Spoiler I Thought It Was A Common Possession

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Naenia, Apr 4, 2023.

  1. Mob phyce

    Mob phyce Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2023
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  2. LostRose17

    LostRose17 Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2019
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    Thank you so much for the spoilers. ML really learned and had the best growth in this novel. As for the MC, she really should've ran when she had the chance instead of coming back and if she was going to come back, she should've just never contacted the Ducal family after moving away. Like they mistreated her and they still tried to appease her with gifits.

    Cliff is the worst offender and I'm okay with Lizzie/Rize's punishment despite it not being violent, it is fitting. Rize is away from the spotlight and will die in obscurity which to her might be torturous since she seems like a character who loves attention. I do think MC should've just cut contact with everyone at the end and just did her own thing with ML. Ducal couple and Cliff did not deserve to see or hear about MC or her kids after all of that. Cliff also didn't deserve a good ending imo cause it kinda makes it seem like it's a woman's job to fix a man when no he's just messed up from Rize's control. He should've ended up alone and relearning how to take care of the duchy.
  3. Aguni_Erina

    Aguni_Erina Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2017
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    Agreed... the Duke and Cliff are the minor villain in this story imo, but the Duke is the greater? lesser evil... since he never apologize verbally to edith (cliff apologize but in the side story long after he admit that edith is innocent.. his girlfriend is the devil).... he (the duke) just give her more allowances (gold, furs, more gold) when Ryzen couple settling down... and showered Killian's children with gifts when they visited the Ludwig duchy... That's makes me take a quite presumptuous conclusion ..that's the reason why Killian refuse Cliff's offer to take over the duchy... because Killian associates the Ludwig's name with idiotic arrogance over their favoritism of Lize (emphasize the idiotic), beside with edith modern knowledge it's not impossible within 15-20 years Ryzen Countdom will be equal in power, influence, financial with the ludwig duchy... if not more prosperous...

    anyway.. i like the characterization of edith as a rational lady that was quick to move on... constantly move with logic... and easy acceptance of reality before her... the type of lady who decide when it's enough it is enough... so when she thinks it's enough to stay.. she'll leave... i bet Killian was worried that if he's stayed with edith in Ludwig where Edith is unwelcome, Edith will eventually leave him and move on.. and with her independent streak, no amount of bribing or sweet talking will turn her back... Killian is lucky he was the type that Edith likes... Lucky enough to have edith affection... and the reason why "i forgive" Killian was he precisely aware of this... that he was lucky edith care enough about him to stay and give him a chance to make their relationship work...

    Had he didn't try to make sense of Edith defense everytime she was accused... and eventually defend her against the Ludwig family... Edith would just admit "yeah i like him maybe even love him... but i can't stay with him.. he hates me anyway... let's just leave and live a peaceful life away from the main characters.. adios."

    okay that's my rant... sorry you waste a couple of minutes of your time to read my nonsense...
  4. riftanilian

    riftanilian Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
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    Thank You girl for your hardwork & for sharing the spoilers :blobmelt::blobdoggoheart::blobhug::meowpuffysoul:
    rvrse1999, rubyizek and Queenofmirth like this.
  5. rubyizek

    rubyizek Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2022
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    You're welcome. This is a rather good novel and the manhwa is pretty, so I wanna introduce to all.
  6. Marinessa

    Marinessa Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2021
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    A big thank you to @rubyizek for the wonderful spoilers. I was motivated to read the novel after reading them.

    Now, I have some issues with the story. It's going to be somewhat of a rant folks. I apologise in advance.

    I cannot understand Edith's motivation to stay for as long as she did at the Ludwig Castle. Why did she not run away? For someone who wanted to live a rich carefree she did anything but that. She knew the Duke hated her, she also knew that Cliff will never be her ally, even the Duchess didn't care. So why would she endure it all. I agree Killian is a good bet but he wasn't a 'bet with my life' bet. So why did she willingly endure the toxic ATMOSPHERE??. She even forgives Rize and that was a major WTF for me. Girl why??. Why let her go with no consequences when she has harmed you repeatedly. At this point I began to doubt whether Edith has any intelligence? ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️. She could have at least slapped her. (that would have been permissable within the constructs of Rize's control of the plot).

    I don't think I will be able to forgive the Duke and Duchess.(I was on their side before but now I am just mad) They never gave her a proper apology. She nearly got executed and not once we're they genuinely remorseful. They were under the influence of Rize, sure but what about after she was shipped off to the monastery. Edith saved the prestige of their family as well. Where is the genuine heartfelt apology and gratitude??

    I hope Cliff has nightmares from when he abandoned Edith at Rize's request. What he did was unforgivable. How can Edith forgive him so easily??. She should have made him grovel.

    Lastly I hope Rize is haunted by the 12 souls she brought into this world only to be killed. She doesn't deserve peace, not after what she did to these innocent souls.
    Th.ay, solarstorms, AnniePoo and 4 others like this.
  7. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    She was waiting for Killian to receive his title and leave for his territory.
    They spent 4 years in the state without seeing the Ludwig family.
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  8. Marinessa

    Marinessa Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2021
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    I get that. I meant why did she even endure so much. There was no way she knew Killian would be 100% on her side. What if Rize had lured him towards her again. Edith bet her life on an uncertainity and this is what i don't get.
  9. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    It’s simple, she didn’t have money and power to run away and hide her tracks. Three powerful families were ready to get rid of her any moment. It’s not the modern world where she could fly onto another continent within a day, her running away just from their territory would have taken weeks. If I don’t mixup stories, when MC realized that her proper act and any of her evidence don’t work on Ludwig family she has started preparing a secret stash.
  10. jjaggii

    jjaggii Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    I mentioned it once before but Edith, even in Ludwig, was not safe. Much less outside the house. Edith knows this. If we were to choose between an area that has little safety or a wide feild with no guarantee of safety, what would you choose?

