Spoiler I don't want this reincarnation

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Zachary, Jul 6, 2021.

  1. ladyreader

    ladyreader Active Member

    Jan 13, 2023
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    Thank you so much for the summary it's amazing.
    Goodness I'm excited for what's going to happen. Hope you have a great day :))
    deaththek1d likes this.
  2. aerith12

    aerith12 Active Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Thanks a lot for the spoilers! AAAAAAA THIS KIND OF SUDDEN EVENTS :sweating_profusely: I can't wait to know what's gonna happen between them! :blobpopcorn_cool:
    deaththek1d likes this.
  3. Fapa

    Fapa Active Member

    May 23, 2020
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    THANK U VERY MUCH!!! :aww::aww::aww:
    gl with your stady :blobkiss:
  4. Younglady

    Younglady Active Member

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Any spoilers lately?
  5. veihakase

    veihakase [Lurker in BL Hell]

    Jul 23, 2017
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    Thank you for the spoilers~ *camps
  6. ValReads

    ValReads Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    I don't have the time to write full spoilers (maybe next week if I'm free) but I can just mention some of the main events from what I remember in chapters 470-latest (497). TAKE CARE THAT 'YSW' AND 'YSY' AND 'YSH' ARE ALL VERY DIFFERENT PEOPLE! haha I hate writing about characters who have similar name abbreviations in one work :')

    - It turns out that YSW's mother and Chae Minyoung (the lady who took care of KSH) were super close in their college years. KSH at one point smiles and admits that CMY was the woman who raised him. YSW lets him take home a photo of CMY when she was young and smiling brightly.

    KSH thinks that back then she must have been in poverty and miserably due to her scum brother but she could smile brightly bc probably Seonwoo's mother was what YSW is to him.

    - This makes KSH feels really happy and hopeful for the future, like his life could change for the better. In thanks, he invites YSW to his home, which makes YSW absolutely flustered lol.

    - Anyway, YSW's visit is a riot and KSH cooks him ramen. They have a couple of cute little incidents and there is a LOOOOOOOOT of blushing involved (the best is ofc the classic (tm) moment where KSH falls onto YSW with their legs entangled and YSW grabbing his waist, and then KSH struggles to get up lmao)

    - ...But after that it's pure tragedy. That disgusting bastard chief guy from GS (the construction company) arrives and says that they want the land KSH's store is on and they went to Director-nim. He says that according to YSH the decision on whether to give up the shop is up to KSH. But basically the GS are super set on acquiring it through any means since YSH has shown his indifference to the shop and now KSH is their only obstacle. KSH realises with dread that YSH has found out about YSW a long time ago and this is his punishment.

    - He goes to YSH's manor and YSH is super pissed and makes KSH wait. It looks like he is extremely upset with the fact that KSH was all sweet and happy with some guy while always being indifferent or unhappy in YSH's presence. Apparently Director has noticed that KSH doesn't like visiting his manor and only shows up when he needs something from him. Also, he shows a ton of photos of KSH and YSW together outside.

    He tells KSH there won't be a second chance but eventually asks him to strip. When KSH does start to strip, he cancels it and instead tells him that KSH is living in a dream bc guess what? Ta-da! YSW's father is a senator who invested massively in GS, the company that's threatening KSH, which means that YSW's fam became his enemy.

    YSH makes KSH choose between YSW and the shop. Because the shop has all the people he cares about, KSH chooses the shop. But he is in extreme pain and then he thinks that 'the dream (meaning, the sunny life and memories he made with YSW) has ended, it's time to return to reality'. And then his world goes black-and-white again T_T

    - There is a lot of painful push-and-pull with KSH trying to cut off YSW but YSW keeps visiting. KSH is in such extreme pain his chest hurts like from a heart attack. YSW is also pained when he finds out about his trashdad's investment. Meanwhile, GS's chief goes back and forth to try to take the club.

    At one point, KSH gets stabbed (assumed to be by GS so they can get the shop once he dies) and needs to be treated, and when he wakes up in the club's basement, there are both GDJ and YSW. Then YSH arrives (even though he is supposed to go abroad but he obvsly worried to death about KSH so he rushed to the shop as soon as he found out about it) and we get a standoff between YSW and DIrector-nim... except that doesn't happen much bc this author really loves disappointing us. So, after a few b!tchy remarks between YSW and Director, KSH passes out and Director catches him in his arms.

