Spoiler I Thought It Was A Common Possession

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Naenia, Apr 4, 2023.

  1. girlwhocriedwolf

    girlwhocriedwolf Active Member

    Jun 21, 2021
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    @Wangjia link to the novel please! Thank you
  2. Elyriona

    Elyriona Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2018
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    I was wondering about the age of main characters, so I did some research. For those who already read this novel, please correct me, if I am wrong.

    Choi Soo-na = FL in her original world when she died = 28 years old [Ch 17; 22; 117; 127]
    Edith Ludwig [Rigelhoff] = FL after transmigration = 22 years old [Ch 2; 6; 37]
    Lizzie Sinclair = orgFL and author of original story = she is the same age as FL => 22 years old [Ch 37]
    Lizzie had been living in Ludwig Household for 5 years [Ch 5; 11; 45; 85]
    Killian Ludwig = ML and sub ML in original story = 20 years old when he first met Lizzie [Ch 101] => 25 years old
    Cliff Ludwig = orgML
    = 1 year older than Killian [Ch 13] => 26 years old
    Last edited: May 1, 2023
  3. Shimozuki Yue

    Shimozuki Yue Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2017
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    I usually hate when suddenly, the trash ML was under mind control/brainwashing because it was very obvious that it was just a tool to whitewash the ML and other characters.

    But in here, no, the author made a great narrative around it as the main plot, about a person playing god and the miserable victims.

    It was not a plot twist that came out of nowhere. There's plenty of hints and subplots that supported it as the main conflict of the story. Plus, the narration also slowly show how the 'control' affected everyone and their characterizations changing throughout the whole story. The power of the antagonist and the antagonist itself was built solidly, which made the 'conflict' in the story as intense as it was and that the struggle was real.

    So far, this is the best 'the author transmigrated into their book' story that I have encountered. It really felt like the author playing god and I felt the arrogant that stems from that.
  4. darkcrystal

    darkcrystal Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2017
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    So basically a poor girl mistreated whole life yet she's meant to be the villain by this antogonist author and want to trample her even more already shows what a psychopath she's ,her written novel becomes reality really made me question is there no better author the God of reality got to bring in existence lol? Moreover the real author is given so much authority for what?
    snzzykitten and Naenia like this.
  5. Priyyaa

    Priyyaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    Idk how people people are able to forgive the ML TBH yeah even if we consider that she had her influence over him but it didn't mean that she had control over who he hates. It's ridiculous at this point cz people are so forgiving here when in "into light once again" story, no one forgave the ex family of FL in that story and even pitied the villainess marriane when they were clearly under back magic and acted like that but there, her ex-biological brother made it up to her by dying while trying to save her and the most important thing is that black magic is something which affects people negatively yet people were like they dont deserve even an ounce of pity but here I don't think her powers affect anyone negatively other than edith as she can control her into accepting death but I don't think her power has effects on what Killian thinks about edith, and even if it did, what did he or even a single person from the duchy even do to make up for the abuse they did on those innocent girls especially edith who was abused by her family before and after marriage. They, even after everything was revealed, accepted Lizzie or whatever as duchess.(literally she tried to kill someone) Srsly people in this story are ridiculous to the point of annoyance. And what kind of ending did she get, SHE GOT SENT TO THE MONASTRY. Killian knew about all those people dying at his hand yet my goodness there's no remorse regret or anything and it was left at that cz "LIZZIE HAD CONTROL OVER HIM" I get it that he was under control but srsly are those 12-13 lives cheap or something that it doesn't matter as long as he didn't kill this edith. :blobconfused:And the most annoying person here is "EDITH" she is the epitome of "FORGIVENESS" she literally went and asked her to act like herself. Well yeah of course she did that, why? Bcz it wasn't her who died at their hands and it doesn't matter how many died as long as it's not her. Og edith never got revenge in any form or even a heartfelt, sincere apology.:blobconfused::blobhero::blobhero: and here they are with their happily ever afters.
    Last edited: May 4, 2023
  6. datagirl

    datagirl Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2023
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    Simple answer cause they're not pretty looking male. That's why the family didn't garner any sympathy. :blobsob:
  7. solaria_

    solaria_ Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2022
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    It is this way. Imagine a video game where characters are programmed only the way the developer will allow them. The developer can change their function and story of the game the way they want. OG FL is this developer and all characters are her toys they can bend her way. Only mc realize it this and change the story by acting smart. So no it is not like some black magic in other stories these ppl literally are puppet who cannot control their own life and are forced to do things they don't even want to.

