a marriage. And no amount of reasoning can redeem her for that. Whether she's a girl or a weaker party in the affair.

    In our country we have this saying that: if a grain of rice presents itself to a rooster, that rooster will definitely eats it.

    Oh and also spoiler please
  13. ValReads

    ValReads Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    You also don't have a lot of reasoning abilities, do you. Just plain misogyny (internalised or not). It's interesting for you to make a judgement on me when actually I'm extremely against cheating - BUT the only one I condemn is the cheater himself.

    She isn't the one who destroyed the marriage because it could be literally anyone else in her shoes. What destroyed it is the cheating husband - which you seem to lack braincells to comprehend.

    Your country, like most, is extremely sexist. My country has traditional sayings such as 'if he beats you, he loves you' and 'if the b!tch doesn't want it, then the dog won't hump it' which are used to justify abuse and rape. Just because they are old and there are even some repulsive scum who believe them doesn't mean the saying is true.

    I love this thread for increasing my blocking list quite nicely.
    obelian underworld and Reifu like this.
  14. RegisteredToAskAThing

    RegisteredToAskAThing Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2022
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    Aren't you doing the same,but the other way,you are mad because in your pov here only the husband is wrong and the cheater,but you defend Serena when she is the cheater.
    If we use your logic,then the husband in this story shouldn't be at fault,because,you know,he might have his valid reasons to cheat on her,using your logic.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2023
  15. astris

    astris Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2021
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    Just wanted to acknowledge how well you have handled the entire uncalled rudeness on a freaking SPOILER forum. You got your point across without resorting to name calling or being disrespectful. Thank you for the spoilers and for holding your own despite the obvious baiting. You da real mvp :blob_pompom:
  16. ValReads

    ValReads Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    For one, I'm not sure why exactly you're talking about Selena here and not in that story's thread. For me, it was just one example, but here it's your entire message. And as an aside, I do condemn Selena as a cheater (hence one of the reasons I abandoned that story despite the amazing artwork) but I also forgive her on pure principle because literally every other story I've picked up has a cheating man as a male lead (both het and BL included) and most of them are redeemed once they show a smidgen of begging (or sometimes Stockholm Syndrome kicks in and they are just forgiven while staying abusive). So, I've decided to apply the same favour to a female cheater as a change and think that, albeit she's at fault, she can be redeemed.

    Even for the husband, in this story, I've never said I want him dead or never face any happiness lol. But he IS the one who ruined his own marriage and does deserve repercussions for making the choice to cheat on his wife.

    And two, your point about the husband is meaningless when I have mostly been defending Priya aka the mistress. Even IF the husband had his own reasons (which he does not), it doesn't matter in this case anyway because ANY person he cheats with will only have barest minimum of faults
  17. RegisteredToAskAThing

    RegisteredToAskAThing Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2022
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    Maybe because your comments was longer than the bible and mine just were 6 sentences,and only 2 were about the other story,which you brought btw,in fact,I didn't even talk about the other story,I just used your logic,maybe if you didn't bring that example to explain your logic,I wouldn't need to talk about your logic which involves the other story.
    Looks like you are projecting,it's funny,why do stories about men being in love with other men and being everything male related,have,surprise,men cheating with other men :blobscream:
    It's like reading Yuri/GL and thinking,woah,women do really cheat,disgusting.
    What stories are you reading,if I'm reading hentai or smut harem stories,then,thinking woah,it's shocking and surprising, shouldn't be much of a surprise.
    I always wonder if someone can tell the titles of the stories they think of when talking about cheating.
    I've read some stories about woman cheating,and you don't see me crying and saying AlL wOmEN dO cHeAT, mIsanDrY
    It's not meaningless,it's what you are doing:

    -Why don't they blame the lover? Why do they blame Serena,she has valid reasons

    This story
    -Why do they blame the lover?Why don't they blame the husband,he doesn't have valid reasons.

    I agree he ruined his marriage,the mistress didn't marry FL,so it's not her marriage with FL.

    The mistress ended up marrying another man and the husband is left alone,what repercussions did she have,that were so different from the husband,she found another man and he is missing FL,in fact,not only did she have a better ending than the husband,but also,the husband had the worst ending out of all the characters mentioned on this thread.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2023
  18. ocakes

    ocakes Active Member

    Jul 18, 2022
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    the reason why i didnt mention the husband in my previous comment was because i already know he will have a bad ending. im not saying he is faultless or it was entirely priya’s fault. the fault lies with both of them. i dont care about how one person’s fault is greater than the others. i dont think it matters because at the end of it, it was both of them who did bad things.

    the reason why i only mentioned priya in my previous comment was because i was flabbergasted on why she had a good ending while the ex husband had a bad ending when both of them did the fl dirty. was what she did so different from the husband that she deserved such kindess from the knight? would you accept it if lets say a best friend of fl fell in love with the ex husband and accepted him as he is, with all his faults? i’d definitely protest it because how would a guy deserve such a girl when he’s so rotten.
  19. weirdgirl

    weirdgirl Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2021
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    In general I don't like to join this kind of discussion because it's going nowhere but had to give my opinion.
    Let's be honest here guys. The husband and the mistress are both at fault. Their is no justification for them. Cheating is Cheating. Who started it? How is started? Are just excuses.
    The husband and the mistress are both aware of their actions. They are adults.
    So here there is one victim and it's the mc period.
  20. Bellalolo

    Bellalolo Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2022
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    yes girl you are 100% right both are Wrong you can’t blame the husband Alone the Mistress is also at fault as she Knew he had a wife it is Not like he deceived her and wow she discovered he was married