    - Then KSH wakes up in YSH's mansion and the doctor tells him YSH is supposed to be abroad for some super important business but he left everything aside for KSH. GDJ comes and asks KSH to ask Director for help so he won't have to suffer anymore. But KSH replies that Director was the one who offered him the choice through the chief in the first place (aka whether to give up the shop or not) so now he is bearing the responsibility for that choice. Then he sees a shadow move away from the door (i.e. YSH overheard him).

    - Then YSW and KSH meet again once KSH is better. KSH makes the final choice in Director's favour and tells YSW that even though he knows YSH is garbage, he's (KSH) is also garbage and YSH is the one who is protecting the shop right now. Then, just as he is walking away from YSW, there is a car screech and a truck is rushing towards him. In the last moment, YSW pushes him away and takes the blow.

    YSW is severely hurt but he still tells KSH not to die.

    - In the hospital, KSH talks to YSY aka YSW's sister. She actually doesn't blame him at all as she understands his situation. KSH has always found her very similar to him. She is actually extremely worried for KSH and tells him that even though it looks like YSW is free right now, but their father is a complete control freak and trashman who will do anything for the goals of the clan. Then YSW's father arrives and she finally slaps KSH and tells him it's his fault. But it's actually done to protect KSH and to make him leave because he is in a daze and won't leave by himself. It turns out that YSW's father is even bigger rubbish than Director-nim because while leaving, KSH glimpses the scumbagdad slapping YSY and blaming her for YSW getting hurt.

    He thinks that at least she was capable of protecting people while he is completely worthless and can't protect anyone.

    He really wants to die but feels despair bc YSW's last words to him were not to die.

    CSY and HTH want desperately to comfort him but without the intervention ability they are helpless.

    - At some point he goes to Director. YSH asks him whether KSH is satisfied now and KSH says that everything is his fault and he can't obey commands anyway, so he wants to quit. Director is absolutely shocked that he even stopped fake laughing and first pretends he doesn't hear it. Then he grabs KSH's neck bc he understands that KSH really wants Director to kill him himself.

    KSH says that he doesn't know how to protect his family and cries for the first time in his life in front of YSH.

    - KSH can't see YSH's expression through his tears but Director releases him and tells him to get out. KSH thinks YSH was in pain but tells himself that the idea is ridiculous.

    - A few days later he is called and apparently, instead of killing him, YSH gives him all the documents and stuff and a new identity (as a reminder, KSH was declared as dead as a kid when YSH took him in as a method of binding him to the organisation). Now KSH is a normal person. Then he returns to the shop and realises he still has people who depend on him there.

    - Some time later GS start attacking him again aaaaaaaand then that fateful attack happens. He is at a disadvantage but then GDJ shouts that Director is coming so they just need to hold out a little bit. KSH is relieved, but PSJ pales and then stabs him and runs away. KSH's last regret is that he never got to see YSW again (just before the attack he found out that YSW is still alive) and show him that he is living as he wanted.

    - The memories come to an end and CSY and HTH appear in Dies aka KSH's shop.

    - Back in present time, KSH hasn't eaten for a couple of days bc he doesn't want to eat sleeping pills. Director comes in and carries him over the shoulder to eat. It's just plain rice since KSH hasn't eaten for a while. YSH eats a spoonful to show KSH there are no sleeping pills there and it's safe to eat. Then Ben (the doctor) arrives and also confirms there are no sleeping pills. The Director leaves and Ben says YSH is super busy without a moment to spare. Also, YSH was so extremely shocked that KSH didn't eat that there won't be any sleeping pills in the future, and he knows since he's the one who supplied them lol.

    Also, Ben mentioned to Director that if he makes KSH stay in one room all the time, he will wither and die, so they will be going out for a walk later. Apparently Director is extremely triggered at every mention of KSH dying haha.

    - While KSH and YSH get ready to go out, he sees CSY and HTH. He immediately runs towards them without caring about the bodyguards or YSH's voice and hugs CSY while HTH kisses his hand. They have a tearful reunion interrupted by Director who tells him to come back. CSY and HTH tell him that he should wrap up unfinished business here, so KSH returns to Director for now and he will come meet them back at Dies.

    Before they part, CSY gives KSH his watch onto the wrist where the bracelet usually is (it was broken by the world manager cat in earlier chapters, so it's in the inventory).

    - HTH says that Director's attitude reminds him of CSY's earlier days with KSH when he was talking about using him and other people as dogs and leashes. CSY reminds HTH that he hit KSH before. They basically just b!tch at each other about which of them was worse lol.

    - Director tells KSH to give him his hand but KSH refuses to. He realises he doesn't have to make any excuses anymore. He also tells Director that what he accepts from other people is not YSH's business because KSH who followed Director's command is already dead and he knows it. YSH's hold on him tightens when death is mentioned. Then he clenches his other hand and KSH tenses, thinking YSH is going to beat him. But Director releases him and leaves the room.