    If I had a penny every time I hear this shallow answer I would be a millionaire. People like the story cuz of the way it is written. By your logic readers should be loving every handsome rapist too. But we don't. Really if you dont like something maybe don't judge other for liking it. Especially the novel readers who depend more on words than pictures.:rolleyes:
    Last edited: May 4, 2023
  8. Priyyaa

    Priyyaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    I'm sorry to say this but if anything, she would have ended up the same if Lizzie's influence over characters didn't reduce cz she didn't take the initiative to run away if her influence was there she too would be one of those many females who died. And yes even If I accept that Killian didn't kill them purposely, but does that mean he is innocent? Those ppl definitely lost their lives didn't they.? If u know, in conjuring 3 movie the man killed a person under the influence of devil and yeah it is a real life incident and though it was proven that he did it under devils influence he still served in jail for about 5yrs for 1st degree murder. The same goes here, even If I accept that yeah he did it bcz was a merely a puppet playing a play, after getting freed from it why didn't he get at least a little bit of punishment. I am not asking for much but just that he felt some regret remorse or something in some form but nah, he got his happily ever after as for FL, well she also forgave him for everything he did even though she knew what he did to those girls and fine even if she forgave him why the fuck did she forgive Lizzie. Well of course she did it cz she wasn't the one who died so who cares about those lives. Og edith didn't get even a bit of sympathy all the her and everyone treated her like shit until her death and here she , the one who has her body, got a second chance at life bcz she got her body and of course along with her past life memories which helped her alot in surviving in this life, she is going around forgiving everyone who wronged edith. Of course it's not edith who willing gave her body to her but she is still living in her body. And if she was og edith would she be able to forgive them this easily like she did now?
    Last edited: May 4, 2023
  9. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    IRL if a person commits a crime while they are not their right mind they don’t get a severe punishment, they are sent to a mental facility to recover. In general a lot of people forget that punishments for crimes are serving as both a punishment and a chance for a person to change for better, this is why after serving their time in prison people are considered clean before the law.

    Whatever has happened in the previous timelines is solely ogFL’s crime, because she has killed those other ‘villains’ with ML’s hands. He didn’t have any control over his body and mind to fight it. Luckily in this timeline he hasn’t committed any murders and his only misdeed is being prejudiced towards MC in the beginning, which is not a crime.

    And even if ogFL’s punishment doesn’t look too grand, it is better than execution in my opinion. Most of the times leaving a criminal alive and allow them to see and hear how everyone else is happy and has moved on while a criminal has lost their chance and will never get their free life back is a more fitting punishment than an easy death. And it leaves a chance for a criminal to recognize their mistakes and atone for their sins.
  10. Priyyaa

    Priyyaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    What I said was similar didn't I? I just said that he needs to get some not much but at least some sort of regret remorse or something bcz no matter what people died bcz of him and he killed them regardless of the reasons. It's not like their lives are cheap and they can't get justice just cz he didn't do it willing. I just can't get over it cz it wasn't just one or 2 person but rather 12 to 13 people who died just like and even if it was only one person I would still find it hard to forgive him but I might eventually do that but all those people died and didn't get justice and what I want LIZZIE To experience is the same type of life that edith experienced and not just regret and remorse while others are happy and she is stuck in a monastry. I want her to be stuck in the time loop and keep on getting killed like edith did, and each and every time no matter what she does, I hope the ending never changes and that would be the best ending I want her to experience bcz she was the one who put those souls in Edith's body and killed them knowing that they are not at fault and that even if she considers everyone else as a character or a puppet, they were "living". She needs to die at least 10 times the same way she killed edith, she needs to get killed by the person she loves (like killians brother and she needs to see edith getting happier in each timeline). As for Killian and his family I just can't get over it that they didn't receive any form of retribution, but the least that could happen to them would be that they must have nightmares of how they wronged those innocent girls in previous TL and killed them and they must realise how those girls felt when they were wrongly killed, and see their POV and how they felt cz this is the least they could do to make up for what they did to those girls. I just want them to know that they did wrong to someone. No matter what, they suffered in their family bcz of them.
    Last edited: May 4, 2023
  11. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    No, it’s not the same. You continue to blame ML and his family for the situations they didn’t have control over.

