Spoiler My Beloved Oppressor

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Apr 18, 2023.

  1. lembayung

    lembayung Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2021
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    Not really surprised there, whether it's monarchy or democracy, corrupt people are everywhere, at least in monarchy, people who could be corrupt limited to a certain group, but in democracy everyone has a chance to be corrupt, to the point I wonder what's the point of spending billion for the election if they are gonna end up in jail after the 5 years period is over.
  2. datagirl

    datagirl Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2023
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    The mL is trash. I'm sorry but I hate him :blobhero:

    Insecurity, jealousy. Pathetic really.
    lostross, Nah, nyxxx and 18 others like this.
  3. emiliablair27

    emiliablair27 Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2023
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    I am up to this novel! Found a good one now! Done reading chapter 10 from rain of snow translation page.
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  4. lembayung

    lembayung Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2021
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    I always thought the ML from There Is A Time Where I Wish You Dissapear was the sorry excuse of human being but this ML is in another whole thrashy level, there is no misunderstanding, the FL wasn't involved with her father or had the slightest idea about the politic, but even after her family got killed, he is still not satisfied, even knowing the FL was suicidal, he want the FL to despair more? Just how much more the FL need to be unhappy?
  5. Sunflower_ sun

    Sunflower_ sun Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2019
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    In the meantime, there was an assassination attempt on Annette, and she wasn't hurt too much, but when she went to the hospital, it turned out she was 11 weeks pregnant.

    After 4 years of marriage, I didn't even know I had a difficult child, but I had a miscarriage and Heiner was very surprised.

    I want to change doctors, get counseling, and take care of Annette, but Annette is already heartbroken.

    Heiner, who had no desire to live in the world and kept trying to commit suicide and witnessed it twice, eventually divorced him and let him go.

    Annette is going to divorce and just die, but the older sister of the man who tried to assassinate Annette wants to live in another city with her.

    Follow her (this woman also has a story)

    I regretted hurting them unintentionally and wanted to live a different life. I decided to live a life of atonement.

    Volunteered as a front-line field hospital nurse. Heiner finds out that Annette volunteered as a nurse during the war and he goes crazy .
    Last edited: May 1, 2023
  6. datagirl

    datagirl Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2023
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    I wish heiner would suffer a painful ending.
  7. ArguingApples

    ArguingApples Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2020
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    I genuinely just want ML to leave her alone. Give her a break, you maniacs.
  8. Celly RIvers

    Celly RIvers Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2020
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    Last edited: May 7, 2023
  9. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    lostross, Riev, Omomomo123 and 7 others like this.
  10. Bariri

    Bariri Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2023
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    damn the latest episode was very painful. Heiner at this point, he should not/he must not be someone at Annette side not now nor ever, He want to see her heart broken now he DOES, her heart is already broken, shattered beyond, if he hated her for having everything in the past, for living a life without knowing how cruel the world is, for being lucky to be born comfortable or for simply born being her then his goal is already acheived there is nothing more to envy, and hate at this point holding her is pointless, there is nothing more to take

    he already took her parents lives (he might not did it directly and they (parents) might deserve it but we cannot deny the fact that somehow it was made possible due to his revolution what ever he call it, fyi i dont blame him for that) but if the goal is to broke her heart he did great because even if how cruel her father to other, to her they were her parents he already broken her then,

    next was her she no longer have anything to be proud of, nor any life, her dignity is beyond repair he might not be the one who made the accusation or didn't participated directly but the fact that he let them circulate even though he hold power to at least dont let it go so crazy to the point people would want to murder her, is easy to assume that he want her reputation to be so that every single citizen in their country would loathe her i believe the rationale for this is just because he hated the fact that she was once the flower of society even tho she know nothing. and more he disrespect her by briging her in public while he talk about his possible remarriage in front of her face, plus fl can not even play piano the only thing she felt like she is good at something even that was taken because people say she did not have talent she can just play the piano because of her teacherr that was paid by her dad damn

    thirdly the final blow he took their child's life he killed the child why i said he did? first she was not treated well in their house the doctor even called her a patient that is oversensitive because the doctor was confident that even she has a serious illness their lord does not give a fuck thus resulted into the doctors failure to know what actually is her condition, that she was in fact pregnant, if she had known she would not have went there she could have protected her baby even if his husband would not. or if heiner just didnt let the romours or at least lessen the hate of the citizen towards her grow so much in the first place she would not have been people would not have attmepted to assasinate her but no he fueled their anger by being a bystander, or at least send her far away but no he let her stay by his side and the rumours grow because he wanted her broken beyond.