    - While KSH thinks about calling the world manager and leaving, he hears footsteps and it's GDJ. (Apparently Director realised he couldn't keep MC by force, so he called someone KSH cared about...)

    - GDJ has a limp because when KSH fell, everyone wanted to deal the last blow, and GDJ was protecting his body all that time until Director came to save them. Also, all this time (14 months I think) he has blamed himself for KSH's death and had he not been married, he would have followed KSH to die.

    KSH tells him that he's learn an important thing: in a crime, there is a victim and a perpetrator. The victim should never blame themselves. No matter what choices were made or the situation, PSJ would have always stabbed him to death even had GDJ been close to him. So, GDJ doesn't have to feel responsible for KSH's death anymore bc his death is his alone.


    Aaaaaaaaaaand that's where the story is up to, guys! There were also two amazing illustrations; you can actually find them on the author's twitter.

    I usually buy the latest chapters as soon as they come out, so even though I might not have the time to post detailed spoilers, you're welcome to ask questions for something specific
    Opelia, lierra, ladyreader and 8 others like this.
  7. aerith12

    aerith12 Active Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    The director is becoming softer as time goes that is sooo cute :aww: AND THE REUNION FINALLY :blobsneeze::blobsneeze: When it comes to ksh, they never back down XD
    I wonder if ksh will meet ysw again:hmm: :hmm: Plus the director down bad wants him to stay, I used to dislike him but now... Uh I cant anymore:blobconfounded:

    I was so desperate hahaha
  8. deaththek1d

    deaththek1d Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2021
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    I wanted to translate this part of the chapter (it’s not the whole chapter just the ending of it) cause it soooo sadddd:blobsob: my poor Kwon Se hyun…
    Palak. As the page turned the form of his memory changed as well. Kwon Se-hyun thought constantly while fighting with Kyeong-seong and Sachung-hwa who invaded the store.

    Can we meet again?

    It may be difficult right now, but someday, while living our lives, we might be able to meet again, right?


    Go dong-ju, who smashed the enemy's head to the ground as they charged towards him, shouted in a joyful voice.

    「I heard that the director is coming!」


    「Actually, I already told him about it separately. I thought it didn’t work because there was no reply, but just now the headquarters contacted me…!」

    Hope glimmered in Go dong-ju's sparkling eyes.

    「Hang in there just a little longer, you guys! Support is coming from headquarters!」

    Go dong-ju shouted excitedly and ran towards the center where the employees and Kyeong-seong were entangled in a fight.

    Thump, thump. My heart raced as soon as I heard that Yoo Si-hyuk was coming. The anxiety that had filled my mind, instantly disappeared.

    「Fuck, Fuck…」

    Park Seok-jae, who heard Go dong-ju's words beside Kwon Se-hyun, turned pale and broke out in cold sweat.

    「T-This is not good… If that guy comes…」

    Park Seok-jae, who was looking around with a fearful expression, met eyes with the chief whose blood was covered in blood from fighting. Then, his face turned blue as if he had seen a ghost.

    「Park Seok-Jae?」


    Kwon Se-hyun slowly realized the state of Park Seok-jae, and it was then that he was surprised. Park Seok-jae, who was trembling and putting his shaking hands in his pockets, shouted without daring to meet Kwon Se-hyun's eyes.

    「I’m sorry, I’m sorry.」


    「Uh, uh...I couldn't help it. Dammit, I...」

    In a quick movement, he pulled a jackknife out of his pocket. Kwon Se-hyun, who noticed the sharp blade aimed at him, quickly moved his body back, but it was too late.


    The sharp blade pierced his stomach accurately, and Kwon Se-hyun fell down unable to withstand the attack.

    Park Seok-jae, who mercilessly pulled out the deeply embedded blade, looked down at the fallen Kwon Se-hyun with a terrifying expression, then turned his back and ran away.

    「Hah, Haa…」

    As he put his hand on his stomach, he felt blood pouring out. An excruciating pain spread throughout his body from his stomach.

    His rough breaths that became faster, faded at a rough pace. As his vision became blurry, a black darkness crept in.

    - Please don’t die…

    The whispering voice spread through his ears.

    - Please don’t di…

    I’m sorry, Yeon Seon-woo.

    In the end, it turned out like this. I thought if I could hold out this time, I might be able to see you again, but I guess that was just wishful thinking.

    Amidst the sense of liberation that came with finally being free from the pain, the only emotion that remained clear was regret. I thought I could die without any regrets, but when faced with death, I couldn't help but regret.