    It’s sad that so many people have suffered and died, but Lizzie is the only criminal there. It’s like she took a hand of a person in coma, put a gun into their hand and pressed their finger to pull the trigger. Why should a person in coma be blamed for any of this?

    Moreover does ML even know about those other 13 timelines and what has happened during that time? All people who were moving according to ogFl’s will are also the victims, they have just managed to stay alive.
  12. jjaggii

    jjaggii Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    Hello. I read the discussion and which to provide context. Though it isn't much, it's useful for the topic at hand.

    — As for the Ludwig Family, such as the Duchess, Duke: they have not explicitly apologized for their treatment to Edith but have regretted how they raised Lizzie and how blind they were that they weren't close to Edith. In the novel, and also in my spoilers regarding Lennon's diary, the Duchal couple often berated themselves for raising Lizzie to 'become' like this. The Duchess especially stated that she regrets 'spoiling her so much that she grew into this kind of person.'

    As for Killian, he knows about the following:
    (1) Edith being a transmigrator.
    (2) Edith living a past life.
    (3) Edith being a 'new' person within the 'old Edith.'
    (4) Lizzie being a 'powerful being.'
    (5) Killian being used and willed for Lizzie's ploy.
    (6) The 'powerful' constraints made by Lizzie.
    (7) The entire 'world' being under Lizzie's will.
    (8) There were numerous timelines and each timeline, Edith's soul changed while Lizzie repeated.
    (9) Lizzie's true character after she framed Edith.
    and, (10) Lizzie's unfounded hatred for Edith.

    — What Killian doesn't know:
    (1) He is a 'character.'
    (2) They are in a novel.
    (3) Lizzie being the author of the novel.
    (4) His past lives (as this was something only Lizzie knew which everyone else in the novel will never know of).
    (5) Him being the 'killer' of the past Edith's.
    (6) Him being a 'sub-male lead.'
    and finally, (7) Him repeating lives as the character 'Killian.'

    As for Lizzie:
    — Those within the Ludwig family and the close servant know about Lizzie's crimes as Killian reinvestigated privately which concluded Lizzie as the criminal. The others who are working and are outside/unaffiliated with the Duchy are completely unaware. They are still under the belief that there is a 'rat' in the Duchy but they don't know who. In the end of the novel, the outsiders and others concluded (through assumption and rumors) that the Regeinhoff planted a spy while Edith was unaware and they used that spy against Ludwig.
    In other words, asides Lizzie's 'new' nasty attitude, she has no crimes to be punished for in the kingdom.
    — Why wasn't she punished after the family knew as stated above? Lizzie placed a restriction on Cliff that he:
    (1) cannot speak ill of her.
    (2) will always support her.
    (3) cannot break off their engagement/marriage.
    Which caused strife since the Duchal couple often advised Cliff to rethink his engagement/marriage but he has no autonomy or capabilities to do so outside of the restriction. Which means, they were stuck with Lizzie and she pranced around. I mentioned before that Cliff visibly worsened and grew sickly as time went on under restriction.​
    — Why was she sent to a monastery instead of the guillotine? Lizzie's only known crime is receiving the royal family with the king's fake missing nephew. That is Lese Majeste which the kings initially sentences her to imprisonment and later on, the guillotine. But Edith, reversed and asked for a lighter punishment. Why?? Simply because she wishes Lizzie will renew herself. Edith saw a chance for Lizzie to change which caused the King to think again and instead, sentence her to life in the monastery.
    (In my personal opinion, this was the better punishment for Lizzie who has severe MC syndrome. Why kill her and make her have attention again when you can send her off somewhere to be forgotten? For her to feel that she isn't the MC that she thought she was, this was a fitting punishment and more reasonable than having her head fly off her neck.)​

    Finally, about the 12 other 'Edith's:
    — They are souls who have already died but were taken by Lizzie to become Edith. Lizzie did imply that after they die, they continue their journey to afterlife but she said it very casually and flippantly (in Korean) that I took it as her not knowing what happens next.
    — As for how they died: they died a number of different ways. If you've read the MTL, Edith was literally thrown to different scenarios where could've died (weapon leak, poisoning, drowning, kidnapped and tortured, beheading). It was never explicitly stated that Killian killed all of them but instead it was explained that they have all died in different ways, sadly, most often by Killian not trusting them and subjected them to their cause of death: beheading, imprisonment, etc. In the novel though, the original Edith did die by Killian's hand, only the OG Edith was explicitly stated to have died in Killian's hands.

