Spoiler The Emperor Reverses Time

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Feb 3, 2021.

  1. whiteapparition

    whiteapparition Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2017
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    This shitshow reminds me of a novel about a mage who uses gemstones as fuel, and the ML's personality, looks, and relationship with the FL and other characters changed so much it wasn't even the same character. I really dislike when adaption ruins the story like this. It's one thing to add a bit of spice or make things original but this is...I feel like there as something going on between the artist and the company, I smell some drama...
    Elisee and DOHere like this.
  2. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    .... that panels was lizzie's imagination, sadly leon's parents are dead
    Cristal33, DOHere and Rin.rinaaa like this.
  3. Rin.rinaaa

    Rin.rinaaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    What?! no way, that's just so sad :blob_teary:
  4. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I don't want to see you anymore :blob_zipper_mouth: fanart from the illustrator :meowyaranaika:
    DOHere and torte1315 like this.
  5. nadjamelie93

    nadjamelie93 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2021
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    Oh they totally did :ROFLMAO: they were asking again and again if the author had lost their mind. Or if this level of adaptation is acceptable.

    Idk what happened to Hwayoung (I guess the one who decided which parts of the novel went to the webtoon, and how). Her name disappeared at some point, maybe the beginning of S2. Her Twitter disappeared too.

    Man I remember ch 45, where all of the poetic writing and quote were depicted beautifully. Good old times, gone just like that cos some people thought they needed to fix what wasn't broken.
    Pansy25, DOHere, JinVodka and 3 others like this.
  6. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Oh, so there’s been a co-author on the manhwa who mysteriously disappeared at some point?
  7. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Is it so hard for an artist to follow a novel, to the point she needs another person to lead her in doing that? Was she too lazy to read it herself?
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  8. Iska-IX

    Iska-IX Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2020
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    Its honestly kind of amazing how bad this adaption was to the point that both foreign and local readers came to a consensus despite them normally having two completely different views, got to give credit to the author for that XD

    I feel like there are very little times that adaptations actually make changes to the original source material for the better of the story and that applies to everything too, not just manhwa's. The entire reason novels get adapted are because the readers enjoy the story and characters, so to change the story and make the characters have completely different personalities seems completely counter-intuitive.
  9. ZodiacTemplar

    ZodiacTemplar Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2019
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    So, let me see if I understand what's going on based on the snippets we got from 105.... Mimir sent them back again and they managed to get a happy ending this next round because they both came back with their memories and they both know about everything and everyone but we'll never get to see this "perfect" timeline because the webtoon is completed? That's kind of... the worst... hahahaha.
  10. ZodiacTemplar

    ZodiacTemplar Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2019
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    So, now that I've read 105, I can say that the author had a great idea but executed it so poorly that it killed the story. Here are some spoilers/explanations.

    In essence, the time travel in this story uses a... let's call it "Linchpin Time Travel" mechanic. Each regression, which there has been an infinite number of, is binded to one and only one linchpin, Leon's life. If Leon lives, everyone's fucked and so Leon turns back time. If he succeeds in making Lizzy happy (which also includes saving his parents, preventing the war, etc., etc.) then he dies cause of reasons. This sucks and all BUT the real problem is that said timeline is now doomed because it's linchpin, Leon, is dead. So yeah.

    Leon reverses time → Lizzie suffers/dies → Leon Reverses time → Lizzie suffers/dies → Leon Reverses time → ad infinitum
    and/or (cause infinite number of time divergences)
    Leon reverses time → Leon saves everyone / Lizzie is happy → Leon Dies (cause reasons) → Lizzie is sad → The Timeline is destroyed at some point

    With that out of the way, let's continue with what lead us to this situation. Evil Mimir (dark haired Mimir) is kind of an idiot.

    When Leon asked her to turn back time she said "sure" cause she assumed Leon would keep fucking up and would then keep traveling back in time to make things right. She essentially created a prison for him and the reason she did it was because she hated Leon for making Lizzie sad and eventually leading her to her death. Oh, and her grandfather also dies, but that's pretty much an after thought.

    Eventually, she realized that the prison wasn't only for Leon, but for Lizzie as well, as Lizzie suffered and died every time Leon fucked up. She said "Oh no" and tried to do something but when she looked for a way to stop the time travel she actually discovered that Leon wasn't just traveling back in time, he was actually creating an infinite number of parallel universes with each and every one of his choices. And in this infinite number of parallel universes Leon was actually succeeding in making lizzie happy and even in those he failed, he was always simping for her. So... Evil Mimir said... "This... is fine...." and "As long as lizzie is happy." and left it at that.

    One day she realized that some of this universes came to an end out of nowhere. When she looked into it she learned that this universes were the ones where Leon died. She once again said, "Meh, it's fine, Leon is the worst anyways." and wanted to leave it at that but she then realized that the number of universes that Leon died heavily outnumbered the ones where he lived and they only kept growing in number. The reason for this is that there isn't a universe where Leon can correct his mistakes AND stay alive, for plot reasons I suppose. So, Leon, being the simp he is, choses Lizzie over his own life when push comes to shove. This lead Evil Mimir to the conclusion that eventually Leon would just stop existing in "the future" and she STILL said "Meh... sucks to be Leon." until she realized that in ALL the universes where Leon died... Lizzie was unhappy... cause Lizzie is also a dirty simp.... and since Evil Mimir is ALSO a simp for Lizzie, she once again says "Oh no!".