    If only I could meet you someday... I wanted to tell you that I kept my promise, at least.

    Suddenly, a book he had been reading, with characters he had envied more than anyone, came to mind as he thought of Yeon Seon-woo.

    「If only I had that power. I could have fulfilled your request...」

    Haa, Kwon Se-hyun's eyes, which had breathed their last breath, became empty, at the same time, everything had become immersed in darkness.

    The surroundings turned dark. Within it, Cheon Sa-yeon and Ha Tae-heon, who had witnessed the last moment of Kwon Se-hyen, clenched their fists.

    A bright white light gradually grew in front of them. Cheon Sa-yeon and Ha Tae-heon instinctively knew what the light was. It was the portal that would take them to where Han Yi-gyeol was.

    Before being engulfed by the darkness, Ha Tae-heon looked back at where Kwon Se-hyen had fallen and said to Cheon Sa-yeon, raising his head

    "Let's go.“

    To get Han Yi-gyeol.

    Cheon Sa-yeon and Ha Tae-heon walked towards the light. The brilliant light soon drove away the darkness and engulfed the two of them.
    ladyreader, ValReads, Iso and 3 others like this.
  9. AleJian89

    AleJian89 New Member

    May 29, 2023
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    Any new spoilers please??
  10. Bluejay7

    Bluejay7 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2019
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    does anyone know if the novel is gonna be picked up and translated?
  11. Iso

    Iso Active Member

    Mar 21, 2022
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    Probably not
  12. Younglady

    Younglady Active Member

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Any spoiler lately?
  13. Younglady

    Younglady Active Member

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Spoilers please ಥ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ಥ
  14. Reborn27

    Reborn27 Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Does anyone know who our MC finally ends up with???
  15. Younglady

    Younglady Active Member

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Has the novel finished already?
  16. qeesa

    qeesa Active Member

    Apr 4, 2021
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    Just bought the latest chapter (540) in ridibooks and it looks like HYG is closer to HTH. This ship has been hard core sailing since Cinderella arc too, and HTH/HYG posts are more popular than CSY ones. Take it with a grain of salt though, this is just my opinion.
  17. pochacco520

    pochacco520 Active Member

    Mar 28, 2022
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    im of the opposite opinion lol ive always seen csy posts and never hts, always thought the narrative was extremely favoured towards csy too
  18. AleJian89

    AleJian89 New Member

    May 29, 2023
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    I'm on chapter 523 where HYG and CSY are hugging and kissing each other. I think HYG will end up with both CSY and HTH because he cares for them the same way.
  19. Mushleez

    Mushleez Member

    Feb 6, 2023
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    me too! I actually hope he gets with both of them because I can't choose and I'll feel bad for the other one if he only chooses one of them
  20. ValReads

    ValReads Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Does anyone else feel like the ending might be something like Director and Yeon Seon-woo awakening and following MC to HYG's world but something happens in the middle and it will turn out that CSY is Director's reincarnation (and maybe HTH is YSW's? I'm still sus why exactly Abyss just happened to be chillin' in YSW's house for a decade)


    I've been feeling this for a reeeeeeeeeally long time, but when the past story arc started, I've been feeling even more strongly that CSY is SUPER similar to Director in like 80%. And they become even more similar if you consider Director's recent character progression as well as how scummy CSY was in the beginning.

    It's also interesting to take into account the author's twitter posts and the fact that she's obviously been taking a lot of inspiration from Little Prince and the Rose relationship (which is even mentioned in the story itself and both CSY and Director get compared to roses several times). Like, MC and Director's relationship follows it almost exactly with the whole theme of "the rose was capricious and selfish, and couldn't admit it loved the little prince, and only admitted that love when it was too late and the prince went off on a journey to another planet. The prince also realises that he loved the Rose as he spent a lot of time caring for it, but they were both too young/blind because of their shortcomings". In Little Prince, the prince later wants to return to the Rose but, well, the novel hasn't ended yet so we can only speculate.