    While I do understand this recipe for novels often aren't made well by authors, this is a rare chance where it is. If this isn't your cup of tea, that's okay. However, I wanted to extend some knowledge so that everyone in this discussion have the full novel context and can make their own decision and arguments.
    Tem, sayaka86, rock.doll and 23 others like this.
  13. rubyizek

    rubyizek Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2022
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    I like this novel although I think MC and ML were too complacent in certain matters - eg; MC was so defenseless when going out shopping with Rize when she already suspected Rize. ML, although already 100% released from the control, seemed too chill about not punishing Rize (this woman tried to kill his wife multiple times).

    Real world Choi Su Na suffered leukemia during her childhood. Although cured through marrow transplant her body is not as healthy as people her age. She died when her gambling-addicted brother pushed her down the stairs, and isekai-ed into novel world as villainess, Edith Rigelhoff.
    In public, Edith (MC) is known as the precious daughter of Count Rigelhoff with reputation as proud, extravagant, vulgar and a flirt.
    In actual, she's the illegitimate niece of Count, and he abused and forced her to seduce men to gain business secrets.
    Count made her marry ML to spy on ML's family.

    Second son of Duke Ludwig. Forced to marry MC as the duke wants to secure iron supply from Count Rigelhoff, but ML is in love with Rize. ML greatly dislike MC as he had heard of her promiscuous reputation and worried MC will bully Rize. He made it very clear to MC not to expect love from him. [*sshole].

    ogFL who was illegitimate daughter of Count Sinclair. As she was abused by her half-siblings, Duke and Duchess took pity on her and adopted her. ML and Cliff (ogML) were in love with her. Original plot was she married Cliff and live happily ever after.
    What people didn't know, Rize was actually the author of the novel (K) and had been enjoying the perfect life of Rize for 13th time. Everybody loves Rize because that's the way the plot goes. She sadistically enjoyed seeing each isekai-ed Edith struggle not to get themselves killed. She intervene from time to time to frame the character of Edith, making sure of their deaths.

    The ogML, eldest son and heir to Duke Ludwig. Love rival of ML for Rize's love. Blindly sided with Rize for every matter and saw MC who tries to harm Rize.
    Last edited: May 5, 2023
    Tem, SofiyeJaan, AnniePoo and 11 others like this.
  14. Aguni_Erina

    Aguni_Erina Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2017
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    yups.. of course Killian would be complacent at providing maximum protection for edith.. because he didn't think Rize would go that far and he trust Anna.. that's why after 3rd restrictions broke... he cursed himself as being the most stupid person in the whole ludwig duchy... the temptations to hate killian for his character setting is very seductive but he pulled the redemption quite well.. if tou read the novel.... because after that Edith didn't have to speak for herself anymore... Killian will do the talking.. beside to show his disgust toward Rize and Cliff.. he press the Duke to quickly give him the title so he can go to his territory with edith and didn't have to see, hear or dealing about Rize and Cliff.. about not punishing Rize must be because killian still care about his brother... but he did say if cliff steal the doctor from edith.. he would kill him... if you think that's not enough than you haven't experienced life enough as well.. some people deserve second chance and not all mistakes must be punished severely... at first i want Rize executed but you will read Edith Pov that explained why she didn't want Rize dead because she's worried that she was left alone as the only being who knows they're in the novel world.. Rize being alive remind her that's she's not alone... Imo that's totally normal.. just like you don't want to be in a foreign country where you don't know anybody and everything is uncertain... I'm not satisfied with rize's ending as well but i think it's good to address her mental illness of main character-itis by exiling her from the center point of the story.. like sorry girl you ain't the main character anymore...
    to me you may think that the Ludwig Family is unforgivable.. because i think the same as well ... but if you read Killian Pov you will understand why edith decides to give him a chance... it maybe me just assuming things.. although Killian seems okay with his family.. but when cliff offers for him to be the Heir instead, killian declines.. stating that Ryzen countdom just picking up and it's not good to just leave it.. but i think killian just don't want to be associated with his family because of the ludwig collective stupidity when it comes to Rize... he was called count ryzen.. so his name became killian ryzen .. no longer ludwig... just imo... so i think that was unconscious statement of killian that he may forgive but never forget their mistakes to edith...
  15. rubyizek