    So, Evil Mimir (without explaining any context of course) asked Lizzie if she would save Leon even if it meant sacrificing her own life, and simp Lizzie obviously said yes. So what does Evil Mimir do? She came up with the brilliant plan of recreating the original timeline where everyone died, there was a war and Lizzie suffered and died. She THINKS this will fix everything, but she really has 0 evidence backing her conclusion. Oh, and she does all this while thinking "It's all for you Lizzie. I'll follow your wish to save Leon even if Leon still sucks.".

    So now we are at the end of this story/timeline where the plan failed because Evil Mimir (while disguised as evil half-closed-eyes magic knight) didn't manage to recreate the original timeline. She accomplished everything she wanted, but... it still didn't work. So, does she think things through? makes a new plan? brainstorm with time traveling Leon? Nah, she just goes "Ok, let's see each other again in the next Timeline. Ah, also... fuck you Leon". Luckily normal Mimir shows up and is like " are you... sure that this is the only way?"

    So who is normal Mimir? In essence, Leon's infinite time travel shenanigans eventually created this Mimir, our Mimir. A Mimir that doesn't hate Leon. A Mimir that likes Lizzie and sees her flaws. A Mimir that trusts in people and isn't egocentric. A Mimir... that isn't an idiot. Butterfly effect Mimir they called her in the story.

    So what's normal Mimir's plan? Just like I said in my last comment, send both of them back with their memories intact, making both Leon and Lizzie the linchpins. No longer will the fate of the universe be based on whether Leon is alive or dead and it's pretty much up to the TWO of them to fix everything. There are some issues with this plan of course. No one really knows what will happen if there are two linchpins now, worst case scenario they'll be stuck time traveling for all eternity, but it's either this or one of them dies. Evil Mimir is against the plan cause she thinks it'll lead to a BAD END but normal Mimir is like "I trust them." and activates the spell.

    The last panel shows that they eventually managed to reach the TRUE END where we can assume everything went well and they're happily married with a daughter.

    So, with all that said, my honest opinion of this story is that this is actually a pretty solid plot. The problem is that the author used, what? 40+ chapters to fuck over every aspect of the story. With each progressive chapter we hated Lizzie more and more because she was obsessed with the brother who didn't even had a salvageable personality. We saw everything crumbling down into dust and it just kept going. If the author had done all this in 5-10 chapters at most and the rest of the story followed the timeline where both Lizzie AND Leon had their memories then this story would have been loved by almost everyone. Who would dislike seeing a power couple destroying every evil plot, kicking asses and saving their love ones? Oh wait... that's the plot of Another Typical Fantasy Romance.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2023
    Airmid, dindi, layyu and 7 others like this.
  11. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Thanks so much from the bottom of my heart for explaining this in detail! I’m sure I’m not the only one in this thread who couldn’t make myself to read the second season after the unexpected new character (brother) was introduced.

    In my opinion whoever was in charge of the writing in this manhwa should have just followed the novel story and used the plot twist with parallel universes in some other original work. It’s like there’s no tomorrow, they decided to mix together so many unrelated stories using a totally wholesome base, that it became a Frankenstein monster. Sounds like a group of teenagers got drunk together, brainstormed the ideas and each of them has added a sub-plot that they thought would sound cool and impress the readers. And there were no adults (experienced editors) to correct their delusions. It was very unprofessional of the team to go ahead with this mishmash and totally disrespectful towards the novel author and the readers.
    layyu, BellaReader and Celebrianna like this.
  12. thecrud

    thecrud Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2018
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    Just finished reading the latest episode translated and right away jump into this forum. Well, I'm glad somebody did a very concise and perfect summary for the last episode, I mean the episode where they both finally discover the selfishness of the the observer I guess. But well, honestly reading the manhwa was extremely confusing, some part felt out of place and I was extremely confused by what supposed to be made out of it though the plots are very clever (like you don't find them in any typical romfan manhwa).

    Anyways, reading through the spoiler thread makes me realize that I probably won't ever read this for the second time due to how frustrating the whole story makes me (tho it's just my personal opinion). Things are just blown out of proportion everywhere like dem hahahahaha
  13. Rin.rinaaa

    Rin.rinaaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    I share the same sentiments as well, I feel like the writer in the webtoon adaptation tried to delve in way too deep with the travelling back to time aspect and the plot suffered because of it and just became really convoluted. The webtoon could've been a fluffy take on the ML's pov of making amends with his wife for his mistakes which would've been the same with the novel but then we got this in the end :blobsweat_2:
    DOHere, Celebrianna and its0k like this.
  14. purple pink

    purple pink Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    but didn't someone posted a spoiler about his parents r alive and he had a sister
  15. cupboardbee

    cupboardbee Not Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    you know that meme "guy went out and came back and the whole house is on fire" yeah this manhwa
  16. Haanaah

    Haanaah Active Member

    Apr 12, 2022
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    Noo, not lizzie imagination but mimir shows lizzie's future if she doesnt want to have a nightmare (where there is no leon and the rebellion didn't happen)
  17. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    It doesn't matter imagination or not, nothing erases the disgusting disaster of this story or the forced "happy ending" that some fools were happy about.:confused::sick::sick::sick::sick:
  18. applepie00001

    applepie00001 New Member

    Jun 24, 2023
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    hey can anyone spoil the novel's plot? like the differences with the manhwa after s2?
  19. syofiaa

    syofiaa Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2019
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    Thankyou so much for explaining the time reverse lmao. Anyway, it would be great if the author shows the other characters ending by providing some side stories maybe.

    what about the Emperor and Empress, is there even Ludwig in the new timeline? And what about the knight with closes eyes? Is he also exist in the new timeline? Cuz he was Evil Mimir in disguised.

    And yeah, the only thing I can do is assuming that everyone is doing fine bcs it's a happy ending for MC and ML.
    layyu likes this.
  20. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    Novel will be licensed by tapas.