    he doesnt love her please he dont if he love her he wouldnt hate her for having her life wat kind of love is that, that you wish your love to suffer? people stop romatisizing this bulshit he was not inlove. i cant imagine that kind of love what love is that, I would have understand about his hate if she directly hurted him if she did him directly dirty by her own hands but this I'm sorry i cant not fathom his logic, what is wrong with this man he had suffer so much that he wish it upon her tooo. it's like since i was hurt you should too...cruel, awful disgusting man yes he had suffer but it doesnt give him the right to make her suffer too just because she was born a bit lucky why should he drag a girl who did nothing wrong if she was unaware about politics educate her via language why madde herrr suffer gosh i dont understand him but i know one thing he cant be the ML i just cant forgive him. i just want the fl stop like sis you already paid for dressing luxury, eating high end food getting all the riches etc in the past, i think it was enough. fl should stay away from that forsaken country live farr farrr farr away from him and that dirty place. in my defense she had atone for her part. i just want her to leave those trash lets see if they become happy i hope they become so that they would not seek her and blame her again for their unhappiness. FYI SHE HAD TO PAY FOR LIVES JUST BECAUSE OF THE LUXURY SHE ENJOYED NOW CAN WE LET HER GO? can we pleaseeeee?

    the setting of this novel reminds me of Hunger games last movie when the actress jenefer lawrence shot the arrow to the head of their revolutionary leader because the woman want to also have the children of that monarch to suffer and play the game.

    like in this story the revolutionary people want to have prev monarch to also suffer like them and hurt their children. what makes them diff from the prev monarch indeed.
    Last edited: May 8, 2023
  11. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    What was the rumour?
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  12. Bariri

    Bariri Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2023
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    anneth: At first I was frustrated when I first heard the accusations. I wanted to explain myself. I also wanted revenge.”

    A: Well, at the point where I started to feel that way………….. all my will to explain and all my desire for revenge is gone. I do not hate you people.
    Ac03, syofiaa, Riev and 8 others like this.
  13. Yuma28

    Yuma28 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2020
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    Heiner is just a selfish bastard. Hope they end up separating forever..
  14. datagirl

    datagirl Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2023
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    No about of sob backstory would make me sympathise with heiner. He's pos through and through and he deserves the ending like villainess from CN novel. I said what I said.
  15. Bariri

    Bariri Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2023
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    true, wen he learn that the baby died bro stayed stoic, anywys wat makes this character worst is there was no even misunderstanding it was only pure insecurity on the part of ml, she become a nurse? wow they manipulated her so hard that she believe she is the worst human being that she need to pay for everything and even go to war? what is her sin being born rich? ignorant? had she not payed it already, she lost her flesh, oh wait i got it heiner he probably want fl get turtored like him? should he send her to the back alley i'm sure evryone would jump on her and hurt her on the spot.
  16. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    Do you know if anyone who wronged her got payback?The doctor,servants,ML friends?
  17. Bariri

    Bariri Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2023
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    as of last chapter

    doctor was replace nothing more

    as for the servant idk if they would be punish, one time fl got mad and slapp a fucking maid but ml scold her for slapping that bicth maid infront of all the srvant including the maid. (fl slap the bitch maid for being disrespectful to fl) if i was the maid i would go to heiner's room and fuck him like my boss literally got mad because i got slap by his wife for badmouthing her so i'm probably more important than fl, might as well become the wife of commader

    friends: idk ml doesnt even know they verbally taunt her and if he does i think he would cheer on him (eugene was it) because he like wen fl is hurt

    annelle that bitch? i wonder if she get punish she literally went to fl conjugal home and told the wife to divorce your husband so i can maryy him and fuck him since i'm the best for him ryt now and ur a stain to him ms wife

    the place is hell she was in place hated by everyone and if she tried to join wid her reltive they will use her to establish the prev monarch. sometimes i think she should just unalive herself becuase its far better and yes she was right that miscarriage was a blesing cos if the child was born people would just found one more reason to vent their anger and envy. suicide is a sin but in her case suicide is far better than being alive.