    rubyizek Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2022
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    - MC woke up in novel world as Edith Rigelhoff (daughter of Count Rigelhoff) one week before her marriage to ML, Killian Ludwig. In the original plot, she will be killed by ML for her crimes. So MC wanted to avoid death (and enjoy life) by being a good person.
    - Count Rigelhoff hated Duke Ludwig for being more powerful and higher in status than him. He wanted Edith to spy and dig out dirts of the Ludwigs.
    - On the other hand, Duke Ludwig knew how scheming Count was but forced ML (his second son) to marry MC as they need the iron supply from Count's mine.
    - During the wedding, Edith wore (forced) a very low-cut wedding gown and made ML even more convinced that she's vulgar. He refused to exchange ring with her but instead, took the ring and wore it on himself, humiliating MC. MC remained unaffected and smiled.
    - Rize (ogFL) talked to MC, asking her to forgive ML for his behavior. MC told her she's not offended and complimented Rize's dress (which was conveniently in ivory color).
    - Knowing ML won't come into her room on wedding night, she took a dip in bathtub, While thinking aloud what kind of luxurious life she can enjoy without being killed, ML barged into the bathroom and chastised her for taking bath without waiting for the groom.
    - MC explained she knew ML doesn't like her and won't be coming anyway, then cheekily asked if he wants to sleep here tonight. He blushed and stormed off. He bumped into Rize and when she told him about MC complimented her dress, ML thought MC was being sarcastic to Rize.
    - Next day, MC was given a tour of the castle by the butler. At one point, she reached a balcony overlooking a terrace where ML, Cliff (ogML and ML's older bro) and Rize were happily drinking tea together. Butler was surprised that MC was nonchalant about it and reported to the Duke who was equally surprised.
    - Duchess was ordering for new dresses for herself and Rize, and belatedly offered to MC. MC declined but asked the seamstress to alter her own revealing clothes to be more modest.
    - Later, MC was tasked to help Duchess and Rize with the book keeping. Having experienced office life, MC summarized the data into a table and gained compliments from the Duchess. However, Rize didn't look too happy about it.
    - Rize made ML escort MC to their tea party. MC quietly admired his back and shoulder, until he turned around and warned her to watch her words with Rize, as Rize is precious to him.
    - MC jeered that he's a 'polite' man and if she should show the same 'politeness' to Rize. She mocked him for wanting to make her the bad person to justify himself, but she won't be easily swayed by his provocations.
    - At the tea party, ML and Cliff were jabbing at each other, trying to vie for Rize's attention. When Cliff invited Rize to go for region inspection trip with him, ML objected. Cliff smirked and meaningfully asked for MC's opinion - how would she thought about leaving Rize, Killian and her in the castle.
    - MC pretended not knowing his meaning and answered she doesn't care - "if you got to go, you got to go. Who am I to stop you?"
    - Both Cliff and ML were flabbergasted by her reaction. MC caught Rize suspicious smirk but brushed it off.
    - That night, MC wrote down a list of "not-to-dos" in order not to get killed. One of them was "do not covet ML". Although she couldn't stop thinking/admiring ML's beautiful gray eyes.
    - Meanwhile, ML was on the balcony with Rize. He can't help but thought about MC's words and how she was undisturbed even when he openly showed affection to Rize. Rize hinted that MC had never mention ML in all their conversations, which seems to hurt his ego.
    - ML changed the topic about Rize's new dress orders and she brought up that MC didn't order for any dress. ML was confused, considering MC was known to be a big spender in clothes. Then he remembered the time he heard other lewd men talking about MC's body. His mind wandered off to the wedding day and MC's wedding gown that revealed her cleavage, then to the memory of MC sitting in the bath tub naked. [er... someone's thinking dirty].
    - He took it as MC looked down on their usual dresser and vowed to find another dresser than can satisfy her flamboyant taste.