    Just out of fun, here are some things where CSY and Director are SUPER alike (I find it really sus that many of them are small facts, so in a normal story it would be weird to create characters with such similar settings):

    - both have really cold temperature
    - both get compared to roses
    - both are quite utilitarian and use everything to get their way. They also accept a certain level of sacrifice like both CSY and Director let KSH get hurt if it's really necessary and it's not serious (CSY did this a lot when fighting in the beginning, if anyone has forgotten)
    - both are smart and manipulative; CSY even says a couple of times that he would have done the same thing Director did when viewing MC's memories
    - both love films and have a home movie theatre. They especially love old black-and-white films
    - both have houses of roughly the same size and in twitter the author also says that CSY and Director are THE richest of all characters, and have the same level of wealth & power (and everyone knows that in Korean webnovels 90% of the time the richest/strongest ML is the true ML lmao)
    - both love choking MC and generally have a strong neck kink
    - both love chaining MC and have absolutely zero regrets about it (unlike YSW who does feel regret or HTH who might be okay with MC chained but wouldn't initiate it himself)
    - both compare MC to or others to dogs
    - both have the whole 'strongest man in the sandbox' obsessive gong CEO vibe
    - both love gifting MC and buying him stuff, and want him to wear the clothes they provide/live in the place they provide
    - both like wearing three-piece suits (even though CSY is depicted with a red jacket usually, but I've noticed that in the story he is described as wearing a three-piece) formally or long-sleeved shirts at home; the style is generally similar
    - both have strong ties to the USA and in twitter the author mentions that CSY and Director would both go for a honeymoon holiday with MC there (all other characters got different destinations, they are the only ones the same)
    - both used to sleep around with women but never had an actual relationship before MC
    - both like rooftop gardens and have scenes with MC there
    - both love touching MC's face i.e. his cheeks. There's even that moment a while ago when MC and Director were lying in bed and stroking his face, and MC in his sleep thought it was CSY
    - both are confirmed by author to have the strongest separation anxiety towards MC (it's strongest in Director right now though since CSY knows where MC is and that he can get him back home)

    Etc etc. There were more but I'm already tired of writing it out haha. I just find the ridiculous amount of similarities both in Director & CSY as well as in their relationship with MC very sus. Even though of course some similarities between them or other characters are inevitable since there are only so many ways in which you can write an overbearing yandere CEO gong character. But imo the details like body temperature, films, skinship preferences and other things that are unique only to these two is really strange.

    Ofc they do have some differences like Director being a criminal and CSY doing his best not to be, as well as CSY acting a little less rude and more talkative, but that accounts for around 10-20%. For the rest, they are like the same person lmao.

    Once again though, please don't take this seriously! It's just a thought I had for a very long time that got stronger since the whole post-Kali arc has been so long. Because, you know, from the writing standpoint, it's kinda weird to make MC spend over 100 chapters (1/5) of the book focusing on Director and YSW after the story reached its climax if it doesn't have a deeper reason. Like, if the goal is to wrap up MC's regrets, it could have been done way quicker.

    It should also be noted that so far Maehyang (the world manager of MC's original world aka usually the black kitty with a deep manly voice) is REALLY into the idea of MC taking Director and YSW back to his world lmao. A lot of readers are speculating that he will trigger YSW and Director's awakening to make MC take them with him.


    Phew, I've been thinking about this for such a long time! Now that this is off my chest, if anyone has questions, feel free to ask!

    I might post some spoiler in the near future but tbh a lot of stuff happened since I posted last so I'm not sure where to start lol. I don't have the stamina for a detailed summary for each chapter... but to focus on one thing, there have been so many amazing moments I feel like they really need to be written out.

    Some of the highlights for me personally:

    - Director's softening attitude and MC telling him directly that he never felt like family (while Director apparently always considered Kwon Sehyun as such U_U) and LOTSLOTSLOTS of skinship since Director has realised his romantic feelings for MC
    - dealing with the rest of the Gyungseung guys (the ones who hurt YSW and made PSJ kill MC)
    - YSW awakening his yandere side yay! (it's not as happy as it sounds tho)
    - Director and YSW imprisoning MC in a flat and living a domestic life with him for a while (while Director made MC wear a thick metal collar and chain lmao)
    - YSW's sister being super amazing and best sister ever, I absolutely love my sweetest girl
    - Team past boyfriends Director & YSW vs Team current boyfriends HTH & CSY lol
    - Director repairing Dies as MC's last request
    - Director saying he will always look for MC even though he knows it is impossible to find him
    - Maehyang the world manager prodding MC to just take YSW and Director back home with him like in that thirsty plant meme
    - Lots of YSW's angst about Kwon Sehyun and their memories together being the only reason to live and him not caring about his own health or anything else after MC decides to leave

    From what we know so far, MC has said all his goodbyes and cleared up regrets, so now he should destroy some monsters for Maehyang and then, *if nothing happens* they should return with CSY and HTH, check how everyone else in the hunter world is doing, and the story will probably end... But no idea if the author includes anything else. I would give a lot for Director's, CSY, HTH, or YSW's pov though
    Iso, winterblossom and Mushleez like this.