    i dont get it why toxic ml are in demands on novel these days, do u guys know Callisto, Perez and Iske and also the ml in who made me a princess? they are the type of ml who would go against the world the moment the world hurt their fls on ruby's case j just her being anxious iske was prepared to burn two country but these mls lately they like heiner, etc mls ass toxic they are the ml who would burn and destroy their fl to dust just to protect the world hahha crazy like wtf even did their fl do to the world and wat is they could do wen they are just mere orphan princess, illigitimate child, abuse child they are not even educated to engage in politics during that time all they know is to become a good sex doll to their future hubby become a birth machine for future heirs haha crazy just crazy. they ml treat fls like menace to sociecy, plague evil of evil a witch

    i'm sorry for sometimes my grammar is off english is my 3rd language.
    Last edited: May 8, 2023
  18. AudreyGals

    AudreyGals Member

    Nov 25, 2022
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    Hi the genre of this novel is angst..There are some people who like angst such as me because I love it when we reach the redeeming arc where the Trash ML regrets , cry and beg for the FL to come back to them..But yeah the MLs in this angst novel is Trash..I read all the novels you have mentioned above..It's all good feels when you read it since the MLs are 10/10 all the way..But just for me I get bored with novels with good ML..But I respect your preference this angst novel maybe is not for you..
    spchntrt, Ac03, Yume-sama and 4 others like this.
  19. Bariri

    Bariri Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2023
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    i d and also the ml in who made

    ah you got a point, it was fun during the redemption arc especially wen the moment of grovel etc it, it was weirdly satisfying it just that lately new angsty novel the ml no longer have to grovel for too long or dont even get a a proper redemption plus the attidtude and personality is getting more dirty and dirty to the point of acting like criminal or their action is that of a criminal yet less redemption less regret less grovel. your right angsty novel is not boring compared to story wid sweet ml, angsy novel make u feel various emotion to the point your heart sometimes frozed. just got tired with ending sometimes i just felt like ml and fl should separate go their own way. i'm probably bored with masochist fl for ALWAYS forgiving mls after treating them inhumely i just hope for once fl truly leaves them. i also like crying because of the angst but i'm starting to hate how their sufferings was not properly regretted by ml dont get me wrong i signed up for this kinds of novel i know the pain i would be getting from it but i just hope really sometimes angsty novel have bad ending, i'm cruel for thinking that? but ah i really want them to leave mls sorryy. i just mention the mls above such iske because those kind of novel is the only novel where fls should not leave ml. also there angst too that ml would ruin the world for fl it just that ml now truly loathe fl like the priority is reverse maybe i made a mistake for mentioning the too good ml wat about Winter, Gerard Blanchett and Kyle Herace they did grovel satisfactory and did not act like criminal also gilbert from the day i lost her and the king in mulberry something they are disgusting but at least their fl left them and they did grovel satisfactory my point is its okay to be toxic but currently they are like criminal so i hope they dont get happy ending and that fl leave them oh yeah they could act like criminal but they should not be with their victim
    Last edited: May 8, 2023
  20. louddd3

    louddd3 Member

    Apr 15, 2023
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    so you know some spoilers? the ML of this novel doesn't regret enough?
    i like angst but i agree with you 100%, and i just dropped something because of that, they make both of them happy together without proper addressing to everything the abused person suffered
    I was trusting this author do not do this... she seems so good, but I'm starting to feel bad about the way the MC is blaming herself for something that honestly not her fault, I tought it was just because of everyone saying the same thing around her, but later she would grow and see that it wasn't her fault.... the author wants us to believe that it was her fault and that she deserved some of those bad things happening to her? thats why she will forgive him?

    ah and i hated this annelie something already, I hope she isnt the person the MC is going to live with after the divorce