    MC was happily thinking how to spend her dowry money when the maid told her she needs to replenish her perfume and cosmetics. MC was shocked to find how expensive they were. She realized she won't have much money left for emergency use.

    MC was at Sistine Hall admiring the displayed arts, when she was approached by ML. They peacefully talked about a painting until she noticed a painting of a shepherd boy who looked like ML. ML told her he modeled for the painting for Duke's friend when he was 15. The boy was drawn half naked, revealing his groin.

    MC deliberately tilted her head, gazed intensely at that part and mumbled "It's a little small". ML was embarrassed and protested that he only modeled for the face, not the naked body. MC cheekily nodded her head "I guess....?" ML angrily left but MC continue pondered "It should be bigger than that now, right?"

    2 months passed and MC developed the habit to take morning walks around the ground to peep at ML training, admiring his muscles and face. ML suddenly turned his head and smiled brightly, because Rize passed by. MC thought his smile was beautiful though unfortunately, he only smiled that way to Rize.

    One morning, ML visited her at her room when she was still in her sleep dress. He got annoyed when she looked like she couldn't wait for him to leave her room. As she opened the window, Killian came up behind, trapping her between him and the window. He warned her not to leak out anything from her book keeping with the Duchess, then proceeded to chastise her for not ordering any dress last time.

    MC got angry and accused him of being cowardly, trying to find fault with everything she did. "You know nothing about me." After he left, MC thought of raising more money in case she needs to run away.
    After leaving MC's room, ML thought of his mother's request to treat MC better. Because she used to be in the same spot as MC, forced into an arranged marriage.
    ML had stopped at MC's room this morning to warn her not to do anything stupid only to be entranced by the sensual rose scent in her room.
    He can't help but noticed the off-shoulder sleep dress she was wearing, which showed her silhouette. When MC opened the window, he caught on her body scent and he had unconsciously trapped her, spat out those words in a bad way.
    MC opened a deposit account at the bank for her contingency fund. Under pretense of having tea together, she tried to find out from Anna (the maid that the Ludwig assigned to her) about commoner's accommodation and carriages to get out of the province.

    A jeweler came to the castle and Duchess, Cliff, Killian, Rize and MC were there to choose jewelries to buy. MC knew this scene from the novel. Originally, spiteful ogEdith tried to buy off everything that Rize wanted. Cliff got angry and bought everything for Rize (except for a tiny ruby necklace), humiliating ogEdith.

    Duchess and Cliff kept choosing jewelries for Rize, neglecting MC. Rize recommended a tiny ruby necklace to MC. Surprisingly, ML took the necklace and put it on MC. He commented it looked okay and paid for the necklace.
    Last edited: May 6, 2023
    Tem, VelvetColors, Th.ay and 28 others like this.
  16. rubyizek

    rubyizek Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2022
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    MC received letter from Count Rigelhoff asking her to get him some confidential documents of Ludwig.
    [Count Rigelhoff is on the side of Grand Duke Langston who have been trying to grab the throne, while Duke Ludwig is on the side of current emperor].
    MC wrote back, asking the count not to side with Grand Duke Langston and ignored his request to spy.

    Suddenly, she was called to Duke's office. Apparently someone had leaked some confidential info to Count Rigelhoff. Duke is convinced that MC was the one who leaked the info. MC defended herself:
    1. she's not the only who handled the document
    2. why would she did something that obviously points her as suspect
    In her anger, she challenged the Duke to kill her if he has enough evidence, to which ML quickly cut off her words.

    Duke had no choice but to let her off for the time being, but put her on probation (confined to her room) and while ML escorted her, he scolded her for provoking the Duke (Duke was known to be merciless on battlefield). MC took it as ML didn't believe her and accused ML and his family were probably trying to frame her. ML promised to investigate the matter fairly but MC scoffed and asked if he can be impartial since Rize was also a suspect.
    At Sinclair residence, Layla and Damian Sinclair (Rize's half sister and brother) happily received news that MC was under suspicion of leaking information to the count.