    Remember Sophia the maid?
    Before her death, she would "discipline" Edith. I mentioned in some earlier spoilers that Sophia is skilled in reconnaissance (tracking) and assasination. Even if Edith were to leave, and the news reaches Regeinhoff, Sophia would come get her.

    During the kidnapping arc, it is palpable to see that Sophia hates Edith. She even tortured Edith beyond necessary because of her own feelings towards Edith. If Edith were to leave, she would most likely be tortured and killed by Sophia, if not, beaten or "disciplined" by Regeinhoff before being sent back.

    To finish this off, Edith is in a political marriage. If she ran away, both the Ludwigs and Regeinhoff would lead her to her death. The Ludwigs would accuse her of being a spy (as they've done, more than once) and the Regeinhoff's would kill her since she ruined their plans.

    As I've said before, any move and every move she makes was calculated. Because any and every move she did would spell her death. It's fortunate she's a tough and clever cookie.

    I hope this helps ^^
  11. Selene830

    Selene830 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2021
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    What happened to Sophia the maid?
  12. Queenofmirth

    Queenofmirth More than a Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2021
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    Because she wanted to survive. And she did.
    If Edith had run away, she would be dead.
    If Edith had tried to get close to ML or gain his affection, she would be dead.
    If Edith had been emotional about the Duke and Duchess being unfair to her, she would be dead.
    Dead, dead, dead.
    That world was a trap, and one incredible done. Almost any normal human emotional reaction to the injustice or any typical survival plan would lead Edith to die.

    In the end, the last Edith was the only one capable of surviving it. Her approach was the best approach.
    And I think most of us are like that 12 souls, which means, we wouldn't be able to survive. We would have run away, we would have tried to defend ourselves against the daily injustices in the duchy, and when ML asked for the 5th time to go out on a date we would have thought "Why not? If he trying to get along, maybe this is a chance for survival!" We would be soooo dead.
    Last edited: May 15, 2023
  13. Cookiemonster_007isback

    Cookiemonster_007isback I need them cookies

    Jun 30, 2022
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    She was also bounded with the plot and as the user mentioned the points above. It was not possible for her. She was also bounded with the chains of the story. You can see she did none of the villainous stuff yet the needle of doubt would point at her. Running away would be useless and would only make things worse for her. She was waiting for a good moment (which never came) so that if she runs, if there is a mess behind her it would be clean. She thought that she can leave the kingdom after the divorce but the plot started to crack and staying with her husband away from the other characters seems like a good deal.

    She didn't endured is physically. She was also a mere 'character', the only thing different in her was that she had her own conscience and could decide her actions. The plot had was like walls making her go in the direction of it's flow. Plus, each episode kept happening, if she had run away just like that, she would surely be seen as the perperator and would've lost her life.

    She is just enjoying her peace.
    I don't like him too to be honest, sure he was controlled by the plot but I'm sure even when the plot's bound was released he was under after affects of it and in the last few chapters when he was totally free and detoxed, I didn't see enough of him asking for Edith's forgiveness. I'm not fond of him, he's just a so-so.
  14. Elyriona

    Elyriona Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2018
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    Sorry, but you seem confused Cliff with Killain. Cliff is original ML who ended up with Lizzie in original story. Killian is our ML and sub ML in original story, also he is the second son in Ludwig family. He ended upi with Edith.

    And Killian asked Edith for a date not 5 times but 10 times after forcing her to make love with him.

    She was beheaded by Killian. At first he cut her arms that hit Edith in the past. She was executed along with all Rigeinhoff family members.
  15. rubyizek

    rubyizek Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2022
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    ML hack of her hands and chided her for screaming in pain (as compared to his wife who had silently endured Sophia's beating before). Then finally beheaded her.
  16. Marinessa

    Marinessa Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2021
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    It did help. Thank you.
    jjaggii likes this.
  17. Queenofmirth

    Queenofmirth More than a Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2021
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    thank you, I was half asleep, I will edit it now,

    But the part about how many times he asked for a date before having an affirmative answer, I didn't write it wrong. I just need to use any number below 10, because I was talking about how it would kill a new Edith.
    Last edited: May 15, 2023
    Kezi and Elyriona like this.
  18. Selene830

    Selene830 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2021
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    Was she somehow important to the FL's family from the spoilers it seemed like it? Wasn't she in love with one of FL's family members?
  19. Sakura.desoo

    Sakura.desoo Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2019
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    Did Edith restore her ruby necklace after the execution? I read a spoiler when she was in the basement,she managed to persuade 2 mercenaries to loosen her rope in exchange for the ruby necklace so that she could run away.. What a waste if she didn't manged to restore it. it was the first gift that Killian gave to her. It symbolizes Killian's love to her.
    Last edited: May 15, 2023