    Their father, Count Sinclair was at odds with Count Rigelhoff over business. Layla likes ML and had been aiming to become his wife, so she hated MC for marrying ML. Damian assured Layla that once their father gotten his hand on another iron mine, Ludwig won't think twice to divorce MC and welcome Layla as their daughter-in-law.
    A few days later a document bearing MC's handwriting and her drawn table was found, making her guilty. MC examined the evidence and explained that the table was not the one she drew, and the handwriting is similar but incorrect. The table in the paper was sloppily drawn, unlike hers and the Q in the handwriting was different from hers. To prove that, she asked Anna (the maid) to fetch her diary and pointed out the 'q' in her diary. Just as Duke decided to dismiss the case, MC was furious to see ML quietly reading her diary, snatched it back and stormed out. Both quarreled again (about being suspicious of each other) as ML escorted her only to see Rize waiting in front of her room.

    MC left them in the corridor and closed her room. Rize wondered if MC was angry with her when suddenly, ML told her to mind her own business. He told her the case is buried and she should not talk about it anymore.

    MC's probation was over and she's back to work. Duchess felt sorry for her and expressed her trust in her. MC was touched and tried to tell her about her real identity. As ifsomething was trying to stop her, she became breathless and collapsed.
    [in her dreamy state, she heard a voice (system) saying that she can't reveal the plot until all 3 hidden conditions were met]

    The next time MC woke up was 2 days later and wondered what were the 3 hidden conditions. Her future for 'stay alive and live comfortably' seemed bleak. Feeling she's going to die anyway, she thought she might as well followed the plot where ogEdith tries to seduce ML. At the very least, she wanted to kiss that handsome face of ML.

    She entered his room and kissed the sleeping ML on his lips with her eyes closed.
    [original plot: ML woke up and pushed ogFL away. Then ordered the guards to drag her out, humiliated her.]

    ML woke up as expected and she quickly backed away, telling him she will leave by herself, no need to drag her out. Suddenly, ML grabbed and pulled her onto his bed. He smiled and said if she's going to be a temptress, she should do it properly. They ended up had sex that night.

    [this is not R19 novel, so .....:ROFLMAO:]
    Tem, VelvetColors, rvrse1999 and 30 others like this.
  17. rubyizek

    rubyizek Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2022
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    After their steamy night, MC hid under the blanket while ML ordered for bath water and other preparations. He bath and took care of her before letting MC back to her room. [seems like none of the servant notice that their young master already have first night with MC]

    While MC pondered how the hell she took ML's virginity and first kiss, she heard the system voice again, announcing the 1st condition had been met and the author's right was reduced. When MC decided to follow the original plot and 'seduce' ML, the first condition was broken.

    MC started to wonder if someone/author was monitoring her progress in the story and try to make life difficult for her. However, she felt a glimmer of hope as her relationship with ML has improved.

    After the document leak case, MC requested to be re-assigned to another work. Duchess reassigned her to work under her trusted aide - Linnon, but warned her that Linnon is very strict.

    When she got back from a day of work, she's surprised by ML's visit. He was fiddling with the 2 wooden dolls she made (one looked like him and the other looked like MC). He wanted to have dinner with MC, but was interrupted by Rize who also invited him to have dinner with her and Cliff. Rize half-heartedly invite MC too, but sensing the insincerity, MC declined. ML sighed and left with Rize.
    ML's POV:
    He had been thinking about MC for the past few days. He desired for her but at the same time, understood that he need to sort out his feeling first. For a long time, he had thought that Rize was the only one for him, only for the walls to crumble for the enemy's daughter in a single night. He couldn't control the urge so he went to her room and saw the couple dolls. Before he could say anything, Rize appeared and dragged him to dinner.

    He wondered what MC thought of him on their first night - had he been clumsy, did the sex hurt her, was it unbearable? He didn't noticed that CLiff and Rize had been calling back his attention. Them talking about MC and referred her as 'that woman' made ML uncomfortable. Cliff called Linnon over and asked about MC's work but was dissatisfied when Linnon had nothing but compliments for MC.

    After Linnon left, Rize hinted that Linnon seemed to like MC. ML was quietly offended by Rize's words but did worry about Linnon falling in love with MC's 'voluptuous' body. As he has to go to Ryzen region with the Duke next week, he was worried that MC might seduce Linnon when he's away.

    [As the second son, ML can't inherit the Duke Ludwig title, so the Duke will give him the Ryzen region and a count title.]

    At Ryzen, ML is satisfied with the fief and thought it wouldn't be too shabby for MC's high taste. ML had come to term that he won't end up with Rize and quite like the idea of living together with MC in Ryzen. He didn't notice that his mind was occupied with MC - whether she would like the castle's furnishing, will she be bored without parties, will she be too cold here etc etc.
    While ML and Duke was away, Duchess informed Rize and MC about a charity bazaar which they are going to take part. Together with other noble ladies, they will do embroideries to be sold. Even after days of trying, MC felt inferior about her skill, especially when the noble ladies compared her work with Rize's. Rize tried to meddle by suggesting her to stitch using green color, but MC cleverly decline as she wanted to sew in ML's eye color. Duchess was delighted at hearing this while other ladies can't criticize her.

    On the bazaar day itself, MC was worried that no one will buy her ugly embroidery works. MC didn't see ML around and wonder if he will vie with Cliff to buy Rize's work as per original plot. Noble ladies flocked around Duchess and full of praise for Rize, while intentionally ignored MC. MC started to wonder if the ogEdith wore flashy dresses because she's sick of people ignoring her.

    ML appeared and teased her if she's bored without him around. MC noticed how ML reacted slowly to Rize who kept talking to him.

    On the way to washroom, MC was caught by Shane (Count Rigelhoff's son, her brother on papers but cousin in reality). He slapped her for going against their family and walked away. MC suddenly gained memories of ogEdith being beaten frequently by count. She gathered herself and practiced smiling at the mirror, left the room and bumped into ML. She pretended like nothing happened and they went back to the tent. She's surprised that even her works were bought by someone.

    Shane told his father that MC had changed. From young age, they had instilled fear in ogEdith so much that she would never dare to go against them.

    It was revealed that MC/ogEdith was the illegitimate child of count's younger sister and her biological father was unknown. The sister died at childbirth and MC was registered as count's daughter. Since then, count raised (and abused) MC with the intention to use her.

    Their maid, Sophia volunteered to be sent to Ludwig castle to 'discipline' MC.
    Shane brought Sophia to Ludwig castle and accused the Ludwigs for imprisoning MC, since she hadn't written home for long time. Sophia was crying on the ground, claiming how loyal she was to MC and wanted to continue serve her.

    Duke Ludwig had no choice but to agree to let Sophia stay. Once Sophia and MC were alone, Sophia's attitude changed. She started to physically abuse MC and starved her. All the bruises were hidden under the clothes and as Sophia is the only one who bath her, Anna did not notice. MC dared not tell anyone, fearing once ML and family knew how worthless she was to the count, they might kick her out.

    [ML was the one who bought MC's embroideries after hearing from his mum. Also, he overheard the women laughing at MC as 'the wife ignored by her husband'. He was also offended by the noble ladies ignoring MC. When MC went to the washroom, ML followed her and saw Shane turning away from MC. He pretended he just arrived and noticed MC's cheek was red. He suspected that Shane hit MC but quickly brushed it off when seeing how calm MC was. Now he even wondered if MC had planned with Shane to bring in the maid]
    Last edited: May 6, 2023
    Tem, VelvetColors, Th.ay and 43 others like this.
  18. kellyyuu

    kellyyuu Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2021
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    For the sake of my mental health, I'll wait until the manhwa release chapters where ml regret his action and stop being an a-hole
  19. west_front

    west_front Active Member

    Nov 13, 2022
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    This story remind me of Japanese light novel called"Because I was forced to become a villain lady, so i want to eat porridge first"(well I use translation apply to read it so the title might be inaccurate).
    In that novel Fl was enslave by ogfl,ogfl uses some kind of magic,so Fl has to do want she wanted, which is act like a villainess. Fl was abused.no one in her family believe her, also she is not aloud to say what happened to her. Basically she is despised by everyone.
    And the Crown Price send a knight(ML)to watch her,in order to protect ogfl,he thinks she would hurt ogfl.
    When Fl got her memory of past life.She is able to understand what happened to her. She is weak and thin as a bone(ogfl wants so),so she try to make porridge secretly and eat more to be strong. Ml soon realizes Fl's life is much more miserable than he thought, he helps Fl gain magic power so that she can break the slavery contract with ogfl.
    At last, to prove her innocence she even takes off her close in public to show the slavery mark.
    I think there is some similarity between the two stories.